public void VInterop_TestAutoregisterPolicy()
            var oldPolicy = UserData.RegistrationPolicy;

                string script = @"return myobj:Test1()";

                UserData.RegistrationPolicy = InteropRegistrationPolicy.Automatic;

                Script S = new Script();

                SomeOtherClass obj = new SomeOtherClass();

                S.Globals.Set("myobj", UserData.Create(obj));

                DynValue res = S.DoString(script);

                Assert.AreEqual(DataType.String, res.Type);
                Assert.AreEqual("Test1", res.String);
                UserData.RegistrationPolicy = oldPolicy;
    public void SomeFunction(int someValue)
        // Replace with whatever your actual code is...
        ToDate toDate = new SomeOtherClass().SomeOtherFunction(someValue);

    public static void Main()
        SomeOtherClass thingy = new SomeOtherClass();

Exemple #4
    public WhatClass()
        int theCount = Count;                    // This will set theCount to 0 because int is a value type

        AProperty = new SomeOtherClass;          // This is fine because the setter is totally usable
        SomeOtherClass thisProperty = AProperty; // This is completely acceptable because you just gave AProperty a value;

        thisProperty = AnotherProperty;          // Throws NullReferenceException because you didn't first set the "AnotherProperty" to have a value
Exemple #5
    public string MethodWithReturn()
        var returnValue = SomeOtherClass.SomeMethod();

        if (returnValue == null)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Return value of method 'MethodWithReturn' is null.");
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var wrappedData = new Wrapper <int> {
                Data = 3
            var someObject = new SomeOtherClass {
                WrappedData = wrappedData

            dynamic d = someObject.WrappedData;

        public void EqualityCheck()
            var firstZeroPositiveInt  = new ZeroPositiveInt(1);
            var secondZeroPositiveInt = new ZeroPositiveInt(1);

            Assert.AreEqual(firstZeroPositiveInt, secondZeroPositiveInt);

            var thirdZeroPositiveInt = new ZeroPositiveInt(2);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(firstZeroPositiveInt, thirdZeroPositiveInt);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(secondZeroPositiveInt, thirdZeroPositiveInt);

            var somethingElse = new SomeOtherClass();

            Assert.AreNotEqual(secondZeroPositiveInt, somethingElse);
        public void Session_14_Virtual_Method_In_C_Sharp()
            //An abstract class has a default implementation for a method.
            //The methods default implementation is needed  in some class but not in some other class.How can you achieve it?
            SomeClass sc = new SomeClass();

            sc.AbstractMethod();//See that base abstract class method is called
            SomeOtherClass soc = new SomeOtherClass();

            soc.AbstractMethod();//Overridden method is called.

            //In below example method defined in child class will be called since it is present in child class
            OneMoreclass omc = new OneMoreclass();

Exemple #9
        public static async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log)
            log.Info("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request THAT I MADE IN VS 2017.");

            // parse query parameter
            string name = req.GetQueryNameValuePairs()
                          .FirstOrDefault(q => string.Compare(q.Key, "name", true) == 0)

            // Get request body
            dynamic data = await req.Content.ReadAsAsync <object>();

            // Set name to query string or body data
            name = name ?? data?.name;

            var c1 = new SomeOtherClass {
                Id = 4, Name = "Four Guy"

            return(name == null
                ? req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Please pass a name on the query string or in the request body")
                : req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "Hey there " + name));
Exemple #10
 public MyClass(ref int setting)
     SomeOtherClass instance = new SomeOtherClass(s => setting = s);
 public IClass ProvideClass(SomeOtherClass impl)
     return impl;
Exemple #12
 public SomeClass()
     var item = new SomeOtherClass();
Exemple #13
 public IClass ProvideClass(SomeOtherClass impl)
 public SomeClassBase()
 // This class and this constructor are externally visible
 // The parameter of type SomeOtherClass must also be public in order
 // for external assemblies to be able to construct this type
 public SomeClass(SomeOtherClass someOtherClass)
 public SomethingClass()
     this._someOtherClass = new SomeOtherClass();
 public void SomeMethod(SomeOtherClass thingy)
 public MyConcreteThisIsNotCircularDependency(SomeOtherClass dep, SomeOtherClass dep2)
Exemple #19
 static void Main(string[] args)
     SomeClass <int>      someClass      = new SomeClass <int>();                // działa dobrze (brak błędu)
     SomeClass <string>   someClass      = new SomeClass <string>();             // zgodnie z potrzebą T musi być numeryczne (zamierzony błąd)
     SomeOtherClass <int> someOtherClass = new SomeOtherClass <int>();           // ale użycie skrótu nie działa (błąd)
Exemple #20
 public SomeClass()
     var item = new SomeOtherClass();
Exemple #21
 public string MethodWithReturn()
 private void OnNewMessage(SomeOtherClass sender, InspectionSchemeChecks schemeChecks)
     // Do what you want
Exemple #23
 public SomeClass()
     SomeOtherClass.MyFunction(out myObject);
		public void Interop_TestAutoregisterPolicy()
				string script = @"return myobj:Test1()";

				UserData.RegistrationPolicy = InteropRegistrationPolicy.Automatic;

				Script S = new Script();

				SomeOtherClass obj = new SomeOtherClass();

				S.Globals.Set("myobj", UserData.Create(obj));

				DynValue res = S.DoString(script);

				Assert.AreEqual(DataType.String, res.Type);
				Assert.AreEqual("Test1", res.String);
				UserData.RegistrationPolicy = InteropRegistrationPolicy.Explicit;
Exemple #25
 public Foo(SomeClassType xSct, SomeOtherClass xSoc)
     // Note: No initializer list, we have to do those assignments manually
     sct = xSct;
     soc = xSoc;
 public SomeClass()
Exemple #27
 public void Foo(SomeClass paramA, SomeOtherClass paramB)
Exemple #28
 public static void Print(this SomeOtherClass c)
     // TODO: print SomeOtherClass
 static void aReference()
     var foo = new SomeOtherClass();