public static CharacterCreateRequest Unmarshal(MessageEventArgs args)
            var reader = new SpanReader(args.Message.Payload.Span);
            var slot   = reader.ReadByte();
            var c      = new Character();

            c.Level = 1;
            c.Name  = reader.ReadDaocString();
            reader.Skip(4);             // 0x18 0x00 0x00 0x00 - DoL notes say this is an array length
            c.Customization = reader.Read <Customizations>();
            var operation = reader.ReadByte();                  // 1
            var custType  = reader.ReadByte();                  // 0

            reader.Skip(2);                                     // ???
            c.LocationDescription = reader.ReadDaocString();    // empty
            reader.ReadDaocString();                            // class description; redundant and empty
            reader.ReadDaocString();                            // race description; redundant and empty
            reader.Skip(1);                                     // ???
            c.Classification = reader.Read <Classification>();
            c.Model          = reader.ReadUInt16LittleEndian(); // 12352
            c.Region         = reader.ReadUInt16LittleEndian(); // byte? 27
            c.Stats     = reader.Read <Stats>();
            c.Equipment = reader.Read <Equipment>(); // empty
            ;                                        // 4 bytes left
            return(new CharacterCreateRequest(slot, c));
Exemple #2
        private Tensor <T> LoadVarData <T>(string name)
            where T : unmanaged
            var v      = GetVar(name);
            var reader = new SpanReader(File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(_modelPath, name)));

            var version  = reader.Read <uint>();
            var lodLevel = reader.Read <ulong>();

            for (uint i = 0; i < lodLevel; i++)
                var len = reader.Read <ulong>();

            version = reader.Read <uint>();
            if (version != 0)
                throw new NotSupportedException();
                var descSize = reader.Read <int>();

            var rest = reader.ReadAsSpan();
            var data = MemoryMarshal.Cast <byte, T>(rest);

            return(new DenseTensor <T>(data.ToArray(), GetVarShape(name)));
Exemple #3
        internal CorrelationId(ReadOnlySpan <byte> bytes, out int consumedBytes)
            var reader = new SpanReader <byte>(bytes);

            ApplicationId = BinaryPrimitives.ReadInt64LittleEndian(reader.Read(sizeof(long)));
            StreamId      = BinaryPrimitives.ReadInt64LittleEndian(reader.Read(sizeof(long)));

            consumedBytes = reader.ConsumedCount;
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new unique identifier from set of bytes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bytes">The memory block of bytes.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="bytes"/> is too small.</exception>
        public ClusterMemberId(ReadOnlySpan <byte> bytes)
            var reader = new SpanReader <byte>(bytes);

            address = reader.Read <Guid>();
            port    = reader.Read <int>();
            length  = reader.Read <int>();
            family  = reader.Read <int>();
Exemple #5
        internal static void Parse(ReadOnlySpan <byte> payload, out ushort remotePort, out long term, out long lastLogIndex, out long lastLogTerm)
            var reader = new SpanReader <byte>(payload);

            remotePort   = ReadUInt16LittleEndian(reader.Read(sizeof(ushort)));
            term         = ReadInt64LittleEndian(reader.Read(sizeof(long)));
            lastLogIndex = ReadInt64LittleEndian(reader.Read(sizeof(long)));
            lastLogTerm  = ReadInt64LittleEndian(reader.Read(sizeof(long)));
Exemple #6
        internal static int ParseLogEntryPrologue(ReadOnlySpan <byte> input, out long length, out long term, out DateTimeOffset timeStamp, out bool isSnapshot)
            var reader = new SpanReader <byte>(input);

            length     = ReadInt64LittleEndian(reader.Read(sizeof(long)));
            term       = ReadInt64LittleEndian(reader.Read(sizeof(long)));
            timeStamp  = reader.Read <DateTimeOffset>();
            isSnapshot = ValueTypeExtensions.ToBoolean(reader.Read());

Exemple #7
        private List <KeyValuePair <byte[], ResultCacheEntry> > DecodeBatch(ReadOnlySpan <byte> data)
            SpanReader batchReader = new SpanReader(data);

            var sequenceNumber = batchReader.ReadInt64();
            var operationCount = batchReader.ReadInt32();

            var result = new List <KeyValuePair <byte[], ResultCacheEntry> >(operationCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < operationCount; i++)
                byte operationCode = batchReader.ReadByte();

                var keyLength  = batchReader.ReadVarLong();
                var currentKey = batchReader.Read(keyLength);

                if (operationCode == (int)OperationType.Put)                  // Put
                    ulong valueLength = batchReader.ReadVarLong();

                    var currentVal = batchReader.Read(valueLength);
                    result.Add(new KeyValuePair <byte[], ResultCacheEntry>(currentKey.ToArray(), new ResultCacheEntry
                        Sequence    = sequenceNumber,
                        ResultState = ResultState.Exist,
                        Data        = currentVal.ToArray()
                else if (operationCode == (int)OperationType.Delete)                  // Delete
                    // says return "not found" in this case. Need to investigate since I believe there can multiple records with same key in this case.
                    result.Add(new KeyValuePair <byte[], ResultCacheEntry>(currentKey.ToArray(), new ResultCacheEntry
                        Sequence    = sequenceNumber,
                        ResultState = ResultState.Deleted
                    // unknown recType

Exemple #8
        private bool TryParseCurrentEntry()
            if (!HasNext())

            var reader = new SpanReader(_blockData.Span)
                Position = _position

            // An entry for a particular key-value pair has the form:
            //     shared_bytes: varint32
            var sharedBytes = reader.ReadVarLong();
            //     unshared_bytes: varint32
            var nonSharedBytes = reader.ReadVarLong();
            //     value_length: varint32
            var valueLength = reader.ReadVarLong();
            //     key_delta: char[unshared_bytes]
            ReadOnlyMemory <byte> keyDelta = reader.Read(nonSharedBytes).ToArray();

            var           entry       = new BlockEntry();
            Memory <byte> combinedKey = new byte[sharedBytes + nonSharedBytes];

            if (sharedBytes > 0)
                if (Current == null)
                    throw new Exception("Faulty state. Got shared key, but had no current entry.");
                Current.Key.Slice(0, (int)sharedBytes).CopyTo(combinedKey.Slice(0, (int)sharedBytes));
            keyDelta.Slice(0, (int)nonSharedBytes).CopyTo(combinedKey.Slice((int)sharedBytes, (int)nonSharedBytes));
            entry.Key = combinedKey;

            entry.Data = reader.Read(valueLength).ToArray();

            // Position stream after value of this entry
            _position = reader.Position;

            Current = entry;

        internal static int ParseAnnouncement(ReadOnlySpan <byte> input, out ushort remotePort, out long term, out long snapshotIndex, out long length, out long snapshotTerm, out DateTimeOffset timestamp)
            var reader = new SpanReader <byte>(input);

            remotePort    = reader.ReadUInt16(true);
            term          = reader.ReadInt64(true);
            snapshotIndex = reader.ReadInt64(true);
            length        = reader.ReadInt64(true);
            snapshotTerm  = reader.ReadInt64(true);
            timestamp     = reader.Read <DateTimeOffset>();

Exemple #10
        internal static void ParseAnnouncement(ReadOnlySpan <byte> input, out ushort remotePort, out long term, out long prevLogIndex, out long prevLogTerm, out long commitIndex, out int entriesCount)
            var reader = new SpanReader <byte>(input);

            remotePort   = ReadUInt16LittleEndian(reader.Read(sizeof(ushort)));
            term         = ReadInt64LittleEndian(reader.Read(sizeof(long)));
            prevLogIndex = ReadInt64LittleEndian(reader.Read(sizeof(long)));
            prevLogTerm  = ReadInt64LittleEndian(reader.Read(sizeof(long)));
            commitIndex  = ReadInt64LittleEndian(reader.Read(sizeof(long)));
            entriesCount = ReadInt32LittleEndian(reader.Read(sizeof(int)));
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        ///     The second layer of the search tree is a table file's block index of keys. The block index is part of the table
        ///     file's metadata which is located at the end of its physical data file. The index contains one entry for each
        ///     logical data block within the table file. The entry contains the last key in the block and the offset of the block
        ///     within the table file. leveldb performs a binary search of the block index to locate a candidate data block. It
        ///     reads the candidate data block from the table file.
        /// </summary>
        public static Footer Read(Stream stream)
            stream.Seek(-FooterLength, SeekOrigin.End);
            Span <byte> footer = new byte[FooterLength];


            var reader = new SpanReader(footer);

            var metaIndexHandle = BlockHandle.ReadBlockHandle(ref reader);
            var indexHandle     = BlockHandle.ReadBlockHandle(ref reader);

            reader.Seek(-sizeof(ulong), SeekOrigin.End);
            ReadOnlySpan <byte> magic = reader.Read(8);

            if (Magic.AsSpan().SequenceCompareTo(magic) != 0)
                throw new Exception("Invalid footer. Magic end missing. This is not a proper table file");

            return(new Footer(metaIndexHandle, indexHandle));
Exemple #12
    private static long SolvePart2(ReadOnlySpan <byte> input)
        long length = 0;
        var  reader = new SpanReader(input);

        while (!reader.Done)
            if (reader.Read() == '(')
                int repLength           = reader.ReadPosIntUntil('x');
                int repCount            = reader.ReadPosIntUntil(')');
                ReadOnlySpan <byte> rep = reader.ReadBytes(repLength);
                length += SolvePart2(rep) * repCount;
                length += 1;

Exemple #13
    private static int SolvePart1(ReadOnlySpan <byte> input)
        int length = 0;
        var reader = new SpanReader(input);

        while (!reader.Done)
            if (reader.Read() == '(')
                int repLength = reader.ReadPosIntUntil('x');
                int repCount  = reader.ReadPosIntUntil(')');

                length += repLength * repCount;
                length += 1;

        //public void LevelDbGetValueFromMissingKey()
        //	using var db = new Database(new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\Development\Other\bedrock-server-\worlds\BedrockGeneratedLevel\db"));
        //	db.Open();

        //	int x = 15;
        //	int z = 6;

        //	Log.Warn("Looking for version");
        //	var versionKey = BitConverter.GetBytes(x).Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(z)).Concat(new byte[] {0x76}).ToArray();
        //	var version = db.Get(versionKey);
        //	Assert.AreEqual(15, version.First());

        //	Log.Warn("Looking for key");
        //	Assert.NotNull(db.Get(BitConverter.GetBytes(x).Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(z)).Concat(new byte[] {0x2f, 0}).ToArray()));
        //	Assert.NotNull(db.Get(BitConverter.GetBytes(x).Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(z)).Concat(new byte[] {0x2f, 1}).ToArray()));
        //	Assert.NotNull(db.Get(BitConverter.GetBytes(x).Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(z)).Concat(new byte[] {0x2f, 2}).ToArray()));
        //	Assert.NotNull(db.Get(BitConverter.GetBytes(x).Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(z)).Concat(new byte[] {0x2f, 3}).ToArray()));
        //	Assert.NotNull(db.Get(BitConverter.GetBytes(x).Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(z)).Concat(new byte[] {0x2f, 4}).ToArray()));
        //	Assert.NotNull(db.Get(BitConverter.GetBytes(x).Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(z)).Concat(new byte[] {0x2f, 5}).ToArray()));
        //	Assert.Null(db.Get(BitConverter.GetBytes(x).Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(z)).Concat(new byte[] {0x2f, 6}).ToArray()));
        //	Assert.Null(db.Get(BitConverter.GetBytes(x).Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(z)).Concat(new byte[] {0x2f, 7}).ToArray()));
        //	Assert.Null(db.Get(BitConverter.GetBytes(x).Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(z)).Concat(new byte[] {0x2f, 8}).ToArray())); // Fail??
        //	Assert.Null(db.Get(BitConverter.GetBytes(x).Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(z)).Concat(new byte[] {0x2f, 9}).ToArray()));
        //	Assert.Null(db.Get(BitConverter.GetBytes(x).Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(z)).Concat(new byte[] {0x2f, 10}).ToArray()));
        //	Assert.Null(db.Get(BitConverter.GetBytes(x).Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(z)).Concat(new byte[] {0x2f, 11}).ToArray()));
        //	Assert.Null(db.Get(BitConverter.GetBytes(x).Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(z)).Concat(new byte[] {0x2f, 12}).ToArray()));
        //	Assert.Null(db.Get(BitConverter.GetBytes(x).Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(z)).Concat(new byte[] {0x2f, 13}).ToArray()));
        //	Assert.Null(db.Get(BitConverter.GetBytes(x).Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(z)).Concat(new byte[] {0x2f, 14}).ToArray()));
        //	Assert.Null(db.Get(BitConverter.GetBytes(x).Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(z)).Concat(new byte[] {0x2f, 15}).ToArray()));

        private void ParseChunk(ReadOnlySpan <byte> data)
            var reader = new SpanReader(data);

            var version = reader.ReadByte();

            Assert.AreEqual(8, version);             // new palette-based chunk format

            var storageSize = reader.ReadByte();

            for (int i = 0; i < storageSize; i++)
                var bitsPerBlock = reader.ReadByte() >> 1;
                Assert.AreEqual(4, bitsPerBlock);
                int numberOfBytes = 4096 / (32 / bitsPerBlock) * 4;
                var blockData     = reader.Read(numberOfBytes);

                Assert.AreEqual(4096 / 2, blockData.Length);

                int paletteSize = reader.ReadInt32();
                Assert.AreEqual(12, paletteSize);

                for (int j = 0; j < paletteSize; j++)
                    NbtFile file = new NbtFile();
                    file.BigEndian = false;
                    file.UseVarInt = false;
                    var buffer = data.Slice(reader.Position).ToArray();

                    int numberOfBytesRead = (int)file.LoadFromStream(new MemoryStream(buffer), NbtCompression.None);
                    reader.Position += numberOfBytesRead;
 internal ReadOnlySpan <byte> GetCurrentValue()
     _reader.Position = (int)_lastValue.Offset;
Exemple #16
        public void LevelDbWriteUserDataTest()
            // Plan

            var operations = new KeyValuePair <byte[], MemCache.ResultCacheEntry> [3];

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                byte[] key   = TestUtils.FillArrayWithRandomBytes(20);
                var    entry = new MemCache.ResultCacheEntry();
                entry.ResultState = ResultState.Exist;
                entry.Sequence    = 10;
                entry.Data        = TestUtils.FillArrayWithRandomBytes(32768);          // 32KB is maz size for a block, not that it matters for this
                operations[i]     = new KeyValuePair <byte[], MemCache.ResultCacheEntry>(key, entry);

            MemCache memCache = new MemCache();

            // Do

            ReadOnlySpan <byte> result = memCache.EncodeBatch(operations);

            // Check

            SpanReader reader = new SpanReader(result);

            Assert.AreEqual(10, reader.ReadInt64(), "Sequence number");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, reader.ReadInt32(), "Operations count");

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                var expectedKey  = operations[i].Key;
                var expectedData = operations[i].Value.Data;

                Assert.AreEqual(1, reader.ReadByte(), "Operations type PUT");
                var keyLen = reader.ReadVarLong();

                Assert.AreEqual(expectedKey.Length, keyLen, "Key len");
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedKey, reader.Read(keyLen).ToArray(), "Key");

                var dataLen = reader.ReadVarLong();
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedData.Length, dataLen, "Data len");
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedData, reader.Read(dataLen).ToArray(), "Data");

            // test encoding complete blocks

            var       stream = new MemoryStream();
            LogWriter writer = new LogWriter(stream);

            Assert.Less(0, stream.Length);
            stream.Position = 0;

            // Roundtrip test by making sure i can read blocks I've encoded myself.

            LogReader logReader = new LogReader(stream);


            MemCache memCache2 = new MemCache();


            var cache = memCache2._resultCache;

            Assert.AreEqual(3, cache.Count);

            int j = 0;

            foreach (var entry in cache)
                var expectedKey  = operations[j].Key;
                var expectedData = operations[j].Value.Data;

                Assert.AreEqual(ResultState.Exist, entry.Value.ResultState, "Value exists");

                Assert.AreEqual(expectedKey.Length, entry.Key.Length, "Key len");
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedKey, entry.Key, "Key");

                Assert.AreEqual(expectedData.Length, entry.Value.Data.Length, "Data len");
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedData, entry.Value.Data, "Data");
Exemple #17
        internal void EncodeBlocks(Stream stream, ReadOnlySpan <byte> data)
            SpanReader reader = new SpanReader(data);

            var currentRecordType = LogRecordType.Zero;

            while (!reader.Eof)
                int sizeLeft  = (int)(BlockSize - stream.Position % BlockSize);
                int bytesLeft = reader.Length - reader.Position;
                int length    = 0;

                if (currentRecordType == LogRecordType.Zero || currentRecordType == LogRecordType.Last || currentRecordType == LogRecordType.Full)
                    if (sizeLeft < 7)
                        //throw new Exception($"Size left={sizeLeft}");
                        // pad with zeros
                        stream.Seek(sizeLeft, SeekOrigin.Current);
                        currentRecordType = LogRecordType.Zero;

                    if (sizeLeft == 7)
                        //throw new Exception($"Size left={sizeLeft}");
                        // emit empty first block
                        currentRecordType = LogRecordType.First;
                        WriteFragment(stream, currentRecordType, ReadOnlySpan <byte> .Empty);

                    if (sizeLeft >= bytesLeft + 7)
                        currentRecordType = LogRecordType.Full;
                        length            = bytesLeft;
                        currentRecordType = LogRecordType.First;
                        length            = sizeLeft - 7;
                else if (currentRecordType == LogRecordType.First || currentRecordType == LogRecordType.Middle)
                    if (sizeLeft >= bytesLeft + 7)
                        currentRecordType = LogRecordType.Last;
                        length            = bytesLeft;
                        currentRecordType = LogRecordType.Middle;
                        length            = sizeLeft - 7;
                    throw new Exception("Unexpected state while writing fragments");

                var fragmentData = reader.Read(length);
                WriteFragment(stream, currentRecordType, fragmentData);
Exemple #18
        public void LevelDbReadLogTest()

            DirectoryInfo directory = TestUtils.GetTestDirectory();

            LogReader logReader = new LogReader(new FileInfo(Path.Combine(directory.FullName, "000047.log")));

            BytewiseComparator comparator = new BytewiseComparator();

            bool found = false;

            while (true)
                ReadOnlySpan <byte> data = logReader.ReadData();

                if (logReader.Eof)

                var dataReader = new SpanReader(data);

                long sequenceNumber = dataReader.ReadInt64();
                long size           = dataReader.ReadInt32();

                while (!dataReader.Eof)
                    byte recType = dataReader.ReadByte();

                    ulong v1         = dataReader.ReadVarLong();
                    var   currentKey = dataReader.Read(v1);

                    //CurrentKey = f5 ff ff ff eb ff ff ff 36

                    if (comparator.Compare(new byte[] { 0xf5, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xeb, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x36 }, currentKey) == 0)
                        found = true;

                    ulong v2 = 0;
                    ReadOnlySpan <byte> currentVal = ReadOnlySpan <byte> .Empty;
                    switch (recType)
                    case 1:                             // value
                        if (recType == 1)
                            v2         = dataReader.ReadVarLong();
                            currentVal = dataReader.Read(v2);

                    case 0:                             // delete
                        //Assert.Fail("Unexpected delete key");

                        throw new Exception("Unknown record format");

                    if (Log.IsDebugEnabled)
                        Log.Debug($"RecType={recType}, Sequence={sequenceNumber}, Size={size}, v1={v1}, v2={v2}\nCurrentKey={currentKey.HexDump(currentKey.Length, false, false)}\nCurrentVal=\n{currentVal.HexDump(cutAfterFive: true)} ");
