public virtual SlotGroup[] GetRegisteredTeams() { var result = new SlotGroup[TeamCount]; for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++) { result[i] = GetTeam(i); } return(result); }
void Swap(Slottable targetSlottable) { SlotGroup targetSG = targetSlottable.m_OrigSG; targetSG.RemoveItemFromData(targetSlottable, targetSlottable.m_Quantity); this.m_OrigSG.RemoveItemFromData(this, this.m_PickAmount); targetSG.AddItemToData(this, this.m_PickAmount); this.m_OrigSG.AddItemToData(targetSlottable, targetSlottable.m_Quantity); }
public override void DeSpawn() { //Log.Message( string.Format( "{0}.DeSpawn()", this.ThingID ) ); if( slotGroup != null ) { slotGroup.Notify_ParentDestroying(); slotGroup = null; } base.DeSpawn(); }
public Zone_PresetStockpile(PresetZoneType preset, ZoneManager zoneManager) : base(Static.GetEnumDescription(preset), zoneManager) { zoneType = preset; cells = AllSlotCells().ToList(); settings = new StorageSettings(this); settings.filter = SetFilterFromPreset(preset); settings.Priority = StoragePriority.Important; slotGroup = new SlotGroup(this); color = NextZoneColor; }
public override void ExposeData() { base.ExposeData(); Scribe_Deep.Look(ref settings, "settings", new object[] { this }); if (Scribe.mode == LoadSaveMode.PostLoadInit) { slotGroup = new SlotGroup(this); } Scribe_Values.Look(ref zoneType, "zoneType", PresetZoneType.None); }
public static HashSet<Thing> TopThingInDeepStorage = new HashSet<Thing>(); // for display public static bool HasDeepStorageComp(SlotGroup slotGroup, out CompDeepStorage compDeepStorage) { if (slotGroup?.parent is ThingWithComps thingWithComps && (compDeepStorage = thingWithComps.TryGetComp<CompDeepStorage>()) != null) { return true; } compDeepStorage = null; return false; }
private void DefragStockpileCells() { CompRTQuantumStockpile sourceStockpile = compStockpiles[qsSourceIndex]; CompRTQuantumStockpile targetStockpile = compStockpiles[qsTargetIndex]; foreach (IntVec3 sourceCell in sourceStockpile.parent.OccupiedRect().Cells) { if (sparklesEnabled) { sourceCell.ThrowSparkle(parent.Map); } List <Thing> sourceThingsWithChunks = sourceCell.GetItemList(parent.Map, true); foreach (Thing thing in sourceThingsWithChunks) { if (thing.IsChunk()) { QueueThing(thing); return; } } foreach (IntVec3 targetCell in targetStockpile.parent.OccupiedRect().Cells) { List <Thing> targetThings = targetCell.GetItemList(parent.Map); List <Thing> sourceThings = sourceCell.GetItemList(parent.Map); Thing targetThing = (targetThings.Count == 0) ? (null) : (targetThings[0]); Thing sourceThing = (sourceThings.Count == 0) ? (null) : (sourceThings[0]); if (sourceThing != null && targetThings.Count < sourceThings.Count - 1 && targetCell.AllowedToAccept(parent.Map, sourceThing) && sourceThing.stackCount > 0) { sourceCell.ThrowDustPuff(parent.Map); Thing thing = GenSpawn.Spawn(sourceThing.SplitOff(sourceThing.stackCount), targetCell, parent.Map); targetCell.DropSound(parent.Map, thing.def); SlotGroup slotGroup = targetCell.GetSlotGroup(parent.Map); if (slotGroup != null && slotGroup.parent != null) { slotGroup.parent.Notify_ReceivedThing(thing); } } else if (targetThing != null && sourceThings.Count < targetThings.Count - 1 && sourceCell.AllowedToAccept(parent.Map, targetThing) && targetThing.stackCount > 0) { targetCell.ThrowDustPuff(parent.Map); Thing thing = GenSpawn.Spawn(targetThing.SplitOff(targetThing.stackCount), sourceCell, parent.Map); sourceCell.DropSound(parent.Map, thing.def); SlotGroup slotGroup = sourceCell.GetSlotGroup(parent.Map); if (slotGroup != null && slotGroup.parent != null) { slotGroup.parent.Notify_ReceivedThing(thing); } } } } }
public static bool HasStackLimit(SlotGroup slotgroup) { if (slotgroup == null) { return(false); } var setting = slotgroup.Settings; return(HasLimit(setting)); }
public static bool TryGetLimit(SlotGroup slotgroup, out int limit) { var setting = slotgroup.Settings; bool result = limits.TryGetValue(setting, out limit); if (!result) { limit = -1; } return(result); }
static void Postfix(SlotGroup sg, ListerHaulables __instance) { Map map = MapFieldInfo.GetValue(__instance) as Map; if (map == null) { throw new Exception($"Could not get map to change {sg.parent.SlotYielderLabel()} on..."); } map.listerStackables().Update(sg); }
public static bool IsCachedDeepStorage(this SlotGroup slotGroup, out CompCachedDeepStorage comp) { if (slotGroup?.parent is Building_Storage building) { comp = building.TryGetComp <CompCachedDeepStorage>(); return(comp != null); } comp = null; return(false); }
// duplicated to make changes public bool IsValidStorageFor(IntVec3 c, Thing storable) { // call duplicated to make changes if (!WorkGiver_HaulGeneral.NoStorageBlockersIn(c, storable)) { return(false); } SlotGroup slotGroup = c.GetSlotGroup(); return(slotGroup != null && slotGroup.Settings.AllowedToAccept(storable)); }
internal static IEnumerable <Thing> GetStackables(SlotGroup storage) { // garbage in, slightly better garbage out if (storage?.HeldThings == null) { return(new List <Thing>()); } return(storage.HeldThings.Where(thing => TheoreticallyStackable(thing) && storage.HeldThings.Any(other => CanBeStackTarget(other, thing)))); }
public bool ReceiveThing(Thing thingToReceive) { if (thingToReceive != null && !thingToReceive.IsChunk()) { if (compWarehouse != null) { compWarehouse.buffer.RemoveAll(x => x == thingToReceive); } foreach (IntVec3 cellReceiving in parent.OccupiedRect().Cells) { if (cellReceiving.AllowedToAccept(parent.Map, thingToReceive) && cellReceiving.Priority(parent.Map) >= thingToReceive.Position.Priority(parent.Map)) { IntVec3 thingToReceiveCell = thingToReceive.Position; List <Thing> thingsReceiving = cellReceiving.GetItemList(parent.Map); if (thingsReceiving.Count < maxStacks && thingToReceive.stackCount > 0) { thingToReceiveCell.ThrowDustPuff(parent.Map); Thing thing = GenSpawn.Spawn(thingToReceive.SplitOff(thingToReceive.stackCount), cellReceiving, parent.Map); cellReceiving.DropSound(parent.Map, thing.def); SlotGroup slotGroup = cellReceiving.GetSlotGroup(parent.Map); if (slotGroup != null && slotGroup.parent != null) { slotGroup.parent.Notify_ReceivedThing(thing); } return(true); } else { foreach (Thing thingReceiving in thingsReceiving) { if (thingReceiving.CanAbsorb(thingToReceive)) { int thingReceivingStackCount = thingReceiving.stackCount; if (thingReceiving.TryAbsorbStack(thingToReceive, true)) { thingToReceiveCell.ThrowDustPuff(parent.Map); } if (thingReceivingStackCount != thingReceiving.stackCount) { ForbidUtility.SetForbidden(thingReceiving, false, false); cellReceiving.DropSound(parent.Map, thingReceiving.def); } return(true); } } } } } } return(false); }
public static int TotalPrecalculatedItemsStack(this SlotGroup slotGroup, bool usePending = true) { if (slotGroup == null) { return(0); } int pending = usePending ? PendingHaulJobsTracker.GetPendingStack(slotGroup) : 0; int inSlotGroup = HeldItemsCounter.GetTotalItemsStack(slotGroup); return(pending + inSlotGroup); }
public static int CalculateStackLimit(SlotGroup slotgroup) { if (slotgroup == null) { return(99999); } var setting = slotgroup.Settings; var limit = GetLimit(setting); return(limit > 0 ? limit : 99999); }
public static Job HaulToCellStorageJob(Pawn p, Thing t, IntVec3 storeCell, bool fitInStoreCell) { Job job = new Job(JobDefOf.HaulToCell, t, storeCell); SlotGroup slotGroup = p.Map.haulDestinationManager.SlotGroupAt(storeCell); if (slotGroup != null) { Thing thing = p.Map.thingGrid.ThingAt(storeCell, t.def); if (thing != null) { job.count = t.def.stackLimit; if (fitInStoreCell) { job.count -= thing.stackCount; } } else { job.count = 99999; } int num = 0; float statValue = p.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.CarryingCapacity, true); List <IntVec3> cellsList = slotGroup.CellsList; for (int i = 0; i < cellsList.Count; i++) { if (StoreUtility.IsGoodStoreCell(cellsList[i], p.Map, t, p, p.Faction)) { Thing thing2 = p.Map.thingGrid.ThingAt(cellsList[i], t.def); if (thing2 != null && thing2 != t) { num += Mathf.Max(t.def.stackLimit - thing2.stackCount, 0); } else { num += t.def.stackLimit; } if (num >= job.count || (float)num >= statValue) { break; } } } job.count = Mathf.Min(job.count, num); } else { job.count = 99999; } job.haulOpportunisticDuplicates = true; job.haulMode = HaulMode.ToCellStorage; return(job); }
public void Notify_ComponentDeSpawned(Comp_CoordinatedAbstract component) { Type type = component.GetType(); if (typeof(Comp_StorageInput).IsAssignableFrom(type)) { Comp_StorageInput comp = (Comp_StorageInput)component; SlotGroup slotGroup = comp.GetSlotGroup(); List <IntVec3> cells; if (slotGroup != null && map_slotGroup_inputCells.TryGetValue(slotGroup, out cells)) { foreach (var cell in comp.specificCells) { cells.Remove(cell); } if (cells.Count == 0) { map_slotGroup_inputCells.Remove(slotGroup); } } inputs.Remove(comp); unconnectedInputs.Remove(comp); map.slotGroupManager.Notify_GroupChangedPriority(); } else if (typeof(Comp_StorageOutput).IsAssignableFrom(type)) { outputs.Remove((Comp_StorageOutput)component); previousRootCell = IntVec3.Invalid; } else if (typeof(Comp_StorageAbstract).IsAssignableFrom(type)) { Comp_StorageAbstract comp = (Comp_StorageAbstract)component; storages.Remove(comp); foreach (var reservation in reservations.ToList()) { if ( == comp) { reservations.Remove(reservation); } } } foreach (var cell in component.specificCells) { List <Comp_CoordinatedAbstract> compsInCell; map_cell_comps.TryGetValue(cell, out compsInCell); compsInCell.Remove(component); if (compsInCell.Count == 0) { map_cell_comps.Remove(cell); } } }
// This gets checked a lot. Sometimes the test is done in-place (if will // need to use the slotGroup later, for example), but when using Harmony // Transpiler, tests are easier via function call // Most of the bulk here is debugging stuff public static bool CanStoreMoreThanOneThingAt(Map map, IntVec3 loc) { SlotGroup slotGroup = loc.GetSlotGroup(map); if (slotGroup == null || !(slotGroup?.parent is ThingWithComps) || (slotGroup.parent as ThingWithComps).TryGetComp <CompDeepStorage>() == null) { return(false); #pragma warning disable CS0162 // Unreachable code detected Log.Warning("CanStoreMoreThanOneThingAt: " + loc + "? false"); return(false); if (slotGroup == null) { Log.Warning(" null slotGroup"); } else if (slotGroup.parent == null) { Log.Warning(" null slotGroup.parent"); } else if (!(slotGroup.parent is ThingWithComps)) { Log.Warning(" slotGroup.parent is not ThingWithComps"); } else { Log.Warning(" no CompDeepStorage"); } Log.Warning("Just for the record, " + (Scribe.mode == LoadSaveMode.LoadingVars) + (Scribe.mode == LoadSaveMode.PostLoadInit) + Scribe.mode); List <Thing> l = map.thingGrid.ThingsListAt(loc); foreach (Thing t in l) { Log.Error("Did find a " + t.ToString() + " here at " + loc.ToString()); } return(false); } // Log.Warning("CanStoreMoreThanOneThingAt: " + loc.ToString() + "? true"); return(true); Log.Warning("CanStoreMoreThanOneThingAt: " + loc.ToString() + "? true!"); List <Thing> lx = map.thingGrid.ThingsListAt(loc); foreach (Thing t in lx) { Log.Error("Did find a " + t.ToString() + " here at " + loc.ToString()); } return(true); #pragma warning restore CS0162 // Unreachable code detected }
public static bool CanPlaceThingInSlotGroup(Thing t, SlotGroup slotGroup, Map map) { foreach (var c in slotGroup.CellsList) { if (CallNoStorageBlockersIn(c, map, t)) { return(true); } } Debug.Message(Debug.Flag.PlaceThing, "There were StorageBlockersIn every cell of " + slotGroup.parent + " - can not place" + t); return(false); }
public static Toil DropTheCarriedInCell(TargetIndex StoreCellInd, ThingPlaceMode placeMode, TargetIndex CarrierInd) { Toil toil = new Toil(); toil.initAction = () => { Pawn actor =; Job curJob =; Vehicle_Cart carrier = as Vehicle_Cart; if ( <= 0) { return; },; Thing dropThing =; IntVec3 destLoc =; Thing dummy; SlotGroup slotGroup = Find.SlotGroupManager.SlotGroupAt(destLoc); // if (destLoc.GetStorable() == null) if (slotGroup != null && slotGroup.Settings.AllowedToAccept(dropThing)) { Find.DesignationManager.RemoveAllDesignationsOn(dropThing);, destLoc, placeMode, out dummy); } //Check cell queue is adjacent List <TargetInfo> cells = curJob.GetTargetQueue(StoreCellInd); for (int i = 0; i < cells.Count && i <; i++) { if (destLoc.AdjacentTo8Way(cells[i].Cell) && cells[i].Cell.GetStorable() == null) { Find.DesignationManager.RemoveAllDesignationsOn([i]);[i], cells[i].Cell, ThingPlaceMode.Direct, out dummy); cells.RemoveAt(i); i--; } } //Check item queue is valid storage for adjacent cell foreach (IntVec3 adjCell in GenAdj.CellsAdjacent8Way(destLoc)) { if ( > 0 && adjCell.GetStorable() == null && adjCell.IsValidStorageFor( { Find.DesignationManager.RemoveAllDesignationsOn(;, adjCell, ThingPlaceMode.Direct, out dummy); } } }; toil.FailOnDestroyedOrNull(CarrierInd); return(toil); }
internal void Update(SlotGroup slotgroup) { // get list of current stackables var currentStackables = GetStackables(slotgroup); // add things in current not in the list foreach (Thing stackable in currentStackables) { if (!stackables.Contains(stackable)) { stackables.Add(stackable); } } }
public static StoragePriority StoragePriorityAtFor(IntVec3 c, Thing t) { if (!t.Spawned) { return(StoragePriority.Unstored); } SlotGroup slotGroup = t.Map.slotGroupManager.SlotGroupAt(c); if (slotGroup != null && slotGroup.Settings.AllowedToAccept(t)) { return(slotGroup.Settings.Priority); } return(StoragePriority.Unstored); }
public static void Postfix(SaveReason reason, SlotGroup __result) { if (ModSettings.AutosaveMapping.ContainsKey(reason)) { if (ModSettings.AutosaveMapping[reason] != __result) { Logger.InfoLine(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); Logger.Minimal("Reason: " + reason); Logger.Minimal("SlotGroup expected: " + ModSettings.AutosaveMapping[reason]); Logger.Minimal("SlotGroup Actual: " + __result); Logger.EndLine(); } } }
public int GetMeatInCorpses() { // get current count + corpses in storage that is not a grave + designated count // current count in storage var count = 0; // try get cached value if (_corpseCachedValue.TryGetValue(out count)) { return(count); } // corpses not buried / forbidden foreach (Thing current in Corpses) { // make sure it's a real corpse. (I dunno, poke it?) // and that it's not forbidden (anymore) and can be reached. var corpse = current as Corpse; if (corpse != null && !corpse.IsForbidden(Faction.OfPlayer) && { // check to see if it's buried. var buried = false; SlotGroup slotGroup =; var building_Storage = slotGroup?.parent as Building_Storage; // Sarcophagus inherits grave if (building_Storage != null && building_Storage.def == ThingDefOf.Grave) { buried = true; } // get the rottable comp and check how far gone it is. var rottable = corpse.TryGetComp <CompRottable>(); if (!buried && rottable?.Stage == RotStage.Fresh) { count += corpse.EstimatedMeatCount(); } } } // set cache _corpseCachedValue.Update(count); return(count); }
private void DrawContainer() { // Dispose of old information. container?.Dispose(); container = new SlotGroup(new RenderedSlot[selectedWinow.slotCount], SlotGroupType.chest, selectedWinow); // Draw grid. for (int y = 0; y < selectedWinow.slotCount / 9; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < 9; x++) { yoff = Y_OFFSET + y * SIZE; container.Add(CreateSlot(x * SIZE, yoff, (byte)(y * 9 + x))); } } }
static public List <Thing> ThingListToDisplay(Map map, IntVec3 loc) { CompDeepStorage cds; ThingWithComps building; SlotGroup slotGroup = loc.GetSlotGroup(map); if (slotGroup == null || (building = (slotGroup.parent as ThingWithComps)) == null || (cds = (slotGroup.parent as ThingWithComps).TryGetComp <CompDeepStorage>()) == null || cds.showContents) { return(map.thingGrid.ThingsListAt(loc)); } // only return non-storable things to be drawn: return(map.thingGrid.ThingsListAt(loc).FindAll(t => !t.def.EverStorable(false))); }
static List <IntVec3> PresortCells(List <IntVec3> cells, Map map, SlotGroup slotGroup) { List <IntVec3> extraCells = slotGroup.GetStorageInputCells(); if (extraCells != null) { List <IntVec3> copyCells = new List <IntVec3>(cells); foreach (var cell in extraCells) { copyCells.Insert(0, cell); } return(copyCells); } return(cells); }
// checks all existing stacks at c and if one needs refilled numDesired is exactly how many // return false on error or if no matching stacks // returns true on success and sets numDesired (even if it is 0) public static bool TryGetStackRefillThresholdDesired(this IntVec3 cell, SlotGroup slotGroup, Map map, Thing thing, int srt, out int numDesired) { numDesired = 0; Thing lowestQtyThing = null; List <Thing> things = map.thingGrid.ThingsListAt(cell); for (int i = 0; i < things.Count; i++) { Thing t = things[i]; if (!t.def.EverStorable(false)) { continue; // skip non-storable things as they aren't actually *in* the stockpile } if (!t.CanStackWith(thing)) { continue; // skip it if it cannot stack with thing to haul } // at this point we have a similar stack so save it here and search the rest of things // and only work on the similar stack that has the lowest count (in case there are say 3x stacks in one cell) // which will refill the lowest stacks first then continue to the highest stacks in the cell if (lowestQtyThing == null) { lowestQtyThing = t; } else if (t.stackCount < lowestQtyThing.stackCount) { lowestQtyThing = t; } } // didn't find anything with similar stacks if (lowestQtyThing == null) { return(false); } // we have at least one similar stack, so figure out if it wants anything or not if (lowestQtyThing.stackCount > (lowestQtyThing.def.stackLimit * srt / 100f)) { numDesired = 0; } else { numDesired = (lowestQtyThing.def.stackLimit - lowestQtyThing.stackCount); } return(true); }
public static bool Prefix(Pawn pawn, Thing thing, ref Job __result) { StoragePriority currentPriority = StoreUtility.CurrentStoragePriorityOf(thing); if (StoreUtility.TryFindBestBetterStoreCellFor(thing, pawn, pawn.Map, currentPriority, pawn.Faction, out IntVec3 storeCell, true)) { SlotGroup slotGroup = StoreUtility.GetSlotGroup(storeCell, thing.Map); if (Limits.HasLimit(slotGroup.Settings)) { __result = HaulAIUtility.HaulToStorageJob(pawn, thing); return(false); } } return(true); }
public static void UpdateSlotGroup(Map map, SlotGroup slotGroup) { Dictionary <SlotGroup, int> dk = null; if (!heldItems.ContainsKey(map)) { dk = new Dictionary <SlotGroup, int>(); heldItems[map] = dk; } else { dk = heldItems[map]; } dk[slotGroup] = slotGroup.TotalHeldItemsStack(); }
public override void SpawnSetup() { base.SpawnSetup(); slotGroup = new SlotGroup(this); cachedOccupiedSquares = AllSlotSquares().ToList(); }
public override void SpawnSetup() { base.SpawnSetup(); slotGroup = new SlotGroup((ISlotGroupParent) this); cachedOccupiedCells = this.OccupiedRect().Cells; }
public DataCollection<CommonSearchClass> GetTargetVonBis (SlotGroup TargetSlot, DateTime? From = null, DateTime? To = null, int MaxNumber = 10) { Data.DbServer3.WPMediaAddOnData.LoadAll_IfHasNotBeenLoaded(); Data.DbServer3.MultiMedia.LoadAll_IfHasNotBeenLoaded(); String SpecificWhereAddOn = String.Empty; List<String> TableNames = new List<string>(); List<Guid> MMUnitTypenIds = new List<Guid>(); if (TargetSlot == SlotGroup.NoInformation) { SpecificWhereAddOn = $" TypID = '{DataDependencyEnums.FDDIDsForNichtDefiniert.TypNichtDefiniert}' "; } else { foreach (TableDefinition tableDefinition in Data.DbServer3.WPMediaAddOnData.TableDefinitions .Where(sel => sel.SlotGroup == TargetSlot.ToString())) { TableNames.Add(tableDefinition.TableName); MMUnitTypenIds.Add(tableDefinition.Id); } SpecificWhereAddOn = " ID in " + "(select InformationenID from InformationenAddOn where Tabelle = 'ProcessConnector' and ID in " + "(select InformationenAddOnID from ProcessConnector " + "where (not TableID is NULL and not TableID = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000') " + "and (TableName = '" + String.Join("' or TableName = '", TableNames) + "')))"; } DataCollection<CommonSearchClass> Result = DataModell.CommonSearchClassCacheInstance.GetVonBisAllAdvanced (DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2).Date, DateTime.Now.AddMonths(3).Date, null, null, SpecificWhereAddOn); List<Guid> InformationenGuids = new List<Guid>(); foreach (CommonSearchClass commonSearchClass in Result) { InformationenGuids.Add(commonSearchClass.InformationenConnectedEntry.ID); } if (InformationenGuids.Count > 0) { DbEntities.dbserver3.alterlaainfo.rows.Timing[] AssoziatedTimings = Data.DbServer3.AltErlaaInfo.Timings .Load_via_ConnectedIds(InformationenGuids); foreach (CommonSearchClass commonSearchClass in Result) { foreach (DbEntities.dbserver3.alterlaainfo.rows.Timing timing in AssoziatedTimings .Where(sel => sel.ConnectedId == commonSearchClass.InformationenConnectedEntry.ID)) { commonSearchClass.InformationenTimings.Add(timing); } } } DataCollection<CommonSearchClass> ResultWithoutInformation = new DataCollection<CommonSearchClass>(); List<Guid> MMUnitGuids = new List<Guid>(); foreach (MMUnit mMUnit in Data.DbServer3.MultiMedia.MMUnits .GetMMUnitsWithoutInformation(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2).Date, DateTime.Now.AddMonths(3).Date, new List<string>( ) { "EventVonBis", "AktivVonBis", "AnzVonBis", "VonBis" }, TableNames)) { ResultWithoutInformation.Add(new CommonSearchClass(mMUnit)); MMUnitGuids.Add(mMUnit.Id); } foreach (CommonSearchClass commonSearchClass in ResultWithoutInformation) { foreach (MMUnitTiming mmUnitTiming in Data.DbServer3.MultiMedia.MMUnitTimings .Where(sel => sel.MMUnitId == commonSearchClass.MMUnitConnectedEntry.Id)) { commonSearchClass.MmUnitTimings.Add(mmUnitTiming); } } Result.AddRange(ResultWithoutInformation); return new DataCollection<CommonSearchClass>(Result.OrderBy(ord => ord.TimeA).ToList()); }
public override void SpawnSetup() { //Log.Message( string.Format( "{0}.SpawnSetup()", this.ThingID ) ); base.SpawnSetup(); cachedOccupiedCells = this.OccupiedRect().Cells; slotGroup = new SlotGroup( (ISlotGroupParent) this ); }