Exemple #1
    IEnumerator Pause(float time)
        canSpawnCoin = true;
        curTime      = 0 - time;
        SpawnState   = SpawnSequence.Obstacle;
        modifier    = 0;
        startSpeed += 0.5f;
        SpawnObject(coin, 10, 1.5f);
        //Start new Voiceover here
        //VOTime = Voiceover.length
        while (time > 0)
            speed = Mathf.Lerp(speed, startSpeed, 0.1f);
            //  darkFogScript.AdjustSpeed(-0.1f);
            yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

            time -= Time.deltaTime;
        if (VOCounter < VOs.Length - 1)
            Debug.LogWarning("No more sounds files! DO SOMETHING!");
        canSpawn = true;
        spawnTime = 1f;
Exemple #2
    public SpawnSequence Clone()
        //SpawnSequence newSpawnSequence = new SpawnSequence();

        SpawnSequence newSpawnSequence = CreateInstance <SpawnSequence>();

        newSpawnSequence.playerSpawnLocation = this.playerSpawnLocation;
        newSpawnSequence.hazardSpawnSteps    = new SpawnStep[this.hazardSpawnSteps.Length];

        for (int i = 0; i < this.hazardSpawnSteps.Length; i++)
            newSpawnSequence.hazardSpawnSteps[i] = this.hazardSpawnSteps[i];

    //private void RegisterStartSequence()

    public void RegisterEndSequence(SpawnSequence sequence)
        if (m_currentSequenceIndex >= m_sequnces.m_sequences.Count)
            if (m_repeatSequences)
                m_currentSequenceIndex = 0;
                m_isActive = false;
    /// <summary>
    /// Reads an XML that contains the spawning scenarios and places them into the database.
    /// </summary>
    private void Load_SpawnScenarios()
        string textData = ((TextAsset)Resources.Load("SpawnScenarios")).text;
        XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

        xmlDoc.Load(new StringReader(textData));
        string      xmlPathPattern = "//SpawnScenarios/scenario";
        XmlNodeList nodeList       = xmlDoc.SelectNodes(xmlPathPattern);

        everySpawnScenario = new Dictionary <string, SpawnScenario>();
        SpawnScenario ssN;

        foreach (XmlNode node in nodeList)
            ssN = new SpawnScenario();
            ssN.name = node.FirstChild.InnerXml;
            foreach (XmlNode entry in node.SelectNodes("entry"))
                XmlNode o = entry.FirstChild;
                // Debug.Log("Node is: " + o.Name + " (" + o.InnerXml + ")");
                SpawnSequence sequence = QuerySpawnSequence(o.InnerXml);
                o = o.NextSibling;
                float xx = float.Parse(o.InnerXml);
                o = o.NextSibling;
                float yy = float.Parse(o.InnerXml);
                o = o.NextSibling;
                float timing = float.Parse(o.InnerXml);
                Debug.Log(timing + " timing");
                ssN.Add(new SpawnSequenceRunner(sequence, new Vector2(xx, yy)), timing);
            everySpawnScenario.Add(ssN.name, ssN);

        foreach (SpawnScenario Q in everySpawnScenario.Values)
            Debug.Log("Entry: " + Q.name);
    /// <summary>
    /// Reads an XML that contains spawn sequences and places them into the database.
    /// </summary>
    private void Load_SpawnSequences()
        string textData = ((TextAsset)Resources.Load("SpawnSequences")).text;
        XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

        xmlDoc.Load(new StringReader(textData));
        string      xmlPathPattern = "//SpawnSequences/sequence";
        XmlNodeList nodeList       = xmlDoc.SelectNodes(xmlPathPattern);

        everySpawnSequence = new Dictionary <string, SpawnSequence>();
        SpawnSequence ss;

        foreach (XmlNode node in nodeList)
            ss = new SpawnSequence();
            ss.name = node.FirstChild.InnerXml;
            foreach (XmlNode entry in node.SelectNodes("entry"))
                XmlNode o = entry.FirstChild;
                // Debug.Log("Node is: " + o.Name + " (" + o.InnerXml + ")");
                Creep.CreepTypes creepType = (Creep.CreepTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(Creep.CreepTypes), o.InnerXml);
                o = o.NextSibling;
                float timing = float.Parse(o.InnerXml);
                ss.Add(new SpawnSequenceData(creepType, timing));
            everySpawnSequence.Add(ss.name, ss);

        foreach (SpawnSequence Q in everySpawnSequence.Values)
            Debug.Log("Entry: " + Q.name);
 public SpawnSequenceRunner(SpawnSequence ss, Vector2 spot)
     sequence = ss;
     location = spot;
Exemple #7
    void Load(XmlNode node)
        if (node.Attributes == null)

        XmlAttributeCollection map = node.Attributes;
        int i = 0;

        if (node.Name == "Podstavi")
            if (XmlNodeType.Element == node.NodeType)
                foreach (XmlNode attrnode in map)
                    if (attrnode.Name == "count")
                        int count = int.Parse(attrnode.Value);
                        spSeq   = new SpawnSequence[count];
                        spSeqId = -1;

        if (node.Name == "LesoPodstavi")
            inTheForest = true;
            if (XmlNodeType.Element == node.NodeType)
                foreach (XmlNode attrnode in map)
                    if (attrnode.Name == "count")
                        int count = int.Parse(attrnode.Value);
                        forestSeq = new SpawnSequence[count];
                        spSeqId   = -1;

        if (node.Name == "SpawnSequence")
            id = -1;
            if (XmlNodeType.Element == node.NodeType)
                foreach (XmlNode attrnode in map)
                    if (attrnode.Name == "count")
                        int count = int.Parse(attrnode.Value);
                        spSeq[spSeqId] = new SpawnSequence(count);

                        for (; i < count; i++)
                            spSeq[spSeqId].spawnData[i] = new SpawnData();
                    else if (attrnode.Name == "free")
                        spSeq[spSeqId].free = bool.Parse(attrnode.Value);
        if (node.Name == "ForestSequence")
            id = -1;
            if (XmlNodeType.Element == node.NodeType)
                foreach (XmlNode attrnode in map)
                    if (attrnode.Name == "count")
                        int count = int.Parse(attrnode.Value);
                        forestSeq[spSeqId] = new SpawnSequence(count);
                        for (; i < count; i++)
                            forestSeq[spSeqId].spawnData[i] = new SpawnData();
                    else if (attrnode.Name == "free")
                        forestSeq[spSeqId].free = bool.Parse(attrnode.Value);
        else if (node.Name == "SpawnData")
            if (XmlNodeType.Element == node.NodeType)
                foreach (XmlNode attrnode in map)
                    if (attrnode.Name == "time")
                        if (inTheForest)
                            forestSeq[spSeqId].spawnData[id].time = float.Parse(attrnode.Value);
                            spSeq[spSeqId].spawnData[id].time = float.Parse(attrnode.Value);
        else if (node.Name == "EntityData")
            carId = 0;
            if (XmlNodeType.Element == node.NodeType)
                foreach (XmlNode attrnode in map)
                    if (attrnode.Name == "line")
                        line = int.Parse(attrnode.Value);
                    else if (attrnode.Name == "count")
                        int count = int.Parse(attrnode.Value);
                        forestSeq[spSeqId].spawnData[id].lineData[line] = new LineData(count);

                        for (; i < count; i++)
                            forestSeq[spSeqId].spawnData[id].lineData[line].carData[i] = new CarData();
        else if (node.Name == "CarData")
            carId = 0;
            if (XmlNodeType.Element == node.NodeType)
                foreach (XmlNode attrnode in map)
                    if (attrnode.Name == "line")
                        line = int.Parse(attrnode.Value);
                    else if (attrnode.Name == "count")
                        int count = int.Parse(attrnode.Value);
                        spSeq[spSeqId].spawnData[id].lineData[line] = new LineData(count);

                        for (; i < count; i++)
                            spSeq[spSeqId].spawnData[id].lineData[line].carData[i] = new CarData();
        else if (node.Name == "Car")
            if (XmlNodeType.Element == node.NodeType)
                foreach (XmlNode attrnode in map)
                    if (attrnode.Name == "speed")
                        float speed = float.Parse(attrnode.Value);
                        spSeq[spSeqId].spawnData[id].lineData[line].carData[carId].carspeed = speed;
                    else if (attrnode.Name == "dist")
                        float dist = float.Parse(attrnode.Value);
                        spSeq[spSeqId].spawnData[id].lineData[line].carData[carId].dist = dist;
                    else if (attrnode.Name == "type")
                        Type type = parseType(attrnode.Value);
                        spSeq[spSeqId].spawnData[id].lineData[line].carData[carId].type = type;
                    else if (attrnode.Name == "bonusId")
                        int bonusId = int.Parse(attrnode.Value);
                        spSeq[spSeqId].spawnData[id].lineData[line].carData[carId].bonusId = bonusId;
        else if (node.Name == "Entity")
            if (XmlNodeType.Element == node.NodeType)
                foreach (XmlNode attrnode in map)
                    if (attrnode.Name == "speed")
                        float speed = float.Parse(attrnode.Value);
                        forestSeq[spSeqId].spawnData[id].lineData[line].carData[carId].carspeed = speed;
                    else if (attrnode.Name == "dist")
                        float dist = float.Parse(attrnode.Value);
                        forestSeq[spSeqId].spawnData[id].lineData[line].carData[carId].dist = dist;
                    else if (attrnode.Name == "type")
                        Type type = parseType(attrnode.Value);
                        forestSeq[spSeqId].spawnData[id].lineData[line].carData[carId].type = type;
                    else if (attrnode.Name == "bonusId")
                        int bonusId = int.Parse(attrnode.Value);
                        forestSeq[spSeqId].spawnData[id].lineData[line].carData[carId].bonusId = bonusId;