public static void PlaySafe(this SoundEffect se) { if (_soundOn) { se?.Play(); } }
public void DoThunk(SoundEffect thunk) { thunk?.Play(); Pos = Position.Perch; _retirementTimeLeft = START_RETIREMENT_TIME; Level.Laptop.StartStatic(); }
public static void PlaySfx(SoundEffect sfx, float volume = 1, float pitch = 0, float pan = 0) { if (!Assets.LoadSfx) { return; } sfx?.Play(MathUtils.Clamp(0, 1, volume * SfxVolume * MasterVolume), pitch, pan); }
/// <summary> /// 新しい弾(Mover)を作成するときライブラリから呼ばれる /// </summary> public Bullet CreateBullet() { _shoot?.Play(); var mover = new Mover(_gameRef, this); movers.Add(mover); //Moverを登録 mover.Initialize(); //初期化 return(mover); }
public Wave(Actor actor) : base(actor) { speed = new Vector2(1, 0) * (float) * 46; damage =; damageType =; effects =; sound =; sound?.Play(); }
public void Clone() { if ((speed.X > 0 && position.X < 5) || (speed.X < 0 && position.X > 0)) { Wave newWave = (Wave)this.MemberwiseClone(); newWave.Reset(); newWave.position += new Vector2(1, 0) * Math.Sign(speed.X); stage.addProjectile(newWave, newWave.position); sound?.Play(); } }
protected override async Task LoadContent() { await base.LoadContent(); music = Asset.Load<SoundMusic>("MusicFishLampMp3"); effect = Asset.Load<SoundEffect>("EffectBip"); music.IsLooped = true; effect.IsLooped = true; music.Play(); effect.Play(); }
public void Update(GameTime gameTime, Vector2 viewPort, List <Ball> balls, int width, int height) { var boundarySize = BoundarySize; PlayerStats.State.Health = Goal.Health; PlayerStats.State.Score = Paddle.Score; if (Goal.Died) { return; } Goal.Update(balls, width, height); if (Goal.Health <= 0 && !Goal.Died) { death?.Play(); Goal.Died = true; } var ball = balls.OrderBy(p => Vector2.Distance(p.Position, Goal.Rectangle.Center)).First(); var width4 = width / 4f; var height4 = height / 4f; if (this.State.Position == Paddles.Left) { Paddle.Update(gameTime, new Vector2(0, boundarySize), viewPort - new Vector2(width4 * 3, boundarySize), ball, width, height); } else if (State.Position == Paddles.Right) { Paddle.Update(gameTime, new Vector2(width4 * 3, boundarySize), viewPort - new Vector2(0, boundarySize), ball, width, height); } else if (State.Position == Paddles.Top) { Paddle.Update(gameTime, new Vector2(boundarySize, 0), viewPort - new Vector2(boundarySize, height4 * 3), ball, width, height); } else { Paddle.Update(gameTime, new Vector2(boundarySize, height4 * 3), viewPort - new Vector2(boundarySize, 0), ball, width, height); } }
internal void HitSurface(SurfaceType surfaceType) { Instructions.Clear(); var randomInt = FlatRedBallServices.Random.Next(2) + 1; SoundEffect file = null; if (surfaceType == SurfaceType.Water) { file = (SoundEffect)GetFile($"cannonballsink0{randomInt}"); } else { // do we have ground hits sfx? Not yet, but if we do, add the logic here to pick one of the sounds } file?.Play(); // broadcast this so that a collision can occur at screen level Destroy(); }
public static void PlayE3Spawn() { e3NoteSpawn.Play(); }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game to run logic such as updating the world, /// checking for collisions, gathering input, and playing audio. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param> protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { // Allows the game to exit if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed) { this.Exit(); } // TODO: Add your update logic here KeyboardState ks = Keyboard.GetState(); batLeft.BatSet = ball.Reset; batRight.BatSet = ball.Reset; batLeft.BatMove = ball.EnterPressed; batRight.BatMove = ball.EnterPressed; if (enterFlag == false) { if (ks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter)) { enterFlag = true; ball.EnterPressed = enterFlag; } } if (ks.IsKeyDown(Keys.A)) { batLeft.BatUp(); } if (ks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Z)) { batLeft.BatDown(); } if (ks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up)) { batRight.BatUp(); } if (ks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Down)) { batRight.BatDown(); } if (ball.Reset == true) { enterFlag = false; } if (ks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape)) { this.Exit(); } string rightScoreMsg = rightPlayer + ": " + ball.RightScore.ToString(); rightScore.Message = rightScoreMsg; string leftScoreMsg = leftScoreMsg = leftPlayer + ": " + ball.leftScore.ToString(); leftScore.Message = leftScoreMsg; if (ball.rightScore == WINNING_SCORE) { if (win.Message == "") { applause.Play(); } winMsg = rightPlayer + " wins!\nPress spacebar to restart"; win.Message = winMsg; spaceBarLock = true; } if (ball.leftScore == WINNING_SCORE) { if (win.Message == "") { applause.Play(); } winMsg = leftPlayer + " wins!\nPress spacebar to restart"; win.Message = winMsg; enterFlag = true; spaceBarLock = true; } if (win.Message != "") { ball.EnterPressed = false; } if (spaceBarLock) { if (ks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space)) { gameReset(); } } base.Update(gameTime); }
/* * ‘****************************************************** * ‘*** detectCollision * ‘*** Zach Languell, Kevin Anderson, Holley Melchor, Blake Young * ‘****************************************************** * ‘*** The purpose of this function is to detect collision amongst interactable objects as dictated from requirements * ‘*** Method Inputs: * ‘*** gameTime * ‘*** Return value: * ‘*** NA * ‘****************************************************** * ‘*** 11/20/2015 * ‘****************************************************** */ protected void detectCollision(GameTime gameTime) { collisionTimer += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalMilliseconds; if (player.carriedObject == null && player.IsDiving()) { foreach (ScoringObject s in scoringObjectSpawner.scoringObjects) { if (player.collisionRectangle.Intersects(s.collisionRectangle)) { //if(pixelPerfect(player.texture, s.texture, player.collisionRectangle, s.collisionRectangle, player.rectangle, s.rectangle)) //{ player.IsDiveComplete = true; player.carriedObject = s; s.setStateCarried(); s.lastPosition.Y = s.position.Y; if (s.isbone) { pickUpSound.Play(); } else { turtlePickUp.Play(); } break; // } } } } else if (!player.IsDiving()) { foreach (EnemyObject e in enemySpawner.enemyObjects) { if (player.collisionRectangle.Intersects(e.collisionRectangle)) { //if (pixelPerfect(player.texture, e.texture, player.collisionRectangle, e.collisionRectangle, player.rectangle, e.rectangle)) // { if (player.carriedObject != null) { player.takeDamage(); } else if (collisionTimer > 500) { gameState = GameState.leaderBoard; bgmPlayer.stop(); UnloadContent(); LoadContent(); } collisionTimer = 0; break; //} } } } foreach (ScoringObject s in scoringObjectSpawner.scoringObjects) { if (s.collisionRectangle.Intersects(tw.collisionRectangle) && s.scoreState == Breaking_Bones.ScoringObject.ScoreState.Dropped) { if (s.scoreState == Breaking_Bones.ScoringObject.ScoreState.Dropped) { s.scoreState = Breaking_Bones.ScoringObject.ScoreState.Dead; if (!s.forceDrop) { gainPointSound.Play(); } if (s.isbone) { playerScore += s.score * 3; } else { playerScore += s.score * 10; } } break; } } foreach (ScoringObject s in scoringObjectSpawner.scoringObjects) { foreach (Rock r in rockSpawner.rockObjects) { if (s.collisionRectangle.Intersects(r.collisionRectangle) && s.scoreState == Breaking_Bones.ScoringObject.ScoreState.Dropped) { s.scoreState = Breaking_Bones.ScoringObject.ScoreState.Dead; if (s.isbone) { if (!s.forceDrop) { gainPointSound.Play(); } playerScore += s.score * 3; } else { turtleDeath.Play(); playerScore += s.score; } break; } } } }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { if (!Main.playerInventory) { Texture2D Bar = Revolutions.mod.GetTexture("UI/WhiteLine"); float scale = 0.5f; NPC boss = RevolutionsPlayer.nowBoss; RevolutionsPlayer.HthBarTimer -= RevolutionsPlayer.HthBarTimer > 0 ? 1 : 0; if ((boss != null && != RevolutionsPlayer.lastHthBarStatus && Revolutions.Settings.extraAI && && !RevolutionsPlayer.lastHthBarStatus) { RevolutionsPlayer.HthBarTimer = 30; } float drawPosFix = 0; SoundEffect soundEffect = Revolutions.mod.GetSound("Sounds/Custom/sword"); if (RevolutionsPlayer.HthBarTimer == 10) { soundEffect.Play(); } if (RevolutionsPlayer.HthBarTimer != 0) { drawPosFix = (1 - (30 - RevolutionsPlayer.HthBarTimer) * (30 - RevolutionsPlayer.HthBarTimer) / 900f) * Main.screenWidth * Main.UIScale; } if (boss != null && && { string text = boss.TypeName; if (boss.type == 398) { text = Language.GetTextValue("NPCName.MoonLordHead"); } if (boss.type == 125) { text = Language.GetTextValue("BuffName.TwinEyesMinion"); } if (boss.type == 126) { text = Language.GetTextValue("BuffName.TwinEyesMinion"); } //月主和魔眼的名字特殊处理 float v = Helper.GetStringLength(Main.fontDeathText, text, 0.8f); Terraria.Utils.DrawBorderStringFourWay(spriteBatch, Main.fontDeathText, text, 0.5f * Main.screenWidth - 0.5f * v - drawPosFix, 50f, Color.White, Color.Transparent, Vector2.Zero, 0.8f); text = RevolutionsPlayer.nowBossLifeTrue.ToString() + "/" + RevolutionsPlayer.nowBossLifeMax.ToString(); int posfix = 0; if (v > 269) { posfix = 45; } v = Helper.GetStringLength(Main.fontMouseText, text, 0.8f); float a = (float)(Bar.Width * Helper.GetCloserSingle(RevolutionsPlayer.nowBossLife , RevolutionsPlayer.nowBossLifeTrue , Math.Sin(0.1745 * (RevolutionsPlayer.timer2 - 1)), 1) / RevolutionsPlayer.nowBossLifeMax); Terraria.Utils.DrawBorderStringFourWay(spriteBatch, Main.fontMouseText, text, 0.5f * (Main.screenWidth + scale * Bar.Width) - v + drawPosFix, 72f + posfix, Color.White, Color.Transparent, Vector2.Zero, 0.8f); spriteBatch.Draw(Bar, new Vector2(0.5f * Main.screenWidth - 0.5f * scale * Bar.Width + drawPosFix, 102.5f), new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)(Bar.Width), Bar.Height), Color.White * 0.33f, 0f, Vector2.Zero, scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); if (boss.type == ModContent.NPCType <NPCs.Core>()) { Bar = Revolutions.mod.GetTexture("UI/RainbowLine"); } spriteBatch.Draw(Bar, new Vector2(0.5f * Main.screenWidth - 0.5f * scale * Bar.Width + drawPosFix, 102.5f), new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)a, Bar.Height), Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); } RevolutionsPlayer.lastHthBarStatus = (boss != null &&; } }
private void UpdatePlayer(GameTime gameTime) { player.Update(gameTime); // Get Thumbstick Controls player.Position.X += currentGamePadState.ThumbSticks.Left.X * playerMoveSpeed; player.Position.Y -= currentGamePadState.ThumbSticks.Left.Y * playerMoveSpeed; // Use the Keyboard / Dpad if (currentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left) || currentGamePadState.DPad.Left == ButtonState.Pressed) { player.Position.X -= playerMoveSpeed; } if (currentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right) || currentGamePadState.DPad.Right == ButtonState.Pressed) { player.Position.X += playerMoveSpeed; } if (currentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up) || currentGamePadState.DPad.Up == ButtonState.Pressed) { player.Position.Y -= playerMoveSpeed; } if (currentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Down) || currentGamePadState.DPad.Down == ButtonState.Pressed) { player.Position.Y += playerMoveSpeed; } // Make sure that the player does not go out of bounds player.Position.X = MathHelper.Clamp(player.Position.X, 0, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width - player.Width); player.Position.Y = MathHelper.Clamp(player.Position.Y, 0, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - player.Height); // Fire only every interval we set as the fireTime if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Q) || currentGamePadState.Buttons.LeftShoulder == ButtonState.Pressed) { if (gameTime.TotalGameTime - previousFireTime > fireTime) { // Reset our current time previousFireTime = gameTime.TotalGameTime; // Add the projectile, but add it to the front and center of the player AddProjectile(player.Position + new Vector2(player.Width / 2, 0)); // Play the laser sound laserSound.Play(); } } if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.W) || currentGamePadState.Buttons.LeftStick == ButtonState.Pressed && currentGamePadState.Buttons.RightStick == ButtonState.Pressed) { if (gameTime.TotalGameTime - previousFireTime > largeFireTime) { //Reset our current time previousFireTime = gameTime.TotalGameTime; AddBigProjectile(player.Position + new Vector2(player.Width / 2, 0)); // Play the laser sound laserSound.Play(); } } if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.E) || currentGamePadState.Buttons.RightShoulder == ButtonState.Pressed) { if (gameTime.TotalGameTime - previousFireTime > fireTime) { //Reset our current time previousFireTime = gameTime.TotalGameTime; AddProjectile(player.Position + new Vector2(player.Width / 2, 0)); AddUpProjectile(player.Position + new Vector2(player.Width / 2, 0)); AddDownProjectile(player.Position + new Vector2(player.Width / 2, 0)); // Play the laser sound laserSound.Play(); } } // reset score if player health goes to zero if (player.Health <= 0) { player.Health = 100; score = 0; } }
public virtual void PlaySound(SoundEffect s) { s.Play(); hasPlayedSound = true; // the first sound has been played! }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { //if (InputHandler.PressedCancel() && _passStep != 8) // Game.Exit(); if (InputHandler.PressedUp()) { _menuIndex--; if (_menuIndex < 0) { _menuIndex = _menuText.Length - 1; } select.Play(); } if (InputHandler.PressedDown()) { _menuIndex = (_menuIndex + 1) % _menuText.Length; select.Play(); } if (InputHandler.PressedAction() && _passStep != 9) { choose.Play(); // 1 Player if (_menuIndex == 0) { StateManager.ChangeState(GameStateManager.State.GameplayScreen); } // Improvements else if (_menuIndex == 1) { StateManager.ChangeState(GameStateManager.State.ImprovementScreen); } // Options else if (_menuIndex == 2) { StateManager.ChangeState(GameStateManager.State.OptionsScreen); } // Exit else if (_menuIndex == 3) { Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); } } if (_backgroundMainRectangle.X + Config.Resolution.X <= 0) { _backgroundMainRectangle.X = _backgroundRightRectangle.X + Config.Resolution.X; } if (_backgroundRightRectangle.X + Config.Resolution.X <= 0) { _backgroundRightRectangle.X = _backgroundMainRectangle.X + Config.Resolution.X; } /* * if (_backgroundMainRectangle.Y + _backgroundImage.Height <= 0) * _backgroundMainRectangle.Y = _backgroundTopRectangle.Y - _backgroundImage.Height; * * if (_backgroundTopRectangle.Y + _backgroundImage.Height <= 0) * _backgroundTopRectangle.Y = _backgroundMainRectangle.Y - _backgroundImage.Height; */ _backgroundMainRectangle.X -= (int)(70 * (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds); _backgroundRightRectangle.X -= (int)(70 * (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds); // Cheat and debug mode if (!Config.Cheat) { if ((_passStep == 0 || _passStep == 1) && InputHandler.PressedUp()) { _passStep++; } else if ((_passStep == 2 || _passStep == 3) && InputHandler.PressedDown()) { _passStep++; } else if ((_passStep == 4 || _passStep == 6) && InputHandler.PressedLeft()) { _passStep++; } else if ((_passStep == 5 || _passStep == 7) && InputHandler.PressedRight()) { _passStep++; } else if (_passStep == 8 && (InputHandler.PressedCancel() || InputHandler.KeyPressed(Keys.B))) { _passStep++; } else if (_passStep == 9 && (InputHandler.PressedAction() || InputHandler.KeyPressed(Keys.A))) { _passStep++; } if (_passStep == 10) { Config.Cheat = true; _passSound.Play(); } } else if (InputHandler.KeyDown(Keys.F9)) { Config.Debug = !Config.Debug; } if (Config.Cheat) { if (InputHandler.KeyDown(Keys.A) || InputHandler.ButtonDown(Buttons.Y, PlayerIndex.One)) { PlayerData.Credits += 1000; } } base.Update(gameTime); }
private void CheckCollision(IncomingDots[] enemyDotList, float timeDelta, Vector2 screenCenter) { for (int i = 0; i < enemyDotList.Length; i++) { if (enemyDotList[i].hasBeenPlaced && enemyDotList[i].isAlive) { enemyDotList[i].Update(timeDelta); } if (enemyDotList[i].isAlive) { if (enemyDotList[i].spawnPosition.Y >= 950) { enemyRandom = r.Next(6) + 1; switch (enemyRandom) { case 1: dotHitSound1.Play(); break; case 2: dotHitSound2.Play(); break; case 3: dotHitSound3.Play(); break; case 4: dotHitSound4.Play(); break; case 5: dotHitSound5.Play(); break; case 6: dotHitSound6.Play(); break; } enemyDotList[i].isAlive = false; if (player.currentColor == && (enemyDotList[i].color == || enemyDotList[i].color == || enemyDotList[i].color == IncomingDots.possibleColors.purple)) { enemyDotList[i].isAlive = false; } else if (player.currentColor == && (enemyDotList[i].color == || enemyDotList[i].color == || enemyDotList[i].color == IncomingDots.possibleColors.purple)) { enemyDotList[i].isAlive = false; } else if (player.currentColor == Player.Colors.yellow && (enemyDotList[i].color == IncomingDots.possibleColors.yellow || enemyDotList[i].color == || enemyDotList[i].color == { enemyDotList[i].isAlive = false; } else { player.isAlive = false; } } } } }
public static void Play(SoundEffect s, float volume, float pitch) { CheckSound(); s.Play(volume, pitch, 0); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the burger's location based on mouse. Also fires /// french fries as appropriate /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">game time</param> /// <param name="mouse">the current state of the mouse</param> public void Update(GameTime gameTime, KeyboardState keyboard) { // burger should only respond to input if it still has health if (health > 0) { // move burger using mouse //drawRectangle.X = mouse.X - drawRectangle.Width / 2; //drawRectangle.Y = mouse.Y - drawRectangle.Height / 2; // move burger using keyboard if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.W) || keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up)) { drawRectangle.Y -= GameConstants.BurgerMovementAmount; } if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.A) || keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left)) { drawRectangle.X -= GameConstants.BurgerMovementAmount; } if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.S) || keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Down)) { drawRectangle.Y += GameConstants.BurgerMovementAmount; } if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.D) || keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right)) { drawRectangle.X += GameConstants.BurgerMovementAmount; } // clamp burger in window if (drawRectangle.Left < 0) { drawRectangle.X = 0; } if (drawRectangle.Right > GameConstants.WindowWidth) { drawRectangle.X = GameConstants.WindowWidth - drawRectangle.Width; } if (drawRectangle.Top < 0) { drawRectangle.Y = 0; } if (drawRectangle.Bottom > GameConstants.WindowHeight) { drawRectangle.Y = GameConstants.WindowHeight - drawRectangle.Height; } // handling of the space key - Creation of a projectile // the burger shoots upwards if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) && canShoot) { canShoot = false; Projectile friesProjectile = new Projectile(ProjectileType.FrenchFries, Game1.GetProjectileSprite(ProjectileType.FrenchFries), drawRectangle.Center.X, drawRectangle.Center.Y - GameConstants.FrenchFriesProjectileOffset, -GameConstants.FrenchFriesProjectileSpeed); Game1.AddProjectile(friesProjectile); shootSound.Play(); } // update shooting allowed // timer concept (for animations) introduced in Chapter 7 // i placed the canshoot check inside the health>0 because, You should only if the burger is "alive" if (!canShoot) { elapsedCooldownMilliseconds += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; //I used >= instead of just == if (elapsedCooldownMilliseconds >= GameConstants.BurgerTotalCooldownMilliseconds || keyboard.IsKeyUp(Keys.Space)) { elapsedCooldownMilliseconds = 0; canShoot = true; } } } // shoot if appropriate }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { switch (gameState) { case 1: { KeyboardState ks = Keyboard.GetState(); if (ks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter)) { Player.isVisible = true; Score.levelNo = 1; ship.Health = 200; Score.playerScore = 0; gameState = 2; // play level 1 enemyShipList.Clear(); asteroidList.Clear(); dieList.Clear(); explossionList.Clear(); ship.bulletList.Clear(); ship.Position = new Vector2(0, tex1.Height - texL.Height); } break; } case 2: { Score.levelNo = 1; //asteroids update, check for collisions foreach (Asteroids a in asteroidList) { if (a.BoundingBox.Intersects(ship.BoundingBox)) { //Ship.isVisible = false; //player die dieList.Add(new Die(game1, spriteBatch, game1.Content.Load <Texture2D>("images/dieUpdated"), new Vector2(ship.Position.X, ship.Position.Y + 15), 5)); ship.Position = new Vector2(0, tex1.Height - texL.Height); ship.Health -= 20; a.IsVisible = false; } //check through bullet list for (int i = 0; i < ship.bulletList.Count; i++) { if (a.BoundingBox.Intersects(ship.bulletList[i].BoundingBox)) { bombSound.Play(); explossionList.Add(new Explossion(game1, spriteBatch, game1.Content.Load <Texture2D>("images/explosion3"), new Vector2(a.Position.X, a.Position.Y))); Score.playerScore += 10; a.IsVisible = false; ship.bulletList.ElementAt(i).IsVisible = false; } } //die.Update(gameTime); a.Update(gameTime); } if (ship.Health <= 0) { Game1.sat = false; gameState = 1; // gameover } if (Score.playerScore == 200 && ship.Health != 0) { gameState = 3; //complete level 1 } foreach (Die d in dieList) { d.Update(gameTime); } foreach (Explossion ex in explossionList) { ex.Update(gameTime); } DieManager(); ExplossionManager(); LoadAsteroids(); base.Update(gameTime); break; } case 3: { float elapsed = (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; timer -= elapsed; if (timer < 0) { yes = true; //Timer expired, execute action timer = TIMER; //Reset Timer } //ship.Health = 200; //Score.playerScore = 0; Score.levelNo = 2; //base.Update(gameTime); sb2.Update(gameTime); asteroidList.Clear(); dieList.Clear(); explossionList.Clear(); ship.bulletList.Clear(); ship.Position = new Vector2(0, tex1.Height - texL.Height); //gameState = 4; //level 2 break; } case 4: { foreach (Enemy e in enemyShipList) { //enemyship collision with player ship if (e.BoundingBox.Intersects(ship.BoundingBox)) { if (ship.Health != 0) { ship.Health -= 40; e.IsVisible = false; } } //enemy bullet collission with player ship for (int i = 0; i < e.bulletList.Count; i++) { if (ship.BoundingBox.Intersects(e.bulletList[i].BoundingBox)) { //player die dieList.Add(new Die(game1, spriteBatch, game1.Content.Load <Texture2D>("images/dieUpdated"), new Vector2(ship.Position.X, ship.Position.Y + 15), 5)); ship.Health -= enemyBulletDamage; e.bulletList[i].IsVisible = false; e.IsVisible = false; ship.Position = new Vector2(0, tex1.Height - texL.Height); } } //player bullet collission with enemy ship for (int i = 0; i < ship.bulletList.Count; i++) { if (ship.bulletList[i].BoundingBox.Intersects(e.BoundingBox)) { bombSound.Play(); explossionList.Add(new Explossion(game1, spriteBatch, game1.Content.Load <Texture2D>("images/explosion3"), new Vector2(e.Position.X, e.Position.Y))); Score.playerScore += 20; ship.bulletList[i].IsVisible = false; e.IsVisible = false; } } e.Update(gameTime); } foreach (Die d in dieList) { d.Update(gameTime); } foreach (Explossion ex in explossionList) { ex.Update(gameTime); } if (ship.Health <= 0) { Game1.sat = false; // game over gameState = 1; } DieManager(); ExplossionManager(); LoadAsteroids(); LoadEnemy(); sb2.Update(gameTime); base.Update(gameTime); break; } } }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { KeyboardState keyState = Keyboard.GetState(); if (!Game1.Instance.Camera.isRoverCamera) { if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.B)) { //turn the container for camera laser left roverMovement.RotationCameraLaserYAxis(0.01f); } if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.M)) { //turn the container for camera laser right roverMovement.RotationCameraLaserYAxis(-0.01f); } if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.H)) { // So the camera/laser can only look up a certain amount if (roverMovement.cameraLaserContainerXaxisRotation.Motor.Settings.Servo.Goal >= -maximumTurnAngle) { roverMovement.RotationXAxis(-0.01f, right); } } if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.N)) { // So the camera/laser can only look down a certain amount if (roverMovement.cameraLaserContainerXaxisRotation.Motor.Settings.Servo.Goal <= maximumTurnAngle) { roverMovement.RotationXAxis(0.01f, right); } } } if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.F)) { //the drill cylinder looks up SetDrillOrientation(-0.01f); } if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.V)) { //the drill cylinder looks down SetDrillOrientation(0.01f); } if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space)) { //create the laser to shoot & add to game Lazer laser = new Lazer(); laserShot.Play(); laser.pos = cameraLaserContainer.body.Position; laser.look = GetLaserLook(); Game1.Instance.Children.Add(laser); } //code taken from bepu physics demo suspensioncardemo.cs and adapted for this project roverMovement.steeringMotor1.Settings.Servo.BaseCorrectiveSpeed = 3 + 7 * Math.Min(roverMovement.steeringMotor1.ConnectionB.AngularVelocity.Length() / 100, 1); roverMovement.steeringMotor2.Settings.Servo.BaseCorrectiveSpeed = 3 + 7 * Math.Min(roverMovement.steeringMotor2.ConnectionB.AngularVelocity.Length() / 100, 1); if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Down)) { //move rover backward roverMovement.MoveForwardBackward(-driveSpeed); if (Game1.Instance.Camera.isRoverCamera) { SetRoverCamera(0); } } else if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up)) { //move rover forward roverMovement.MoveForwardBackward(driveSpeed); if (Game1.Instance.Camera.isRoverCamera) { SetRoverCamera(0); } } else { //turn driving motor off roverMovement.SetMotorActive(false); } if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left)) { //turn rover left roverMovement.TurnLeftRight(maximumTurnAngle); if (Game1.Instance.Camera.isRoverCamera) { SetRoverCamera(0.01f); } } else if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right)) { //turn rover right roverMovement.TurnLeftRight(-maximumTurnAngle); if (Game1.Instance.Camera.isRoverCamera) { SetRoverCamera(-0.01f); } } else { //Face forward roverMovement.steeringMotor1.Settings.Servo.Goal = 0; roverMovement.steeringMotor2.Settings.Servo.Goal = 0; } if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.P)) { if (elapsed > (1.0f / fireRate)) { //Change to or out of the rovers camera if (Game1.Instance.Camera.isRoverCamera == false) { //set look vector and position of camera and if it is rover camera, changes controls if it is ChangeCameraBeingUsed(GetCameraRoverPosition(), GetLaserLook(), true); } else { //put camera back to normal ChangeCameraBeingUsed(new Vector3(248, 64, -200), new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f), false); } elapsed = 0.0f; } } elapsed += (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; //used so cant chnge between normal camera and rover camera too quickly if (elapsed >= 25.0f) { elapsed = 25.0f; } if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.E)) { //set the rover to explode if (!exploded) { Explosion createExplosion = new Explosion(Vector3.Zero, 2000, 30, Game1.Instance.Space); createExplosion.Position = roverBase.body.Position; //disable all the joints foreach (RevoluteJoint joint in roverMovement.roverJoints) { joint.IsActive = false; } foreach (var suspensionString in roverMovement.suspensionSprings) { suspensionString.IsActive = false; } foreach (var joint in roverMovement.joints) { joint.IsActive = false; } foreach (var motor in roverMovement.motors) { motor.IsActive = false; } //start the explosion createExplosion.Explode(); explosionSound.Play(); exploded = true; } } }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { base.Update(gameTime); if (mInputState.IsNewLeftPressed()) { Input(new Point(Mouse.GetState().X, Mouse.GetState().Y)); } bool bCountScore; switch (State) { case EBoardState.Initialize: InitializeBoard(); break; case EBoardState.Process: State = CheckBoard().Count >= 1 ? EBoardState.Destroy : EBoardState.Revert; break; case EBoardState.Swap: Swap(); State = EBoardState.Process; break; case EBoardState.Revert: if (!Table[Focus.X, Focus.Y].IsMoving() && !Table[mDesfocus.X, mDesfocus.Y].IsMoving()) { Swap(); State = EBoardState.Input; Focus = new Point(-1, -1); MissSound.Play(); } break; case EBoardState.Destroy: bCountScore = true; for (var col = 0; col < NumberOfColumns && bCountScore; col++) { for (var row = 0; row < NumberOfRows; row++) { if (!Table[col, row].IsMoving() && !Table[col, row].ZoomOut) { continue; } bCountScore = false; break; } } if (bCountScore) { var list = CheckBoard(); foreach (var g in list) { g.ZoomOut = true; } State = EBoardState.Refresh; Score += list.Count * list.Count; WinSound.Play(); } break; case EBoardState.Refresh: bCountScore = true; for (var col = 0; col < NumberOfColumns && bCountScore; col++) { for (var row = 0; row < NumberOfRows; row++) { if (!Table[col, row].IsMoving() && !Table[col, row].ZoomOut) { continue; } bCountScore = false; break; } } if (bCountScore) { Focus = new Point(-1, -1); for (var col = 0; col < NumberOfColumns; col++) { for (var row = 0; row < NumberOfRows; row++) { if (Table[col, row].Scale <= 0f) { Table[col, row] = null; } } } for (var row = NumberOfRows - 1; row >= 0; row--) { for (var col = 0; col < NumberOfColumns; col++) { if (Table[col, row] != null) { continue; } for (var i = row - 1; i >= -1; i--) { if (i == -1) { Table[col, row] = new Gem(Game, (EGemType)mRandom.Next(0, 7), Mapping(new Point(col, -1))); Table[col, row].SetMove(Mapping(new Point(col, row))); } else if (Table[col, i] != null) { Table[col, row] = Table[col, i]; Table[col, i] = null; Table[col, row].SetMove(Mapping(new Point(col, row))); break; } } } } if (CheckBoard().Count == 0) { State = CheckMovable() ? EBoardState.Input : EBoardState.Initialize; } else { State = EBoardState.Destroy; } } break; } UpdateTable(gameTime); }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game to run logic such as updating the world, /// checking for collisions, gathering input, and playing audio. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param> protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { // Allows the game to exit if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed) { this.Exit(); } // TODO: Add your update logic here //Reads The Joypads GamePadState pad_p1 = GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One); //Reads GamePad 1 // pad[1] = GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.Two); //Reads GamePad 2 const float friction = .8f; if (gameover) { music.Play(); } if (!gameover) { if (pad_p1.Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed) { gameover = true; } //Move Two Bats if (!pad_p1.IsConnected) { if (bat.position.X > ball.position.X) { bat.velocity.X -= bat.power; } else { bat.velocity.X += bat.power; } } //Move The Bats Based On Joypad Input // bat[i].position.Y -= pad[i].ThumbSticks.Left.Y * bat[i].power; bat.velocity.X += pad_p1.ThumbSticks.Left.X * bat.power; bat.position += bat.velocity; bat.velocity *= friction; //Alter Bat Direction When Bat Hits Bounderies //Bat Hits The Bottom Of The Screen if (bat.position.Y > displayheight - bat.rect.Height / 2) { bat.position.Y = displayheight - bat.rect.Height / 2; bat.velocity.Y = 0; } //Bat Hits The Top Of The Screen if (bat.position.Y < bat.rect.Height / 2) { bat.position.Y = bat.rect.Height / 2; bat.velocity.Y = 0; } if (bat.position.X > displaywidth - bat.rect.Width / 2) { bat.position.X = displaywidth - bat.rect.Width / 2; bat.velocity.X = 0; } if (bat.position.X < bat.rect.Width / 2) { bat.position.X = bat.rect.Width / 2; bat.velocity.X = 0; } //Set The Bat Rectangle To The Current Position bat.rect.X = (int)bat.position.X; bat.rect.Y = (int)bat.position.Y; //Create Bounding Box bat.bbox = new BoundingBox(new Vector3(bat.position.X - bat.rect.Width / 2, bat.position.Y - bat.rect.Height / 2, 0), new Vector3(bat.position.X + bat.rect.Width / 2, bat.position.Y + bat.rect.Height / 2, 0)); ball.position += ball.velocity; //Move The Ball ball.rotation += ball.rotationspeed; //Spins Ball ball.velocity *= 1.0005f; //Speeds Ball Up Over Time //If The Ball Hits The Top Or The Bottom Of The Screen Reverse Its Direction On The Y Axis if (ball.position.Y < ball.rect.Height / 2) { ball.velocity.Y = -ball.velocity.Y; ball.position.Y = ball.rect.Height / 2; } if (ball.position.Y > displayheight + ball.rect.Height / 2) { lives--; resetball(); if (lives <= 0) { gameover = true; if (bat.score > highscore) { highscore = bat.score; } } } //Check If The Ball Goes Out Either Side if (ball.position.X > displaywidth - ball.rect.Width / 2) { // bat[0].score += 5; // resetball(); // yoda.Play(); ball.position.X = displaywidth - ball.rect.Height / 2; ball.velocity.X = -ball.velocity.X; } if (ball.position.X < ball.rect.Width / 2) { // bat[1].score += 5; // resetball(); // darth.Play(); ball.position.X = ball.rect.Width / 2; ball.velocity.X = -ball.velocity.X; } float ballspeed = ball.velocity.Length(); ball.velocity.Normalize(); Boolean hitball = false; //Create BoundingSphere Around The Ball ball.bsphere = new BoundingSphere(ball.position, ball.rect.Width / 2); // Bounce Ball Off Bat 1 if (bat.bbox.Intersects(ball.bsphere) && bat.position.Y >= ball.position.Y) { hitball = true; ball.velocity.Y = -Math.Abs(ball.velocity.Y); ball.velocity.X = (ball.position.X - bat.position.X) / 40f;//Force Ball To Go Left // ball.velocity.Y += (ball.position.Y - bat[1].position.Y) / 40f; lightsabre.Play(); bat.vibration = 1f; } for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < columns; x++) { brick[x, y].bbox = new BoundingBox(new Vector3(brick[x, y].rect.X - brick[x, y].rect.Width / 2, brick[x, y].rect.Y - brick[x, y].rect.Height / 2, 0), new Vector3(brick[x, y].rect.X + brick[x, y].rect.Width / 2, brick[x, y].rect.Y + brick[x, y].rect.Height / 2, 0)); if (ball.bsphere.Intersects(brick[x, y].bbox) && brick[x, y].visible) { hitball = true; if (ball.oldposition.Y - ball.rect.Height / 2 > brick[x, y].rect.Y + brick[x, y].rect.Height / 2) { ball.velocity.Y = Math.Abs(ball.velocity.Y); } if (ball.oldposition.Y + ball.rect.Height / 2 < brick[x, y].rect.Y - brick[x, y].rect.Height / 2) { ball.velocity.Y = -Math.Abs(ball.velocity.Y); } if (ball.oldposition.X + ball.rect.Width / 2 < brick[x, y].rect.X - brick[x, y].rect.Width / 2) { ball.velocity.X = -Math.Abs(ball.velocity.X); } if (ball.oldposition.X - ball.rect.Width / 2 > brick[x, y].rect.X + brick[x, y].rect.Width / 2) { ball.velocity.X = Math.Abs(ball.velocity.X); } brick[x, y].visible = false; bat.score += 5; brickcount--; if (brickcount <= 0) { resetlevel(); } } brick[x, y].rect.X += batmove; if (brickcount == 5 && batmove == 0) { batmove = 5; } if (brick[x, y].rect.X > displaywidth - brick[x, y].rect.Width / 2) { batmove = -Math.Abs(batmove); } else if (brick[x, y].rect.X < brick[x, y].rect.Width / 2) { batmove = Math.Abs(batmove); } } } GamePad.SetVibration(PlayerIndex.One, bat.vibration, bat.vibration); if (bat.vibration > 0) { bat.vibration -= 0.1f; } ball.velocity.Normalize(); ball.velocity *= ballspeed; if (!hitball) { ball.oldposition = ball.position; } else { ball.position = ball.oldposition; } //Set Position Of Ball Rectangle To Match Its Position For Drawing Purposes ball.rect.X = (int)ball.position.X; ball.rect.Y = (int)ball.position.Y; //If Either Player Reaches Maxscore, End Game if (lives == 0) { winner.Play(); gameover = true; //winner.Play(); } } else { //Game Is Over //Start Game Again When User Presses Start if (pad_p1.Buttons.Start == ButtonState.Pressed) { resetgame(); } if (pad_p1.Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed) { this.Exit(); } } base.Update(gameTime); }
public virtual void PlaySound(SoundEffect s, float volume) { s.Play(volume, 0, 0); hasPlayedSound = true; // the first sound has been played! }
double PalloLiikkuuAani(SoundEffect aani) { // tulkkaa x,y ja nopeus äänenvoimakkuudeksi, stereo-efektiksi ja toistonopeudeksi double odotus = 0.5 - pallonNopeus / 3.0; double toistonopeus = (-0.5 + pallonNopeus) / 5.0; double volume = 0.33 + pallonSijaintiY / 1.5; double panorointi = pallonSijaintiX*2.0-1.0; //MessageDisplay.Add(String.Format("pan:{0:F2}, vol:{1:F2}, pitch:{2:F2}, , wait:{3:F2}", panorointi, volume, toistonopeus, odotus)); aani.Play(volume, toistonopeus, panorointi); return odotus * SAMPLENPITUUS_KERROIN; }
private static void PerformKiss(NPC npc, Vector2 midpoint, string partner) { int spouseFrame = 28; bool facingRight = true; string name = npc.Name; if (name == "Sam") { spouseFrame = 36; facingRight = true; } else if (name == "Penny") { spouseFrame = 35; facingRight = true; } else if (name == "Sebastian") { spouseFrame = 40; facingRight = false; } else if (name == "Alex") { spouseFrame = 42; facingRight = true; } else if (name == "Krobus") { spouseFrame = 16; facingRight = true; } else if (name == "Maru") { spouseFrame = 28; facingRight = false; } else if (name == "Emily") { spouseFrame = 33; facingRight = false; } else if (name == "Harvey") { spouseFrame = 31; facingRight = false; } else if (name == "Shane") { spouseFrame = 34; facingRight = false; } else if (name == "Elliott") { spouseFrame = 35; facingRight = false; } else if (name == "Leah") { spouseFrame = 25; facingRight = true; } else if (name == "Abigail") { spouseFrame = 33; facingRight = false; } bool right = npc.position.X < midpoint.X; if (npc.position == midpoint) { right = String.Compare(npc.Name, partner) < 0; } else if (npc.position.X == midpoint.X) { right = npc.position.Y > midpoint.Y; } bool flip = (facingRight && !right) || (!facingRight && right); int offset = 24; if (right) { offset *= -1; } npc.position.Value = new Vector2(midpoint.X + offset, midpoint.Y); int delay = 1000; npc.movementPause = delay; npc.Sprite.setCurrentAnimation(new List <FarmerSprite.AnimationFrame> { new FarmerSprite.AnimationFrame(spouseFrame, delay, false, flip, new AnimatedSprite.endOfAnimationBehavior(npc.haltMe), true) }); npc.doEmote(20, true); if (ModEntry.config.RealKissSound && kissEffect != null) { float distance = 1f / ((Vector2.Distance(midpoint, Game1.player.position) / 256) + 1); float pan = (float)(Math.Atan((midpoint.X - Game1.player.position.X) / Math.Abs(midpoint.Y - Game1.player.position.Y)) / (Math.PI / 2)); //ModEntry.PMonitor.Log($"kiss distance: {distance} pan: {pan}"); kissEffect.Play(distance * Game1.options.soundVolumeLevel, 0, pan); } else { Game1.currentLocation.playSound("dwop", NetAudio.SoundContext.NPC); } npc.Sprite.UpdateSourceRect(); }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { this.MouseGame.Update(gameTime); this.GameTimer.Update(gameTime); this.VocabularyPalette.Update(gameTime); this.MecheBomb.Update(gameTime); switch (this.NbVocabulary) { case 4: #region FMOD this.BombWickFmodSound(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60), ref bombWickEvent, ref bombWick_fmod_param); #endregion this.Increase = (150 / (this.NbVocabulary * 2)) + 1; break; case 9: #region FMOD this.BombWickFmodSound(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(90), ref bombWickEvent_2, ref bombWick_fmod_param_2); #endregion if (this.BoolIncrease) { this.Increase = (150 / (this.NbVocabulary * 2)) + 1; this.BoolIncrease = false; } else { this.Increase = (150 / (this.NbVocabulary * 2)); this.BoolIncrease = true; } break; case 16: #region FMOD this.BombWickFmodSound(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(120), ref bombWickEvent_3, ref bombWick_fmod_param_3); #endregion this.Increase = (150 / this.NbVocabulary) + 1; if (this.BoolIncrease) { this.Increase = (150 / this.NbVocabulary) + 1; this.BoolIncrease = false; } else { this.Increase = (150 / this.NbVocabulary); this.BoolIncrease = true; } break; case 25: #region FMOD this.BombWickFmodSound(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(160), ref bombWickEvent_4, ref bombWick_fmod_param_4); #endregion this.Increase = 150 / this.NbVocabulary; break; default: throw new Exception("Nombre de carré incorrecte."); } if (LeitnerGame.Right) { #region FMOD sound FailedChoice FmodFactory.Instance.start(ref rightChoiceEvent); FmodFactory.Instance.setParamValue(rightNumber, ref rightChoice_fmod_param); rightNumber++; wrongNumber = 0; if (rightNumber > 4) { rightNumber = 0; } #endregion LeitnerGame.Wrong = false; LeitnerGame.Right = false; this.ProgressBar.Increase(this.Increase); Leitner.Instance.SelectedVocabulary.Known = true;; this.SelectedVocabularyName.Text = Leitner.Instance.SelectedVocabulary.Nom; this.Information.Text = "Félicitation, tu\nas choisi la bonne\ncouleur."; this.Information.Color = Color.LimeGreen; } else if (LeitnerGame.Wrong) { #region FMOD sound FailedChoice FmodFactory.Instance.start(ref wrongChoiceEvent); FmodFactory.Instance.setParamValue(wrongNumber, ref wrongChoice_fmod_param); wrongNumber++; rightNumber = 0; if (wrongNumber > 4) { wrongNumber = 0; } #endregion LeitnerGame.Wrong = false; LeitnerGame.Right = false; this.ProgressBar.Decrease(this.Increase); this.DisplayCorrectVocabulary.VocabularyLeitner.Image = Leitner.Instance.SelectedVocabulary.Image;; this.SelectedVocabularyName.Text = Leitner.Instance.SelectedVocabulary.Nom; this.Information.Text = "Dommage, la bonne\ncouleur était : "; this.Information.Color = Color.DarkRed; } #region FMOD Update Timer #endregion if (this.GameTimer.Finished && this.MecheBomb.Finished) { this.BoomImage.Increase(20); if (!boomPlayed) { BoomSound.Play(); boomPlayed = true; } } if (this.BoomImage.Finished) { this.Result = 1; } if (this.ProgressBar.Value >= 150) { this.Result = 2; } }
public void Update(List <ObjCollisionable> Obstacles, SoundEffect JumpEffect, SoundEffect ShootEffect) { Position += Speed; RecPerso.X = Convert.ToInt32(Position.X) - 90 / 2; RecPerso.Y = Convert.ToInt32(Position.Y) - 90 - (90 / 2); SurObject = false; SousObject = false; DroiteObject = false; GaucheObject = false; #region Obstacle if (Obstacles != null) { foreach (ObjCollisionable Objects in Obstacles) { if (RecPerso.isOnTopOf(Objects.DimObj)) { Speed.Y = 0; HasJump = false; Gravity = false; SurObject = true; break; } else { Gravity = true; } if (RecPerso.isOnBottomOf(Objects.DimObj)) { SousObject = true; Speed.Y = 0; } else if (RecPerso.isOnRightOf(Objects.DimObj)) { DroiteObject = true; Speed.X = 0; } if (RecPerso.isOnLeftOf(Objects.DimObj)) { GaucheObject = true; Speed.X = 0; } } } #endregion if (!Transformation) //bloquer les bouton lors de la transformation { #region touche W,A,S,D if (KeyboardHelper.KeyHold(Keys.W) || KeyboardHelper.KeyHold(Keys.Up) && !HasJump) { flip = SpriteEffects.None; if (KeyboardHelper.KeyPressed(Keys.C)) { ShootUp = true; } if (!OutofWindow(RecPerso, "W") && !SousObject) { if (!GravityActive) { Speed.Y = -2; Speed.X = 0; flip = SpriteEffects.None; } } else { Speed.Y = 0; } } else if (KeyboardHelper.KeyHold(Keys.A) || KeyboardHelper.KeyHold(Keys.Left)) { if (!OutofWindow(RecPerso, "A") && !DroiteObject) { Speed.X = -2; if (!HasJump && !Gravity) { Speed.Y = 0; } if (KeyboardHelper.KeyHold(Keys.LeftShift)) { Speed.X -= 2; WalkigNormal.FrameTimer = CourseFrameTimer; } else { WalkigNormal.FrameTimer = WalkingFrameTimer; } flip = SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally; } else { Speed.X = 0; } } else if (KeyboardHelper.KeyHold(Keys.S) || KeyboardHelper.KeyHold(Keys.Down) && !HasJump) { if (!OutofWindow(RecPerso, "S") && !SurObject) { Speed.Y = 2; Speed.X = 0; // flip = SpriteEffects.None; } else { Speed.Y = 0; } } else if (KeyboardHelper.KeyHold(Keys.D) || KeyboardHelper.KeyHold(Keys.Right)) { if (!OutofWindow(RecPerso, "D") && !GaucheObject) { Speed.X = 2; KeyboardHelper.InputRightPressed(); if (!HasJump && !Gravity) { Speed.Y = 0; } if (KeyboardHelper.KeyHold(Keys.LeftShift)) { Speed.X += 2; WalkigNormal.FrameTimer = CourseFrameTimer; } else { WalkigNormal.FrameTimer = WalkingFrameTimer; } flip = SpriteEffects.None; } else { Speed.X = 0; } } else { Speed.X = 0; if (!GravityActive) { Speed.Y = 0; } Hula = false; } #endregion #region Space if (GravityActive) { if (KeyboardHelper.KeyPressed(Keys.Space) && !HasJump && !bCrouch) { Position.Y -= 10; Speed.Y = -5; if (JumpEffect != null) { JumpEffect.Play(); } HasJump = true; Gravity = true; } if (Gravity) { float i = 1; Speed.Y += 0.15f * i; } ///Pour aterrir au sol if (GravityLimit) { if (Position.Y >= 500) { HasJump = false; Gravity = false; } else { Gravity = true; } if (!Gravity) { Speed.Y = 0f; } } } #endregion #region Transformation if (KeyboardHelper.KeyPressed(Keys.T)) { Transformation = true; } #endregion #region Hula if (KeyboardHelper.KeyHold(Keys.LeftAlt)) { Hula = true; } #endregion UpdateBullets(); #region Shoot if (KeyboardHelper.KeyHold(Keys.C) && pastKey.IsKeyUp(Keys.C) && GravityActive) { ShootAnim = true; if (ShootEffect != null) { ShootEffect.Play(); } Shoot(); } pastKey = Keyboard.GetState(); #endregion } else { Speed.X = 0; Speed.Y = 0; } #region Animation Par rapport au touche bCrouch = false; #region Si Position X change if (Speed.X != 0) { if (LoxiTransformation) { if (HasJump) { AnimationPlayer.PlayAnimation(JumpForwardTransfo); } else if (Hula) { AnimationPlayer.PlayAnimation(Attack); } else { AnimationPlayer.PlayAnimation(WalkingTransfo); } } else { if (HasJump) { AnimationPlayer.PlayAnimation(JumpForwardNormal); } else if (ShootAnim) { if (ShootUp) { AnimationPlayer.PlayAnimation(ShootUpwardNormal); if (AnimationPlayer.FrameIndex == 8) { ShootAnim = false; ShootUp = false; } } else { AnimationPlayer.PlayAnimation(ShootNormal); if (AnimationPlayer.FrameIndex == 10) { ShootAnim = false; } } } else { AnimationPlayer.PlayAnimation(WalkigNormal); } } } #endregion #region Si Position X reste pareil else if (Speed.X == 0) { if (Transformation) { AnimationPlayer.PlayAnimation(TransfoNormal); if (AnimationPlayer.FrameIndex == 18) { Transformation = false; } LoxiTransformation = true; } else if (LoxiTransformation) { if (HasJump) { AnimationPlayer.PlayAnimation(JumpTransfo); } else if (Hula) { AnimationPlayer.PlayAnimation(Attack); } else { AnimationPlayer.PlayAnimation(NothingTransfo); } } else { if (HasJump) { AnimationPlayer.PlayAnimation(JumpNormal); } else if (ShootAnim) { if (ShootUp) { AnimationPlayer.PlayAnimation(ShootUpwardNormal); if (AnimationPlayer.FrameIndex == 8) { ShootAnim = false; ShootUp = false; } } else { AnimationPlayer.PlayAnimation(ShootNormal); if (AnimationPlayer.FrameIndex == 10) { ShootAnim = false; } } } else if (KeyboardHelper.KeyHold(Keys.Down) || KeyboardHelper.KeyHold(Keys.S)) { bCrouch = true; AnimationPlayer.PlayAnimation(Crouch); } else { AnimationPlayer.PlayAnimation(NothingNormal); } } } #endregion #endregion }
/// <summary> /// Called when this gem has been collected by a player and removed from the level. /// </summary> /// <param name="collectedBy"> /// The player who collected this gem. Although currently not used, this parameter would be /// useful for creating special powerup gems. For example, a gem could make the player invincible. /// </param> public void OnCollected(Player collectedBy) { _collectedSound.Play(); }
public void destroy() { score += 50; destroyEffect.Play(); enemy01.Remove(); }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game to run logic such as updating the world, /// checking for collisions, gathering input, and playing audio. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param> protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape)) { Exit(); } // TODO: Add your update logic here //keyboard currenKey = Keyboard.GetState(); if (currenKey.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) && isOverGame == false)// && player.lives > 0) { player.y = (int)(player.y - player.speed); player.pic = bird; fly.Play(); } else { player.y = (int)(player.y + 2); player.pic = bird_fall; //fall.Play(); } //player.x = MathHelper.Clamp(player.x, 0, W - player.pic.Width); player.y = MathHelper.Clamp(player.y, 0, H - player.pic.Height); if (player.y > H - player.pic.Height - 60 && player.lives != 0) { player.x = 15; player.y = H / 2 - 50; player.lives--; smash.Play(); } if (player.lives == 0) { //MediaPlayer.Stop(); //MediaPlayer.Play(GameSong2); //player.speed = 0; //player.y = H / 2 - 50; //player.pic = bird; isOverGame = true; //player.time = 0; //Floor.Speed = 0; //pillar.speed = 0; } foreach (Vector2 pos in pillar.Stonelist) { if (isCollide(player, pos, pillar.pic)) { player.x = 15; player.y = H / 2 - 20; player.lives--; //player.time = 0; player.score--; smash.Play(); //if (player.lives <= 0) //{ // player.lives = 10; // //pillar.speed = 0; // //player.time = 0; // //break; //} } } putStone += (int)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalMilliseconds; if (putStone >= 1500 && player.lives > 0) { putStone = 0; player.score++; } if (isOverGame) { player.speed = 0; player.y = H / 2 - 50; player.pic = bird; player.time = 0; Floor.Speed = 0; pillar.speed = 0; if (currenKey.IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter) && isOverGame) { player.speed = 4; //player.time = player.lives = 2; player.x = 15; player.y = H / 2; player.score = 0; Floor.Speed = -5; pillar.speed = 5; isOverGame = false; MediaPlayer.Play(GameSong2); } } pillar.Update(gameTime); Floor.Update(); base.Update(gameTime); }
//Play the tone and execute the conditional above. This method is accessed in the Game1 class to activate it public void PlayTone() { ColorSwitched = true; tone.Play(); }