public IEnumerator ConvertMultipleSongs(string folderPath) { string[] paths = Directory.GetDirectories(folderPath); core.uiManager.ProgressBarSetActive(true); core.uiManager.ProgressBarSetTitle("Importing songs"); int i = 0; int max = paths.Length; foreach (var path in paths) { try { SongLoader.ConvertSong(path, core); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } i++; core.uiManager.ProgressBarSetValue(1f / max * i); core.uiManager.ProgressBarSetTitle("Importing songs " + i + "/" + max); yield return(i); } core.uiManager.ProgressBarSetActive(false); reloadSongs = true; }
static void Prefix(ref LevelPackLevelsTableView __instance, int row, ref HMUI.TableView ____tableView, ref bool ____showLevelPackHeader, ref IBeatmapLevelPack ____pack) { if (!SongLoader.AreSongsLoaded) { return; } if (____pack.beatmapLevelCollection.beatmapLevels.Length == 0) { return; } int num = ____showLevelPackHeader ? (row - 1) : row; num = Mathf.Clamp(num, 0, ____pack.beatmapLevelCollection.beatmapLevels.Length - 1); // Console.WriteLine($"Num: {num} Size: {____pack.beatmapLevelCollection.beatmapLevels.Length}"); if (!(____pack.beatmapLevelCollection.beatmapLevels[num] is OverrideClasses.CustomLevel)) { return; } OverrideClasses.CustomLevel customLevel = ____pack.beatmapLevelCollection.beatmapLevels[num] as OverrideClasses.CustomLevel; if (!customLevel) { return; } if (customLevel.coverImage == SongLoader.CustomSongsIcon) { SongLoader.LoadSprite(customLevel.customSongInfo.path + "/" + customLevel.customSongInfo.coverImagePath, customLevel); } }
void Start() { string JSONSong = Application.dataPath + "\\Songs\\" + SongName + ".json"; Song = SongLoader.LoadSong(JSONSong); scoreDisplay = GameObject.Find("ScoreDisplay").GetComponent <Text>(); multiplierDisplay = GameObject.Find("MulitplierDisplay").GetComponent <Text>(); //keep track of existing notes spawnedNotes = new List <GameObject>(); //We will most likely be creating the spawn nodes in code rather than fetching them //Even more likely we will store raw positions in Vector3 rather than even needing GameObjects Transform spawnLocs = GameObject.Find("NoteSpawnLocs").transform; SpawnLocations = new GameObject[] { spawnLocs.GetChild(0).gameObject, spawnLocs.GetChild(1).gameObject, spawnLocs.GetChild(2).gameObject }; //initialize spawn Debug.Log(Song.SpawnTime_SpawnLoc[0]); nextNote = Song.Spawn(); //add method to event //spawnEvent.AddListener(Camera.main.gameObject.GetComponent<DebugText>().UpdateDebugText); spawnEvent.AddListener(SpawnNote); //hitbar set hitBar = GameObject.Find("HitBar"); }
protected override async void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { SongLoader.Loader = new StreamLoader(); this.DataContext = await SongLoader.Load(); base.OnNavigatedTo(e); }
private IEnumerator SelectSong() { SongLoader.Instance.Load(ChartLocation, type, delegate(Song _song) { song = _song; }); bool prepared = false; SongLoader.Instance.PrepareAudio(song, delegate() { prepared = true; }); while (!prepared) { yield return(null); } AudioHelper.stopAllAudio(); SongLoader.setSelected(gameObject); if ( / 1000 > 15) { startTime = (float) / 1000; } AudioHelper.setAllAudioTime(startTime); AudioHelper.playAllAudio(0); }
public SongWindow(SongMeta meta) { _song = SongLoader.Load(meta); InitializeComponent(); Text = $"Score: {meta.Artist} - {meta.Name} [{meta.Instrument}]"; albumArtwork.Image = _song.GetCover(); score1.SetSong(_song); _player = _song.GetSongPlayer(); for (int x = 0; x < _player.Channels; x++) { AddFader(x); } seekBar1.Samples = (long)(_player.Length.TotalSeconds * 44100.0 + 0.5); seekBar1.OnSliderDrop += i => _player.Position = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(i); _timer = new Timer(); _timer.Interval = 30; _timer.Tick += TimerTick; _timer.Start(); waveform1.WaveData = _song.GetWaveform(); waveform1.Sections = _song.Sections; waveform1.Beats = _song.Beats; waveform1.Looper.OnLoop += d => _player.Position = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(d); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { songLoader = gameManager.GetComponent <SongLoader>(); soundConverter = gameManager.GetComponent <SoundConverter>(); audioSource = gameManager.GetComponent <AudioSource>(); scoreScript = gameManager.GetComponent <ScoreScript>(); }
public static void ShuffleAll(Context context) { var cursor = SongLoader.CreateSongCursor(context, null, null); var trackList = SongLoader.GetSongListByCursor(cursor); var position = 0; if (trackList.Length == 0 || Service == null) { return; } try { Service.SetShuffleMode(MusicService.SHUFFLE_NORMAL); var mCurrentId = Service.GetAudioId(); var mCurrentQueuePosition = GetQueuePosition(); if (position != -1 && mCurrentQueuePosition == position && mCurrentId == trackList[position]) { var playlist = GetQueue(); if (Equals(trackList, playlist)) { Service.Play(); return; } } Service.Open(trackList, -1, -1, (int)MusicUtils.SourceTypeId.NA); Service.Play(); cursor.Close(); cursor = null; } catch { } }
private async Task ReloadAdapter() { await Task.Run(() => { var list = SongLoader.GetAllSongs(Activity); _songListAdapter.UpdateData(list); }); _songListAdapter.NotifyDataSetChanged(); }
public void LoadSongsSync(SongLoader loader) { NewLoad?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); var songs = loader.LoadSongs(); LoadInitiated?.Invoke(this, songs.Count); UpdateLibrary(songs, false); library.InitialiseParts(); LoadCompleted?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); }
private void OpenBeatSaberSong() { StandaloneFileBrowser.OpenFolderPanelAsync("Open beatsaber Beatmap", "", true, delegate(string[] strings) { foreach (var path in strings) { SongLoader.ConvertSong(path, core); } }); reloadSongs = true; }
/* * Create a new instance of SongLoader and attach it to the * provided game object. */ public static SongLoader createSongLoader(GameObject gameObject) { SongLoader songLoaderObject = gameObject.AddComponent <SongLoader>(); songLoaderObject.songDataTextFile = Resources.Load <TextAsset>("GhostFair"); songLoaderObject.songFileAsString = songLoaderObject.songDataTextFile.text; songLoaderObject.songData = JsonUtility.FromJson <SongData>(songLoaderObject.songFileAsString); return(songLoaderObject); }
public void SongLoader_SongsLoadedEvent(SongLoader sender, List <CustomLevel> levels) { try { PlaylistsCollection.MatchSongsForAllPlaylists(true); } catch (Exception e) { Plugin.log.Critical("Unable to match songs for all playlists! Exception: " + e); } }
private void SongLoader_SongsLoadedEvent(SongLoader sender, List <CustomLevel> levels) { try { PlaylistsCollection.MatchSongsForAllPlaylists(true); } catch (Exception e) { Misc.Logger.Exception("Unable to match songs for all playlists! Exception: " + e); } }
/// <summary> /// Only gets called once during boot of BeatSaber. /// </summary> /// <param name="loader"></param> /// <param name="levels"></param> private void OnSongLoaderLoadedSongs(SongLoader loader, List <CustomLevel> levels) { Logger.Trace("OnSongLoaderLoadedSongs"); try { _songBrowserUI.UpdateSongList(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Exception("Exception during OnSongLoaderLoadedSongs: ", e); } }
public void SongsLoaded(SongLoader sender, List <CustomLevel> levels) { if (_multiplayerButton != null) { _multiplayerButton.interactable = true; } else { CreateUI(); } SongInfo.GetOriginalLevelHashes(); }
private void Awake() { if (instance == null) { instance = this; } else if (instance != this) { Debug.Log("Double songloader instance"); Destroy(gameObject); } DontDestroyOnLoad(this.gameObject); }
private async Task LoadSong() { if (Activity is null) { return; } await Task.Run(() => { _songListAdapter = new SongListAdapter((AppCompatActivity)Activity, SongLoader.GetAllSongs(Activity), false); }); _recyclerView.AddItemDecoration(new DividerItemDecoration(Activity, DividerItemDecoration.Vertical)); }
/// <summary> /// Only gets called once during boot of BeatSaber. /// </summary> /// <param name="loader"></param> /// <param name="levels"></param> private void OnSongLoaderLoadedSongs(SongLoader loader, List <CustomLevel> levels) { Logger.Trace("OnSongLoaderLoadedSongs-SongBrowserApplication()"); try { _songBrowserUI.UpdateLevelPackModel(); _songBrowserUI.UpdateLevelDataModel(); _songBrowserUI.RefreshSongList(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Exception("Exception during OnSongLoaderLoadedSongs: ", e); } }
protected override void DidActivate() { log.Log("Activated!"); ui = BeatSaverUI._instance; _songLoader = FindObjectOfType <SongLoader>(); UpdateAlreadyDownloadedSongs(); if (_songListViewController == null) { _songListViewController = ui.CreateViewController <BeatSaverSongListViewController>(); _songListViewController.rectTransform.anchorMin = new Vector2(0.3f, 0f); _songListViewController.rectTransform.anchorMax = new Vector2(0.7f, 1f); PushViewController(_songListViewController, true); } else { if (_viewControllers.IndexOf(_songListViewController) < 0) { PushViewController(_songListViewController, true); } } _songListViewController.SelectTopButtons(TopButtonsState.Select); if (_backButton == null) { _backButton = ui.CreateBackButton(rectTransform); _backButton.onClick.AddListener(delegate() { try { _songLoader.RefreshSongs(); } catch (Exception e) { log.Exception("Can't refresh songs! EXCEPTION: " + e); } DismissModalViewController(null, false); }); } GetPage(0); base.DidActivate(); }
private void OnSongsLoaded(SongLoader songLoader, List <CustomLevel> list) { SongLoader.SongsLoadedEvent -= OnSongsLoaded; _downloadButton.interactable = true; if (DoesSongExist(_queuedSong)) { _ui.SetButtonText(ref _downloadButton, "Downloaded"); } else { _ui.SetButtonText(ref _downloadButton, "Download"); } _queuedSong = null; FindObjectOfType <LevelRequestFlowCoordinator>().CheckQueueAndUpdate(); //This kinda goes against the purpose of a flow controller, but I just want it to work. }
public static long[] GetSongListByAlbum(Context context, long id) { var projection = new [] { BaseColumns.Id }; string selection = $"{AudioColumns.AlbumId} = {id} AND {AudioColumns.IsMusic} = 1"; var cursor = context.ContentResolver.Query( Media.ExternalContentUri, projection, selection, null, AudioColumns.Track + ", " + Media.DefaultSortOrder); if (cursor != null) { long[] mList = SongLoader.GetSongListByCursor(cursor); cursor.Close(); cursor = null; return(mList); } return(new long[0]); }
private void SongsLoaded(SongLoader sender, List <CustomLevel> levels) { if (BSMultiplayerClient._instance.ConnectToServer(selectedServerIP, selectedServerPort)) { BSMultiplayerClient._instance.SendString(JsonUtility.ToJson(new ClientCommand(ClientCommandType.GetAvailableSongs))); BSMultiplayerClient._instance.SendString(JsonUtility.ToJson(new ClientCommand(ClientCommandType.GetServerState))); BSMultiplayerClient._instance.DataReceived += DataReceived; StartCoroutine(BSMultiplayerClient._instance.ReceiveFromServerCoroutine()); } else { _loading = false; TextMeshProUGUI _errorText = ui.CreateText(rectTransform, String.Format("Can't connect to server!"), new Vector2(0f, -48f)); _errorText.alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.Center; Destroy(_errorText.gameObject, 5f); } }
public MainToolbarViewModel(SongLoader songLoader, CurrentSongService currentSongService, PrintService printService, ExportImageService saveService) { LoadState = new LoadState(); this.printService = printService; this.saveService = saveService; this.currentSongService = currentSongService; SelectedGuitarPath = currentSongService.GuitarPath.Name; OpenFileCommand = new RelayCommand(songLoader.OpenFile); LoadDiskTracksCommand = new RelayCommand(songLoader.LoadDiskTracks); LoadDLCTracksCommand = new RelayCommand(songLoader.LoadDLCTracks); PrintCommand = new RelayCommand<TabControl>(PrintTab); SaveCommand = new RelayCommand<TabControl>(SaveTabImage); Messenger.Default.Register<SongChange>(this, (SongChange c) => { if (c == SongChange.Score) RaisePropertyChanged("IsATrackLoaded"); }); }
public static long[] GetSongListByArtist(Context context, long id) { var projection = new[] { BaseColumns.Id }; var selection = $"{AudioColumns.ArtistId} = {id} AND {AudioColumns.IsMusic} = 1"; var cursor = context.ContentResolver.Query( Media.ExternalContentUri, projection, selection, null, AudioColumns.AlbumKey + "," + AudioColumns.Track); if (cursor != null) { var list = SongLoader.GetSongListByCursor(cursor); cursor.Close(); cursor = null; return(list); } return(new long[0]); }
public MainViewModel(IDialogService dialogService, IErrorService errorService) { _dialogService = dialogService; _errorService = errorService; songLoader = new SongLoader(_dialogService, songManager); // Re-raise events for the view songManager.PropertyChanged += (sender, args) => this.OnPropertyChanged(args.PropertyName); songLoader.PropertyChanged += (sender, args) => this.OnPropertyChanged(args.PropertyName); songLoader.PropertyChanged += OnIsLoadingToggled; OpenFileCommand = new RelayCommand(songLoader.OpenFile); LoadDiskTracksCommand = new RelayCommand(songLoader.LoadDiskTracks); LoadDLCTracksCommand = new RelayCommand(songLoader.LoadDLCTracks); _showScoreInfoCommand = new RelayCommand(ShowScoreInfo, () => _score != null); SelectedGuitarPath = RockSmithTabExplorer.Properties.Settings.Default.GuitarPath; }
public MainToolbarViewModel(SongLoader songLoader, CurrentSongService currentSongService, PrintService printService, ExportImageService saveService) { LoadState = new LoadState(); this.printService = printService; this.saveService = saveService; this.currentSongService = currentSongService; SelectedGuitarPath = currentSongService.GuitarPath.Name; OpenFileCommand = new RelayCommand(songLoader.OpenFile); LoadDiskTracksCommand = new RelayCommand(songLoader.LoadDiskTracks); LoadDLCTracksCommand = new RelayCommand(songLoader.LoadDLCTracks); PrintCommand = new RelayCommand <TabControl>(PrintTab); SaveCommand = new RelayCommand <TabControl>(SaveTabImage); Messenger.Default.Register <SongChange>(this, (SongChange c) => { if (c == SongChange.Score) { RaisePropertyChanged("IsATrackLoaded"); } }); }
public MainViewModel(IDialogService dialogService, IErrorService errorService, SongCollection songCollection) { _dialogService = dialogService; _errorService = errorService; this.songCollection = songCollection; songLoader = new SongLoader(_dialogService, songCollection); // Re-raise events for the view songCollection.PropertyChanged += (sender, args) => this.RaisePropertyChanged(args.PropertyName); songLoader.PropertyChanged += (sender, args) => this.RaisePropertyChanged(args.PropertyName); songLoader.PropertyChanged += OnIsLoadingToggled; OpenFileCommand = new RelayCommand(songLoader.OpenFile); LoadDiskTracksCommand = new RelayCommand(songLoader.LoadDiskTracks); LoadDLCTracksCommand = new RelayCommand(songLoader.LoadDLCTracks); SelectedGuitarPath = RockSmithTabExplorer.Properties.Settings.Default.GuitarPath; if (ViewModelBase.IsInDesignModeStatic) TrackToolBarVisible = true; }
/* * Create a new instance of LevelHelper and attach it to the * provided game object. */ public static LevelHelper createLevelHelper(GameObject gameObject) { LevelHelper levelHelper = gameObject.AddComponent <LevelHelper>(); levelHelper.songLoader = SongLoader.createSongLoader(gameObject); levelHelper.soundSections = levelHelper.songLoader.songData.sections; levelHelper.duration = levelHelper.songLoader.songData.track.duration; levelHelper.fadeOut = levelHelper.songLoader.songData.track.start_of_fade_out; levelHelper.levelLength = Mathf.CeilToInt( levelHelper.secondsToUnitsConversion * levelHelper.duration ); Camera camera = Camera.main; levelHelper.halfHeight = camera.orthographicSize; levelHelper.halfWidth = camera.aspect * levelHelper.halfHeight; levelHelper.startingPosition = -levelHelper.halfWidth; return(levelHelper); }
public MainViewModel(IDialogService dialogService, IErrorService errorService, SongCollection songCollection) { _dialogService = dialogService; _errorService = errorService; this.songCollection = songCollection; songLoader = new SongLoader(_dialogService, songCollection); // Re-raise events for the view songCollection.PropertyChanged += (sender, args) => this.RaisePropertyChanged(args.PropertyName); songLoader.PropertyChanged += (sender, args) => this.RaisePropertyChanged(args.PropertyName); songLoader.PropertyChanged += OnIsLoadingToggled; OpenFileCommand = new RelayCommand(songLoader.OpenFile); LoadDiskTracksCommand = new RelayCommand(songLoader.LoadDiskTracks); LoadDLCTracksCommand = new RelayCommand(songLoader.LoadDLCTracks); SelectedGuitarPath = RockSmithTabExplorer.Properties.Settings.Default.GuitarPath; if (ViewModelBase.IsInDesignModeStatic) { TrackToolBarVisible = true; } }
private async Task <AudioClip> GetAudioClipFromSong(string pathToAudio) { AudioType audioType = Path.GetExtension(pathToAudio) == ".wav" ? AudioType.WAV : AudioType.OGGVORBIS; if (pathToAudio != null) { AudioClip clip = await SongLoader.LoadAudioClipFromMusic(pathToAudio, audioType); if (clip != null) { return(clip); } else { FlashMessage("error getting audio data. try again"); return(null); } } else { FlashMessage("no song selected! try again"); return(null); } }
public T LoadFromFile <T>(string assetName) { string extension = FileManager.GetExtension(assetName); if (FileManager.IsRelative(assetName)) { // get the absolute path using the current relative directory assetName = FileManager.RelativeDirectory + assetName; } string fullNameWithType = assetName + typeof(T).Name; // get the dictionary by the contentManagerName. If it doesn't exist, GetDisposableDictionaryByName // will create it. if (mDisposableDictionary.ContainsKey(fullNameWithType)) { #if PROFILE mHistory.Add(new ContentLoadHistory( TimeManager.CurrentTime, typeof(T).Name, fullNameWithType, ContentLoadDetail.Cached)); #endif return((T)mDisposableDictionary[fullNameWithType]); } else if (mNonDisposableDictionary.ContainsKey(fullNameWithType)) { return((T)mNonDisposableDictionary[fullNameWithType]); } else { #if PROFILE mHistory.Add(new ContentLoadHistory( TimeManager.CurrentTime, typeof(T).Name, fullNameWithType, ContentLoadDetail.HddFromFile)); #endif #if DEBUG // The ThrowExceptionIfFileDoesntExist // call used to be done before the checks // in the dictionaries. But whatever is held // in there may not really be a file so let's check // if the file exists after we check the dictionaries. FileManager.ThrowExceptionIfFileDoesntExist(assetName); #endif IDisposable loadedAsset = null; if (typeof(T) == typeof(Texture2D) || typeof(T) == typeof(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D)) { // for now we'll create it here, eventually have it in a dictionary: loadedAsset = textureContentLoader.Load(assetName); } #region Scene else if (typeof(T) == typeof(FlatRedBall.Scene)) { FlatRedBall.Scene scene = FlatRedBall.Content.Scene.SceneSave.FromFile(assetName).ToScene(mName); object sceneAsObject = scene; lock (mNonDisposableDictionary) { if (!mNonDisposableDictionary.ContainsKey(fullNameWithType)) { mNonDisposableDictionary.Add(fullNameWithType, scene); } } return((T)sceneAsObject); } #endregion #region EmitterList else if (typeof(T) == typeof(EmitterList)) { EmitterList emitterList = EmitterSaveList.FromFile(assetName).ToEmitterList(mName); mNonDisposableDictionary.Add(fullNameWithType, emitterList); return((T)((object)emitterList)); } #endregion #region Image #if !MONOGAME else if (typeof(T) == typeof(Image)) { switch (extension.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "gif": Image image = Image.FromFile(assetName); loadedAsset = image; break; } } #endif #endregion #region BitmapList #if !XBOX360 && !SILVERLIGHT && !WINDOWS_PHONE && !MONOGAME else if (typeof(T) == typeof(BitmapList)) { loadedAsset = BitmapList.FromFile(assetName); } #endif #endregion #region NodeNetwork else if (typeof(T) == typeof(NodeNetwork)) { NodeNetwork nodeNetwork = NodeNetworkSave.FromFile(assetName).ToNodeNetwork(); mNonDisposableDictionary.Add(fullNameWithType, nodeNetwork); return((T)((object)nodeNetwork)); } #endregion #region ShapeCollection else if (typeof(T) == typeof(ShapeCollection)) { ShapeCollection shapeCollection = ShapeCollectionSave.FromFile(assetName).ToShapeCollection(); mNonDisposableDictionary.Add(fullNameWithType, shapeCollection); return((T)((object)shapeCollection)); } #endregion #region PositionedObjectList<Polygon> else if (typeof(T) == typeof(PositionedObjectList <FlatRedBall.Math.Geometry.Polygon>)) { PositionedObjectList <FlatRedBall.Math.Geometry.Polygon> polygons = PolygonSaveList.FromFile(assetName).ToPolygonList(); mNonDisposableDictionary.Add(fullNameWithType, polygons); return((T)((object)polygons)); } #endregion #region AnimationChainList else if (typeof(T) == typeof(AnimationChainList)) { if (assetName.EndsWith("gif")) { #if WINDOWS_8 || UWP || DESKTOP_GL throw new NotImplementedException(); #else AnimationChainList acl = new AnimationChainList(); acl.Add(FlatRedBall.Graphics.Animation.AnimationChain.FromGif(assetName, this.mName)); acl[0].ParentGifFileName = assetName; loadedAsset = acl; #endif } else { loadedAsset = AnimationChainListSave.FromFile(assetName).ToAnimationChainList(mName); } mNonDisposableDictionary.Add(fullNameWithType, loadedAsset); } #endregion else if (typeof(T) == typeof(Song)) { var loader = new SongLoader(); return((T)(object)loader.Load(assetName)); } #if MONOGAME else if (typeof(T) == typeof(SoundEffect)) { T soundEffect; if (assetName.StartsWith(@".\") || assetName.StartsWith(@"./")) { soundEffect = base.Load <T>(assetName.Substring(2)); } else { soundEffect = base.Load <T>(assetName); } return(soundEffect); } #endif #region RuntimeCsvRepresentation #if !SILVERLIGHT else if (typeof(T) == typeof(RuntimeCsvRepresentation)) { #if XBOX360 throw new NotImplementedException("Can't load CSV from file. Try instead to use the content pipeline."); #else return((T)((object)CsvFileManager.CsvDeserializeToRuntime(assetName))); #endif } #endif #endregion #region SplineList else if (typeof(T) == typeof(List <Spline>)) { List <Spline> splineList = SplineSaveList.FromFile(assetName).ToSplineList(); mNonDisposableDictionary.Add(fullNameWithType, splineList); object asObject = splineList; return((T)asObject); } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(SplineList)) { SplineList splineList = SplineSaveList.FromFile(assetName).ToSplineList(); mNonDisposableDictionary.Add(fullNameWithType, splineList); object asObject = splineList; return((T)asObject); } #endregion #region BitmapFont else if (typeof(T) == typeof(BitmapFont)) { // We used to assume the texture is named the same as the font file // But now FRB understands the .fnt file and gets the PNG from the font file //string pngFile = FileManager.RemoveExtension(assetName) + ".png"; string fntFile = FileManager.RemoveExtension(assetName) + ".fnt"; BitmapFont bitmapFont = new BitmapFont(fntFile, this.mName); object bitmapFontAsObject = bitmapFont; return((T)bitmapFontAsObject); } #endregion #region Text else if (typeof(T) == typeof(string)) { return((T)((object)FileManager.FromFileText(assetName))); } #endregion #region Catch mistakes #if DEBUG else if (typeof(T) == typeof(Spline)) { throw new Exception("Cannot load Splines. Try using the List<Spline> type instead."); } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(Emitter)) { throw new Exception("Cannot load Emitters. Try using the EmitterList type instead."); } #endif #endregion #region else, exception! else { throw new NotImplementedException("Cannot load content of type " + typeof(T).AssemblyQualifiedName + " from file. If you are loading " + "through the content pipeline be sure to remove the extension of the file " + "name."); } #endregion if (loadedAsset != null) { lock (mDisposableDictionary) { // Multiple threads could try to load this content simultaneously if (!mDisposableDictionary.ContainsKey(fullNameWithType)) { mDisposableDictionary.Add(fullNameWithType, loadedAsset); } } } return((T)loadedAsset); } }