Exemple #1
        /** ****************************************************************************************
         * Does the job for
         * \ref cs::aworx::lox::Lox::SetSourcePathTrimRule    "Lox.SetSourcePathTrimRule" and
         * \ref cs::aworx::lox::Lox::ClearSourcePathTrimRules "Lox.ClearSourcePathTrimRules".
         * @param path          The path to search for. If not starting with <c> '*'</c>, a prefix
         *                      is searched.
         * @param includeString Determines if \p path should be included in the trimmed path or not.
         * @param trimOffset    Adjusts the portion of \p path that is trimmed. 999999 to clear!
         * @param sensitivity   Determines if the comparison of \p path with a source files' path
         *                      is performed case sensitive or not.
         * @param global        If Inclusion.Exclude, only this instance is affected. Otherwise
         *                      the setting applies to all instances of class \b Lox.
        public void   SetSourcePathTrimRule(String path, Inclusion includeString, int trimOffset,
                                            Case sensitivity,
                                            Inclusion global)
            // unset current origFile to have lazy variables reset with the next invocation
            for (int i = 0; i < cacheSize; i++)
                cache[i].origFile = null;

            // clear command
            if (trimOffset == 999999)
                if (global == Inclusion.Include)
                AutoDetectTrimableSourcePath = (includeString == Inclusion.Include);

                // reset config read flag. This is done for unit testing. Not really
                // useful/needed in real life.
                GlobalSPTRsReadFromConfig = false;

            // choosel local or global list
            List <SourcePathTrimRule> trimInfoList = global == Inclusion.Include  ? GlobalSPTRs
                                                                                 : LocalSPTRs;

            // add new entry
            SourcePathTrimRule rule = new SourcePathTrimRule();

            // if path starts with '*', it is not a prefix. We store without *
            rule.Path = new AString((rule.IsPrefix = !path.StartsWith("*")) ? path : path.Substring(1));
            if (rule.Path.CharAtEnd() == '*')
            if (rule.Path.IsEmpty())

            if (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar == '/')
                rule.Path.SearchAndReplaceAll("\\", "/");
                rule.Path.SearchAndReplaceAll("/", "\\");

            rule.IncludeString = includeString;
            rule.TrimOffset    = trimOffset;
            rule.Sensitivity   = sensitivity;

        /** ****************************************************************************************
         * Does the job for
         * \ref cs::aworx::lox::Lox::SetSourcePathTrimRule    "Lox.SetSourcePathTrimRule" and
         * \ref cs::aworx::lox::Lox::ClearSourcePathTrimRules "Lox.ClearSourcePathTrimRules".
         * @param path            The path to search for. If not starting with <c> '*'</c>,
         *                        a prefix is searched.
         * @param includeString   Determines if \p path should be included in the trimmed path
         *                        or not.
         * @param trimOffset      Adjusts the portion of \p path that is trimmed. 999999 to clear!
         * @param sensitivity     Determines if the comparison of \p path with a source files' path
         *                        is performed case sensitive or not.
         * @param trimReplacement Replacement string for trimmed portion of the path.
         * @param reach           Denotes whether the rule is applied locally (to this \b %Lox only)
         *                        or applies to all instances of class \b %Lox.
         * @param priority        The priority of the setting.
        public void   SetSourcePathTrimRule( String     path,
                                             Inclusion  includeString,
                                             int        trimOffset,
                                             Case       sensitivity,
                                             String     trimReplacement,
                                             Reach      reach,
                                             int        priority            )
            // unset current origFile to have lazy variables reset with the next invocation
            for ( int i= 0; i< cacheSize; i++ )
                cache[i].origFile= null;

            // clear command
            if ( trimOffset == 999999 )
                if ( reach == Reach.Global )
                AutoDetectTrimableSourcePath=  (includeString == Inclusion.Include);

                // reset config read flag. This is done for unit testing. Not really
                // useful/needed in real life.
                GlobalSPTRsReadFromConfig= false;

            // choosel local or global list
            List<SourcePathTrimRule> trimInfoList = reach == Reach.Global  ? GlobalSPTRs
                                                                           : LocalSPTRs;

            // add new entry
            SourcePathTrimRule rule= new SourcePathTrimRule();

            // if path starts with '*', it is not a prefix. We store without *
            rule.Path= new AString( (rule.IsPrefix= !path.StartsWith("*")) ? path : path.Substring( 1 ) );
            if ( rule.Path.CharAtEnd() == '*' )
                rule.Path.DeleteEnd( 1 );
            if ( rule.Path.IsEmpty() )

            if( Path.DirectorySeparatorChar == '/' )
                rule.Path.SearchAndReplaceAll( "\\", "/"  );
                rule.Path.SearchAndReplaceAll( "/" , "\\" );

            rule.IncludeString=   includeString;
            rule.TrimOffset=      trimOffset;
            rule.Sensitivity=     sensitivity;
            rule.TrimReplacement= trimReplacement;

            // add rule ordered by priority
            rule.Priority= priority;
            int pos= 0;
            while( pos < trimInfoList.Count && priority < trimInfoList[pos].Priority )

            trimInfoList.Insert( pos, rule );
    // #############################################################################################
    // public interface
    // #############################################################################################

        /** ****************************************************************************************
         * Constructs a scope info.
         * @param name              The name of the Lox we belong to.
         *                          Will be converted to upper case.
         * @param threadDictionary  A dictionary to map thread IDs to user friendly names which is
         *                          managed outside of this class.
        public ScopeInfo( String name,  Dictionary<int, String> threadDictionary )
            loxName= name.ToUpper();
            ALIB.ASSERT_ERROR( !loxName.Equals( "GLOBAL" ), "Name \"GLOBAL\" not allowed for Lox instances" );

            this.threadDictionary= threadDictionary;

            cache=  new SourceFile[cacheSize= DefaultCacheSize];
            for ( int i= 0; i< cacheSize; i++ )
                cache[i]= new SourceFile();
            actual= cache[0];

            // read trim rules from config
            // do 2 times, 0== local list, 1== global list
            List<SourcePathTrimRule> trimInfoList;
            for( int trimInfoNo= 0; trimInfoNo < 2 ; trimInfoNo++ )
                // check if done... or set list
                Variable variable= new Variable();
                if ( trimInfoNo == 0 )
                    trimInfoList= LocalSPTRs;
                    variable.Define(ALox.SPTR_LOX, loxName).Load();
                    if ( GlobalSPTRsReadFromConfig )
                    GlobalSPTRsReadFromConfig= true;
                    trimInfoList= GlobalSPTRs;

                if( variable.Priority != 0 )
                    Tokenizer ruleTok = new Tokenizer();
                    for( int ruleNo= 0; ruleNo< variable.Size(); ruleNo++ )
                        try {
                            ruleTok.Set( variable.GetString( ruleNo ), ',' );
                            SourcePathTrimRule rule= new SourcePathTrimRule();
                            rule.Priority= variable.Priority;
                            rule.Path= new AString();
                            if( ! ( rule.IsPrefix= !ruleTok.Actual.StartsWith( "*" ) ) )
                            rule.Path._( ruleTok.Actual );
                            if ( rule.Path.CharAtEnd() == '*' )
                                rule.Path.DeleteEnd( 1 );
                            if ( rule.Path.IsEmpty() )

                            if( Path.DirectorySeparatorChar == '/' )
                                rule.Path.SearchAndReplaceAll( "\\", "/"  );
                                rule.Path.SearchAndReplaceAll( "/" , "\\" );

                            rule.IncludeString = ALIB.ReadInclusion( ruleTok.Next() );

                            if ( ruleTok.HasNext () )
                                ruleTok.Next().ConsumeInteger( out rule.TrimOffset );

                            rule.Sensitivity = ALIB.ReadCase( ruleTok.Next() );

                            if ( ruleTok.HasNext () )
                                rule.TrimReplacement= ruleTok.Next().ToString();

                            trimInfoList.Add( rule );
                        catch( Exception )
                            ALIB.ERROR( "Error reading source path trim rule from configuration. Invalid String: "
                                        + variable.GetString( ruleNo ).ToString() );
Exemple #4
        // #############################################################################################
        // public interface
        // #############################################################################################

        /** ****************************************************************************************
         * Constructs a scope info.
         * @param name              The name of the Lox we belong to
         * @param threadDictionary  A dictionary to map thread IDs to user friendly names which is
         *                          managed outside of this class.
        public ScopeInfo(String name, Dictionary <int, String> threadDictionary)
            loxName = name.ToUpper();
            ALIB.ASSERT_ERROR(!loxName.Equals("GLOBAL"), "Name \"GLOBAL\" not allowed for Lox instances");

            this.threadDictionary = threadDictionary;

            cache = new SourceFile[cacheSize = DefaultCacheSize];
            for (int i = 0; i < cacheSize; i++)
                cache[i] = new SourceFile();
            actual = cache[0];

            // read trim rules from config
            // do 2 times, 0== local list, 1== global list
            List <SourcePathTrimRule> trimInfoList;
            AString rules        = new AString();
            AString variableName = new AString();

            for (int trimInfoNo = 0; trimInfoNo < 2; trimInfoNo++)
                // check if done... or set list
                if (trimInfoNo == 0)
                    trimInfoList = LocalSPTRs;
                    if (GlobalSPTRsReadFromConfig)
                    GlobalSPTRsReadFromConfig = true;
                    trimInfoList = GlobalSPTRs;

                // get auto sizes from last session
                if (ALIB.Config.Get(ALox.ConfigCategoryName, variableName, rules) != 0)
                    Tokenizer rulesTok = new Tokenizer();
                    Tokenizer ruleTok  = new Tokenizer();
                    rulesTok.Set(rules, ';');
                    Substring ruleStr;
                    while ((ruleStr = rulesTok.Next()).IsNotEmpty())
                        try {
                            ruleTok.Set(ruleStr, ',');
                            SourcePathTrimRule rule = new SourcePathTrimRule();
                            rule.Path = new AString();
                            if (!(rule.IsPrefix = !ruleTok.Actual.StartsWith("*")))
                            if (rule.Path.CharAtEnd() == '*')
                            if (rule.Path.IsEmpty())

                            if (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar == '/')
                                rule.Path.SearchAndReplaceAll("\\", "/");
                                rule.Path.SearchAndReplaceAll("/", "\\");

                            rule.IncludeString = ALIB.ReadInclusion(ruleTok.Next());

                            if (ruleTok.HasNext())
                                ruleTok.Next().ConsumeInteger(out rule.TrimOffset);

                            rule.Sensitivity = ALIB.ReadCase(ruleTok.Next());
                        catch (Exception)
                            ALIB.ERROR("Error reading source path trim rule from configuration. Invalid String: "
                                       + ruleStr.ToString());