internal UnixDomainSocketEndPoint(SocketAddress socketAddress)
            if (socketAddress == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("socketAddress");

            if (socketAddress.Family != EndPointAddressFamily || 
                socketAddress.Size > MaxSocketAddressSize)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("socketAddress");

            if (socketAddress.Size >= MinSocketAddressSize)
                _encodedPath = new byte[socketAddress.Size - PathOffset];
                for (int index = 0; index < socketAddress.Size - PathOffset; index++)
                    _encodedPath[index] = socketAddress[PathOffset + index];

                _path = s_pathEncoding.GetString(_encodedPath, 0, _encodedPath.Length);
                // Empty path may be used by System.Net.Socket logging.
                _encodedPath = Array.Empty<byte>();
                _path = string.Empty;
        internal UnixDomainSocketEndPoint(SocketAddress socketAddress)
            if (socketAddress == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(socketAddress));

            if (socketAddress.Family != EndPointAddressFamily || 
                socketAddress.Size > s_nativeAddressSize)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(socketAddress));

            if (socketAddress.Size > s_nativePathOffset)
                _encodedPath = new byte[socketAddress.Size - s_nativePathOffset];
                for (int i = 0; i < _encodedPath.Length; i++)
                    _encodedPath[i] = socketAddress[s_nativePathOffset + i];

                _path = s_pathEncoding.GetString(_encodedPath, 0, _encodedPath.Length);
                _encodedPath = Array.Empty<byte>();
                _path = string.Empty;
Exemple #3
		internal void SetUnmanagedStructures(byte[] buffer, int offset, int size, SocketAddress socketAddress, bool pinSocketAddress)
			this.m_SingleBuffer.Length = size;
			this.m_SingleBuffer.Pointer = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(buffer, offset);
        public static void ToString_Compare_Success()
            SocketAddress sa1 = new SocketAddress(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, 64);
            SocketAddress sa2 = new SocketAddress(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, 64);
            SocketAddress sa3 = new SocketAddress(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, 48);

            SocketAddress sa4 = new SocketAddress(AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6, 48);

            Assert.Equal(sa1.ToString(), sa2.ToString());
            Assert.NotEqual(sa1.ToString(), sa3.ToString());
            Assert.NotEqual(sa1.ToString(), sa4.ToString());
        public override SocketAddress Serialize()
            var result = new SocketAddress(AddressFamily.Unix, MaxSocketAddressSize);

            // Ctor has already checked that PathOffset + _encodedPath.Length < MaxSocketAddressSize
            for (int index = 0; index < _encodedPath.Length; index++)
                result[PathOffset + index] = _encodedPath[index];
            result[PathOffset + _encodedPath.Length] = 0; // The path must be ending with \0

            return result;
        public override SocketAddress Serialize()
            var result = new SocketAddress(AddressFamily.Unix, s_nativeAddressSize);
            Debug.Assert(_encodedPath.Length + s_nativePathOffset <= result.Size, "Expected path to fit in address");

            for (int index = 0; index < _encodedPath.Length; index++)
                result[s_nativePathOffset + index] = _encodedPath[index];
            result[s_nativePathOffset + _encodedPath.Length] = 0; // path must be null-terminated

            return result;
        public static void Equals_Compare_Success()
            SocketAddress sa1 = new SocketAddress(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, 64);
            SocketAddress sa2 = new SocketAddress(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, 64);
            SocketAddress sa3 = new SocketAddress(AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6, 64);
            SocketAddress sa4 = new SocketAddress(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, 60000);


            Assert.Equal(sa1, sa2);
            Assert.Equal(sa2, sa1);
            Assert.Equal(sa1.GetHashCode(), sa2.GetHashCode());

            Assert.NotEqual(sa1, sa3);
            Assert.NotEqual(sa1.GetHashCode(), sa3.GetHashCode());

            Assert.NotEqual(sa1, sa4);
Exemple #8
		private void DoBind(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
			IPEndPoint iPEndPoint = endPointSnapshot as IPEndPoint;
			if (!Socket.OSSupportsIPv4 && iPEndPoint != null && iPEndPoint.Address.IsIPv4MappedToIPv6)
				SocketException ex = new SocketException(SocketError.InvalidArgument);
				throw ex;
			SocketError socketError = OSSOCK.bind(this.m_Handle, socketAddress.m_Buffer, socketAddress.m_Size);
			if (socketError != SocketError.Success)
				SocketException ex2 = new SocketException();
				throw ex2;
			if (this.m_RightEndPoint == null)
				this.m_RightEndPoint = endPointSnapshot;
 public SocketAddress GetSocketAddress(string name, SocketAddress defaultValue)
        // bytes 2 and 3 store the port, the rest
        // stores the address
        public override EndPoint Create(SocketAddress socketAddress)
            if (socketAddress == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("socketAddress");

            if (socketAddress.Family != AddressFamily)
                throw new ArgumentException("The IPEndPoint was created using " + AddressFamily +
                        " AddressFamily but SocketAddress contains " + socketAddress.Family +
                        " instead, please use the same type.");

            SocketAddress sockaddr = socketAddress;
            int size = sockaddr.Size;
            AddressFamily family = sockaddr.Family;
            int port;

            IPEndPoint ipe = null;
            switch (family)
                case AddressFamily.InterNetwork:
                    if (size < 8)
                        return (null);

                    port = (((int)sockaddr[2]) << 8) + (int)sockaddr[3];
                    long address = (((long)sockaddr[7]) << 24) +
                        (((long)sockaddr[6]) << 16) +
                        (((long)sockaddr[5]) << 8) +

                    ipe = new IPEndPoint(address, port);
            #if NET_1_1
                case AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6:
                    if (size < 28) {

                    port	= (((int)sockaddr[2])<<8) + (int)sockaddr[3];

                    /// maybe flowid ?
                    int unknown	= (int)sockaddr[4] +
                        (((int)sockaddr[5])<<8) +
                        (((int)sockaddr[6])<<16) +

                    int scopeId	= (int)sockaddr[24] +
                        (((int)sockaddr[25])<<8) +
                        (((int)sockaddr[26])<<16) +

                    ushort[] addressData = new ushort[8];
                    for(int i=0; i<8; i++)
                        addressData[i] = (ushort)((sockaddr[8+i*2] << 8) + sockaddr[8+i*2+1]);

                    ipe = new IPEndPoint (new IPAddress(addressData, scopeId), port);
                    return null;

            return (ipe);
            public override SocketAddress Serialize()
                SocketAddress a = (SocketAddress) new NlSocketAddress(_pid);

 public MulticastSocket(SocketAddress arg0)
     : base(ProxyCtor.I)
     Instance.CallConstructor("(Ljava/net/SocketAddress;)V", arg0);
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an endpoint from a socket address.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="socketAddress">The <see cref="SocketAddress"/> to use for the endpoint.</param>
        /// <returns>An <see cref="EndPoint"/> instance using the specified socket address.</returns>
        public override EndPoint Create(SocketAddress socketAddress)
            if (socketAddress == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("socketAddress");
            //Dump("Create", socketAddress);

            //if a Bluetooth SocketAddress
            if (socketAddress[0] == (int)_addrFamily)
                int ibyte;

                byte[] addrbytes = new byte[6];
                for (ibyte = 0; ibyte < 6; ibyte++)
                    addrbytes[ibyte] = socketAddress[8 + ibyte];
                    addrbytes[ibyte] = socketAddress[2 + ibyte];

                byte[] servicebytes = new byte[16];
                for (ibyte = 0; ibyte < 16; ibyte++)
                    servicebytes[ibyte] = socketAddress[16 + ibyte];
                    if (_isBlueZ) // No SvcClassId field on BlueZ.
                    servicebytes[ibyte] = socketAddress[10 + ibyte];

                byte[] portbytes = new byte[4];
                for (ibyte = 0; ibyte < 4; ibyte++)
                    portbytes[ibyte] = socketAddress[32 + ibyte];
                    if (_isBlueZ)  // One byte Channel field on BlueZ.
                        portbytes[ibyte] = socketAddress[8 + ibyte];
                    portbytes[ibyte] = socketAddress[26 + ibyte];

                return(new BluetoothEndPoint(new BluetoothAddress(addrbytes), new Guid(servicebytes), BitConverter.ToInt32(portbytes, 0)));
                var len = socketAddress.Size;
                var arr = new byte[Math.Min(32, len)];
                Array_Copy(socketAddress, arr, arr.Length);
                var txt = BitConverter.ToString(arr);
                Debug.WriteLine("Non BTH sa passed to BluetoothEndPoint.Create: (len: " + len
                                + ") " + txt);
                //use generic method
Exemple #14
    public Task ConnectAsync(IPEndPoint endPoint)
      if (m_connectAsyncOperationState == null)
        m_connectAsyncOperationState = new AsyncOperationState(this, CompleteConnectAsync);

      if (m_remoteAddress != null)
        m_remoteAddress = null;

      m_remoteAddress = new SocketAddress(endPoint.Address, endPoint.Port);

      int bytesSend;

      SocketError socketError = SocketError.Success;

      m_connectAsyncTaskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
      Task task = m_connectAsyncTaskCompletionSource.Task;


        if (!m_connectEx(Handle, m_remoteAddress.Buffer, m_remoteAddress.Size, IntPtr.Zero, 0,
                        out bytesSend,
          socketError = (SocketError)Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
      catch (Exception ex)
        m_connectAsyncTaskCompletionSource = null;

      if (socketError != SocketError.IOPending && socketError != SocketError.Success)
        m_connectAsyncTaskCompletionSource.SetException(new SocketException((int)socketError));
        m_connectAsyncTaskCompletionSource = null;

      return task;
 public virtual EndPoint Create(SocketAddress socketAddress)
Exemple #16
 // Summary:
 //     Creates an endpoint from a socket address.
 // Parameters:
 //   socketAddress:
 //     The System.Net.SocketAddress to use for the endpoint.
 // Returns:
 //     An System.Net.EndPoint instance using the specified socket address.
 // Exceptions:
 //   System.ArgumentException:
 //     The AddressFamily of socketAddress is not equal to the AddressFamily of the
 //     current instance.-or- socketAddress.Size < 8.
 public override EndPoint Create(SocketAddress socketAddress);
        // SetUnmanagedStructures -
        // Fills in Overlapped Structures used in an Async Overlapped Winsock call
        //   these calls are outside the runtime and are unmanaged code, so we need
        //   to prepare specific structures and ints that lie in unmanaged memory
        //   since the Overlapped calls can be Async

        internal void SetUnmanagedStructures(byte[] buffer, int offset, int size, SocketAddress socketAddress, SocketFlags socketFlags)
            m_MessageBuffer  = new byte[s_WSAMsgSize];
            m_WSABufferArray = new byte[s_WSABufferSize];

            //ipv4 or ipv6?
            IPAddress ipAddress = (socketAddress.Family == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6
                ? socketAddress.GetIPAddress() : null);
            bool ipv4 = (((Socket)AsyncObject).AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork ||
                         (ipAddress != null && ipAddress.IsIPv4MappedToIPv6)); // DualMode
            bool ipv6 = ((Socket)AsyncObject).AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6;

            //prepare control buffer
            if (ipv4)
                m_ControlBuffer = new byte[s_ControlDataSize];
            else if (ipv6)
                m_ControlBuffer = new byte[s_ControlDataIPv6Size];

            //pin buffers
            object[] objectsToPin = new object[(m_ControlBuffer != null)?5:4];
            objectsToPin[0] = buffer;
            objectsToPin[1] = m_MessageBuffer;
            objectsToPin[2] = m_WSABufferArray;

            //prepare socketaddress buffer
            m_SocketAddress = socketAddress;
            objectsToPin[3] = m_SocketAddress.m_Buffer;

            if (m_ControlBuffer != null)
                objectsToPin[4] = m_ControlBuffer;


            //prepare data buffer
            m_WSABuffer          = (WSABuffer *)Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(m_WSABufferArray, 0);
            m_WSABuffer->Length  = size;
            m_WSABuffer->Pointer = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(buffer, offset);

            //setup structure
            m_Message = (UnsafeNclNativeMethods.OSSOCK.WSAMsg *)Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(m_MessageBuffer, 0);
            m_Message->socketAddress = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(m_SocketAddress.m_Buffer, 0);
            m_Message->addressLength = (uint)m_SocketAddress.Size;
            m_Message->buffers       = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(m_WSABufferArray, 0);
            m_Message->count         = 1;

            if (m_ControlBuffer != null)
                m_Message->controlBuffer.Pointer = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(m_ControlBuffer, 0);
                m_Message->controlBuffer.Length  = m_ControlBuffer.Length;

            m_Message->flags = socketFlags;
 public IpAdapterAnycastAddress(uint Length = default, uint Flags = default, ref ptr <IpAdapterAnycastAddress> Next = default, SocketAddress Address = default)
     this.Length  = Length;
     this.Flags   = Flags;
     this.Next    = Next;
     this.Address = Address;
 internal void SetUnmanagedStructures(byte[] buffer, int offset, int size, SocketAddress socketAddress, SocketFlags socketFlags, ref OverlappedCache overlappedCache)
     SetupCache(ref overlappedCache);
     SetUnmanagedStructures(buffer, offset, size, socketAddress, socketFlags);
        // This method will be called by us when the IO completes synchronously and
        // by the ThreadPool when the IO completes asynchronously. (only called on WinNT)

        internal override object PostCompletion(int numBytes)
            SocketError errorCode = (SocketError)ErrorCode;

            SocketAddress remoteSocketAddress = null;

            if (errorCode == SocketError.Success)
                m_LocalBytesTransferred = numBytes;
                if (Logging.On)

                //get the endpoint

                remoteSocketAddress = m_ListenSocket.m_RightEndPoint.Serialize();

                IntPtr localAddr;
                int    localAddrLength;
                IntPtr remoteAddr;

                //set the socket context
                        Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(m_Buffer, 0),
                        m_Buffer.Length - (m_AddressBufferLength * 2),
                        out localAddr,
                        out localAddrLength,
                        out remoteAddr,
                        out remoteSocketAddress.m_Size
                    Marshal.Copy(remoteAddr, remoteSocketAddress.m_Buffer, 0, remoteSocketAddress.m_Size);

                    IntPtr handle = m_ListenSocket.SafeHandle.DangerousGetHandle();

                    errorCode = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.OSSOCK.setsockopt(
                        ref handle,

                    if (errorCode == SocketError.SocketError)
                        errorCode = (SocketError)Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                    GlobalLog.Print("AcceptOverlappedAsyncResult#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::PostCallback() setsockopt handle:" + handle.ToString() + " AcceptSocket:" + ValidationHelper.HashString(m_AcceptSocket) + " itsHandle:" + m_AcceptSocket.SafeHandle.DangerousGetHandle().ToString() + " returns:" + errorCode.ToString());
                catch (ObjectDisposedException)
                    errorCode = SocketError.OperationAborted;

                ErrorCode = (int)errorCode;

            if (errorCode == SocketError.Success)
                return(m_ListenSocket.UpdateAcceptSocket(m_AcceptSocket, m_ListenSocket.m_RightEndPoint.Create(remoteSocketAddress), false));
Exemple #21
 protected override void doBind(SocketAddress localAddress)
     this._localAddress = localAddress;
     networkType        = NetworkType.SERVER;
        } // OverlappedCallback()

        // SetUnmanagedStructures -
        // Fills in Overlapped Structures used in an Async Overlapped Winsock call
        //   these calls are outside the runtime and are unmanaged code, so we need
        //   to prepare specific structures and ints that lie in unmanaged memory
        //   since the Overlapped calls can be Async
        internal void SetUnmanagedStructures(
            byte[] buffer,
            int offset,
            int size,
            SocketFlags socketFlags,
            EndPoint remoteEP,
            bool pinRemoteEP ) {

                // create the event handle

                m_OverlappedEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);

                // fill in the overlapped structure with the event handle.

                    m_OverlappedEvent.Handle );

            // Fill in Buffer Array structure that will be used for our send/recv Buffer
            m_WSABuffer = new WSABuffer();
            m_GCHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
            m_WSABuffer.Length = size;
            m_WSABuffer.Pointer = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(buffer, offset);

            // fill in flags if we use it.
            m_Flags = socketFlags;

            // if needed fill end point
            if (remoteEP != null) {
                m_SocketAddress = remoteEP.Serialize();
                if (pinRemoteEP) {
                    m_GCHandleSocketAddress = GCHandle.Alloc(m_SocketAddress.m_Buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                    m_GCHandleSocketAddressSize = GCHandle.Alloc(m_SocketAddress.m_Size, GCHandleType.Pinned);                

        } // SetUnmanagedStructures()
Exemple #23
        private void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (!m_disposed)
                m_disposed = true;


                UnsafeMethods.CancelIoEx(Handle, IntPtr.Zero);

                int error = UnsafeMethods.closesocket(Handle);

                if (error != 0)
                    error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();

                if (m_remoteAddress != null)
                    m_remoteAddress = null;

                if (m_boundAddress != null)
                    m_boundAddress = null;

                if (m_sendPinnedBuffer != null)
                    m_sendPinnedBuffer = null;

                if (m_receivePinnedBuffer != null)
                    m_receivePinnedBuffer = null;

                if (m_acceptSocketBufferAddress != IntPtr.Zero)
Exemple #24
        private static unsafe void CopyOutAddress(IntPtr address, ref SocketAddress v4address, ref SocketAddress v6address)
            if (address != IntPtr.Zero)
                ushort addressFamily = *((ushort *)address);
                if (addressFamily == (ushort)AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
                    v6address = null;
                    for (int index = 2; index < IPv4AddressSize; index++)
                        v4address[index] = ((byte *)address)[index];
                if (addressFamily == (ushort)AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6)
                    v4address = null;
                    for (int index = 2; index < IPv6AddressSize; index++)
                        v6address[index] = ((byte *)address)[index];

            v4address = null;
            v6address = null;
Exemple #25
        // As seen below the structures on Win32 and WinCE are the same, except that
        // Win32 has 1-byte alignment turned on.  Thus on Win32 there are also no
        // 64-bit differences.
        // * Win32
        //typedef ULONGLONG BTH_ADDR, *PBTH_ADDR;
        //#include <pshpack1.h>
        //struct _SOCKADDR_BTH
        //    USHORT    addressFamily;  // Always AF_BTH
        //    BTH_ADDR  btAddr;         // Bluetooth device address
        //    GUID      serviceClassId; // [OPTIONAL] system will query SDP for port
        //    ULONG     port;           // RFCOMM channel or L2CAP PSM
        // * WinCE
        //typedef ULONGLONG bt_addr, *pbt_addr, BT_ADDR, *PBT_ADDR;
        //struct _SOCKADDR_BTH
        //    USHORT   addressFamily;
        //    bt_addr  btAddr;
        //    GUID     serviceClassId;
        //    ULONG    port;
        // * BlueZ
        //struct sockaddr_rc
        //    sa_family_t rc_family;
        //    bdaddr_t rc_bdaddr;
        //    uint8_t rc_channel;
        //typedef struct {
        //    uint8_t b[6];
        //} __attribute__((packed)) bdaddr_t;

        #region Serialize
        /// <summary>
        /// Serializes endpoint information into a <see cref="SocketAddress"/> instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="SocketAddress"/> instance containing the socket address for the endpoint.</returns>
        public override SocketAddress Serialize()
            SocketAddress btsa = new SocketAddress(AddressFamily32.Bluetooth, 40);
            int salen = 30;
            if (_isBlueZ)
                salen = 10;
            SocketAddress btsa = new SocketAddress(_addrFamily, salen);
            //copy address type
            btsa[0] = checked ((byte)_addrFamily);

            //copy device id
            if (m_id != null)
                byte[] deviceidbytes = m_id.ToByteArray();

                for (int idbyte = 0; idbyte < 6; idbyte++)
                    btsa[idbyte + 8] = deviceidbytes[idbyte];
                    btsa[idbyte + 2] = deviceidbytes[idbyte];

            //copy service clsid
            if (m_service != Guid.Empty)
                byte[] servicebytes = m_service.ToByteArray();
                for (int servicebyte = 0; servicebyte < 16; servicebyte++)
                    btsa[servicebyte + 16] = servicebytes[servicebyte];
                    if (_isBlueZ) // No SvcClassId field on BlueZ.
                    btsa[servicebyte + 10] = servicebytes[servicebyte];

            //copy port
            byte[] portbytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(m_port);
            for (int portbyte = 0; portbyte < 4; portbyte++)
                btsa[portbyte + 32] = portbytes[portbyte];
                if (_isBlueZ)  // One byte Channel field on BlueZ.
                    btsa[portbyte + 8] = portbytes[portbyte];
                btsa[portbyte + 26] = portbytes[portbyte];

            //Dump("Serialize", btsa);
Exemple #26
        public override void Bind(IPEndPoint localEndPoint)
            if (m_boundAddress != null)
                m_boundAddress = null;

            m_boundAddress = new SocketAddress(localEndPoint.Address, localEndPoint.Port);

            SocketError bindResult = (SocketError)UnsafeMethods.bind(Handle, m_boundAddress.Buffer, m_boundAddress.Size);

            if (bindResult != SocketError.Success)
                throw new SocketException((int)bindResult);
Exemple #27
 public override EndPoint Create(SocketAddress socketAddress)
     return(new UnixDomainSocketEndPoint(socketAddress));
 public DatagramPacket(byte[] par1ArrayOfByte, int length, SocketAddress getSocketAddress)
     throw new System.NotImplementedException();
Exemple #29
 public override EndPoint Create(SocketAddress socketAddress) => new UnixDomainSocketEndPoint(socketAddress);
Exemple #30
 public IpAdapterUnicastAddress(uint Length = default, uint Flags = default, ref ptr <IpAdapterUnicastAddress> Next = default, SocketAddress Address = default, int PrefixOrigin = default, int SuffixOrigin = default, int DadState = default, uint ValidLifetime = default, uint PreferredLifetime = default, uint LeaseLifetime = default, byte OnLinkPrefixLength = default)
     this.Length             = Length;
     this.Flags              = Flags;
     this.Next               = Next;
     this.Address            = Address;
     this.PrefixOrigin       = PrefixOrigin;
     this.SuffixOrigin       = SuffixOrigin;
     this.DadState           = DadState;
     this.ValidLifetime      = ValidLifetime;
     this.PreferredLifetime  = PreferredLifetime;
     this.LeaseLifetime      = LeaseLifetime;
     this.OnLinkPrefixLength = OnLinkPrefixLength;
        /// <summary>
        /// Connects this channel's socket.
        /// <para> The channel's socket is configured so that it only receives
        /// datagrams from, and sends datagrams to, the given remote <i>peer</i>
        /// address.  Once connected, datagrams may not be received from or sent to
        /// any other address.  A datagram socket remains connected until it is
        /// explicitly disconnected or until it is closed.
        /// </para>
        /// <para> This method performs exactly the same security checks as the {@link
        /// connect} method of the {@link
        ///} class.  That is, if a security manager has been
        /// installed then this method verifies that its {@link
        /// java.lang.SecurityManager#checkAccept checkAccept} and {@link
        /// java.lang.SecurityManager#checkConnect checkConnect} methods permit
        /// datagrams to be received from and sent to, respectively, the given
        /// remote address.
        /// </para>
        /// <para> This method may be invoked at any time.  It will not have any effect
        /// on read or write operations that are already in progress at the moment
        /// that it is invoked. If this channel's socket is not bound then this method
        /// will first cause the socket to be bound to an address that is assigned
        /// automatically, as if invoking the <seealso cref="#bind bind"/> method with a
        /// parameter of {@code null}. </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="remote">
        ///         The remote address to which this channel is to be connected
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>  This datagram channel
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="ClosedChannelException">
        ///          If this channel is closed
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="AsynchronousCloseException">
        ///          If another thread closes this channel
        ///          while the connect operation is in progress
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="ClosedByInterruptException">
        ///          If another thread interrupts the current thread
        ///          while the connect operation is in progress, thereby
        ///          closing the channel and setting the current thread's
        ///          interrupt status
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="SecurityException">
        ///          If a security manager has been installed
        ///          and it does not permit access to the given remote address
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="IOException">
        ///          If some other I/O error occurs </exception>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public abstract DatagramChannel connect( remote) throws;
        public abstract DatagramChannel Connect(SocketAddress remote);
Exemple #32
            public static void BindCertificate(string ipAddress, int port, byte[] hash)
                uint retVal = (uint)NOERROR; // NOERROR = 0

                HTTPAPI_VERSION httpApiVersion = new HTTPAPI_VERSION(1, 0);

                retVal = HttpInitialize(httpApiVersion, HTTP_INITIALIZE_CONFIG, IntPtr.Zero);

                if ((uint)NOERROR == retVal)
                    HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_SSL_SET   configSslSet            = new HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_SSL_SET();
                    HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_SSL_KEY   httpServiceConfigSslKey = new HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_SSL_KEY();
                    HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_SSL_PARAM configSslParam          = new HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_SSL_PARAM();

                    IPAddress ip = IPAddress.Any; //IPAddress.Parse("");

                    IPEndPoint ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ip, port);
                    // serialize the endpoint to a SocketAddress and create an array to hold the values.  Pin the array.
                    SocketAddress socketAddress       = ipEndPoint.Serialize();
                    byte[]        socketBytes         = new byte[socketAddress.Size];
                    GCHandle      handleSocketAddress = GCHandle.Alloc(socketBytes, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                    // Should copy the first 16 bytes (the SocketAddress has a 32 byte buffer, the size will only be 16,
                    //which is what the SOCKADDR accepts
                    for (int i = 0; i < socketAddress.Size; ++i)
                        socketBytes[i] = socketAddress[i];

                    httpServiceConfigSslKey.pIpPort = handleSocketAddress.AddrOfPinnedObject();

                    GCHandle handleHash = GCHandle.Alloc(hash, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                    configSslParam.AppId = Guid.NewGuid();
                    configSslParam.DefaultCertCheckMode                 = 0;
                    configSslParam.DefaultFlags                         = HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_SSL_FLAG_NEGOTIATE_CLIENT_CERT;
                    configSslParam.DefaultRevocationFreshnessTime       = 0;
                    configSslParam.DefaultRevocationUrlRetrievalTimeout = 0;
                    configSslParam.pSslCertStoreName                    = StoreName.My.ToString();
                    configSslParam.pSslHash      = handleHash.AddrOfPinnedObject();
                    configSslParam.SslHashLength = hash.Length;
                    configSslSet.ParamDesc       = configSslParam;
                    configSslSet.KeyDesc         = httpServiceConfigSslKey;

                    IntPtr pInputConfigInfo = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_SSL_SET)));
                    Marshal.StructureToPtr(configSslSet, pInputConfigInfo, false);

                    retVal = HttpSetServiceConfiguration(IntPtr.Zero,

                    if ((uint)ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS == retVal)  // ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS = 183
                        retVal = HttpDeleteServiceConfiguration(IntPtr.Zero,

                        if ((uint)NOERROR == retVal)
                            retVal = HttpSetServiceConfiguration(IntPtr.Zero,

                    HttpTerminate(HTTP_INITIALIZE_CONFIG, IntPtr.Zero);

                if ((uint)NOERROR != retVal)
                    throw new Win32Exception(Convert.ToInt32(retVal));
Exemple #33
 public Session GetSession(SocketAddress address)
     this._Sessions.TryGetValue(address, out var result);
 public void leaveGroup(SocketAddress arg0, NetworkInterface arg1)
     Instance.CallMethod("leaveGroup", "(Ljava/net/SocketAddress;Ljava/net/NetworkInterface;)V", arg0, arg1);
Exemple #35
 public void Remove(Session session, SocketAddress address)
     this._Sessions.TryRemove(address, out session);
     this._SessionsByID.TryRemove(session.SessionID, out var existing);
Exemple #36
		/// <summary>Creates an endpoint from a socket address.</summary>
		/// <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Net.EndPoint" /> instance using the specified socket address.</returns>
		/// <param name="socketAddress">The <see cref="T:System.Net.SocketAddress" /> to use for the endpoint. </param>
		/// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The AddressFamily of <paramref name="socketAddress" /> is not equal to the AddressFamily of the current instance.-or- <paramref name="socketAddress" />.Size &lt; 8. </exception>
		/// <PermissionSet>
		///   <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode, ControlEvidence" />
		/// </PermissionSet>
		public override EndPoint Create(SocketAddress socketAddress)
			if (socketAddress.Family != this.AddressFamily)
				throw new ArgumentException("net_InvalidAddressFamily");
			if (socketAddress.Size < 8)
				throw new ArgumentException("net_InvalidSocketAddressSize");
			return socketAddress.GetIPEndPoint();
        // -- Socket-specific operations --

        /// <exception cref="AlreadyBoundException">               {@inheritDoc} </exception>
        /// <exception cref="UnsupportedAddressTypeException">     {@inheritDoc} </exception>
        /// <exception cref="ClosedChannelException">              {@inheritDoc} </exception>
        /// <exception cref="IOException">                         {@inheritDoc} </exception>
        /// <exception cref="SecurityException">
        ///          If a security manager has been installed and its {@link
        ///          SecurityManager#checkListen checkListen} method denies the
        ///          operation
        /// @since 1.7 </exception>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public abstract DatagramChannel bind( local) throws;
        public abstract DatagramChannel Bind(SocketAddress local);
        public override SocketAddress Serialize()
            SocketAddress sockaddr = null;

            switch (address.AddressFamily)
                case AddressFamily.InterNetwork:
                    // .net produces a 16 byte buffer, even though
                    // only 8 bytes are used. I guess its just a
                    // holdover from struct sockaddr padding.
                    sockaddr = new SocketAddress(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, 16);

                    // bytes 2 and 3 store the port, the rest
                    // stores the address
                    sockaddr[2] = (byte)((port >> 8) & 0xff);
                    sockaddr[3] = (byte)(port & 0xff);
                    long addr = address.InternalIPv4Address;
                    sockaddr[4] = (byte)(addr & 0xff);
                    sockaddr[5] = (byte)((addr >> 8) & 0xff);
                    sockaddr[6] = (byte)((addr >> 16) & 0xff);
                    sockaddr[7] = (byte)((addr >> 24) & 0xff);
            #if NET_1_1
                case AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6:
                    sockaddr = new SocketAddress(AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6, 28);

                    sockaddr [2] = (byte) ((port>>8) & 0xff);
                    sockaddr [3] = (byte) (port & 0xff);

                    byte[] addressBytes = address.GetAddressBytes();
                    for(int i=0; i<16; i++)
                        sockaddr[8+i] = addressBytes[i];

                    sockaddr [24] = (byte) (address.ScopeId & 0xff);
                    sockaddr [25] = (byte) ((address.ScopeId >> 8) & 0xff);
                    sockaddr [26] = (byte) ((address.ScopeId >> 16) & 0xff);
                    sockaddr [27] = (byte) ((address.ScopeId >> 24) & 0xff);

            return (sockaddr);
            internal UnixDomainSocketEndPoint(SocketAddress socketAddress)
                if (socketAddress == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("socketAddress");

                if (socketAddress.Family != EndPointAddressFamily || socketAddress.Size < MinSocketAddressSize || socketAddress.Size > MaxSocketAddressSize)
                    throw new ArgumentException("socketAddress");

                _encodedPath = new byte[socketAddress.Size - PathOffset];
                for (int index = 0; index < socketAddress.Size - PathOffset; index++)
                    _encodedPath[index] = socketAddress[PathOffset + index];

                _path = PathEncoding.GetString(_encodedPath);
Exemple #40
    private void Dispose(bool disposing)
      if (!m_disposed)
        m_disposed = true;

        if (m_connectAsyncOperationState != null)
          m_connectAsyncOperationState = null;

        if (m_sendAsyncOperationState != null)
          m_sendAsyncOperationState = null;

        if (m_receiveAsyncOperationState != null)
          m_receiveAsyncOperationState = null;

        if (m_acceptAsyncOperationState != null)
          m_acceptAsyncOperationState = null;

        if (m_remoteAddress != null)
          m_remoteAddress = null;

        if (m_boundAddress != null)
          m_boundAddress = null;

Exemple #41
		public int SendTo_internal(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count,
			SocketFlags flags,	SocketAddress sa, out int error)
			return Send_internal(buffer, offset, count, flags, out error);
 public static void Ctor_AddressFamilySize_Success()
     SocketAddress sa = new SocketAddress(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, 64);
     Assert.Equal(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, sa.Family);
     Assert.Equal(64, sa.Size);
Exemple #43
        internal unsafe static IPEndPoint GetLocalEndPoint(byte[] memoryBlob, IntPtr originalAddress)
            if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled) NetEventSource.Enter(null);

            SocketAddress v4address = new SocketAddress(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, IPv4AddressSize);
            SocketAddress v6address = new SocketAddress(AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6, IPv6AddressSize);

            fixed (byte* pMemoryBlob = memoryBlob)
                HTTP_REQUEST* request = (HTTP_REQUEST*)pMemoryBlob;
                IntPtr address = request->Address.pLocalAddress != null ? (IntPtr)(pMemoryBlob - (byte*)originalAddress + (byte*)request->Address.pLocalAddress) : IntPtr.Zero;
                CopyOutAddress(address, ref v4address, ref v6address);

            IPEndPoint endpoint = null;
            if (v4address != null)
                endpoint = s_any.Create(v4address) as IPEndPoint;
            else if (v6address != null)
                endpoint = s_ipv6Any.Create(v6address) as IPEndPoint;

            if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled) NetEventSource.Exit(null);
            return endpoint;
Exemple #44
        public UDTSocket Accept()
            System.Net.Sockets.Socket newSocket = _tcpSocket.Accept();
            UDTSocket newUDTSocket = new UDTSocket(newSocket);

            // Tracing
            UDTTrace("UDTSocket[" + _tcpSocket.Handle + ", new:" + newSocket.Handle + "]-Accept:" + newSocket.RemoteEndPoint.ToString());

            //---- UDT
            EndPoint      localEP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 0);
            SocketAddress address = ((IPEndPoint)localEP).Serialize();

            byte[] addressBuffer = new byte[address.Size];

            for (int index = 0; index < address.Size; index++)
                addressBuffer[index] = address[index];

            //---- Accept
            int size      = 0;
            int newHandle = API_Accept(_handle, addressBuffer, out size);

            if (UDT_INVALID_SOCK == newHandle)             // UDT::INVALID_SOCK
                throw new UDTSocketException(API_GetLastErrorCode(),

            //---- Get the IP+port of the peer socket (RemoteEndPoint)
            for (int index = 0; index < address.Size; index++)
                address[index] = addressBuffer[index];

            IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint;

            if (address.Family == AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
                remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);

                remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.IPv6Any, 0);
            remoteEndPoint = (IPEndPoint)(remoteEndPoint.Create(address));

            //---- Get the IP+port of the socket (LocalEndPoint)
            size = address.Size;

            if (UDT_ERROR == API_Getpeername(newHandle, addressBuffer, out size))
                throw new UDTSocketException(API_GetLastErrorCode(),
            IPEndPoint localEndPoint;

            if (address.Family == AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
                localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);

                localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.IPv6Any, 0);
            localEndPoint = (IPEndPoint)(localEndPoint.Create(address));

            //---- Tracing
            UDTTrace("UDTSocket[" + _handle + ", new:" + newHandle + "]-Accept:" + remoteEndPoint.ToString());

            //---- Return the new socket
            return(new UDTSocket(newHandle, _socketType, remoteEndPoint, localEndPoint));
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a datagram via this channel.
        /// <para> If this channel is in non-blocking mode and there is sufficient room
        /// in the underlying output buffer, or if this channel is in blocking mode
        /// and sufficient room becomes available, then the remaining bytes in the
        /// given buffer are transmitted as a single datagram to the given target
        /// address.
        /// </para>
        /// <para> The datagram is transferred from the byte buffer as if by a regular
        /// <seealso cref="WritableByteChannel#write(java.nio.ByteBuffer) write"/> operation.
        /// </para>
        /// <para> This method performs exactly the same security checks as the {@link
        /// send} method of the {@link
        ///} class.  That is, if the socket is not connected
        /// to a specific remote address and a security manager has been installed
        /// then for each datagram sent this method verifies that the target address
        /// and port number are permitted by the security manager's {@link
        /// java.lang.SecurityManager#checkConnect checkConnect} method.  The
        /// overhead of this security check can be avoided by first connecting the
        /// socket via the <seealso cref="#connect connect"/> method.
        /// </para>
        /// <para> This method may be invoked at any time.  If another thread has
        /// already initiated a write operation upon this channel, however, then an
        /// invocation of this method will block until the first operation is
        /// complete. If this channel's socket is not bound then this method will
        /// first cause the socket to be bound to an address that is assigned
        /// automatically, as if by invoking the <seealso cref="#bind bind"/> method with a
        /// parameter of {@code null}. </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src">
        ///         The buffer containing the datagram to be sent
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="target">
        ///         The address to which the datagram is to be sent
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>   The number of bytes sent, which will be either the number
        ///           of bytes that were remaining in the source buffer when this
        ///           method was invoked or, if this channel is non-blocking, may be
        ///           zero if there was insufficient room for the datagram in the
        ///           underlying output buffer
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="ClosedChannelException">
        ///          If this channel is closed
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="AsynchronousCloseException">
        ///          If another thread closes this channel
        ///          while the read operation is in progress
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="ClosedByInterruptException">
        ///          If another thread interrupts the current thread
        ///          while the read operation is in progress, thereby
        ///          closing the channel and setting the current thread's
        ///          interrupt status
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="SecurityException">
        ///          If a security manager has been installed
        ///          and it does not permit datagrams to be sent
        ///          to the given address
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="IOException">
        ///          If some other I/O error occurs </exception>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public abstract int send(java.nio.ByteBuffer src, target) throws;
        public abstract int Send(ByteBuffer src, SocketAddress target);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="listenAddresses"></param>
        public void StartListners(List <ListenAddress> listenAddresses, ref TcpListener listner)
            byte[] responseBuffer = new byte[4000];

                SocketAddress address = new SocketAddress(System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork);

                foreach (ListenAddress socketAddr in listenAddresses)
                    Common.StackLog.Write2TraceLog("Transport::SendMessage", "Starting Listening on " + socketAddr.IPAddress.ToString() + " with Port: " + socketAddr.Port.ToString());

                    listner = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Parse(socketAddr.IPAddress), socketAddr.Port);


                    Common.StackLog.Write2TraceLog("Transport::SendMessage", "Started Listening on " + listner.LocalEndpoint.ToString());

                    StackLog.Write2TraceLog("StartListners", "Started Listening on " + socketAddr.IPAddress + ":" + socketAddr.Port.ToString());

                while (true)
                    if (listner.Pending())
                        Common.StackLog.Write2TraceLog("Transport::StartListener", "Listening for Peer Connections ");

                        Socket socket = listner.AcceptSocket();

                        Common.StackLog.Write2TraceLog("Transport::StartListener", "Recieved Message From [" + socket + " ]");

                        //Get the Message Length
                        Array.Clear(responseBuffer, 0, responseBuffer.Length);

                        int rcvdcount = socket.Receive(responseBuffer);

                        byte[] RcvdBytes = new byte[rcvdcount];

                        Buffer.BlockCopy(responseBuffer, 0, RcvdBytes, 0, rcvdcount);
                        IPEndPoint remotePeer = socket.RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint;

                        RecievedMessageInfo rcvdObject = new RecievedMessageInfo()
                            data = RcvdBytes, PeerIdentity = new URI("aaa://" + remotePeer.Address + ":" + remotePeer.Port + ";transport=tcp;protocol=diameter")

                        DiameterAAAStack.RaisePeerStateChangeEvent(PEER_STATE_EVENT.Rcv_Message, RcvdBytes);

                        Array.Clear(responseBuffer, 0, responseBuffer.Length);
                    //catch (Exception ex)
            catch (Exception exp)
                //Write Log Here..
                Common.StackLog.Write2ErrorLog("Transport::StartListners()", "Error:" + exp.Message + " Stack:" + exp.StackTrace);
                //Shutdown and end connection


                //throw exp;
Exemple #47
 private extern static void Connect_internal_real(IntPtr sock,
                                                  SocketAddress sa,
                                                  out int error);
Exemple #48
		public int RecvFrom_internal(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count,	SocketFlags flags,
			ref SocketAddress sockaddr, out int error)
			return Receive_internal(buffer, offset, count, flags, out error);
Exemple #49
 private static void Connect_internal(IntPtr sock,
                                      SocketAddress sa,
                                      out int error)
     Connect_internal(sock, sa, out error, true);
Exemple #50
        private unsafe static void CopyOutAddress(IntPtr address, ref SocketAddress v4address, ref SocketAddress v6address)
            if (address != IntPtr.Zero)
                ushort addressFamily = *((ushort*)address);
                if (addressFamily == (ushort)AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
                    v6address = null;
                    for (int index = 2; index < IPv4AddressSize; index++)
                        v4address[index] = ((byte*)address)[index];
                if (addressFamily == (ushort)AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6)
                    v4address = null;
                    for (int index = 2; index < IPv6AddressSize; index++)
                        v6address[index] = ((byte*)address)[index];

            v4address = null;
            v6address = null;
Exemple #51
        internal void Connect(EndPoint remoteEP, bool requireSocketPolicy)
            SocketAddress serial = null;

            if (disposed && closed)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException(GetType().ToString());

            if (remoteEP == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("remoteEP");

            IPEndPoint ep = remoteEP as IPEndPoint;

            if (ep != null)
                if (ep.Address.Equals(IPAddress.Any) || ep.Address.Equals(IPAddress.IPv6Any))
                    throw new SocketException((int)SocketError.AddressNotAvailable);

#if NET_2_1 && !MONOTOUCH
            if (protocol_type != ProtocolType.Tcp)
                throw new SocketException((int)SocketError.AccessDenied);
#elif NET_2_0
            /* TODO: check this for the 1.1 profile too */
            if (islistening)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();
            serial = remoteEP.Serialize();

            int error = 0;

            blocking_thread = Thread.CurrentThread;
            try {
                Connect_internal(socket, serial, out error, requireSocketPolicy);
            } catch (ThreadAbortException) {
                if (disposed)
                    error = (int)SocketError.Interrupted;
            } finally {
                blocking_thread = null;

            if (error != 0)
                throw new SocketException(error);

            connected = true;

#if NET_2_0
            isbound = true;

            seed_endpoint = remoteEP;
		// Summary:
		//     Creates an System.Net.EndPoint instance from a System.Net.SocketAddress instance.
		// Parameters:
		//   socketAddress:
		//     The socket address that serves as the endpoint for a connection.
		// Returns:
		//     A new System.Net.EndPoint instance that is initialized from the specified
		//     System.Net.SocketAddress instance.
		// Exceptions:
		//   System.NotImplementedException:
		//     Any attempt is made to access the method when the method is not overridden
		//     in a descendant class.
		public virtual EndPoint Create(SocketAddress socketAddress);
Exemple #53
        //function will return connection id for this connect request
        ///PopData with eventtype ConnectEvent will be signal that this slot is successfully connected
        ///exceptionConnectionId defines connectionId with exception tuning params (returned from AddConfigException)
        ///exceptionConnectionId==0 means default connection
        ///return connectionId if success 0 otherwise
        public static int ConnectEndPoint(int hostId, EndPoint endPoint, int exceptionConnectionId, out byte error)
            error = 0;

            // This class is implemented in the Xbox One Plugins API
            const string kXboxOneEndPointClass = "UnityEngine.XboxOne.XboxOneEndPoint";

            // XboxOneEndPoint validation constants
            byte[]    XboxOneEndPointPacketSignature = new byte[] { 0x5f, 0x24, 0x13, 0xf6 }; // Our magic signature (it's a constant we randomly-generated)
            const int kXboxOneEndPointPacketSize     = 2 + 4 + 8;                             // sizeof(AddressFamily) + XboxOneEndPointPacketSignature.Length + 8 bytes(64bit pointer)
            const int kSDASocketStorageOffset        = 6;                                     // sizeof(AddressFamily) + XboxOneEndPointPacketSignature.Length
            const int kSockAddrStorageLength         = 128;                                   // sizeof(sockaddr_storage)

            if (endPoint == null)                                                             // We require an XboxOneEndPoint to continue
                throw new NullReferenceException("Null EndPoint provided");
            if ((endPoint.GetType().FullName != kXboxOneEndPointClass) && (endPoint.GetType().FullName != "UnityEngine.PS4.SceEndPoint"))
                throw new ArgumentException("Endpoint of type XboxOneEndPoint or SceEndPoint  required");

            if (endPoint.GetType().FullName == kXboxOneEndPointClass)
                EndPoint xboxOneEndPoint = endPoint;
                if (xboxOneEndPoint.AddressFamily != System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6)
                    throw new ArgumentException("XboxOneEndPoint has an invalid family");

                // Okay, now serialise the endpoint, and convert it to a normal byte[] buffer
                SocketAddress src = xboxOneEndPoint.Serialize();

                if (src.Size != kXboxOneEndPointPacketSize) // The specified socket is not an XboxEndPoint (wrong size!)
                    throw new ArgumentException("XboxOneEndPoint has an invalid size");

                if (src[0] != 0 || src[1] != 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("XboxOneEndPoint has an invalid family signature");
                if (src[2] != XboxOneEndPointPacketSignature[0] ||
                    src[3] != XboxOneEndPointPacketSignature[1] ||
                    src[4] != XboxOneEndPointPacketSignature[2] ||
                    src[5] != XboxOneEndPointPacketSignature[3])
                    throw new ArgumentException("XboxOneEndPoint has an invalid signature");

                // Okay, now extract the pointer to the SOCKET_STORAGE address to a byte array
                byte[] dst = new byte[8]; // 8 bytes (64bit pointer)
                for (int i = 0; i < dst.Length; ++i)
                    dst[i] = src[kSDASocketStorageOffset + i];

                byte[] SocketAddressFamily = new byte[2]; // short
                Buffer.BlockCopy(dst, 0, SocketAddressFamily, 0, SocketAddressFamily.Length);

                System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily a = (System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily)((((int)SocketAddressFamily[1]) << 8) + (int)SocketAddressFamily[0]);
                if (a != System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6)
                    throw new ArgumentException("XboxOneEndPoint has corrupt or invalid SOCKET_STORAGE pointer");
                return(Internal_ConnectEndPoint(hostId, dst, kSockAddrStorageLength, exceptionConnectionId, out error));
                const int kSceEndPointPacketSize = 16;
                const int kSceSockAddrSize       = 16;
                const int kSCE_NET_AF_INET       = 2; // from <socket.h>
                // Sony platforms network code
                SocketAddress src = endPoint.Serialize();

                if (src.Size != kSceEndPointPacketSize) // The specified socket is not an XboxEndPoint (wrong size!)
                    throw new ArgumentException("EndPoint has an invalid size");

                if (src[0] != src.Size)
                    throw new ArgumentException("EndPoint has an invalid size value");

                if (src[1] != kSCE_NET_AF_INET)
                    throw new ArgumentException("EndPoint has an invalid family value");

                byte[] dst = new byte[kSceSockAddrSize];
                for (int i = 0; i < dst.Length; ++i)
                    dst[i] = src[i];

                int result = Internal_ConnectEndPoint(hostId, dst, kSceSockAddrSize, exceptionConnectionId, out error);
Exemple #54
        public override void Connect(IPEndPoint endPoint)
            if (m_remoteAddress != null)
                m_remoteAddress = null;

            m_remoteAddress = new SocketAddress(endPoint.Address, endPoint.Port);

            if (m_boundAddress == null)
                if (endPoint.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
                    Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0));
                    Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.IPv6Any, 0));

            int bytesSend;


            if (m_connectEx(Handle, m_remoteAddress.Buffer, m_remoteAddress.Size, IntPtr.Zero, 0,
                out bytesSend, m_outOverlapped.Address))
                SocketError socketError = (SocketError)Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();

                if (socketError != SocketError.IOPending)
                    throw new SocketException((int)socketError);
Exemple #55
        // The getPage method gets the server's home page content by
        // recreating the server's endpoint from the original serialized endpoint.
        // Then it creates a new socket and connects it to the endpoint.
        private static string getPage(string server, SocketAddress socketAddress)
            //Set up variables and string to write to the server.
            Encoding ASCII = Encoding.ASCII;
            string   Get   = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: " + server +
                             "\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n";

            Byte[] ByteGet    = ASCII.GetBytes(Get);
            Byte[] RecvBytes  = new Byte[256];
            String strRetPage = null;

            Socket socket = null;

            // Recreate the connection endpoint from the serialized information.
            IPEndPoint endpoint         = new IPEndPoint(0, 0);
            IPEndPoint clonedIPEndPoint = (IPEndPoint)endpoint.Create(socketAddress);

            Console.WriteLine("clonedIPEndPoint: " + clonedIPEndPoint.ToString());

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue.");

                // Create a socket object to establish a connection with the server.
                socket =
                    new Socket(endpoint.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);

                // Connect to the cloned end point.
            catch (SocketException e)
                Console.WriteLine("Source : " + e.Source);
                Console.WriteLine("Message : " + e.Message);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Source : " + e.Source);
                Console.WriteLine("Message : " + e.Message);

            if (socket == null)
                return("Connection to cloned endpoint failed");

            // Send request to the server.
            socket.Send(ByteGet, ByteGet.Length, 0);

            // Receive the server  home page content.
            Int32 bytes = socket.Receive(RecvBytes, RecvBytes.Length, 0);

            // Read the first 256 bytes.
            strRetPage = "Default HTML page on " + server + ":\r\n";
            strRetPage = strRetPage + ASCII.GetString(RecvBytes, 0, bytes);

            while (bytes > 0)
                bytes      = socket.Receive(RecvBytes, RecvBytes.Length, 0);
                strRetPage = strRetPage + ASCII.GetString(RecvBytes, 0, bytes);


 public override EndPoint Create(SocketAddress socketAddress) => new UnixDomainSocketEndPoint(socketAddress);
        public static int ConnectEndPoint(int hostId, EndPoint endPoint, int exceptionConnectionId, out byte error)
            error = 0;
            byte[] array = new byte[]
            bool flag = endPoint == null;

            if (flag)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Null EndPoint provided");
            bool flag2 = endPoint.GetType().FullName != "UnityEngine.XboxOne.XboxOneEndPoint" && endPoint.GetType().FullName != "UnityEngine.PS4.SceEndPoint" && endPoint.GetType().FullName != "UnityEngine.PSVita.SceEndPoint";

            if (flag2)
                throw new ArgumentException("Endpoint of type XboxOneEndPoint or SceEndPoint  required");
            bool flag3 = endPoint.GetType().FullName == "UnityEngine.XboxOne.XboxOneEndPoint";
            int  result;

            if (flag3)
                bool flag4 = endPoint.AddressFamily != AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6;
                if (flag4)
                    throw new ArgumentException("XboxOneEndPoint has an invalid family");
                SocketAddress socketAddress = endPoint.Serialize();
                bool          flag5         = socketAddress.Size != 14;
                if (flag5)
                    throw new ArgumentException("XboxOneEndPoint has an invalid size");
                bool flag6 = socketAddress[0] != 0 || socketAddress[1] > 0;
                if (flag6)
                    throw new ArgumentException("XboxOneEndPoint has an invalid family signature");
                bool flag7 = socketAddress[2] != array[0] || socketAddress[3] != array[1] || socketAddress[4] != array[2] || socketAddress[5] != array[3];
                if (flag7)
                    throw new ArgumentException("XboxOneEndPoint has an invalid signature");
                byte[] array2 = new byte[8];
                for (int i = 0; i < array2.Length; i++)
                    array2[i] = socketAddress[6 + i];
                IntPtr intPtr = new IntPtr(BitConverter.ToInt64(array2, 0));
                bool   flag8  = intPtr == IntPtr.Zero;
                if (flag8)
                    throw new ArgumentException("XboxOneEndPoint has an invalid SOCKET_STORAGE pointer");
                byte[] array3 = new byte[2];
                Marshal.Copy(intPtr, array3, 0, array3.Length);
                AddressFamily addressFamily = (AddressFamily)(((int)array3[1] << 8) + (int)array3[0]);
                bool          flag9         = addressFamily != AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6;
                if (flag9)
                    throw new ArgumentException("XboxOneEndPoint has corrupt or invalid SOCKET_STORAGE pointer");
                result = NetworkTransport.Internal_ConnectEndPoint(hostId, array2, 128, exceptionConnectionId, out error);
                SocketAddress socketAddress2 = endPoint.Serialize();
                bool          flag10         = socketAddress2.Size != 16;
                if (flag10)
                    throw new ArgumentException("EndPoint has an invalid size");
                bool flag11 = (int)socketAddress2[0] != socketAddress2.Size;
                if (flag11)
                    throw new ArgumentException("EndPoint has an invalid size value");
                bool flag12 = socketAddress2[1] != 2;
                if (flag12)
                    throw new ArgumentException("EndPoint has an invalid family value");
                byte[] array4 = new byte[16];
                for (int j = 0; j < array4.Length; j++)
                    array4[j] = socketAddress2[j];
                int num = NetworkTransport.Internal_ConnectEndPoint(hostId, array4, 16, exceptionConnectionId, out error);
                result = num;
		// Summary:
		//     Creates an endpoint from a socket address.
		// Parameters:
		//   socketAddress:
		//     The System.Net.SocketAddress to use for the endpoint.
		// Returns:
		//     An System.Net.EndPoint instance using the specified socket address.
		// Exceptions:
		//   System.ArgumentException:
		//     The AddressFamily of socketAddress is not equal to the AddressFamily of the
		//     current instance.-or- socketAddress.Size < 8.
		public override EndPoint Create(SocketAddress socketAddress);
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override EndPoint Create(SocketAddress socketAddress) =>
 new UdsEndPoint(socketAddress);