Exemple #1
        // POST: api/Board
        public void Post([FromBody] SogoViewModels.Sogo sogo)
            if (sogo.Name == null && sogo.Image == null && sogo.Audio == null)

            _repository.CreateSogo(sogo.Name, sogo.Image, sogo.Audio);
Exemple #2
        // PUT: api/Board/5
        public void Put(int id, [FromBody] SogoViewModels.Sogo sogo)
            if (sogo.Name == null && sogo.Image == null && sogo.Audio == null)

            int audioId = id;

            _repository.UpdateSogo(sogo.Name, sogo.Image, sogo.Audio, audioId);
Exemple #3
        public void DeleteSogo(int audioId)
            ApplicationDbContext db = new ApplicationDbContext();

            SogoViewModels.Sogo sogo = new SogoViewModels.Sogo();

            sogo = db.Images.SqlQuery(@"SELECT *
                     FROM dbo.Images
                         INNER JOIN dbo.Audios
                             ON dbo.Images.Id = dbo.Audios.ImageId
                                WHERE dbo.Audios.Id = @p0", audioId).Select(d => new SogoViewModels.Sogo
                Name = d.Name, //ProfileId, Name, FileName
                Id   = d.ProfileId

            string oldAudioFileName = "FriendBoard/FriendBoard/Audio/" + sogo.Id + sogo.Name + ".wav";
            string oldImageFileName = "FriendBoard/FriendBoard/Images/" + sogo.Id + sogo.Name + ".png";

            db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(@"DELETE FROM dbo.Audios
                    WHERE Id = @p0", audioId);


            db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(@"DELETE FROM dbo.Images
                    WHERE Id = @p0", audioId); //this would be better if you used imageId instead


            //It worked, it actually deleted it
Exemple #4
        public void UpdateSogo(string sogoName, string imageBytes, string audioBytes, int audioId)
            ApplicationDbContext db = new ApplicationDbContext();

            //File io projects need to be C:\Program Files (x86)\IIS Express\

            /*  string startupPath = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
             * string startupPath2 = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
             * int hmm = startupPath.Length;
             * string more = Directory.GetParent(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()).Parent.FullName;
             * string testPath = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(@"..\..\");
             * string winDir = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("FriendBoard");
             * string[] dirs = Directory.GetDirectories(winDir);
             * //change then name of both existing files then update database
             * string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(@"\\Audio\", "*.wav", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
             * var filelist = new DirectoryInfo(@"\\Audio\").GetFiles("*.wav", SearchOption.AllDirectories); */

            SogoViewModels.Sogo sogo = new SogoViewModels.Sogo();

            //get profileID and Name so you know the name of the current file
            //db types
            //how do i find existing file name a: by going to the database first
            sogo = db.Images.SqlQuery(@"SELECT *
                     FROM dbo.Images
                         INNER JOIN dbo.Audios
                             ON dbo.Images.Id = dbo.Audios.ImageId
                                WHERE dbo.Audios.Id = @p0", audioId).Select(d => new SogoViewModels.Sogo
                Name = d.Name, //ProfileId, Name, FileName
                Id   = d.ProfileId

            string oldAudioFileName = "FriendBoard/FriendBoard/Audio/" + sogo.Id + sogo.Name + ".wav";
            string oldImageFileName = "FriendBoard/FriendBoard/Images/" + sogo.Id + sogo.Name + ".jpg";


            //my javascript front will never send a sogo with all three parameters so it's best to just set up if-statements
            if (sogoName != null)
                string newImageFileName = sogoName + ".png";
                string newAudioFileName = sogoName + ".wav";

                db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(@"UPDATE Images
                SET FileName = @p0, Name = @p1
                    WHERE Id = @p2", newImageFileName, sogoName, audioId);

                db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(@"UPDATE Audios
                SET FileName = @p0
                    WHERE Id = @p1", newAudioFileName, audioId);


                newImageFileName = sogo.Id + newImageFileName;
                newAudioFileName = sogo.Id + newAudioFileName;

                File.Move(oldAudioFileName, newAudioFileName);
                File.Move(oldImageFileName, newImageFileName);
            else if (imageBytes != null) //Don't need to talk to database
                //remove existing file and create new or update existing (simply replace byte content)
                //We need more customization, right now, I'll override existing names with null by accident
                string filePath = oldImageFileName;
                imageBytes = imageBytes.Replace(' ', '+');

                File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, Convert.FromBase64String(imageBytes));
            else //Don't need to talk to database
                string filePath = oldAudioFileName;
                audioBytes = audioBytes.Replace(' ', '+');
                File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, Convert.FromBase64String(audioBytes));