Exemple #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Статический фабричный метод для создания экземпляра PaginationMetadata
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>PaginationMetadata</returns>
 public static PaginationMetadata Create(int page, int pageSize, long totalItem,
                                         [CanBeNull] string filter      = null,
                                         [CanBeNull] string filterBy    = null, [CanBeNull] string orderBy = null,
                                         [CanBeNull] SortDirection?sort = null)
     return(new PaginationMetadata(page, pageSize, totalItem, filter, filterBy, orderBy, sort));
        public ActionResult ProductFacets(
            [Bind(Prefix = Constants.QueryString.Paging)] int?pageNumber,
            [Bind(Prefix = Constants.QueryString.PageSize)] int?pageSize,
            [Bind(Prefix = Constants.QueryString.Facets)] string facetValues,
            [Bind(Prefix = Constants.QueryString.Sort)] string sortField,
            [Bind(Prefix = Constants.QueryString.SortDirection)] SortDirection?sortDirection)
            if (CatalogManager.CatalogContext == null)
                return(this.InfoMessage(InfoMessage.Error("This rendering cannot be shown without a valid catalog context.")));

            var currentCategory = GetCurrentCategory();

            if (currentCategory == null)

            var searchOptions = GetCategorySearchOptions(currentCategory, pageNumber, facetValues, pageSize, sortField, sortDirection);

            var viewModel = GetProductFacetsViewModel(searchOptions, currentCategory, RenderingContext.Current.Rendering);

Exemple #3
        public static MvcHtmlString SortLink(this HtmlHelper html, string linkText, string sortExpression)
            var controller = html.ViewContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString();
            var action     = html.ViewContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString();

            var           routeValues      = new RouteValueDictionary();
            SortDirection?sort             = null;
            var           sortDirectionStr = html.ViewContext.HttpContext.Request["SortDirection"];

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortDirectionStr) &&
                html.ViewContext.HttpContext.Request["SortExpression"] == sortExpression)
                if (Enum.TryParse(sortDirectionStr, out SortDirection s))
                    sort = s;
            routeValues["SortExpression"] = sortExpression;
            routeValues["SortDirection"]  = sort.HasValue && sort.Value == SortDirection.Ascending ?
                                            SortDirection.Descending : SortDirection.Ascending;
            return(html.Partial("SortLink", new SortLinkModel
                ActionName = action,
                ControllerName = controller,
                SortDirection = sort,
                RouteValues = routeValues,
                LinkText = linkText
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets list of account activities from Alpaca REST API endpoint by specific activity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="activityType">The activity type you want to view entries for.</param>
        /// <param name="date">The date for which you want to see activities.</param>
        /// <param name="until">The response will contain only activities submitted before this date. (Cannot be used with date.)</param>
        /// <param name="after">The response will contain only activities submitted after this date. (Cannot be used with date.)</param>
        /// <param name="direction">The response will be sorted by time in this direction. (Default behavior is descending.)</param>
        /// <param name="pageSize">The maximum number of entries to return in the response.</param>
        /// <param name="pageToken">The ID of the end of your current page of results.</param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation.</param>
        /// <returns>Read-only list of asset information objects.</returns>
        public Task <IReadOnlyList <IAccountActivity> > ListAccountActivitiesAsync(
            AccountActivityType activityType,
            DateTime?date                       = null,
            DateTime?until                      = null,
            DateTime?after                      = null,
            SortDirection?direction             = null,
            Int64?pageSize                      = null,
            String?pageToken                    = null,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            if (date.HasValue && (until.HasValue || after.HasValue))
                throw new ArgumentException("You unable to specify 'date' and 'until'/'after' arguments in same call.");

            var builder = new UriBuilder(_httpClient.BaseAddress)
                Path  = _httpClient.BaseAddress.AbsolutePath + $"account/activities/{activityType.ToEnumString()}",
                Query = new QueryBuilder()
                        .AddParameter("date", date, "yyyy-MM-dd")
                        .AddParameter("until", until, "O")
                        .AddParameter("after", after, "O")
                        .AddParameter("direction", direction)
                        .AddParameter("pageSize", pageSize)
                        .AddParameter("pageToken", pageToken)

            return(_httpClient.GetObjectsListAsync <IAccountActivity, JsonAccountActivity>(
                       _alpacaRestApiThrottler, builder, cancellationToken));
Exemple #5
 public MemberItemOrder Clone(MemberInfo NewMember = null, SortDirection?NewDirection = null, int?NewPrecedence = null)
 => new MemberItemOrder
     NewMember ?? this.Member,
     NewDirection ?? this.Direction,
     NewPrecedence ?? this.Precedence
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs an in-place bubble sort in an ObservableCollection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">Type of the collection.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="collection">Collection to sort.</param>
        /// <param name="sortDirection">Is it an ascending sort or a descending sort?</param>
        public static void BubbleSort <T>(this ObservableCollection <T> collection, SortDirection?sortDirection) where T : IComparable <T>
            if (sortDirection == null)
                sortDirection = SortDirection.Ascending;

            for (int i = (collection.Count - 1); i >= 0; i--)
                for (int j = 1; j <= i; j++)
                    if (sortDirection != SortDirection.Ascending)
                        if (collection[j - 1].CompareTo(collection[j]) < 0)
                            collection.Move(j - 1, j);
                        // No error is raised if the sort direction is not in the enum: an ascending sort is made.
                        if (collection[j - 1].CompareTo(collection[j]) > 0)
                            collection.Move(j - 1, j);
        public async Task <IEnumerable <Transaction> > GetTransactionsAsync(string bankId, string accountId, string viewId,
                                                                            SortDirection?sortDirection = null,
                                                                            int?limit         = null,
                                                                            int?offset        = null,
                                                                            DateTime?fromDate = null,
                                                                            DateTime?toDate   = null)
                var queryParamValues = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    ["sort_direction"] = sortDirection.ConvertNullableToString(),
                    ["limit"]          = limit,
                    ["offset"]         = offset,
                    ["from_date"]      = fromDate,
                    ["to_date"]        = toDate

                return((await(await GetTransactionUrlAsync(bankId, accountId, viewId))
                        .GetJsonAsync <TransactionList>()
            catch (FlurlHttpException ex)
                var errorResponse = await ex.GetResponseJsonAsync <ErrorResponse>();

                throw new FlurlHttpException(ex.Call, errorResponse.Error, ex);
        internal static IQueryString GetQueryString(
            int?skip       = null,
            int?limit      = null,
            bool?withCount = null,
            string orderBy = null,
            SortDirection?sortDirection = null)
            var queryString = QueryString.Empty;

            if (skip != null)
                queryString.Add("skip", skip.Value);
            if (limit != null)
                queryString.Add("limit", limit.Value);
            if (withCount != null)
                queryString.Add("with_count", withCount.Value.ToString().ToLower());

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderBy))
                var sortQueryParam = orderBy;
                if (sortDirection == SortDirection.Descending)
                    sortQueryParam += "%20desc";

                queryString.Add("sort", sortQueryParam);

Exemple #9
 protected AbstractResourceListRequest(int?offset = null, int?limit = null, SortDirection?sortDir = null, TSortFieldEnumType?sortBy = null)
     Offset  = offset;
     Limit   = limit;
     SortDir = sortDir;
     SortBy  = sortBy;
Exemple #10
		public async Task<IResponseResult<IPaginationCollection<T>>> GetAsync(
			TokenBase token, 
			int? skip = null, 
			int? limit = null, 
			bool? withCount = null, 
			string orderBy = null, 
			SortDirection? sortDirection = null,
			string searchKeyword = null)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchKeyword) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchKeyword.Trim()))
				return await this.ExecuteRequestAsync<PaginationCollection<T>>(
					QueryStringHelper.GetQueryString(skip, limit, withCount, orderBy, sortDirection), 
					HeaderCollection.Add("Authorization", token.ToString()));
				return await this.ExecuteRequestAsync<PaginationCollection<T>>(
					QueryStringHelper.GetQueryString(skip, limit, withCount, orderBy, sortDirection).Add("keyword", searchKeyword), 
					HeaderCollection.Add("Authorization", token.ToString()));
Exemple #11
        AudibleQueryBuilder IAudibleQueryBuilder.WithSearchRankSelect(
            AudibleQueryField searchRankSelectField,
            SortDirection searchRankSelectDirection)
            if (_searchRankSelectField != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          $"The searchRankSelectField cannot be set to {searchRankSelectField.ToString().ToLower().SQuote()} " +
                          $"because the instance of {nameof(AudibleQueryBuilder).SQuote()} already has the " +
                          $"searchRankSelectField {_searchRankSelectField.ToString().ToLower().SQuote()}.");

            _searchRankSelectField = searchRankSelectField;

            if (_searchRankSelectDirection != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          $"The searchRankSelectDirection cannot be set to " +
                          $"{searchRankSelectDirection.ToString().ToLower().Quote()} because the instance of " +
                          $"{nameof(AudibleQueryBuilder).SQuote()} already has the searchRankSelectDirection " +

            _searchRankSelectDirection = searchRankSelectDirection;
        public async Task SearchAnimeAsync_EmptyQueryWithConfigWithInvalidEnums_ShouldThrowValidationException(
            // Given
            var searchConfig = new AnimeSearchConfig()
                Status        = airingStatus.GetValueOrDefault(),
                Rating        = rating.GetValueOrDefault(),
                Type          = mangaType.GetValueOrDefault(),
                OrderBy       = orderBy.GetValueOrDefault(),
                SortDirection = sortDirection.GetValueOrDefault(),
                Genres        = genreSearch.HasValue ? new[] { genreSearch.Value } : Array.Empty <AnimeGenreSearch>()

            // When
            var func = _jikan.Awaiting(x => x.SearchAnimeAsync(searchConfig));

            // Then
            await func.Should().ThrowExactlyAsync <JikanValidationException>();
        public IHttpActionResult GetProductList(
            [FromUri(Name = "q")] string searchKeyword          = null,
            [FromUri(Name = "pg")] int?page                     = null,
            [FromUri(Name = "f")] string facetValues            = null,
            [FromUri(Name = "s")] string sortField              = null,
            [FromUri(Name = "ps")] int?pageSize                 = null,
            [FromUri(Name = "sd")] SortDirection?sortDirection  = null,
            [FromUri(Name = "cci")] string currentCatalogItemId = null,
            [FromUri(Name = "ci")] string currentItemId         = null)
            var facetValuesCollection = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(facetValues)
                                            ? HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(facetValues)
                                            : new NameValueCollection();

            var model = this.productListRepository.GetProductList(

        ArchiveQueryBuilder IArchiveQueryBuilder.WithSort(
            ArchiveQueryField sortField,
            SortDirection sortDirection)
            if (_sortField != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          $"The sortField cannot be set to {sortField.ToString().ToLower().Quote()} because the " +
                          $"instance of {nameof(ArchiveQueryBuilder).SQuote()} already has the sortField " +

            _sortField = sortField;

            if (_sortDirection != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          $"The sortDirection cannot be set to {sortDirection.ToString().ToLower().Quote()} because the " +
                          $"instance of {nameof(ArchiveQueryBuilder).SQuote()} already has the sortDirection " +

            _sortDirection = sortDirection;

Exemple #15
    public IQueryable <T> Apply(IQueryable <T> query, SortDirection?direction = null)
        var dir    = direction.HasValue ? direction.Value : DefaultDirection;
        var method = dir == SortDirection.Ascending ? ascendingMethod : descendingMethod;

        return((IQueryable <T>)method.Invoke(null, new object[] { query, lambda }));
Exemple #16
    {   //класс разметки
        public static MvcHtmlString SortLink(this HtmlHelper html,
                                             string linkText,
                                             string sortExpression,
                                             string action,
                                             string controller,
                                             RouteValueDictionary routeValues)
            routeValues = routeValues ?? new RouteValueDictionary();
            SortDirection?sort             = null;
            var           sortDirectionStr = html.ViewContext.HttpContext.Request["SortDirection"]; //ViewContext - позволяет забрать данные из View

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortDirectionStr) &&
                html.ViewContext.HttpContext.Request["SortExpression"] == sortExpression)
                SortDirection s;
                if (Enum.TryParse(sortDirectionStr, out s))
                    sort = s;
            routeValues["SortExpression"] = sortExpression;
            routeValues["SortDirection"]  = sort.HasValue && sort.Value == SortDirection.Asc ?
                                            SortDirection.Desc :
            return(html.Partial("SortLink", new SortLinkModel
                Action = action,
                Controller = controller,
                SortDirection = sort,
                RouteValues = routeValues,
                LinkText = linkText
Exemple #17
 public ProjectsQuery(int offset,
                      int count,
                      bool onlyScored,
                      string searchString,
                      string countryCode,
                      IReadOnlyCollection <ScoringStatus> scoringStatuses,
                      IReadOnlyCollection <long> projectIds)
     Offset          = offset;
     Count           = count;
     SearchString    = searchString;
     Stage           = stage;
     CountryCode     = countryCode;
     Category        = category;
     MinimumScore    = minimumScore;
     MaximumScore    = maximumScore;
     OrderBy         = orderBy;
     Direction       = direction;
     OnlyScored      = onlyScored;
     IsPrivate       = isPrivate;
     ScoringStatuses = scoringStatuses;
     ProjectIds      = projectIds;
Exemple #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets list of account activities from Alpaca REST API endpoint.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="activityTypes">The activity type you want to view entries for.</param>
        /// <param name="date">The date for which you want to see activities.</param>
        /// <param name="until">The response will contain only activities submitted before this date. (Cannot be used with date.)</param>
        /// <param name="after">The response will contain only activities submitted after this date. (Cannot be used with date.)</param>
        /// <param name="direction">The response will be sorted by time in this direction. (Default behavior is descending.)</param>
        /// <param name="pageSize">The maximum number of entries to return in the response.</param>
        /// <param name="pageToken">The ID of the end of your current page of results.</param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation.</param>
        /// <returns>Read-only list of asset information objects.</returns>
        public Task <IEnumerable <IAsset> > ListAccountActivitiesAsync(
            IEnumerable <AccountActivityType> activityTypes = null,
            DateTime?date                       = null,
            DateTime?until                      = null,
            DateTime?after                      = null,
            SortDirection?direction             = null,
            Int64?pageSize                      = null,
            String pageToken                    = null,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            if (date.HasValue && (until.HasValue || after.HasValue))
                throw new ArgumentException("You unable to specify 'date' and 'until'/'after' arguments in same call.");

            var builder = new UriBuilder(_alpacaHttpClient.BaseAddress)
                Path  = _alpacaHttpClient.BaseAddress.AbsolutePath + "account/activities",
                Query = new QueryBuilder()
                        .AddParameter("activity_types", string.Join(",", activityTypes))
                        .AddParameter("date", date)
                        .AddParameter("until", until)
                        .AddParameter("after", after)
                        .AddParameter("direction", direction)
                        .AddParameter("pageSize", pageSize)
                        .AddParameter("pageToken", pageToken)

            return(getObjectsListAsync <IAsset, JsonAsset>(
                       _alpacaHttpClient, _alpacaRestApiThrottler, builder, cancellationToken));
        IGridColumnConfiguration <TModel> IGridColumnConfiguration <TModel> .SortColumn <TProperty>(Expression <Func <TModel, TProperty> > property, SortDirection initialDirection)
            _sortProperty = property;

            _sortDirection = initialDirection;

Exemple #20
 protected abstract Task <IPaginationCollection <dynamic> > GetDataAsync(
     string query,
     string sortField,
     IDictionary <string, bool> selectFields);
        public JsonResult SortOrderApplied(string sortField, SortDirection?sortDirection)
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sortField) && StorefrontContext.Current != null)
                CatalogManager.SortOrderApplied(sortField, sortDirection);

            return(new BaseApiModel());
Exemple #22
 public PaginablePagination(IPaginable <T> query,
                            int pageNumber,
                            int pageSize,
                            string sortExpression,
                            SortDirection?sortDirection) :
     base(pageNumber, pageSize, sortExpression, sortDirection)
     Query = query;
 public IResponseResult <IPaginationCollection <RevokedToken> > GetRevokedTokens(
     string userId,
     TokenBase token,
     int?skip       = null,
     int?limit      = null,
     bool?withCount = null,
     string orderBy = null,
     SortDirection?sortDirection = null) =>
 this.GetRevokedTokensAsync(userId, token, skip, limit, withCount, orderBy, sortDirection).ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
        public ListModel(int?page, SortFieldEnumType?sort, SortDirection?sortDirection)

            this.Page          = (page.HasValue ? page.Value : 1);
            this.PageSize      = ConfigUtil.Instance.PageSize;
            this.Sort          = (sort.HasValue ? sort.Value : default(SortFieldEnumType));
            this.SortDirection = (sortDirection.HasValue ? sortDirection.Value : SortDirection.Ascending);
 public virtual IQueryable <TEntity> GetAll <TEntity>(
     string orderBy           = null,
     string includeProperties = null,
     int?skip = null,
     int?take = null,
     SortDirection?sortDirection = null)
     where TEntity : Entity, IEntity
     return(GetQueryable <TEntity>(null, includeProperties));
Exemple #26
		public IResponseResult<IPaginationCollection<T>> Get(
			TokenBase token, 
			int? skip = null, 
			int? limit = null, 
			bool? withCount = null, 
			string orderBy = null, 
			SortDirection? sortDirection = null,
			string searchKeyword = null) =>
				this.GetAsync(token, skip, limit, withCount, orderBy, sortDirection, searchKeyword)
Exemple #27
 public Thead(ISort sort, string text, string column, Func<string, SortDirection?, string> urlBuilder,
     string @class)
     this.sort = sort;
     this.text = text;
     this.column = column;
     this.urlBuilder = urlBuilder;
     direction = sort.GetSortDataFor(column);
     this.@class = @class;
Exemple #28
        public SortOption(string name, object property, SortDirection?sortDirection = null)
            if (name == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));

            this.Name          = name;
            this.Property      = property;
            this.SortDirection = sortDirection;
        public IEnumerable <T> ToEnumerable(int skip, int take, string sortColumn, SortDirection?sortDirection)
            Order[] order = this.order;

            if (sortColumn != null && sortDirection != null)
                order = new Order[] { TranslateSortOrder(sortColumn, sortDirection.Value) };

            return(DoListPage(skip, take, order));
 public virtual IQueryable <TEntity> Get <TEntity>(
     Expression <Func <TEntity, bool> > filter = null,
     string orderBy           = null,
     string includeProperties = null,
     int?skip = null,
     int?take = null,
     SortDirection?sortDirection = null)
     where TEntity : Entity, IEntity
     return(GetQueryable <TEntity>(filter, includeProperties));
Exemple #31
 public async Task <IPaginationCollection <dynamic> > QueryAsync(
     string query,
     int?skip                                = null,
     int?limit                               = null,
     bool?withCount                          = null,
     string sortField                        = null,
     SortDirection?sortDirection             = null,
     IDictionary <string, bool> selectFields = null)
     return(await this.repository.QueryAsync(query, skip, limit, withCount, sortField, sortDirection, selectFields));
 public IndexColumnDefinition(string name, SortDirection? sortDirection) : 
     this.sortDirection = sortDirection;