public async Task <bool> Build(bool rebuild, string vsLocations, IEnumerable <SolutionFile> allProjects,
                                       CancelObject co)
            int errorCount = 0;
            var buildDesc  = "/Build";

            if (rebuild)
                buildDesc = "/Rebuild";

            var solutionFiles = allProjects.ToList();

            foreach (var cur in solutionFiles.Where(x => x.BuildStatus == BuildSuccessStatus.FailedOnLatest))
                cur.BuildStatus = BuildSuccessStatus.FailedOnPrevious;
            foreach (var cur in solutionFiles.Where(x => x.BuildStatus == BuildSuccessStatus.SucceededOnLatest))
                cur.BuildStatus = BuildSuccessStatus.SucceededOnPrevious;
            var allVsLocations = vsLocations.Split(',').Select(x => x.Trim()).ToList();

            foreach (var curVsLoc in allVsLocations)
                if (!File.Exists(curVsLoc))
                    _reporter.Report("VS not found at " + curVsLoc);
            var projectsToBuild = solutionFiles.Where(x => !SolutionFile.BuildSuccessful(x.BuildStatus)).ToList();

            if (rebuild)
                projectsToBuild = solutionFiles.ToList();
            if (!projectsToBuild.Any())
                _reporter.Report("No projects to build.");
                _reporter.Report("Building " + projectsToBuild.Count + " projects.");
            foreach (var cur in projectsToBuild)
                foreach (var curVsLoc in allVsLocations)
                    if (co.ShouldCancel)
                        cur.BuildStatus = BuildSuccessStatus.IsBuilding;
                        var vsLocQuote = Enquote(curVsLoc);
                        var projFile   = Path.GetFileName(cur.FilePath);
                        var projLoc    = Path.GetDirectoryName(cur.FilePath);
                        var baseDir    = Directory.GetDirectoryRoot(projLoc)[0] + ":";

                        //The build command
                        var command = vsLocQuote + " " + buildDesc + " Debug " +

                        //Change to that dir to avoid some crazy issues with spaces in the path name
                        command = "cd " + projLoc + "&&" + command;
                        //Also, be in that dir
                        command = baseDir + "&&" + command;

                        var dosLoc = @"C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe";

                        //For debug, use /k
                        var myInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(dosLoc, " /c " + command);
                        myInfo.Verb                   = "runas";
                        myInfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
                        myInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                        myInfo.CreateNoWindow         = true;
                        var proc = Process.Start(myInfo);
                        _reporter.Report("Building " + cur.FilePath + " with " + curVsLoc.Trim());

                        await Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                            //var res = Dos.CommandLine.Execute(command);
                            var res = proc?.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();

                            if (res != null && res.Contains("0 failed"))
                                _reporter.ReportOnCurLine("-- success");
                                cur.BuildStatus = BuildSuccessStatus.SucceededOnLatest;
                                _reporter.ReportOnCurLine(" -- fail");
                                cur.BuildStatus = BuildSuccessStatus.FailedOnLatest;
                    catch (Exception)
                        cur.BuildStatus = BuildSuccessStatus.Exception;
            _reporter.Report("Completed with " + errorCount + " errors.");
            return(errorCount > 0);