    private Vector3 ParticleCollision(Vector3d pPos, Vector3d pVel, int mask)
        RaycastHit hit;

        if (Physics.Raycast(
                out hit,
                (float)pVel.magnitude * Time.deltaTime * physicsPass * TimeWarp.CurrentRate,
            //// collidersName[hit.collider.name] = true;

            if (hit.collider.name != SmokeScreenUtil.LaunchPadGrateColliderName)
                Vector3 unitTangent = (hit.normal.x == 0 && hit.normal.y == 0)
                    ? new Vector3(1, 0, 0)
                    : Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(new Vector3(0, 0, 1), hit.normal).normalized;
                Vector3 hVel = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(pVel, hit.normal);
                Vector3 reflectedNormalVelocity = hVel - pVel;
                float   residualFlow            = reflectedNormalVelocity.magnitude * (1 - collideRatio);

                // An attempt at a better velocity change; the blob collides with some
                // restitution coefficient collideRatio << 1 and we add a random tangential term
                // for outflowing particles---randomness handwaved in through fluid dynamics:
                float    randomAngle = Random.value * 360.0f;
                Vector3d outflow     = Quaternion.AngleAxis(randomAngle, hit.normal) * unitTangent * residualFlow;
                pVel = hVel + collideRatio * reflectedNormalVelocity + outflow * (1 - stickiness);
                // Don't collide with the launch pad grid and add colliders under it
                if (!addedLaunchPadCollider)
                    addedLaunchPadCollider = SmokeScreenUtil.AddLaunchPadColliders(hit);