Exemple #1
        public TiledDrawing(Point cellsize, 
                            SparseGrid<IDrawing>.Constructor newCell = null)
            Cells = new SparseGrid<IDrawing>(cellsize.x, cellsize.y);
            Changed = new SparseGrid<bool>(cellsize.x, cellsize.y);

            NewCell = newCell ?? NullCell;
Exemple #2
        //private readonly IList<Entity> _static;
        //private readonly IList<Entity> _active;

        public Map(int width, int height)
            _width        = width;
            _height       = height;
            _actualWidth  = width * 2 + 1;
            _actualHeight = height * 2 + 1;
            _mapEntities  = new SparseGrid <IMapEntity>();
            //_static = new List<Entity>();
            //_active = new List<Entity>();
Exemple #3
        public MapModel(MapTile tile, MapAttributes attrs)
            this.tile = new BindingMapTile(tile);

            this.Attributes = attrs;

            this.floatingTiles = new BindingList <Positioned <IMapTile> >();

            this.voids = new BindingSparseGrid <bool>(new SparseGrid <bool>(this.Tile.HeightGrid.Width, this.Tile.HeightGrid.Height));

            this.featureLocationIndex = new SparseGrid <FeatureInstance>(this.Tile.HeightGrid.Width, this.Tile.HeightGrid.Height);

            this.Minimap = new Bitmap(252, 252);
            var g = Graphics.FromImage(this.Minimap);

            g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, 0, 0, this.Minimap.Width, this.Minimap.Height);

            this.FloatingTilesChanged += this.FloatingTilesListChanged;
Exemple #4
        private SparseGrid <bool> DoFold(SparseGrid <bool> grid, Fold fold)
            var nextGrid = new SparseGrid <bool>();

            foreach (var(point, _) in grid.AllDefinedCells)
                if (fold.Axis == Axis.X)
                    if (point.X < fold.Coordinate)
                        nextGrid.Set(point, true);
                    else if (point.X == fold.Coordinate)
                        // Do nothing
                        var gridPoint = new GridPoint(fold.Coordinate - Math.Abs(fold.Coordinate - point.X), point.Y);
                        nextGrid.Set(gridPoint, true);
                    if (point.Y < fold.Coordinate)
                        nextGrid.Set(point, true);
                    else if (point.Y == fold.Coordinate)
                        // Do nothing
                        var gridPoint = new GridPoint(point.X, fold.Coordinate - Math.Abs(fold.Coordinate - point.Y));
                        nextGrid.Set(gridPoint, true);

        private object Solve(string[] input, bool axisOnly)
            var lineSegments = ParseInput(input);

            if (axisOnly)
                lineSegments = lineSegments
                               .Where(x => IsAxisAligned(x.Item1, x.Item2));

            var allPoints = lineSegments.SelectMany(x => PointsOnLine(x.Item1, x.Item2));

            var grid = new SparseGrid <int>();

            foreach (var gridPoint in allPoints)
                grid.Update(gridPoint, 0, count => count + 1);

            return(grid.AllDefinedCells.Values.Count(x => x != 1));
Exemple #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string input   = "../../../input.txt";
            string sample  = "../../../sample.txt";
            int    gridDim = 12;
            var    tiles   = File.ReadLines(input).Paragraphs();

            var tilesById = tiles.Select(p => new KeyValuePair <int, Dictionary <Point, char> >(int.Parse(p.First().Substring(5, 4)), SparseGrid.Read(p.Skip(1)))).ToDictionary();

            var tilesByEdge = new Dictionary <int, HashSet <int> >();

            foreach (var tile in tilesById)
                foreach (var edge in PotentialEdges(tile.Value))
                    if (tilesByEdge.ContainsKey(edge))
                        tilesByEdge[edge] = new HashSet <int>()

            var tileToTile = new Dictionary <int, HashSet <Connection> >();

            foreach (var tile in tilesById)
                int tileId = tile.Key;
                tileToTile.Add(tileId, new HashSet <Connection>());
                foreach (var edge in PotentialEdges(tile.Value))
                    foreach (var otherTile in tilesByEdge[edge])
                        if (otherTile == tile.Key)
                        tileToTile[tileId].Add(new Connection(otherTile, edge));

            tileToTile.Values.GroupBy(s => s.Count()).Select(g => { Console.WriteLine($"{g.Count()} tiles with {g.Key} possible connections"); return(0); }).ToList();
            tilesByEdge.Values.GroupBy(s => s.Count()).Select(g => { Console.WriteLine($"{g.Count()} possible edges with {g.Key} tiles sharing them"); return(0); }).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine(tileToTile.Where(kv => kv.Value.Count() == 4).Select(kv => kv.Key).Aggregate(1L, (a, b) => a * b));

            Dictionary <Point, KeyValuePair <int, Dictionary <Point, Char> > > tilesByPos = new Dictionary <Point, KeyValuePair <int, Dictionary <Point, char> > >();

            int topLeftId   = tileToTile.Where(kv => kv.Value.Count() == 4).First().Key;
            var topLeftTile = tilesById[topLeftId];

            int firstEdge = tileToTile[topLeftId].First().EdgeCode;
            IEnumerable <int> secondEdgeCandidates = tileToTile[topLeftId].Skip(1).Select(x => x.EdgeCode);

            int RightEdge(Dictionary <Point, Char> tile) => PotentialEdges(tile).Skip(4).First();
            int ReverseRightEdge(Dictionary <Point, Char> tile) => PotentialEdges(tile).Skip(5).First();
            int BottomEdge(Dictionary <Point, Char> tile) => PotentialEdges(tile).Skip(0).First();
            int LeftEdge(Dictionary <Point, Char> tile) => PotentialEdges(tile).Skip(6).First();
            int TopEdge(Dictionary <Point, Char> tile) => PotentialEdges(tile).Skip(2).First();

            var rightMatches = Orientations(topLeftTile).Where(tile => RightEdge(tile) == firstEdge || ReverseRightEdge(tile) == firstEdge);
            var bottomMatch  = rightMatches.First(tile => secondEdgeCandidates.Any(s => BottomEdge(tile) == s));

            Point tilePos = new Point(0, 0);

            tilesByPos.Add(tilePos, new KeyValuePair <int, Dictionary <Point, Char> >(topLeftId, bottomMatch));

            int y = 0;

            for (int x = 1; x < gridDim; ++x)
                var prev                = tilesByPos[new Point(x - 1, y)];
                int edgeToMatch         = RightEdge(prev.Value);
                int matchingTileId      = tilesByEdge[edgeToMatch].First(id => id != prev.Key);
                var matchingOrientation = Orientations(tilesById[matchingTileId]).First(tile => LeftEdge(tile) == edgeToMatch);
                tilesByPos.Add(new Point(x, y), new KeyValuePair <int, Dictionary <Point, char> >(matchingTileId, matchingOrientation));

            for (y = 1; y < gridDim; ++y)
                for (int x = 0; x < gridDim; ++x)
                    var above               = tilesByPos[new Point(x, y - 1)];
                    int edgeToMatch         = BottomEdge(above.Value);
                    int matchingTileId      = tilesByEdge[edgeToMatch].First(id => id != above.Key);
                    var matchingOrientation = Orientations(tilesById[matchingTileId]).First(tile => TopEdge(tile) == edgeToMatch);
                    tilesByPos.Add(new Point(x, y), new KeyValuePair <int, Dictionary <Point, char> >(matchingTileId, matchingOrientation));

            for (y = 0; y < gridDim; ++y)
                for (int x = 0; x < gridDim; ++x)
                    Console.Write($"{tilesByPos[new Point(x, y)].Key} ");
                Console.WriteLine(" ");

            Dictionary <Point, char> combined = new Dictionary <Point, char>();

            for (int gy = 0; gy < gridDim; gy++)
                for (int gx = 0; gx < gridDim; gx++)
                    var tile = tilesByPos[new Point(gx, gy)].Value;
                    for (y = 0; y < 10; y++)
                        for (int x = 0; x < 10; ++x)
                            combined.Add(new Point(10 * gx + x, 10 * gy + y), tile[new Point(x, y)]);
            SparseGrid.Print(combined, c => c);

            combined = new Dictionary <Point, char>();

            for (int gy = 0; gy < gridDim; gy++)
                for (int gx = 0; gx < gridDim; gx++)
                    var tile = RemoveEdge(tilesByPos[new Point(gx, gy)].Value);
                    for (y = 0; y < 8; y++)
                        for (int x = 0; x < 8; ++x)
                            combined.Add(new Point(8 * gx + x, 8 * gy + y), tile[new Point(x, y)]);
            SparseGrid.Print(combined, c => c);

            var seaMonster = SparseGrid.ReadFromFile("../../../seamonster.txt");

            var filtered = combined.ToDictionary();

            foreach (var monster in Orientations(seaMonster))
                Console.WriteLine("Checking for Monster:");
                SparseGrid.Print(monster, c => c);
                for (int y0 = 0; y0 < gridDim * 8; ++y0)
                    for (int x0 = 0; x0 < gridDim * 8; ++x0)
                        Point pos0    = new Point(x0, y0);
                        var   toCheck = monster.Where(kv => kv.Value == '#').Select(kv => kv.Key + pos0);
                        if (toCheck.All(pos => combined.GetOrElse(pos, '.') == '#'))
                            foreach (var pos in toCheck)
                                filtered[pos] = 'O';

            SparseGrid.Print(filtered, c => c);
            Console.WriteLine(filtered.Count(kv => kv.Value == '#'));
            // 5328 is too high
            // 4747 is too high
            // 2179 is too high