Exemple #1
    IEnumerator SpawnEnemyFromRope()
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f));

        SpawnRect spawnRect = playerEntity.spawnRect;

        spawnRect.rect.x += playerEntity.moveVelocity.x;
        spawnRect.rect.y += playerEntity.moveVelocity.z;

        Vector3 spawnPos = mapGen.GetSpawnPositionInRect(spawnRect) + Vector3.up;

        if (spawnPos != (Vector3.one * -1))//-1 Vector means the map wasn't able to find any available position, so just return and train again after 1 sec
            Vector3   startSpawnPos = spawnPos + Vector3.up * 20f;
            Transform enemyT        = PoolManager.instance.ReuseObject(enemy.gameObject, startSpawnPos, Quaternion.Euler(0f, Random.Range(0f, 360f), 0f)).transform;
            enemyT.GetComponent <Enemy>().SetCharacteristics(currentWave.moveSpeed, currentWave.hitsToKillPlayer, currentWave.enemyHealth);
            Transform rope = ((Rope)Instantiate(enemyT.GetComponent <Enemy>().rope, startSpawnPos, Quaternion.identity)).transform;

            PandaBehaviour panda = enemyT.GetComponent <PandaBehaviour>();
            panda.enabled = false;

            float percent      = 0f;
            float ropeVelocity = 1 / 0.3f;
            while (percent < 1)
                percent      += ropeVelocity * Time.deltaTime;
                rope.position = Vector3.Lerp(startSpawnPos, spawnPos, percent);
                yield return(null);

            percent = 0;
            float climbDownVel = 1 / 1.5f;
            while (percent < 1)
                percent        += climbDownVel * Time.deltaTime;
                enemyT.position = Vector3.Lerp(startSpawnPos, spawnPos, percent);
                yield return(null);

            Enemy spawnedEnemy = enemyT.GetComponent <Enemy>();

            spawnedEnemy.OnDeath += OnEnemyDeath;
            enemyT.position       = spawnPos;
            panda.enabled         = true;
            Destroy(rope.gameObject, 2);
Exemple #2
    public Vector3 GetSpawnPositionInRect(SpawnRect rect, float overlapBoxDimension = 2f)
        Coord bottomLeft  = GetTileFromPosition(rect.bottomLeft);
        Coord bottomRight = GetTileFromPosition(rect.bottomRight);
        Coord topLeft     = GetTileFromPosition(rect.topLeft);

        SetSpawnPoints(bottomLeft.x, bottomRight.x, bottomLeft.y, topLeft.y, tileSize, overlapBoxDimension);

        if (shuffledSpawnPoints.Count <= 0)
            return(Vector3.one * -1);

        Coord spawnCoord = shuffledSpawnPoints.Dequeue();

        return(CoordToPosition(spawnCoord.x, spawnCoord.y));