Exemple #1
 public void Run()
     Generator = new ModelGen
         SourceText         = SourceText,
         SourceFilename     = SourceFilename,
         GenerateEnum       = GenerateEnum.GetValueOrDefault(true),
         GenerateLinq       = GenerateLinq.GetValueOrDefault(true),
         GenerateProperties = GenerateProperties.GetValueOrDefault(true),
         RootNodeTypeName   = RootNodeTypeName,
         Namespace          = Namespace,
     if (OutputFilename == null)
         Generator.OutputFilename = SourceFilename.ToFsPath().ChangeExtension(".generated.cs");
     if (Using != null)
    private static void DiffCookedContent(ProjectParams Params)
        List <TargetPlatformDescriptor> PlatformsToCook = Params.ClientTargetPlatforms;
        string ProjectPath = Params.RawProjectPath.FullName;

        var CookedSandboxesPath = CombinePaths(GetDirectoryName(ProjectPath), "Saved", "Cooked");

        for (int CookPlatformIndex = 0; CookPlatformIndex < PlatformsToCook.Count; ++CookPlatformIndex)
            // temporary directory to save the pak file to (pak file is usually not local and on network drive)
            var TemporaryPakPath = CombinePaths(GetDirectoryName(ProjectPath), "Saved", "Temp", "LocalPKG");
            // extracted files from pak file
            var TemporaryFilesPath = CombinePaths(GetDirectoryName(ProjectPath), "Saved", "Temp", "LocalFiles");

                Directory.Delete(TemporaryPakPath, true);
            catch (Exception Ex)
                if (!(Ex is System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException))
                    Log("Failed deleting temporary directories " + TemporaryPakPath + " continuing. " + Ex.GetType().ToString());
                Directory.Delete(TemporaryFilesPath, true);
            catch (Exception Ex)
                if (!(Ex is System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException))
                    Log("Failed deleting temporary directories " + TemporaryFilesPath + " continuing. " + Ex.GetType().ToString());


                Platform CurrentPlatform = Platform.Platforms[PlatformsToCook[CookPlatformIndex]];

                string SourceCookedContentPath = Params.DiffCookedContentPath;

                List <string> PakFiles = new List <string>();

                string CookPlatformString = CurrentPlatform.GetCookPlatform(false, Params.Client);

                if (Path.HasExtension(SourceCookedContentPath) && (!SourceCookedContentPath.EndsWith(".pak")))
                    // must be a per platform pkg file try this
                    CurrentPlatform.ExtractPackage(Params, Params.DiffCookedContentPath, TemporaryPakPath);

                    // find the pak file
                    PakFiles.AddRange(Directory.EnumerateFiles(TemporaryPakPath, Params.ShortProjectName + "*.pak", SearchOption.AllDirectories));
                    PakFiles.AddRange(Directory.EnumerateFiles(TemporaryPakPath, "pakchunk*.pak", SearchOption.AllDirectories));
                else if (!Path.HasExtension(SourceCookedContentPath))
                    // try find the pak or pkg file
                    string SourceCookedContentPlatformPath = CombinePaths(SourceCookedContentPath, CookPlatformString);

                    foreach (var PakName in Directory.EnumerateFiles(SourceCookedContentPlatformPath, Params.ShortProjectName + "*.pak", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                        string TemporaryPakFilename = CombinePaths(TemporaryPakPath, Path.GetFileName(PakName));
                        File.Copy(PakName, TemporaryPakFilename);

                    foreach (var PakName in Directory.EnumerateFiles(SourceCookedContentPlatformPath, "pakchunk*.pak", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                        string TemporaryPakFilename = CombinePaths(TemporaryPakPath, Path.GetFileName(PakName));
                        File.Copy(PakName, TemporaryPakFilename);

                    if (PakFiles.Count <= 0)
                        Log("No Pak files found in " + SourceCookedContentPlatformPath + " :(");
                else if (SourceCookedContentPath.EndsWith(".pak"))
                    string TemporaryPakFilename = CombinePaths(TemporaryPakPath, Path.GetFileName(SourceCookedContentPath));
                    File.Copy(SourceCookedContentPath, TemporaryPakFilename);

                string FullCookPath = CombinePaths(CookedSandboxesPath, CookPlatformString);

                var UnrealPakExe = CombinePaths(CmdEnv.LocalRoot, "Engine/Binaries/Win64/UnrealPak.exe");

                foreach (var Name in PakFiles)
                    Log("Extracting pak " + Name + " for comparision to location " + TemporaryFilesPath);

                    string UnrealPakParams = Name + " -Extract " + " " + TemporaryFilesPath;
                        RunAndLog(CmdEnv, UnrealPakExe, UnrealPakParams, Options: ERunOptions.Default | ERunOptions.UTF8Output | ERunOptions.LoggingOfRunDuration);
                    catch (Exception Ex)
                        Log("Pak failed to extract because of " + Ex.GetType().ToString());

                const string RootFailedContentDirectory = "\\\\epicgames.net\\root\\Developers\\Daniel.Lamb";

                string FailedContentDirectory = CombinePaths(RootFailedContentDirectory, CommandUtils.P4Env.BuildRootP4 + CommandUtils.P4Env.ChangelistString, Params.ShortProjectName, CookPlatformString);


                // diff the content
                List <FileInfo> FileReport = new List <FileInfo>();

                List <string> AllFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(FullCookPath, "*.uasset", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList();
                AllFiles.AddRange(Directory.EnumerateFiles(FullCookPath, "*.umap", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList());
                foreach (string SourceFilename in AllFiles)
                    // Filename.StartsWith( CookedSandboxesPath );
                    string RelativeFilename = SourceFilename.Remove(0, FullCookPath.Length);

                    string DestFilename = TemporaryFilesPath + RelativeFilename;

                    Log("Comparing file " + RelativeFilename);

                    byte[] SourceFile = null;
                        SourceFile = File.ReadAllBytes(SourceFilename);
                    catch (Exception)
                        Log("Diff cooked content failed to load file " + SourceFilename);

                    byte[] DestFile = null;
                        DestFile = File.ReadAllBytes(DestFilename);
                    catch (Exception)
                        Log("Diff cooked content failed to load file " + DestFilename);

                    if (SourceFile == null || DestFile == null)
                        Log("Diff cooked content failed on file " + SourceFilename + " when comparing against " + DestFilename + " " + (SourceFile == null?SourceFilename:DestFilename) + " file is missing");
                    else if (SourceFile.LongLength == DestFile.LongLength)
                        /*long FirstByteFailed = -1;
                         * long BytesFailed = 0;*/

                        FileInfo DiffFileInfo = new FileInfo(SourceFilename);
                        DiffFileInfo.File1Size = DiffFileInfo.File2Size = SourceFile.LongLength;

                        bool bFailedDiff = false;
                        for (long Index = 0; Index < SourceFile.LongLength; ++Index)
                            if (SourceFile[Index] != DestFile[Index])
                                if (DiffFileInfo.FirstByteFailed == -1)
                                    DiffFileInfo.FirstByteFailed = Index;
                                DiffFileInfo.BytesMismatch += 1;

                                if (bFailedDiff == false)
                                    bFailedDiff = true;

                                    Log("Diff cooked content failed on file " + SourceFilename + " when comparing against " + DestFilename + " at offset " + Index.ToString());
                                    string SavedSourceFilename = CombinePaths(FailedContentDirectory, Path.GetFileName(SourceFilename) + "Source");
                                    string SavedDestFilename   = CombinePaths(FailedContentDirectory, Path.GetFileName(DestFilename) + "Dest");

                                    Log("Creating directory " + Path.GetDirectoryName(SavedSourceFilename));

                                    catch (Exception E)
                                        Log("Failed to create directory " + Path.GetDirectoryName(SavedSourceFilename) + " Exception " + E.ToString());
                                    Log("Creating directory " + Path.GetDirectoryName(SavedDestFilename));
                                    catch (Exception E)
                                        Log("Failed to create directory " + Path.GetDirectoryName(SavedDestFilename) + " Exception " + E.ToString());
                                    File.Copy(SourceFilename, SavedSourceFilename, true);
                                    File.Copy(DestFilename, SavedDestFilename, true);
                                    Log("Content temporarily saved to " + SavedSourceFilename + " and " + SavedDestFilename + " at offset " + Index.ToString());
                                // break;
                        if (!bFailedDiff)
                            Log("Content matches for " + SourceFilename + " and " + DestFilename);
                        Log("Diff cooked content failed on file " + SourceFilename + " when comparing against " + DestFilename + " files are different sizes " + SourceFile.LongLength.ToString() + " " + DestFile.LongLength.ToString());

                        FileInfo DiffFileInfo = new FileInfo(SourceFilename);

                        DiffFileInfo.File1Size = SourceFile.LongLength;
                        DiffFileInfo.File2Size = DestFile.LongLength;


                Log("Mismatching files:");
                foreach (var Report in FileReport)
                    if (Report.FirstByteFailed == -1)
                        Log("File " + Report.Filename + " size mismatch: " + Report.File1Size + " VS " + Report.File2Size);
                        Log("File " + Report.Filename + " bytes mismatch: " + Report.BytesMismatch + " first byte failed at: " + Report.FirstByteFailed + " file size: " + Report.File1Size);
            catch (Exception Ex)
                Log("Exception " + Ex.ToString());