Exemple #1
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            grid1.Redim(10, 5);
            grid1.SelectionMode = SourceGrid.GridSelectionMode.Row;

            //Setup the controllers
            CellClickEvent clickController  = new CellClickEvent();
            PopupMenu      menuController   = new PopupMenu();
            CellCursor     cursorController = new CellCursor();

            SourceGrid.Cells.Controllers.ToolTipText toolTipController = new SourceGrid.Cells.Controllers.ToolTipText();
            toolTipController.ToolTipTitle = "ToolTip example";
            toolTipController.ToolTipIcon  = ToolTipIcon.Info;
            toolTipController.IsBalloon    = true;
            ValueChangedEvent valueChangedController = new ValueChangedEvent();

            for (int r = 0; r < grid1.Rows.Count; r++)
                if (r == 0)
                    grid1[r, 0] = new SourceGrid.Cells.ColumnHeader("Click event");
                    grid1[r, 1] = new SourceGrid.Cells.ColumnHeader("Custom Cursor");
                    grid1[r, 2] = new SourceGrid.Cells.ColumnHeader("ContextMenu");
                    grid1[r, 3] = new SourceGrid.Cells.ColumnHeader("ToolTip");
                    grid1[r, 4] = new SourceGrid.Cells.ColumnHeader("ValueChanged");
                    grid1[r, 0]             = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell("Value " + r.ToString(), typeof(string));
                    grid1[r, 1]             = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell(DateTime.Now, typeof(DateTime));
                    grid1[r, 2]             = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell("Right click");
                    grid1[r, 3]             = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell("Value " + r.ToString());
                    grid1[r, 3].ToolTipText = "Example of tooltip, bla bla bla ....\n Row: " + r.ToString();
                    grid1[r, 4]             = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell("Value " + r.ToString(), typeof(string));

                grid1[r, 0].AddController(clickController);
                grid1[r, 1].AddController(cursorController);
                grid1[r, 2].AddController(menuController);
                grid1[r, 3].AddController(toolTipController);
                grid1[r, 4].AddController(valueChangedController);


            //Add the key controller to all the cells
            grid1.Controller.AddController(new KeyEvent(this));
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// グリッドを初期化する
        /// </summary>
        public override void initialGrid()

            clickController = new CellClickEvent();
            //selectionClickController = new SelectionClickEvent();
            toolTipController           = new SourceGrid.Cells.Controllers.ToolTipText();
            toolTipController.IsBalloon = false;

            // グリッドスタイル
            Grid.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
            Grid.Selection.EnableMultiSelection = false;
            Grid.DefaultHeight = (int)(TextRenderer.MeasureText("X", Grid.Font).Height * 1.5);


            // グリッドの列数
            Grid.ColumnsCount = getColumnHeaderWidths().Length;
            //Grid.FixedRows = 1;

Exemple #3
        const SG.EditableMode c_editableMode = SG.EditableMode.F2Key | SG.EditableMode.AnyKey;         //default is these + doubleclick. See also OnMouseDown.

        public ParamGrid()
            this.ColumnsCount  = 2;            //let the programmer set = 1 if need only for flags
            this.MinimumHeight = 18;           //height when font is SegoeUI,9. With most other fonts it's smaller.
            this.SpecialKeys   = SG.GridSpecialKeys.Default & ~SG.GridSpecialKeys.Tab;

            //this.AutoStretchColumnsToFitWidth = true; //does not work well. Instead we resize in OnClientSizeChanged etc.

            _editor = new Editors.TextBox(typeof(string))
                EditableMode = c_editableMode
            var c = _editor.Control;

            c.Multiline = true;             //let all rows have the same multiline editor, even if the value cannot be multiline

            this.Controller.AddController(_controller = new _CellController(this));
            //this.Controller.AddController(SG.Cells.Controllers.Resizable.ResizeWidth); //we resize width and height automatically, but the user may want to resize width. This is like in VS. Rejected because the control does not resize normally.
            _controllerTooltip0 = new SG.Cells.Controllers.ToolTipText() /*{ IsBalloon = true }*/;
            _controllerTooltip1 = new SG.Cells.Controllers.ToolTipText();

            //this.Font = new Font("Verdana", 8);
        /// <summary>
        /// Occurs when loading this control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eventArgs">
        /// The <see cref="EventArgs"/>.
        /// </param>
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs eventArgs)
            const int numberOfRows = 6;
            const int numberOfCols = 4;

            grid.Redim(numberOfRows, numberOfCols);
            grid.FixedRows     = 1;
            grid.FixedColumns  = 1;
            grid.SelectionMode = SourceGrid.GridSelectionMode.Row;
            grid.ToolTipText   = "Linked Controls";

            grid[0, 0] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Header(null);

            // Create column header
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCols; i++)
                string label;

                switch (i)
                case 1:
                    label = "Description";

                case 2:
                    label = "Value";

                case 3:
                    label = "Unit";

                    label = null;

                var header = new SourceGrid.Cells.ColumnHeader(label)
                    AutomaticSortEnabled = false

                grid[0, i] = header;

            // Create some entries
            SourceGrid.Cells.Views.Cell visualAspect = new SourceGrid.Cells.Views.Cell();

            for (int i = 1; i < numberOfRows; i++)
                string  label;
                string  unit;
                Control usedControl;
                SourceGrid.Cells.Controllers.ToolTipText toolTipController =
                    new SourceGrid.Cells.Controllers.ToolTipText();

                toolTipController.IsBalloon = true;

                switch (i)
                case 1:
                    label       = "Numeric Up Down [3...15]";
                    unit        = "µs";
                    usedControl = new NumericUpDown();
                    (usedControl as NumericUpDown).Minimum   = 3;
                    (usedControl as NumericUpDown).Maximum   = 15;
                    (usedControl as NumericUpDown).Increment = 2;
                    (usedControl as NumericUpDown).Value     = 7;

                case 2:
                    label       = "Text box with max. length of 15 chars.";
                    unit        = ":o)";
                    usedControl = new TextBox();
                    (usedControl as TextBox).MaxLength = 15;
                    (usedControl as TextBox).Text      = "Some Text";

                case 3:
                    label       = "Disabled text box";
                    unit        = "^_^";
                    usedControl = new TextBox();
                    (usedControl as TextBox).Enabled = false;
                    (usedControl as TextBox).Text    = "Some disabled Text";

                case 4:
                    label       = "Combo box with auto complete";
                    unit        = "Prio.";
                    usedControl = new ComboBox();
                    (usedControl as ComboBox).Items.AddRange(
                        new object[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4", "Item 5" });
                    (usedControl as ComboBox).AutoCompleteMode   = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend;
                    (usedControl as ComboBox).AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems;

                    label = "Progress bar";
                    unit  = "";
                    Random randNmbr = new Random();
                    usedControl = new ProgressBar();
                    (usedControl as ProgressBar).Value = randNmbr.Next(0, 100);

                grid[i, 1] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell
                    View = visualAspect, Value = label, ToolTipText = label + "..." + unit
                grid[i, 1].AddController(toolTipController);

                grid[i, 2] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell();

                usedControl.Enter += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)
                    IsRechangingSelection = true;

                    foreach (RowInfo rowInfo in grid.Rows)
                        grid.Selection.SelectRow(rowInfo.Index, false);

                    foreach (LinkedControlValue lcv in grid.LinkedControls)
                        if (lcv.Control == usedControl)
                            grid.Selection.SelectRow(lcv.Position.Row, true);

                    IsRechangingSelection = false;

                grid.LinkedControls.Add(new SourceGrid.LinkedControlValue(usedControl, new SourceGrid.Position(i, 2)));

                grid[i, 3] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell {
                    View = visualAspect, Value = unit

            if (grid.Columns[2].MinimalWidth < 127)
                grid.Columns[2].MinimalWidth = 127;

            grid.VScrollBar.ValueChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs valueChangedEventArgs)
                // Hide all linked controls above 'new value'
                // Show all linked controls beyond 'new value'
                foreach (LinkedControlValue lcv in grid.LinkedControls)
                    lcv.Control.Visible = lcv.Position.Row > grid.VScrollBar.Value;

                // Reselecting works more or less when scrolling down. But what when scrolling up?
                if (grid.Selection.ActivePosition.Row <= grid.VScrollBar.Value)
                    IsRechangingSelection = false;

                    foreach (LinkedControlValue lcv in grid.LinkedControls)
                        grid.Selection.SelectRow(lcv.Position.Row, false);

                    IsRechangingSelection = true;

                    grid.Selection.SelectRow(grid.VScrollBar.Value + 1, true);

            // Focus the custom control when changing selection
            grid.Selection.SelectionChanged += delegate(object sender, RangeRegionChangedEventArgs e)
                if (!IsRechangingSelection && e.AddedRange != null && e.RemovedRange == null)
                    bool  isFound      = false;
                    int   selectedRow  = -1;
                    int   selectedCol  = -1;
                    int[] selectedRows = e.AddedRange.GetRowsIndex();

                    if (sender is SourceGrid.Selection.SelectionBase)
                        selectedRow = (sender as SourceGrid.Selection.SelectionBase).ActivePosition.Row;
                        selectedCol = (sender as SourceGrid.Selection.SelectionBase).ActivePosition.Column;

                    if (selectedRows[0] != -1)
                        selectedRow = selectedRows[0];

                    foreach (LinkedControlValue lcv in grid.LinkedControls)
                        if (lcv.Position.Row == selectedRow)
                            // Remove focus from control
                            isFound = true;

                    if (!isFound)
                        IsRechangingSelection = true;
                        grid.Selection.Focus(new Position(selectedRow, selectedCol), true);
                        IsRechangingSelection = false;
		private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
			grid1.Redim(10, 5);

            //Setup the controllers
			CellClickEvent clickController = new CellClickEvent();
			PopupMenu menuController = new PopupMenu();
			CellCursor cursorController = new CellCursor();
            SourceGrid.Cells.Controllers.ToolTipText toolTipController = new SourceGrid.Cells.Controllers.ToolTipText();
            toolTipController.ToolTipTitle = "ToolTip example";
            toolTipController.ToolTipIcon = ToolTipIcon.Info;
            toolTipController.IsBalloon = true;
            ValueChangedEvent valueChangedController = new ValueChangedEvent();
			for (int r = 0; r < grid1.Rows.Count; r++)
				if (r == 0)
					grid1[r, 0] = new SourceGrid.Cells.ColumnHeader("Click event");
					grid1[r, 1] = new SourceGrid.Cells.ColumnHeader("Custom Cursor");
					grid1[r, 2] = new SourceGrid.Cells.ColumnHeader("ContextMenu");
                    grid1[r, 3] = new SourceGrid.Cells.ColumnHeader("ToolTip");
                    grid1[r, 4] = new SourceGrid.Cells.ColumnHeader("ValueChanged");
					grid1[r, 0] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell("Value " + r.ToString(), typeof(string));
					grid1[r, 1] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell(DateTime.Now, typeof(DateTime));
					grid1[r, 2] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell("Right click");
                    grid1[r, 3] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell("Value " + r.ToString());
                    grid1[r, 3].ToolTipText = "Example of tooltip, bla bla bla ....\n Row: " + r.ToString();
                    grid1[r, 4] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell("Value " + r.ToString(), typeof(string));

				grid1[r, 0].AddController(clickController);
				grid1[r, 1].AddController(cursorController);
				grid1[r, 2].AddController(menuController);
                grid1[r, 3].AddController(toolTipController);
                grid1[r, 4].AddController(valueChangedController);


            //Add the key controller to all the cells
            grid1.Controller.AddController(new KeyEvent(this));
        private void FillResultGrid()
                _selectedSolutionIndex = -1;

                SourceGrid.Cells.Controllers.ToolTipText toolTipController = new SourceGrid.Cells.Controllers.ToolTipText {
                    IsBalloon = true

                // remove existing rows
                // viewColumnHeader
                SourceGrid.Cells.Views.ColumnHeader viewColumnHeader = new SourceGrid.Cells.Views.ColumnHeader()
                    Background = new DevAge.Drawing.VisualElements.ColumnHeader()
                        BackColor = Color.LightGray,
                        Border    = DevAge.Drawing.RectangleBorder.NoBorder
                    ForeColor = Color.Black,
                    Font      = new Font("Arial", 8, FontStyle.Regular),
                viewColumnHeader.ElementSort.SortStyle = DevAge.Drawing.HeaderSortStyle.None;
                // viewNormal
                CellBackColorAlternate viewNormal = new CellBackColorAlternate(Color.LightBlue, Color.White);
                // set first row
                gridSolutions.BorderStyle  = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
                gridSolutions.ColumnsCount = 5;
                gridSolutions.FixedRows    = 1;

                // header
                int iCol = 0;
                gridSolutions[0, iCol] = new SourceGrid.Cells.ColumnHeader(Properties.Resources.ID_INDEX)
                    View = viewColumnHeader
                gridSolutions[0, ++iCol] = new SourceGrid.Cells.ColumnHeader(Properties.Resources.ID_LOADEDCASES)
                    View = viewColumnHeader
                gridSolutions[0, ++iCol] = new SourceGrid.Cells.ColumnHeader(Properties.Resources.ID_NUMBEROFPALLETS)
                    View = viewColumnHeader
                gridSolutions[0, ++iCol] = new SourceGrid.Cells.ColumnHeader(Properties.Resources.ID_LOADEDVOLUMEPERCENTAGE)
                    View = viewColumnHeader

                // solutions
                int iIndex = 0;
                foreach (HSolution sol in Solutions)
                    // insert row
                    iCol = 0;
                    // name
                    gridSolutions[iIndex, iCol] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell($"{iIndex}")
                        View = viewNormal, ToolTipText = sol.Algorithm
                    gridSolutions[iIndex, iCol].AddController(toolTipController);
                    gridSolutions[iIndex, ++iCol] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell(sol.LoadedCasesCountString)
                        View = viewNormal
                    gridSolutions[iIndex, ++iCol] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell(sol.SolItemCount)
                        View = viewNormal
                    gridSolutions[iIndex, ++iCol] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell(sol.LoadedVolumePercentage)
                        View = viewNormal

                gridSolutions.AutoStretchColumnsToFitWidth = true;

                // select first solution
                if (gridSolutions.RowsCount > 1)
                    gridSolutions.Selection.SelectRow(1, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #7
        private void FillGrid()
                // remove all existing rows
                // *** IViews
                // captionHeader
                SourceGrid.Cells.Views.RowHeader        captionHeader   = new SourceGrid.Cells.Views.RowHeader();
                DevAge.Drawing.VisualElements.RowHeader veHeaderCaption = new DevAge.Drawing.VisualElements.RowHeader()
                    BackColor = Color.SteelBlue,
                    Border    = DevAge.Drawing.RectangleBorder.NoBorder
                captionHeader.Background    = veHeaderCaption;
                captionHeader.ForeColor     = Color.Black;
                captionHeader.Font          = new Font("Arial", GridFontSize, FontStyle.Bold);
                captionHeader.TextAlignment = DevAge.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
                // viewRowHeader
                SourceGrid.Cells.Views.ColumnHeader        viewColumnHeader = new SourceGrid.Cells.Views.ColumnHeader();
                DevAge.Drawing.VisualElements.ColumnHeader backHeader       = new DevAge.Drawing.VisualElements.ColumnHeader()
                    BackColor = Color.LightGray,
                    Border    = DevAge.Drawing.RectangleBorder.NoBorder
                viewColumnHeader.Background            = backHeader;
                viewColumnHeader.ForeColor             = Color.Black;
                viewColumnHeader.Font                  = new Font("Arial", GridFontSize, FontStyle.Regular);
                viewColumnHeader.ElementSort.SortStyle = DevAge.Drawing.HeaderSortStyle.None;
                // viewNormal
                CellBackColorAlternate viewNormal = new CellBackColorAlternate(Color.LightBlue, Color.White);
                // ***
                // set first row
                gridSolutions.BorderStyle  = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
                gridSolutions.ColumnsCount = 7;
                gridSolutions.FixedRows    = 1;
                // header
                int iCol = 0, iRow = -1;
                // layer pattern
                gridSolutions[0, iCol++] = new SourceGrid.Cells.ColumnHeader(Resources.ID_LAYERPATTERN)
                    AutomaticSortEnabled = false, View = viewColumnHeader
                // case count
                gridSolutions[0, iCol++] = new SourceGrid.Cells.ColumnHeader(Resources.ID_CASECOUNT)
                    AutomaticSortEnabled = false, View = viewColumnHeader
                // efficiency
                gridSolutions[0, iCol++] = new SourceGrid.Cells.ColumnHeader(Resources.ID_EFFICIENCYPERCENTAGE)
                    AutomaticSortEnabled = false, View = viewColumnHeader
                // pallet weight
                gridSolutions[0, iCol++] = new SourceGrid.Cells.ColumnHeader(string.Format(Resources.ID_PALLETWEIGHT, UnitsManager.MassUnitString))
                    AutomaticSortEnabled = false, View = viewColumnHeader
                // pallet height
                gridSolutions[0, iCol++] = new SourceGrid.Cells.ColumnHeader(string.Format(Resources.ID_PALLETHEIGHT, UnitsManager.LengthUnitString))
                    AutomaticSortEnabled = false, View = viewColumnHeader

                gridSolutions.AutoStretchRowsToFitHeight = true;
                SourceGrid.Cells.Controllers.ToolTipText toolTipController = new SourceGrid.Cells.Controllers.ToolTipText
                    ToolTipTitle = "",
                    ToolTipIcon  = ToolTipIcon.None,
                    IsBalloon    = false

                foreach (Layer2D layer in _layers)
                    iCol = 0;
                    // layer pattern
                    gridSolutions[iRow, iCol] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Image(TryGenerateLayerImage(layer))
                        ToolTipText = layer.Name
                    gridSolutions[iRow, iCol++].AddController(toolTipController);

                    using (FastEvaluatorLayer2Pallet evaluator = new FastEvaluatorLayer2Pallet(layer, SelectedPackable, SelectedPallet, BuildConstraintSet()))
                        // case count
                        gridSolutions[iRow, iCol++] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell(
                        // volume efficiency
                        gridSolutions[iRow, iCol++] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:0.##}", evaluator.VolumeEfficiency));
                        // pallet weight
                        gridSolutions[iRow, iCol++] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:0.#}", evaluator.PalletWeight));
                        // pallet height
                        gridSolutions[iRow, iCol++] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:0.##}", evaluator.PalletHeight));
                gridSolutions.AutoStretchColumnsToFitWidth = true;

                // select first solution
                if (gridSolutions.RowsCount > 1)
                    gridSolutions.Selection.SelectRow(1, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
 /// <summary>
 /// Evénement lors d'un click sur la liste des documents
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void lstDocuments_MouseClick(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
     int numLigne = p_applClass.Param.MailSettings.ListDocuments.Count;
     // Mise à jour des informations
     if (lstDocuments.Selection.ActivePosition.Row == -1) { return; }
     if (lstDocuments.Selection.ActivePosition.Row > p_applClass.Param.MailSettings.ListDocuments.Count)
         p_update = false;
         openFile.Filter = "Tous les fichiers (*.*)|*.*";
         DialogResult dialog = openFile.ShowDialog();
         if (dialog == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
             string _fileName = openFile.SafeFileName;
             string _filePath = openFile.FileName;
             p_applClass.Param.MailSettings.ListDocuments.Add(new AttachDocument(_fileName, _filePath));
             SourceGrid.Cells.Controllers.ToolTipText toolTipController = new SourceGrid.Cells.Controllers.ToolTipText();
             toolTipController.ToolTipTitle = "Chemin d'accès au document";
             toolTipController.ToolTipIcon = ToolTipIcon.Info;
             toolTipController.IsBalloon = true;
             lstDocuments[numLigne, 0] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell(_fileName);
             lstDocuments[numLigne, 1] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell(_filePath);
             lstDocuments[numLigne, 1].ToolTipText = _filePath;
             lstDocuments[numLigne, 1].AddController(toolTipController);
         p_update = true;
         int numDocument = lstDocuments.Selection.ActivePosition.Row - 1;
         string _filePath = p_applClass.Param.MailSettings.ListDocuments[numDocument].FilePath;
         if (MessageBox.Show("Confirmer la suppression de ce document ?", "Confirmer", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes)
             lstDocuments.Rows.Remove(numDocument + 1);
 /// <summary>
 /// Chargement de la Liste des Photographes
 /// </summary>
 private void loadLstDocument()
     int numLigne = 0;
     SourceGrid.Cells.Controllers.ToolTipText toolTipController = new SourceGrid.Cells.Controllers.ToolTipText();
     toolTipController.ToolTipTitle = "Chemin d'accès au document";
     toolTipController.ToolTipIcon = ToolTipIcon.Info;
     toolTipController.IsBalloon = true;
     if (p_applClass.Param.MailSettings != null)
         for (int i = 0; i < p_applClass.Param.MailSettings.ListDocuments.Count; i++)
             lstDocuments[numLigne, 0] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell(p_applClass.Param.MailSettings.ListDocuments[i].FileName);
             lstDocuments[numLigne, 1] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell(p_applClass.Param.MailSettings.ListDocuments[i].FilePath);
             lstDocuments[numLigne, 1].ToolTipText = p_applClass.Param.MailSettings.ListDocuments[i].FilePath;
             lstDocuments[numLigne, 1].AddController(toolTipController);
     lstDocuments[numLigne, 0] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell("Cliquer pour ajouter un document");
     lstDocuments[numLigne, 0].ColumnSpan = 2;
        /// <summary>
        /// Chargement de la Liste des Documents
        /// </summary>
        private void loadLstDocument()
            lstDocuments.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
            lstDocuments.ColumnsCount = 2;
            lstDocuments.FixedRows = 1;
            lstDocuments.Selection.FocusStyle = FocusStyle.None;
            lstDocuments.SelectionMode = GridSelectionMode.Row;
            lstDocuments[0, 0] = new SourceGrid.Cells.ColumnHeader("Nom");
            lstDocuments[0, 1] = new SourceGrid.Cells.ColumnHeader("Chemin");
            lstDocuments.Columns.SetWidth(0, 150);
            lstDocuments.Columns.SetWidth(1, 200);

            int numLigne = 0;

            SourceGrid.Cells.Controllers.ToolTipText toolTipController = new SourceGrid.Cells.Controllers.ToolTipText();
            toolTipController.ToolTipTitle = "Chemin d'accès au document";
            toolTipController.ToolTipIcon = ToolTipIcon.Info;
            toolTipController.IsBalloon = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < p_listDocuments.Count; i++)
                lstDocuments[numLigne, 0] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell(p_listDocuments[i].FileName);
                lstDocuments[numLigne, 1] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell(p_listDocuments[i].FilePath);

                lstDocuments[numLigne, 1].ToolTipText = p_listDocuments[i].FilePath;
                lstDocuments[numLigne, 1].AddController(toolTipController);

            lstDocuments[numLigne, 0] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell("Cliquer pour ajouter un document");
            lstDocuments[numLigne, 0].ColumnSpan = 2;
Exemple #11
        public RuleGrid()
            SpecialKeys = GridSpecialKeys.None | GridSpecialKeys.Enter | GridSpecialKeys.Escape | GridSpecialKeys.PageDownUp;
            SelectionMode = SourceGrid.GridSelectionMode.Row;
            BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Window;
            BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
            // padding-right = 4 for ellipse text drag-select

            ColumnsCount = 5;
            RowsCount = 1;
            FixedRows = 1;

            // Initialise custom editors
            emptyEditor = new EditorBase(typeof(int));
            emptyEditor.EnableEdit = false;

            readOnlyEditor = new EditorBase(typeof(String));
            readOnlyEditor.EnableEdit = false;

            //ruleTypeEditor = new SourceGrid.Cells.Editors.ComboBox(typeof(string));
            //ruleTypeEditor.StandardValues = new string[] { "Delete", "Copy", "Replace" };
            //ruleTypeEditor.EditableMode = SourceGrid.EditableMode.Focus | SourceGrid.EditableMode.SingleClick;
            //ruleTypeEditor.Control.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;

            emptyGray = new SourceGrid.Cells.Views.Cell();
            emptyGray.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlDark;

            popMenu = new PopupMenu(this);

            this[0, ColControl] = new SourceGrid.Cells.ColumnHeader(Textual.Enabled);
            this[0, ColType] = new SourceGrid.Cells.ColumnHeader(Textual.RuleType);
            this[0, ColDestination] = new SourceGrid.Cells.ColumnHeader(Textual.DestinationTag + "(?)");
            this[0, ColReplacement] = new SourceGrid.Cells.ColumnHeader(Textual.ReplacementText);
            this[0, ColPattern] = new SourceGrid.Cells.ColumnHeader(Textual.SearchPatterns);

            this.Columns[ColControl].AutoSizeMode = SourceGrid.AutoSizeMode.EnableAutoSize;
            this.Columns[ColType].AutoSizeMode = SourceGrid.AutoSizeMode.EnableAutoSize;
            this.Columns[ColDestination].AutoSizeMode = SourceGrid.AutoSizeMode.EnableAutoSize;
            this.Columns[ColReplacement].AutoSizeMode = SourceGrid.AutoSizeMode.EnableAutoSize;
            this.Columns[ColPattern].AutoSizeMode = SourceGrid.AutoSizeMode.Default | SourceGrid.AutoSizeMode.MinimumSize;

            this.Columns[ColPattern].MinimalWidth = 800;

            this.AutoStretchColumnsToFitWidth = true;
            //ScrollBar = ScrollBars.Vertical;
            //this.VScroll = true;

            this[0, ColDestination].ToolTipText = Textual.DestinationTagTooltip;
            SourceGrid.Cells.Controllers.ToolTipText toolTipController = new SourceGrid.Cells.Controllers.ToolTipText();
            toolTipController.IsBalloon = true;
            this[0, ColDestination].Controller.AddController(toolTipController);

            foreach(int i in new int[]{ColControl, ColType, ColDestination, ColReplacement, ColPattern})
                this[0, i].RemoveController(this[0, i].FindController(typeof(SourceGrid.Cells.Controllers.SortableHeader)));

Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Occurs when loading this control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eventArgs">
        /// The <see cref="EventArgs"/>.
        /// </param>
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs eventArgs)
            const int numberOfRows = 6;
            const int numberOfCols = 4;
            grid.Redim(numberOfRows, numberOfCols);
            grid.FixedRows = 1;
            grid.FixedColumns = 1;
            grid.SelectionMode = SourceGrid.GridSelectionMode.Row;
            grid.ToolTipText = "Linked Controls";

            grid[0, 0] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Header(null);

            // Create column header
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCols; i++)
                string label;

                switch (i)
                    case 1:
                        label = "Description";
                    case 2:
                        label = "Value";
                    case 3:
                        label = "Unit";
                        label = null;

                var header = new SourceGrid.Cells.ColumnHeader(label) { AutomaticSortEnabled = false };

                grid[0, i] = header;

            // Create some entries
            SourceGrid.Cells.Views.Cell visualAspect = new SourceGrid.Cells.Views.Cell();

            for (int i = 1; i < numberOfRows; i++)
                string label;
                string unit;
                Control usedControl;
                SourceGrid.Cells.Controllers.ToolTipText toolTipController =
                    new SourceGrid.Cells.Controllers.ToolTipText();

                toolTipController.IsBalloon = true;

                switch (i)
                    case 1:
                        label = "Numeric Up Down [3...15]";
                        unit = "µs";
                        usedControl = new NumericUpDown();
                        (usedControl as NumericUpDown).Minimum = 3;
                        (usedControl as NumericUpDown).Maximum = 15;
                        (usedControl as NumericUpDown).Increment = 2;
                        (usedControl as NumericUpDown).Value = 7;
                    case 2:
                        label = "Text box with max. length of 15 chars.";
                        unit = ":o)";
                        usedControl = new TextBox();
                        (usedControl as TextBox).MaxLength = 15;
                        (usedControl as TextBox).Text = "Some Text";
                    case 3:
                        label = "Disabled text box";
                        unit = "^_^";
                        usedControl = new TextBox();
                        (usedControl as TextBox).Enabled = false;
                        (usedControl as TextBox).Text = "Some disabled Text";
                    case 4:
                        label = "Combo box with auto complete";
                        unit = "Prio.";
                        usedControl = new ComboBox();
                        (usedControl as ComboBox).Items.AddRange(
                            new object[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4", "Item 5" });
                        (usedControl as ComboBox).AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend;
                        (usedControl as ComboBox).AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems;
                        label = "Progress bar";
                        unit = "";
                        Random randNmbr = new Random();
                        usedControl = new ProgressBar();
                        (usedControl as ProgressBar).Value = randNmbr.Next(0, 100);

                grid[i, 1] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell
                        View = visualAspect, Value = label, ToolTipText = label + "..." + unit 
                grid[i, 1].AddController(toolTipController);

                grid[i, 2] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell();

                usedControl.Enter += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)
                    IsRechangingSelection = true;

                    foreach (RowInfo rowInfo in grid.Rows)
                        grid.Selection.SelectRow(rowInfo.Index, false);

                    foreach (LinkedControlValue lcv in grid.LinkedControls)
                        if (lcv.Control == usedControl)
                            grid.Selection.SelectRow(lcv.Position.Row, true);

                    IsRechangingSelection = false;

                grid.LinkedControls.Add(new SourceGrid.LinkedControlValue(usedControl, new SourceGrid.Position(i, 2)));

                grid[i, 3] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell { View = visualAspect, Value = unit };

            if (grid.Columns[2].MinimalWidth < 127)
                grid.Columns[2].MinimalWidth = 127;

            grid.VScrollBar.ValueChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs valueChangedEventArgs)
                // Hide all linked controls above 'new value'
                // Show all linked controls beyond 'new value'
                foreach (LinkedControlValue lcv in grid.LinkedControls)
                    lcv.Control.Visible = lcv.Position.Row > grid.VScrollBar.Value;

                // Reselecting works more or less when scrolling down. But what when scrolling up?
                if (grid.Selection.ActivePosition.Row <= grid.VScrollBar.Value)
                    IsRechangingSelection = false;

                    foreach (LinkedControlValue lcv in grid.LinkedControls)
                        grid.Selection.SelectRow(lcv.Position.Row, false);

                    IsRechangingSelection = true;

                    grid.Selection.SelectRow(grid.VScrollBar.Value + 1, true);

            // Focus the custom control when changing selection
            grid.Selection.SelectionChanged += delegate(object sender, RangeRegionChangedEventArgs e)
                if (!IsRechangingSelection && e.AddedRange != null && e.RemovedRange == null)
                    bool isFound = false;
                    int selectedRow = -1;
                    int selectedCol = -1;
                    int[] selectedRows = e.AddedRange.GetRowsIndex();

                    if (sender is SourceGrid.Selection.SelectionBase)
                        selectedRow = (sender as SourceGrid.Selection.SelectionBase).ActivePosition.Row;
                        selectedCol = (sender as SourceGrid.Selection.SelectionBase).ActivePosition.Column;

                    if (selectedRows[0] != -1)
                        selectedRow = selectedRows[0];

                    foreach (LinkedControlValue lcv in grid.LinkedControls)
                        if (lcv.Position.Row == selectedRow)
                            // Remove focus from control
                            isFound = true;

                    if (!isFound)
                        IsRechangingSelection = true;
                        grid.Selection.Focus(new Position(selectedRow, selectedCol), true);
                        IsRechangingSelection = false;