protected override void AfterInitialize()
            mcSmokeParticleSystem = new SmokeRingSpriteParticleSystem(this.Game);

            // Initialize the Smoke Particle System
            mcSmokeParticleSystem.AutoInitialize(this.GraphicsDevice, this.ContentManager, null);
            mcSmokeParticleSystem.DrawOrder = 100;
        protected override void AfterInitialize()
            mcSmokeParticleSystem = new SmokeRingSpriteParticleSystem(this.Game);

            // Determine which Sprite Batch object to pass into the Smoke Particle System.
            // If a custom one was provided to the Fire Particle System, we want to use it, otherwise we want
            // the Smoke Particle System to use its own Sprite Batch, so we just pass in null.
            SpriteBatch spriteBatch = this.UsingExternalSpriteBatchToDrawParticles ? this.SpriteBatch : null;

            // Initialize the Smoke Particle System
            mcSmokeParticleSystem.AutoInitialize(this.GraphicsDevice, this.ContentManager, spriteBatch);
            mcSmokeParticleSystem.DrawOrder = 100;