public List <Snapshot> GetSnapshots(string key) { SnapmailRowData snapmail = SnapmailDao.Get(key); Evercam.SANDBOX = Settings.EvercamSandboxMode; Evercam evercam = new Evercam(snapmail.AccessToken); string[] cred = snapmail.AccessToken.Split(':'); if (cred.Length >= 2) { evercam = new Evercam(cred[0], cred[1]); } List <Snapshot> snaps = new List <Snapshot>(); string[] camids = snapmail.Cameras.Split(','); List <Camera> cams = evercam.GetCameras(null, snapmail.UserId, true); foreach (Camera c in cams) { var results = Array.FindAll(camids, s => s.Equals(c.ID)); if (results.Length > 0 && c.Thumbnail != null) { Snapshot snap = new Snapshot() { Data = c.Thumbnail }; snaps.Add(snap); } } return(snaps); }
public void Execute() { Utils.FileLog("Service execution started..."); while (isServiceRunning) { Utils.FileLog(Environment.NewLine + "Fetching pending snapmails..."); List <SnapmailRowData> snapmails = SnapmailDao.GetAll(); if (snapmails.Count > 0) { List <string> keys = new List <string>(); foreach (SnapmailRowData data in snapmails) { ///// TESTING ONLY //if (data.UserId != "shakeelanjum") // continue; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.AccessToken)) { Utils.FileLog("Skipping snapmail (" + data.RowKey + ") No access token"); continue; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.Recipients)) { Utils.FileLog("Skipping snapmail (" + data.RowKey + ") No more recipients"); continue; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((SnapmailExePath = CopySnapmailer(data.RowKey)))) { Utils.FileLog("Skipping snapmail (" + data.RowKey + ") Unable to create copy of Snapmailer.exe"); continue; } StartSnapmailer(data); } } Thread.Sleep(Settings.CheckInterval); } }
public TokenUserModel GetTokenUser([FromBody] TokenUrlModel data) { try { data.token_endpoint = data.token_endpoint.Replace("dashboard", "api"); string result; WebRequest r = WebRequest.Create(data.token_endpoint); r.Method = "GET"; using (var response = (HttpWebResponse)r.GetResponse()) { result = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd(); response.Close(); } TokenUserModel token = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TokenUserModel>(result); ////// UPDATES USER ACCESS TOKEN AGAINST ALL SNAPMAILS //////// SnapmailDao.UpdateUserToken(token.userid, token.access_token); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// return(token); } catch (Exception x) { throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Evercam.SANDBOX = Settings.EvercamSandboxMode; //// for testing //args = new string[1]; //args[0] = "81f3e1dc-85b5-4ca3-bd4a-4636f8e66602"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(args[0])) { while ((data = SnapmailDao.Get(args[0])) != null && data.IsActive && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.Recipients)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.AccessToken)) { evercam = new Evercam(data.AccessToken); string[] cred = data.AccessToken.Split(':'); if (cred.Length >= 2) { evercam = new Evercam(cred[0], cred[1]); } int hh = int.Parse(data.NotifyTime.Substring(0, 2)); int mm = int.Parse(data.NotifyTime.Substring(3, 2)); DateTime scheduled = new DateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.Year, DateTime.UtcNow.Month, DateTime.UtcNow.Day, hh, mm, 0); scheduled = Utils.ConvertToUtc(scheduled, data.TimeZone, true); DayOfWeek[] days = Utils.GetDaysOfWeek(data.NotifyDays); if (days.Contains <DayOfWeek>(DateTime.UtcNow.DayOfWeek)) { if (DateTime.UtcNow >= scheduled && DateTime.UtcNow <= scheduled.AddMinutes(1)) { Utils.FileLog("User: "******", Cameras: " + data.Cameras, data.RowKey); List <string> attachments = new List <string>(); bool anyImages = false; bool anyErrors = false; bool anyDebugs = false; string images = ""; string errors = "<ul>"; string debugs = "<ul>"; string[] cc = data.Cameras.Split(',', ' '); foreach (string c in cc) { bool gotImage = false; string timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff"); string temppath = Path.Combine(Settings.TempImagePath, c + timestamp + ".jpg"); Camera camera = new Camera(); byte[] image = null; for (int i = 1; i <= Settings.TryCount; i++) { try { if (camera == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(camera.ID)) { camera = evercam.GetCamera(c); } // store and returns live snapshot on evercam image = evercam.CreateSnapshot(c, Settings.EvercamClientName, true).ToBytes(); Utils.FileLog("Image data retrieved (try#" + i + "): " + data.RowKey, data.RowKey); if (image != null && Storage.SaveFile(temppath, image)) { attachments.Add(temppath); temppath = WebUtility.UrlDecode(Path.Combine(Settings.TempImagePath, c + timestamp + ".jpg")).Replace(@"/", @"\\"); temppath = temppath.Replace(Settings.TempImagePath.Replace(@"/", @"\\"), Settings.ServerUrl + @"images/"); images += "<br /><img src='" + temppath + "' width='100%' /> <br /><br /><strong>" + camera.Name + "</strong> (" + camera.ID + ") - See the live view on Evercam by <a target='_blank' href='https:////" + c + "/live'>clicking here</a><br />"; anyImages = true; gotImage = true; break; } else { debugs += "<li> <i>Image could not be saved from <a target='_blank' href='https:////" + c + "'>" + c + "</a></i>"; Utils.FileLog("Image could not be saved from Camera " + c, data.RowKey); anyDebugs = true; } } catch (Exception x) { anyDebugs = true; debugs += "<li> <i>Image could not be saved from <a target='_blank' href='https:////" + c + "'>" + c + "</a></i>. [Error: " + x.Message + "]"; Utils.FileLog("Error (try#" + i + "): " + data.RowKey + ": " + x.ToString(), data.RowKey); if (x.Message.Contains("offline")) { break; } if (i < Settings.TryCount) { Thread.Sleep(Settings.RetryInterval); // 15 seconds } } } if (!gotImage) { // download latest snapshot from evercam try { Snapshot snap = evercam.GetLatestSnapshot(c, true); image = snap.ToBytes(); DateTime last = EvercamV2.Utility.ToWindowsDateTime(snap.CreatedAt); // assuming that snapshot timestamp is in camera timezone DateTime utc = Utils.ConvertToUtc(last, camera.Timezone, true); if (utc > DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-5)) { if (Storage.SaveFile(temppath, image)) { attachments.Add(temppath); temppath = WebUtility.UrlDecode(Path.Combine(Settings.TempImagePath, c + timestamp + ".jpg")).Replace(@"/", @"\\"); temppath = temppath.Replace(Settings.TempImagePath.Replace(@"/", @"\\"), Settings.ServerUrl + @"images/"); images += "<br /><img src='" + temppath + "' width='100%' /> <br /><br /><strong>" + camera.Name + "</strong> (" + camera.ID + ") - See the live view on Evercam by <a target='_blank' href='https:////" + c + "/live'>clicking here</a><br />"; anyImages = true; } else { errors += "<li> <i>Could not retrieve an image from <a target='_blank' href='https:////" + c + "'>" + c + "</a></i>"; debugs += "<li> <i>Latest image could not be retrieved from <a target='_blank' href='https:////" + c + "'>" + c + "</a></i>"; Utils.FileLog("Latest image could not be saved from Camera " + c, data.RowKey); anyErrors = anyDebugs = true; } } else { attachments.Add(temppath); temppath = WebUtility.UrlDecode(Path.Combine(Settings.TempImagePath, c + timestamp + ".jpg")).Replace(@"/", @"\\"); temppath = temppath.Replace(Settings.TempImagePath.Replace(@"/", @"\\"), Settings.ServerUrl + @"images/"); errors += "<li> <i>Could not retrieve an image from <a target='_blank' href='https:////" + c + "'>" + c + "</a></i>"; errors += "<br /><i>Here is the last image we received from this camera</i><br /><img src='" + temppath + "' width='50%' /></li>"; debugs += "<li> <i>Latest image could not be retrieved from <a target='_blank' href='https:////" + c + "'>" + c + "</a></i>"; debugs += "<br /><i>Here is the last image we received from this camera @ " + last.ToString() + ":</i><br /><img src='" + temppath + "' width='50%' /></li>"; Utils.FileLog("Latest image is too old from Camera " + c, data.RowKey); anyErrors = anyDebugs = true; } } catch (Exception x) { errors += "<li> <i>Could not retrieve an image from <a target='_blank' href='https:////" + c + "'>" + c + "</a></i>"; debugs += "<li> <i>Latest image could not be retrieved from <a target='_blank' href='https:////" + c + "'>" + c + "</a>. [Error: " + x.Message + "]</i>"; Utils.FileLog("Latest image could not be retrieved from Camera " + c, data.RowKey); anyErrors = anyDebugs = true; } } } errors += "</ul>"; debugs += "</ul>"; string message = ""; string debug = ""; if (anyImages) { message = data.Message.Replace("{br}", "<br />").Replace("{snapshots}", images + (!anyErrors ? "" : "<br />But...<br />" + errors)).Replace("{unsubscribe}", "<center style='font-size:11px'>If you want to change your Snapmail settings, <a target='_blank' href='" + Settings.ServerUrl + "?user="******"'>click here</a>.<br />If you would prefer not to receive future emails for this Scheduled SnapMail @ " + data.NotifyTime + ", you may <a target='_blank' href='" + Settings.ServerUrl + "Unsubscribe.html?id=" + data.RowKey + "&email={email}'>unsubscribe here</a>.</center>"); debug = data.Message.Replace("{br}", "<br />").Replace("{snapshots}", images + (!anyDebugs ? "" : "<br />But...<br />" + debugs)).Replace("{unsubscribe}", "<center style='font-size:11px'>If you want to change your Snapmail settings, <a target='_blank' href='" + Settings.ServerUrl + "?user="******"'>click here</a>.<br />If you would prefer not to receive future emails for this Scheduled SnapMail @ " + data.NotifyTime + ", you may <a target='_blank' href='" + Settings.ServerUrl + "Unsubscribe.html?id=" + data.RowKey + "&email={email}'>unsubscribe here</a>.</center>"); } else { message = data.Message.Replace("{br}", "<br />").Replace("Here's the snapshot(s) from your cameras.", "").Replace("{snapshots}", (!anyErrors ? "" : errors)).Replace("{unsubscribe}", "<center style='font-size:11px'>If you want to change your Snapmail settings, <a target='_blank' href='" + Settings.ServerUrl + "?user="******"'>click here</a>.<br />If you would prefer not to receive future emails for this Scheduled SnapMail @ " + data.NotifyTime + ", you may <a target='_blank' href='" + Settings.ServerUrl + "Unsubscribe.html?id=" + data.RowKey + "&email={email}'>unsubscribe here</a>.</center>"); debug = data.Message.Replace("{br}", "<br />").Replace("Here's the snapshot(s) from your cameras.", "").Replace("{snapshots}", (!anyDebugs ? "" : debugs)).Replace("{unsubscribe}", "<center style='font-size:11px'>If you want to change your Snapmail settings, <a target='_blank' href='" + Settings.ServerUrl + "?user="******"'>click here</a>.<br />If you would prefer not to receive future emails for this Scheduled SnapMail @ " + data.NotifyTime + ", you may <a target='_blank' href='" + Settings.ServerUrl + "Unsubscribe.html?id=" + data.RowKey + "&email={email}'>unsubscribe here</a>.</center>"); } // Finally send email Utils.SendMail(data.Subject.Replace("{notify_time}", data.NotifyTime), message, data.Recipients, attachments); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.DebugEmail) && anyDebugs) { Utils.SendMail("[DEBUG] " + data.Subject.Replace("{notify_time}", data.NotifyTime), debug, Settings.DebugEmail, attachments); } SnapmailDao.UpdateEmail(data.RowKey, message.Replace("{email}", data.Recipients), DateTime.UtcNow); Utils.FileLog("SendMail: " + message, data.RowKey); } else { Utils.FileLog("Schedule out of time @ UTC " + scheduled.ToString(), data.RowKey); } } else { Utils.FileLog("Schedule out of days @ " + data.NotifyDays, data.RowKey); } } else { Utils.FileLog("Evercam Access Token Not Found @ " + data.RowKey, data.RowKey); } if (!data.IsScheduled) { SnapmailDao.UpdateScheduled(data.RowKey, true); } Thread.Sleep(Settings.CheckInterval); } if (data != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.RowKey)) { Utils.FileLog("Exiting Snapmailer...", data.RowKey); } else { Utils.FileLog("Exiting Snapmailer (no data)...", args[0]); } } }
public SnapmailInfoModel Unsubscribe(string key, [FromBody] MailAddress data) { return(SnapmailModel.ToInfoModel(SnapmailDao.Unsubscribe(key,; }
public SnapmailInfoModel Put(string key, SnapmailModel data) { return(SnapmailModel.ToInfoModel(SnapmailDao.Update(key, SnapmailModel.ToRowData(key, data)))); }
public SnapmailInfoModel Post(SnapmailModel data) { SnapmailRowData rowdata = SnapmailModel.ToRowData(data); return(SnapmailModel.ToInfoModel(SnapmailDao.Insert(rowdata))); }
public List <SnapmailInfoModel> GetAll(string id) { return(SnapmailModel.ToInfoModel(SnapmailDao.GetAll(id))); }
public SnapmailInfoModel Get(string key) { return(SnapmailModel.ToInfoModel(SnapmailDao.Get(key))); }
public HttpResponseMessage Delete(string key) { return(Common.Utility.GetResponseMessage(SnapmailDao.Delete(key, false).ToString(), HttpStatusCode.OK)); }