/// <summary>Updates players' quest logs to add/remove each entry in <see cref="SpecialOrders"/>, depending on whether their conditions are met.</summary>
        private static void UpdateSpecialOrders()
            foreach (var entry in SpecialOrders) //for each entry in the special orders list
                List <int> seenEvents;
                List <int> notSeenEvents;

                    //try to parse this order's conditions
                    seenEvents    = ParseEventsString(entry.HasSeenEvents);
                    notSeenEvents = ParseEventsString(entry.HasNotSeenEvents);
                catch (Exception ex) //if the conditions couldn't be parsed
                    Monitor.Log($"Failed to parse event ID lists for this special order: \"{entry.OrderKey}\". The order won't be added/removed until this error is fixed. Full error message: \n{ex.ToString()}", LogLevel.Error);
                    continue; //skip to the next order

                bool allConditionsMet = true; //true if players meet all the required conditions for this order

                //prepare log message data
                string unmetSeenEvents    = "";
                string unmetNotSeenEvents = "";

                foreach (int seenEvent in seenEvents)                                                        //for each event the players must have seen
                    if (Game1.getAllFarmers().Any(farmer => farmer.eventsSeen.Contains(seenEvent)) == false) //if NO players have seen this event
                        unmetSeenEvents += $" {seenEvent}";
                        allConditionsMet = false;

                foreach (int notSeenEvent in notSeenEvents)                                                    //for each event the players must NOT have seen
                    if (Game1.getAllFarmers().Any(farmer => farmer.eventsSeen.Contains(notSeenEvent)) == true) //if any player has seen this event
                        unmetNotSeenEvents += $" {notSeenEvent}";
                        allConditionsMet    = false;

                if (allConditionsMet && Game1.player.team.completedSpecialOrders.ContainsKey(entry.OrderKey) == false) //if conditions are met AND the players have NOT completed this order
                    if (Game1.player.team.SpecialOrderActive(entry.OrderKey) == false)                                 //if the players do not already have this order
                        Monitor.Log($"Adding special order \"{entry.OrderKey}\" to quest logs. All conditions met; order has not been completed yet.", LogLevel.Trace);
                        SpecialOrder order = SpecialOrder.GetSpecialOrder(entry.OrderKey, null); //create this order
                        Game1.player.team.specialOrders.Add(order);                              //add it to the players' quest logs
                else //if conditions are NOT met OR players have completed this order
                    for (int x = Game1.player.team.specialOrders.Count - 1; x >= 0; x--) //for each of the players' special orders (looping backward for easier removal)
                        SpecialOrder order = Game1.player.team.specialOrders[x];          //get the current order
                        if (order.questKey.Value.Equals(entry.OrderKey) && //if this is the same order
                            order.questState.Value == SpecialOrder.QuestState.InProgress) //AND this order is currently active
                            Monitor.Log($"Removing special order \"{entry.OrderKey}\" from quest logs. Reason(s):", LogLevel.Trace);
                            if (unmetSeenEvents?.Length > 0 || unmetNotSeenEvents.Length > 0) //if any conditions were unmet
                                Monitor.Log($"  Unmet \"HasSeenEvent\" conditions:{unmetSeenEvents}", LogLevel.Trace);
                                Monitor.Log($"  Unmet \"HasNotSeenEvent\" conditions:{unmetNotSeenEvents}", LogLevel.Trace);
                            else //if no unmet conditions were documented (i.e. this was removed because it was completed already)
                                Monitor.Log($"  All conditions met; order may have already been completed.", LogLevel.Trace);

                            order.OnFail();                              //perform "failure" behaviors before removal, e.g. refunding resources
                            Game1.player.team.specialOrders.RemoveAt(x); //remove the order from the players' quest logs