Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new flux builder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="control"></param>
        /// <param name="boundaryMap"></param>
        /// <param name="speciesMap"></param>
        /// <param name="gridData"></param>
        public OptimizedSIPGFluxBuilder(CNSControl control, IBoundaryConditionMap boundaryMap, ISpeciesMap speciesMap, GridData gridData)
            : base(control, boundaryMap, speciesMap)
            this.gridData = gridData;

            //Create Functions for calculation the cell metric, needed as Func<> because
            //LevelSet field and HMF options are not known at this point
            if (speciesMap is IBM.ImmersedSpeciesMap)
                // IBM case
                ImmersedSpeciesMap IBMspeciesMap = speciesMap as ImmersedSpeciesMap;
                cellMetricFunc = delegate() {
                    SpeciesId             species    = IBMspeciesMap.Tracker.GetSpeciesId(IBMspeciesMap.Control.FluidSpeciesName);
                    MultidimensionalArray cellMetric = IBMspeciesMap.CellAgglomeration.CellLengthScales[species].CloneAs();
                    cellMetric.ApplyAll(x => 1 / x);
                    // Needed, because 1/x produces NaN in void cells and can happen that penalty factor leads then to NaN
                    cellMetric.ApplyAll(delegate(double x) {
                        if (double.IsNaN(x) || double.IsInfinity(x))
                // Non-IBM
                cellMetricFunc = () => gridData.Cells.cj;
Exemple #2
        public static Query Integral(string fieldName)
            return(delegate(IApplication <AppControl> app, double time) {
                IProgram <CNSControl> program = app as IProgram <CNSControl>;
                if (program == null)
                    throw new Exception();

                ImmersedSpeciesMap speciesMap = program.SpeciesMap as ImmersedSpeciesMap;
                IBMControl control = program.Control as IBMControl;
                if (speciesMap == null || control == null)
                    throw new Exception(
                        "Query is only valid for immersed boundary runs");

                SpeciesId species = speciesMap.Tracker.GetSpeciesId(control.FluidSpeciesName);
                int order = control.LevelSetQuadratureOrder;
                CellQuadratureScheme scheme = speciesMap.QuadSchemeHelper.GetVolumeQuadScheme(
                    species, true, speciesMap.SubGrid.VolumeMask);

                DGField dgField = app.IOFields.Single(f => f.Identification == fieldName);

                return DGField.IntegralOverEx(scheme, new Func((X, U, j) => (U[0])), 2, dgField);
Exemple #3
        public ConductivityInSpeciesBulk(double penalty, double sw, ThermalMultiphaseBoundaryCondMap bcMap, int D,
                                         string spcName, SpeciesId spcId, double _kA, double _kB)
            : base(penalty, D, bcMap)
            base.m_alpha = sw;
            this.m_bcMap = bcMap;

            this.m_spcId = spcId;
            ValidSpecies = spcName;

            switch (spcName)
            case "A": currentk = _kA; complementk = _kB; break;

            case "B": currentk = _kB; complementk = _kA; break;

            default: throw new ArgumentException("Unknown species.");

            double muFactor = Math.Max(currentk, complementk) / currentk;

            base.m_penalty_base = penalty * muFactor;

            base.tempFunction = this.m_bcMap.bndFunction[VariableNames.Temperature + "#" + spcName];
            base.fluxFunction = D.ForLoop(d => bcMap.bndFunction[VariableNames.HeatFluxVectorComponent(d) + "#" + spcName]);
Exemple #4
        public DivergenceInSpeciesBulk_Volume(int _component, int _D, SpeciesId spcId, double _rho, double _vorZeichen, bool _RescaleConti)
            : base(_component, _D)
            m_spcId = spcId;

            scale = _vorZeichen / ((_RescaleConti) ? _rho : 1.0);
Exemple #5
        //MultidimensionalArray h_max_Edge;

        /// <summary>
        /// Ctor.
        /// </summary>
        public PressureStabilizationInBulk(double PressureStabilizationFactor, double Reynolds, string spcName, SpeciesId spcId) : base(PressureStabilizationFactor, Reynolds)
            this.PressureStabilizationFactor = PressureStabilizationFactor;
            this.Reynolds  = Reynolds;
            this.m_spcName = spcName;
            this.m_spcId   = spcId;
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Configuration sanity checks, to be used by constructors of derived classes.
        /// </summary>
        protected void CommonConfigurationChecks()
            if (this.Config_MassMatrixShapeandDependence == MassMatrixShapeandDependence.IsNonIdentity &&
                this.Config_LevelSetHandling != LevelSetHandling.None)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("illegal configuration");

            if (this.Config_MassMatrixShapeandDependence == MassMatrixShapeandDependence.IsIdentity && this.Config_MassScale != null)
                // may occur e.g. if one runs the FSI solver as a pure single-phase solver,
                // i.e. if the Level-Set is outside the domain.

                foreach (var kv in this.Config_MassScale)
                    SpeciesId spId     = kv.Key;
                    double[]  scaleVec = kv.Value.ToArray();
                    //for (int i = 0; i < scaleVec.Length; i++) {
                    //    if (scaleVec[i] != 1.0)
                    //        throw new ArithmeticException(string.Format("XDG time-stepping: illegal mass scale, mass matrix option {0} is set, but scaling factor for species {1}, variable no. {2} ({3}) is set to {4} (expecting 1.0).",
                    //            MassMatrixShapeandDependence.IsIdentity, this.m_LsTrk.GetSpeciesName(kv.Key), i, this.CurrentStateMapping.Fields[i].Identification, scaleVec[i]));
Exemple #7
 public PowerofGravity(int SpatDim, string spcNmn, SpeciesId spcId, double _rho)
     m_D          = SpatDim;
     m_spcId      = spcId;
     ValidSpecies = spcNmn;
     rho          = _rho;
Exemple #8
        public static void GetDefaultSelection(this SubBlockSelector sbs, SelectionType SType, int iCell)
            SpeciesId A = ((XdgAggregationBasis)sbs.GetMapping.AggBasis[0]).UsedSpecies[0];
            SpeciesId B = ((XdgAggregationBasis)sbs.GetMapping.AggBasis[0]).UsedSpecies[1];

            sbs.CellSelector(iCell, false);
            //do not change this, selection corresponds to hardcoded masking
            //see GetSubIndices
            switch (SType)
            case SelectionType.degrees:
                sbs.ModeSelector(p => p == 1);

            case SelectionType.species:

            case SelectionType.variables:

            case SelectionType.all_combined:
                sbs.ModeSelector(p => p == 1);
Exemple #9
        //int[][,] CoarseToFineSpeciesIndex;

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the species index of species <paramref name="spid"/> in
        /// composite/aggregate cell <paramref name="jAgg"/> .
        /// </summary>
        public int GetSpeciesIndex(int jAgg, SpeciesId spid)
            if (AggCellsSpecies[jAgg] != null)
                return(Array.IndexOf(AggCellsSpecies[jAgg], spid));
                int[] BaseCells = this.AggGrid.iLogicalCells.AggregateCellToParts[jAgg];
                var   LsTrk     = this.XDGBasis.Tracker;

                int iSpc = LsTrk.Regions.IsSpeciesPresentInCell(spid, BaseCells[0]) ? 0 : -1;
                if (iSpc >= 0)
                    foreach (int j in BaseCells)
                        Debug.Assert(LsTrk.Regions.GetSpeciesIndex(spid, j) == iSpc);
                    foreach (int j in BaseCells)
                        Debug.Assert(LsTrk.Regions.IsSpeciesPresentInCell(spid, BaseCells[0]) == false);

        public override double Perform(double dt)
            if (agglomerationPatternHasChanged)
                // TO DO: Agglomerate difference between old $cutAndTargetCells and new $cutAndTargetCells only

                // Required whenever agglomeration pattern changes
                SpeciesId            speciesId                 = speciesMap.Tracker.GetSpeciesId(speciesMap.Control.FluidSpeciesName);
                IBMMassMatrixFactory massMatrixFactory         = speciesMap.GetMassMatrixFactory(Mapping);
                BlockMsrMatrix       nonAgglomeratedMassMatrix = massMatrixFactory.BaseFactory.GetMassMatrix(
                    new Dictionary <SpeciesId, IEnumerable <double> >()
                    { speciesId, Enumerable.Repeat(1.0, Mapping.NoOfVariables) }
                    inverse: false);

                IBMUtility.SubMatrixSpMV(nonAgglomeratedMassMatrix, 1.0, CurrentState, 0.0, CurrentState, cutCells);
                speciesMap.Agglomerator.ManipulateRHS(CurrentState, Mapping);
                IBMUtility.SubMatrixSpMV(massMatrixFactory.InverseMassMatrix, 1.0, CurrentState, 0.0, CurrentState, cutAndTargetCells);

                //Broadcast to RungeKutta ???

            dt = base.Perform(dt);

        public ViscosityInSpeciesBulk_GradUtranspTerm(double penalty, double sw, IncompressibleMultiphaseBoundaryCondMap bcMap, string spcName, SpeciesId spcId, int _d, int _D,
                                                      double _muA, double _muB, double _betaS = 0.0)
            : base(penalty, _d, _D, bcMap, NSECommon.ViscosityOption.ConstantViscosity, constantViscosityValue: double.NegativeInfinity)
            base.m_alpha = sw;
            this.m_bcMap = bcMap;

            m_spcId = spcId;
            switch (spcName)
            case "A": currentMu = _muA; complementMu = _muB; break;

            case "B": currentMu = _muB; complementMu = _muA; break;

            default: throw new ArgumentException("Unknown species.");

            double muFactor = Math.Max(currentMu, complementMu) / currentMu;

            base.m_penalty_base = penalty * muFactor;

            int D = base.m_D;

            base.velFunction = D.ForLoop(d => this.m_bcMap.bndFunction[VariableNames.Velocity_d(d) + "#" + spcName]);

            betaS = _betaS;
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// L2 error with respect to given reference solution. The quadrature
        /// is determined from the settings in <see cref="IBMControl"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fieldName"></param>
        /// <param name="referenceSolution"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Query L2Error(string fieldName, Func <double[], double, double> referenceSolution)
            return(delegate(IApplication <AppControl> app, double time) {
                IProgram <CNSControl> program = app as IProgram <CNSControl>;
                if (program == null)
                    throw new Exception();

                ImmersedSpeciesMap speciesMap = program.SpeciesMap as ImmersedSpeciesMap;
                IBMControl control = program.Control as IBMControl;
                if (speciesMap == null || control == null)
                    throw new Exception(
                        "Query is only valid for immersed boundary runs");

                SpeciesId species = speciesMap.Tracker.GetSpeciesId(control.FluidSpeciesName);
                int order = control.LevelSetQuadratureOrder;
                CellQuadratureScheme scheme = speciesMap.QuadSchemeHelper.GetVolumeQuadScheme(
                    species, true, speciesMap.SubGrid.VolumeMask);

                DGField dgField = app.IOFields.Single(f => f.Identification == fieldName);

                return dgField.L2Error(referenceSolution.Vectorize(time), order, scheme);
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize identity
        /// </summary>
        public AuxiliaryHeatFlux_Identity(int component, string spcName, SpeciesId spcId)
            this.component = component;

            ValidSpecies = spcName;
            this.m_spcId = spcId;
        public ConvectionInSpeciesBulk_LLF(int SpatDim, IncompressibleMultiphaseBoundaryCondMap _bcmap, string spcName, SpeciesId spcId, int _component,
                                           double _rho, double _LFF, LevelSetTracker _lsTrk) :
            base(SpatDim, _bcmap, _component, false)
            rho          = _rho;
            m_spcId      = spcId;
            ValidSpecies = spcName;

            //varMode = _varMode;
            this.lsTrk = _lsTrk;
            this.LFF   = _LFF;

            this.m_bcmap = _bcmap;

            int dir = base.m_component;

            base.velFunction = new Func <double[], double, double> [GridCommons.FIRST_PERIODIC_BC_TAG, SpatDim];
            for (int d = 0; d < SpatDim; d++)
                base.velFunction.SetColumn(m_bcmap.bndFunction[VariableNames.Velocity_d(d) + "#" + spcName], d);

            //SubGrdMask = lsTrk.Regions.GetSpeciesSubGrid(spcId).VolumeMask.GetBitMaskWithExternal();
Exemple #15
        public static void ProjectKineticDissipation(this XDGField proj, LevelSetTracker LsTrk, DGField[] Velocity, double[] mu, int momentFittingOrder, int HistInd = 1)
            using (new FuncTrace()) {
                int D = LsTrk.GridDat.SpatialDimension;
                if (Velocity.Count() != D)
                    throw new ArgumentException();
                if (LsTrk.SpeciesIdS.Count != mu.Length)
                    throw new ArgumentException();

                var SchemeHelper = LsTrk.GetXDGSpaceMetrics(LsTrk.SpeciesIdS.ToArray(), momentFittingOrder, HistInd).XQuadSchemeHelper;

                for (int iSpc = 0; iSpc < LsTrk.SpeciesIdS.Count; iSpc++)
                    SpeciesId spcId = LsTrk.SpeciesIdS[iSpc];
                    double    _mu   = mu[iSpc];

                    var Uspc = Velocity.Select(u => (u as XDGField).GetSpeciesShadowField(spcId)).ToArray();
                    ScalarFunctionEx spcKinDissip = GetSpeciesKineticDissipationFunc(Uspc, _mu);

        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the maximum admissible step-size according to
        /// GassnerEtAl2008, equation 67.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="i0"></param>
        /// <param name="Length"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override double GetCFLStepSize(int i0, int Length)
            int iKref            = gridData.Cells.GetRefElementIndex(i0);
            int noOfNodesPerCell = base.EvaluationPoints[iKref].NoOfNodes;

            MultidimensionalArray levelSetValues =
                speciesMap.Tracker.DataHistories[0].Current.GetLevSetValues(base.EvaluationPoints[iKref], i0, Length);
            SpeciesId species   = speciesMap.Tracker.GetSpeciesId(speciesMap.Control.FluidSpeciesName);
            var       hMinArray = speciesMap.CellAgglomeration.CellLengthScales[species];
            //var volFrac = speciesMap.QuadSchemeHelper.CellAgglomeration.CellVolumeFrac[species];
            //var hMinGass = speciesMap.h_min;
            //var hMin = gridData.Cells.h_min;

            double cfl = double.MaxValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < Length; i++)
                int cell = i0 + i;

                //double hmin = hMin[cell] * volFrac[cell];
                double hmin = hMinArray[cell];
                //double hmin = hMinGass[cell];

                for (int node = 0; node < noOfNodesPerCell; node++)
                    if (levelSetValues[i, node].Sign() != (double)speciesMap.Control.FluidSpeciesSign)

                    Material material = speciesMap.GetMaterial(double.NaN);
                    Vector3D momentum = new Vector3D();
                    for (int d = 0; d < CNSEnvironment.NumberOfDimensions; d++)
                        momentum[d] = momentumValues[d][i, node];

                    StateVector state = new StateVector(
                        material, densityValues[i, node], momentum, energyValues[i, node]);

                    double coeff   = Math.Max(4.0 / 3.0, config.EquationOfState.HeatCapacityRatio / config.PrandtlNumber);
                    double cflhere = hmin * hmin / coeff / (state.GetViscosity(cell) / config.ReynoldsNumber);

                    if (double.IsNaN(cflhere))
                        throw new Exception("Could not determine CFL number");

                    cfl = Math.Min(cfl, cflhere);

            int degree      = workingSet.ConservativeVariables.Max(f => f.Basis.Degree);
            int twoNPlusOne = 2 * degree + 1;
            return(cfl * GetBetaMax(degree) / twoNPlusOne / twoNPlusOne / Math.Sqrt(CNSEnvironment.NumberOfDimensions));
            //return cfl / twoNPlusOne / twoNPlusOne;
Exemple #17
 public Dissipation(int SpatDim, double _mu, string spcNmn, SpeciesId spcId, bool _withPressure)
     m_D               = SpatDim;
     mu                = _mu;
     m_spcId           = spcId;
     ValidSpecies      = spcNmn;
     this.withPressure = _withPressure;
Exemple #18
 public StressDivergence_Local(int SpatDim, double _mu, string spcNmn, SpeciesId spcId, bool transposed = false)
     m_D            = SpatDim;
     mu             = _mu;
     m_spcId        = spcId;
     transposedTerm = transposed;
     ValidSpecies   = spcNmn;
Exemple #19
 public PressureInSpeciesBulk(int _d, IncompressibleMultiphaseBoundaryCondMap bcMap, string spcName, SpeciesId spcId)
     : base(_d, bcMap)
     base.pressureFunction = bcMap.bndFunction[VariableNames.Pressure + "#" + spcName];
     this.m_bcMap          = bcMap;
     //this.m_spcName = spcName;
     this.m_spcId = spcId;
Exemple #20
        protected void BlockTest()
            double MU_A = 0.1;

            BlockMsrMatrix Msc;

            double[] bsc;
            MultiphaseCellAgglomerator aggsc;
            MassMatrixFactory          mass_sc;

            AssembleMatrix(MU_A, 1.0, out Msc, out bsc, out aggsc, out mass_sc);

            BlockMsrMatrix Mref;

            double[] bRef;
            MultiphaseCellAgglomerator aggRef;
            MassMatrixFactory          massRef;

            AssembleMatrix(1.0, 1.0, out Mref, out bRef, out aggRef, out massRef);

            SpeciesId IdA = this.LsTrk.GetSpeciesId("A");
            int       J   = this.GridData.iLogicalCells.NoOfLocalUpdatedCells;
            int       N   = this.u.Basis.NonX_Basis.Length;

            int[] ColIdx = null;
            for (int j = 0; j < J; j++)
                ReducedRegionCode rrc;
                this.LsTrk.Regions.GetNoOfSpecies(j, out rrc);
                int SpAIdx = this.LsTrk.GetSpeciesIndex(rrc, IdA);
                if (SpAIdx < 0)

                int n0 = N * SpAIdx;
                int nE = n0 + N;
                for (int n = n0; n < nE; n++)
                    int i = (int)u.Mapping.GlobalUniqueCoordinateIndex(0, j, n);
                    //var row = Mref.GetRowShallow(i);
                    //for (int k = 0; k < row.Length; k++)
                    //    row[k].Value *= MU_A;
                    int LL = Mref.GetOccupiedColumnIndices(i, ref ColIdx);
                    for (int ll = 0; ll < LL; ll++)
                        Mref[i, ColIdx[ll]] *= MU_A;

            Mref.Acc(-1.0, Msc);
            double MdiffNorm = Mref.InfNorm();

            Console.WriteLine("matrix difference norm {0}", MdiffNorm);

            Console.WriteLine("Symm. diff: {0}", Msc.SymmetryDeviation());
Exemple #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize Diffusion for artificial diffusion
 /// </summary>
 public DiffusionInBulk(int _order, int _dimension, MultidimensionalArray _cj, string _variable, string spcName, SpeciesId spcId) : base(_order, _dimension,
                                                                                                                                         _cj, _variable)
     this.order     = _order;
     this.dimension = _dimension;
     this.cj        = _cj;
     this.variable  = _variable;
     this.m_spcId   = spcId;
Exemple #22
        public void NowIntegratingBulk(string speciesName, SpeciesId SpcId, MultidimensionalArray LengthScales)
            switch (speciesName)
            case "A": alpha = alpha_A; break;

            case "B": alpha = alpha_B; break;

            default: throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemple #23
        public void SetParameter(string speciesName, SpeciesId SpcId, MultidimensionalArray LenScales)
            switch (speciesName)
            case "A": scale = vorZeichen / ((RescaleConti) ? rhoA : 1.0); break;

            case "B": scale = vorZeichen / ((RescaleConti) ? rhoB : 1.0); break;

            default: throw new ArgumentException("Unknown species.");
Exemple #24
        public void SetParameter(string speciesName, SpeciesId SpcId)
            switch (speciesName)
            case "A": alpha = alpha_A; break;

            case "B": alpha = alpha_B; break;

            default: throw new NotImplementedException();
 public override int GetHashCode()
         var hashCode = PetId.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Name != null ? Name.GetHashCode() : 0);
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ SpeciesId.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ IsActive.GetHashCode();
Exemple #26
        public void SetParameter(string speciesName, SpeciesId SpcId)
            switch (speciesName)
            case "A": rho = rhoA; scale = vorZeichen / ((RescaleConti) ? rhoA : 1.0); SetBndfunction("A"); break;

            case "B": rho = rhoB; scale = vorZeichen / ((RescaleConti) ? rhoB : 1.0); SetBndfunction("B"); break;

            default: throw new ArgumentException("Unknown species.");
Exemple #27
        public void SetParameter(string speciesName, SpeciesId SpcId, MultidimensionalArray LenScales)
            switch (speciesName)
            case "A": oneOverRho = 1.0 / m_rhoA; SetBndfunction("A"); break;

            case "B": oneOverRho = 1.0 / m_rhoB; SetBndfunction("B"); break;

            default: throw new ArgumentException("Unknown species.");
Exemple #28
        public void SetParameter(string speciesName, SpeciesId SpcId)
            switch (speciesName)
            case "A": Viscosity = m_muA; rhs = m_rhsA; complementViscosity = m_muB; break;

            case "B": Viscosity = m_muB; rhs = m_rhsB; complementViscosity = m_muA; break;

            default: throw new ArgumentException("Unknown species.");
Exemple #29
        public void SetParameter(string speciesName, SpeciesId __SpcId)
            switch (speciesName)
            case "A": species_Mu = muA; otherSpecies_Mu = muB; SpcId = __SpcId; break;

            case "B": species_Mu = muB; otherSpecies_Mu = muA; SpcId = __SpcId; break;

            default: throw new ArgumentException("Unknown species.");
            current_species = speciesName;
Exemple #30
        public void SetParameter(string speciesName, SpeciesId SpcId, MultidimensionalArray LengthScales)
            switch (speciesName)
            case "A": Viscosity = m_muA; rhs = m_rhsA; complementViscosity = m_muB; break;

            case "B": Viscosity = m_muB; rhs = m_rhsB; complementViscosity = m_muA; break;

            default: throw new ArgumentException("Unknown species.");
            m_LengthScales = LengthScales;