public void EnsureLazyLoaded() { if (!lazyLoad || texture != null) { return; } Vector4 sourceVector = Vector4.Zero; bool temp2 = false; LoadTexture(ref sourceVector, ref temp2, preMultipliedAlpha); if (sourceRect.Width == 0 && sourceRect.Height == 0) { sourceRect = new Rectangle((int)sourceVector.X, (int)sourceVector.Y, (int)sourceVector.Z, (int)sourceVector.W); size = SourceElement.GetAttributeVector2("size", Vector2.One); size.X *= sourceRect.Width; size.Y *= sourceRect.Height; RelativeOrigin = SourceElement.GetAttributeVector2("origin", new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)); } foreach (Sprite s in list) { if (s == this) { continue; } if (s.FullPath == FullPath && s.texture != null) { s.texture = texture; } } }
private void SetWebRequestPriperties(HttpWebRequest webRequest) { webRequest.KeepAlive = true; webRequest.Method = SourceElement.GetAttribute("MethodDispatch"); webRequest.Timeout = Utils.StringToInt(SourceObject.Root.GetAttribute("Timeout")); webRequest.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; }
public void Init(Gender gender = Gender.None) { if (IsInitialized) { return; } _gender = SpritePath.Contains("[GENDER]") ? gender : Gender.None; ParsePath(false); if (Sprite != null) { Sprite.Remove(); } Sprite = new Sprite(SourceElement, file: SpritePath); Limb = (LimbType)Enum.Parse(typeof(LimbType), SourceElement.GetAttributeString("limb", "Head"), true); HideLimb = SourceElement.GetAttributeBool("hidelimb", false); HideOtherWearables = SourceElement.GetAttributeBool("hideotherwearables", false); InheritLimbDepth = SourceElement.GetAttributeBool("inheritlimbdepth", true); InheritTextureScale = SourceElement.GetAttributeBool("inherittexturescale", false); InheritOrigin = SourceElement.GetAttributeBool("inheritorigin", false); InheritSourceRect = SourceElement.GetAttributeBool("inheritsourcerect", false); DepthLimb = (LimbType)Enum.Parse(typeof(LimbType), SourceElement.GetAttributeString("depthlimb", "None"), true); Sound = SourceElement.GetAttributeString("sound", ""); var index = SourceElement.GetAttributePoint("sheetindex", new Point(-1, -1)); if (index.X > -1 && index.Y > -1) { SheetIndex = index; } IsInitialized = true; }
public override IDeepCopyable CopyTo(IDeepCopyable other) { var dest = other as DocumentManifest; if (dest == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Can only copy to an object of the same type", "other"); } base.CopyTo(dest); if (MasterIdentifier != null) { dest.MasterIdentifier = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.Identifier)MasterIdentifier.DeepCopy(); } if (Identifier != null) { dest.Identifier = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.Identifier>(Identifier.DeepCopy()); } if (StatusElement != null) { dest.StatusElement = (Code <Hl7.Fhir.Model.DocumentReferenceStatus>)StatusElement.DeepCopy(); } if (Type != null) { dest.Type = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.CodeableConcept)Type.DeepCopy(); } if (Subject != null) { dest.Subject = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.ResourceReference)Subject.DeepCopy(); } if (CreatedElement != null) { dest.CreatedElement = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.FhirDateTime)CreatedElement.DeepCopy(); } if (Author != null) { dest.Author = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.ResourceReference>(Author.DeepCopy()); } if (Recipient != null) { dest.Recipient = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.ResourceReference>(Recipient.DeepCopy()); } if (SourceElement != null) { dest.SourceElement = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.FhirUri)SourceElement.DeepCopy(); } if (DescriptionElement != null) { dest.DescriptionElement = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.FhirString)DescriptionElement.DeepCopy(); } if (Content != null) { dest.Content = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.ResourceReference>(Content.DeepCopy()); } if (Related != null) { dest.Related = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.DocumentManifest.RelatedComponent>(Related.DeepCopy()); } return(dest); }
private void DragMoved() { Point CurrentPosition = System.Windows.Input.Mouse.GetPosition(pnlMap); SourceElement.SourcePoint.X = Convert.ToInt32((CurrentPosition.X - _positionOnSource.X) / Zoom); SourceElement.SourcePoint.Y = Convert.ToInt32((CurrentPosition.Y - _positionOnSource.Y) / Zoom); SourceElement.InvalidateVisual(); }
public void Init(Gender gender = Gender.None) { if (IsInitialized) { return; } _gender = UnassignedSpritePath.Contains("[GENDER]") ? gender : Gender.None; ParsePath(false); Sprite?.Remove(); Sprite = new Sprite(SourceElement, file: SpritePath); Limb = (LimbType)Enum.Parse(typeof(LimbType), SourceElement.GetAttributeString("limb", "Head"), true); HideLimb = SourceElement.GetAttributeBool("hidelimb", false); HideOtherWearables = SourceElement.GetAttributeBool("hideotherwearables", false); CanBeHiddenByOtherWearables = SourceElement.GetAttributeBool("canbehiddenbyotherwearables", true); InheritLimbDepth = SourceElement.GetAttributeBool("inheritlimbdepth", true); var scale = SourceElement.GetAttribute("inheritscale"); if (scale != null) { InheritScale = scale.GetAttributeBool(false); } else { InheritScale = SourceElement.GetAttributeBool("inherittexturescale", false); } IgnoreLimbScale = SourceElement.GetAttributeBool("ignorelimbscale", false); IgnoreTextureScale = SourceElement.GetAttributeBool("ignoretexturescale", false); IgnoreRagdollScale = SourceElement.GetAttributeBool("ignoreragdollscale", false); SourceElement.GetAttributeBool("inherittexturescale", false); InheritOrigin = SourceElement.GetAttributeBool("inheritorigin", false); InheritSourceRect = SourceElement.GetAttributeBool("inheritsourcerect", false); DepthLimb = (LimbType)Enum.Parse(typeof(LimbType), SourceElement.GetAttributeString("depthlimb", "None"), true); Sound = SourceElement.GetAttributeString("sound", ""); Scale = SourceElement.GetAttributeFloat("scale", 1.0f); Rotation = MathHelper.ToRadians(SourceElement.GetAttributeFloat("rotation", 0.0f)); var index = SourceElement.GetAttributePoint("sheetindex", new Point(-1, -1)); if (index.X > -1 && index.Y > -1) { SheetIndex = index; } HideWearablesOfType = new List <WearableType>(); var wearableTypes = SourceElement.GetAttributeStringArray("hidewearablesoftype", null); if (wearableTypes != null && wearableTypes.Length > 0) { foreach (var value in wearableTypes) { if (Enum.TryParse(value, ignoreCase: true, out WearableType wearableType)) { HideWearablesOfType.Add(wearableType); } } } IsInitialized = true; }
private void SetHeaders(HttpWebRequest webRequest) { xmlNodeList HeadersList = SourceElement.SelectNodes("HeadersList"); foreach (xmlElement Header in HeadersList) { string HeaderName = Header.GetAttribute("Name"); string HeaderValue = TargetObject.XQuery(Header.GetAttribute("Value")); webRequest.Headers.Add(HeaderName, HeaderValue); } }
/// <summary> /// Searches the given source element (e.g. property) and updates the report if element can be found in source code files. /// </summary> /// <param name="sourceElement">The source element.</param> /// <param name="filenameByFileIdDictionary">Dictionary containing all files used in the report by their corresponding id.</param> /// <param name="fileIdsOfClass">The file ids of class.</param> /// <param name="reportElement">The report element.</param> /// <param name="updateReportElement">Action that updates the report element.</param> /// <param name="filesContainer">The files container.</param> /// <returns><c>true</c> if source element has been found.</returns> protected bool SearchElement( SourceElement sourceElement, Dictionary <string, string> filenameByFileIdDictionary, IEnumerable <string> fileIdsOfClass, XContainer reportElement, Action <XContainer, SourceElementPosition, string> updateReportElement, XContainer filesContainer) { Func <bool> searchSourceElement = () => { foreach (var fileId in fileIdsOfClass) { var elementPosition = SourceCodeAnalyzer.FindSourceElement(filenameByFileIdDictionary[fileId], sourceElement); if (elementPosition != null) { updateReportElement(reportElement, elementPosition, fileId); return(true); } } return(false); }; // Search files from module first if (!searchSourceElement()) { // Property has not been found in classes of module, now search the common directory if (this.ClassSearcher == null) { this.ClassSearcher = this.classSearcherFactory.CreateClassSearcher(CommonDirectorySearcher.GetCommonDirectory(filenameByFileIdDictionary.Values)); } fileIdsOfClass = this.TryToFindFileIdsOfClass( this.ClassSearcher, sourceElement.Classname, filenameByFileIdDictionary, filesContainer); // Property has not been found in common directory, now search the global directory if (!searchSourceElement()) { fileIdsOfClass = this.TryToFindFileIdsOfClass( this.globalClassSearcher, sourceElement.Classname, filenameByFileIdDictionary, filesContainer); return(searchSourceElement()); } } return(true); }
// -------------------------------------------------- // SERIALIZATION // -------------------------------------------------- #region Serialization /// <summary> /// Updates information for storage. /// </summary> /// <param name="log">The log to update.</param> public override void UpdateStorageInfo(IBdoLog log = null) { if (PathDetail != null) { foreach (DataElement dataElement in PathDetail.Items) { dataElement.UpdateStorageInfo(log); } } SourceElement?.UpdateStorageInfo(log); }
void Source_LayoutUpdated(object sender, EventArgs e) { Rect bounds = SourceElement.GetBounds(); Point p = TargetElement.FindClosestPoint(bounds.GetCenter()); Point[] newPoints = JunctionGeometryHelper.ComputeOptimalConnection(bounds, new Rect(p.X, p.Y, 1, 1), false); if (newPoints[0] != points[0] || newPoints[1] != points[1]) { points = newPoints; InvalidateVisual(); } }
// -------------------------------------------------- // CLONING // -------------------------------------------------- #region Cloning /// <summary> /// Clones this instance. /// </summary> /// <returns>Returns a cloned instance.</returns> public override object Clone(params string[] areas) { DataReferenceDto dto = base.Clone(areas) as DataReferenceDto; if (SourceElement != null) { dto.SourceElement = SourceElement.Clone() as DataElement; } if (PathDetail != null) { dto.PathDetail = PathDetail.Clone() as DataElementSet; } return(dto); }
/// <summary> /// Updates information for runtime. /// </summary> /// <param name="scope">The scope to consider.</param> /// <param name="scriptVariableSet">The set of script variables to consider.</param> /// <param name="log">The log to update.</param> public override void UpdateRuntimeInfo( IBdoScope scope = null, IScriptVariableSet scriptVariableSet = null, IBdoLog log = null) { if (PathDetail != null) { foreach (DataElement dataElement in PathDetail.Items) { dataElement.UpdateRuntimeInfo(scope, scriptVariableSet, log); } } SourceElement?.UpdateRuntimeInfo(scope, scriptVariableSet, log); }
public void ICollectionTypeIsMappedToListTypeCorrectly() { var mapper = new MemberMapper(); var source = new SourceElement[] { new SourceElement { Value = "X" } }; var result = mapper.Map <ICollection <SourceElement>, List <DestElement> >(source); Assert.AreEqual("X", result.First().Value); }
private void SetContentType(HttpWebRequest webRequest) { string contentType = SourceElement.GetAttribute("ContentType"); if (contentType == "multipart/form-data") { string boundary = "---------------------------" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString("x"); webRequest.ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary; SetMultipartFormData(boundary); } else { webRequest.ContentType = contentType; } ContentType = contentType; }
public void ArrayTypeIsMappedToICollectionTypeCorrectly() { var mapper = new MemberMapper(); var source = new SourceElement[] { new SourceElement { Value = "X" } }; var destination = new DestElement[0]; var result = mapper.Map <SourceElement[], ICollection <DestElement> >(source, destination); Assert.AreEqual("X", result.First().Value); }
void Awake() { sourceElement = GetComponentInParent <SourceElement> (); intermediaryElement = GetComponentInParent <IntermediaryElement> (); if (sourceElement != null) { targetElements = sourceElement.targetElements; } else if (intermediaryElement != null) { targetElements = intermediaryElement.targetElements; } else { throw new MissingComponentException("Parent is missing component SourceElement or IntermediaryElement"); } }
public void EnsureLazyLoaded(bool isAsync = false) { if (!LazyLoad || texture != null || cannotBeLoaded || loadingAsync) { return; } loadingAsync = isAsync; Vector4 sourceVector = Vector4.Zero; bool temp2 = false; int maxLoadRetries = 3; for (int i = 0; i <= maxLoadRetries; i++) { try { LoadTexture(ref sourceVector, ref temp2); } catch (System.IO.IOException) { if (i == maxLoadRetries || !File.Exists(FilePath)) { throw; } DebugConsole.NewMessage("Loading sprite \"" + FilePath + "\" failed, retrying in 250 ms..."); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); } } if (sourceRect.Width == 0 && sourceRect.Height == 0) { sourceRect = new Rectangle((int)sourceVector.X, (int)sourceVector.Y, (int)sourceVector.Z, (int)sourceVector.W); size = SourceElement.GetAttributeVector2("size", Vector2.One); size.X *= sourceRect.Width; size.Y *= sourceRect.Height; RelativeOrigin = SourceElement.GetAttributeVector2("origin", new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)); } if (texture == null) { cannotBeLoaded = true; } }
public override IDeepCopyable CopyTo(IDeepCopyable other) { var dest = other as Meta; if (dest != null) { base.CopyTo(dest); if (VersionIdElement != null) { dest.VersionIdElement = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.Id)VersionIdElement.DeepCopy(); } if (LastUpdatedElement != null) { dest.LastUpdatedElement = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.Instant)LastUpdatedElement.DeepCopy(); } if (SourceElement != null) { dest.SourceElement = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.FhirUri)SourceElement.DeepCopy(); } if (ProfileElement != null) { dest.ProfileElement = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.FhirUri>(ProfileElement.DeepCopy()); } if (Security != null) { dest.Security = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.Coding>(Security.DeepCopy()); } if (Tag != null) { dest.Tag = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.Coding>(Tag.DeepCopy()); } return(dest); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Can only copy to an object of the same type", "other"); } }
public void EnsureLazyLoaded() { if (!LazyLoad || texture != null || cannotBeLoaded) { return; } Vector4 sourceVector = Vector4.Zero; bool temp2 = false; LoadTexture(ref sourceVector, ref temp2); if (sourceRect.Width == 0 && sourceRect.Height == 0) { sourceRect = new Rectangle((int)sourceVector.X, (int)sourceVector.Y, (int)sourceVector.Z, (int)sourceVector.W); size = SourceElement.GetAttributeVector2("size", Vector2.One); size.X *= sourceRect.Width; size.Y *= sourceRect.Height; RelativeOrigin = SourceElement.GetAttributeVector2("origin", new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)); } if (texture == null) { cannotBeLoaded = true; } }
public void Click() => SourceElement.Click();
public void SearchFor(string searchText) { SourceElement.Clear(); SourceElement.SendKeys(searchText); SourceElement.SendKeys(Keys.Return); }
void Awake() { collider = GetComponent <CircleCollider2D> (); sourceElement = GetComponent <SourceElement> (); menu = GetComponentInChildren <ElementMenu> (); }
void Awake() { sourceElement = GetComponent <SourceElement> (); }
public static void SendEvent(SourceElement sourceElement) { var sender = sourceElement.GetComponent <ICanSendAudio> (); FeedTargets(sender, sender.GetTargets()); }
public void Click() { BeforeClick?.Invoke(this, SourceLocator.ToString()); SourceElement.Click(); AfterClick?.Invoke(this, SourceLocator.ToString()); }
public string GetClassName() { return(SourceElement.GetClassName()); }
private static void InitializingTraceSource(object sender, InitializingTraceSourceEventArgs e) { TraceSource traceSource = e.TraceSource; // Ported from,176 SourceElementsCollection sources = DiagnosticsConfiguration.Sources; if (sources != null) { SourceElement sourceElement = sources[traceSource.Name]; if (sourceElement != null) { e.WasInitialized = true; // First check if the type changed. if (HasSourceSwitchTypeChanged()) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceElement.SwitchName)) { CreateSwitch(sourceElement.SwitchType, sourceElement.SwitchName); } else { CreateSwitch(sourceElement.SwitchType, traceSource.Name); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceElement.SwitchValue)) { traceSource.Switch.Level = (SourceLevels)Enum.Parse(typeof(SourceLevels), sourceElement.SwitchValue); } } } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceElement.SwitchName)) { // Create a new switch if the name changed, otherwise just refresh. if (sourceElement.SwitchName != traceSource.Switch.DisplayName) { CreateSwitch(sourceElement.SwitchType, sourceElement.SwitchName); } else { traceSource.Switch.Refresh(); } } else { // The SwitchValue changed; just update our internalSwitch. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceElement.SwitchValue)) { traceSource.Switch.Level = (SourceLevels)Enum.Parse(typeof(SourceLevels), sourceElement.SwitchValue); } else { traceSource.Switch.Level = SourceLevels.Off; } } TraceListener[] newListenerCollection = new TraceListener[sourceElement.Listeners.Count]; int listnerOffset = 0; foreach (ListenerElement listenerElement in sourceElement.Listeners) { TraceListener listener = traceSource.Listeners[listenerElement.Name]; if (listener != null) { newListenerCollection[listnerOffset++] = listenerElement.RefreshRuntimeObject(listener); } else { newListenerCollection[listnerOffset++] = listenerElement.GetRuntimeObject(); } } TraceUtils.CopyStringDictionary(sourceElement.Attributes, traceSource.Attributes); traceSource.Listeners.Clear(); traceSource.Listeners.AddRange(newListenerCollection); } else { // There was no config, so clear whatever we have. traceSource.Switch.Level = traceSource.DefaultLevel; traceSource.Listeners.Clear(); traceSource.Attributes.Clear(); } bool HasSourceSwitchTypeChanged() { string sourceTypeName = sourceElement.SwitchType; Type currentType = traceSource.Switch.GetType(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceTypeName)) { // SourceSwitch is the default switch type. return(currentType != typeof(SourceSwitch)); } if (sourceTypeName == currentType.FullName) { return(false); } // Since there can be more than one valid AssemblyQualifiedName for a given Type this // check can return true for some cases which can cause a minor side effect of a new // Switch being created instead of just being refreshed. return(sourceElement.SwitchType != currentType.AssemblyQualifiedName); } } void CreateSwitch(string typeName, string name) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeName)) { traceSource.Switch = (SourceSwitch)TraceUtils.GetRuntimeObject(typeName, typeof(SourceSwitch), name); } else { traceSource.Switch = new SourceSwitch(name, traceSource.DefaultLevel.ToString()); } } }
public void ICollectionTypeIsMappedToIEnumerableTypeCorrectly() { var mapper = new MemberMapper(); var source = new SourceElement[] { new SourceElement { Value = "X" } }; var destination = new DestElement[0]; var result = mapper.Map<ICollection<SourceElement>, IEnumerable<DestElement>>(source, destination); Assert.AreEqual("X", result.First().Value); }
private void tbSize_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { SourceElement.InvalidateVisual(); }
// GET: api/CroweCurConv?source=?&fromCur=?&toCur=?&date=? public async Task <IHttpActionResult> Get(string source, string fromCur, string toCur, decimal amount, string date) { SourceElement processingSource = null; StringDictionary dictParam = null; foreach (SourceElement sourceElem in _sources) { if (sourceElem.Name == source) { processingSource = sourceElem; break; } } if (processingSource != null) { if (processingSource.Enabled) { var processor = ProcessorFactory.CreateandReturnObj(processingSource.Name); if (!processingSource.Secure) { dictParam = GetRequestParamDictionary(fromCur, toCur, amount.ToString(), date); } else { dictParam = GetRequestParamDictionary(fromCur, toCur, amount.ToString(), date, processingSource.LoginUrl); } try { var responseString = await processor.Process(processingSource.Url, dictParam); return(Ok(responseString)); } catch (WebException ex) { using (WebResponse response = ex.Response) { HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse = response as HttpWebResponse; if (httpWebResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) { return(BadRequest()); } else if (httpWebResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) { return(InternalServerError()); } else if (httpWebResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { return(NotFound()); } } } } else { return(Ok(Constants.SOURCEDISABLEDMSG)); } } return(StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent)); }
public void ICollectionTypeIsMappedToListTypeCorrectly() { var mapper = new MemberMapper(); var source = new SourceElement[] { new SourceElement { Value = "X" } }; var result = mapper.Map<ICollection<SourceElement>, List<DestElement>>(source); Assert.AreEqual("X", result.First().Value); }
private Config(SourceElement source, String appDir) { _source = source; _appDir = appDir; }