Exemple #1
     * Handles drawing of the stats onto the stats screen plus all associated images
    void OnGUI()
        // Draw the number of stars text
        GUIStyle starStyle = new GUIStyle();                                            // create style for the text to draw # stars

        starStyle.font             = (Font)Resources.Load("Fonts/JandaManateeSolid");   // set font type
        starStyle.normal.textColor = Color.yellow;                                      // set font color
        starStyle.fontSize         = (int)(34f / 597f * Screen.height);                 // set the size relative to screen size

        // draw the text representation of the number of stars earned in the specified location
        GUI.Label(new Rect((290f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (138f / 768f) * Screen.height, (100f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                           (100f / 768f) * Screen.height), "" + numStars, starStyle);

        // draw the actual stars
        if (numStars == 1)
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((48f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), filledStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((142f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), emptyStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((236f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), emptyStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((330f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), emptyStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((424f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), emptyStar);
        else if (numStars == 2)
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((48f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), filledStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((142f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), filledStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((236f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), emptyStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((330f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), emptyStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((424f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), emptyStar);
        else if (numStars == 3)
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((48f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), filledStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((142f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), filledStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((236f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), filledStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((330f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), emptyStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((424f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), emptyStar);
        else if (numStars == 4)
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((48f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), filledStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((142f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), filledStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((236f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), filledStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((330f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), filledStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((424f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), emptyStar);
        else if (numStars == 5)
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((48f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), filledStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((142f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), filledStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((236f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), filledStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((330f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), filledStar);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((424f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (236f / 768f) * Screen.height, (74f / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                                     (74f / 768f) * Screen.height), filledStar);

        // Draw the stats text
        GUIStyle statsStyle = new GUIStyle();                                           // create a style for the text

        statsStyle.font             = (Font)Resources.Load("Fonts/JandaManateeSolid");  // set the font face
        statsStyle.normal.textColor = Color.yellow;                                     // set the font color
        statsStyle.fontSize         = (int)(20f / 597f * Screen.height);                // set the font size relative to screen size

        // create a label to display the row headers for each stat type
        GUI.Label(new Rect((600f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (90f / 768f) * Screen.height, (((961f - 27f) - 600f) / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                           ((520f - 90f) / 768f) * Screen.height),
                  "Nutrients Earned:\n" +
                  "Nutrients Spent:\n" +
                  "Food Lost:\n" +
                  "Towers Placed:\n" +
                  "Towers Sold:\n" +
                  "Towers Upgraded:\n" +
                  "Enzymes Released:\n" +
                  "\n" +                                                //TODO: move this somewhere?
                  "\n" +                                                //TODO: move this somehwere?
                  " High Score:",                                       //TODO: move this somewhere?
        // create another label beside it to print out the actual stat numbers
        // because we are not using a fixed width font we use two labels so the columns will be perfectly lined up
        GUI.Label(new Rect((820f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (90f / 768f) * Screen.height, (((961f - 27f) - 600f) / 1024f) * Screen.width,
                           ((520f - 90f) / 768f) * Screen.height),
                  "" + nutrientsEarned + "\n" +
                  "" + nutrientsSpent + "\n" +
                  "" + foodLost + "\n" +
                  "" + towersPlaced + "\n" +
                  "" + towersSold + "\n" +
                  "" + towersUpgraded + "\n" +
                  "" + enzymesFired + "\n" +
                  "\n" +                                        //TODO: move this somewhere?
                  "\n" +                                        //TODO: move this somewhere?
                  "" + prevHighScore,                           //TODO: move this somewhere?

        // draw the button for next level
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect((635f / 1024f) * Screen.width, (535f / 768f) * Screen.height,
                                ((905f - 635f) / 1024f) * Screen.width, ((665f - 535f) / 768f) * Screen.height), "", nextLevelButton))
            // make sure we don't show the load screen after it's over
            if (level.getLevel() > level.getMaxLevels())                                // check if we've played all the levels
                //Application.LoadLevel("LargeIntestineStoryBoard");					// if we have load the end screen
                if (level.isTutorial())
                    Application.LoadLevel("LoadLevelSmallIntestine");                           // otherwise load the next level
Exemple #2
    public bool end = false;                          //!< to remember if we are done reading new waves from a script

     * Use this for initialization
     * Check if game was loaded properly. If not reload.
     * Start spawning waves.
    void Start()
        level = null;                                             // initially set the reference to null

        GameObject counter = GameObject.Find("ChooseBackground"); // try to find an instance of the background chooser

        if (counter != null)                                      // if the counter is not null we can continue as normal with initialization
            // if the counter was there we can just get the level
            level = counter.GetComponent <SmallIntestineLoadLevelCounter> ();
        else           // if we start the level from the game itself just start at level 0, 1, or 2 appropriately
            // this part should only happen if we start the game from the wrong scene in the unity editor
            // if the counter wasn't there reload properly
            // this will reload the entire game from the level it was supposed to be loaded from
            if (Application.loadedLevelName == "SmallIntestineTutorial")
                // if we load directly from the tutorial scene, then reload the si game from level 0
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt("DesiredSILevel", 0);
            else if (Application.loadedLevelName == "SmallIntestineOdd")
                // if we load directly from the si odd scene, then reload the si game from level 1
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt("DesiredSILevel", 1);
            else if (Application.loadedLevelName == "SmallIntestineEven")
                // if we load directly from the si even scene, then reload the game from level 2
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt("DesiredSILevel", 2);

        // load in the script info
        if (counter != null)            // guard check to prevent this code from executing before the game is reloaded
            // start loading in the script
            loadScript = new LoadScript();                                                                      // create a new script loader

            //if (!level.getTutorial ()) {									//if not tutorial

            waves = loadScript.loadIntestineLevel(level.getLevel(), level.isTutorial(), level.getTutorialNum()); // get the waves for the correct script

            currentWave = 0;                                                                                     // set the current wave index to 0

            waveDelay       = waves[0].startDelay;                                                               // get the start delay from the first parsed wave
            waveTime        = waves[0].runTime;                                                                  // get the run time from the first parsed wave
            SpawnInterval   = waves[0].nutrientSpawnInterval;                                                    // get the nutrient spawn interval from the first parsed wave
            speed           = waves[0].nutrientSpeed;                                                            // get the nutrient speed from the first parsed wave
            availableColors = waves[0].colors;                                                                   // get the colors for the first parsed wave
            minNutrients    = waves[0].minBlobs;                                                                 // get the min blobs for the first parsed wave
            maxNutrients    = waves[0].maxBlobs;                                                                 // get the max blobs for the first parsed wave

            m_TimeSinceLastSpawn = 0f;                                                                           // start the timesincelastspawn variable to 0

        // we don't use debug config in the tutorial level so check that we aren't in the tutorial level before
        // we look for a reference to the debugger to get the debug script
        if (Application.loadedLevelName != "SmallIntestineTutorial")
            debugConfig = ((GameObject)GameObject.Find("Debug Config")).GetComponent <DebugConfig>();