public void SourceMapCache_HandlesDuplicateNames() { var cache = new SourceMapCache(new SourceMap() { version = 3, file = "foo.js", sources = new string[] { "source.js" }, names = new string[] { "name1", "name1", "name3" }, mappings = ";EAACA;;IAEEA;;MAEEE", sourceRoot = "" }); { var expected = new SourceMapping(1, 1, 2, 2, "source.js", "name1"); var actual = cache.SourceMappingFor(2, 2); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); } { var expected = new SourceMapping(3, 3, 4, 4, "source.js", "name1"); var actual = cache.SourceMappingFor(4, 4); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); } { var expected = new SourceMapping(5, 5, 6, 6, "source.js", "name3"); var actual = cache.SourceMappingFor(6, 6); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { { var json = "{ \"version\": 3, \"file\": \"foo.js\", \"sources\": [\"såurce.js\"], \"names\": [\"näme1\", \"name1\", \"name3\"], \"mappings\": \";EAACA;;IAEEA;;MAEEE\", \"sourceRoot\": \"\" }"; var cache = new SourceMapCache(json); var mapping = cache.SourceMappingFor(2, 2); Console.WriteLine("OK: {0}", mapping); } { var json = "{ \"version\": 2, \"file\": \"foo.js\", \"sources\": [\"såurce.js\"], \"names\": [\"näme1\", \"name1\", \"name3\"], \"mappings\": \";EAACA;;IAEEA;;MAEEE\", \"sourceRoot\": \"\" }"; try { var cache = new SourceMapCache(json); Console.WriteLine("ERR: Should throw on source maps < v3"); return; } catch (SourceMapParsingException e) { Console.WriteLine("OK: Does not parse old source maps: {0}", e.Message); } } { var json = "{ \"version\": 3, \"file\": \"foo.js\", \"sources\": [\"såurce.js\"], \"names\": [\"näme1\", \"name1\", \"name3\"], \"mappings\": \";;;\", \"sourceRoot\": \"\" }"; try { var cache = new SourceMapCache(json); Console.WriteLine("ERR: Should throw on empty source maps"); return; } catch (SourceMapParsingException e) { Console.WriteLine("OK: Does not parse empty source maps: {0}", e.Message); } } if (args.Length > 0) { var jsonPath = args[0]; Console.WriteLine($"Performance testing with source map: {jsonPath}"); var watch = new Stopwatch(); for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Console.WriteLine($"Run {i}/10, {watch.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms elapsed"); watch.Start(); //var json = File.ReadAllText(jsonPath); var jsonStream = new FileStream(jsonPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); var cache = new SourceMapCache(jsonStream); var mapping = cache.SourceMappingFor(2, 2); watch.Stop(); } Console.WriteLine($"Average duration (read, parse, query): {watch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 10}ms"); } Console.ReadLine(); }
public void SourceMapCache_AllowsOmittingSourceRoot() { var cache = new SourceMapCache(new SourceMap() { version = 3, file = "foo.js", sources = new string[] { "source.js" }, names = new string[] { "name1", "name1", "name3" }, mappings = ";EAACA;;IAEEA;;MAEEE" }); // Should not throw }
public void SourceMapCache_ParsesEmptySourceRoot() { var cache = new SourceMapCache(new SourceMap() { version = 3, file = "foo.js", sources = new string[] { "source.js" }, names = new string[] { "name1", "name1", "name3" }, mappings = ";EAACA;;IAEEA;;MAEEE", sourceRoot = "" }); }
public void SourceMapCache_ParsesSimpleSourceMap() { var cache = new SourceMapCache(new SourceMap() { version = 3, file = "foo.js", sourceRoot = "", sources = new string[] { "/a" }, names = new string[] { }, mappings = "AACA" }); var expected = new SourceMapping(2, 0, 1, 0, "/a", ""); var actual = cache.SourceMappingFor(1, 0); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void SourceMapCache_ThrowsWhenThereAreNoMappings() { try { var cache = new SourceMapCache(new SourceMap() { version = 3, file = "foo.js", sources = new string[] { "source.js" }, names = new string[] { "name1", "name1", "name3" }, mappings = ";;;" }); Assert.Fail("Source maps with no mappings should be rejected"); } catch (SourceMapParsingException e) { // OK } }
public void SourceMapCache_RejectsInvalidSourceMapsNormally() { try { var cache = new SourceMapCache(new SourceMap() { version = 3, file = "", sources = new string[] { }, names = new string[] { }, mappings = ";EAACA;;IAEEA;;MAEEE" }); Assert.Fail("Invalid source maps should be rejected"); } catch (SourceMapParsingException e) { // OK } }
public void SourceMapCache_RejectsOlderSourceMapRevisions() { try { var cache = new SourceMapCache(new SourceMap() { version = 2, file = "", sources = new string[] { "source.js" }, names = new string[] { "name1", "name1", "name3" }, mappings = ";EAACA;;IAEEA;;MAEEE", sourceRoot = "" }); Assert.Fail("Source Map revision < 3 should be rejected"); } catch (SourceMapParsingException e) { // OK } }