private void SetGlobalVariables() { if (SourcesList.Any(s => s.Type == "Stem" && s.Name == "Clipper")) { _sourceClipper = SourcesList.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Type == "Stem" && s.Name == "Clipper").Id; } if (PortsList.Any(p => p.Name.ToLower().Contains("unallocated"))) { _portUnallocated = PortsList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name.ToLower().Contains("unallocated")).Id; } else { throw new Exception("Add unallocated port to use as parent for new ports"); } if (GradesList.Any(p => p.Name.ToLower().Contains("unallocated"))) { _gradeUnallocated = GradesList.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Name.ToLower().Contains("unallocated")).Id; } else { throw new Exception("Add unallocated grade to use as parent for new grades"); } }
public object GetDmsSources() { SourcesList listOfListOfSources = new SourcesList() { sources = new List <Source>() { new Source() { id = "/devperts-qmhandbuch/sources/mysource", displayName = "QM-Handbuch", categories = new List <Category>() { new Category() { key = "qm-documents", displayName = "QM Documents" } }, properties = new List <Property>() { new Property("chapter", "Chapter Number"), new Property("headline", "Headline"), new Property("parent", "Parent Chapter") } } } }; string requestDMSApp = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(listOfListOfSources); Console.WriteLine(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(listOfListOfSources, Formatting.Indented)); return(Content(requestDMSApp)); // return Content("{ \"sources\" : [{ \"id\" : \"/devperts-qmhandbuch/sources/mysource\", \"displayName\" : \"QM-Handbuch\", \"categories\": [{ \"key\": \"qm-documents\", \"displayName\": \"QM Dokumente\" }], \"properties\" : [{ \"key\" : \"chapter\", \"displayName\" : \"Kapitelnummer\" },{ \"key\" : \"headline\", \"displayName\" : \"Überschrift\" },{ \"key\" : \"parent\", \"displayName\" : \"Parent Chapter\" }] }]}", "application/json"); }
private void Init(bool isDefault) { if (isDefault) { SelectedSection = SectionsList[0]; SelectedType = TypesList[0]; SelectedStatus = StatusesList[0]; SelectedSource = SourcesList[0]; SelectedCustomer = CustomersList[0]; SelectedBroker = BrokersList[0]; SelectedTrader = TradersList[0]; } else { SelectedSection = SectionsList.First(s => == Auction.sectionId); SelectedType = TypesList.First(t => == Auction.typeId); SelectedStatus = StatusesList.First(s => s.Id == Auction.StatusId); SelectedSource = SourcesList.First(s => == Auction.SiteId); SelectedCustomer = CustomersList.First(c => == Auction.CustomerId); SelectedBroker = BrokersList.First(b => b.Id == Auction.BrokerId); SelectedTrader = TradersList.First(t => == Auction.TraderId); } }
private void HandleSources(string pszSources) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pszSources)) { return; } bool bAllowSources; int nYear, nMonth, nDay; ushort nCount = 0; uint dwID; ushort nPort; uint dwServerIP = 0; ushort nServerPort = 0; int nInvalid = 0; int pCh = pszSources.IndexOf("sources"); if (pCh < 0) { return; } pCh = pCh + 7; // point to char after "sources" int pEnd = pszSources.Length; bAllowSources = true; // if there's an expiration date... if (pszSources[pCh] == '@' && (pEnd - pCh) > 7) { // after '@' pCh++; int.TryParse(pszSources.Substring(pCh, 2), out nYear); nYear += 2000; pCh += 2; int.TryParse(pszSources.Substring(pCh, 2), out nMonth); pCh += 2; int.TryParse(pszSources.Substring(pCh, 2), out nDay); pCh += 2; DateTime expirationDate = DateTime.Now; try { expirationDate = new DateTime(nYear, nMonth, nDay); } catch { } bAllowSources = expirationDate != null; if (bAllowSources) { bAllowSources = (DateTime.Today < expirationDate); } } // increment pCh to point to the first "ip:port" and check for sources if (bAllowSources && ++pCh < pEnd) { SourcesList = MpdObjectManager.CreateSafeMemFile(256); // init to 0, we'll fix this at the end. SourcesList.WriteUInt16(nCount); // for each "ip:port" source string until the end // limit to prevent overflow (ushort due to CPartFile::AddClientSources) while (pCh < pEnd && nCount < ushort.MaxValue) { string strIP = string.Empty; int pIP = pCh; // find the end of this ip:port string & start of next ip:port string. if ((pCh = pszSources.IndexOf(',', pCh)) >= 0) { strIP = pszSources.Substring(pIP, pCh - pIP); pCh++; // point to next "ip:port" } else { pCh = pEnd; } // if port is not present for this ip, go to the next ip. int pPort = -1; if ((pPort = strIP.IndexOf(':')) < 0) { nInvalid++; continue; } string strPort = strIP.Substring(pPort + 1); // terminate ip string strIP = strIP.Substring(0, pPort); if (!ushort.TryParse(strPort, out nPort)) { nInvalid++; continue; } // skip bad ips / ports if (nPort > 0xFFFF || nPort == 0) // port { nInvalid++; continue; } IPAddress address = null; if (!IPAddress.TryParse(strIP, out address)) { // hostname? if (strIP.Length > 512) { nInvalid++; continue; } UnresolvedHostname hostname = MuleApplication.Instance.ED2KObjectManager.CreateUnresolvedHostname(); hostname.Port = nPort; hostname.HostName = strIP; hostnameSourcesList_.Add(hostname); continue; } //TODO: This will filter out *.*.*.0 clients. Is there a nice way to fix? dwID = BitConverter.ToUInt32(address.GetAddressBytes(), 0); if (MuleUtilities.IsLowID(dwID)) // ip { nInvalid++; continue; } SourcesList.WriteUInt32(dwID); SourcesList.WriteUInt16(nPort); SourcesList.WriteUInt32(dwServerIP); SourcesList.WriteUInt16(nServerPort); nCount++; } SourcesList.SeekToBegin(); SourcesList.WriteUInt16(nCount); SourcesList.SeekToBegin(); if (nCount == 0) { SourcesList = null; } } }