Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// ремешок с перфорацие
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="WatchData">информация о часах</param>
        /// <returns>Модель часов</returns>
        public Solid3d BuildStrapWithPerforations(WatchData WatchData)
            //модель ремешка с перфор.
            Solid3d StrapWithPerforations = new Solid3d();

            StrapWithPerforations.CreateBox(Length / 2, Width, 3);

            //сглаживаем углы.
            Solid3d StrapSmoother = new Solid3d();

            StrapSmoother.CreateFrustum(Width, _params[ParNames.StrapTransformByY], _params[ParNames.StrapTransformByY], _params[ParNames.StrapTransformByY]);
            StrapSmoother.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Rotation(Math.PI / 2, new Vector3d(1, 0, 0), Point3d.Origin));
            StrapSmoother.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Vector3d(Length / 4, 0, 0)));
            StrapWithPerforations.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolUnite, StrapSmoother.Clone() as Solid3d);

            StrapSmoother.CreateFrustum(Width, _params[ParNames.StrapTransformByY], _params[ParNames.StrapTransformByY], _params[ParNames.StrapTransformByY]);
            StrapSmoother.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Rotation(Math.PI / 2, new Vector3d(1, 0, 0), Point3d.Origin));
            StrapSmoother.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Vector3d(-Length / 4, 0, 0)));
            StrapWithPerforations.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolUnite, StrapSmoother.Clone() as Solid3d);

            //проделываем перфорации
            Solid3d HoleMaker = new Solid3d();

            for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfPerforations; i++)
                HoleMaker.CreateFrustum(3, PerforationRadius, PerforationRadius, PerforationRadius);
                HoleMaker.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Vector3d((Length / 4 - 10) - (Length / 3) / NumberOfPerforations * i, 0, 0)));
                StrapWithPerforations.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolSubtract, HoleMaker.Clone() as Solid3d);

            StrapWithPerforations.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Vector3d(WatchData.BodyDiameter + WatchData.BootstrapLength + (Length / 4) - 0.5, 0, 0)));

        // 由布尔操作类型和两个三维实体创建旋转体的函数.
        public static void AddBoolSolid(BooleanOperationType boolType, ObjectId solid3dId1, ObjectId solid3dId2)
            Database db = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase;

            using (Transaction trans = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                    Entity ent1 = (Entity)trans.GetObject(solid3dId1, OpenMode.ForWrite);
                    Entity ent2 = (Entity)trans.GetObject(solid3dId2, OpenMode.ForWrite);
                    if (ent1 is Solid3d & ent2 is Solid3d)
                        Solid3d solid3dEnt1 = (Solid3d)ent1;
                        Solid3d solid3dEnt2 = (Solid3d)ent2;
                        solid3dEnt1.BooleanOperation(boolType, solid3dEnt2);
                    if (ent1 is Region & ent2 is Region)
                        Region regionEnt1 = (Region)ent1;
                        Region regionEnt2 = (Region)ent2;
                        regionEnt1.BooleanOperation(boolType, regionEnt2);
                    // 此处无需要操作.
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// ремешок с замком
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="WatchData">информация о часах</param>
        /// <returns>модель ремешка</returns>
        public Solid3d BuildStrapWithLocker(WatchData WatchData)
            //модель ремешка с замком
            Solid3d StrapWithLocker = new Solid3d();

            StrapWithLocker.CreateBox(Length / _params[ParNames.StrapTransformByX], Width, 3);

            //сглаживания ремешка
            Solid3d StrapSmoother = new Solid3d();

            StrapSmoother.CreateFrustum(Width, _params[ParNames.StrapTransformByY], _params[ParNames.StrapTransformByY], _params[ParNames.StrapTransformByY]);
            StrapSmoother.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Rotation(Math.PI / _params[ParNames.StrapTransformByX], new Vector3d(1, 0, 0), Point3d.Origin));
            StrapSmoother.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Vector3d(Length / 4, 0, 0)));
            StrapWithLocker.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolUnite, StrapSmoother.Clone() as Solid3d);

            StrapSmoother.CreateFrustum(Width, _params[ParNames.StrapTransformByY], _params[ParNames.StrapTransformByX], _params[ParNames.StrapTransformByY]);
            StrapSmoother.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Rotation(Math.PI / _params[ParNames.StrapTransformByX], new Vector3d(1, 0, 0), Point3d.Origin));
            StrapSmoother.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Vector3d(-Length / 4, 0, 0)));
            StrapWithLocker.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolUnite, StrapSmoother.Clone() as Solid3d);

            //замок ремешка
            Solid3d Locker = new Solid3d();

            Locker.CreateBox(20, Width + _params[ParNames.StrapTransformByX], 4);
            Solid3d LockerHole = new Solid3d();

            LockerHole.CreateBox(18, Width, 4);
            LockerHole.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Vector3d(4, 0, 0)));
            Locker.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolSubtract, LockerHole.Clone() as Solid3d);

            //Дерджатель на замке
            Solid3d LockerPin = new Solid3d();

            LockerPin.CreateBox(20, WatchData.StrapPerforationRadius, _params[ParNames.StrapTransformByX]);
            Locker.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolUnite, LockerPin.Clone() as Solid3d);

            //передвигаем ремешок
            Locker.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Vector3d((-Length / 4) - 5, 0, 0)));
            StrapWithLocker.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolUnite, Locker.Clone() as Solid3d);
            StrapWithLocker.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Vector3d(-(WatchData.BodyDiameter + WatchData.BootstrapLength + (Length / 4) - 0.5), 0, 0)));

            //возвращаем модель ремешка

Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Построить 3д солид-модель
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="WatchData">Параметры часов</param>
        /// <returns>3Д - солид модель</returns>
        public Solid3d BuildCrown(WatchData WatchData)
            //заводная головка
            Solid3d CrownPart = new Solid3d();

            CrownPart.CreateFrustum(Height, Diameter, Diameter, Diameter);

            //низ заводной головки
            Solid3d CrownBottom = new Solid3d();

            CrownBottom.CreateFrustum(1, Diameter, Diameter, Diameter - _pararameters[ParNames.CrownBottomHeight]);
            CrownBottom.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Point3d(0, 0, Height / _pararameters[ParNames.CrownTransformByZ] + _pararameters[ParNames.CrownTopHeight]) - Point3d.Origin));
            CrownPart.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolUnite, CrownBottom.Clone() as Solid3d);

            //вверх зав.головки
            Solid3d CrownTop = new Solid3d();

            CrownBottom.CreateFrustum(_pararameters[ParNames.CrownTopHeight], Diameter - _pararameters[ParNames.CrownTopHeight], Diameter - _pararameters[ParNames.CrownTopHeight], Diameter);
            CrownBottom.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Point3d(0, 0, -Height / _pararameters[ParNames.CrownTransformByZ] - 0.25) - Point3d.Origin));
            CrownPart.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolUnite, CrownBottom.Clone() as Solid3d);

            CrownBottom.CreateFrustum(_pararameters[ParNames.CrownTopHeight], Diameter - _pararameters[ParNames.CrownTopHeight], Diameter - _pararameters[ParNames.CrownTopHeight], Diameter - 1);
            CrownBottom.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Point3d(0, 0, -Height / _pararameters[ParNames.CrownTransformByZ] - _pararameters[ParNames.CrownTopHeight]) - Point3d.Origin));
            CrownPart.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolSubtract, CrownBottom.Clone() as Solid3d);

            //вырезаем цилиндры по радиусу зав. головки
            Solid3d CrownCutter = new Solid3d();

            CrownCutter.CreateFrustum(Height + _pararameters[ParNames.CrownBottomHeight], Diameter / _pararameters[ParNames.CrownCutterCount], Diameter / _pararameters[ParNames.CrownCutterCount], Diameter / _pararameters[ParNames.CrownCutterCount]);

            for (int i = 0; i < _pararameters[ParNames.CrownCutterCylinder]; i++)
                CrownCutter.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Vector3d(Diameter * Math.Cos(Math.PI / 12 * i), Diameter * Math.Sin(Math.PI / 12 * i), 0)));
                CrownPart.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolSubtract, CrownCutter.Clone() as Solid3d);
                CrownCutter.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Vector3d(-Diameter * Math.Cos(Math.PI / 12 * i), -Diameter * Math.Sin(Math.PI / 12 * i), 0)));

            CrownPart.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Rotation(Math.PI / 2, new Vector3d(1, 0, 0), Point3d.Origin));
            CrownPart.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Vector3d(0, WatchData.BodyDiameter + Height / _pararameters[ParNames.CrownTransformByZ] + _pararameters[ParNames.CrownBottomHeight], 0)));
        public void CreateBoolSolid()
            // 在内存中创建旋转截面对象.
            Solid3d ent1 = new Solid3d();
            Solid3d ent2 = new Solid3d();

            ent1.CreateBox(100, 60, 40);
            ent2.CreateFrustum(90, 20, 20, 20);
            // 差集操作.
            ent1.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolSubtract, ent2);
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Строим стрелки
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="WatchData">Информация о часах</param>
        /// <returns>модель стрелок</returns>
        private Solid3d BuildArrows(WatchData WatchData)
            Solid3d Arrows = new Solid3d();
            Solid3d Base = new Solid3d();

            //первая часть базы
            Base.CreateFrustum(_params[ParNames.BodyTransformByX] / 2, _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByZ], _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByZ], _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByZ]);
            Base.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Vector3d(0, 0, Height / 2 + _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByX] / 4)));
            Arrows.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolUnite, Base.Clone() as Solid3d);

            //вторая часть бызы
            Base.CreateFrustum(_params[ParNames.BodyTransformByX] / 2, _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByY], _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByY], _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByY]);
            Base.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Vector3d(0, 0, Height / 2 + _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByX] / 4 * 3)));
            Arrows.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolUnite, Base.Clone() as Solid3d);

            //часовая стрелка
            Solid3d Arrow = new Solid3d();

            Arrow.CreateBox(Diameter / 2, _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByY], _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByX] / 4);
            Arrow.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Vector3d(-(Diameter / 4), 0, Height / 2 + _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByX] / 4)));
            double TrueHour = System.DateTime.Now.Hour + ((double)System.DateTime.Now.Minute / 60);

            Arrow.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Rotation(-(Math.PI / 6 * TrueHour), new Vector3d(0, 0, 1), Point3d.Origin));
            Arrows.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolUnite, Arrow.Clone() as Solid3d);

            //минутная стрелка
            Arrow.CreateBox(Diameter / 2 + _params[ParNames.BodyTopTransformByY], _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByX] + _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByX] / 5, _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByX] / 5);
            Arrow.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Vector3d(-(Diameter / 4), 0, Height / 2 + _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByX] / 4 * 3)));
            Arrow.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Rotation(-(Math.PI / 30 * System.DateTime.Now.Minute), new Vector3d(0, 0, 1), Point3d.Origin));
            Arrows.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolUnite, Arrow.Clone() as Solid3d);
            //секундная стрелка
            Arrow.CreateBox(Diameter / 2 + _params[ParNames.BodyBottomHeight], _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByX] / 2, _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByX] / 5);
            Arrow.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Vector3d(-(Diameter / _params[ParNames.BodyTopTransformByX]), 0, Height / 2 + _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByX] + _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByX] / 10)));
            Arrow.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Rotation(-(Math.PI / 30 * System.DateTime.Now.Second), new Vector3d(0, 0, 1), Point3d.Origin));
            Arrows.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolUnite, Arrow.Clone() as Solid3d);

        /// <summary>
        /// 由布尔操作函数创建三维实体
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="boolType">布尔操作类型</param>
        /// <param name="solid3dId1">参与操作的三维实体的Id</param>
        /// <param name="solid3dId2">参与操作的三维实体的Id</param>
        /// <returns>返回创建的三维实体的Id</returns>
        public static bool BoolSolid3dRegion(BooleanOperationType boolType,
                                             ObjectId solid3dId1, ObjectId solid3dId2)
            Database db = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase;
            Editor   ed = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;

            using (Transaction trans = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                    Entity ent1 = trans.GetObject(solid3dId1, OpenMode.ForWrite) as Entity;
                    Entity ent2 = trans.GetObject(solid3dId2, OpenMode.ForWrite) as Entity;

                    if (ent1 == null || ent2 == null)

                    if (ent1 is Solid3d & ent2 is Solid3d)
                        Solid3d solid3dEnt1 = (Solid3d)ent1;
                        Solid3d solid3dEnt2 = (Solid3d)ent2;
                        solid3dEnt1.BooleanOperation(boolType, solid3dEnt2);

                    if (ent1 is Region & ent2 is Region)
                        Region regionEnt1 = (Region)ent1;
                        Region regionEnt2 = (Region)ent2;
                        regionEnt1.BooleanOperation(boolType, regionEnt2);
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Функция отрисовки портов вывода
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="database">База данныйх</param>
        /// <param name="Trans">Транцакция</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">Класс с параметрами построения мотора</param>
        /// <param name="positionPort">Позиция отверстия</param>
        /// <param name="Figure">Обьект класса</param>
        /// <param name="x">Позиция центра по координате Х</param>
        /// <param name="y">Позиция центра по координате Y</param>
        /// <param name="z">Позиция центра по координате Z</param>
        private void Ports(Database database, Transaction trans, MotorParameters parameters, int positionPort, Solid3d figure, double x, double y, double z)
            // Открываем таблицу блоков для чтения
            BlockTable blockTable = trans.GetObject(database.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTable;

            // Открываем таблицу блоков модели для записи
            BlockTableRecord blockTableRecord = trans.GetObject(blockTable[BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace], OpenMode.ForWrite) as BlockTableRecord;

            // Создаем 3D обьект - прямоугольник
            Solid3d port = new Solid3d();

            port.CreateFrustum(_widthFindings * (parameters.CountPorts - positionPort), _diameretPorts / 2, _diameretPorts / 2, _diameretPorts / 2);
            port.ColorIndex = 4;

            // Перемещение и и поворот
            port.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Point3d(x, y, z) - Point3d.Origin));
            Vector3d vRotPort = new Point3d(0, 0, 0).GetVectorTo(new Point3d(0, 1, 0));

            port.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Rotation(Math.PI / 2, vRotPort, new Point3d(x, y, z)));
            trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(port, true);
            figure.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolSubtract, port);
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Функция построения коробки выводов
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="database">База данный объектов </param>
        /// <param name="Trans">Транзакции</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">Класс с параметрами построения мотора</param>
        public void Build(Database database, Transaction trans, MotorParameters parameters)
            int widthFindings  = _widthFindings;
            int lenFindings    = _lenFindings;
            int heightFindings = _heightFindings;

            int countPorts    = _countPorts;
            int diameretPorts = _diameretPorts;

            int lenBox      = parameters.LenBox;
            int diameretBox = parameters.DiameretBox;

            // Коэффициенты трансформации
            double transformationFactorLen    = 1.2;
            double transformationFactorHeight = 0.1;

            // Открываем таблицу блоков для чтения
            BlockTable blockTable = trans.GetObject(database.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTable;

            // Открываем таблицу блоков модели для записи
            BlockTableRecord blockTableRecord = trans.GetObject(blockTable[BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace], OpenMode.ForWrite) as BlockTableRecord;

            // Создаем 3D обьект - прямоугольник
            Solid3d findings = new Solid3d();

            findings.CreateBox(widthFindings, lenFindings, heightFindings);
            findings.ColorIndex = 7;

            // Задаем позицию центра 3D обьекта
            findings.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Point3d(0, -lenBox / 2 + transformationFactorLen * lenFindings / 2, diameretBox / 2 + heightFindings / 2 - transformationFactorHeight * heightFindings) - Point3d.Origin));

            // Добавляем новый обьект в таблицу блоков и отправляем на транзакцию
            trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(findings, true);

            // Параметры
            double cavityWidth  = widthFindings * 0.8;
            double cavityLen    = lenFindings * 0.9;
            double cavityHeight = heightFindings * 0.8;

            // Создать новую фигуру
            Solid3d cavity = new Solid3d();

            cavity.CreateBox(cavityWidth, cavityLen, cavityHeight);
            cavity.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Point3d(0, -lenBox / 2 + transformationFactorLen * lenFindings / 2, diameretBox / 2 + heightFindings / 2 - transformationFactorHeight * heightFindings) - Point3d.Origin));

            // Добавляем новый обьект в таблицу блоков и отправляем на транзакцию
            trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(cavity, true);

            findings.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolSubtract, cavity);

            double coordZ = diameretBox / 2 + heightFindings / 2 - transformationFactorHeight * heightFindings;
            double coordX = widthFindings / 3;

            if (countPorts >= 1)
                double y1 = -lenBox / 2 + (transformationFactorLen * lenFindings / 2 + lenFindings / 3);
                Ports(database, trans, parameters, 0, findings, coordX, y1, coordZ);
            if (countPorts > 2)
                double y2 = -lenBox / 2 + (transformationFactorLen * lenFindings / 2);
                Ports(database, trans, parameters, 2, findings, coordX, y2, coordZ);
            if (countPorts > 4)
                double y3 = -lenBox / 2 + (transformationFactorLen * lenFindings / 2 - lenFindings / 3);
                Ports(database, trans, parameters, 4, findings, -coordX, y3, coordZ);
Exemple #10
        // draw the 3-D drawing
        // nFlag: dimension control
        private void DrawSolidProfile(Plate pl, Point3d p0, int nFlag)
            // Create Container for the curve, the region (face)
            DBObjectCollection curves = new DBObjectCollection();
            // - Collection for the regions
            DBObjectCollection regions = new DBObjectCollection();

            // Solid3d objects
            Solid3d plateSolid = new Solid3d();
            Solid3d rectHole   = new Solid3d();            // Rectangular Hole in the Center

            Point3d[] pt = new Point3d[26];                // geometry helpers
            Line[]    ln = new Line[26];                   // database objects

            // create points
            pt[0]  = p0;
            pt[1]  = new Point3d(p0.X + (pl.dW - pl.R1), p0.Y, p0.Z);
            pt[2]  = new Point3d(p0.X + pl.dW, pl.R1, p0.Z);
            pt[3]  = new Point3d(pt[1].X, pt[2].Y, p0.Z);
            pt[4]  = new Point3d(pt[3].X, pt[3].Y + pl.L9, p0.Z);
            pt[5]  = new Point3d(pt[4].X + pl.L2, pt[4].Y + pl.L8, p0.Z);
            pt[6]  = new Point3d(pt[5].X, pt[5].Y + pl.L7, p0.Z);
            pt[7]  = new Point3d(pt[4].X, pt[6].Y + pl.L6, p0.Z);
            pt[8]  = new Point3d(pt[7].X, pt[7].Y + pl.L5, p0.Z);
            pt[9]  = new Point3d(p0.X + pl.L3, pt[8].Y + pl.L4, p0.Z);
            pt[10] = new Point3d(p0.X, pt[9].Y, p0.Z);

            // symmetry - create points on negative x-axis
            int k = 9;

            for (int i = 11; i < 20; i++)
                pt[i] = new Point3d(-pt[k].X, pt[k].Y, pt[k].Z);

            // create lines and store them into the database
            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                if (i != 1 & i != 18)
                    ln[i]            = new Line(pt[i], pt[(i + 1)]);
                    ln[i].ColorIndex = pl.nColor[CONTOUR];      // 0:index
                else if (i == 1)
                    double st_angle0  = 270 * (Math.PI / 180);
                    double end_angle0 = 0;

                    Arc a0 = new Arc(pt[3], pl.R1, st_angle0, end_angle0);
                    a0.ColorIndex = pl.nColor[CONTOUR];      // 0:index
                else if (i == 18)
                    double st_angle1  = 180 * (Math.PI / 180);
                    double end_angle1 = 270 * (Math.PI / 180);

                    Arc a1 = new Arc(pt[17], pl.R1, st_angle1, end_angle1);
                    a1.ColorIndex = pl.nColor[CONTOUR];      // 0:index

            // Create the Region from the curves
            regions = Region.CreateFromCurves(curves);
            plateSolid.ColorIndex = pl.nColor[CONTOUR];

            // Create the plate without the hole
            plateSolid.Extrude((Region)regions[0], pl.dT, 0.0);

            // draw points for centre hole

            pt[20] = new Point3d(p0.X + pl.R2, pt[3].Y + pl.R2, 0.0);
            pt[21] = new Point3d(pt[20].X, pt[7].Y - pl.R2, 0.0);
            pt[22] = new Point3d(-pt[20].X, pt[7].Y - pl.R2, 0.0);
            pt[23] = new Point3d(-(p0.X + pl.R2), pt[3].Y + pl.R2, 0.0);
            pt[24] = new Point3d(p0.X, pt[20].Y, 0.0);
            pt[25] = new Point3d(p0.X, pt[21].Y, 0.0);

            // draw lines for centre hole
            for (int i = 20; i < 24; i++)
                if (i != 21 & i != 23)
                    ln[i]            = new Line(pt[i], pt[(i + 1)]);
                    ln[i].ColorIndex = pl.nColor[CONTOUR];      // 0:index
                else if (i == 21)
                    double st_angle2  = 0;
                    double end_angle2 = 180 * (Math.PI / 180);

                    Arc a2 = new Arc(pt[25], pl.R2, st_angle2, end_angle2);
                    a2.ColorIndex = pl.nColor[CONTOUR];      // 0:index
                else if (i == 23)
                    double st_angle3  = 180 * (Math.PI / 180);
                    double end_angle3 = 0;

                    Arc a3 = new Arc(pt[24], pl.R2, st_angle3, end_angle3);
                    a3.ColorIndex = pl.nColor[CONTOUR];      // 0:index

            // Create the Region from the curves (Rectangular Hole)
            regions = Region.CreateFromCurves(curves);
            rectHole.Extrude((Region)regions[0], pl.dT, 0.0);
            rectHole.ColorIndex = pl.nColor[HIDDEN];

            // Substract the Hole Solid from the Rectangle
            plateSolid.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolSubtract, rectHole);

            // Add Solids into the Database
Exemple #11
        public void KojtoCAD_3D_TrimPick_up_tr_()
            if (container.Triangles.Count > 0)
                Pair <int, PromptStatus> pa = GlobalFunctions.GetInt(1, "\ntriangle numer:");
                if ((pa.Second != PromptStatus.OK) || (pa.First < 1))
                int      num = pa.First - 1;
                Triangle TR  = container.Triangles[num];

                Pair <int, PromptStatus> pa1 = GlobalFunctions.GetInt(1, "\nNode numer:");
                if ((pa1.Second != PromptStatus.OK) || (pa1.First < 1))

                double x1 = 65.0;
                Pair <double, PromptStatus> pa2 = GlobalFunctions.GetDouble(x1, "\ndistance:");
                if (pa2.Second != PromptStatus.OK)
                x1 = pa2.First;

                //foreach (WorkClasses.Triangle TR in container.Triangles)
                    int[] nodes = TR.GetNodesNumers();

                    List <int> temp = new List <int>();
                    if (nodes[0] != (pa1.First - 1))
                    if (nodes[1] != (pa1.First - 1))
                    if (nodes[2] != (pa1.First - 1))
                    if (temp.Count != 2)
                        MessageBox.Show("Node E R R O R !", "E R R O R");
                    //quaternion Q0 = container.Nodes[nodes[0]].Position;
                    quaternion Q0 = container.Nodes[pa1.First - 1].Position;
                    quaternion Q1 = container.Nodes[temp[0]].Position;
                    quaternion Q2 = container.Nodes[temp[1]].Position;

                    double[] angles       = new double[3];
                    double[] anglesDegree = new double[3];

                    angles[0] = (Q1 - Q0).angTo(Q2 - Q0); anglesDegree[0] = angles[0] * 180.0 / Math.PI;

                    List <ObjectId> ids = new List <ObjectId>();

                    ids.Add(TrimPickUP(pa1.First - 1, TR.GetNumer(), x1, anglesDegree[0]));

                    if (ids.Count > 0)
                        using (Transaction tr = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                            Solid3d ent = tr.GetObject(GlobalFunctions.GetObjectId(TR.upSolidHandle.Second), OpenMode.ForWrite) as Solid3d;
                                Solid3d sol = tr.GetObject(ids[0], OpenMode.ForWrite) as Solid3d;
                                for (int i = 1; i < ids.Count; i++)
                                    Solid3d sol_i = tr.GetObject(ids[i], OpenMode.ForWrite) as Solid3d;
                                    sol.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolUnite, sol_i);

                                ent.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolSubtract, sol);
                            catch { }

                MessageBox.Show("\nData Base Empty !\n", "Range Error !", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
        public void MyCommand()
            if (!this.ShowDialog())
            double            num1              = 1.0;
            double            num2              = 0.25;
            double            num3              = this.m * (double)this.z;
            double            da                = (2.0 * num1 + (double)this.z) * this.m;
            double            df                = ((double)this.z - 2.0 * num1 - 2.0 * num2) * this.m;
            double            db                = num3 * Math.Cos(this.a * Math.PI / 180.0);
            Point3d           point             = this.GetPoint();
            DateTime          now1              = DateTime.Now;
            Circle            circle1           = new Circle(point, Vector3d.get_ZAxis(), db / 2.0);
            Circle            cir1              = new Circle(point, Vector3d.get_ZAxis(), da / 2.0);
            Circle            circle2           = new Circle(point, Vector3d.get_ZAxis(), df / 2.0);
            Circle            pitchCircle       = new Circle(point, Vector3d.get_ZAxis(), num3 / 2.0);
            Point3dCollection point3dCollection = new Point3dCollection();
            Polyline3d        evolent1          = this.CreatEvolent(point, da, db, cir1);
            Polyline3d        evolent2          = this.MirrorEvolent(evolent1, pitchCircle, point);
            Arc  arc   = this.CreatArc(point, evolent1, evolent2);
            Line line1 = new Line(point, ((Curve)evolent1).get_StartPoint());
            Line line2 = new Line(point, ((Curve)evolent2).get_StartPoint());
            DBObjectCollection objectCollection1 = new DBObjectCollection();

            DBObjectCollection objectCollection2 = new DBObjectCollection();

            Entity[] entityArray = this.ArrayPolar((Entity)(Region.CreateFromCurves(objectCollection1).get_Item(0) as Region), point, this.z, 2.0 * Math.PI);
            Region region1 = Region.CreateFromCurves(objectCollection1).get_Item(0) as Region;

            foreach (Entity entity in entityArray)
                Region region2 = entity as Region;
                if (DisposableWrapper.op_Inequality((DisposableWrapper)region2, (DisposableWrapper)null))
                    region1.BooleanOperation((BooleanOperationType)0, region2);
            Circle circle3 = new Circle(point, Vector3d.get_ZAxis(), 0.15 * (df - 10.0));

            DBObjectCollection fromCurves = Region.CreateFromCurves(objectCollection1);

            region1.BooleanOperation((BooleanOperationType)2, fromCurves.get_Item(0) as Region);
            Solid3d solid3d = new Solid3d();

            solid3d.Extrude(region1, this.h, 0.0);
            solid3d.BooleanOperation((BooleanOperationType)2, this.NewBox(point, this.h, df));
            if (this.doDemo == "Y")
                this.AddEntityToModelSpace((Entity)(((RXObject)region1).Clone() as Region));
                Thread.Sleep(this.delay * 5);
            DateTime now2 = DateTime.Now;

            this.ed.WriteMessage("\n耗时{0}。", new object[1]
                (object)this.Elapsed(now1, now2)
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Построить модель корпуса
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="WatchData">параметры часов</param>
        /// <returns>3д модель корпуса</returns>
        private Solid3d BuildBody(WatchData WatchData)
            //корпус часов
            Solid3d Body = new Solid3d();

            Body.CreateFrustum(Height, Diameter, Diameter, Diameter);

            //Верхняя часть корпуса
            Solid3d BodyTop = new Solid3d();

            BodyTop.CreateFrustum(_params[ParNames.BodyTransformByY], Diameter, Diameter, Diameter - _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByZ]);
            BodyTop.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Point3d(0, 0, Height / _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByY] + _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByX]) - Point3d.Origin));
            Body.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolUnite, BodyTop.Clone() as Solid3d);

            //Нижняя часть корпуса
            Solid3d BodyBottom = new Solid3d();

            BodyBottom.CreateFrustum(_params[ParNames.BodyTransformByX], Diameter - _params[ParNames.BodyTopTransformByY], Diameter - _params[ParNames.BodyTopTransformByY], Diameter - _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByY]);
            BodyBottom.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Point3d(0, 0, -(Height / 2 + _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByX] / 2)) - Point3d.Origin));
            Body.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolUnite, BodyBottom.Clone() as Solid3d);

            //Вырез на корпусе, сверху
            BodyTop = new Solid3d();
            BodyTop.CreateFrustum(_params[ParNames.BodyTransformByY], Diameter - _params[ParNames.BodyBottomTransformByX], Diameter - _params[ParNames.BodyBottomTransformByX], Diameter - _params[ParNames.BodyTopTransformByY]);
            BodyTop.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Point3d(0, 0, Height / _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByY] + _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByX]) - Point3d.Origin));
            Body.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolSubtract, BodyTop.Clone() as Solid3d);

            //ушки на корпусе
            Solid3d Bootstrap = new Solid3d();

            Bootstrap.CreateBox(BootstrapLength * _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByY] + Diameter * _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByY], _params[ParNames.BodyTopTransformByY], _params[ParNames.BodyTopTransformByY]);
            Vector3d BootsrapPosition;
            Solid3d  ArcPart = new Solid3d();

            ArcPart.CreateFrustum(_params[ParNames.BodyTopTransformByY], _params[ParNames.BodyTopTransformByY] / 2, _params[ParNames.BodyTopTransformByY] / 2, _params[ParNames.BodyTopTransformByY] / 2);
            ArcPart.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Rotation(Math.PI / 2, new Vector3d(1, 0, 0), Point3d.Origin));
            ArcPart.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Vector3d(Diameter + BootstrapLength, 0, 0)));

            //Держатели на ушках
            Solid3d StrapHolder = new Solid3d();

            StrapHolder.CreateFrustum(WatchData.StrapWidth + _params[ParNames.BodyTopTransformByX], _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByX] / _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByY], _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByX] / _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByY], _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByX] / _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByY]);
            StrapHolder.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Rotation(Math.PI / _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByY], new Vector3d(1, 0, 0), Point3d.Origin));
            StrapHolder.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Vector3d(Diameter + BootstrapLength, -WatchData.StrapWidth / 2 - _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByY], 0)));
            ArcPart.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolUnite, StrapHolder.Clone() as Solid3d);
            Bootstrap.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolUnite, ArcPart.Clone() as Solid3d);

            //сглаженные углы на ушках
            ArcPart.CreateFrustum(_params[ParNames.BodyTopTransformByY], _params[ParNames.BodyTopTransformByY] / _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByY], _params[ParNames.BodyTopTransformByY] / 2, _params[ParNames.BodyTopTransformByY] / 2);
            ArcPart.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Rotation(Math.PI / _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByY], new Vector3d(1, 0, 0), Point3d.Origin));
            ArcPart.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Vector3d(-(Diameter + BootstrapLength), 0, 0)));

            StrapHolder.CreateFrustum(WatchData.StrapWidth + _params[ParNames.BodyTopTransformByX], _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByX] / 2, _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByX] / 2, _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByX] / 2);
            StrapHolder.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Rotation(Math.PI / 2, new Vector3d(1, 0, 0), Point3d.Origin));
            StrapHolder.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Vector3d(-(Diameter + BootstrapLength), -WatchData.StrapWidth / 2 - _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByY], 0)));
            ArcPart.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolUnite, StrapHolder.Clone() as Solid3d);

            Bootstrap.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolUnite, ArcPart.Clone() as Solid3d);
            BootsrapPosition = new Vector3d(0, WatchData.StrapWidth / _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByY] + _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByZ], 0);

            Body.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolUnite, Bootstrap.Clone() as Solid3d);
            Bootstrap = new Solid3d();
            Bootstrap.CreateBox(BootstrapLength * _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByY] + Diameter * _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByY], _params[ParNames.BodyTopTransformByY], _params[ParNames.BodyTopTransformByY]);

            ArcPart = new Solid3d();
            ArcPart.CreateFrustum(_params[ParNames.BodyTopTransformByY], _params[ParNames.BodyTopTransformByY] / 2, _params[ParNames.BodyTopTransformByY] / _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByY], _params[ParNames.BodyTopTransformByY] / _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByY]);
            ArcPart.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Rotation(Math.PI / _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByY], new Vector3d(1, 0, 0), Point3d.Origin));
            ArcPart.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Vector3d(Diameter + BootstrapLength, 0, 0)));
            Bootstrap.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolUnite, ArcPart.Clone() as Solid3d);
            ArcPart.CreateFrustum(_params[ParNames.BodyTopTransformByY], _params[ParNames.BodyTopTransformByY] / _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByY], _params[ParNames.BodyTopTransformByY] / 2, _params[ParNames.BodyTopTransformByY] / _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByY]);
            ArcPart.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Rotation(Math.PI / _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByY], new Vector3d(1, 0, 0), Point3d.Origin));
            ArcPart.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Vector3d(-(Diameter + BootstrapLength), 0, 0)));
            Bootstrap.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolUnite, ArcPart.Clone() as Solid3d);
            BootsrapPosition = new Vector3d(0, -(WatchData.StrapWidth / _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByY] + _params[ParNames.BodyTransformByZ]), 0);

            //соеденяем все вместе
            Body.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolUnite, Bootstrap.Clone() as Solid3d);

            //если есть хронограф, то выполняем
            if (HasChronograph)
                //первая кнопка хронографа
                Solid3d ChronoButtonTop = new Solid3d();
                ChronoButtonTop.CreateFrustum(_params[ParNames.BodyTopTransformByX], _params[ParNames.BodyTopTransformByX], _params[ParNames.BodyTopTransformByX], _params[ParNames.BodyTopTransformByX]);

                ChronoButtonTop.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Rotation(Math.PI / 2, new Vector3d(1, 0, 0), Point3d.Origin));
                ChronoButtonTop.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Vector3d(0, Diameter, 0)));
                ChronoButtonTop.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Rotation(Math.PI / 6, new Vector3d(0, 0, 1), Point3d.Origin));
                Body.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolUnite, ChronoButtonTop.Clone() as Solid3d);

                //вторая кнопка хронографа
                Solid3d ChronoButtonBottom = new Solid3d();
                ChronoButtonBottom.CreateFrustum(_params[ParNames.BodyTopTransformByY], _params[ParNames.BodyTopTransformByY], _params[ParNames.BodyTopTransformByY], _params[ParNames.BodyTopTransformByY]);
                ChronoButtonBottom.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Rotation(Math.PI / 2, new Vector3d(1, 0, 0), Point3d.Origin));
                ChronoButtonBottom.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Vector3d(0, Diameter, 0)));
                ChronoButtonBottom.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Rotation(-Math.PI / 6, new Vector3d(0, 0, 1), Point3d.Origin));
                Body.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolUnite, ChronoButtonBottom.Clone() as Solid3d);

        public void Test()
            Document acDoc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;

            Database acCurDb = acDoc.Database;

            Editor acEd = acDoc.Editor;

            using (Transaction acTrans = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                var blkTbl = acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTable;

                var mdlSpc = acTrans.GetObject(blkTbl[BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace], OpenMode.ForWrite) as BlockTableRecord;

                /* var ent3dArray = Enumerable.Range(0, 8).Select(i => new Solid3d()).ToArray();
                 * var box = ent3dArray[0];
                 * box.CreateBox(1, 2, 3);
                 * //圆锥/圆柱
                 * var fru = ent3dArray[1];
                 * fru.CreateFrustum(3, 1, 1, 0);
                 * //台体
                 * var pyr = ent3dArray[2];
                 * pyr.CreatePyramid(3, 5, 2, 1);
                 * var sph = ent3dArray[3];
                 * sph.CreateSphere(2);
                 * var tor = ent3dArray[4];
                 * tor.CreateTorus(2, 0.5);
                 * var wdg = ent3dArray[5];
                 * wdg.CreateWedge(1, 2, 3);
                 * var poly = new Polyline();
                 * poly.AddVertexAt(poly.NumberOfVertices, Point2d.Origin - Vector2d.XAxis, 0, 0, 0);
                 * poly.AddVertexAt(poly.NumberOfVertices, Point2d.Origin + Vector2d.XAxis, 0, 0, 0);
                 * poly.AddVertexAt(poly.NumberOfVertices, Point2d.Origin + Vector2d.YAxis, 0, 0, 0);
                 * poly.Closed = true;
                 * var reg=Region.CreateFromCurves(new DBObjectCollection() { poly })[0] as Region;
                 * var ext1 = ent3dArray[6];
                 * ext1.Extrude(reg, 6, 0);
                 * var ext2 = ent3dArray[7];
                 * ext2.Revolve(reg, Point3d.Origin + Vector3d.XAxis, Vector3d.YAxis, Math.PI * 2);
                 * foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(0,8))
                 * {
                 *   var ent3d = ent3dArray[i];
                 *   ent3d.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement((Vector3d.XAxis * 10).RotateBy(i * Math.PI / 4, Vector3d.ZAxis)));
                 *   mdlSpc.AppendEntity(ent3d);
                 *   acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(ent3d, true);
                 * }*/

                var unit0 = new Solid3d();
                unit0.CreateBox(2, 2, 0.2);
                unit0.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(Vector3d.ZAxis * 0.1));

                using (var unit1 = new Solid3d())
                    unit1.CreateFrustum(3, 0.9, 0.9, 0);
                    unit1.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(Vector3d.ZAxis * 1.7));

                    unit0.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolUnite, unit1);

                using (var unit2 = new Solid3d())
                    unit2.CreateFrustum(3, 0.9, 0.9, 0);
                    unit2.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(Vector3d.ZAxis * 1.5));
                    unit0.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolSubtract, unit2);

                using (var unit3 = new Solid3d())
                    unit3.CreateFrustum(2, 0.6, 0.6, 0);
                    unit3.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(Vector3d.ZAxis * 1));
                    unit0.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolUnite, unit3);

                var brep = new Brep(unit0);


                acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(unit0, true);

Exemple #15
        public void interferenceSolids()
            Document doc = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
            Database db  = doc.Database;

            using (Transaction trans = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                    BlockTable blkTable = trans.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTable;
                    if (blkTable == null)

                    BlockTableRecord blkTableRecord = trans.GetObject(blkTable[BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace], OpenMode.ForWrite) as BlockTableRecord;
                    if (blkTableRecord == null)

                    using (Solid3d solid3DBox = new Solid3d())
                        // 3D Solid Box.
                        solid3DBox.CreateBox(5, 7, 10);
                        solid3DBox.ColorIndex = 7;

                        // Position of the center of solid3DBox at (5, 5, 0)
                        solid3DBox.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Point3d(5, 5, 0) - Point3d.Origin));

                        //trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(solid3DBox, true);

                        // 3D Solid Cylinder.
                        using (Solid3d solid3DCylinder = new Solid3d())
                            solid3DCylinder.CreateFrustum(20, 5, 5, 5);
                            solid3DCylinder.ColorIndex = 4;

                            //trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(solid3DCylinder, true);

                            // Create 3D solid from the interference of the box and cylinder.
                            //Solid3d solid3dCopy = solid3DCylinder.Clone() as Solid3d;

                            //if (solid3dCopy.CheckInterference(solid3DBox) == true)
                            //    solid3dCopy.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolSubtract, solid3DBox.Clone() as Solid3d);
                            //    solid3dCopy.ColorIndex = 1;

                            //// add solid3dCopy to the block table record.
                            //trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(solid3dCopy, true);

                            Solid3d solid3dCopyCylinder = solid3DCylinder.Clone() as Solid3d;

                            if (solid3dCopyCylinder.CheckInterference(solid3DBox) == true)
                                solid3dCopyCylinder.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolIntersect, solid3DBox);
                                solid3dCopyCylinder.ColorIndex = 3;

                            trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(solid3dCopyCylinder, true);

                catch (System.Exception)
Exemple #16
        public static Point3d DistFromPointToSolid(
            ref Document doc, ref Solid3d solid, Point3d point, double start, double step, ref double off, bool line)
            var rez = new Point3d();

            using (var acTrans = doc.Database.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                var acBlkTbl = (BlockTable)acTrans.GetObject(doc.Database.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForWrite);

                var acBlkTblRec = (BlockTableRecord)acTrans.GetObject(acBlkTbl[BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace], OpenMode.ForWrite);

                var SOLID = (Solid3d)solid.Clone();
                acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(SOLID, true);

                var startR = start <= 0 ? step : start;

                var sphere = new Solid3d();
                acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(sphere, true);

                while (sphere.CheckInterference(solid) == false)
                        off += step;

                if (line)
                    var counter = 0;

                    sphere.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolIntersect, SOLID);
                    var dbo = new DBObjectCollection();

                    var coll       = new Point3dCollection();
                    var curvesColl = new DBObjectCollection();

                    var ent = dbo[0] as Entity;
                    if (ent.GetType().ToString().IndexOf("Surface") > 0)
                        var surf =
                            ent as Surface;
                        var ns = surf.ConvertToNurbSurface();
                        foreach (var nurb in ns)
                            double ustart   = nurb.UKnots.StartParameter,
                                     uend   = nurb.UKnots.EndParameter,
                                     uinc   = (uend - ustart) / nurb.UKnots.Count,
                                     vstart = nurb.VKnots.StartParameter,
                                     vend   = nurb.VKnots.EndParameter,
                                     vinc   = (vend - vstart) / nurb.VKnots.Count;

                            for (var u = ustart; u <= uend; u += uinc)
                                for (var v = vstart; v <= vend; v += vinc)
                                    coll.Add(nurb.Evaluate(u, v));
                        if (counter < 1)
                            var sub = new DBObjectCollection();
                            foreach (Entity entt in sub)
                                acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(entt, true);
                        var surf = (Region)ent;
                        var p1   = surf.GeometricExtents.MaxPoint;
                        var p2   = surf.GeometricExtents.MinPoint;
                        var p    = new Point3d((p1.X + p2.X) / 2.0, (p1.Y + p2.Y) / 2.0, (p1.Z + p2.Z) / 2.0);
                        var sub = new DBObjectCollection();
                        foreach (Entity entt in sub)
                            acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(entt, true);

                    foreach (DBObject ob in curvesColl)
                        var curve = (Curve)acTrans.GetObject(ob.Id, OpenMode.ForRead);
                        var p1    = curve.StartPoint;
                        var p2    = curve.EndPoint;
                        var p     = new Point3d((p1.X + p2.X) / 2.0, (p1.Y + p2.Y) / 2.0, (p1.Z + p2.Z) / 2.0);


                    if (coll.Count > 0)
                        rez = coll[0];
                        foreach (Point3d p in coll)
                            if (p.DistanceTo(point) < rez.DistanceTo(point))
                                rez = p;
                        rez = point;
                // acTrans.Commit();
Exemple #17
 /// <summary>
 /// 三维实体布尔运算
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="solid1"></param>
 /// <param name="solid2"></param>
 /// <param name="type"></param>
 public static Solid3d BooleanOper(Solid3d solid1, Solid3d solid2, BooleanOperationType type)
     solid1.BooleanOperation(type, solid2);
Exemple #18
        public void KojtoCAD_3D_TrimPick_up_tr()
            if (container.Triangles.Count > 0)
                Pair <int, PromptStatus> pa = GlobalFunctions.GetInt(1, "\ntriangle numer:");
                if ((pa.Second != PromptStatus.OK) || (pa.First < 1))
                int      num = pa.First - 1;
                Triangle TR  = container.Triangles[num];

                double x1 = 65.0;
                double x2 = 33.0;
                double x3 = 12.0;
                double x4 = 8.0;

                GetDistances(ref x1, ref x2, ref x3, ref x4);

                //foreach (WorkClasses.Triangle TR in container.Triangles)
                    int[] nodes = TR.GetNodesNumers();

                    quaternion Q0 = container.Nodes[nodes[0]].Position;
                    quaternion Q1 = container.Nodes[nodes[1]].Position;
                    quaternion Q2 = container.Nodes[nodes[2]].Position;

                    double[] angles       = new double[3];
                    double[] anglesDegree = new double[3];

                    angles[0] = (Q1 - Q0).angTo(Q2 - Q0); anglesDegree[0] = angles[0] * 180.0 / Math.PI;
                    angles[1] = (Q0 - Q1).angTo(Q2 - Q1); anglesDegree[1] = angles[1] * 180.0 / Math.PI;
                    angles[2] = (Q0 - Q2).angTo(Q1 - Q2); anglesDegree[2] = angles[2] * 180.0 / Math.PI;

                    List <ObjectId> ids = new List <ObjectId>();

                    if (anglesDegree[0] <= 12.5)
                        ids.Add(TrimPickUP(nodes[0], TR.GetNumer(), x1, anglesDegree[0]));
                    if ((anglesDegree[0] > 12.5) && (anglesDegree[0] <= 20.0))
                        ids.Add(TrimPickUP(nodes[0], TR.GetNumer(), x2, anglesDegree[0]));
                    if ((anglesDegree[0] > 20.0) && (anglesDegree[0] <= 35.0))
                        ids.Add(TrimPickUP(nodes[0], TR.GetNumer(), x3, anglesDegree[0]));
                    if ((anglesDegree[0] > 35.0) && (anglesDegree[0] <= 45.0))
                        ids.Add(TrimPickUP(nodes[0], TR.GetNumer(), x4, anglesDegree[0]));

                    if (anglesDegree[1] <= 12.5)
                        ids.Add(TrimPickUP(nodes[1], TR.GetNumer(), x1, anglesDegree[1]));
                    if ((anglesDegree[1] > 12.5) && (anglesDegree[1] <= 20.0))
                        ids.Add(TrimPickUP(nodes[1], TR.GetNumer(), x2, anglesDegree[1]));
                    if ((anglesDegree[1] > 20.0) && (anglesDegree[1] <= 35.0))
                        ids.Add(TrimPickUP(nodes[1], TR.GetNumer(), x3, anglesDegree[1]));
                    if ((anglesDegree[1] > 35.0) && (anglesDegree[1] <= 45.0))
                        ids.Add(TrimPickUP(nodes[1], TR.GetNumer(), x4, anglesDegree[1]));

                    if (anglesDegree[2] <= 12.5)
                        ids.Add(TrimPickUP(nodes[2], TR.GetNumer(), x1, anglesDegree[2]));
                    if ((anglesDegree[2] > 12.5) && (anglesDegree[2] <= 20.0))
                        ids.Add(TrimPickUP(nodes[2], TR.GetNumer(), x2, anglesDegree[2]));
                    if ((anglesDegree[2] > 20.0) && (anglesDegree[2] <= 35.0))
                        ids.Add(TrimPickUP(nodes[2], TR.GetNumer(), x3, anglesDegree[2]));
                    if ((anglesDegree[2] > 35.0) && (anglesDegree[2] <= 45.0))
                        ids.Add(TrimPickUP(nodes[2], TR.GetNumer(), x4, anglesDegree[2]));

                    if (ids.Count > 0)
                        using (Transaction tr = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                            Solid3d ent = tr.GetObject(GlobalFunctions.GetObjectId(TR.upSolidHandle.Second), OpenMode.ForWrite) as Solid3d;
                                Solid3d sol = tr.GetObject(ids[0], OpenMode.ForWrite) as Solid3d;
                                for (int i = 1; i < ids.Count; i++)
                                    Solid3d sol_i = tr.GetObject(ids[i], OpenMode.ForWrite) as Solid3d;
                                    sol.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolUnite, sol_i);

                                ent.BooleanOperation(BooleanOperationType.BoolSubtract, sol);
                            catch { }

                MessageBox.Show("\nData Base Empty !\n", "Range Error !", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);