public Task ExecuteAsync(SocketUserMessage msg, string[] parameters) { Task.Run(async() => { if (Program.Configuration.Instance.Registered.Contains(msg.Author.Mention)) { await msg.Author.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync(); await msg.Author.SendMessageAsync("You have already applied!"); await msg.DeleteAsync(); return; } else { await msg.Author.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync(); await msg.Author.SendMessageAsync("You have been registered!"); Program.Configuration.Instance.Registered.Add(msg.Author.Username); Program.Configuration.Save(); await msg.DeleteAsync(); } }); return(Task.CompletedTask); }
public async Task Exit() { _forcedExit = true; if (lastBotMsg != null) { await lastBotMsg.DeleteAsync(); } }
protected override async Task _MessegeResive(SocketUserMessage message) { bool res = await CheckForCommands(message); if (_IsDeleting || res || !users.Any(x => x.Id == message.Author.Id)) { await message.DeleteAsync(); return; } if (message.Author.Id != SelecedUserID) { await message.DeleteAsync(); return; } if (message.Content.ToLower() == _Word.ToLower()) { _HasGuessed = true; await PrintGame($"Your guess the word, the word was **{_Word}**"); return; } if (message.Content.Length != 1) { await message.DeleteAsync(); return; } timeouts[message.Author.Id] = 0; if (!_HasGuessed) { if (!Regex.IsMatch(message.Content.ToUpper(), @"[A-Zæøå]+")) { await message.DeleteAsync(); return; } GuessLetter(message.Content.ToUpper()[0]); NextUser(); SendMessege($"<@{SelecedUserID}> turn"); } }
public Task ExecuteAsync(SocketUserMessage msg, string[] parameters) { Task.Run(async() => { var randomObject = new Random(); var sentMsg = await msg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Rolling Chamber..."); string msg1 = ""; await Task.Delay(2000); switch (randomObject.Next(1, 6 + 1)) { case 5: msg1 = $"*click* {msg.Author.Mention} Gets to live another day!"; break; default: msg1 = $"**BOOM** {msg.Author.Mention} Will forever be missed!"; break; } var sentMsg1 = await msg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(msg1); await Task.Delay(10000); await sentMsg.DeleteAsync(); await sentMsg1.DeleteAsync(); await msg.DeleteAsync(); }); return(Task.CompletedTask); }
private async Task DeleteMsgAndInfractUser(SocketUserMessage s, string message) { SocketGuildUser target = s.Author as SocketGuildUser; IReadOnlyCollection <SocketMessage> nearbyMessages = s.Channel.GetCachedMessages(s, Direction.Before, 1); SocketUserMessage linkMessage = nearbyMessages.Any() ? nearbyMessages.Last() as SocketUserMessage : s; string url = linkMessage.GetJumpUrl(); // Delete message before creating infractions and notifying moderators because // if something fails during infraction creation or notifying the moderators we // are at least certain the message got deleted. await s.DeleteAsync(); _moderationService.AddInfraction(target, Infraction.Create(_moderationService.RequestInfractionID()) .WithType(InfractionType.Warning) .WithModerator(_discord.CurrentUser) .WithAdditionalInfo($"[Go near message]({url})\n**{message}**") .WithDescription("Used filtered word")); await _loggingService.CreateEntry(ModerationLogEntry.New .WithActionType(ModerationActionType.Filtered) .WithTarget(target) .WithReason($"[Go near message]({url})\n**{message}**") .WithTime(DateTimeOffset.Now) .WithModerator(_discord.CurrentUser)); NotifyUser(s); }
private async Task HandleIntroMessage(SocketUserMessage message) { var guild = (message.Channel as SocketGuildChannel)?.Guild; if (guild == null) { return; } var introChannel = await _database.GetValue <ulong>(Keys.IntroductionChannel(guild)); if (!introChannel.HasValue || introChannel.Value != message.Channel.Id) { return; } var introKey = Keys.UserIntroduction(guild, message.Author); var previousIntroId = await _database.GetValue <ulong>(introKey); if (previousIntroId.HasValue) { await message.DeleteAsync(); return; } await _database.SetValue(introKey, message.Id); }
async Task WarnUserAsync(SocketUserMessage message, GuildModel config, string warning) { var guild = (message.Author as SocketGuildUser).Guild; if (config.Mod.MaxWarnings == 0 || message.Author.Id == guild.OwnerId) { return; } await message.DeleteAsync(); var profile = GuildHelper.GetProfile(guild.Id, message.Author.Id); if (profile.Warnings >= config.Mod.MaxWarnings) { await(message.Author as SocketGuildUser).KickAsync("Kicked By AutoMod."); await guild.GetTextChannel(config.Mod.TextChannel).SendMessageAsync( $"**Kick** | Case {config.Mod.Cases.Count + 1}\n**User:** {message.Author} ({message.Author.Id})\n**Reason:** Reached max warnings.\n" + $"**Responsible Moderator:** {Client.CurrentUser}" ); } else { profile.Warnings++; GuildHelper.SaveProfile(guild.Id, message.Author.Id, profile); } await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(warning); }
internal async static Task HandleProfanity(SocketUserMessage message, Server server, IApiService apiService) { var checkString = message.Content.Replace(".", String.Empty).Replace('!', 'i').Replace("-", String.Empty).Replace("*", String.Empty); var badWords = await GetProfanity(server, checkString); if (badWords.Count > 0) { var filter = await GetProfanityFilterForServer(server); var channel = message.Channel as SocketGuildChannel; var guild = channel.Guild; var loggingChannel = guild.GetChannel(server.LoggingChannel); var badWordsJoined = String.Join(", ", badWords); await message.DeleteAsync(); if (loggingChannel != null) { await(loggingChannel as SocketTextChannel).SendLogAsync("Profanity Filter", $"{message.Author.Mention} said a bad word: {message.Content}\nin {channel.Guild.Name}/{channel.Name}.\nWords: `{badWordsJoined}`", ColorHelper.GetColor(server), apiService, ImageLookupUtility.GetImageUrl("LOGGING_IMAGES")); } if (server.ProfanityFilterMode == ProfanityFilterMode.FilterCensor) { var censored = filter.CensorString(checkString); await(channel as SocketTextChannel).SendMessageAsync($"{message.Author.Mention}, please don't swear. {message.Author.Username}'s Censored message:\n{censored.Replace("*", "#")}"); } else { await(channel as SocketTextChannel).SendMessageAsync($"{message.Author.Mention}, please don't swear."); } } }
static async Task <bool> FilterHeadings(SocketUserMessage message) { if (!message.Content.StartsWith("```")) { if (message.Author.Id == botId) { return(true); } ITextChannel channel = (message.Channel as ITextChannel); ITextChannel discussion = await channel.Guild.GetChannelAsync(449033901168656403) as ITextChannel; await discussion.SendMessageAsync($@"Hi {message.Author.Mention} - Messages in {channel.Mention} require a heading! To help, I've created a template for you to copy & paste. Be sure to change the placeholder text! If you were simply trying to discuss someone elses message, this is the place to do so. Alternatively react with a :thumbsup: to show your support. ` ```Your Heading``` {message.Content}`"); await message.DeleteAsync(); await ReplyAndDelete(message, $"Hi {message.Author.Mention}! Your message needs a heading! Let me help you out in {discussion.Mention}.", 10); return(false); } return(true); }
async Task <bool> FilterScreenshots(ChannelFilter filter, SocketUserMessage message) { if (message.Attachments.Count == 0 && !message.Content.Contains(".jpg") && !message.Content.Contains(".png") && !message.Content.Contains(".gif") && !message.Content.Contains(".jpeg")) { if (filter.AlertChannel != 0) { ITextChannel discussion = await(message.Channel as IGuildChannel).Guild.GetChannelAsync(filter.AlertChannel) as ITextChannel; await discussion.SendMessageAsync(message.Author.Mention + " said in " + (message.Channel as ITextChannel).Mention + " : " + message.Content); await ReplyAndDelete(message, $"Hi {message.Author.Mention}! I've copied your message to {discussion.Mention}. If you move the discussion there, we can keep this channel filled with screenshots!", 10); } else { await ReplyAndDelete(message, $"Hi {message.Author.Mention}! Only images are allowed here!", 10); } await message.DeleteAsync(); return(false); } else if (!CheckIfAboveMinimum(message)) { // Joel, I don't know what to put here, edit it pls. await ReplyAndDelete(message, $"Hi {message.Author.Mention}! Make sure your image size is above 640x360!", 10); return(false); } return(true); }
private async Task <bool> CheckMessageDeletion(SocketUserMessage msg) { // Create a Command Context. var context = new SocketCommandContext(_client, msg); var usrId = msg.Author.Id; if (!Globals.Bot.Config.DeleteNonCommands || context.IsPrivate || msg.Author.IsBot || Globals.Bot.Config.CanUseSudo(usrId) || msg.Author.Id == Owner) { return(false); } if (Globals.Bot.Config.Channels.Count < 1 || !Globals.Bot.Config.Channels.Contains(context.Channel.Id)) { return(false); } var msgText = msg.Content; var mention = msg.Author.Mention; var guild = msg.Channel is SocketGuildChannel g ? g.Guild.Name : "Unknown Guild"; await Log(new LogMessage(LogSeverity.Info, "Command", $"Possible spam detected in {guild}#{msg.Channel.Name}:@{msg.Author.Username}. Content: {msg}")).ConfigureAwait(false); await msg.DeleteAsync(RequestOptions.Default).ConfigureAwait(false); await msg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{mention} - The order channels are for bot commands only.\nDeleted Message:```\n{msgText}\n```").ConfigureAwait(false); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Process emote mode for a message. /// </summary> /// <param name="message">Message to process.</param> /// <returns>True if message was deleted.</returns> private static async Task <bool> ProcessMessageEmotesAsync(SocketUserMessage message) { (EmoteModeTracker.Mode mode, object args) = EmoteModeTracker.GetMode(message.Channel.Id); if (mode != EmoteModeTracker.Mode.Off) { if (message.Attachments.Count > 0) { return(await DeleteMessageAsync()); } List <EmoteOrEmoji> emotes = message.Content.ParseDiscordMessageEmotes(); if (mode == EmoteModeTracker.Mode.TextOnly) { if (emotes.Count > 0) { return(await DeleteMessageAsync()); } } else if (mode == EmoteModeTracker.Mode.EmoteOnly) { string content = message.Content; foreach (EmoteOrEmoji emote in emotes) { content = content.Replace(emote.ToString(), ""); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(content)) { return(await DeleteMessageAsync()); } } else if (mode == EmoteModeTracker.Mode.Exactly) { if (args is string argString) { if (!string.Equals(message.Content, argString, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { return(await DeleteMessageAsync()); } } } async Task <bool> DeleteMessageAsync() { await message.DeleteAsync(); if (EmoteModeTracker.ShouldSendNotification(message.Channel.Id)) { await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"The channel is currently in **{mode.Humanize().ToLower()}** mode."); } return(true); } } return(false); }
public async Task JoinGame(SocketUserMessage message) { var user = message.Author.Id; if (_gameStatus != GameStatus.Lobby) { await SendGeneral("Excited? Please wait until the next game starts."); return; } if (Players.Exists(x => x.GetId() == user)) { await SendGeneral("You're already part of this game! Wait a minute."); return; } Players.Add(new MafiaPlayer(Client, user)); await RefreshLobby(); // The Send/Delete approach here is used to prevent channel clutter but also give feedback to the user. await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"<@{user}> joined the lobby."); await message.DeleteAsync(); }
// This code is messy as heck. public static async Task CheckOuija(SocketUserMessage message) { if (message.Channel.Id == OuijaId) { if (message.Content.Length == 1) { await _openOuija.AddCharacter(message.Author.Id, message.Content[0]); } else if (message.Content.ToLower().Contains("goodbye")) { if (_openOuija != null) { await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(_openOuija.GetResult()); _openOuija = null; } } else if (message.Content.Contains("_")) { if (_openOuija == null) { await message.DeleteAsync(); _openOuija = new Ouija(message.Author.Id, message.Content); var krispyMessage = await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(_openOuija.GetTemplate()); _openOuija.SetMessage(krispyMessage); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Checks the message for spam, and if the user is muted /// </summary> /// <param name="msg"></param> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <param name="user"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool CheckMessageSpam(SocketUserMessage msg, SocketCommandContext context, UserAccount user) { //TODO: Better muting system //Check if the user is muted, if so delete the message, oh and make sure it ISN'T the owner of the guild if (user.GetOrCreateServer(context.Guild.Id).IsMuted&& user.Id != context.Guild.OwnerId) { msg.DeleteAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); return(false); } //Someone has mention more than 2 users, check with the anti-spam if (msg.MentionedUsers.Count >= 2) { if (antiSpam.CheckMentionUsers(msg, context.Guild)) { return(false); } } //There are role mentions if (msg.MentionedRoles.Count >= 1) { if (antiSpam.CheckRoleMentions(msg, (SocketGuildUser)msg.Author)) { return(false); } } return(true); }
public async Task LeaveGame(SocketUserMessage message) { var user = message.Author.Id; if (_gameStatus != GameStatus.Lobby && _gameStatus != GameStatus.InGame) { await SendGeneral("There isn't any game to leave!"); return; } if (!Players.Exists(x => x.GetId() == user)) { await SendGeneral("You aren't a part of this game."); return; } Players.RemoveAll(x => x.GetId() == user); await RefreshLobby(); // Send/Delete approach explained above. await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"<@{user}> left the lobby."); await message.DeleteAsync(); }
private async Task <bool> WordFiltered(IGuild guild, SocketUserMessage usrMsg) { var filteredChannelWords = Permissions.FilterCommands.FilteredWordsForChannel(usrMsg.Channel.Id, guild.Id); var filteredServerWords = Permissions.FilterCommands.FilteredWordsForServer(guild.Id); var wordsInMessage = usrMsg.Content.ToLowerInvariant().Split(' '); if (filteredChannelWords.Count != 0 || filteredServerWords.Count != 0) { foreach (var word in wordsInMessage) { if (filteredChannelWords.Contains(word) || filteredServerWords.Contains(word)) { try { await usrMsg.DeleteAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (HttpException ex) { _log.Warn("I do not have permission to filter words in channel with id " + usrMsg.Channel.Id, ex); } return(true); } } } return(false); }
public static async Task Reply(SocketUserMessage userMsg, bool allowPublic, string text, Embed embed = null) { try { if (text == null) { text = string.Empty; } if (allowPublic) { await userMsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(text, false, embed); } else { await Discord.UserExtensions.SendMessageAsync(userMsg.Author, text, false, embed); if (!IsPrivateMessage(userMsg)) { await userMsg.DeleteAsync(); } } } catch (Exception) { await Nerva.Bots.Helpers.Log.Write(Log_Severity.Warning, $"Sending message to {userMsg.Author.Username} failed"); } }
async Task WarnUserAsync(SocketUserMessage Message, GuildModel Config, string Warning) { var Guild = (Message.Author as SocketGuildUser).Guild; if (Config.Mod.MaxWarnings == 0 || Message.Author.Id == Guild.OwnerId) { return; } await Message.DeleteAsync(); var Profile = GuildHelper.GetProfile(Guild.Id, Message.Author.Id); if (Profile.Warnings >= Config.Mod.MaxWarnings) { await(Message.Author as SocketGuildUser).KickAsync("Kicked By AutoMod."); await Guild.GetTextChannel(Config.Mod.TextChannel).SendMessageAsync( $"**Kick** | Case {Config.Mod.Cases.Count + 1}\n**User:** {Message.Author} ({Message.Author.Id})\n**Reason:** Reached Max Warnings.\n" + $"**Responsible Moderator:** {Client.CurrentUser}"); await GuildHelper.LogAsync(Guild, Message.Author, Client.CurrentUser, CaseType.Kick, Warning); } else { Profile.Warnings++; GuildHelper.SaveProfile(Guild.Id, Message.Author.Id, Profile); await GuildHelper.LogAsync(Guild, Message.Author, Client.CurrentUser, CaseType.Warning, Warning); } await Message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(Warning); }
public async Task DeleteBannedWords(SocketMessage message) { if (message is SocketSystemMessage) { return; } SocketUserMessage Message = message as SocketUserMessage; if (Message.Author.IsBot) { return; } if (!(Message.Channel is SocketGuildChannel)) { return; } if ((Message.Author as SocketGuildUser).IsModerator()) { return; } foreach (string phrase in Config.BannedWords) { if (Message.Content.Contains(phrase)) { await Message.DeleteAsync(); await LogAutomodAction(new AutomodAction(message, "Banned word")); return; } } return; }
private async Task ActionsHandler(SocketUserMessage message) { try { string message_lower = message.Content.ToLower(); string commandName = message_lower.Split(' ')[0]; Actions.Action action = DataManager.actions.GetValueOrDefault(commandName); if (action?.CheckChannelAccessibility(message) == false) { await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Commande non accessible d'ici."); return; } switch (action?.Accessibility) { case Actions.Action.AccessibilityType.Usable: if (action.Type == Actions.Action.ActionType.Delete) { await message.DeleteAsync(); } action.Use(message); break; case Actions.Action.AccessibilityType.Visible: if (message.Author.IsAdmin()) { action.Use(message); } else { await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Il faut être admin pour utiliser cette commande."); } break; case Actions.Action.AccessibilityType.Invisible: if (message.Author.Id == DataManager.master_id) { action.Use(message); } break; } if (action == null) { foreach (var action_ in DataManager.otherActions) { Regex regex = new Regex(action_.Regex); if (regex.Match(message_lower).Success) { action_.Use(message); } } } } catch (System.Exception e) { e.DisplayException("Nouveau mode de commande => " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().ToString()); } }
}; // Languages supported by Perspective API. Others message are translated to english public static async Task <List <string> > CheckText(SocketUserMessage msg, SocketMessage arg, ITextChannel reportChan) { if (msg.Content.Length == 0) { return(null); } var detection = await Program.P.translationClient.DetectLanguageAsync(msg.Content); string finalMsg = msg.Content; bool useTranslationDb = Program.P.db.GetTranslation(((ITextChannel)msg.Channel).GuildId) == "O"; bool finalUseTranslation = useTranslationDb || (!allowedLanguage.Contains(detection.Language) && !useTranslationDb); if (finalUseTranslation) { finalMsg = (await Program.P.translationClient.TranslateTextAsync(msg.Content, "en")).TranslatedText; } using (HttpClient hc = new HttpClient()) { HttpResponseMessage post = await hc.PostAsync("" + Program.P.perspectiveApi, new StringContent( JsonConvert.DeserializeObject("{comment: {text: \"" + Utils.EscapeString(finalMsg) + "\"}," + "languages: [\"en\"]," + "requestedAttributes: {" + string.Join(":{}, ", categories.Select(x => x.Item1)) + ":{}} }").ToString(), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")); dynamic json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(await post.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()); EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder() { Title = "Identification" }; List <string> flags = new List <string>(); foreach (var s in categories) { double value = json.attributeScores[s.Item1].summaryScore.value; if (value >= s.Item2) { flags.Add(s.Item1 + "(" + value.ToString("0.00") + ")"); } } if (flags.Count > 0) { string word = (reportChan == null) ? "deleted" : "reported"; string text = "The message of " + arg.Author.ToString() + " was " + word + " because it trigger the following flags: " + string.Join(", ", flags) + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Original message: ||" + msg.Content.Replace("|", "\\|") + "||"; if (reportChan == null) { await msg.DeleteAsync(); await arg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(text); } else { await reportChan.SendMessageAsync(text); } } return(flags.Select(x => x.Split('(')[0]).ToList()); } }
private async Task OnMessageReceived(SocketMessage message) { SocketUserMessage userMessage = (SocketUserMessage)message; // ensures we don't process system/other bot messages if (userMessage == null || message.Source != MessageSource.User) { return; } string messageString = userMessage.ToString(); if (_commandHandler.DoesMsgContainCommandPrefix(messageString)) { await _commandHandler.SelectCommandFromMessage(userMessage); } else { SocketGuildChannel guildChannel = (SocketGuildChannel)userMessage.Channel; if (guildChannel != null) { List <GuildSettingsTracker.SettingsToTrack.ChannelMessageCombo> activeFilters = _settingsTracker.GetActiveFiltersForGuild(guildChannel.Guild.Id); if (activeFilters != null && activeFilters.Count > 0) { ulong leadingChannel = 0; string leadingFilter = string.Empty; bool foundFilter = false; foreach (var filter in activeFilters) { if (messageString.Contains(filter._messageToTrack)) { if (filter._messageToTrack.Length >= leadingFilter.Length) { leadingChannel = filter._channelId; leadingFilter = filter._messageToTrack; foundFilter = true; } } } if (foundFilter && leadingChannel != userMessage.Channel.Id) { string fullMessage = "**" + userMessage.Author.Username + ": **" + messageString; // Don't care about the tasks, don't depend on them in any way.Also, we don't depend on any data from the methods, just care about the possible exceptions. Task sendMsg = ChannelHelper.SendMessageToGuildChannel(guildChannel.Guild, leadingChannel, fullMessage).ContinueWith(t => Console.WriteLine(t.Exception), TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted); Task dltMsg = userMessage.DeleteAsync().ContinueWith(t => Console.WriteLine(t.Exception), TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted); Console.WriteLine("Attempting to reroute message: \"" + fullMessage + "\""); } } } } }
public static async Task <List <string> > CheckImageUrl(string url, SocketUserMessage msg, SocketMessage arg, ITextChannel reportChan) { if (Utils.IsImage(url.Split('.').Last())) { var image = await Google.Cloud.Vision.V1.Image.FetchFromUriAsync(url); List <string> flags = new List <string>(); SafeSearchAnnotation response = await Program.P.imageClient.DetectSafeSearchAsync(image); if (response.Adult > Likelihood.Possible || response.Medical > Likelihood.Possible || response.Racy > Likelihood.Possible || response.Violence > Likelihood.Possible) { if (response.Adult > Likelihood.Possible) { flags.Add("Adult(" + response.Adult.ToString() + ")"); } if (response.Medical > Likelihood.Possible) { flags.Add("Medical(" + response.Medical.ToString() + ")"); } if (response.Racy > Likelihood.Possible) { flags.Add("Racy(" + response.Racy.ToString() + ")"); } if (response.Violence > Likelihood.Possible) { flags.Add("Violence(" + response.Violence.ToString() + ")"); } string fileName = "SPOILER_" + GenerateFileName() + "." + url.Split('.').Last(); using (HttpClient hc = new HttpClient()) File.WriteAllBytes(fileName, await hc.GetByteArrayAsync(url)); string word = (reportChan == null) ? "deleted" : "reported"; string text = "The message of " + arg.Author.ToString() + " was " + word + " because it trigger the following flags: " + string.Join(", ", flags); if (reportChan == null) { await msg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(text); await msg.Channel.SendFileAsync(fileName); await msg.DeleteAsync(); } else { await reportChan.SendMessageAsync(text); await reportChan.SendFileAsync(fileName); } File.Delete(fileName); return(flags.Select(x => x.Split('(')[0]).ToList()); } flags.Add("SAFE"); return(flags); } return(null); }
private async Task MessageReceivedHandler(SocketMessage msg) { SocketUserMessage message = msg as SocketUserMessage; if (message == null) { return; } SocketCommandContext context = new SocketCommandContext(_client, message); if (context.User.IsBot) { return; } var server = _main.ServerList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ServerId == context.Guild.Id); bool admin = false; var hasAdminRole = context.Guild.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == context.User.Id).Roles.FirstOrDefault(y => y.Id == server.AdminRole); if (hasAdminRole != null && hasAdminRole.Id == server.AdminRole) { admin = true; } int argPos = 0; if (message.HasStringPrefix(((Char)server.Prefix).ToString(), ref argPos) || message.HasMentionPrefix(_client.CurrentUser, ref argPos)) { if ((server.BotChannel != 0 && msg.Channel.Id == server.BotChannel) || server.BotChannel == 0 || admin) { var res = await _service.ExecuteAsync(context, argPos, null); if (!res.IsSuccess && res.Error != CommandError.UnknownCommand) { BotFrame.consoleOut($"Command Handler Error: {res.ErrorReason}"); return; } if (!res.IsSuccess && res.Error == CommandError.UnknownCommand) { await Task.Delay(200); await message.DeleteAsync(); BotFrame.consoleOut($"Unknown command! Deleted message from user {context.User} in channel {context.Channel.Name}{Environment.NewLine}Message: {message.Content}"); return; } } else { BotFrame.consoleOut($"Delete message from user {context.User} in channel {context.Channel.Name}{Environment.NewLine}Message: {context.Message.Content}"); return; } } }
public Task ExecuteAsync(SocketUserMessage msg, string[] parameters) { Task.Run(async() => { Program.Configuration.Instance.Registered.Clear(); Program.Configuration.Save(); await msg.DeleteAsync(); }); return(Task.CompletedTask); }
public Task ExecuteAsync(SocketUserMessage msg, string[] parameters) { Task.Run(async() => { await msg.Author.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync(); await msg.Author.SendMessageAsync(Program.Configuration.Instance.Registered.Count > 0 ? string.Join("\n", Program.Configuration.Instance.Registered) : "No one is registered"); Program.Configuration.Save(); await msg.DeleteAsync(); }); return(Task.CompletedTask); }
public async Task Execute(SocketUserMessage userMessage, int argsPos) { var context = userMessage.GetMessageContext(_client); var stat = await _rouletteStore.GetGuildStats(context.Guild.Id, 10); var countArg = argsPos >= userMessage.Content.Length ? "" : userMessage.Content.Substring(argsPos + 1); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(countArg)) { countArg = "5"; } string message = null; if (!int.TryParse(countArg, out var count)) { await userMessage.DeleteAsync(); return; } count = Math.Max(5, count); if (stat.Count > 0) { var z = stat .Where(s => s.Value.Wins + s.Value.Loses >= 3) .Select(s => (s.Value, context.Guild.GetUser(s.Key))) .Where(s => s.Item2 != null) .OrderByDescending(s => Math.Round((double)s.Value.Wins / (s.Value.Wins + s.Value.Loses), 1)) .ThenByDescending(s => s.Value.Wins + s.Value.Loses) .ThenByDescending(s => s.Value.Wins) .ThenBy(s => s.Item2.Id) .Take(count) .Select(s => { var((wins, loses), user) = s; var c = wins + loses; return($"**{user.GetUserDisplayName()}** застрелился {wins} {wins.ToTimesString()}! ({100.0 * wins / c:f1}% от {c})"); }); message = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, z); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message)) { message = $"Пусто... сыграйте \"{_client.CurrentUser.Mention} рулетка!\""; } var reply = await userMessage.Channel.SendMessageAsync(message); await MessageUtilities.DeleteMessagesAsync(15, userMessage, reply); }
public static async Task Reply(SocketUserMessage msg, bool privateOnly = false, string text = null, Embed embed = null) { try { if (text == null) { text = string.Empty; } if (msg.Channel.GetType() != typeof(SocketDMChannel)) { bool isRole = false; var userRoles = ((SocketGuildUser)msg.Author).Roles; foreach (SocketRole role in userRoles) { if (Globals.Bot.Config.DevRoleIds.Contains(role.Id)) { isRole = true; break; } } if (isRole) { await msg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(text, false, embed); return; } if (Globals.Bot.Config.BotChannelIds.Contains(msg.Channel.Id) && !privateOnly) { await msg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(text, false, embed); } else { await Discord.UserExtensions.SendMessageAsync(msg.Author, text, false, embed); await msg.DeleteAsync(); } } else { await Discord.UserExtensions.SendMessageAsync(msg.Author, text, false, embed); } } catch (Exception) { await Log.Write($"Count not send reply to {msg.Author.Username}"); } }
public async Task QueueSong(string query, SocketUser usr, IMessageChannel channel, IGuild guild, SocketUserMessage usrmsg) { if ((usr as IVoiceState).VoiceChannel == null) { await channel.SendMessageAsync(usr.Mention + " você não está conectado em nenhum canal de voz"); return; } Video video = YTVideoOperation.YoutubeSearch(query); if (video == null) { var embedL = new EmbedBuilder() .WithColor(new Color(240, 230, 231)) .WithDescription("Nenhum resultado encontrado para: " + query); await channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embedL); return; } //Attempts to get the audio URI either by YoutubeExplode or youtube-dl //First attempt is with YoutubeExplode string uri = YTVideoOperation.GetVideoURIExplode(video.Id).Result; if (uri == null) { uri = YTVideoOperation.GetVideoAudioURI("" + video.Id); } YTSong song = new YTSong(video, uri, query, SongOrder(), usr); mp.Enqueue(song); var embedQueue = new EmbedBuilder() .WithColor(new Color(240, 230, 231)) .WithTitle("#" + song.Order + " " + song.Title) .WithDescription("Busca: " + query) .WithUrl(song.Url) .WithImageUrl(song.DefaultThumbnailUrl) .WithFooter(new EmbedFooterBuilder().WithText(song.RequestAuthor.Username + " | " + song.Duration)); var msg = await channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embedQueue); await Task.Delay(6000); await usrmsg.DeleteAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); await msg.DeleteAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); }