public static SwitchStatement Switch(SourceSpan span, SourceLocation header, Expression value, params SwitchCase[] cases) { Contract.RequiresNotNull(value, "value"); Contract.Requires(value.Type == typeof(int), "value", "Value must be int"); Contract.RequiresNotEmpty(cases, "cases"); Contract.RequiresNotNullItems(cases, "cases"); bool @default = false; int max = Int32.MinValue; int min = Int32.MaxValue; foreach (SwitchCase sc in cases) { if (sc.IsDefault) { Contract.Requires(@default == false, "cases", "Only one default clause allowed"); @default = true; } else { int val = sc.Value; if (val > max) max = val; if (val < min) min = val; } } Contract.Requires(UniqueCaseValues(cases, min, max), "cases", "Case values must be unique"); return new SwitchStatement(span, header, value, CollectionUtils.ToReadOnlyCollection(cases)); }
public UseStatement (SourceLocation location, string module, bool relative = false) : base (location) { Module = module; Relative = relative; Imports = new List<string> (); }
internal SwitchCase(SourceLocation header, bool @default, int value, Statement body) : base(AstNodeType.SwitchCase) { _header = header; _default = @default; _value = value; _body = body; }
public CaseExpression (SourceLocation location, AstNode pattern, AstNode condition, AstNode value) : base (location) { Children.Add (pattern); Children.Add (condition); Children.Add (value); }
public Selector(string name, string parameter, SourceLocation sourceLocation, string afterTheParameter = null) { Name = name.Is() ? name : (parameter.Is() ? "*" : null); Parameter = parameter; SourceLocation = sourceLocation; AfterTheParameter = afterTheParameter; _hashCode = this.CreateHashCode(Name, Parameter); }
public TableContext(SourceLocation sourceLocation, Identifier remainingPart, Scope scope, TableBinding tableBinding, string correlationName) : base(sourceLocation, remainingPart) { _scope = scope; _tableBinding = tableBinding; _correlationName = correlationName; }
public void TestDiagnostic() { MockMessageProvider provider = new MockMessageProvider(); SyntaxTree syntaxTree = new MockSyntaxTree(); CultureInfo englishCulture = CultureHelpers.EnglishCulture; DiagnosticInfo di1 = new DiagnosticInfo(provider, 1); Assert.Equal(1, di1.Code); Assert.Equal(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, di1.Severity); Assert.Equal("MOCK0001", di1.MessageIdentifier); Assert.Equal("The first error", di1.GetMessage(englishCulture)); DiagnosticInfo di2 = new DiagnosticInfo(provider, 1002, "Elvis", "Mort"); Assert.Equal(1002, di2.Code); Assert.Equal(DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, di2.Severity); Assert.Equal("MOCK1002", di2.MessageIdentifier); Assert.Equal("The second warning about Elvis and Mort", di2.GetMessage(englishCulture)); Location l1 = new SourceLocation(syntaxTree, new TextSpan(5, 8)); var d1 = new CSDiagnostic(di2, l1); Assert.Equal(l1, d1.Location); Assert.Same(syntaxTree, d1.Location.SourceTree); Assert.Equal(new TextSpan(5, 8), d1.Location.SourceSpan); Assert.Equal(0, d1.AdditionalLocations.Count()); Assert.Same(di2, d1.Info); }
public void SkipTo(SourceLocation tokenLocation) { if (Token.Range.StartLocation > tokenLocation) { // If the current token is after the requested position we cannot get // there so we are finished. return; } else if (Token.Range.StartLocation <= tokenLocation && tokenLocation <= Token.Range.EndLocation) { // In this case the current token is the searched one. return; } // Skip all tokens that end before the requested position do { if (!ReadNext()) return; } while (Token.Range.EndLocation < tokenLocation); // The current token must contain the token pos. If the token starts after // the requested token pos that position is in the middle of two tokens. // In this case we return false. if (Token.Range.StartLocation >= tokenLocation) ReadPrevious(); }
public SourceLocationFoundEventArgs(object target, SourceLocation sourceLocation) { UnitTestUtility.Assert(target != null, "Target cannot be null and is ensured by caller"); UnitTestUtility.Assert(sourceLocation != null, "Target cannot be null and is ensured by caller"); = target; this.sourceLocation = sourceLocation; }
public MappingLocation(SourceLocation location, int contentLength) { ContentLength = contentLength; AbsoluteIndex = location.AbsoluteIndex; LineIndex = location.LineIndex; CharacterIndex = location.CharacterIndex; }
public void CheckStatics() { SourceLocation min = new SourceLocation(0, 0); SourceLocation max = new SourceLocation(SourceLocation.MaxColumn, SourceLocation.MaxLine); Assert.AreEqual(min, SourceLocation.MinValue); Assert.AreEqual(max, SourceLocation.MaxValue); }
public ForeachNode(SourceLocation location, string variable, AstNode target, AstNode body) { this.SourceLocation = location; Variable = variable; Children.Add(target); Children.Add(body); }
public void Resolve_CalculatesAssemblyLocationInLookupText(string lookupText, int assemblyLocation) { // Arrange var errorSink = new ErrorSink(); var tagHelperDescriptorResolver = new InspectableTagHelperDescriptorResolver(); var directiveType = TagHelperDirectiveType.AddTagHelper; var resolutionContext = new TagHelperDescriptorResolutionContext( new[] { new TagHelperDirectiveDescriptor { DirectiveText = lookupText, Location = SourceLocation.Zero, DirectiveType = directiveType } }, errorSink); var expectedSourceLocation = new SourceLocation(assemblyLocation, 0, assemblyLocation); // Act tagHelperDescriptorResolver.Resolve(resolutionContext); // Assert Assert.Empty(errorSink.Errors); Assert.Equal(expectedSourceLocation, tagHelperDescriptorResolver.DocumentLocation); }
public EnforcedAssignmentNode(SourceLocation location, string type, string variable, AstNode value) { this.SourceLocation = location; Type = type; Variable = variable; Children.Add(value); }
/// <summary> /// Loads an <see cref="Assembly"/> using the given <paramref name="name"/> and resolves /// all valid <see cref="ITagHelper"/> <see cref="Type"/>s. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The name of an <see cref="Assembly"/> to search.</param> /// <param name="documentLocation">The <see cref="SourceLocation"/> of the associated /// <see cref="Parser.SyntaxTree.SyntaxTreeNode"/> responsible for the current <see cref="Resolve"/> call. /// </param> /// <param name="errorSink">The <see cref="ErrorSink"/> used to record errors found when resolving /// <see cref="ITagHelper"/> <see cref="Type"/>s.</param> /// <returns>An <see cref="IEnumerable{Type}"/> of valid <see cref="ITagHelper"/> <see cref="Type"/>s. /// </returns> public IEnumerable<Type> Resolve(string name, SourceLocation documentLocation, [NotNull] ErrorSink errorSink) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { errorSink.OnError(documentLocation, Resources.TagHelperTypeResolver_TagHelperAssemblyNameCannotBeEmptyOrNull); return Type.EmptyTypes; } var assemblyName = new AssemblyName(name); IEnumerable<TypeInfo> libraryTypes; try { libraryTypes = GetExportedTypes(assemblyName); } catch (Exception ex) { errorSink.OnError( documentLocation, Resources.FormatTagHelperTypeResolver_CannotResolveTagHelperAssembly( assemblyName.Name, ex.Message)); return Type.EmptyTypes; } var validTagHelpers = libraryTypes.Where(IsTagHelper); // Convert from TypeInfo[] to Type[] return validTagHelpers.Select(type => type.AsType()); }
public BinaryExpression (SourceLocation location, BinaryOperation op, AstNode left, AstNode right) : base (location) { Operation = op; Add (left); Add (right); }
/// <summary> /// Render a helpful description of the location of the error in the GraphQL /// Source document. /// </summary> private static string highlightSourceAtLocation(Source source, SourceLocation location) { var line = location.Line; var prevLineNum = (line - 1).ToString(); var lineNum = line.ToString(); var nextLineNum = (line + 1).ToString(); var padLen = nextLineNum.Length; var lines = _lineSplitter.Split(source.Body); var errorMessage = new StringBuilder(); if (line >= 2) { errorMessage.AppendLine(prevLineNum.PadLeft(padLen, ' ') + ": " + lines[line - 2]); } else { errorMessage.AppendLine(); } errorMessage.AppendLine(lineNum.PadLeft(padLen, ' ') + ": " + lines[line - 1]); errorMessage.AppendLine(new String(' ', padLen + location.Column) + "^"); if (line < lines.Length) { errorMessage.AppendLine(nextLineNum.PadLeft(padLen, ' ') + ": " + lines[line]); } else { errorMessage.AppendLine(); } return errorMessage.ToString(); }
public CodeBlockInfo(string name, SourceLocation start, bool isTopLevel, Span transitionSpan, Span initialSpan) { Name = name; Start = start; IsTopLevel = isTopLevel; TransitionSpan = transitionSpan; InitialSpan = initialSpan; }
public MethodParameterInfoContext(SourceLocation sourceLocation, int parameterIndex, Scope scope, Type expressionType, Identifier methodName) : base(sourceLocation, parameterIndex) { _scope = scope; _expressionType = expressionType; _methodName = methodName; }
private static SourceLocation FindNearestLine(PdbFunction function, int ilOffset) { int distance = int.MaxValue; SourceLocation nearest = null; foreach (PdbSequencePointCollection sequenceCollection in function.SequencePoints) { foreach (PdbSequencePoint point in sequenceCollection.Lines) { int dist = (int)Math.Abs(point.Offset - ilOffset); if (dist < distance) { if (nearest == null) nearest = new SourceLocation(); nearest.FilePath = sequenceCollection.File.Name; nearest.LineNumber = (int)point.LineBegin; nearest.LineNumberEnd = (int)point.LineEnd; nearest.ColStart = (int)point.ColBegin; nearest.ColEnd = (int)point.ColEnd; } } } return nearest; }
public IfNode(SourceLocation location, AstNode predicate, AstNode body, AstNode elseBody) { this.SourceLocation = location; Children.Add(predicate); Children.Add(body); Children.Add(elseBody); }
public static CatchBlock Catch(SourceSpan span, SourceLocation header, Type type, Variable target, Statement body) { Contract.RequiresNotNull(type, "type"); Contract.Requires(target == null || TypeUtils.CanAssign(target.Type, type), "target"); Contract.RequiresNotNull(body, "body"); return new CatchBlock(span, header, type, target, body); }
/// <summary> /// Called by <see cref="DoStatementBuilder"/>. /// </summary> internal DoStatement(SourceSpan span, SourceLocation header, Expression /*!*/ test, Statement /*!*/ body) : base(AstNodeType.DoStatement, span) { _header = header; _test = test; _body = body; }
public FunctionCallNode(SourceLocation location, AstNode target, ArgumentListNode parameters, List<BinaryOperationNode> initialAttributes) { this.SourceLocation = location; Children.Add(target); Children.Add(parameters); InitialAttributes = initialAttributes; }
public ForeachStatement (SourceLocation location, string item, AstNode iterator, AstNode body) : base (location) { this.Item = item; this.Add (iterator); this.Add (body); }
public void WriterConstructedWithoutContentLengthAndSourceFile_AddsLinePragmas_OnDispose() { // Arrange var location = new SourceLocation(10, 1, 20); var expected = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, @"#line 2 ""myfile""", "Hello world", "", "#line default", "#line hidden", ""); var expectedMappings = new LineMapping( new MappingLocation(location, 30), new MappingLocation(new SourceLocation(18, 1, 0), 11)); var writer = new CSharpCodeWriter(); // Act using (var mappingWriter = new CSharpLineMappingWriter(writer, location, "myfile")) { writer.Write("Hello world"); } // Assert Assert.Equal(expected, writer.GenerateCode()); Assert.Empty(writer.LineMappingManager.Mappings); }
public static TryStatement TryCatchFinally(SourceSpan span, SourceLocation header, Statement body, CatchBlock[] handlers, Statement @finally) { return new TryStatement( span, header, body, CollectionUtils.ToReadOnlyCollection(handlers), @finally ); }
public TernaryOperationNode(SourceLocation location, AstNode predicate, AstNode trueStatement, AstNode falseStatement) { this.SourceLocation = location; Children.Add(predicate); Children.Add(trueStatement); Children.Add(falseStatement); }
public Selector(string selector,SourceLocation sourceLocation) { AfterTheParameter = null; // parse up to the first square bracket. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(selector)) { Name = string.Empty; Parameter = null; } else { selector = selector.TrimStart('.'); var p = selector.IndexOf('['); var c = selector.IndexOf(']', p + 1); if (p == -1) { Name = selector; Parameter = null; } else { Name = p == 0 ? "*" : selector.Substring(0, p); p++; Parameter = selector.Substring(p, c - p).Trim(); if(c < selector.Length) { AfterTheParameter = selector.Substring(c + 1); } } } SourceLocation = sourceLocation; _hashCode = AfterTheParameter == null ? this.CreateHashCode(Name, Parameter) : this.CreateHashCode(Name,Parameter,AfterTheParameter); }
public BinaryOperationNode(SourceLocation location, BinaryOperation operation, AstNode left, AstNode right) { this.SourceLocation = location; BinaryOperation = operation; Children.Add(left); Children.Add(right); }
protected void StartSymbol() { Buffer.Clear(); CurrentStart = CurrentLocation; CurrentErrors.Clear(); }
protected abstract TSymbol CreateSymbol(SourceLocation start, string content, TSymbolType type, IEnumerable <RazorError> errors);
internal override void ForceComplete(SourceLocation locationOpt, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { _state.DefaultForceComplete(this, cancellationToken); }
private Tuple <NamedTypeSymbol, ImmutableArray <NamedTypeSymbol> > MakeDeclaredBases(ConsList <TypeSymbol> basesBeingResolved, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics) { if (this.TypeKind == TypeKind.Enum) { // Handled by GetEnumUnderlyingType(). return(new Tuple <NamedTypeSymbol, ImmutableArray <NamedTypeSymbol> >(null, ImmutableArray <NamedTypeSymbol> .Empty)); } var reportedPartialConflict = false; Debug.Assert(basesBeingResolved == null || !basesBeingResolved.ContainsReference(this.OriginalDefinition)); var newBasesBeingResolved = basesBeingResolved.Prepend(this.OriginalDefinition); var baseInterfaces = ArrayBuilder <NamedTypeSymbol> .GetInstance(); NamedTypeSymbol baseType = null; SourceLocation baseTypeLocation = null; var interfaceLocations = SpecializedSymbolCollections.GetPooledSymbolDictionaryInstance <NamedTypeSymbol, SourceLocation>(); foreach (var decl in this.declaration.Declarations) { Tuple <NamedTypeSymbol, ImmutableArray <NamedTypeSymbol> > one = MakeOneDeclaredBases(newBasesBeingResolved, decl, diagnostics); if ((object)one == null) { continue; } var partBase = one.Item1; var partInterfaces = one.Item2; if (!reportedPartialConflict) { if ((object)baseType == null) { baseType = partBase; baseTypeLocation = decl.NameLocation; } else if (baseType.TypeKind == TypeKind.Error && (object)partBase != null) { // if the old base was an error symbol, copy it to the interfaces list so it doesn't get lost partInterfaces = partInterfaces.Add(baseType); baseType = partBase; baseTypeLocation = decl.NameLocation; } else if ((object)partBase != null && !TypeSymbol.Equals(partBase, baseType, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything) && partBase.TypeKind != TypeKind.Error) { // the parts do not agree if (partBase.Equals(baseType, TypeCompareKind.ObliviousNullableModifierMatchesAny)) { if (containsOnlyOblivious(baseType)) { baseType = partBase; baseTypeLocation = decl.NameLocation; continue; } else if (containsOnlyOblivious(partBase)) { continue; } } var info = diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialMultipleBases, Locations[0], this); baseType = new ExtendedErrorTypeSymbol(baseType, LookupResultKind.Ambiguous, info); baseTypeLocation = decl.NameLocation; reportedPartialConflict = true;
public ContractDeclaration(SourceLocation location, string name, string doc) : base(location) { Name = name; Documentation = doc; }
public void ChangeStart(SourceLocation newStart) { Start = newStart; }
public TokenInfo(JSToken tokenKind, SourceLocation start, SourceLocation end) { TokenKind = tokenKind; Start = start; End = end; }
internal static StackFrame CreateFrame(CorDebuggerSession session, CorFrame frame) { // TODO: Fix remaining. uint address = 0; //string typeFQN; //string typeFullName; string addressSpace = ""; string file = ""; int line = 0; int column = 0; string method = ""; string lang = ""; string module = ""; string type = ""; bool hasDebugInfo = false; bool hidden = false; bool external = true; if (frame.FrameType == CorFrameType.ILFrame) { if (frame.Function != null) { module = frame.Function.Module.Name; CorMetadataImport importer = new CorMetadataImport(frame.Function.Module); MethodInfo mi = importer.GetMethodInfo(frame.Function.Token); method = mi.DeclaringType.FullName + "." + mi.Name; type = mi.DeclaringType.FullName; addressSpace = mi.Name; var sp = GetSequencePoint(session, frame); if (sp != null) { line = sp.StartLine; column = sp.StartColumn; file = sp.Document.URL; address = (uint)sp.Offset; } if (session.IsExternalCode(file)) { external = true; } else { if (session.Options.ProjectAssembliesOnly) { external = mi.GetCustomAttributes(true).Any(v => v is System.Diagnostics.DebuggerHiddenAttribute || v is System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute); } else { external = mi.GetCustomAttributes(true).Any(v => v is System.Diagnostics.DebuggerHiddenAttribute); } } hidden = mi.GetCustomAttributes(true).Any(v => v is System.Diagnostics.DebuggerHiddenAttribute); } lang = "Managed"; hasDebugInfo = true; } else if (frame.FrameType == CorFrameType.NativeFrame) { frame.GetNativeIP(out address); method = "<Unknown>"; lang = "Native"; } else if (frame.FrameType == CorFrameType.InternalFrame) { switch (frame.InternalFrameType) { case CorDebugInternalFrameType.STUBFRAME_M2U: method = "[Managed to Native Transition]"; break; case CorDebugInternalFrameType.STUBFRAME_U2M: method = "[Native to Managed Transition]"; break; case CorDebugInternalFrameType.STUBFRAME_LIGHTWEIGHT_FUNCTION: method = "[Lightweight Method Call]"; break; case CorDebugInternalFrameType.STUBFRAME_APPDOMAIN_TRANSITION: method = "[Application Domain Transition]"; break; case CorDebugInternalFrameType.STUBFRAME_FUNC_EVAL: method = "[Function Evaluation]"; break; } } if (method == null) { method = "<Unknown>"; } var loc = new SourceLocation(method, file, line, column); return(new StackFrame((long)address, addressSpace, loc, lang, external, hasDebugInfo, hidden, null, null)); }
public async Task <GraphNode> AddNodeForSymbolAsync(ISymbol symbol, Project contextProject, Document contextDocument) { // Figure out what the location for this node should be. We'll arbitrarily pick the // first one, unless we have a contextDocument to restrict it var preferredLocation = symbol.Locations.FirstOrDefault(l => l.SourceTree != null); if (contextDocument != null) { var syntaxTree = await contextDocument.GetSyntaxTreeAsync(_cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); // If we have one in that tree, use it preferredLocation = symbol.Locations.FirstOrDefault(l => l.SourceTree == syntaxTree) ?? preferredLocation; } // We may need to look up source code within this solution if (preferredLocation == null && symbol.Locations.Any(loc => loc.IsInMetadata)) { var newSymbol = await SymbolFinder.FindSourceDefinitionAsync(symbol, contextProject.Solution, _cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); if (newSymbol != null) { preferredLocation = newSymbol.Locations.Where(loc => loc.IsInSource).FirstOrDefault(); } } using (_gate.DisposableWait()) { GraphNode node = await GetOrCreateNodeAsync(_graph, symbol, _solution, _cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); node[RoslynGraphProperties.SymbolId] = symbol.GetSymbolKey(); node[RoslynGraphProperties.ContextProjectId] = GetContextProjectId(contextProject, symbol); node[RoslynGraphProperties.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations] = symbol.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations().Select(s => s.GetSymbolKey()).ToList(); node[RoslynGraphProperties.DeclaredAccessibility] = symbol.DeclaredAccessibility; node[RoslynGraphProperties.SymbolModifiers] = symbol.GetSymbolModifiers(); node[RoslynGraphProperties.SymbolKind] = symbol.Kind; if (contextDocument != null) { node[RoslynGraphProperties.ContextDocumentId] = contextDocument.Id; } if (preferredLocation != null) { var lineSpan = preferredLocation.GetLineSpan(); var sourceLocation = new SourceLocation( preferredLocation.SourceTree.FilePath, new Position(lineSpan.StartLinePosition.Line, lineSpan.StartLinePosition.Character), new Position(lineSpan.EndLinePosition.Line, lineSpan.EndLinePosition.Character)); node[CodeNodeProperties.SourceLocation] = sourceLocation; } // Keep track of this as a node we have added. Note this is a HashSet, so if the node was already added // we won't double-count. _createdNodes.Add(node); _nodeToSymbolMap[node] = symbol; _nodeToContextProjectMap[node] = contextProject; _nodeToContextDocumentMap[node] = contextDocument; return(node); } }
public IfStatement(SourceLocation location, Expression condition, BlockStatement body, IEnumerable <ElseStatement> elses) : base(location, body) { this.Condition = condition; this.Elses = elses.ToArray(); }
public static HassiumString get_message(VirtualMachine vm, HassiumObject self, SourceLocation location, params HassiumObject[] args) { return(new HassiumString(string.Format("Variable Not Found: variable was not found inside the stack frmae"))); }
public static HassiumString tostring(VirtualMachine vm, HassiumObject self, SourceLocation location, params HassiumObject[] args) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(get_message(vm, self, location).String); sb.Append(vm.UnwindCallStack()); return(new HassiumString(sb.ToString())); }
public SoftDebuggerStackFrame(Mono.Debugger.Soft.StackFrame frame, string addressSpace, SourceLocation location, string language, bool isExternalCode, bool hasDebugInfo, bool isDebuggerHidden, string fullModuleName, string fullTypeName) : base(frame.ILOffset, addressSpace, location, language, isExternalCode, hasDebugInfo, isDebuggerHidden, fullModuleName, fullTypeName) { StackFrame = frame; }
public static HassiumVariableNotFoundException _new(VirtualMachine vm, HassiumObject self, SourceLocation location, params HassiumObject[] args) { HassiumVariableNotFoundException exception = new HassiumVariableNotFoundException(); return(exception); }
private ImmutableArray <TypeParameterSymbol> MakeTypeParameters(DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { if (declaration.Arity == 0) { return(ImmutableArray <TypeParameterSymbol> .Empty); } var typeParameterMismatchReported = false; var typeParameterNames = new string[declaration.Arity]; var typeParameterVarianceKeywords = new string[declaration.Arity]; var parameterBuilders1 = new List <List <TypeParameterBuilder> >(); foreach (var syntaxRef in this.SyntaxReferences) { var typeDecl = (CSharpSyntaxNode)syntaxRef.GetSyntax(); var syntaxTree = syntaxRef.SyntaxTree; TypeParameterListSyntax tpl; switch (typeDecl.Kind) { case SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.StructDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration: tpl = ((TypeDeclarationSyntax)typeDecl).TypeParameterList; break; case SyntaxKind.DelegateDeclaration: tpl = ((DelegateDeclarationSyntax)typeDecl).TypeParameterList; break; case SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration: default: // there is no such thing as a generic enum, so code should never reach here. throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(typeDecl.Kind); } var parameterBuilder = new List <TypeParameterBuilder>(); parameterBuilders1.Add(parameterBuilder); int i = 0; foreach (var tp in tpl.Parameters) { var name = typeParameterNames[i]; var location = new SourceLocation(tp.Identifier); var varianceKind = typeParameterVarianceKeywords[i]; if (name == null) { name = typeParameterNames[i] = tp.Identifier.ValueText; varianceKind = typeParameterVarianceKeywords[i] = tp.VarianceKeyword.ValueText; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (name == typeParameterNames[j]) { typeParameterMismatchReported = true; diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_DuplicateTypeParameter, location, name); goto next; } } if (!ReferenceEquals(ContainingType, null)) { var tpEnclosing = ContainingType.FindEnclosingTypeParameter(name); if ((object)tpEnclosing != null) { // Type parameter '{0}' has the same name as the type parameter from outer type '{1}' diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.WRN_TypeParameterSameAsOuterTypeParameter, location, name, tpEnclosing.ContainingType); } } next :; } else if (!typeParameterMismatchReported) { // Note: the "this", below, refers to the name of the current class, which includes its type // parameter names. But the type parameter names have not been computed yet. Therefore, we // take advantage of the fact that "this" won't undergo "ToString()" until later, when the // diagnostic is printed, by which time the type parameters field will have been filled in. if (varianceKind != tp.VarianceKeyword.ValueText) { // Dev10 reports CS1067, even if names also don't match typeParameterMismatchReported = true; diagnostics.Add( ErrorCode.ERR_PartialWrongTypeParamsVariance, declaration.NameLocations.First(), this); // see comment above } else if (name != tp.Identifier.ValueText) { typeParameterMismatchReported = true; diagnostics.Add( ErrorCode.ERR_PartialWrongTypeParams, declaration.NameLocations.First(), this); // see comment above } } parameterBuilder.Add(new TypeParameterBuilder(syntaxTree.GetReference(tp), this, location)); i++; } } var parameterBuilders2 = parameterBuilders1.Transpose(); // type arguments are positional var parameters = parameterBuilders2.Select((builders, i) => builders[0].MakeSymbol(i, builders, diagnostics)); return(parameters.AsImmutable()); }
internal MSAst.Expression /*!*/ AddDebugInfo(MSAst.Expression /*!*/ expression, SourceLocation start, SourceLocation end) { if (PyContext.PythonOptions.GCStress != null) { expression = Ast.Block( Ast.Call( typeof(GC).GetMethod("Collect", new[] { typeof(int) }), Ast.Constant(PyContext.PythonOptions.GCStress.Value) ), expression ); } return(AstUtils.AddDebugInfo(expression, Document, start, end)); }
protected void Start(string test) { TargetRuntime runtime; switch (EngineId) { case "MonoDevelop.Debugger.Win32": runtime = Runtime.SystemAssemblyService.GetTargetRuntime("MS.NET"); break; case "Mono.Debugger.Soft": runtime = Runtime.SystemAssemblyService.GetTargetRuntimes() .OfType <MonoTargetRuntime> () .OrderByDescending((o) => { //Attempt to find latest version of Mono registred in IDE and use that for unit tests if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(o.Version) || o.Version == "Unknown") { return(new Version(0, 0, 0, 0)); } int indexOfBeforeDetails = o.Version.IndexOf(" (", StringComparison.Ordinal); if (indexOfBeforeDetails == -1) { return(new Version(0, 0, 0, 0)); } string hopefullyVersion = o.Version.Remove(indexOfBeforeDetails); Version version; if (Version.TryParse(hopefullyVersion, out version)) { return(version); } else { return(new Version(0, 0, 0, 0)); } }).FirstOrDefault(); break; default: runtime = Runtime.SystemAssemblyService.DefaultRuntime; break; } if (runtime == null) { Assert.Ignore("Runtime not found for: {0}", EngineId); return; } Console.WriteLine("Target Runtime: " + runtime.DisplayRuntimeName + " " + runtime.Version + " " + (IntPtr.Size == 8 ? "64bit" : "32bit")); // main/build/tests FilePath path = Path.GetDirectoryName(GetType().Assembly.Location); var exe = Path.Combine(path, "MonoDevelop.Debugger.Tests.TestApp.exe"); var cmd = new DotNetExecutionCommand(); cmd.TargetRuntime = runtime; cmd.Command = exe; cmd.Arguments = test; if (Platform.IsWindows) { var monoRuntime = runtime as MonoTargetRuntime; if (monoRuntime != null) { var psi = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(Path.Combine(monoRuntime.Prefix, "bin", "pdb2mdb.bat"), cmd.Command); psi.UseShellExecute = false; psi.CreateNoWindow = true; System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(psi).WaitForExit(); } } var dsi = engine.CreateDebuggerStartInfo(cmd); var soft = dsi as SoftDebuggerStartInfo; if (soft != null) { var assemblyName = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(exe); soft.UserAssemblyNames = new List <AssemblyName> (); soft.UserAssemblyNames.Add(assemblyName); } Session = engine.CreateSession(); var ops = new DebuggerSessionOptions(); ops.ProjectAssembliesOnly = true; ops.EvaluationOptions = EvaluationOptions.DefaultOptions; ops.EvaluationOptions.AllowTargetInvoke = AllowTargetInvokes; ops.EvaluationOptions.EvaluationTimeout = 100000; path = path.ParentDirectory.ParentDirectory.Combine("src", "addins", "MonoDevelop.Debugger", "MonoDevelop.Debugger.Tests.TestApp", test + ".cs").FullPath; SourceFile = TextFile.ReadFile(path); TestName = test; AddBreakpoint("break"); var done = new ManualResetEvent(false); Session.TargetHitBreakpoint += (sender, e) => { Frame = e.Backtrace.GetFrame(0); lastStoppedPosition = Frame.SourceLocation; targetStoppedEvent.Set(); done.Set(); }; Session.TargetExceptionThrown += (sender, e) => { Frame = e.Backtrace.GetFrame(0); for (int i = 0; i < e.Backtrace.FrameCount; i++) { if (!e.Backtrace.GetFrame(i).IsExternalCode) { Frame = e.Backtrace.GetFrame(i); break; } } lastStoppedPosition = Frame.SourceLocation; targetStoppedEvent.Set(); }; Session.TargetStopped += (sender, e) => { //This can be null in case of ForcedStop //which is called when exception is thrown //when Continue & Stepping is executed if (e.Backtrace != null) { Frame = e.Backtrace.GetFrame(0); lastStoppedPosition = Frame.SourceLocation; targetStoppedEvent.Set(); } else { Console.WriteLine("e.Backtrace is null"); } }; var targetExited = new ManualResetEvent(false); Session.TargetExited += delegate { targetExited.Set(); }; Session.Run(dsi, ops); Session.ExceptionHandler = (ex) => { Console.WriteLine("Session.ExceptionHandler:" + Environment.NewLine + ex.ToString()); return(true); }; switch (WaitHandle.WaitAny(new WaitHandle[] { done, targetExited }, 30000)) { case 0: //Breakpoint is hit good... run tests now break; case 1: throw new Exception("Test application exited before hitting breakpoint"); default: throw new Exception("Timeout while waiting for initial breakpoint"); } if (Session is SoftDebuggerSession) { Console.WriteLine("SDB protocol version:" + ((SoftDebuggerSession)Session).ProtocolVersion); } }
protected PatternNode(SourceLocation location) : base(location) { }
public string ToUrl(SourceLocation location) => location != null?GetFileById(location.Id).Url : "";
protected void RunSourceLocationTest(string input, SourceLocation expected, int checkAt = 0) { RunSourceLocationTest(input, expected, r => AdvanceReader(checkAt, r)); }
public HtmlSymbol(SourceLocation start, string content, HtmlSymbolType type) : base(start, content, type, Enumerable.Empty <RazorError>()) { }
public HtmlSymbol(SourceLocation start, string content, HtmlSymbolType type, IEnumerable <RazorError> errors) : base(start, content, type, errors) { }
internal static DeclarationModifiers MakeModifiers(NamedTypeSymbol containingType, SyntaxToken firstIdentifier, SyntaxTokenList modifiers, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, out bool modifierErrors) { DeclarationModifiers defaultAccess = (containingType.IsInterface) ? DeclarationModifiers.Public : DeclarationModifiers.Private; DeclarationModifiers allowedModifiers = DeclarationModifiers.AccessibilityMask | DeclarationModifiers.Const | DeclarationModifiers.New | DeclarationModifiers.Static | DeclarationModifiers.Fixed | DeclarationModifiers.Unsafe | DeclarationModifiers.Abstract; // filtered out later var errorLocation = new SourceLocation(firstIdentifier); DeclarationModifiers result = ModifierUtils.MakeAndCheckNontypeMemberModifiers(false, modifiers, defaultAccess, allowedModifiers, errorLocation, diagnostics, out modifierErrors); if ((result & DeclarationModifiers.Abstract) != 0) { diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_AbstractField, errorLocation); result &= ~DeclarationModifiers.Abstract; } if ((result & DeclarationModifiers.Fixed) != 0) { if ((result & DeclarationModifiers.Static) != 0) { // The modifier 'static' is not valid for this item diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_BadMemberFlag, errorLocation, SyntaxFacts.GetText(SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword)); } if ((result & DeclarationModifiers.Const) != 0) { // The modifier 'const' is not valid for this item diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_BadMemberFlag, errorLocation, SyntaxFacts.GetText(SyntaxKind.ConstKeyword)); } result &= ~(DeclarationModifiers.Static | DeclarationModifiers.Immutable | DeclarationModifiers.Const); Debug.Assert((result & ~(DeclarationModifiers.AccessibilityMask | DeclarationModifiers.Fixed | DeclarationModifiers.Unsafe | DeclarationModifiers.New)) == 0); } if ((result & DeclarationModifiers.Const) != 0) { if ((result & DeclarationModifiers.Static) != 0) { // The constant '{0}' cannot be marked static diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_StaticConstant, errorLocation, firstIdentifier.ValueText); } if ((result & DeclarationModifiers.Unsafe) != 0) { // The modifier 'unsafe' is not valid for this item diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_BadMemberFlag, errorLocation, SyntaxFacts.GetText(SyntaxKind.UnsafeKeyword)); } result |= DeclarationModifiers.Static; // "constants are considered static members" } else { // NOTE: always cascading on a const, so suppress. // NOTE: we're being a bit sneaky here - we're using the containingType rather than this symbol // to determine whether or not unsafe is allowed. Since this symbol and the containing type are // in the same compilation, it won't make a difference. We do, however, have to pass the error // location explicitly. containingType.CheckUnsafeModifier(result, errorLocation, diagnostics); } return(result); }
public AutoTypeExpressionNode(SourceLocation location, TypeExpressionNode @class) : base(location) { Class = @class; }
public StringNode(SourceLocation location, string _string) { SourceLocation = location; String = _string; }
internal static MSAst.Expression TransformMaybeSingleLineSuite(Statement body, SourceLocation prevStart) { if (body.GlobalParent.IndexToLocation(body.StartIndex).Line != prevStart.Line) { return(body); } MSAst.Expression res = body.Reduce(); res = RemoveDebugInfo(prevStart.Line, res); if (res.Type != typeof(void)) { res = AstUtils.Void(res); } return(res); }
public static string GetLocation(SourceLocation location) { return(string.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}", location.SourceFileName, location.StartingLineNumber, location.StartingColumnNumber)); }
public IndexerExpression(SourceLocation location, AstNode lvalue, AstNode index) : base(location) { Target = lvalue; Index = index; }
public void OffsetStart(SourceLocation documentStart) { Start = documentStart + Start; }
internal override void ForceComplete(SourceLocation locationOpt, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { while (true) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); var incompletePart = _state.NextIncompletePart; switch (incompletePart) { case CompletionPart.Attributes: GetAttributes(); break; case CompletionPart.StartValidatingReferencedAssemblies: { DiagnosticBag diagnostics = null; if (AnyReferencedAssembliesAreLinked) { diagnostics = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance(); ValidateLinkedAssemblies(diagnostics, cancellationToken); } if (_state.NotePartComplete(CompletionPart.StartValidatingReferencedAssemblies)) { if (diagnostics != null) { _assemblySymbol.DeclaringCompilation.DeclarationDiagnostics.AddRange(diagnostics); } _state.NotePartComplete(CompletionPart.FinishValidatingReferencedAssemblies); } if (diagnostics != null) { diagnostics.Free(); } } break; case CompletionPart.FinishValidatingReferencedAssemblies: // some other thread has started validating references (otherwise we would be in the case above) so // we just wait for it to both finish and report the diagnostics. Debug.Assert(_state.HasComplete(CompletionPart.StartValidatingReferencedAssemblies)); _state.SpinWaitComplete(CompletionPart.FinishValidatingReferencedAssemblies, cancellationToken); break; case CompletionPart.MembersCompleted: this.GlobalNamespace.ForceComplete(locationOpt, cancellationToken); if (this.GlobalNamespace.HasComplete(CompletionPart.MembersCompleted)) { _state.NotePartComplete(CompletionPart.MembersCompleted); } else { Debug.Assert(locationOpt != null, "If no location was specified, then the namespace members should be completed"); return; } break; case CompletionPart.None: return; default: // any other values are completion parts intended for other kinds of symbols _state.NotePartComplete(incompletePart); break; } _state.SpinWaitComplete(incompletePart, cancellationToken); } }