Exemple #1
        async void ButtonPlayKiosk_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // -- Auto snap feature --
            if (this.mediaCapture == null || !this.isPreviewActive)

            // get media stream properties from the capture device
            VideoEncodingProperties previewProperties = this.mediaCapture.VideoDeviceController.GetMediaStreamProperties(MediaStreamType.VideoPreview) as VideoEncodingProperties;

            for (int i = 0; i < maxFrameCount; ++i)
                // create a single preview frame using the specified format
                VideoFrame videoFrameType = new VideoFrame(BitmapPixelFormat.Bgra8, (int)previewProperties.Width, (int)previewProperties.Height);

                VideoFrame previewFrame = await this.mediaCapture.GetPreviewFrameAsync(videoFrameType);

                SoftwareBitmap previewBitmap = previewFrame.SoftwareBitmap;

                previewFrame = null;

                if (previewBitmap != null)
                    int currImageIndex = (this.lastImageIndex + 1) % this.maxFrameCount;

                    // check if previously captured frame should be released
                    SoftwareBitmap existingBitmap = this.bitmapFrames[currImageIndex];
                    if (existingBitmap != null)

                    // set the current captured bitmap frame
                    this.bitmapFrames[currImageIndex] = previewBitmap;

                    // create image source, needed to assign to xaml Image element
                    SoftwareBitmapSource imageSource = new SoftwareBitmapSource();
                    await imageSource.SetBitmapAsync(previewBitmap);

                    // check if current xaml Image has previous image source associated
                    Image currImage = (Image)this.stackPanelImages.Children[currImageIndex];
                    if (currImage.Source != null)
                        SoftwareBitmapSource releaseImageSource = (SoftwareBitmapSource)currImage.Source;
                        currImage.Source = null;

                    // set current Image element bitmap source
                    currImage.Source = imageSource;

                    // update the last set image index
                    this.lastImageIndex = currImageIndex;

                await WaitMethod(this.frameDuration);
 void CleanImageSource()
     if (_sbs != null)
         image.Source = null;
         _sbs = null;