void GetProcess() { soDictionary = SortingProgress.GetSortingProcessInfo(taskdate, taskno, SortingLine.GetNonSortingLineCode()); foreach (Control control in panelEx3.Controls) { if (control is PanelEx) { var panelex = (PanelEx)control as PanelEx; if (panelex.Tag != null) { try { panelex.Text = soDictionary[panelex.Tag.ToString()]; } catch (Exception) { } } } } panelEx4.Text = "目标分拣效率15000条/小时,今日平均分拣效率" + soDictionary["EFFICIENCY"]; panelEx10.Text = "分拣效率 " + soDictionary["EFFICIENCY"]; progressBarX1.Text = soDictionary["QTY_PRODUCT"] + "/" + soDictionary["QTY_PRODCUT_TOT"] + "条 - " + soDictionary["Progress"] + "%"; progressBarX1.Maximum = Convert.ToInt32(soDictionary["QTY_PRODCUT_TOT"]); progressBarX1.Value = Convert.ToInt32(soDictionary["QTY_PRODUCT"]); }
private void customButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { soDictionary = null; string batch = null; string linecode = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cobbatch.SelectedValue as string)) { batch = cobbatch.SelectedValue as string; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cobSortingLine.SelectedValue as string)) { linecode = cobSortingLine.SelectedValue as string; } soDictionary = SortingProgress.GetSortingProcessInfo(dateTimeInput1.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), batch, linecode); foreach (Control control in panelEx2.Controls) { if (control is LabelX) { var labelX = (LabelX)control as LabelX; if (labelX.Tag != null) { try { labelX.Text = soDictionary[labelX.Tag.ToString()]; } catch (Exception) { } } } } Thread thread = new Thread(StartProgress); thread.Start(); try { labProcess.Text = soDictionary["QTY_PRODUCT"] + "/" + soDictionary["QTY_PRODCUT_TOT"] + "条 - " + soDictionary["Progress"] + "%"; } catch { } }
private void timer1_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e) { try { //获取当前,上一个,下一个客户的基本信息 GetOutPortInfo(); GetPOutPortInfo(); GetNOutPortInfo(); //获取平均效率的列表(当天所有打完码的客户) List <PrintInfo> printinfos = PrintBarCodes.GetAVGPrintEffice(); //获取当前效率的列表(现在系统所有打完码的客户) List <PrintInfo> cutprintinfos = PrintBarCodes.GetCUTPrintEffice(); //计算当前效率 double tzeff = SetEff(cutprintinfos); labavgeffice.Text = tzeff.ToString() + "条/小时"; if (labavgeffice.Text.Contains("非数字")) { labavgeffice.Text = "0" + "条/小时"; } using (var cn = new MySqlConnection(AppUtility.AppUtil._LocalConnectionString)) { cn.Open(); using (var cm = cn.CreateCommand()) { cm.CommandText = "select MaxcutEFFICIENCY from t_sortline_process WHERE ORDERDATE = '" + SortingLineTask.GetSortingLineTaskDate() + "' AND PICKLINECODE = '" + SortingLine.GetSortingLineCode() + "' AND SORTINGTASKNO = '" + SortingLineTask.GetMinSortingLineTask().SORTINGTASKNO + "'"; using (var dr = new SafeDataReader(cm.ExecuteReader())) { while (dr.Read()) { labcuteffice.Text = dr.GetDouble("MaxcutEFFICIENCY").ToString() + "条/小时"; } } } } //计算平均效率 //tzeff = SetEff(printinfos); //labavgeffice.Text = tzeff.ToString() + "条/小时";; //if (labavgeffice.Text.Contains("非数字")) // labavgeffice.Text = "0" + "条/小时"; //计算分拣进度 SortingProgress sortingprogress = SortingProgress.GetSortingTaskProgress(); prosorting.Maximum = sortingprogress.TotQty; prosorting.Value = sortingprogress.Qty; prosorting.Text = (sortingprogress.Qty + "/" + sortingprogress.TotQty).PadRight(15, ' ') + Math.Round( Convert.ToDouble(sortingprogress.Qty) / Convert.ToDouble(sortingprogress.TotQty), 3) * 100 + "%"; } catch { } }