Exemple #1
        void calculatePosition(SpatialEventData data, double timeChangeSeconds)
            Vector3 accelForcesBody = new Vector3(data.Acceleration[0], data.Acceleration[2], -data.Acceleration[1]);
            Vector3 accelForcesRef  = Matrix3x3.Multiply(accelForcesBody, p.rotMatrix);

            Vector3 accelForcesRefWithoutGravity = Vector3.Subtract(accelForcesRef, gravityRef);

            //convert from g's to m/s^2 - also, X is backwards
            accelForcesRefWithoutGravity.X = accelForcesRefWithoutGravity.X * g;
            accelForcesRefWithoutGravity.Y = -accelForcesRefWithoutGravity.Y * g;
            accelForcesRefWithoutGravity.Z = accelForcesRefWithoutGravity.Z * g;

            //Integrate accelerations into velocities in m/s: v2 = v1 + at
            velocities.X += timeChangeSeconds * accelForcesRefWithoutGravity.X;
            velocities.Y += timeChangeSeconds * accelForcesRefWithoutGravity.Y;
            velocities.Z += timeChangeSeconds * accelForcesRefWithoutGravity.Z;

            //Integrate velocities into positions in m: s2 = s1 + v2t
            positions.X += timeChangeSeconds * velocities.X;
            positions.Y += timeChangeSeconds * velocities.Y;
            positions.Z += timeChangeSeconds * velocities.Z;

            TimeSpan passed = DateTime.Now.Subtract(timer);

            //print every 50 ms
            if (passed.TotalMilliseconds > milliseconds + 50)
                milliseconds = passed.TotalMilliseconds;

                xVelTxt.Text = velocities.X.ToString("F4");
                yVelTxt.Text = velocities.Y.ToString("F4");
                zVelTxt.Text = velocities.Z.ToString("F4");

                xPosnTxt.Text = positions.X.ToString("F4");
                yPosnTxt.Text = positions.Y.ToString("F4");
                zPosnTxt.Text = positions.Z.ToString("F4");

                xAccelTxt.Text = accelForcesRefWithoutGravity.X.ToString("F4");
                yAccelTxt.Text = accelForcesRefWithoutGravity.Y.ToString("F4");
                zAccelTxt.Text = accelForcesRefWithoutGravity.Z.ToString("F4");

                totVelTxt.Text   = Vector3.Length(velocities).ToString("F4");
                totPosnTxt.Text  = Vector3.Length(positions).ToString("F4");
                totAccelTxt.Text = Vector3.Length(accelForcesRefWithoutGravity).ToString("F4");

                timeTxt.Text = "" + passed.Minutes.ToString().PadLeft(2) + ":" + passed.Seconds.ToString().PadLeft(2) + "." + passed.Milliseconds.ToString().PadLeft(2);
Exemple #2
        void calculatePosition(SpatialEventData data, double timeChangeSeconds)
            Vector3 accelForcesBody = new Vector3(data.Acceleration[0], data.Acceleration[2], -data.Acceleration[1]);
            Vector3 accelForcesRef = Matrix3x3.Multiply(accelForcesBody, p.rotMatrix);

            Vector3 accelForcesRefWithoutGravity = Vector3.Subtract(accelForcesRef, gravityRef);

            //convert from g's to m/s^2 - also, X is backwards
            accelForcesRefWithoutGravity.X = accelForcesRefWithoutGravity.X * g;
            accelForcesRefWithoutGravity.Y = -accelForcesRefWithoutGravity.Y * g;
            accelForcesRefWithoutGravity.Z = accelForcesRefWithoutGravity.Z * g;

            //Integrate accelerations into velocities in m/s: v2 = v1 + at
            velocities.X += timeChangeSeconds * accelForcesRefWithoutGravity.X;
            velocities.Y += timeChangeSeconds * accelForcesRefWithoutGravity.Y;
            velocities.Z += timeChangeSeconds * accelForcesRefWithoutGravity.Z;

            //Integrate velocities into positions in m: s2 = s1 + v2t
            positions.X += timeChangeSeconds * velocities.X;
            positions.Y += timeChangeSeconds * velocities.Y;
            positions.Z += timeChangeSeconds * velocities.Z;

            TimeSpan passed = DateTime.Now.Subtract(timer);

            //print every 50 ms
            if (passed.TotalMilliseconds > milliseconds + 50)
                milliseconds = passed.TotalMilliseconds;

                xVelTxt.Text = velocities.X.ToString("F4");
                yVelTxt.Text = velocities.Y.ToString("F4");
                zVelTxt.Text = velocities.Z.ToString("F4");

                xPosnTxt.Text = positions.X.ToString("F4");
                yPosnTxt.Text = positions.Y.ToString("F4");
                zPosnTxt.Text = positions.Z.ToString("F4");

                xAccelTxt.Text = accelForcesRefWithoutGravity.X.ToString("F4");
                yAccelTxt.Text = accelForcesRefWithoutGravity.Y.ToString("F4");
                zAccelTxt.Text = accelForcesRefWithoutGravity.Z.ToString("F4");

                totVelTxt.Text = Vector3.Length(velocities).ToString("F4");
                totPosnTxt.Text = Vector3.Length(positions).ToString("F4");
                totAccelTxt.Text = Vector3.Length(accelForcesRefWithoutGravity).ToString("F4");

                timeTxt.Text = "" + passed.Minutes.ToString().PadLeft(2) + ":" + passed.Seconds.ToString().PadLeft(2) + "." + passed.Milliseconds.ToString().PadLeft(2);
Exemple #3
        void calculateAttitude(SpatialEventData data, double timeChangeSeconds)
            Vector3 rots = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

            foreach(double angRate in data.AngularRate)
                if ((angRate >= 400) || (angRate <= -400))
                    Pipeline.fillpen = Color.Red;
                    overRotsTxt.Text = overRotCount.ToString();

            rots.X = -(timeChangeSeconds * data.AngularRate[0] * Math.PI / 180);
            rots.Y = -(timeChangeSeconds * data.AngularRate[2] * Math.PI / 180);
            rots.Z = (timeChangeSeconds * data.AngularRate[1] * Math.PI / 180);

            Matrix3x3 nextRotMatrix = Math3D.nextRotMatrix2(p.rotMatrix, rots);

            TimeSpan passed = DateTime.Now.Subtract(timer);

            //accumulate magnetic data
            if (data.MagneticField.Length > 0)
                magTemp.X += data.MagneticField[0];
                magTemp.Y += data.MagneticField[2];
                magTemp.Z -= data.MagneticField[1];

                //factor into rotations at some interval
                if (passed.TotalMilliseconds > milliseconds2 + 100)
                    milliseconds2 = passed.TotalMilliseconds;
                    //convert vector in reference frame to body frame
                    Vector3 expectedMag = Matrix3x3.Multiply(magRef, Matrix3x3.Transpose(nextRotMatrix));

                    //actual magnetic vector
                    magTemp.X /= magSamplesTaken;
                    magTemp.Y /= magSamplesTaken;
                    magTemp.Z /= magSamplesTaken;

                    magSamplesTaken = 0;

                    if (doMag)
                        //find the angles between the two magnetic vectors. This gives a rotation matrix
                        Matrix3x3 magRot = Math3D.getRotationMatrix(magTemp, expectedMag);

                        //If these are off, it's because of slight errors - these are no longer Rotation matrices, strictly speaking
                        //The determinant should be 1
                        double det = Matrix3x3.Determinant(magRot);
                        //This should give an Identity matrix
                        Matrix3x3 I = Matrix3x3.Multiply(Matrix3x3.Transpose(magRot), magRot);

                        Vector3 magTempRot = Matrix3x3.Multiply(magTemp, magRot);

                        Vector3 magDiff = Vector3.Subtract(Vector3.Normalize(magTemp), Vector3.Normalize(expectedMag));

                        // These should be close to 0
                        xMagdiffTxt.Text = (magDiff.X * 180.0 / Math.PI).ToString("F4");
                        yMagdiffTxt.Text = (magDiff.Y * 180.0 / Math.PI).ToString("F4");
                        zMagdiffTxt.Text = (magDiff.Z * 180.0 / Math.PI).ToString("F4");

                        totMagDivTxt.Text = (Math.Acos(Vector3.DotProduct(Vector3.Normalize(magTemp), Vector3.Normalize(expectedMag))) * 180.0 / Math.PI).ToString("F4");

                        //correct the rotation matrix
                        if (compassCorrections.Checked)
                            nextRotMatrix = Matrix3x3.Normalize(Matrix3x3.Multiply(Matrix3x3.Normalize(nextRotMatrix), Matrix3x3.Normalize(magRot)));

                    magTemp.X = 0;
                    magTemp.Y = 0;
                    magTemp.Z = 0;
                    doMag = true;

            p.rotMatrix = nextRotMatrix;
Exemple #4
        //This integrates gyro angular rate into heading over time
        void calculateGyroHeading(SpatialEventData[] data, int index)
            double gyro = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                gyro = data[i].AngularRate[index];

                if (lastMsCountGood[index])
                    //calculate heading
                    double timechange = data[i].Timestamp.TotalMilliseconds - lastMsCount[index]; // in ms
                    double timeChangeSeconds = (double)timechange / 1000.0;

                    //if (index == 0)
                    //    Console.WriteLine("X Gyro rate: " + gyro.ToString() + " Time: " + timeChangeSeconds.ToString() + ", " + data[i].Timestamp.TotalMilliseconds.ToString());

                    gyroHeading[index] += timeChangeSeconds * gyro;

                lastMsCount[index] = data[i].Timestamp.TotalMilliseconds;
                lastMsCountGood[index] = true;
Exemple #5
        void calculateAttitude(SpatialEventData data, double timeChangeSeconds)
            Vector3 rots = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

            foreach (double angRate in data.AngularRate)
                if ((angRate >= phid.gyroAxes[0].AngularRateMax) || (angRate <= phid.gyroAxes[0].AngularRateMin))
                    Pipeline.fillpen = Color.Red;
                    overRotsTxt.Text = overRotCount.ToString();

            rots.X = -(timeChangeSeconds * data.AngularRate[0] * Math.PI / 180);
            rots.Y = -(timeChangeSeconds * data.AngularRate[2] * Math.PI / 180);
            rots.Z = (timeChangeSeconds * data.AngularRate[1] * Math.PI / 180);

            Matrix3x3 nextRotMatrix = Math3D.nextRotMatrix2(p.rotMatrix, rots);

            TimeSpan passed = DateTime.Now.Subtract(timer);

            //accumulate magnetic data
            if (data.MagneticField.Length > 0)
                magTemp.X += data.MagneticField[0];
                magTemp.Y += data.MagneticField[2];
                magTemp.Z -= data.MagneticField[1];

                //factor into rotations at some interval
                if (passed.TotalMilliseconds > milliseconds2 + 100)
                    milliseconds2 = passed.TotalMilliseconds;
                    //convert vector in reference frame to body frame
                    Vector3 expectedMag = Matrix3x3.Multiply(magRef, Matrix3x3.Transpose(nextRotMatrix));

                    //actual magnetic vector
                    magTemp.X /= magSamplesTaken;
                    magTemp.Y /= magSamplesTaken;
                    magTemp.Z /= magSamplesTaken;

                    magSamplesTaken = 0;

                    if (doMag)
                        //find the angles between the two magnetic vectors. This gives a rotation matrix
                        Matrix3x3 magRot = Math3D.getRotationMatrix(magTemp, expectedMag);

                        //If these are off, it's because of slight errors - these are no longer Rotation matrices, strictly speaking
                        //The determinant should be 1
                        double det = Matrix3x3.Determinant(magRot);
                        //This should give an Identity matrix
                        Matrix3x3 I = Matrix3x3.Multiply(Matrix3x3.Transpose(magRot), magRot);

                        Vector3 magTempRot = Matrix3x3.Multiply(magTemp, magRot);

                        Vector3 magDiff = Vector3.Subtract(Vector3.Normalize(magTemp), Vector3.Normalize(expectedMag));

                        // These should be close to 0
                        xMagdiffTxt.Text = (magDiff.X * 180.0 / Math.PI).ToString("F4");
                        yMagdiffTxt.Text = (magDiff.Y * 180.0 / Math.PI).ToString("F4");
                        zMagdiffTxt.Text = (magDiff.Z * 180.0 / Math.PI).ToString("F4");

                        totMagDivTxt.Text = (Math.Acos(Vector3.DotProduct(Vector3.Normalize(magTemp), Vector3.Normalize(expectedMag))) * 180.0 / Math.PI).ToString("F4");

                        //correct the rotation matrix
                        if (compassCorrections.Checked)
                            nextRotMatrix = Matrix3x3.Normalize(Matrix3x3.Multiply(Matrix3x3.Normalize(nextRotMatrix), Matrix3x3.Normalize(magRot)));
                    magTemp.X = 0;
                    magTemp.Y = 0;
                    magTemp.Z = 0;
                    doMag     = true;

            p.rotMatrix = nextRotMatrix;