Exemple #1
        // use map file to get TS source file pos from JS file pos
        private static SourcePos FindTypeScriptLineNumber(string soureMapFile, SourcePos jsOneBasedSourcePos)
            // convert to zero-based coords
            SourcePosition jsZeroBasedSourcePos = jsOneBasedSourcePos.GetZeroBasedPosition();

            // Parse the source map from file
            SourceMapParser parser = new SourceMapParser();
            SourceMap       sourceMap;

            using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(soureMapFile, FileMode.Open))
                sourceMap = parser.ParseSourceMap(new StreamReader(stream));

            // look for JS source position in map entries
            // if we can't find the exact location in the map file, we get a null result, so to safeguard against this happening,
            // we'll look 10 chars either side of the specfied column, and take the closest match if we can't find an exact match
            // if that also fails, we return notFound = [0,0] = line 1, column 1
            // (column is not currently used, but required to get the mapped line number)
            MappingEntry[] mapEntry = new MappingEntry[3];
            for (int delta = 0; delta <= 10; delta++)
                SourcePosition posBefore = jsZeroBasedSourcePos;
                posBefore.ZeroBasedColumnNumber -= delta;

                SourcePosition posAfter = jsZeroBasedSourcePos;
                posAfter.ZeroBasedColumnNumber += delta;

                mapEntry[0] = sourceMap.GetMappingEntryForGeneratedSourcePosition(jsZeroBasedSourcePos);
                mapEntry[1] = sourceMap.GetMappingEntryForGeneratedSourcePosition(posBefore);
                mapEntry[2] = sourceMap.GetMappingEntryForGeneratedSourcePosition(posAfter);

                if (mapEntry[0] != null || mapEntry[1] != null || mapEntry[2] != null)

            MappingEntry tsMapEnt = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                if (mapEntry[i] != null)
                    tsMapEnt = mapEntry[i];

            if (tsMapEnt == null)
                Log($"Unable to map Javascript source pos to TypeScript source file, mapping file was: {soureMapFile}");
                Log($"Successfully mapped Javascript source pos to TypeScript pos using mapping file: {soureMapFile}");
                return(new SourcePos(tsMapEnt.OriginalSourcePosition));
Exemple #2
        private SourceMap GetSourceMap(JSContext ctx, string fileName)
            SourceMap sourceMap;

            if (!_sourceMaps.TryGetValue(fileName, out sourceMap))
                    var    runtime      = ScriptEngine.GetRuntime(ctx);
                    var    fileResolver = runtime.GetPathResolver();
                    var    fileSystem   = runtime.GetFileSystem();
                    string searchPath;
                    string resolvedPath;
                    if (fileResolver.ResolvePath(fileSystem, fileName + ".map", out searchPath, out resolvedPath))
                        var fileContent = fileSystem.ReadAllBytes(resolvedPath);
                        if (fileContent != null && fileContent.Length > 0)
                            using (var stream = new MemoryStream(fileContent))
                                var parser = new SourceMapParser();
                                var reader = new StreamReader(stream);
                                sourceMap = parser.ParseSourceMap(reader);
                                // Debug.Log($"[SourceMapHelper] parse sourceMap: {sourceMap.File} ({resolvedPath})");
                    _sourceMaps[fileName] = sourceMap;
Exemple #3
        private static SourceMap GetSourceMap(IntPtr ctx, string fileName)
            SourceMap sourceMap;

            if (!_sourceMaps.TryGetValue(fileName, out sourceMap))
                    var fileResolver = DuktapeVM.GetVM(ctx).fileResolver;
                    var fileContent  = fileResolver.ReadAllBytes(fileName + ".map");
                    if (fileContent != null && fileContent.Length > 0)
                        using (var stream = new MemoryStream(fileContent))
                            var parser = new SourceMapParser();
                            var reader = new StreamReader(stream);
                            sourceMap = parser.ParseSourceMap(reader);
                            // Debug.Log($"[SourceMapHelper] parse sourceMap: {sourceMap.File} ({resolvedPath})");
                    _sourceMaps[fileName] = sourceMap;
Exemple #4
        private static SourceMap GetSourceMap(IntPtr ctx, string fileName)
            SourceMap sourceMap;

            if (!_sourceMaps.TryGetValue(fileName, out sourceMap))
                    var vm           = DuktapeVM.GetVM(ctx);
                    var resolvedPath = vm.ResolvePath(fileName + ".map");
                    if (resolvedPath != null)
                        using (var stream = File.OpenRead(resolvedPath))
                            var parser = new SourceMapParser();
                            var reader = new StreamReader(stream);
                            sourceMap = parser.ParseSourceMap(reader);
                            // Debug.Log($"[SourceMapHelper] parse sourceMap: {sourceMap.File} ({resolvedPath})");
                    _sourceMaps[fileName] = sourceMap;
        public void Parse_SourcesContentContainsOriginalSources()
            var map = SourceMapParser.Parse(JsonSerializer.Serialize(Helper.TestMapWithSourcesContent));

            Assert.Equal(2, map.SourcesContent.Count);
            Assert.Equal(" ONE.foo = function (bar) {\n   return baz(bar);\n };", map.SourcesContent[0]);
            Assert.Equal(" TWO.inc = function (n) {\n   return n + 1;\n };", map.SourcesContent[1]);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a StackTraceDeminifier that only deminifies the method names. StackTrace deminifiers created with this method will use significantly less memory during runtime than the
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceMapProvider">Consumers of the API should implement this interface, which provides the source map for a given JavaScript file. Throws ArgumentNullException if the parameter is set to null.</param>
        /// <param name="generatedCodeProvider">Consumers of the API should implement this interface, which provides the contents of a JavaScript file. Throws ArgumentNullException if the parameter is set to null.</param>
        /// <param name="stackTraceParser">Consumers of the API should implement this interface, which provides a parser for the stacktrace. Throws ArgumentNullException if the parameter is set to null.</param>
        public static StackTraceDeminifier GetMethodNameOnlyStackTraceDeminfier(ISourceMapProvider sourceMapProvider, ISourceCodeProvider generatedCodeProvider, IStackTraceParser stackTraceParser)
            ValidateArguments(sourceMapProvider, generatedCodeProvider, stackTraceParser);

            SourceMapParser       sourceMapParser      = new SourceMapParser();
            IStackFrameDeminifier stackFrameDeminifier = new MethodNameStackFrameDeminifier(new FunctionMapStore(generatedCodeProvider, (url) => sourceMapParser.ParseSourceMap(sourceMapProvider.GetSourceMapContentsForCallstackUrl(url))), new FunctionMapConsumer());

            return(new StackTraceDeminifier(stackFrameDeminifier, stackTraceParser));
        string ProcessWithSourceMaps(IEnumerable <AssetContent> assets)
            var results = assets.Select(a => new { asset = a, result = this.reactEnvironment.ExecuteWithBabel <JavaScriptWithSourceMap>("ReactNET_transform_sourcemap", a.Contents, babelConfig, a.Path) }).ToArray();

            var offset          = 0;
            var map             = new SourcemapToolkit.SourcemapParser.SourceMap();
            var sourceMapParser = new SourceMapParser();
            var outputBuilder   = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var result in results)
                var json = result.result.SourceMap.ToJson();
                using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json)))
                    using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(memoryStream))
                        var sourceMap = sourceMapParser.ParseSourceMap(streamReader);

                        foreach (var name in sourceMap.Names)


                        foreach (var mappingEntry in sourceMap.ParsedMappings)
                            if (mappingEntry.OriginalSourcePosition == null)


                            mappingEntry.OriginalFileName = result.asset.Path.ToLower();

                            mappingEntry.GeneratedSourcePosition.ZeroBasedLineNumber += offset;

                        offset += result.result.Code.Split('\n').Length;


            var sourceMapGenerator             = new SourceMapGenerator();
            var generateSourceMapInlineComment = sourceMapGenerator.GenerateSourceMapInlineComment(map);


Exemple #8
        public void ParseSourceMap_NullInputStream_ReturnsNull()
            // Arrange
            SourceMapParser sourceMapParser = new SourceMapParser();
            StreamReader    input           = null;

            // Act
            SourceMap output = sourceMapParser.ParseSourceMap(input);

            // Assert
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses an encoded sourcemap string and matches each entry to an AST Node
        /// </summary>
        static (SourceMapEntry[] SourceMapEntries, AstNode[] AstNodes) ParseSourceMap(string encodedSourceMap, Dictionary <int, AstNode[]> astDict)
            var sourceMapItems = SourceMapParser.Parse(encodedSourceMap);
            var astNodes       = new List <AstNode>();

            for (var i = 0; i < sourceMapItems.Length; i++)
                var sourceMap = sourceMapItems[i];
                var node      = MatchSourceMapEntry(sourceMap, astDict);
                if (node != null)

            return(sourceMapItems, astNodes.ToArray());
        // [Fact]
        public void Parse_MapsMappingTokensBackExactly()
            var map = SourceMapParser.Parse(JsonSerializer.Serialize(Helper.TestMap));

            Helper.AssertMapping(1, 1, "/the/root/one.js", 1, 1, null, map);
            Helper.AssertMapping(1, 5, "/the/root/one.js", 1, 5, null, map);
            Helper.AssertMapping(1, 9, "/the/root/one.js", 1, 11, null, map);
            Helper.AssertMapping(1, 18, "/the/root/one.js", 1, 21, "bar", map);
            Helper.AssertMapping(1, 21, "/the/root/one.js", 2, 3, null, map);
            Helper.AssertMapping(1, 28, "/the/root/one.js", 2, 10, "baz", map);
            Helper.AssertMapping(1, 32, "/the/root/one.js", 2, 14, "bar", map);
            Helper.AssertMapping(2, 1, "/the/root/two.js", 1, 1, null, map);
            Helper.AssertMapping(2, 5, "/the/root/two.js", 1, 5, null, map);
            Helper.AssertMapping(2, 9, "/the/root/two.js", 1, 11, null, map);
            Helper.AssertMapping(2, 18, "/the/root/two.js", 1, 21, "n", map);
            Helper.AssertMapping(2, 21, "/the/root/two.js", 2, 3, null, map);
            Helper.AssertMapping(2, 28, "/the/root/two.js", 2, 10, "n", map);
Exemple #11
        public void ParseSourceMap_SimpleSourceMap_CorrectlyParsed()
            // Arrange
            SourceMapParser sourceMapParser = new SourceMapParser();
            string          input           = "{ \"version\":3, \"file\":\"CommonIntl\", \"lineCount\":65, \"mappings\":\"AACAA,aAAA,CAAc\", \"sources\":[\"input/CommonIntl.js\"], \"names\":[\"CommonStrings\",\"afrikaans\"]}";

            // Act
            SourceMap output = sourceMapParser.ParseSourceMap(UnitTestUtils.StreamReaderFromString(input));

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(3, output.Version);
            Assert.Equal("CommonIntl", output.File);
            Assert.Equal("AACAA,aAAA,CAAc", output.Mappings);
            Assert.Equal(1, output.Sources.Count);
            Assert.Equal("input/CommonIntl.js", output.Sources[0]);
            Assert.Equal(2, output.Names.Count);
            Assert.Equal("CommonStrings", output.Names[0]);
            Assert.Equal("afrikaans", output.Names[1]);
        public void ApplyMappingSegment_CorrectlyUpdatesState()
            var state = new MappingParserState {
                GeneratedLineNumber = 1, GeneratedColumnNumber = 2, SourcesListIndex = 3, OriginalLineNumber = 4, OriginalColumnNumber = 5, NamesListIndex = 6

            var segmentFields = new List <int> {
            };                                       // Only column number

            SourceMapParser.ApplyMappingSegment(segmentFields, ref state);

            Assert.Equal(1, state.GeneratedLineNumber);
            Assert.Equal(6, state.GeneratedColumnNumber);
            Assert.Equal(3, state.SourcesListIndex);
            Assert.Equal(4, state.OriginalLineNumber);
            Assert.Equal(5, state.OriginalColumnNumber);
            Assert.Equal(6, state.NamesListIndex);

            segmentFields = new List <int> {
                1, 5, 4, 3
            SourceMapParser.ApplyMappingSegment(segmentFields, ref state);

            Assert.Equal(1, state.GeneratedLineNumber);
            Assert.Equal(7, state.GeneratedColumnNumber);
            Assert.Equal(8, state.SourcesListIndex);
            Assert.Equal(8, state.OriginalLineNumber);
            Assert.Equal(8, state.OriginalColumnNumber);
            Assert.Equal(6, state.NamesListIndex);

            segmentFields = new List <int> {
                1, 1, 1, 1, 3
            SourceMapParser.ApplyMappingSegment(segmentFields, ref state);

            Assert.Equal(1, state.GeneratedLineNumber);
            Assert.Equal(8, state.GeneratedColumnNumber);
            Assert.Equal(9, state.SourcesListIndex);
            Assert.Equal(9, state.OriginalLineNumber);
            Assert.Equal(9, state.OriginalColumnNumber);
            Assert.Equal(9, state.NamesListIndex);
        public void Parse_SourceMap_ContainsOriginalSources()
            SourceMap map;

            map = SourceMapParser.Parse(JsonSerializer.Serialize(Helper.TestMap));
            Assert.Equal("/the/root/one.js", map.Sources[0]);
            Assert.Equal("/the/root/two.js", map.Sources[1]);
            Assert.Equal(2, map.Sources.Count);

            map = SourceMapParser.Parse(JsonSerializer.Serialize(Helper.TestMapNoSourceRoot));
            Assert.Equal("one.js", map.Sources[0]);
            Assert.Equal("two.js", map.Sources[1]);
            Assert.Equal(2, map.Sources.Count);

            map = SourceMapParser.Parse(JsonSerializer.Serialize(Helper.TestMapEmptySourceRoot));
            Assert.Equal("one.js", map.Sources[0]);
            Assert.Equal("two.js", map.Sources[1]);
            Assert.Equal(2, map.Sources.Count);
Exemple #14
        static void Main()
            // Module can be used to create, read, modify, and write WebAssembly files.

            SourceMapParser parser = new SourceMapParser();
            SourceMap       sourceMap;

            using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(@"../../fac.wasm.map", FileMode.Open))
                sourceMap = parser.ParseSourceMap(new StreamReader(stream));

            var parsedMapping = sourceMap.ParsedMappings;

            var module = Module.ReadFromBinary("../../fac.wasm");

            var nameSection = module.CustomSections.FirstOrDefault(cs => cs.Name == "name");

            var NameSection = new NameSection(nameSection);

            var actorScriptSection = module.CustomSections.FirstOrDefault(cs => cs.Name == "actorScript");

            ActorScript.Meta.actorScriptSection = new ActorScriptSection(actorScriptSection);

            // We now have enough for a usable WASM file, which we could save with module.WriteToBinary().
            // Below, we show how the Compile feature can be used for .NET-based execution.
            // For stream-based compilation, WebAssembly.Compile should be used.
            // var instanceCreator = module.Compile<Sample>();
            var instanceCreator = Compile.FromBinary <Sample>(@"../../fac.wasm");

            // Instances should be wrapped in a "using" block for automatic disposal.
            using (var instance = instanceCreator())
                // FYI, instanceCreator can be used multiple times to create independent instances.
                //Console.WriteLine(instance.Exports.Fac(1));// Binary 0, result 0
            } // Automatically release the WebAssembly instance here.
Exemple #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new SourceMapper.
 /// </summary>
 public SourceMapper()
     this.m_parser = new SourceMapParser();
     this.m_maps   = new Dictionary <string, SourceMap>();
        public void Parse_CanParseGeneratedSourcemaps(string path)
            var map = SourceMapParser.Parse(File.ReadAllText(path));

        public void Parse_ParsesSuccessfully()
            var result = SourceMapParser.Parse(JsonSerializer.Serialize(Helper.TestMap));

        public void ParseMappings_CorrectlyParsesSingleMapping()
            var result = SourceMapParser.ParseMappings(Helper.TestMapWithSourcesContent.MappingsString, Helper.TestMapWithSourcesContent.Names, Helper.TestMapWithSourcesContent.Sources);

            Assert.Equal(13, result.Count);
 public SourceMapStore(ISourceMapProvider sourceMapProvider)
     _sourceMapProvider = sourceMapProvider;
     _sourceMapParser   = new SourceMapParser();
     _sourceMapCache    = new KeyValueCache <string, SourceMap>(sourceCodeUrl => _sourceMapParser.ParseSourceMap(_sourceMapProvider.GetSourceMapContentsForCallstackUrl(sourceCodeUrl)));