public Cmd_CopyBufferToImage(SoftwareBuffer srcBuffer, SoftwareImage dstImage, VkImageLayout dstImageLayout, int regionCount, VkBufferImageCopy[] pRegions)
     this.m_srcBuffer      = srcBuffer;
     this.m_dstImage       = dstImage;
     this.m_dstImageLayout = dstImageLayout;
     this.m_regionCount    = regionCount;
     this.m_pRegions       = pRegions;
 private VkResult InternalPresentDibBitmap(SoftwareImage image, Form form)
     m_BitmapRenderTarget.WritePixels(image.m_imageData, 0);
     using (Graphics target = form.CreateGraphics())
Exemple #3
        public static T SampleEquirectangularMap <T>(SoftwareImage <T> image, Vector3 dir) where T : unmanaged
            var th = Math.Atan2(dir.Y, dir.X) / Math.PI / 2;

            if (th < 0)
                th += 1;
            var u  = (float)(th * image.Width);
            var xy = Math.Sqrt(dir.X * dir.X + dir.Y * dir.Y);
            var v  = (float)(Math.Atan2(xy, dir.Z) / Math.PI * image.Height);

            return(SampleLinear(image, u, v));
Exemple #4
        public SoftwareImage <T> Generate()
            const float ratio = 0.25f;
            var         tr    = Image.PixelTransformer;
            var         ret   = new SoftwareImage <T>(Image.Width / 2, Image.Height / 2, tr);

            for (int y = 0; y < Image.Height; ++y)
                for (int x = 0; x < Image.Width; ++x)
                    ref var p = ref ret.GetPixel(x / 2, y / 2);
                    p = tr.Add(p, tr.Scale(Image.GetPixel(x, y), ratio));
        private VkResult InternalPresent(SoftwareImage image, Form form)
            switch (m_SurfacePresentMode)
            case FormSurfacePresentMode.GraphicsDrawUnscaled:
                return(InternalDrawUnscaled(image, form));

            case FormSurfacePresentMode.DibBitmapBitBlt:
                return(InternalPresentDibBitmap(image, form));

                throw new NotImplementedException();
        public VkResult PresentImage(SoftwareImage image, VkExtent2D imageExtent)
            var form = m_Form;

            if (form == null || form.IsDisposed)

            VkResult result;

            if ((imageExtent.width != m_CurrentSurfaceExtents.width) || (imageExtent.height != m_CurrentSurfaceExtents.height))
                InternalDrawUnscaled(image, form);

             * if ((imageExtent.width < m_CurrentExtents.width) || (imageExtent.height < m_CurrentExtents.height))
             * {
             *      return VkResult.VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DATE_KHR;
             * } */

            if (form.InvokeRequired)
                result = (VkResult)form.Invoke((Func <VkResult>)(() =>
                    return(InternalPresent(image, form));
                result = InternalPresent(image, form);

            if ((imageExtent.width != m_CurrentSurfaceExtents.width) || (imageExtent.height != m_CurrentSurfaceExtents.height))
                if (result == VkResult.VK_SUCCESS)
                    result = VkResult.VK_SUBOPTIMAL_KHR;

Exemple #7
        public SoftwareImage <T>[] Generate(int newSize)
            var faces = new SoftwareImage <T> [6];

            faces[0] = new SoftwareImage <T>(newSize, newSize, _image.PixelTransformer);
            faces[1] = new SoftwareImage <T>(newSize, newSize, _image.PixelTransformer);
            faces[2] = new SoftwareImage <T>(newSize, newSize, _image.PixelTransformer);
            faces[3] = new SoftwareImage <T>(newSize, newSize, _image.PixelTransformer);
            faces[4] = new SoftwareImage <T>(newSize, newSize, _image.PixelTransformer);
            faces[5] = new SoftwareImage <T>(newSize, newSize, _image.PixelTransformer);

            var p    = faces[0].PixelTransformer;
            var rand = new Random();

            for (int z = 0; z < 6; ++z)
                for (int y = 0; y < newSize; ++y)
                    for (int x = 0; x < newSize; ++x)
                        ////1. calculate center and a radius
                        ////2. randomly generate samples within that radus
                        ////   use stratify method and jittering
                        ////3. check whether the sample is in the pixel (by scaling the already known maximum dimension to 1)
                        ////4. if check succeeds, write the point sample to destination
                        var center  = SkyboxHelper.CubeToDir(newSize, x, y, z);
                        var r       = (float)Math.Atan(0.5 / newSize);
                        var sampler = new CircleDirectionalSampler(rand, center, r, 4);
                        T   total   = default;
                        for (int sample = 0; sample < sampler.SampleCount; ++sample)
                            var sampleDir = sampler.Sample(sample);
                            var color     = SkyboxHelper.SampleEquirectangularMap(_image, sampleDir);
                            total = p.Add(total, color);
                        faces[z].GetPixel(x, y) = p.Scale(total, 1f / sampler.SampleCount);
Exemple #8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Convert skybox texture.
                SoftwareImage <R32G32B32A32F> image = HdrImageLoader.Read(TestSceneResource("473-free-hdri-skies-com.hdr"));
                    var cubeImages = new SkyboxUniformCircleFilter <R32G32B32A32F>(image).Generate(32);
                    SoftwareImage <R32G32B32A32F> .WriteSRDFileCube(TestSceneCompiled("sphere_cube_specular.srd"), cubeImages);
                    var s1 = new HalfSize <R32G32B32A32F>(image).Generate();
                    s1    = new HalfSize <R32G32B32A32F>(s1).Generate();
                    s1    = new HalfSize <R32G32B32A32F>(s1).Generate();
                    s1    = new HalfSize <R32G32B32A32F>(s1).Generate();
                    s1    = new HalfSize <R32G32B32A32F>(s1).Generate();
                    image = s1;
                    var cubeImages = new SkyboxLambertianDiffuseFilter <R32G32B32A32F>(image).Generate(16, 64);
                    for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
                        cubeImages[i] = new HalfSize <R32G32B32A32F>(cubeImages[i]).Generate();
                        cubeImages[i] = new HalfSize <R32G32B32A32F>(cubeImages[i]).Generate();
                    SoftwareImage <R32G32B32A32F> .WriteSRDFileCube(TestSceneCompiled("sphere_cube_diffuse.srd"), cubeImages);

            //Generate model.
                var model = Sphere.Generate();
                model.WriteSRD(TestSceneCompiled("sphere.vb"), TestSceneCompiled("sphere.ib"));
                var model = ObjModelLoader.Load(TestSceneResource("bunny.obj.dat"));
                model.WriteSRD(TestSceneCompiled("bunny.vb"), TestSceneCompiled("bunny.ib"));
        public VkResult InternalDrawUnscaled(SoftwareImage source, Control destination)
            VkResult    result       = VkResult.VK_SUCCESS;
            PixelFormat pixelFormat  = PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb;
            int         sourceWidth  = source.GetWidth();
            int         sourceHeight = source.GetHeight();
            int         pixelSize    = 4;

            using (Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(sourceWidth, sourceHeight, pixelFormat))
                Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, sourceWidth, sourceHeight);

                var bitmapData = bitmap.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, pixelFormat);

                if (bitmapData.Stride == (bitmapData.Width * pixelSize))
                    int arrayElements = bitmapData.Width * bitmapData.Height;
                    Marshal.Copy(source.m_imageData, 0, bitmapData.Scan0, arrayElements);
                    for (int y = 0; y < sourceHeight; y++)
                        int sourceIndex = y * sourceWidth;
                        int destIndex   = y * bitmapData.Stride;
                        Marshal.Copy(source.m_imageData, sourceIndex, bitmapData.Scan0 + destIndex, sourceWidth);


                using (Graphics target = destination.CreateGraphics())
                    target.DrawImageUnscaled(bitmap, 0, 0);

Exemple #10
        private static T SampleLinear <T>(SoftwareImage <T> image, float x, float y) where T : unmanaged
            float rx  = x - 0.5f;
            float ry  = y - 0.5f;
            int   x0  = (int)Math.Floor(rx);
            int   y0  = (int)Math.Floor(ry);
            int   x1  = x0 + 1;
            int   y1  = y0 + 1;
            float tx  = rx - x0;
            float ty  = ry - y0;
            var   c00 = GetImagePixel(image, x0, y0);
            var   c10 = GetImagePixel(image, x1, y0);
            var   c01 = GetImagePixel(image, x0, y1);
            var   c11 = GetImagePixel(image, x1, y1);

            var p  = image.PixelTransformer;
            var cc = p.Scale(c00, (1 - tx) * (1 - ty));

            cc = p.Add(cc, p.Scale(c10, tx * (1 - ty)));
            cc = p.Add(cc, p.Scale(c01, (1 - tx) * ty));
            cc = p.Add(cc, p.Scale(c11, tx * ty));
        public SoftwareImage <T>[] Generate(int newSize, int nSample)
            var faces = new SoftwareImage <T> [6];

            faces[0] = new SoftwareImage <T>(newSize, newSize, _image.PixelTransformer);
            faces[1] = new SoftwareImage <T>(newSize, newSize, _image.PixelTransformer);
            faces[2] = new SoftwareImage <T>(newSize, newSize, _image.PixelTransformer);
            faces[3] = new SoftwareImage <T>(newSize, newSize, _image.PixelTransformer);
            faces[4] = new SoftwareImage <T>(newSize, newSize, _image.PixelTransformer);
            faces[5] = new SoftwareImage <T>(newSize, newSize, _image.PixelTransformer);

            var p    = faces[0].PixelTransformer;
            var rand = new Random();

            for (int z = 0; z < 6; ++z)
                for (int y = 0; y < newSize; ++y)
                    for (int x = 0; x < newSize; ++x)
                        var center = SkyboxHelper.CubeToDir(newSize, x, y, z);
                        center = Vector3.Normalize(center);

                        var sampler = new SphereDirectionalSampler(rand, center, (float)Math.PI / 2, nSample);
                        T   total   = default;
                        for (int sample = 0; sample < sampler.SampleCount; ++sample)
                            var sampleDir = sampler.Sample(sample);
                            var color     = SkyboxHelper.SampleEquirectangularMap(_image, sampleDir);
                            total = p.Add(total, p.Scale(color, Vector3.Dot(center, sampleDir)));
                        faces[z].GetPixel(x, y) = p.Scale(total, 1f / sampler.SampleCount / (float)Math.PI);
 public SkyboxLambertianDiffuseFilter(SoftwareImage <T> image)
     _image = image;
Exemple #13
 private static T GetImagePixel <T>(SoftwareImage <T> image, int x, int y) where T : unmanaged
     x = (x + image.Width) % image.Width;
     y = (y + image.Height) % image.Height;
     return(image.GetPixel(x, y));
Exemple #14
 public HalfSize(SoftwareImage <T> image)
     Image = image;
Exemple #15
 public SkyboxUniformCircleFilter(SoftwareImage <T> image)
     _image = image;
Exemple #16
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var normalMap = new SoftwareImage <R32G32B32A32F>(800, 600, new R32G32B32A32FTransformer());

            var viewDirMap = new SoftwareImage <R32G32B32A32F>(800, 600, new R32G32B32A32FTransformer());


            SoftwareImage <R32G32B32A32F> skybox = HdrImageLoader.Read(TestSceneResource("473-free-hdri-skies-com.hdr"));

            SoftwareImage <R32G32B32A32F> skyboxSpecular = skybox;
                skyboxSpecular = new HalfSize <R32G32B32A32F>(skyboxSpecular).Generate();
                skyboxSpecular = new HalfSize <R32G32B32A32F>(skyboxSpecular).Generate();
                skyboxSpecular = new HalfSize <R32G32B32A32F>(skyboxSpecular).Generate();
                skyboxSpecular = new HalfSize <R32G32B32A32F>(skyboxSpecular).Generate();
                skyboxSpecular = new HalfSize <R32G32B32A32F>(skyboxSpecular).Generate();

            SoftwareImage <R32G32B32A32F> skyboxDiffuse = skybox;
                skyboxDiffuse = new HalfSize <R32G32B32A32F>(skyboxDiffuse).Generate();
                skyboxDiffuse = new HalfSize <R32G32B32A32F>(skyboxDiffuse).Generate();
                skyboxDiffuse = new HalfSize <R32G32B32A32F>(skyboxDiffuse).Generate();
                skyboxDiffuse = new HalfSize <R32G32B32A32F>(skyboxDiffuse).Generate();
                skyboxDiffuse = new HalfSize <R32G32B32A32F>(skyboxDiffuse).Generate();
                skyboxDiffuse = new HalfSize <R32G32B32A32F>(skyboxDiffuse).Generate();
                skyboxDiffuse = new HalfSize <R32G32B32A32F>(skyboxDiffuse).Generate();

            var p = skybox.PixelTransformer;

            //System.Drawing.Bitmap does not support concurrent SetPixel. Use our own instead.
            var bitmap = new SoftwareImage <R8G8B8A8>(800, 600, new R8G8B8A8Transformer());

            Parallel.For(0, 600, (int y) =>
                var rand = _rand.Value;
                for (int x = 0; x < 800; ++x)
                    var normal = normalMap.GetPixel(x, y);
                    if (normal.R == 0 && normal.G == 0 && normal.B == 0)
                    var viewDir = viewDirMap.GetPixel(x, y);

                    var n = new Vector3(normal.R, normal.G, normal.B);
                    var e = Vector3.Normalize(-new Vector3(viewDir.R, viewDir.G, viewDir.B));
                    var l = Vector3.Normalize(2 * Vector3.Dot(n, e) * n - e);

                    R32G32B32A32F color = default;

                        //color = p.Add(color, SkyboxHelper.SampleEquirectangularMap(skyboxSpecular, l));

                        const int SpecularSampleCount = 40;
                        var sampler         = new SphereDirectionalSampler(rand, l, (float)Math.PI / 2, SpecularSampleCount);
                        R32G32B32A32F total = default;
                        for (int sample = 0; sample < sampler.SampleCount; ++sample)
                            var sampleDir = sampler.Sample(sample);
                            if (Vector3.Dot(sampleDir, n) < 0)
                            var cc = SkyboxHelper.SampleEquirectangularMap(skyboxSpecular, sampleDir);
                            total  = p.Add(total, p.Scale(cc, Vector3.Dot(n, sampleDir) * (float)BRDF(n, sampleDir, e)));
                        color = p.Add(color, p.Scale(total, 1f / sampler.SampleCount * 5));
                        const int DiffuseSampleCount = 10;
                        var sampler         = new SphereDirectionalSampler(rand, n, (float)Math.PI / 2, DiffuseSampleCount);
                        R32G32B32A32F total = default;
                        for (int sample = 0; sample < sampler.SampleCount; ++sample)
                            var sampleDir = sampler.Sample(sample);
                            var cc        = SkyboxHelper.SampleEquirectangularMap(skyboxDiffuse, sampleDir);
                            total         = p.Add(total, p.Scale(cc, Vector3.Dot(n, sampleDir) / (float)Math.PI));
                        color = p.Add(color, p.Scale(total, 1f / sampler.SampleCount * 0));

                    var rgb = p.ToColor(color);
                    bitmap.GetPixel(x, y) = new R8G8B8A8
                        R = rgb.R,
                        G = rgb.G,
                        B = rgb.B,
                        A = 255,