 public Parameters(Ecoregions.IDataset ecoregionDataset,
     Species.IDataset    speciesDataset)
     : base(ecoregionDataset,
     this.climateChangeUpdates = new List<ClimateChange.ParametersUpdate>();
Exemple #2
        private static Species GetIndividualsFromSaveGenome(List<SaveGenome> saveGenomes)
            Random rand = new Random();
            Species individuals = new Species();
            for (int i = 0; i < saveGenomes.Count; i++ )
                individuals.Add(new Individual(i,
                    new Parameters(saveGenomes[i].neighborhoodRadius,

            return individuals;
 //-5000 to -2500- Starving
 //-2500 to -1000- Hungry
 //-1000 to 0- Slightly Hungry
 //0 to 1000- Fed
 //1000 to 2500- Well Fed
 //2500 to 5000- Stuffed
 public Player(string n, Species sp, Class c)
     name = n;
     species = sp;
     career = c;
     identifier = species.abbrv + career.abbrv;
     stats = species.baseStats.addStatMod(career.statMod).adjust();
     stats.xp = 0;
     if (species == Species._darkElf)
         status.addStatus(new Status("Shadowbound", 1, true, ConsoleForeground.Maroon, ConsoleBackground.Black));
         status.addStatus(new Status("Accursed", 1, true, ConsoleForeground.Red, ConsoleBackground.Black));
     if (species == Species._faerie)
         status.addStatus(new Status("Magic Sight", 1, true, ConsoleForeground.Yellow, ConsoleBackground.Black));
         status.addStatus(new Status("Fly", 1, true, ConsoleForeground.Cyan, ConsoleBackground.Black));
     if (species == Species._woodElf)
         status.addStatus(new Status("rPoison", 1, true, ConsoleForeground.Green, ConsoleBackground.Black));
     if (species == Species._merfolk)
         status.addStatus(new Status("Swimmer", 1, true, ConsoleForeground.Cyan, ConsoleBackground.Black));
     if (species == Species._karura)
         status.addStatus(new Status("Fast Metabolism", 1, true, ConsoleForeground.Maroon, ConsoleBackground.Black));
     //status.addStatus(new Status("Clairvoyance", 1, true, ConsoleForeground.Olive, ConsoleBackground.Black));
     equipment = new Equipment();
     abilities.Add(new Ability("Rest and Heal", AbilityEffect.RESTHEAL, 0, 0));
     //status.addStatus(new Status("Fly", 1, 2000, ConsoleForeground.Cyan, ConsoleBackground.Black));
Exemple #4
	public void AddSpecies(string name, float selfInteraction, float birthRate, float population=0f) {
		if (system.ContainsKey(name)) {
			throw new System.ArgumentException("system already contains a species with that name!");
		Species newSpecies = new Species(name, population, birthRate, -selfInteraction); // -!!!
		system.Add(name, newSpecies);
Exemple #5
 public PopulationSimulator(int width, int height)
     swarmInBirthOrder = new Species();
     swarmInXOrder = new Species();
     swarmInYOrder = new Species();
     Population = new Population();
Exemple #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Race" /> class for testing.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="species">Species of the race.</param>
 /// <param name="color">Color.</param>
 public Race(Species species, GameColor color) {
     Species = species;
     LeaderName = species.GetDefaultLeaderName();
     ImageFilename = species.GetImageFilename();
     Description = species.GetEnumAttributeText();
     Color = color;
        public static String GenerateName(Species species)
            string result = "";
            string[] split = new string[1] { "\r\n" };
            char[] splitchar = new char[1] { ':' };

            switch (species)
                case Species.Human:
                    srReader = new StreamReader("Data/HumanNames.txt");
                    return "TEST";

            NameCategories = srReader.ReadToEnd().Split(splitchar, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            for (int i = 1; i <= NameCategories.Length - 1; i = i + 2)
                SpecificNames = ((String)NameCategories.GetValue(i)).Split(split, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                result = result + SpecificNames.GetValue(ran.Next(0, SpecificNames.Length - 1));
            result = result.Replace("%", string.Empty);

            return result;
Exemple #8
 public Judge(int day, Agent agent, Agent target, Species result)
     Day = day;
     Agent = agent;
     Target = target;
     Result = result;
Exemple #9
 public Monkey(string name, int age, Species species, bool hasPoo)
     Name = name;
     Age = age;
     _Species = species;
     HasPoo = hasPoo;
Exemple #10
        public List<Species> CreatePopulation(int width, int height)
            if (parameters == null)
                return null;

            List<Species> newListSpecies = new List<Species>();
            Parameters tempParam;

            for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; i++)
                tempParam = parameters[i];
                var spcs = new Species(new List<Individual>());
                for (int j = 1; j < popCounts[i]; j++)
                    spcs.Add(new Individual(j, rand.NextDouble() * width,
                            rand.NextDouble() * height, rand.NextDouble() * 10 - 5,
                            rand.NextDouble() * 10 - 5, new Parameters(

            return newListSpecies;
Exemple #11
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            var network = NeuralBuilder.BuildFullConnected(Math.Tanh, 1, 20, 20, 1);

            var mutationDic = new Dictionary<IMutation, double>
                {new WeigthMutate(), 1},
                {new ConnectSynapse(), 0.5},
                {new RemoveSynapse(), 0.5},
               // {new ConnectNeuron(Math.Tanh), 0.4},
                 {new MultiMutate(new[] {new WeigthMutate(), new WeigthMutate()}),  0.5},
                 {new MultiMutate(new[] { new ConnectSynapse(), new ConnectSynapse()}),  0.2}

            var specie = new Species(FitFunc, network, mutationDic);
            specie.OnImprovement += OnImprovement;
            specie.Sensitivity = 0.0001;

            lastFit = FitFunc(network);
            startTime = DateTime.Now;

            while (true)
                specie.Sensitivity *= 0.9999;
                if (network.LoopDetected())
            NeuralBuilder.BuildDOTGraph(network, "outgraph.dot");
 public InputParameters(Ecoregions.IDataset ecoregionDataset,
     Species.IDataset speciesDataset)
     : base(ecoregionDataset,
     sufficientLight = new List<ISufficientLight>();
     this.climateChangeUpdates = new List<DynamicChange.ParametersUpdate>();
Exemple #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="RaceStat"/> struct.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="species">The species.</param>
 /// <param name="leaderName">Name of the race leader.</param>
 /// <param name="imageFilename">The filename used to find the image texture in an atlas for this race.</param>
 /// <param name="description">The race description.</param>
 /// <param name="color">The race color.</param>
 public RaceStat(Species species, string leaderName, string imageFilename, string description, GameColor color)
     : this() {
     Species = species;
     LeaderName = leaderName;
     ImageFilename = imageFilename;
     Description = description;
     Color = color;
Exemple #14
 private static List<SaveGenome> GetSavedGenomes(Species species)
     List<SaveGenome> savedGenomes = new List<SaveGenome>();
     foreach (Individual individual in species)
     return savedGenomes;
        public void PropertyTests()
            // arrange
            const int id = 5;
            const string name = "Dog";

            // act
            var species = new Species() { Id = id, Name = name };

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual(species.Id, id);
            Assert.AreEqual(species.Name, name);
 public Parameters(Ecoregions.AuxParm<Percentage>[]            minRelativeBiomass,
                   Species.AuxParm<double>                     leafLongevity,
                   Species.AuxParm<double>                     woodyDecayRate,
                   Species.AuxParm<double>                     mortCurveShapeParm,
                   Species.AuxParm<Ecoregions.AuxParm<double>> establishProbability,
                   Species.AuxParm<Ecoregions.AuxParm<int>>    maxANPP,
                   Species.AuxParm<Ecoregions.AuxParm<double>> leafLitterDecayRate)
     this.minRelativeBiomass = minRelativeBiomass;
     this.leafLongevity = leafLongevity;
     this.woodyDecayRate = woodyDecayRate;
     this.mortCurveShapeParm = mortCurveShapeParm;
     this.establishProbability = establishProbability;
     this.maxANPP = maxANPP;
     this.leafLitterDecayRate = leafLitterDecayRate;
        public void PropertyTests()
            // arrange
            const int id = 5;
            const string name = "Dalmatian";
            var species = new Species() { Id = 1, Name = "Dog" };
            var category = new Category() { Id = 5, Name = "Guard dog" };

            // act
            var breed = new Breed() { Id = id, Name = name, Species = species, Category = category };

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual(breed.Id, id);
            Assert.AreEqual(breed.Name, name);
            Assert.AreEqual(breed.Species, species);
            Assert.AreEqual(breed.Category, category);
Exemple #18
        static void OnImprovement(Species sender, IMutation mutationType)

            var improve = sender.BestFit - lastFit;

            if (imrovement.ContainsKey(mutationType))
                imrovement[mutationType] += improve;

            Console.WriteLine("Iteration: {0} Seconds elapsed: {1}", sender.Iterations, (DateTime.Now- startTime).TotalSeconds);
            Console.WriteLine("Fit: {0}",sender.BestFit);
            Console.WriteLine("Neurons: {0}, Synapses: {1} \r\n", sender.Network.NeuronsCount, sender.Network.SynapsesCount);

            foreach (var value in imrovement.OrderByDescending(a=>a.Value))
                Console.WriteLine(value.Key.GetType().Name+" "+value.Value/sender.MutationsCollection[value.Key]);
Exemple #19
        // --- Public methods of the class Player ---
        /// <summary>The default constructor creates a new human player and gives it a new id.</summary>
        public Player(Position position)
            if (_instanceCounter >= 2)
                // The number of players to created exceeds 2:
                throw new PSTException("Player: Trying to create more than two players");
            _id = _instanceCounter;

            // By default the player is a human:
            _species = Species.Human;

            // Set some default for the computer strength:
            _computerStrength = ComputerStrength.Medium;

            _position = position;

            // By default the player's name is taken from the resources, i.e. something like "Player #1":
            _name = KalahaResources.I.GetRes("Player", (_id + 1));
Exemple #20
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // If we have no life on this planet, then there's a random chance of life forming
        if (population == 0) {
            float f = Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f);
            Debug.Log(CHANCE_OF_ABIOGENESIS * Time.deltaTime);
            if (f <= CHANCE_OF_ABIOGENESIS * Time.deltaTime) {
                // Life has formed! how miraculous

                Species species = new Species("test");
                SpeciesOnPlanet aSpeciesOnPlanet = new SpeciesOnPlanet(species, gameObject, 2);

        population = 0;

        foreach (SpeciesOnPlanet species in speciesOnPlanet) {
            population += species.population;
Exemple #21
        public bool AddAnimal(string name, DateTime birthDate, Species species, Cage cage, decimal weight, Gender gender,
            Employee guard, Employee vet, DateTime arivalDate)
            var newAnimal = new Animal()
                Name = name,
                BirthDate = birthDate,
                SpeciesID = species.SpeciesID,
                CageID = cage.CageID,
                Weight = (decimal)weight,
                Gender = (int)gender,
                GuardID = guard.EmployeeID,
                VetID = vet.EmployeeID,
                ArrivalDate = arivalDate

            using (var db = new ZooMasterDBEntities())
                return db.SaveChanges() == 1;
 public Parameters(int                                         timestep,
     SeedingAlgorithms                           seedAlgorithm,
     Ecoregions.AuxParm<Percentage>[]            minRelativeBiomass,
     Species.AuxParm<double>                     leafLongevity,
     Species.AuxParm<double>                     woodyDecayRate,
     Species.AuxParm<double>                     mortCurveShapeParm,
     Species.AuxParm<Ecoregions.AuxParm<double>> establishProbability,
     Species.AuxParm<Ecoregions.AuxParm<int>>    maxANPP,
     Species.AuxParm<Ecoregions.AuxParm<double>> leafLitterDecayRate,
     string                                      ageOnlyDisturbanceParms)
     this.timestep = timestep;
     this.seedAlg = seedAlgorithm;
     this.minRelativeBiomass = minRelativeBiomass;
     this.leafLongevity = leafLongevity;
     this.woodyDecayRate = woodyDecayRate;
     this.mortCurveShapeParm = mortCurveShapeParm;
     this.establishProbability = establishProbability;
     this.maxANPP = maxANPP;
     this.leafLitterDecayRate = leafLitterDecayRate;
     this.ageOnlyDisturbanceParms = ageOnlyDisturbanceParms;
        /// <summary>
        /// This breeds to parents to make a new child from a species offspring has a chance of being a clone of the parent
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config"></param>
        /// <param name="species"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Genome BreedChild(EvolutionConfig config, Species species)
            Genome child;
            // If the specie only contains one child, the species can't crossover
            if (species.genomes.Count == 1)
                child = (Genome) species.genomes.First().Clone();
            else {
                Genome parentA = species.genomes.ElementAt(rng.Next(species.genomes.Count));

                // Non-crossover chance
                if (rng.NextDouble() >= config.CrossOverRate)
                    child = (Genome) parentA.Clone();
                else { // Crossover
                    Genome parentB = species.genomes.Where(g => g != parentA).ElementAt(rng.Next(species.genomes.Count - 1));
                    child = new Genome(config, parentA, parentB);

            // Mutate

            return child;
 public Parameters(Ecoregions.AuxParm<Percentage>[]            minRelativeBiomass,
     Species.AuxParm<double>                     leafLongevity,
     Species.AuxParm<double>                     woodyDecayRate,
     Species.AuxParm<double>                     mortCurveShapeParm,
     Species.AuxParm<double>                     leafLignin,
     Ecoregions.AuxParm<int>                     aet,
     ISufficientLight[]                          sufficientLight,
     Species.AuxParm<Ecoregions.AuxParm<double>> establishProbability,
     Species.AuxParm<Ecoregions.AuxParm<int>>    maxANPP,
     Species.AuxParm<Ecoregions.AuxParm<int>>    maxBiomass)
     this.minRelativeBiomass = minRelativeBiomass;
     this.leafLongevity = leafLongevity;
     this.woodyDecayRate = woodyDecayRate;
     this.mortCurveShapeParm = mortCurveShapeParm;
     this.leafLignin = leafLignin;
     this.aet = aet;
     this.sufficientLight = sufficientLight;
     this.establishProbability = establishProbability;
     this.maxANPP = maxANPP;
     this.maxBiomass = maxBiomass;
     //this.leafLitterDecayRate = leafLitterDecayRate;
 public Parameters(int                                         timestep,
     SeedingAlgorithms                           seedAlgorithm,
     Ecoregions.AuxParm<Percentage>[]            minRelativeBiomass,
     Species.AuxParm<double>                     leafLongevity,
     Species.AuxParm<double>                     woodyDecayRate,
     Species.AuxParm<double>                     mortCurveShapeParm,
     Species.AuxParm<Ecoregions.AuxParm<double>> establishProbability,
     Species.AuxParm<Ecoregions.AuxParm<int>>    maxANPP,
     Species.AuxParm<Ecoregions.AuxParm<double>> leafLitterDecayRate,
     string                                      ageOnlyDisturbanceParms,
     List<ClimateChange.ParametersUpdate>        climateChangeUpdates)
     : base(minRelativeBiomass,
     this.timestep = timestep;
     this.seedAlg = seedAlgorithm;
     this.ageOnlyDisturbanceParms = ageOnlyDisturbanceParms;
     this.climateChangeUpdates = climateChangeUpdates;
        private static void DrawKey(PictureBox pb, Species species)
            if (species == null)

            var w = pb.Width;
            var h = pb.Height;

            Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(w, h);

            using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
                using (var font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25f))
                    using (var format = new StringFormat {
                        Alignment = StringAlignment.Center, LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
                        using (var pen = new Pen(Color.Black))
                            using (var brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black))
                                g.SmoothingMode     = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
                                g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;

                                // border
                                g.DrawRectangle(pen, 0, 0, w - 1, h - 1);

                                // stats
                                const int padding           = 4;
                                const int statCircleSize    = PedigreeCreatureCompact.DefaultStatSize * 3 / 2;
                                const int statRadius        = statCircleSize / 2;
                                const int radiusInnerCircle = statRadius / 7;
                                var       statLeftTopCoords = new Point(padding, padding);
                                var       center            = new Point(statLeftTopCoords.X + statRadius, statLeftTopCoords.Y + statRadius);
                                brush.Color = Color.White;
                                g.FillEllipse(brush, statLeftTopCoords.X, statLeftTopCoords.Y, statRadius * 2, statRadius * 2);
                                brush.Color = Color.Black;

                                var usedStats    = Enumerable.Range(0, Values.STATS_COUNT).Where(si => si != (int)StatNames.Torpidity && species.UsesStat(si)).ToArray();
                                var anglePerStat = 360f / usedStats.Length;
                                var i            = 0;
                                foreach (var si in usedStats)
                                    var angle = PedigreeCreatureCompact.AngleOffset + anglePerStat * i++;
                                    g.DrawPie(pen, statLeftTopCoords.X, statLeftTopCoords.Y, statCircleSize, statCircleSize, angle, anglePerStat);

                                    // text
                                    const int radiusPosition  = statRadius * 7 / 10;
                                    var       anglePosition   = Math.PI * 2 / 360 * (angle + anglePerStat / 2);
                                    const int statTexSizeHalf = 15;
                                    var       x = (int)Math.Round(radiusPosition * Math.Cos(anglePosition) + center.X - statTexSizeHalf);
                                    var       y = (int)Math.Round(radiusPosition * Math.Sin(anglePosition) + center.Y - statTexSizeHalf);
                                    g.DrawString(Utils.StatName(si, true, species.statNames), font, brush,
                                                 new RectangleF(x, y, statTexSizeHalf * 2, statTexSizeHalf * 2),
                                brush.Color = Color.Gray;
                                g.FillEllipse(brush, center.X - radiusInnerCircle, center.Y - radiusInnerCircle, 2 * radiusInnerCircle, 2 * radiusInnerCircle);

                                // circles
                                const int textX      = 3 * padding + 6;
                                const int lineHeight = 15;
                                void CircleExplanation(Color circleColor, string text, int y, int circleSize, int circleOffset = 0)
                                    PedigreeCreatureCompact.DrawFilledCircle(g, brush, pen, circleColor, padding + circleOffset, y + lineHeight / 4 + circleOffset, circleSize);
                                    brush.Color = Color.Black;
                                    g.DrawString(text, font, brush, textX, y);

                                void RectangleExplanation(Color rectangleColor, string text, int y, int size)
                                    pen.Color = rectangleColor;
                                    pen.Width = 2;
                                    g.DrawRectangle(pen, padding, y, size, size);
                                    brush.Color = Color.Black;
                                    g.DrawString(text, font, brush, textX, y);

                                void ArrowExplanation(List <int[]> linesList, int lineStyle, string text, int y, int size)
                                    var yLine = y + lineHeight / 2;

                                    linesList.Add(new[] { padding, yLine, padding + size, yLine, lineStyle });
                                    brush.Color = Color.Black;
                                    g.DrawString(text, font, brush, textX, y);

                                int yText = statRadius * 2 + 4 * padding;
                                CircleExplanation(Utils.MutationMarkerColor, "mutation in stat", yText, 6);
                                yText += lineHeight;
                                CircleExplanation(Utils.MutationMarkerPossibleColor, "possible mutation in stat", yText, 6);
                                yText += lineHeight;
                                CircleExplanation(Color.Yellow, "mutation in color", yText, 4, 1);
                                yText += lineHeight;
                                CircleExplanation(Color.GreenYellow, "creature without mutations", yText, 6);
                                yText += lineHeight;
                                CircleExplanation(Utils.MutationColor, "creature mutations < limit", yText, 6);
                                yText += lineHeight;
                                CircleExplanation(Color.DarkRed, "creature mutations ≥ limit", yText, 6);
                                yText += lineHeight;
                                // rectangles
                                RectangleExplanation(Color.DodgerBlue, "selected creature", yText, 10);
                                yText += lineHeight;
                                RectangleExplanation(Utils.MutationMarkerColor, "creature with mutation", yText, 10);
                                yText += lineHeight;
                                // arrows
                                var lines = new[] { null, new List <int[]>(), null };
                                ArrowExplanation(lines[1], 1, "offspring", yText, 10);
                                yText += lineHeight;
                                ArrowExplanation(lines[1], 2, "stat inheritance", yText, 10);
                                yText += lineHeight;
                                ArrowExplanation(lines[1], 3, "stat inheritance with", yText, 10);
                                g.DrawString("possible mutation", font, brush, textX, yText + lineHeight);

                                DrawLines(g, lines);

Exemple #27
 public override int GetHashCode()
Exemple #28
        protected override void Seed(MyZoo.DataContext.ZooDataBaseContext context)
            Country sweden = new Country()
                Name = "Sverige"
            Country russia = new Country()
                Name = "Ryssland"
            Country zimbabwe = new Country()
                Name = "Zimbabwe"
            Country norway = new Country()
                Name = "Norge"

            DataContext.Type carnivore = new DataContext.Type()
                Name = "Köttätare"

            DataContext.Type herbivore = new DataContext.Type()
                Name = "Växtätare"

            DataContext.Environment ground = new DataContext.Environment()
                Name = "Mark"
            DataContext.Environment tree = new DataContext.Environment()
                Name = "Träd"
            DataContext.Environment water = new DataContext.Environment()
                Name = "Vatten"

            Species bear = new Species()
                Name        = "Björn",
                Environment = ground,
                Type        = carnivore

            Species amazonParrot = new Species()
                Name        = "Amazonpapegoja",
                Environment = tree,
                Type        = herbivore

            Species seal = new Species()
                Name        = "Knubbsäl",
                Environment = water,
                Type        = carnivore

            Animal bearMotherPascha = new Animal()
                Name    = "Pascha",
                Weight  = 145,
                Sex     = "Hona",
                Species = bear,
                Country = russia
            Animal bearFatherSture = new Animal()
                Name    = "Sture",
                Weight  = 230,
                Sex     = "Hane",
                Species = bear,
                Country = sweden
            Animal bearChildBjorne = new Animal()
                Name    = "Björne",
                Weight  = 95,
                Sex     = "Hane",
                Species = bear,
                Country = sweden

            Animal parrotMotherDoris = new Animal()
                Name    = "Doris",
                Weight  = (float)1.1,
                Sex     = "Hona",
                Species = amazonParrot,
                Country = sweden
            Animal parrotFatherGreger = new Animal()
                Name    = "Greger",
                Sex     = "Hane",
                Weight  = (float)1.5,
                Species = amazonParrot,
                Country = sweden
            Animal parrotChildSvea = new Animal()
                Name    = "Svea",
                Sex     = "Hona",
                Weight  = (float)0.5,
                Species = amazonParrot,
                Country = sweden

            Animal sealMotherBerta = new Animal()
                Name    = "Berta",
                Weight  = 53,
                Sex     = "Hona",
                Species = seal,
                Country = norway
            Animal sealFatherRoger = new Animal()
                Name    = "Roger",
                Weight  = 125,
                Sex     = "Hane",
                Species = seal,
                Country = sweden
            Animal sealChildSara = new Animal()
                Name    = "Sara",
                Weight  = 35,
                Sex     = "Hona",
                Species = seal,
                Country = sweden

            context.Families.AddOrUpdate(f => f.FamilyId,
                                         new Family()
                AnimalChild  = bearChildBjorne,
                AnimalFather = bearFatherSture,
                AnimalMother = bearMotherPascha
            context.Families.AddOrUpdate(f => f.FamilyId,
                                         new Family()
                AnimalChild  = parrotChildSvea,
                AnimalMother = parrotMotherDoris,
                AnimalFather = parrotFatherGreger
            context.Families.AddOrUpdate(f => f.FamilyId,
                                         new Family()
                AnimalChild  = sealChildSara,
                AnimalMother = sealMotherBerta,
                AnimalFather = sealFatherRoger

            var vetKurt = new Veterinarian()
                Namn = "Kurt Wallin"

            var vetSaida = new Veterinarian()
                Namn = "Saida Broberg"

            var vetKarin = new Veterinarian()
                Namn = "Karin Andersson"

            var booking1Time = new DateTime(2017, 12, 13, 15, 30, 0);

            var booking2Time = new DateTime(2017, 11, 20, 13, 0, 0);

            var booking3Time = new DateTime(2017, 11, 15, 10, 30, 0);

            var booking1 = new Booking()
                Animal       = bearChildBjorne,
                Veterinarian = vetKurt,
                DateTime     = booking1Time
            var booking2 = new Booking()
                Animal       = parrotChildSvea,
                Veterinarian = vetSaida,
                DateTime     = booking2Time
            var booking3 = new Booking()
                Animal       = sealFatherRoger,
                Veterinarian = vetKarin,
                DateTime     = booking3Time

            context.Bookings.AddOrUpdate(b => b.AnimalId,

            Diagnosis worm = new Diagnosis()
                Name        = "Mask",
                Description = "En parasit som orsakar näringsbrist och magbesvär"
            Diagnosis brokenLeg = new Diagnosis()
                Name        = "Brutet ben",
                Description = "Ett ben brutet på ett ställe. Orsakar inmobilitet och smärta."

            Medication painkiller = new Medication()
                Name = "Smärtstillande medicin"

            Medication dewormingMedication = new Medication()
                Name = "Avmaskningsmedel"

            //Journal bearBjorneJournal = new Journal()
            //    Animal = context.Animals.Find(1)

            //Journal parrotSveaJournal = new Journal()
            //    Animal = context.Animals.Find(4)

            //Journal sealRogerJournal = new Journal()
            //    Animal = context.Animals.Find(7),


            JournalsDiagnos diagnoseJournalBjorne = new JournalsDiagnos()
                Diagnosis = brokenLeg,
                Journal   = new Journal()
                    Animal = bearChildBjorne
                Medications = { painkiller }

            JournalsDiagnos diagnoseJournalSara = new JournalsDiagnos()
                Diagnosis = worm,
                Journal   = new Journal()
                    Animal = sealChildSara
                Medications = { dewormingMedication }

            JournalsDiagnos diagnoseJournalRoger = new JournalsDiagnos()
                Diagnosis = brokenLeg,
                Journal   = new Journal()
                    Animal = sealFatherRoger
                Medications = { painkiller }

            context.JournalsDiagnoses.AddOrUpdate(j => j.JournalDiagnoseId,
 private string GetSpeciesDirectory([NotNull] Species species)
     return(Path.Combine(this.BaseTransformationSpeciesPath, species.Name));
        public void setParentValues(Creature mother, Creature father)
            if (mother == null && father == null)
                labelMother.Text = "unknown";
                labelFather.Text = "unknown";
                for (int s = 0; s < values.Values.STATS_COUNT; s++)

            Species species = mother?.Species ?? father.Species;

            for (int s = 0; s < values.Values.STATS_COUNT; s++)
                // only display used stats and don't display torpidity
                bool statDisplayed = s != (int)StatNames.Torpidity &&

                parentStatValues[s].Visible = statDisplayed;
                if (!statDisplayed)

                int bestLevel        = -1;
                int bestLevelPercent = 0;
                if (mother != null && father != null)
                    bestLevel = Math.Max(mother.levelsWild[s], father.levelsWild[s]);
                    if (maxChartLevel > 0)
                        bestLevelPercent = (100 * bestLevel) / maxChartLevel;
                    mother == null ? -1 : (mother.valuesBreeding[s] * (Utils.Precision(s) == 1 ? 1 : 100)),
                    father == null ? -1 : (father.valuesBreeding[s] * (Utils.Precision(s) == 1 ? 1 : 100)),
                    mother != null && father != null ? (mother.valuesBreeding[s] > father.valuesBreeding[s] ? 1 : 2) : 0,
            labelMother.Text = mother == null ? "unknown" : mother.name;
            labelFather.Text = father == null ? "unknown" : (labelMother.Width > 78 ? "\n" : "") + father.name;
            if (mother != null && father != null)
                int minLv = 1, maxLv = 1;
                for (int s = 0; s < 7; s++)
                    if (mother.levelsWild[s] < father.levelsWild[s])
                        minLv += mother.levelsWild[s];
                        maxLv += father.levelsWild[s];
                        maxLv += mother.levelsWild[s];
                        minLv += father.levelsWild[s];
                lbLevel.Text = $"Possible Level-Range: {minLv} - {maxLv}";
                lbLevel.Text = "";
Exemple #31
 private static void AddSpecies(string name, Species species) => _species.Add(name, species);
Exemple #32
 public static MicrobeSpawner MakeMicrobeSpawner(Species species,
                                                 CompoundCloudSystem cloudSystem, GameProperties currentGame)
     return(new MicrobeSpawner(species, cloudSystem, currentGame));
Exemple #33
        // Update
        public ActionResult Update(int id)
            Species selSpecies = db.Species.SqlQuery("select * from species where speciesid = @SpeciesId", new SqlParameter("@SpeciesID", id)).FirstOrDefault();

Exemple #34
 public AgentProperties(Species species, Compound compound)
     Species  = species;
     Compound = compound;
 public SetSpeciesInCompoundProcessCommand(CompoundProcess process, Species species)
     _process = process;
     _species = species;
 /// <summary>
 /// Report result of inquest.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="target"></param>
 /// <param name="species"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static string Inquested(Agent target, Species species)
     string[] split = { Topic.INQUESTED.ToString(), (target != null) ? target.ToString() : "null", species.ToString() };
     return WordAttachment(split);
Exemple #37
 // overloading constructor
 public Animal(string name, Species species) : this()
     Name = name;
     Type = species;
Exemple #38
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads extra values-files that can add species values or modify existing ones
        /// </summary>
        public bool LoadModValues(List <string> modValueFileNames, bool showResults, out List <Mod> mods)
            loadedModsHash = 0;
            List <Values> modifiedValues = new List <Values>();

            mods = new List <Mod>();
            if (modValueFileNames == null)


            foreach (string mf in modValueFileNames)
                string filename = FileService.GetJsonPath(Path.Combine(FileService.ValuesFolder, mf));

                if (TryLoadValuesFile(filename, setModFileName: true, out Values modValues))

            int speciesUpdated = 0;
            int speciesAdded   = 0;

            // update data if existing
            foreach (Values modValues in modifiedValues)
                // if mods are loaded multiple times, only keep the last

                // species
                if (modValues.species != null)
                    foreach (Species sp in modValues.species)
                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sp.blueprintPath))

                        Species originalSpecies = SpeciesByBlueprint(sp.blueprintPath);
                        if (originalSpecies != null)
                        sp.Mod = modValues.mod;

                        if (!blueprintToSpecies.ContainsKey(sp.blueprintPath))
                            blueprintToSpecies.Add(sp.blueprintPath, sp);

                // TODO support for mod colors

            loadedModsHash = CreatureCollection.CalculateModListHash(mods);

            if (speciesUpdated == 0 && speciesAdded == 0)
                return(true); // nothing changed
            // sort new species

            // mod-fooddata TODO


            if (showResults)
                MessageBox.Show($"The following mods were loaded:\n{string.Join(", ", modifiedValues.Select(m => m.mod.title).ToArray())}\n\n"
                                + $"Species with changed stats: {speciesUpdated}\nSpecies added: {speciesAdded}",
                                "Additional Values succesfully added", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

        public ActionResult Edit(int id = 0)
            Species species = null;
            SpeciesEditViewModel viewModel = null;

            TaxonomyService _taxonomyService = new TaxonomyService(AuthenticatedUserSession.Environment);

                if (id > 0)
                    TempData["context"] = "Edit Species";
                    species             = _taxonomyService.GetSpecies(id);
                    viewModel           = new SpeciesEditViewModel();
                    viewModel.ID        = species.ID;
                    viewModel.CurrentTaxonomySpeciesID = species.CurrentTaxonomySpeciesID;
                    viewModel.NomenNumber              = species.NomenNumber;
                    viewModel.IsSpecificHybrid         = species.IsSpecificHybrid;
                    viewModel.SpeciesName              = species.SpeciesName;
                    viewModel.Name                     = species.Name;
                    viewModel.IsAcceptedName           = species.IsAcceptedName;
                    viewModel.Authority                = species.Authority;
                    viewModel.IsSubSpecificHybrid      = species.IsSubSpecificHybrid;
                    viewModel.SubSpeciesName           = species.SubSpeciesName;
                    viewModel.SubSpeciesAuthority      = species.SubSpeciesAuthority;
                    viewModel.IsVarietalHybrid         = species.IsVarietalHybrid;
                    viewModel.VarietyName              = species.VarietyName;
                    viewModel.VarietyAuthority         = species.VarietyAuthority;
                    viewModel.FormaName                = species.FormaName;
                    viewModel.FormaAuthority           = species.FormaAuthority;
                    viewModel.FormaRankType            = species.FormaRankType;
                    viewModel.GenusID                  = species.GenusID;
                    viewModel.GenusName                = species.GenusName;
                    viewModel.Protologue               = species.Protologue;
                    viewModel.NameAuthority            = species.NameAuthority;
                    viewModel.GenusID                  = species.GenusID;
                    viewModel.GenusName                = species.GenusName;
                    viewModel.Authority                = species.Authority;
                    viewModel.CreatedDate              = species.CreatedDate;
                    viewModel.CreatedByCooperatorID    = species.CreatedByCooperatorID;
                    viewModel.CreatedByCooperatorName  = species.CreatedByCooperatorName;
                    viewModel.ModifiedDate             = species.ModifiedDate;
                    viewModel.ModifiedByCooperatorID   = species.ModifiedByCooperatorID;
                    viewModel.ModifiedByCooperatorName = species.ModifiedByCooperatorName;
                    viewModel.Note                     = species.Note;
                    viewModel.Citations                = species.Citations;
                    viewModel.CommonNames              = species.CommonNames;
                    //viewModel.Usages = species.Usages;
                    //viewModel.RegulationMappings = species.RegulationMappings;
                    TempData["context"] = "Add Species";
                    viewModel           = new SpeciesEditViewModel();
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error(ex, ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
                return(RedirectToAction("InternalServerError", "Error"));
            return(View(BASE_PATH + "/Edit.cshtml", viewModel));
Exemple #40
 public abstract void PokedexInsertSpecies(Species s);
Exemple #41
 public SpeciesPopulation DefaultPopulationFor(Species species)
     return(species.Populations.FindByName(_userSettings.DefaultPopulation) ?? species.Populations.ElementAt(0));
    public static int Main(string[] args)
        if (args.Length != 1)
            Console.WriteLine("Usage: printUnits filename");

        string       filename = args[0];
        SBMLDocument document = libsbml.readSBML(filename);

        if (document.getNumErrors() > 0)
            Console.Error.WriteLine("Encountered the following SBML errors:");

        Model model = document.getModel();

        if (model == null)
            Console.WriteLine("No model present.");

        int i, j;

        for (i = 0; i < model.getNumSpecies(); i++)
            Species s = model.getSpecies(i);
            Console.WriteLine("Species " + i + ": "
                              + UnitDefinition.printUnits(s.getDerivedUnitDefinition()));

        for (i = 0; i < model.getNumCompartments(); i++)
            Compartment c = model.getCompartment(i);
            Console.WriteLine("Compartment " + i + ": "
                              + UnitDefinition.printUnits(c.getDerivedUnitDefinition()))

        for (i = 0; i < model.getNumParameters(); i++)
            Parameter p = model.getParameter(i);
            Console.WriteLine("Parameter " + i + ": "
                              + UnitDefinition.printUnits(p.getDerivedUnitDefinition()))

        for (i = 0; i < model.getNumInitialAssignments(); i++)
            InitialAssignment ia = model.getInitialAssignment(i);
            Console.WriteLine("InitialAssignment " + i + ": "
                              + UnitDefinition.printUnits(ia.getDerivedUnitDefinition()));
            Console.WriteLine("        undeclared units: ");
            Console.WriteLine((ia.containsUndeclaredUnits() ? "yes\n" : "no\n"));

        for (i = 0; i < model.getNumEvents(); i++)
            Event e = model.getEvent(i);
            Console.WriteLine("Event " + i + ": ");

            if (e.isSetDelay())
                Console.WriteLine("Delay: "
                                  + UnitDefinition.printUnits(e.getDelay().getDerivedUnitDefinition()));
                Console.WriteLine("        undeclared units: ");
                Console.WriteLine((e.getDelay().containsUndeclaredUnits() ? "yes\n" : "no\n"));

            for (j = 0; j < e.getNumEventAssignments(); j++)
                EventAssignment ea = e.getEventAssignment(j);
                Console.WriteLine("EventAssignment " + j + ": "
                                  + UnitDefinition.printUnits(ea.getDerivedUnitDefinition()));
                Console.WriteLine("        undeclared units: ");
                Console.WriteLine((ea.containsUndeclaredUnits() ? "yes\n" : "no\n"));

        for (i = 0; i < model.getNumReactions(); i++)
            Reaction r = model.getReaction(i);

            Console.WriteLine("Reaction " + i + ": ");

            if (r.isSetKineticLaw())
                Console.WriteLine("Kinetic Law: "
                                  + UnitDefinition.printUnits(r.getKineticLaw().getDerivedUnitDefinition()));
                Console.WriteLine("        undeclared units: ");
                Console.WriteLine((r.getKineticLaw().containsUndeclaredUnits() ? "yes\n" : "no\n"));

            for (j = 0; j < r.getNumReactants(); j++)
                SpeciesReference sr = r.getReactant(j);

                if (sr.isSetStoichiometryMath())
                    Console.WriteLine("Reactant stoichiometryMath" + j + ": "
                                      + UnitDefinition.printUnits(sr.getStoichiometryMath().getDerivedUnitDefinition()));
                    Console.WriteLine("        undeclared units: ");
                    Console.WriteLine((sr.getStoichiometryMath().containsUndeclaredUnits() ? "yes\n" : "no\n"));

            for (j = 0; j < r.getNumProducts(); j++)
                SpeciesReference sr = r.getProduct(j);

                if (sr.isSetStoichiometryMath())
                    Console.WriteLine("Product stoichiometryMath" + j + ": "
                                      + UnitDefinition.printUnits(sr.getStoichiometryMath().getDerivedUnitDefinition()));
                    Console.WriteLine("        undeclared units: ");
                    Console.WriteLine((sr.getStoichiometryMath().containsUndeclaredUnits() ? "yes\n" : "no\n"));

        for (i = 0; i < model.getNumRules(); i++)
            Rule r = model.getRule(i);
            Console.WriteLine("Rule " + i + ": "
                              + UnitDefinition.printUnits(r.getDerivedUnitDefinition()));
            Console.WriteLine("        undeclared units: ");
            Console.WriteLine((r.containsUndeclaredUnits() ? "yes\n" : "no\n"));

Exemple #43
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the stats of a creature to the inputs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="statValues"></param>
        /// <param name="levelsWild"></param>
        /// <param name="levelsDom"></param>
        /// <param name="totalLevel"></param>
        /// <param name="TE">Taming Effectiveness</param>
        /// <param name="IB">Imprinting Bonus of the creature</param>
        /// <param name="tamed"></param>
        /// <param name="bred"></param>
        public void SetCreatureValues(double[] statValues, int[] levelsWild, int[] levelsDom, int totalLevel, double TE, double IB, bool tamed, bool bred, Species species)
            int level = 1;

            for (int s = 0; s < Values.STATS_COUNT; s++)


            if (statValues != null)
                for (int s = 0; s < Values.STATS_COUNT; s++)
                    _statControls[s].StatValue = statValues[s];
            if (levelsWild != null)
                for (int s = 0; s < Values.STATS_COUNT; s++)
                    _statControls[s].LevelWild = levelsWild[s];
                level += levelsWild[(int)StatNames.Torpidity];
            if (levelsDom != null)
                for (int s = 0; s < Values.STATS_COUNT; s++)
                    _statControls[s].LevelDom = levelsDom[s];
                    level += levelsDom[s];

            if (tamed)
                rbTamed.Checked = true;
            else if (bred)
                rbBred.Checked = true;
                rbWild.Checked = true;

            for (int s = 0; s < Values.STATS_COUNT; s++)

            nudCreatureLevel.Value = level > totalLevel ? level : totalLevel;

Exemple #44
 /// <summary>
 ///   Removes a species from this patch
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>True when a species was removed</returns>
 public bool RemoveSpecies(Species species)
    public static int Main(string[] args)
        if (args.Length != 2)
            Console.Write(Environment.NewLine + "Usage: unsetAnnotation <input-filename> <output-filename>" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
            return 1;

        int i, j;
        string filename = args[0];
        SBMLDocument document;

        document = libsbml.readSBML(filename);

        int errors = (int)document.getNumErrors();

        if (errors > 0)

            return errors;

        Model m = document.getModel();

        for (i = 0; i < m.getNumReactions(); i++)
            Reaction re = m.getReaction(i);

            for (j = 0; j < re.getNumReactants(); j++)
                SpeciesReference rt = re.getReactant(j);

            for (j = 0; j < re.getNumProducts(); j++)
                SpeciesReference rt = re.getProduct(j);

            for (j = 0; j < re.getNumModifiers(); j++)
                ModifierSpeciesReference md = re.getModifier(j);

            if (re.isSetKineticLaw())
                KineticLaw kl = re.getKineticLaw();

                for (j = 0; j < kl.getNumParameters(); j++)
                    Parameter pa = kl.getParameter(j);


        for (i = 0; i < m.getNumSpecies(); i++)
            Species sp = m.getSpecies(i);

        for (i = 0; i < m.getNumCompartments(); i++)
            Compartment sp = m.getCompartment(i);

        for (i = 0; i < m.getNumFunctionDefinitions(); i++)
            FunctionDefinition sp = m.getFunctionDefinition(i);

        for (i = 0; i < m.getNumUnitDefinitions(); i++)
            UnitDefinition sp = m.getUnitDefinition(i);

        for (i = 0; i < m.getNumParameters(); i++)
            Parameter sp = m.getParameter(i);

        for (i = 0; i < m.getNumRules(); i++)
            Rule sp = m.getRule(i);

        for (i = 0; i < m.getNumInitialAssignments(); i++)
            InitialAssignment sp = m.getInitialAssignment(i);

        for (i = 0; i < m.getNumEvents(); i++)
            Event sp = m.getEvent(i);

            for (j = 0; j < sp.getNumEventAssignments(); j++)
                EventAssignment ea = sp.getEventAssignment(j);

        for (i = 0; i < m.getNumSpeciesTypes(); i++)
            SpeciesType sp = m.getSpeciesType(i);

        for (i = 0; i < m.getNumConstraints(); i++)
            Constraint sp = m.getConstraint(i);

        libsbml.writeSBML(document, args[1]);

        return errors;
Exemple #46
        private void btnAddAnimalsSelected_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                int     amount  = int.Parse(txtAnimalAmount.Text);
                Species specie  = (Species)cbxSpecies.SelectedItem;
                int     counter = animals.Where(ani => ani.Species.Equals(specie)).Count();
                if (counter % 10 == 0)
                    AnimalsSelected assd = new AnimalsSelected();
                    assd.Animaal      = specie;
                    assd.AnimalAmount = amount;
                    AddingAnimal adding = new AddingAnimal(new List <AnimalsSelected>()
                    }, ID);
                    MessageObject message = new MessageObject(assd.BinarySerialization(), 4, 3, 2);
                    //Cages available
                    var cageIds = from loc in locations
                                  where !(loc.Cage.Equals(null))
                                  select loc;
                    foreach (Location item in cageIds)
                    int       counters = 0;
                    Species[] space    = new Species[tempLoc.Count];
                    foreach (Location item in tempLoc)
                        foreach (Animal item2 in animals)
                            if (item.ID == item2.LocationID)
                                space[counters] = item2.Species;
                    for (int i = 0; i < space.Length; i++)
                        if (space[i].Equals(specie))
                            int animalAmount = 0;
                            foreach (Animal item in animals)
                                if (item.LocationID == tempLoc[i].ID)
                            for (int j = 0; j < amount + 1; j++)
                                if (animalAmount < 10)
                                    //Insert Singular Animal Here
                                    ArrayList AnimalToAdd = new ArrayList();

                                    //Generate Gender
                                    Random rnd          = new Random();
                                    int    genderChance = rnd.Next(0, 7);
                                    string gender       = "";
                                    if (genderChance <= 3)
                                        gender = "Female";
                                        gender = "Male";
                                    int    age  = rnd.Next(0, 2556);
                                    string mate = "";
                                    if ((gender.Equals("Male") || gender.Equals("Female")) && age > 474)
                                        mate = "Ready";
                                        mate = "Not Ready";
                                    double eatTime = 2;
                                    if (age < 365 || age > 2920)
                                        eatTime += 1.5;
                                    Animal ani = new Animal(gender, mate, eatTime, specie, age, tempLoc[i].ID);
                                    MessageObject message = new MessageObject(ani.BinarySerialization(), 6, 3, 2);
            catch (Exception)
                MessageBox.Show("Please enter a number for Amount!");
        public async Task AddAsync(Species species)
            await _context.Species.AddAsync(species);

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
    private void Start()
        humanSpecies           = GameManager.HumanPlayer.species;
        statsTexts [0].text    = humanSpecies.ToString();
        statsImages [0].sprite = HUD.speciesPopSpriteDick [humanSpecies];
        // Adjust Species Legend
        Dictionary <Species, Tuple <Image, Text> > legendDick = new Dictionary <Species, Tuple <Image, Text> > ();

        for (int i = 0; i < Pop_Dynamics_Model.allSpeciesArray.Length; i++)
            legendImages[i].color = Pop_Dynamics_Model.speciesColorDick[Pop_Dynamics_Model.allSpeciesArray[i]];
            legendTexts[i].text   = Pop_Dynamics_Model.allSpeciesArray[i].ToString();
            legendDick.Add(Pop_Dynamics_Model.allSpeciesArray[i], new Tuple <Image, Text> (legendImages[i], legendTexts[i]));
        foreach (Species species in legendDick.Keys)
            if (!Pop_Dynamics_Model.speciesList.Contains(species))
                legendDick[Species.Wolves].thing1.rectTransform.anchorMax = legendDick[species].thing1.rectTransform.anchorMax;
                legendDick[Species.Wolves].thing1.rectTransform.anchorMin = legendDick[species].thing1.rectTransform.anchorMin;
                legendDick[Species.Wolves].thing2.rectTransform.anchorMax = legendDick[species].thing2.rectTransform.anchorMax;
                legendDick[Species.Wolves].thing2.rectTransform.anchorMin = legendDick[species].thing2.rectTransform.anchorMin;
        // Consumption
        consumptionTextDick.Add(Species.Grass, statsValuesList[statsValuesList.Count - 2]);
        consumptionFloatDick.Add(Species.Grass, Pop_Dynamics_Model.eatRatesDick [humanSpecies] [Species.Grass]);
        consumptionTextDick [Species.Grass].text = consumptionFloatDick [Species.Grass].ToString("0.###");
        if (humanSpecies == Species.Sheep)
            // carrot consumption shit is at the end of both statsImages and statsValuesList
            statsImages.RemoveAt(statsImages.Count - 1);
            statsImages[statsImages.Count - 1].rectTransform.anchorMin = new Vector2(0.2f, statsImages[statsImages.Count - 1].rectTransform.anchorMin.y);
            statsImages[statsImages.Count - 1].rectTransform.anchorMax = new Vector2(0.3f, statsImages[statsImages.Count - 1].rectTransform.anchorMax.y);
            statsValuesList.RemoveAt(statsValuesList.Count - 1);
            statsValuesList[statsValuesList.Count - 1].rectTransform.anchorMin = new Vector2(0.4f, statsValuesList[statsValuesList.Count - 1].rectTransform.anchorMin.y);
            statsValuesList[statsValuesList.Count - 1].rectTransform.anchorMax = new Vector2(0.6f, statsValuesList[statsValuesList.Count - 1].rectTransform.anchorMax.y);
            consumptionTextDick.Add(Species.Carrots, statsValuesList[statsValuesList.Count - 1]);
            consumptionFloatDick.Add(Species.Carrots, Pop_Dynamics_Model.eatRatesDick [humanSpecies] [Species.Carrots]);
            consumptionTextDick [Species.Carrots].text = consumptionFloatDick [Species.Carrots].ToString("0.###");
        // Stats in Pop_Dynmaics_Model.modelStatsDick
        humanPopulation = (int)Pop_Dynamics_Model.modelStatsDick [humanSpecies] [StatsType.Population];
        speciesValuesTextDick.Add(StatsType.Population, statsValuesList[0]);
        speciesValuesTextDick[StatsType.Population].text = humanPopulation.ToString();
        for (int i = 0; i < statsOrderArray.Length; i++)
            speciesValuesFloatDick.Add(statsOrderArray[i], Pop_Dynamics_Model.modelStatsDick [humanSpecies][statsOrderArray[i]]);
            speciesValuesTextDick.Add(statsOrderArray[i], statsValuesList[i + 1]);
            speciesValuesTextDick[statsOrderArray[i]].text = speciesValuesFloatDick[statsOrderArray[i]].ToString("0.###");
        // Predation
        wolfPredation = Pop_Dynamics_Model.eatRatesDick [Species.Wolves] [humanSpecies];
        speciesValuesTextDick.Add(StatsType.EatRates, statsValuesList [6]);
        speciesValuesTextDick [StatsType.EatRates].text = wolfPredation.ToString("0.###");
Exemple #49
        /// <summary>Sets the species of the player.</summary>
        /// <param name="species">The species the player shall have</param>
        /// <param name="strength">The computer's strength (with default param mainly if the species is Human)</param>
        public void SetSpecies(Species species, ComputerStrength strength = ComputerStrength.Medium)
            _species = species;
            //DEBUG     Logging.Inst.LogMessage(this.ToString() + ": Species set to " + _species + ".\n");

            if (_species == Species.Computer)
                _computerStrength = strength;
            //DEBUG         Logging.Inst.LogMessage(this.ToString() + ": Strength set to " + _computerStrength + ".\n");
        public async Task <PK8?> ReadOwPokemon(Species target, uint startoffset, byte[]?mondata, SAV8 TrainerData, CancellationToken token)
            byte[]? data = null;
            Species species = 0;
            uint    offset  = startoffset;
            int     i       = 0;

            if (target != (Species)0)
                    data = await Connection.ReadBytesAsync(offset, 56, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    species = (Species)BitConverter.ToUInt16(data.Slice(0, 2), 0);
                    offset += 192;
                } while (target != 0 && species != 0 && target != species && i <= 40);
                if (i > 40)
                    data = null;
            else if (mondata != null)
                data    = mondata;
                species = (Species)BitConverter.ToUInt16(data.Slice(0, 2), 0);

            if (data != null && data[20] == 1)
                PK8 pk = new PK8
                    Species      = (int)species,
                    Form         = data[2],
                    CurrentLevel = data[4],
                    Met_Level    = data[4],
                    Gender       = (data[10] == 1) ? 0 : 1,
                    OT_Name      = TrainerData.OT,
                    TID          = TrainerData.TID,
                    SID          = TrainerData.SID,
                    TrainerID7   = TrainerData.TrainerID7,
                    TrainerSID7  = TrainerData.TrainerSID7,
                    OT_Gender    = TrainerData.Gender,
                    HT_Name      = TrainerData.OT,
                    HT_Gender    = TrainerData.Gender,
                    Move1        = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data.Slice(48, 2), 0),
                    Move2        = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data.Slice(50, 2), 0),
                    Move3        = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data.Slice(52, 2), 0),
                    Move4        = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data.Slice(54, 2), 0),
                    Version      = 44,
                pk.SetAbility(data[12] - 1);
                if (data[22] != 255)
                if (!pk.IsGenderValid())
                    pk.Gender = 2;
                if (data[14] == 1)
                    pk.HeldItem = data[16];

                Shiny shinyness = (Shiny)(data[6] + 1);
                int   ivs       = data[18];
                uint  seed      = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data.Slice(24, 4), 0);

                pk = OverworldSWSHRNG.CalculateFromSeed(pk, shinyness, ivs, seed);
Exemple #51
    // TODO: this is likely a huge cause of lag. Would be nice to be able
    // to spawn these so that only one per tick is spawned.
    public static IEnumerable <Microbe> SpawnBacteriaColony(Species species, Vector3 location,
                                                            Node worldRoot, PackedScene microbeScene, CompoundCloudSystem cloudSystem,
                                                            GameProperties currentGame, Random random)
        var curSpawn = new Vector3(random.Next(1, 8), 0, random.Next(1, 8));

        // Three kinds of colonies are supported, line colonies and clump colonies and Networks
        if (random.Next(0, 5) < 2)
            // Clump
            for (int i = 0; i < random.Next(Constants.MIN_BACTERIAL_COLONY_SIZE,
                                            Constants.MAX_BACTERIAL_COLONY_SIZE + 1); i++)
                // Dont spawn them on top of each other because it
                // causes them to bounce around and lag
                yield return(SpawnMicrobe(species, location + curSpawn, worldRoot, microbeScene, true,
                                          cloudSystem, currentGame));

                curSpawn = curSpawn + new Vector3(random.Next(-7, 8), 0, random.Next(-7, 8));
        else if (random.Next(0, 31) > 2)
            // Line
            // Allow for many types of line
            // (I combined the lineX and lineZ here because they have the same values)
            var line = random.Next(-5, 6) + random.Next(-5, 6);

            for (int i = 0; i < random.Next(Constants.MIN_BACTERIAL_LINE_SIZE,
                                            Constants.MAX_BACTERIAL_LINE_SIZE + 1); i++)
                // Dont spawn them on top of each other because it
                // Causes them to bounce around and lag
                yield return(SpawnMicrobe(species, location + curSpawn, worldRoot, microbeScene, true,
                                          cloudSystem, currentGame));

                curSpawn = curSpawn + new Vector3(line + random.Next(-2, 3), 0, line + random.Next(-2, 3));
            // Network
            // Allows for "jungles of cyanobacteria"
            // Network is extremely rare

            // To prevent bacteria being spawned on top of each other
            var vertical = false;

            var colony = new ColonySpawnInfo
                Horizontal   = false,
                Random       = random,
                Species      = species,
                CloudSystem  = cloudSystem,
                CurrentGame  = currentGame,
                CurSpawn     = curSpawn,
                MicrobeScene = microbeScene,
                WorldRoot    = worldRoot,

            for (int i = 0; i < random.Next(Constants.MIN_BACTERIAL_COLONY_SIZE,
                                            Constants.MAX_BACTERIAL_COLONY_SIZE + 1); i++)
                if (random.Next(0, 5) < 2 && !colony.Horizontal)
                    colony.Horizontal = true;
                    vertical          = false;

                    foreach (var microbe in MicrobeColonySpawnHelper(colony, location))
                        yield return(microbe);
                else if (random.Next(0, 5) < 2 && !vertical)
                    colony.Horizontal = false;
                    vertical          = true;

                    foreach (var microbe in MicrobeColonySpawnHelper(colony, location))
                        yield return(microbe);
                else if (random.Next(0, 5) < 2 && !colony.Horizontal)
                    colony.Horizontal = true;
                    vertical          = false;

                    foreach (var microbe in MicrobeColonySpawnHelper(colony, location))
                        yield return(microbe);
                else if (random.Next(0, 5) < 2 && !vertical)
                    colony.Horizontal = false;
                    vertical          = true;

                    foreach (var microbe in MicrobeColonySpawnHelper(colony, location))
                        yield return(microbe);
                    // Diagonal
                    colony.Horizontal = false;
                    vertical          = false;

                    foreach (var microbe in MicrobeColonySpawnHelper(colony, location))
                        yield return(microbe);
Exemple #52
        public GameInfoToSend GetGameInfoToSend(Agent agent)
            GameData       today = this;
            GameInfoToSend gi    = new GameInfoToSend();

            int day = today.Day;

            if (agent != null)
                gi.Agent = agent.AgentIdx;

            GameData yesterday = today.DayBefore;

            if (yesterday != null)
                Agent executed = yesterday.Executed;
                if (executed != null)
                    gi.ExecutedAgent = executed.AgentIdx;

                Agent attacked = yesterday.Attacked;
                if (attacked != null)
                    gi.AttackedAgent = attacked.AgentIdx;

                if (gameSetting.VoteVisible)
                    List <VoteToSend> voteList = new List <VoteToSend>();
                    foreach (Vote vote in yesterday.VoteList)
                        voteList.Add(new VoteToSend(vote));
                    gi.VoteList = voteList;

                if (agent != null && (today.GetRole(agent) == Role.MEDIUM && executed != null))
                    Species result = ((Role)yesterday.GetRole(executed)).GetSpecies();
                    gi.MediumResult = new JudgeToSend(new Judge(day, agent, executed, result));

                if (agent == null || today.GetRole(agent) == Role.SEER)
                    Judge divine = yesterday.Divine;
                    if (divine != null && divine.Target != null)
                        Species result = ((Role)yesterday.GetRole(divine.Target)).GetSpecies();
                        gi.DivineResult = new JudgeToSend(new Judge(day, divine.Agent, divine.Target, result));

                if (agent == null || today.GetRole(agent) == Role.WEREWOLF)
                    List <VoteToSend> attackVoteList = new List <VoteToSend>();
                    foreach (Vote vote in yesterday.AttackVoteList)
                        attackVoteList.Add(new VoteToSend(vote));
                    gi.AttackVoteList = attackVoteList;
                if (agent == null || today.GetRole(agent) == Role.BODYGUARD)
                    Guard guard = yesterday.Guard;
                    if (guard != null)
                        gi.GuardedAgent = guard.Target.AgentIdx;
            List <TalkToSend> talkList = new List <TalkToSend>();

            foreach (Talk talk in today.TalkList)
                talkList.Add(new TalkToSend(talk));
            gi.TalkList = talkList;

            Dictionary <int, string> statusMap = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            foreach (Agent a in agentStatusMap.Keys)
                statusMap[a.AgentIdx] = agentStatusMap[a].ToString();
            gi.StatusMap = statusMap;

            Dictionary <int, string> roleMap = new Dictionary <int, string>();
            Role?role = (Role?)agentRoleMap[agent];

            if (Role.WEREWOLF == role || agent == null)
                List <TalkToSend> whisperList = new List <TalkToSend>();
                foreach (Talk talk in today.WhisperList)
                    whisperList.Add(new TalkToSend(talk));
                gi.WhisperList = whisperList;

            if (role != null)
                roleMap[agent.AgentIdx] = role.ToString();
                if (today.GetRole(agent) == Role.WEREWOLF)
                    foreach (Agent target in today.AgentList)
                        if (today.GetRole(target) == Role.WEREWOLF)
                            roleMap[target.AgentIdx] = Role.WEREWOLF.ToString();
                if (today.GetRole(agent) == Role.FREEMASON)
                    foreach (Agent target in today.AgentList)
                        if (today.GetRole(target) == Role.FREEMASON)
                            roleMap[target.AgentIdx] = Role.FREEMASON.ToString();
            gi.RoleMap = roleMap;
            gi.Day     = day;

Exemple #53
    public bool startTurn()
        int count = 0;
        count = Client.getMappableCount(connection);
        mappables = new Mappable[count];
        for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
          mappables[i] = new Mappable(Client.getMappable(connection, i));
        count = Client.getTileCount(connection);
        tiles = new Tile[count];
        for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
          tiles[i] = new Tile(Client.getTile(connection, i));
        count = Client.getSpeciesCount(connection);
        speciesList = new Species[count];
        for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
          speciesList[i] = new Species(Client.getSpecies(connection, i));
        count = Client.getFishCount(connection);
        fishes = new Fish[count];
        for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
          fishes[i] = new Fish(Client.getFish(connection, i));
        count = Client.getPlayerCount(connection);
        players = new Player[count];
        for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
          players[i] = new Player(Client.getPlayer(connection, i));

          initialized = true;
        return run();
Exemple #54
        private void btnRunSim_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            btnOpenMenu.Visible = true;
            openMenu            = new Thread(() =>
                for (int i = 0; i >= -190; i = i - 3)
                    moveMenu(i, 0, pnlMenu);
            if (!simRunning)
                simRunning     = true;
                btnRunSim.Text = "Running...";
                #region species
                var cageIds = from loc in locations
                              where !(loc.Cage.Equals(null))
                              select loc;
                List <Location> tempLoc = new List <Location>();
                foreach (Location item in cageIds)
                int       counters = 0;
                Species[] spacess  = new Species[tempLoc.Count];
                int       counting = 0;
                foreach (Location item in tempLoc)
                    foreach (Animal item2 in animals)
                        if (item.ID == item2.LocationID && (!spacess.Contains(item2.Species)))
                            spacess[counting] = item2.Species;
                Species[] space = new Species[counting];
                for (int i = 0; i < counting; i++)
                    space[i] = spacess[i];
                double[] slowestAnimalEat = new double[counting];
                for (int i = 0; i < slowestAnimalEat.Length; i++)
                    foreach (Animal item in animals)
                        if (item.Species.Equals(species[i]) && item.EatingTime > slowestAnimalEat[i])
                            slowestAnimalEat[i] = item.EatingTime;
                Thread runSim = new Thread(() =>
                    addToActionsLst("Running Simulation...");
                    addToActionsLst("All Gates Opened...");
                    #region sort
                    for (int pass = 1; pass <= space.Length - 2; pass++)
                        for (int i = 0; i <= space.Length - 2; i++)
                            if (slowestAnimalEat[i] > slowestAnimalEat[i + 1])
                                double temp             = slowestAnimalEat[i + 1];
                                Species spec            = space[i + 1];
                                slowestAnimalEat[i + 1] = slowestAnimalEat[i];
                                space[i + 1]            = space[i];
                                slowestAnimalEat[i]     = temp;
                                space[i] = spec;
                    for (int i = 0; i < space.Length; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < space.Length; j++)
                            if (i == j)
                                addToActionsLst(space[j].AnimalName + "s are walking to the Feeding Area");
                                addToActionsLst(space[j].AnimalName + "s have been diverted");
                        Thread.Sleep((int)((10 - space[i].Speed) * 1000));
                        addToActionsLst(space[i].AnimalName + "s are eating");
                        Thread.Sleep((int)slowestAnimalEat[i] * 2000);
                        addToActionsLst(space[i].AnimalName + "s are walking back");
                        Thread.Sleep((int)((10 - space[i].Speed) * 1000));
                    addToActionsLst("All animals have eaten and are back in their respective Cages");
                    addToActionsLst("...All gates Closed");

                    simRunning = false;
                    // btnRunSim.Text = "Run Simulation";
 public async Task HandleAsync(CreateSpeciesCommand command)
     var species = new Species(command.Name, command.AnimalClass, command.ConsumeType);
     await _repository.AddSpecies(species);
    public static int Main(string[] args)
        if (args.Length != 1)
            Console.Write(Environment.NewLine + "Usage: printAnnotation filename" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);

        int          i, j;
        string       filename = args[0];
        SBMLDocument document;

        document = libsbml.readSBML(filename);

        int errors = (int)document.getNumErrors();

        Console.Write("filename: " + filename + Environment.NewLine);

        if (errors > 0)


        /* Model */

        Model m = document.getModel();


        for (i = 0; i < m.getNumReactions(); i++)
            Reaction re = m.getReaction(i);

            /* SpeciesReference (Reacatant) */

            for (j = 0; j < re.getNumReactants(); j++)
                SpeciesReference rt = re.getReactant(j);
                if (rt.isSetAnnotation())
                    Console.Write("   ");
                printAnnotation(rt, (rt.isSetSpecies() ? rt.getSpecies() : ""));

            /* SpeciesReference (Product) */

            for (j = 0; j < re.getNumProducts(); j++)
                SpeciesReference rt = re.getProduct(j);
                if (rt.isSetAnnotation())
                    Console.Write("   ");
                printAnnotation(rt, (rt.isSetSpecies() ? rt.getSpecies() : ""));

            /* ModifierSpeciesReference (Modifiers) */

            for (j = 0; j < re.getNumModifiers(); j++)
                ModifierSpeciesReference md = re.getModifier(j);
                if (md.isSetAnnotation())
                    Console.Write("   ");
                printAnnotation(md, (md.isSetSpecies() ? md.getSpecies() : ""));

            /* KineticLaw */

            if (re.isSetKineticLaw())
                KineticLaw kl = re.getKineticLaw();
                if (kl.isSetAnnotation())
                    Console.Write("   ");

                /* Parameter */

                for (j = 0; j < kl.getNumParameters(); j++)
                    Parameter pa = kl.getParameter(j);
                    if (pa.isSetAnnotation())
                        Console.Write("      ");

        /* Species */

        for (i = 0; i < m.getNumSpecies(); i++)
            Species sp = m.getSpecies(i);

        /* Compartments */

        for (i = 0; i < m.getNumCompartments(); i++)
            Compartment sp = m.getCompartment(i);

        /* FunctionDefinition */

        for (i = 0; i < m.getNumFunctionDefinitions(); i++)
            FunctionDefinition sp = m.getFunctionDefinition(i);

        /* UnitDefinition */

        for (i = 0; i < m.getNumUnitDefinitions(); i++)
            UnitDefinition sp = m.getUnitDefinition(i);

        /* Parameter */

        for (i = 0; i < m.getNumParameters(); i++)
            Parameter sp = m.getParameter(i);

        /* Rule */

        for (i = 0; i < m.getNumRules(); i++)
            Rule sp = m.getRule(i);

        /* InitialAssignment */

        for (i = 0; i < m.getNumInitialAssignments(); i++)
            InitialAssignment sp = m.getInitialAssignment(i);

        /* Event */

        for (i = 0; i < m.getNumEvents(); i++)
            Event sp = m.getEvent(i);

            /* Trigger */

            if (sp.isSetTrigger())
                Trigger tg = sp.getTrigger();
                if (tg.isSetAnnotation())
                    Console.Write("   ");

            /* Delay */

            if (sp.isSetDelay())
                Delay dl = sp.getDelay();
                if (dl.isSetAnnotation())
                    Console.Write("   ");

            /* EventAssignment */

            for (j = 0; j < sp.getNumEventAssignments(); j++)
                EventAssignment ea = sp.getEventAssignment(j);
                if (ea.isSetAnnotation())
                    Console.Write("   ");

        /* SpeciesType */

        for (i = 0; i < m.getNumSpeciesTypes(); i++)
            SpeciesType sp = m.getSpeciesType(i);

        /* Constraints */

        for (i = 0; i < m.getNumConstraints(); i++)
            Constraint sp = m.getConstraint(i);

 /// <summary>
 /// Report result of divine.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="target"></param>
 /// <param name="species"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static string Divined(Agent target, Species species)
     string[] split = { Topic.DIVINED.ToString(), (target != null) ? target.ToString() : "null", species.ToString() };
     return WordAttachment(split);
 public Task Add(Species species)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemple #59
 public void Attach(Species model)
     RunInTransaction(session => session.SaveOrUpdate(model));
Exemple #60
 public PartSpeciesStruct(PartType _type, Species _species)
     type    = _type;
     species = _species;