Exemple #1
        //--------------------------- UpdateGraphFromBrush ----------------------------
        //  given a brush and a node index, this method updates the graph appropriately
        //  (by removing/adding nodes or changing the costs of the node's edges)
        public void UpdateGraphFromBrush(int brush, int CellIndex)
            //set the terrain type in the terrain index
            m_TerrainType[CellIndex] = brush;

            //if current brush is an obstacle then this node must be removed
            //from the graph
            if (brush == (int)brush_type.obstacle)

                //make the node active again if it is currently inactive
                if (!m_Graph.isNodePresent(CellIndex))
                    int y = CellIndex / m_iCellsY;
                    int x = CellIndex - (y * m_iCellsY);

                    m_Graph.AddNode(new NavGraphNode(CellIndex, new Vector2D(x * m_dCellWidth + m_dCellWidth / 2.0,
                                                                             y * m_dCellHeight + m_dCellHeight / 2.0)));

                    SparseGraph.Helper_AddAllNeighboursToGridNode(m_Graph, y, x, m_iCellsX, m_iCellsY);

                //set the edge costs in the graph
                SparseGraph.Helper_WeightNavGraphNodeEdges(m_Graph, CellIndex, GetTerrainCost((brush_type)brush));
Exemple #2
    public override void Create()
        Graph = new SparseGraph(false);

        for (int i = 0; i < World.Instance.Waypoints.Count; i++)
            var node = new Node(i) { Position = new Vector2(World.Instance.Waypoints[i].x, World.Instance.Waypoints[i].z) };
            //AddNodeObject(node, node.Position);

        for (int fromIndex = 0; fromIndex < Graph.NumNodes; fromIndex++)
            Node fromNode = Graph.GetNode(fromIndex);
            for (int toIndex = 0; toIndex < Graph.NumNodes; toIndex++)
                Node toNode = Graph.GetNode(toIndex);

                if (IsPathObstructed(fromNode.Position, toNode.Position))

                var edge =
                    new Edge(
                        (fromNode.Position - toNode.Position).magnitude);
                //AddEdgeObject(edge, fromNode.Position, toNode.Position);
 public BaseGraphSearchAlgo(SparseGraph graph, int source, int target)
     m_Graph = graph;
     m_iSource = source;
     m_iTarget = target;
     m_bFound = false;
Exemple #4
    public void Init(SparseGraph graph,
                     int source,
                     int target)

        m_Graph   = graph;
        m_iSource = source;
        m_iTarget = target;
        m_bFound  = false;

        m_Visited.Capacity = m_Graph.NumNodes();
        m_Route.Capacity   = m_Graph.NumNodes();

        for (int i = 0; i < m_Graph.NumNodes(); i++)
            //Debug.Log(m_Graph.NumNodes() + " : " + i); //chamto test
            //m_Visited[i] = (int)Aid.unvisited;
            //m_Route[i] = (int)Aid.no_parent_assigned;

        m_bFound = Search();
        public void ResetGraph()
            Graph        = new SparseGraph <UnityNode, UnityEdge>(false);
            VisitedNodes = new List <UnityNode>();

            Width  = TileWidth * NumTilesX;
            Height = TileHeight * NumTilesY;

            float MidX = TileWidth / 2;
            float MidY = TileHeight / 2;

            for (int Row = 0; Row < NumTilesY; ++Row)
                for (int Col = 0; Col < NumTilesX; ++Col)
                    var NodeIndex = Graph.AddNode(new UnityNode(Graph.GetNextFreeNodeIndex(), new Vector3(MidX + (Col * TileWidth), 0, MidY + (Row * TileWidth))));
                    Graph.Edges.Insert(NodeIndex, new List <UnityEdge>());

            for (int Row = 0; Row < NumTilesY; ++Row)
                for (int Col = 0; Col < NumTilesX; ++Col)
                    AddAllNeighborsToGridNode(Row, Col, NumTilesX, NumTilesY);
        public void OnAfterDeserialize()
            if (SerializedGraph == null)

            var StopWatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();


            BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();

            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(SerializedGraph))
                Graph = (SparseGraph <UnityNode, UnityEdge>)bf.Deserialize(ms);
                foreach (var Node in Graph.Nodes)

            //   Debug.Log("OnAfterDeserialize: " + StopWatch.Elapsed);
    public void CreateGraph()
        mNavGraph = new SparseGraph<NavGraphNode, GraphEdge> (mRow * mColumn);

        mNavGraph.BDrawMap = mBDrawMap;

        Vector3 nodeposition = new Vector3 ();
        int nextindex = 0;
        //SparseGraph nodes data
        for (int rw = 0; rw < mRow; rw++) {
            for (int col = 0; col < mColumn; col++) {
                nodeposition = new Vector3 (rw, 0.0f, col);
                nextindex = mNavGraph.NextFreeNodeIndex;
                mNavGraph.AddNode (new NavGraphNode (nextindex, nodeposition, 0.0f, false));

        //SparseGraph edges data
        for (int rw = 0; rw < mRow; rw++)
            for (int col = 0; col < mColumn; col++)
                CreateAllNeighboursToGridNode(rw, col, mRow, mColumn);

        mTotalNodes = mNavGraph.NumNodes();
        mTotalEdges = mNavGraph.NumEdges ();
Exemple #8
        public void InitialiseGraph(int CellsUp, int CellsAcross, int pWidth, int pHeight)
            m_iCellsX = CellsAcross;
            m_iCellsY = CellsUp;

            m_icxClient = pWidth;
            m_icyClient = pHeight;

            //initialize the terrain vector with normal terrain
            int numNodes = CellsUp * CellsAcross;

            m_TerrainType = new List <int>(numNodes);

            for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++)

            m_Path    = new List <int>();
            m_SubTree = new List <NavGraphEdge>();

            m_dCellWidth  = (double)m_icxClient / (double)CellsAcross;
            m_dCellHeight = (double)m_icyClient / (double)CellsUp;

            //create the graph
            m_Graph = new SparseGraph(false);//not a digraph

            SparseGraph.Helper_CreateGrid(m_Graph, m_icxClient, m_icyClient, CellsUp, CellsAcross);

            m_CurrentAlgorithm = algorithm_type.none;
            m_dTimeTaken       = 0;
Exemple #9
 public PathSearchResult(SparseGraph <TNode, TEdge> graph, int fromId)
     Graph            = graph;
     From             = graph[fromId];
     Distance         = new TVal[Graph.NodesCnt];
     Ancestors        = new TEdge[Graph.NodesCnt];
     HasNegativeCycle = null;
        public void ComponentTest()
            string fileName   = @"Graph\testG1.txt";
            var    g1         = new SparseGraph <double>(13, false);
            var    gr1        = new ReadGraph <double>(g1, fileName);
            var    component1 = new Component <double>(g1);

 public GraphSearch(SparseGraph mGraph, Dictionary <int, NodeVisitType> mVisitedNodes, Dictionary <int, int> mRoute, int sourceNodeIndex, int targetNodeIndex)
     m_graph              = mGraph;
     m_visitedNodes       = mVisitedNodes;
     m_route              = mRoute;
     this.sourceNodeIndex = sourceNodeIndex;
     this.targetNodeIndex = targetNodeIndex;
     this.isFound         = DFSSearch();
        public double Calculate(SparseGraph <UnityNode, UnityEdge> Graph, int Node1, int Node2)
            var UnityNode1 = Graph.GetNode(Node1);
            var UnityNode2 = Graph.GetNode(Node2);

            var Pos1 = UnityNode1.Position;
            var Pos2 = UnityNode2.Position;

            return(Vector3.Distance(Pos1, Pos2));
    private GraphEdge[] ParentEdges; // Stores the edge leading to each node. Used for distance and to track parent node connections.

    #endregion Fields

    #region Constructors

    public AStarPlanner(SparseGraph graph)
        this.Graph = graph;
        OpenList = new List<GraphNode>();
        ClosedList = new List<GraphNode>();

        int allNodesCount = graph.GetAllNodesCount();
        FCosts = new double[allNodesCount];
        GCosts = new double[allNodesCount];
        ParentEdges = new GraphEdge[allNodesCount];
        public void ShortestPathTest()
            string fileName = @"Graph\testG2.txt";
            var    g1       = new SparseGraph <double>(7, false);
            var    gr1      = new ReadGraph <double>(g1, fileName);

            var path = new ShortestPath <double>(g1, 0);

            Console.WriteLine("BFS: ");
        public void ReadGraphTest()
            string fileName = @"Graph\testG1.txt";

            var g1  = new SparseGraph <double>(13, false);
            var rg1 = new ReadGraph <double>(g1, fileName);


            var g2  = new DenseGraph <double>(13, false);
            var rg2 = new ReadGraph <double>(g2, fileName);

Exemple #16
    private void CreateGraph()
        graph = new SparseGraph(false);
        var objects = FindObjectsOfType <ObjectNode>().OrderBy(x => x.index).ToArray();

        foreach (var o in objects)
            graph.AddNode(new GraphNode(o.index));
        foreach (var o in objects)
            foreach (var n in o.Connects)
                graph.AddEdge(new GraphEdge(o.index, n.index, Vector2.Distance(o.transform.position, n.transform.position)));
        public Graph_SearchDFS(SparseGraph graph, int source, int target)
            : base(graph, source, target)
            int numNodes = m_Graph.NumNodes();

            m_Visited = new List<int>(numNodes);
            m_Route = new List<int>(numNodes);

            for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++)

            m_SpanningTree = new List<NavGraphEdge>();

            m_bFound = Search();
    public SparseGraph <GraphNode, GraphEdge> GetMST()
        // essentially, make a new graph with the spanning tree list
        SparseGraph <GraphNode, GraphEdge> g = new SparseGraph <GraphNode, GraphEdge>();

        foreach (GraphNode n in graph.Nodes)
            g.AddNode(new GraphNode(g.nextNodeIndex));

        //add all the edges from the other spanning tree
        foreach (GraphEdge e in spanningTree)
            g.AddDoubleEdge(new GraphEdge(e.from, e.to, e.cost));

    public SearchAStar(SparseGraph<NavGraphNode, GraphEdge> graph
        , int source
        , int target
        , bool isignorewall
        , float strickdistance
        , float hcostpercentage
        , bool drawexplorepath
        , float explorepathremaintime)
        mGraph = graph;
        mPQ = new PriorityQueue<int, float>((int)Mathf.Sqrt(mGraph.NumNodes()));
        mGCosts = new List<float>(graph.NumNodes());
        mFCosts = new List<Pair<int, float>>(graph.NumNodes());
        mShortestPathTree = new List<GraphEdge>(graph.NumNodes());
        mSearchFrontier = new List<GraphEdge>(graph.NumNodes());
        //Init G cost and F cost and Cost value
        for (int i = 0; i < graph.NumNodes(); i++)
            mFCosts.Add(new Pair<int, float>(i, 0.0f));
            mShortestPathTree.Add(new GraphEdge());
            mSearchFrontier.Add(new GraphEdge());
        mISource = source;
        mITarget = target;
        mOriginalTarget = target;

        Assert.IsTrue(hcostpercentage >= 0);
        mHCostPercentage = hcostpercentage;

        mBDrawExplorePath = drawexplorepath;

        mExplorePathRemainTime = explorepathremaintime;

        mAStarPathInfo = new PathInfo();

        mIsIgnoreWall = isignorewall;

        mStrickDistance = strickdistance;

        //Search(mStrickDistance, mIsIgnoreWall);

Exemple #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds negative cycle
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="searchResult">Search result returned by <code>CalculateShortestPaths</code> method</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Path <TNode, TEdge, TVal> GetNegativeCycle <TVal>(SparseGraph <TNode, TEdge> graph,
                                                                        PathLogic <TEdge, TVal> pathLogic, PathSearchResult <TNode, TEdge, TVal> searchResult)
            var lastNodeId = -1;

            foreach (var edge in graph.Edges)
                if (pathLogic.E(searchResult.Distance[edge.From.Id], pathLogic.UnreachableValue))

                var newDist = pathLogic.Relax(searchResult.Distance[edge.From.Id], edge);
                if (pathLogic.Gt(searchResult.Distance[edge.To.Id], newDist))
                    searchResult.Distance[edge.To.Id]  = newDist;
                    searchResult.Ancestors[edge.To.Id] = edge;
                    lastNodeId = edge.To.Id;

            if (lastNodeId == -1)

            var visited = new bool[graph.NodesCnt];

            for (; !visited[lastNodeId]; lastNodeId = searchResult.Ancestors[lastNodeId].From.Id)
                visited[lastNodeId] = true;
            var pathEdges = new List <TEdge> {

            for (var nodeId = searchResult.Ancestors[lastNodeId].From.Id; nodeId != lastNodeId; nodeId = searchResult.Ancestors[nodeId].From.Id)

            return(new Path <TNode, TEdge, TVal>(graph, pathLogic.ZeroValue, pathEdges));
Exemple #21
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string fileName = @"Graph\testG1.txt";
            var    g1       = new SparseGraph <double>(8, false);
            var    gr1      = new ReadGraph <double>(g1, fileName);


            // test Kruskal
            Console.WriteLine("Test Kruskal: ");
            var kruskalMST = new KruskalMST <double>(g1);
            var mst        = kruskalMST.MSTEdges;

            foreach (var edge in mst)
            Console.WriteLine("The MST weight is: " + kruskalMST.MSTWeight);
        public void TestPrimMST()
            string fileName = @"Graph\testG1.txt";
            var    g1       = new SparseGraph <double>(8, false);
            var    gr1      = new ReadGraph <double>(g1, fileName);


            // test prim
            Console.WriteLine("Test Prim MST: ");
            var primMST = new PrimMST <double>(g1);
            var mst     = primMST.MSTEdges;

            foreach (var edge in mst)
            Console.WriteLine("The MST weight is: " + primMST.MSTWeight);
        public void TestLazyPrimMST()
            string fileName = @"Graph\testG1.txt";
            var    g1       = new SparseGraph <double>(8, false);
            var    gr1      = new ReadGraph <double>(g1, fileName);


            // test lazy prim
            Console.WriteLine("Test Lazy Prim MST: ");
            var pq          = new MinHeap <Edge <double> >();
            var lazyPrimMST = new LazyPrimMST <double>(g1, pq);
            var mst         = lazyPrimMST.MSTEdges;

            foreach (var edge in mst)
            Console.WriteLine("The MST weight is: " + lazyPrimMST.MSTWeight);
Exemple #24
        public PathFinder()
            m_bShowGraph          = false;
            m_bShowTiles          = true;
            m_dCellWidth          = 0;
            m_dCellHeight         = 0;
            m_iCellsX             = 0;
            m_iCellsY             = 0;
            m_dTimeTaken          = 0.0;
            m_CurrentTerrainBrush = brush_type.normal;
            m_iSourceCell         = -1;
            m_iTargetCell         = -1;
            m_icxClient           = 0;
            m_icyClient           = 0;
            m_dCostToTarget       = 0.0;
            m_Graph = null;

            m_ThickBlack = new Pen(Color.Black, 2);
            m_ThickBlue  = new Pen(Color.Blue, 2);
            m_font       = new Font("Arial", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
Exemple #25
        private static bool ExecutePhase <TVal>(SparseGraph <TNode, TEdge> graph, PathLogic <TEdge, TVal> pathLogic,
                                                PathSearchResult <TNode, TEdge, TVal> res)
            var anyAction = false;

            foreach (var edge in graph.Edges)
                if (pathLogic.E(res.Distance[edge.From.Id], pathLogic.UnreachableValue))

                var newDist = pathLogic.Relax(res.Distance[edge.From.Id], edge);
                if (pathLogic.Gt(res.Distance[edge.To.Id], newDist) && !res.IsAncestor(edge.From.Id, edge.To.Id))
                    res.Distance[edge.To.Id]  = newDist;
                    res.Ancestors[edge.To.Id] = edge;
                    anyAction = true;
Exemple #26
        private void _populate()
            graph = GraphGenerator.FloodFill(world: this, startPosition: new Vector2D(50f, 50f));

            Lion l1 = new Lion(new Vector2D(60f, 60f), this);
            Lion l2 = new Lion(new Vector2D(120, 100f), this);

            Gazelle g1 = new Gazelle(new Vector2D(200f, 200f), this);
            Gazelle g2 = new Gazelle(new Vector2D(250f, 250f), this);
            Gazelle g3 = new Gazelle(new Vector2D(300f, 300f), this);

            Entities.AddRange(new List <MovingEntity>()
        public void Load(Stream stream)
            Graph = new SparseGraph <GraphNode, GraphEdge>(false);
            var lines = LoadLines(stream);

            foreach (var line in lines)
                var nodes = line.Split(',');
                var from  = int.Parse(nodes[0]);

                var node = new GraphNode();
                if (Graph.AddNode(node) != from)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid source data: new node does not match graph index.");

                for (var i = 1; i < nodes.Length; i++)
                    var to = int.Parse(nodes[i]);

                    Graph.AddEdge(new GraphEdge(from, to));
Exemple #28
    public override void Create()
        Graph = new SparseGraph(false);

        for (int i = 0; i < World.Instance.Waypoints.Count; i++)
            var node = new Node(i)
                Position = new Vector2(World.Instance.Waypoints[i].x, World.Instance.Waypoints[i].z)
            //AddNodeObject(node, node.Position);

        for (int fromIndex = 0; fromIndex < Graph.NumNodes; fromIndex++)
            Node fromNode = Graph.GetNode(fromIndex);
            for (int toIndex = 0; toIndex < Graph.NumNodes; toIndex++)
                Node toNode = Graph.GetNode(toIndex);

                if (IsPathObstructed(fromNode.Position, toNode.Position))

                var edge =
                    new Edge(
                        (fromNode.Position - toNode.Position).magnitude);
                //AddEdgeObject(edge, fromNode.Position, toNode.Position);
Exemple #29
        private void LoadGraph(IReadOnlyCollection <string> lines)
            Width  = CalculateLongestLine(lines);
            Height = lines.Count;

            Graph = new SparseGraph <GraphGridNode, GraphEdge>(false);
            Map   = new GraphGridNode[Width, Height];

            var y = 0;

            foreach (var line in lines)
                var x = 0;
                foreach (var tileChar in line)
                    var node = _nodeFactory.CreateNode(x, y, tileChar.ToString());
                    Map[x, y] = node;

                    if (tileChar == '@')
                        Source = node;
                    else if (tileChar == 'X')
                        Destination = node;



Exemple #30
 /// <summary>
 /// This adds the relation to the output
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">The name of the relation</param>
 /// <param name="rel"></param>
 void addRelation(string name, SparseGraph<ZObject> rel)
     // Make a normal version of the relation spec
       var spec = new Dictionary<object,object>();
       foreach (var item in rel.SuccessorTable)
      var L = new List<object[]>();
      foreach (var edge in item.Value)
         L.Add(new object[]{edge.sink.name,null==edge.gate?null:edge.gate.name});
      spec[item.Key.name] = L;
       // Add that to the relations table
       var cb = new Dictionary<string,object>();
       if (spec.Count > 0)
       relations[name] =  cb;
Exemple #31
    public override void Create()
        Graph = new SparseGraph(false);

        for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
            for (int column = 0; column < columns; column++)
                var nodePosition =
                    new Vector2(
                        column * cellWidth - cellWidth * (columns - 1) / 2,
                        row * cellHeight - cellHeight * (rows - 1) / 2);

                var node = new Node(row * columns + column) { Position = nodePosition };
                int nodeIndex = Graph.AddNode(node);

                if (IsPointInObstacle(nodePosition))
                    Graph.GetNode(nodeIndex).Index = Node.INVALID_NODE_INDEX;
                    //AddNodeObject(node, nodePosition);

        for (int nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < Graph.NumNodes; nodeIndex++)
            if (!Graph.IsNodePresent(nodeIndex))

            Node node = Graph.GetNode(nodeIndex);

            int rightIndex = nodeIndex + 1;
            if (rightIndex % columns != 0 && Graph.IsNodePresent(rightIndex))
                Node rightNode = Graph.GetNode(rightIndex);

                if (!IsPathObstructed(node.Position, rightNode.Position))
                    var rightEdge = new Edge(nodeIndex, rightIndex, cellWidth);
                    //AddEdgeObject(rightEdge, node.Position, rightNode.Position);

            int downIndex = nodeIndex + columns;
            if (downIndex < Graph.NumNodes && Graph.IsNodePresent(downIndex))
                Node downNode = Graph.GetNode(downIndex);

                if (!IsPathObstructed(node.Position, downNode.Position))
                    var downEdge = new Edge(nodeIndex, downIndex, cellHeight);
                    //AddEdgeObject(downEdge, node.Position, downNode.Position);

            if (!useDiagonals)

            int diagIndex = nodeIndex + columns + 1;
            if (diagIndex < Graph.NumNodes && diagIndex % columns != 0 &&
                Node diagNode = Graph.GetNode(diagIndex);

                if (!IsPathObstructed(node.Position, diagNode.Position))
                    var diagEdge = new Edge(nodeIndex, diagIndex, cellDiagonal);
                    //AddEdgeObject(diagEdge, node.Position, diagNode.Position);

            int backDiagIndex = nodeIndex + columns - 1;
            if (backDiagIndex < Graph.NumNodes && backDiagIndex % columns != columns - 1 &&
                Node backDiagNode = Graph.GetNode(backDiagIndex);

                if (!IsPathObstructed(node.Position, backDiagNode.Position))
                    var backDiagEdge = new Edge(nodeIndex, backDiagIndex, cellDiagonal);
                    //AddEdgeObject(backDiagEdge, node.Position, backDiagNode.Position);
Exemple #32
 //you can use this function to turn the A* algorithm into Dijkstra's search.
 //this is because Dijkstra's is equivalent to an A* search using a heuristic
 //value that is always equal to zero.
 public static double Dijkstra(SparseGraph G, int nd1, int nd2)
     return 0;
Exemple #33
    // TODO: I need to set up the allGroundedEntities Dictionary
    public void SetupGraph()
        // SET UP THE GRAPH...
        if (hasBeenSetup)

        // the game objects containing the node graphs
        GameObject[] nodeGameObjects = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Node");

        // The nodes in the game world
        nodeList = new Node[nodeGameObjects.Length];

        // initialize the message list dual array
        messageList = new Message[nodeList.Length][];
        for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.Length; i++)
            messageList[i] = new Message[nodeList.Length];

        // Initialize the list of messages
        for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.Length; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < nodeList.Length; j++)
                messageList[i][j] = Message.DoNothing;

        // Create the abstract graph using the info scanned from the level
        G = new SparseGraph <GraphNode, GraphEdge>();

        // we'll be adding new nodes to the abstract graph, as well as set the ID's of the nodes in the level
        for (int i = 0; i < nodeGameObjects.Length; i++)
            // set the reference for nodeList[i]
            nodeList[i] = nodeGameObjects[i].GetComponent <Node>();

            // update the node's ID
            nodeList[i].ID = i;

            // add the node to the abstract graph
            G.AddNode(new GraphNode(i));

        // Create the edges in the abstract graph and set the weights
        // Note that the weights are determined heuristically within the node scripts
        // Also, set the correct message in the n by n messageList[][] so that later when we have the information that the path
        //     from say, 1 to 2 is to be taken, then the message to send the game character is messageList[1][2]
        for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.Length; i++)

            // we need to get the information for the edge weight between nodes and create the edge in the abstract graph
            //     so that we can search it efficiently for a path
            for (int j = 0; j < nodeList[i].neighbors.Count; j++)
                // i is the current node ID
                // nodeList[i].neighbors[j].ID is the ID of the current neighbor
                // same with the weight
                G.AddEdge(new GraphEdge(i, nodeList[i].neighbors[j].ID, nodeList[i].weights[j]));

                // save the way to traverse this edge in the dual array
                // This makes it so that you can access the message to get from node u to node v
                //     by looking up messageList[u][v]
                messageList[nodeList[i].ID][nodeList[i].neighbors[j].ID] = nodeList[i].messages[j];

        hasBeenSetup = true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates the underlying structures for the relation
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">The relation to create</param>
 void addRelation2(ZObject name)
     if (!relations.ContainsKey(name))
      relations[ name] =  new SparseGraph<ZObject>(true);
Exemple #35
 public void Init(int width, int height)
     m_sparseGraph = new SparseGraph <NavGraphNode, GraphEdge>(false);
     m_width       = width;
     m_height      = height;
Exemple #36
 public DijkstraGraphSearch(SparseGraph mGraph, int mISource, int mITarget)
     m_graph   = mGraph;
     m_iSource = mISource;
     m_iTarget = mITarget;
        //  this searchs a graph using the distance between the target node and the 
        //  currently considered node as a heuristic.
        //  This search is more commonly known as A* (pronounced Ay-Star)
        public Graph_SearchAStar(SparseGraph graph, int source, int target, CalculateHeuristic functionCalculate)
            : base(graph, source, target)
            funcPointer = functionCalculate;

            int numNodes = m_Graph.NumNodes();

            m_ShortestPathTree = new List<NavGraphEdge>(numNodes);
            m_SearchFrontier = new List<NavGraphEdge>(numNodes);
            m_GCosts = new List<double>(numNodes);
            m_FCosts = new List<double>(numNodes);

            for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++)

            m_bFound = Search();
Exemple #38
 //this uses the euclidian distance but adds in an amount of noise to the 
 //result. You can use this heuristic to provide imperfect paths. This can
 //be handy if you find that you frequently have lots of agents all following
 //each other in single file to get from one place to another
 public static double NoisyEuclidianDistance(SparseGraph G, int nd1, int nd2)
     return Vector2D.Vec2DDistance(G.GetNode(nd1).Pos, G.GetNode(nd2).Pos) * Utils.RandInRange(0.9f, 1.1f);
Exemple #39
 ///heuristic estimate always 0
 ///<param name="graph"></param>
 ///<param name="nd1"></param>
 ///<param name="nd2"></param>
 public static float Calculate(SparseGraph graph, int nd1, int nd2)
     return 0;
Exemple #40
 //calculate the straight line distance from node nd1 to node nd2
 public static double EuclidianDistance(SparseGraph G, int nd1, int nd2)
     return Vector2D.Vec2DDistance(G.GetNode(nd1).Pos, G.GetNode(nd2).Pos);
Exemple #41
        public void InitialiseGraph(int CellsUp, int CellsAcross, int pWidth, int pHeight)
            m_iCellsX = CellsAcross;
            m_iCellsY = CellsUp;

            m_icxClient = pWidth;
            m_icyClient = pHeight;

            //initialize the terrain vector with normal terrain
            int numNodes = CellsUp * CellsAcross;
            m_TerrainType = new List<int>(numNodes);

            for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++)

            m_Path = new List<int>();
            m_SubTree = new List<NavGraphEdge>();

            m_dCellWidth = (double)m_icxClient / (double)CellsAcross;
            m_dCellHeight = (double)m_icyClient / (double)CellsUp;

            //create the graph
            m_Graph = new SparseGraph(false);//not a digraph

            SparseGraph.Helper_CreateGrid(m_Graph, m_icxClient, m_icyClient, CellsUp, CellsAcross);

            m_CurrentAlgorithm = algorithm_type.none;
            m_dTimeTaken = 0;
Exemple #42
        public PathFinder()
            m_bShowGraph = false;
            m_bShowTiles = true;
            m_dCellWidth = 0;
            m_dCellHeight = 0;
            m_iCellsX = 0;
            m_iCellsY = 0;
            m_dTimeTaken = 0.0;
            m_CurrentTerrainBrush = brush_type.normal;
            m_iSourceCell = -1;
            m_iTargetCell = -1;
            m_icxClient = 0;
            m_icyClient = 0;
            m_dCostToTarget = 0.0;
            m_Graph = null;

            m_ThickBlack = new Pen(Color.Black, 2);
            m_ThickBlue = new Pen(Color.Blue, 2);
            m_font = new Font("Arial", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
    void Awake()
        mNavGraph = null;
        mTotalNodes = 0;
        mTotalEdges = 0;

        CreateGraph ();
        //TimerCounter.CreateInstance ().End ();
Exemple #44
        public static SearchResult <TNode, TEdge> SearchDijkstra <TNode, TEdge>(this SparseGraph <TNode, TEdge> graph, int source, int target = -1)
            where TNode : GraphNode
            where TEdge : GraphEdge, new()
            SearchResult <TNode, TEdge> result = new SearchResult <TNode, TEdge> {
                Source = source, Target = target

            // this array contains the edges that comprise the shortest path tree -
            // a directed subtree of the graph that encapsulates the best paths from
            // every node on the SPT to the source node.
            TEdge[] shortestPathTree = new TEdge[graph.NumNodes];
            // this is indexed into by node index and holds the total cost of the best
            // path found so far to the given node. For example, m_CostToThisNode[5]
            // will hold the total cost of all the edges that comprise the best path
            // to node 5, found so far in the search (if node 5 is present and has
            // been visited)
            float[] costToThisNode = new float[graph.NumNodes];
            // this is an indexed (by node) vector of 'parent' edges leading to nodes
            // connected to the SPT but that have not been added to the SPT yet. This is
            // a little like the stack or queue used in BST and DST searches.
            TEdge[] searchFrontier = new TEdge[graph.NumNodes];
            // create an indexed priority queue that sorts smallest to largest
            // (front to back).Note that the maximum number of elements the iPQ
            // may contain is N. This is because no node can be represented on the
            // queue more than once.
            SimplePriorityQueue <int> pq = new SimplePriorityQueue <int>();

            //put the source node on the queue
            pq.Enqueue(source, 0);
            //while the queue is not empty
            while (pq.Count != 0)
                // get lowest cost node from the queue. Don't forget, the return value
                // is a *node index*, not the node itself. This node is the node not already
                // on the SPT that is the closest to the source node
                int nextClosestNodeindex = pq.Dequeue();
                // move this edge from the frontier to the shortest path tree
                shortestPathTree[nextClosestNodeindex] = searchFrontier[nextClosestNodeindex];
                // if the target has been found exit
                if (nextClosestNodeindex == target)
                    result.Found = true;
                    int node = target;
                    while (node != source && shortestPathTree[node] != null)
                        node = shortestPathTree[node].From;
                        result.PathToTarget.Insert(0, node);
                // now to relax the edges.
                // for each edge connected to the next closest node
                foreach (TEdge edge in graph.Edges(nextClosestNodeindex))
                    // the total cost to the node this edge points to is the cost to the
                    // current node plus the cost of the edge connecting them.
                    float newCost = costToThisNode[nextClosestNodeindex] + (float)edge.Cost;
                    // if this edge has never been on the frontier make a note of the cost
                    // to get to the node it points to, then add the edge to the frontier
                    // and the destination node to the PQ.
                    if (searchFrontier[edge.To] == null)
                        costToThisNode[edge.To] = newCost;
                        pq.Enqueue(edge.To, newCost);
                        searchFrontier[edge.To] = edge;
                    // else test to see if the cost to reach the destination node via the
                    // current node is cheaper than the cheapest cost found so far. If
                    // this path is cheaper, we assign the new cost to the destination
                    // node, update its entry in the PQ to reflect the change and add the
                    // edge to the frontier
                    else if (newCost < costToThisNode[edge.To] &&
                             shortestPathTree[edge.To] == null)
                        costToThisNode[edge.To] = newCost;
                        //because the cost is less than it was previously, the PQ must be
                        //re-sorted to account for this.
                        pq.UpdatePriority(edge.To, newCost);
                        searchFrontier[edge.To] = edge;
Exemple #45
    /// <summary>
    /// This reconstructs the relations table
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>The relations table</returns>
    internal Dictionary<ZObject, object> Relations()
        // Link the relations structures
          var r2 =  new Dictionary<ZObject,object>();
          foreach (var I in relations)
         var v = I.Value;
         // If it's an array, it's a relation 1
         if (v is IList)
            // Go thru, get the objects and populate a dictionary
            var d = new Dictionary<ZObject, ZObject>();
            foreach (var item in (IList) v)
               var obj = (ZObject) objects[item];
               d[obj] = obj;
            // there, done
            r2[(ZObject) objects[I.Key]] = d;
         // If it's a dictionary it's a relation 2
         else if (v is Dictionary<string,object>)
            var d = (Dictionary<string,object>)v;
            // each key is an array of arrays...
            // First get the immediate vs derived
            bool immediate = false;
            object b;
            if (d.TryGetValue("derive", out b) && b is bool)
               immediate = !(bool)b;
            // Next get the values
            var n = new SparseGraph<ZObject>(immediate);
            object val;
            if (d.TryGetValue("spec", out val))
               var d2 = (Dictionary<string,object>)val;
               foreach (var edges in d2)
                  var src = (ZObject)objects[edges.Key];
                  foreach (var edge in (IList)edges.Value)
                     // Get the nodes for the sink and gate
                     var tuple = (IList) edge;
                     var sink = (ZObject) objects[tuple[0]];
                     ZObject gate = null;
                     if (tuple.Count > 1 && null != tuple[1])
                        gate = (ZObject) objects[tuple[1]];
                     // add them
                     n.After(src, new Edge<ZObject>(sink, gate));

            // Add the relation to the table
            r2[(ZObject) objects[I.Key]] = n;
          // Return the relations
          return r2;
Exemple #46
 //this uses the euclidian distance but adds in an amount of noise to the
 //result. You can use this heuristic to provide imperfect paths. This can
 //be handy if you find that you frequently have lots of agents all following
 //each other in single file to get from one place to another
 public static double NoisyEuclidianDistance(SparseGraph G, int nd1, int nd2)
     return(Vector2D.Vec2DDistance(G.GetNode(nd1).Pos, G.GetNode(nd2).Pos) * Utils.RandInRange(0.9f, 1.1f));
Exemple #47
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     mPathFinder = FindObjectOfType (typeof(PathFinder)) as PathFinder;
     Debug.Assert (mPathFinder != null);
     mNavGraph = mPathFinder.NavGraph;
     mAstarSearch = new SearchAStar(mNavGraph, mSourceCellIndex, mTargetCellIndex, mIgnoreWall, mStrickDistance, mHCostPercentage, mBDrawExplorePath, mExplorePathRemainTime);
     Debug.Assert(mNavGraph != null);
Exemple #48
 //calculate the straight line distance from node nd1 to node nd2
 public static double EuclidianDistance(SparseGraph G, int nd1, int nd2)
     return(Vector2D.Vec2DDistance(G.GetNode(nd1).Pos, G.GetNode(nd2).Pos));
        public Graph_SearchDijkstra(SparseGraph graph, int source, int target)
            : base(graph, source, target)
            int numNodes = m_Graph.NumNodes();

            m_ShortestPathTree = new List<NavGraphEdge>(numNodes);
            m_SearchFrontier = new List<NavGraphEdge>(numNodes);
            m_CostToThisNode = new List<double>(numNodes);

            for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++)

            m_bFound = Search();
Exemple #50
 //you can use this function to turn the A* algorithm into Dijkstra's search.
 //this is because Dijkstra's is equivalent to an A* search using a heuristic
 //value that is always equal to zero.
 public static double Dijkstra(SparseGraph G, int nd1, int nd2)
 public static float Calculate(SparseGraph<NavGraphNode, GraphEdge> g, int nd1, int nd2)
     //Manhattan distance heuritic
     //Vector2 v1 = Utility.ConvertIndexToRC (nd1);
     //Vector2 v2 = Utility.ConvertIndexToRC (nd2);
     //float dis = v1.x - v2.x + v1.y - v2.y;
     //Debug.Log("dis = " + dis);
     //return dis;
     //Caculation distance takes much time
     return Vector3.Distance(g.Nodes[nd1].Position, g.Nodes[nd2].Position);
Exemple #52
 ///calculate the straight line distance from node nd1 to node nd2
 ///<param name="graph"></param>
 ///<param name="nd1"></param>
 ///<param name="nd2"></param>
 public static float Calculate(SparseGraph graph, int nd1, int nd2)
     return (graph.GetNode(nd1).Position - graph.GetNode(nd2).Position).Length();