private List <SparkleChange> ParseStatus() { List <SparkleChange> changes = new List <SparkleChange> (); SparkleGit git_status = new SparkleGit(LocalPath, "status --porcelain"); git_status.Start(); while (!git_status.StandardOutput.EndOfStream) { string line = git_status.StandardOutput.ReadLine(); line = line.Trim(); if (line.EndsWith(".empty") || line.EndsWith(".empty\"")) { line = line.Replace(".empty", ""); } SparkleChange change; if (line.StartsWith("R")) { string path = line.Substring(3, line.IndexOf(" -> ") - 3).Trim("\" ".ToCharArray()); string moved_to_path = line.Substring(line.IndexOf(" -> ") + 4).Trim("\" ".ToCharArray()); change = new SparkleChange() { Type = SparkleChangeType.Moved, Path = EnsureSpecialCharacters(path), MovedToPath = EnsureSpecialCharacters(moved_to_path) }; } else { string path = line.Substring(2).Trim("\" ".ToCharArray()); change = new SparkleChange() { Path = EnsureSpecialCharacters(path) }; change.Type = SparkleChangeType.Added; if (line.StartsWith("M")) { change.Type = SparkleChangeType.Edited; } else if (line.StartsWith("D")) { change.Type = SparkleChangeType.Deleted; } } changes.Add(change); } git_status.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); git_status.WaitForExit(); return(changes); }
private List <SparkleChangeSet> GetChangeSetsInternal(string path) { List <SparkleChangeSet> change_sets = new List <SparkleChangeSet> (); SparkleGit git; if (path == null) { git = new SparkleGit(LocalPath, "log --since=1.month --raw --find-renames --date=iso " + "--format=medium --no-color --no-merges"); } else { path = path.Replace("\\", "/"); git = new SparkleGit(LocalPath, "log --raw --find-renames --date=iso " + "--format=medium --no-color --no-merges -- \"" + path + "\""); } string output = git.StartAndReadStandardOutput(); if (path == null && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(output)) { git = new SparkleGit(LocalPath, "log -n 75 --raw --find-renames --date=iso " + "--format=medium --no-color --no-merges"); output = git.StartAndReadStandardOutput(); } string [] lines = output.Split("\n".ToCharArray()); List <string> entries = new List <string> (); // Split up commit entries int line_number = 0; bool first_pass = true; string entry = "", last_entry = ""; foreach (string line in lines) { if (line.StartsWith("commit") && !first_pass) { entries.Add(entry); entry = ""; line_number = 0; } else { first_pass = false; } // Only parse first 250 files to prevent memory issues if (line_number < 250) { entry += line + "\n"; line_number++; } last_entry = entry; } entries.Add(last_entry); // Parse commit entries foreach (string log_entry in entries) { Match match = this.log_regex.Match(log_entry); if (!match.Success) { match = this.merge_regex.Match(log_entry); if (!match.Success) { continue; } } SparkleChangeSet change_set = new SparkleChangeSet(); change_set.Folder = new SparkleFolder(Name); change_set.Revision = match.Groups [1].Value; change_set.User = new SparkleUser(match.Groups [2].Value, match.Groups [3].Value); change_set.RemoteUrl = RemoteUrl; change_set.Timestamp = new DateTime(int.Parse(match.Groups [4].Value), int.Parse(match.Groups [5].Value), int.Parse(match.Groups [6].Value), int.Parse(match.Groups [7].Value), int.Parse(match.Groups [8].Value), int.Parse(match.Groups [9].Value)); string time_zone = match.Groups [10].Value; int our_offset = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(DateTime.Now).Hours; int their_offset = int.Parse(time_zone.Substring(0, 3)); change_set.Timestamp = change_set.Timestamp.AddHours(their_offset * -1); change_set.Timestamp = change_set.Timestamp.AddHours(our_offset); string [] entry_lines = log_entry.Split("\n".ToCharArray()); // Parse file list. Lines containing file changes start with ":" foreach (string entry_line in entry_lines) { // Skip lines containing backspace characters if (!entry_line.StartsWith(":") || entry_line.Contains("\\177")) { continue; } string file_path = entry_line.Substring(39); if (file_path.Equals(".sparkleshare")) { continue; } string type_letter = entry_line [37].ToString(); bool change_is_folder = false; if (file_path.EndsWith(".empty")) { file_path = file_path.Substring(0, file_path.Length - ".empty".Length); change_is_folder = true; } try { file_path = EnsureSpecialCharacters(file_path); } catch (Exception e) { SparkleLogger.LogInfo("Local", "Error parsing file name '" + file_path + "'", e); continue; } file_path = file_path.Replace("\\\"", "\""); SparkleChange change = new SparkleChange() { Path = file_path, IsFolder = change_is_folder, Timestamp = change_set.Timestamp, Type = SparkleChangeType.Added }; if (type_letter.Equals("R")) { int tab_pos = entry_line.LastIndexOf("\t"); file_path = entry_line.Substring(42, tab_pos - 42); string to_file_path = entry_line.Substring(tab_pos + 1); try { file_path = EnsureSpecialCharacters(file_path); } catch (Exception e) { SparkleLogger.LogInfo("Local", "Error parsing file name '" + file_path + "'", e); continue; } try { to_file_path = EnsureSpecialCharacters(to_file_path); } catch (Exception e) { SparkleLogger.LogInfo("Local", "Error parsing file name '" + to_file_path + "'", e); continue; } file_path = file_path.Replace("\\\"", "\""); to_file_path = to_file_path.Replace("\\\"", "\""); if (file_path.EndsWith(".empty")) { file_path = file_path.Substring(0, file_path.Length - 6); change_is_folder = true; } if (to_file_path.EndsWith(".empty")) { to_file_path = to_file_path.Substring(0, to_file_path.Length - 6); change_is_folder = true; } change.Path = file_path; change.MovedToPath = to_file_path; change.Type = SparkleChangeType.Moved; } else if (type_letter.Equals("M")) { change.Type = SparkleChangeType.Edited; } else if (type_letter.Equals("D")) { change.Type = SparkleChangeType.Deleted; } change_set.Changes.Add(change); } // Group commits per user, per day if (change_sets.Count > 0 && path == null) { SparkleChangeSet last_change_set = change_sets [change_sets.Count - 1]; if (change_set.Timestamp.Year == last_change_set.Timestamp.Year && change_set.Timestamp.Month == last_change_set.Timestamp.Month && change_set.Timestamp.Day == last_change_set.Timestamp.Day && change_set.User.Name.Equals(last_change_set.User.Name)) { last_change_set.Changes.AddRange(change_set.Changes); if (DateTime.Compare(last_change_set.Timestamp, change_set.Timestamp) < 1) { last_change_set.FirstTimestamp = last_change_set.Timestamp; last_change_set.Timestamp = change_set.Timestamp; last_change_set.Revision = change_set.Revision; } else { last_change_set.FirstTimestamp = change_set.Timestamp; } } else { change_sets.Add(change_set); } } else { // Don't show removals or moves in the revision list of a file if (path != null) { List <SparkleChange> changes_to_skip = new List <SparkleChange> (); foreach (SparkleChange change in change_set.Changes) { if ((change.Type == SparkleChangeType.Deleted || change.Type == SparkleChangeType.Moved) && change.Path.Equals(path)) { changes_to_skip.Add(change); } } foreach (SparkleChange change_to_skip in changes_to_skip) { change_set.Changes.Remove(change_to_skip); } } change_sets.Add(change_set); } } return(change_sets); }