public string NameFromStrings(TuningStrings tuning, bool isBass, bool inBem = true) { List <Int32> Notes = new List <Int32>(); List <String> NoteNames = new List <String>(); String[] notesNames = new String[] { "C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B" }; String[] notesNamesHi = new String[] { "C", "Db", "D", "Eb", "E", "F", "Gb", "G", "Ab", "A", "Bb", "B" }; for (Byte s = 0; s < 6; s++) { Notes.Add(Sng2014FileWriter.GetMidiNote(tuning.ToShortArray(), s, 0, isBass, 0)); } foreach (var mNote in Notes) { if (inBem) { NoteNames.Add(notesNamesHi[mNote % 12]); //oct = mNote / 12 - 1 } else { NoteNames.Add(notesNames[mNote % 12]); //oct = mNote / 12 - 1 } } return(String.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}{5}", NoteNames[0], NoteNames[1], NoteNames[2], NoteNames[3], NoteNames[4], NoteNames[5])); }
public Showlights Genegate(string xmlFile) { var midiNotes = new List <Showlight>(); var chordNotes = new List <Showlight>(); var ShowL = new Showlights(); var song = Song2014.LoadFromFile(xmlFile); // If vocals if (song.Phrases == null || song.Tuning == null) { return(null); } //Generate ShowlightList var tuning = song.Tuning.ToShortArray(); if (song.Levels != null) { foreach (var lvl in song.Levels) { for (int i = 0; i + 1 <= lvl.Notes.Count(); i++) { var mNote = Sng2014FileWriter.GetMidiNote(tuning, (Byte)lvl.Notes[i].String, (Byte)lvl.Notes[i].Fret, song.Arrangement == "Bass", song.Capo); midiNotes.Add(new Showlight() { Time = lvl.Notes[i].Time, Note = mNote }); } for (int i = 0; i + 1 <= lvl.Chords.Count(); i++) { if (lvl.Chords[i].HighDensity == 1) { continue; //speedhack } int mNote = Sng2014FileWriter.getChordNote(tuning, lvl.Chords[i], song.ChordTemplates, song.Arrangement == "Bass", song.Capo); chordNotes.Add(new Showlight() { Time = lvl.Chords[i].Time, Note = mNote }); } } } ShowL.PopShList(midiNotes); ShowL.PopShList(chordNotes); ShowL.Count = ShowL.ShowlightList.Count; return(ShowL); }
static string NoteName(TuningStrings tuning, byte s, bool flats = false) { String[] notesNamesHi = { "C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B" }; String[] notesNamesLo = { "C", "Db", "D", "Eb", "E", "F", "Gb", "G", "Ab", "A", "Bb", "B" }; var id = Sng2014FileWriter.GetMidiNote(tuning.ToArray(), s, 0, false, 0) % 12; return(flats ? notesNamesLo[id] : notesNamesHi[id]); }
static int[] GetTuning(Song2014 arrangement) { // Guitar Pro expects the tuning as Midi note values // In Rocksmith, the tuning is given as the difference in half steps // from standard tuning for each string, so we need to convert that. bool isBass = arrangement.Title.ToLower() == "bass"; int[] tuning = new int[6]; for (byte s = 0; s < tuning.Length; ++s) { tuning[s] = Sng2014FileWriter.GetMidiNote(arrangement.Tuning.ToArray(), s, 0, isBass, 0); } return(tuning); }
/// <summary> /// Showlights Generator Rev3 /// using arrangement and level with most notes and chords /// </summary> /// <param name="xmlFile">Xml file.</param> private void Generate(string xmlFile, int maxLevelNdx) { var midiNotes = new List <Showlight>(); var chordNotes = new List <Showlight>(); var song = Song2014.LoadFromFile(xmlFile); // error checking if (song.Phrases == null || song.Levels == null || song.Tuning == null) { throw new Exception("Arrangement: " + xmlFile + Environment.NewLine + "Contains no phrases, levels and/or tuning."); } // tuning used to get proper midi notes var tuning = song.Tuning.ToArray(); foreach (var note in song.Levels[maxLevelNdx].Notes) { // make showlights changes occure on the beat/measure var measOffset = song.Ebeats.Where(eb => eb.Measure != -1 && eb.Time <= note.Time).Last(); // forcing midi notes for guitar gives more consistent results even with bass arrangements var mNote = Sng2014FileWriter.GetMidiNote(tuning, (Byte)note.String, (Byte)note.Fret, false, song.Capo); // varying midi notes gives more color changes // var mNote = Sng2014FileWriter.GetMidiNote(tuning, (Byte)note.String, (Byte)note.Fret, song.Arrangement == "Bass", song.Capo); midiNotes.Add(new Showlight { Time = measOffset.Time, Note = mNote }); } foreach (var chord in song.Levels[maxLevelNdx].Chords) { if (chord.HighDensity == 1) { continue; //speedhack } // make showlights occure on the beat/measure var measOffset = song.Ebeats.Where(eb => eb.Measure != -1 && eb.Time <= chord.Time).Last(); // forcing midi notes for guitar gives more consistent results even with bass arrangements var mNote = Sng2014FileWriter.getChordNote(tuning, chord, song.ChordTemplates, false, song.Capo); // varying midi notes gives more color changes //var mNote = Sng2014FileWriter.getChordNote(tuning, chord, song.ChordTemplates, song.Arrangement == "Bass", song.Capo); chordNotes.Add(new Showlight { Time = measOffset.Time, Note = mNote }); } ShowlightList = new List <Showlight>(); AddShowlights(midiNotes); AddShowlights(chordNotes); }
/// <summary> /// Showlights Generator Rev2 /// max difficulty with most notes and chords /// </summary> /// <param name="xmlFile">Xml file.</param> public Showlights Generate(string xmlFile) { var midiNotes = new List <Showlight>(); var chordNotes = new List <Showlight>(); var song = Song2014.LoadFromFile(xmlFile); // If vocals if (song.Phrases == null || song.Tuning == null) { return(null); } //Generate ShowlightList var tuning = song.Tuning.ToArray(); if (song.Levels != null) { var mf = new ManifestFunctions(GameVersion.RS2014); int maxDif = mf.GetMaxDifficulty(song); for (int i = 0; i < song.Levels[maxDif].Notes.Length; i++) { var mNote = Sng2014FileWriter.GetMidiNote(tuning, (Byte)song.Levels[maxDif].Notes[i].String, (Byte)song.Levels[maxDif].Notes[i].Fret, song.Arrangement == "Bass", song.Capo); midiNotes.Add(new Showlight { Time = song.Levels[maxDif].Notes[i].Time, Note = mNote }); } for (int i = 0; i < song.Levels[maxDif].Chords.Length; i++) { if (song.Levels[maxDif].Chords[i].HighDensity == 1) { continue; //speedhack } int mNote = Sng2014FileWriter.getChordNote(tuning, song.Levels[maxDif].Chords[i], song.ChordTemplates, song.Arrangement == "Bass", song.Capo); chordNotes.Add(new Showlight { Time = song.Levels[maxDif].Chords[i].Time, Note = mNote }); } } PopShList(midiNotes); PopShList(chordNotes); return(this); }
private static string GetTuningName(TuningStrings tuning, bool isBass, int capo, bool inBem = true) { List <Int32> Notes = new List <Int32>(); List <String> NoteNames = new List <String>(); String[] notesNames = new String[] { "C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B" }; String[] notesNamesHi = new String[] { "C", "Db", "D", "Eb", "E", "F", "Gb", "G", "Ab", "A", "Bb", "B" }; for (Byte s = 0; s < (isBass ? 4 : 6); s++) { Notes.Add(Sng2014FileWriter.GetMidiNote(tuning.ToShortArray(), s, 0, isBass, capo)); } foreach (var mNote in Notes) { if (inBem) { NoteNames.Add(notesNamesHi[mNote % 12]); //oct = mNote / 12 - 1 } else { NoteNames.Add(notesNames[mNote % 12]); //oct = mNote / 12 - 1 } } return(String.Join(" ", NoteNames)); }
private static Score CreateSong(Song2014 song, IEnumerable <SongNoteChordWrapper> allSounds) { var score = new Score(); score.Album = song.AlbumName; score.Artist = song.ArtistName; //score.copyright //score.instructions // score.Notices = "Created by RockSmith Tab Explorer"; //_score.subTitle // score.Tempo = (int)song.AverageTempo; score.TempoLabel = "avg. bpm"; score.Title = song.Title + " (" + song.Arrangement + ")"; //_score.words bool isBass = song.Arrangement.ToLower() == "bass"; var track = new Track(); track.Name = song.Arrangement; track.Index = 1; int capo = track.Capo; track.TuningName = GetTuningName(song.Tuning, isBass, capo); track.ShortName = song.Arrangement; // Add string tunings in reverse order var tuning = new int[(isBass ? 4 : 6)]; for (Byte s = 0; s < tuning.Length; s++) { tuning[tuning.Length - 1 - s] = Sng2014FileWriter.GetMidiNote(song.Tuning.ToShortArray(), s, 0, isBass, capo); } track.Tuning.AddRange(tuning); score.AddTrack(track); foreach (var chordTemplate in song.ChordTemplates.Where(ct => ct.ChordId != null)) { var chord = new global::AlphaTab.Model.Chord(); track.Chords[chordTemplate.ChordId.ToString()] = chord; chord.Name = chordTemplate.ChordName; chord.Strings.Add(chordTemplate.Fret0); chord.Strings.Add(chordTemplate.Fret1); chord.Strings.Add(chordTemplate.Fret2); chord.Strings.Add(chordTemplate.Fret3); chord.Strings.Add(chordTemplate.Fret4); chord.Strings.Add(chordTemplate.Fret5); } List <eBeatWrapper> ebeatMeasures = new List <eBeatWrapper>(); eBeatWrapper currentMeasureBeat = null; foreach (var srcBeat in song.Ebeats) { if (srcBeat.Measure > 0) { currentMeasureBeat = new eBeatWrapper() { MeasureStartBeat = srcBeat, MeasureSubBeats = new List <SongEbeat>() }; ebeatMeasures.Add(currentMeasureBeat); } else { if (currentMeasureBeat == null) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Invalid ebeats in source file. Sub measure is before first measure!?"); } else { currentMeasureBeat.MeasureSubBeats.Add(srcBeat); } } } var notesStack = new Stack <SongNoteChordWrapper>(allSounds.OrderByDescending(x => x.Time)); var currentNote = notesStack.Pop(); var nextNote = notesStack.Pop(); int prevMeasureId = 0; int i = 1; float prevMeasureDuration = 0; foreach (var measure in ebeatMeasures) { var nextmeasure = i < ebeatMeasures.Count ? ebeatMeasures[i] : null; if (measure.MeasureStartBeat.Measure > prevMeasureId) { var measureDuration = nextmeasure != null ? nextmeasure.MeasureStartBeat.Time - measure.MeasureStartBeat.Time : prevMeasureDuration; AddMasterBarToScore(score, measure.MeasureStartBeat.Time.ToString("n2"), measure); var voice = AddBarAndVoiceToTrack(track, isBass ? Clef.F4 : Clef.G2); bool firstNoteInBar = true; while (currentNote != null && (nextmeasure == null || currentNote.Time < nextmeasure.MeasureStartBeat.Time)) { if (currentNote.IsNote() && currentNote.AsNote().Bend != 0) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Bent detected. Bend value: {0}. Measure: {1}", currentNote.AsNote().Bend, measure.MeasureStartBeat.Measure); } Duration duration = Duration.Quarter; if (firstNoteInBar && currentNote.Time > measure.MeasureStartBeat.Time) { var leadingSilenceTicks = Get64thsFromDuration(measure.MeasureStartBeat.Time, currentNote.Time, measureDuration); while (leadingSilenceTicks >= 1) { if (leadingSilenceTicks >= 32) { AddBeatAndSilenceToVoice(voice, Duration.Half); leadingSilenceTicks -= 32; } else if (leadingSilenceTicks >= 16) { AddBeatAndSilenceToVoice(voice, Duration.Quarter); leadingSilenceTicks -= 16; } else if (leadingSilenceTicks >= 8) { AddBeatAndSilenceToVoice(voice, Duration.Eighth); leadingSilenceTicks -= 8; } else if (leadingSilenceTicks >= 4) { AddBeatAndSilenceToVoice(voice, Duration.Sixteenth); leadingSilenceTicks -= 4; } else if (leadingSilenceTicks >= 2) { AddBeatAndSilenceToVoice(voice, Duration.ThirtySecond); leadingSilenceTicks -= 2; } else if (leadingSilenceTicks >= 1) { AddBeatAndSilenceToVoice(voice, Duration.SixtyFourth); leadingSilenceTicks -= 1; } } } Single durationTime = 0; if (nextNote != null) { duration = GetBeatDuration(currentNote.Time, nextNote.Time, measureDuration); durationTime = nextNote.Time - currentNote.Time; } else { durationTime = measureDuration; } if (currentNote.IsNote()) { AddBeatAndNoteToVoice(voice, currentNote.AsNote(), duration, durationTime); } else { AddBeatWithChordToVoice(voice, currentNote.AsChord(), duration, durationTime); } currentNote = nextNote; if (notesStack.Any()) { nextNote = notesStack.Pop(); } else { nextNote = null; } firstNoteInBar = false; } prevMeasureId = measure.MeasureStartBeat.Measure; prevMeasureDuration = measureDuration; } i++; } return(score); }
private static Score CreateSong(Song2014 song, IEnumerable <SongNoteChordWrapper> allSounds) { var score = new Score(); score.album = song.AlbumName; score.artist = song.ArtistName; //score.copyright //score.instructions // score.notices = "Created by RockSmith Tab Explorer"; //_score.subTitle // score.tempo = (int)song.AverageTempo; score.tempoLabel = "avg. bpm"; score.title = song.Title + " (" + song.Arrangement + ")"; //_score.words bool isBass = song.Arrangement.ToLower() == "bass"; var track = new Track(); = song.Arrangement; track.index = 1; track.tuningName = GetTuningName(song.Tuning, isBass); track.shortName = song.Arrangement; for (Byte s = 0; s < (isBass ? 4 : 6); s++) { track.tuning[(isBass ? 3 : 5) - s] = Sng2014FileWriter.GetMidiNote(song.Tuning.ToShortArray(), s, 0, isBass); } score.addTrack(track); int chordId = 0; foreach (var chordTemplate in song.ChordTemplates) { var chord = new global::alphatab.model.Chord(); track.chords.set(chordId.ToString(), chord); = chordTemplate.ChordName; chord.strings[0] = chordTemplate.Fret0; chord.strings[1] = chordTemplate.Fret1; chord.strings[2] = chordTemplate.Fret2; chord.strings[3] = chordTemplate.Fret3; chord.strings[4] = chordTemplate.Fret4; chord.strings[5] = chordTemplate.Fret5; chordId++; } var ebeatMeasures = song.Ebeats.Where(x => x.Measure > 0).OrderBy(x => x.Measure).ToList(); var notesStack = new Stack <SongNoteChordWrapper>(allSounds.OrderByDescending(x => x.Time)); var currentNote = notesStack.Pop(); var nextNote = notesStack.Pop(); int prevMeasureId = 0; int i = 1; float prevMeasureDuration = 0; foreach (var measure in ebeatMeasures) { var nextmeasure = i < ebeatMeasures.Count ? ebeatMeasures[i] : null; if (measure.Measure > prevMeasureId) { var measureDuration = nextmeasure != null ? nextmeasure.Time - measure.Time : prevMeasureDuration; AddMasterBarToScore(score, measure.Time.ToString("n2")); var voice = AddBarAndVoiceToTrack(track, isBass ? Clef.F4 : Clef.G2); bool firstNoteInBar = true; while (currentNote != null && (nextmeasure == null || currentNote.Time < nextmeasure.Time)) { Duration duration = Duration.Quarter; if (firstNoteInBar && currentNote.Time > measure.Time) { var leadingSilenceTicks = Get64thsFromDuration(measure.Time, currentNote.Time, measureDuration); while (leadingSilenceTicks >= 1) { if (leadingSilenceTicks >= 32) { AddBeatAndNoteToVoice(voice, null, Duration.Half); leadingSilenceTicks -= 32; } else if (leadingSilenceTicks >= 16) { AddBeatAndNoteToVoice(voice, null, Duration.Quarter); leadingSilenceTicks -= 16; } else if (leadingSilenceTicks >= 8) { AddBeatAndNoteToVoice(voice, null, Duration.Eighth); leadingSilenceTicks -= 8; } else if (leadingSilenceTicks >= 4) { AddBeatAndNoteToVoice(voice, null, Duration.Sixteenth); leadingSilenceTicks -= 4; } else if (leadingSilenceTicks >= 2) { AddBeatAndNoteToVoice(voice, null, Duration.ThirtySecond); leadingSilenceTicks -= 2; } else if (leadingSilenceTicks >= 1) { AddBeatAndNoteToVoice(voice, null, Duration.SixtyFourth); leadingSilenceTicks -= 1; } } } if (nextNote != null) { duration = GetBeatDuration(currentNote.Time, nextNote.Time, measureDuration); } if (currentNote.IsNote()) { AddBeatAndNoteToVoice(voice, currentNote.AsNote(), duration); } else { AddBeatWithChordToVoice(voice, currentNote.AsChord(), duration); } currentNote = nextNote; if (notesStack.Any()) { nextNote = notesStack.Pop(); } else { nextNote = null; } firstNoteInBar = false; } prevMeasureId = measure.Measure; prevMeasureDuration = measureDuration; } i++; } return(score); }