Exemple #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("id,ReferenceNo,SlipDate,ProviderTradingProfileID,TxnID,AccountBankAccountID,SenderID,SlipAmount,ActualAmount,DateTimeModified,DateTimeAdded")] Slip slip)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                slip.DateTimeModified = Utility.GetLocalDateTime();
                slip.DateTimeAdded    = Utility.GetLocalDateTime();
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                //update AccountTxn
                if (slip.ActualAmount != null && slip.ActualAmount > 0)
                    AccountTxn accountTxn = new AccountTxn();
                    accountTxn.Type                 = "S";
                    accountTxn.ReferenceID          = slip.id;
                    accountTxn.AccountBankAccountID = slip.AccountBankAccountID;
                    accountTxn.AmountCredit         = slip.ActualAmount;
                    accountTxn.DateTimeModified     = Utility.GetLocalDateTime();
                    accountTxn.DateTimeAdded        = Utility.GetLocalDateTime();
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
            ViewBag.ProviderTradingProfile = new SelectList(_context.TxnView.ToList().Where(x => x.Type != "L").GroupBy(x => x.ProviderTradingProfileID).Select(x => x.First()).OrderBy(x => x.ProviderTradingProfileName), "ProviderTradingProfileID", "ProviderTradingProfileName");
            ViewBag.AccountBankAccount     = new SelectList(_context.AccountBankAccount.OrderBy(x => x.AccountName).ToList(), "id", "AccountName");

        internal static Slip MapRowToSlipObject(DataRow row)
            var empSlip = new Slip();

            empSlip.EmpNumber                = row[0].ToString();
            empSlip.Month                    = row[1].ToString();
            empSlip.BalanceBfDebit           = row[2].ToString();
            empSlip.BalanceBfCredit          = row[3].ToString();
            empSlip.SalaryThisMonthDebit     = row[4].ToString();
            empSlip.SalaryThisMonthCredit    = row[5].ToString();
            empSlip.OvertimeDebit            = row[6].ToString();
            empSlip.OvertimeCredit           = row[7].ToString();
            empSlip.TicketCompensationDebit  = row[8].ToString();
            empSlip.TicketCompensationCredit = row[9].ToString();
            empSlip.HouseAllowanceDebit      = row[10].ToString();
            empSlip.HouseAllowanceCredit     = row[11].ToString();
            empSlip.VacationAllowanceDebit   = row[12].ToString();
            empSlip.VacationAllowanceCredit  = row[13].ToString();
            empSlip.ServiceAwardDebit        = row[14].ToString();
            empSlip.ServiceAwardCredit       = row[15].ToString();
            empSlip.CarAllowanceDebit        = row[16].ToString();
            empSlip.CarAllowanceCredit       = row[17].ToString();
            empSlip.MiscDebit                = row[18].ToString();
            empSlip.MiscCredit               = row[19].ToString();
            empSlip.CashOtherAdvanceDebit    = row[20].ToString();
            empSlip.CashOtherAdvanceCredit   = row[21].ToString();
            empSlip.TransfersDebit           = row[22].ToString();
            empSlip.TransfersCredit          = row[23].ToString();
            empSlip.TotalMovementsDebit      = row[24].ToString();
            empSlip.TotalMovementsCredit     = row[25].ToString();
            empSlip.OutstandingBalanceDebit  = row[26].ToString();
            empSlip.OutstandingBalanceCredit = row[27].ToString();
Exemple #3
        Dock dock;                                    // dock object used to get dock table data

        // fill the list of slips, slipIDsBooked and leases
        // with entity, populate the drop down, and fill the data for first id by default
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            listSlips  = marina.Slips.ToList();
            listLeases = marina.Leases.ToList();
            listDocks  = marina.Docks.ToList();

            foreach (Lease l in listLeases)


            // get the first slip ID item and fill the text boxes with data
            dock             = marina.Docks.Find(1);
            slippy           = marina.Slips.Find(1);
            txtName.Text     = dock.Name.ToString();
            txtWidth.Text    = slippy.Width.ToString() + " feet";
            txtLength.Text   = slippy.Length.ToString() + " feet";
            water.Checked    = dock.WaterService;
            electric.Checked = dock.ElectricalService;

            txtDockName2.Text = dock.Name.ToString();
            water2.Checked    = dock.WaterService;
            electric2.Checked = dock.ElectricalService;
        public static IList <Slip> GetAllSlips()
            DataGateWay  access = new DataGateWay(connectionName);
            IList <Slip> Slips  = new List <Slip>();

            string sql = @"use InlandMarina
                           SELECT * FROM Slip";

            Slip slip = null;

                using (var reader = access.ExecuteQuery(sql, null, CommandType.Text))
                    while (reader.Read())
                        slip = new Slip()
                            ID     = reader.GetInt32(reader.GetOrdinal("ID")),
                            Width  = reader.GetInt32(reader.GetOrdinal("Width")),
                            Length = reader.GetInt32(reader.GetOrdinal("Length")),
                            DockID = reader.GetInt32(reader.GetOrdinal("DockID"))
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Error retrieving data from database !", ex);
Exemple #5
        public static List <Slip> GetSlips(int ID)
            SqlConnection connection = MarinaDB.GetConnection();
            List <Slip>   results    = new List <Slip>();

                string sql = "SELECT ID, Width, Length, DockID FROM Slip" +
                             " WHERE DockID=" + ID;
                SqlCommand    command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection);
                SqlDataReader reader  =
                while (reader.Read())
                    Slip s = new Slip();
                    s.ID     = Convert.ToInt32(reader["ID"].ToString());
                    s.Width  = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Width"].ToString());
                    s.Length = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Length"].ToString());
                    s.DockID = Convert.ToInt32(reader["DockID"].ToString());
            catch { }
Exemple #6
 private void CloseBillWhenIsPaid(Slip slip, Bill bill)
     if (BillIsPaid(bill, slip))
Exemple #7
        public void Pay(Bill bill)
            var slip = new Slip(bill.Id);


            CloseBillWhenIsPaid(slip, bill);
Exemple #8
        public void AddPayments(Slip slip)
            var bill = billBook.Get(slip.Id);


            CloseBillWhenIsPaid(slip, bill);
 public void DeleteSlip(Slip slip)
     if ((slip.EntityState == EntityState.Detached))
    static void Main()
        /* Create an object of class "TotalSales", providing "5" and "3" as parameters for the class's constructor. Using them
         * the constructor is creating an object, which private two-dimentional field "sales[]" would have 5 rows with 3 columns. */
        TotalSales salesTable = new TotalSales(5, 3);

        // Print a welcome message.
        Console.WriteLine("The app calculates total sales for 3 salespersons and 5 product types.\n"
                          + "In order to fill the resulting summary sales table, you need to provide a list of slips,\n"
                          + "where every slip contains: number of a salesperson, numeber of a product\n"
                          + "and total dollar value of the product sold that day by the salesperson.");

        // Declare a local variable "toContinue" to use it in while loop continuation test.
        bool toContinue = true;

        // While user answers "y" for the "ToContinue()" method's question.
        while (toContinue)
            Console.WriteLine("Entering data for the next slip.");
            Console.Write("Please enter a salesperson number: ");

            /* Create an object of class "Slip", providing "5" and "3" as parameters for the class's constructor. Using them
             * the constructor is creating a "slip" object which wouldn't allow to set product or salesperson greater than these values.
             * Notice that new object is created during every iteration of while loop.
             * Old objects are deleted from memory by the C# garbage collector.
             *  https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/garbage-collection/ */
            Slip slip = new Slip(5, 3);
            // Write the next number of a salesperson to "SalesmanNumber" - the property of "slip" object.
            slip.SalesmanNumber = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            Console.Write("Please enter a product number: ");
            // Write the next number of a product to "ProductNumber" - the property of "slip" object.
            slip.ProductNumber = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            Console.Write("Please enter the total dollar value of the product sold that day: ");
            // Write the next dollar value to "DollarValue" - the property of "slip" object.
            slip.DollarValue = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            /* Call a "salesTable" class's method "AddSalesDataFromSlip()" providing a "slip" object as a parameter.
             * The method would add data stored in the object to a "sales" field stored in its class. */
            // Ask user whether he/she wants to enter data for the next slip.
            toContinue = ToContinue();

        Console.WriteLine("The total sales table:");
        // Call a "salesTable" class's method "PrintTotalSalesTable()" which prints a resulting table.
        Console.Write("Press any key to exit.");

        /* The method "ReadKey()" of class "Console" is similar to "ReadLine()" method, but reads not a string of characters,
         * followed by "Enter" key, but in contrast reads a single character pressed by a user.
         * It is useful when you need a console window to left opened after an application finishes its work. */
Exemple #11
        private void SendEmpEmail(EmployeeInfo emp, Slip slip)
            var empPdfPath = @"c:\salarySlipsPdfs\" + emp.EmpNumber + ".pdf";

            if (File.Exists(empPdfPath))
                Sender.Send(slip.Month, empPdfPath);
                var mailMessage = new MailMessage()
                    Body         = emailTemplate.Replace("[FullName]", emp.Name).Replace("[month]", slip.Month),
                    BodyEncoding = Encoding.UTF8,
                    From         = new MailAddress(account),
                    IsBodyHtml   = true,
                    Priority     = MailPriority.High,
                    Subject      = "Norconsult Employee Monthly Salary Slip"
                mailMessage.To.Add(new MailAddress(emp.Email));
                mailMessage.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(empPdfPath, MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet));

                    var smpt = new SmtpClient()
                        EnableSsl             = enableSSL,
                        UseDefaultCredentials = false,
                        Credentials           = new NetworkCredential(account, password, "ntww.com"),
                        Host = smtpServer,
                        Port = port
                    //PostAttachmentAPI(emp, slip);
                catch (SmtpFailedRecipientsException recipientException)
                    errors.Add(new EmailError()
                        Email = recipientException.FailedRecipient, ErrorDate = DateTime.Now, ErrorMessage = recipientException.Message
                catch (SmtpException smtpException)
                    errors.Add(new EmailError()
                        Email = emp.Email, ErrorDate = DateTime.Now, ErrorMessage = smtpException.Message
                catch (Exception ex)
                    errors.Add(new EmailError()
                        Email = emp.Email, ErrorDate = DateTime.Now, ErrorMessage = ex.Message
 // Public method "AddSalesDataFromSlip()" that takes an object of class "Slip" as an argument and returns no value.
 public void AddSalesDataFromSlip(Slip slip)
     /* Add dollar value taken from a "slip" to a cell with appropriate index numbers of a product and a salesperson.
      * Indexes in arrays in C# starts from 0, but in everyday life people usually start counting from 1.
      * To avoid space waisting we store salesperson with number 1 in a cell with index number 0, salesperson with number 2 in cell
      * with index number 1 and so on. It is related to both rows and columns and both product numbers and salespersons numbers.
      * And as soon as object of clsss "Slip" stores real numbers of a salesperson and a product, we need to decrements them
      * by 1 before using as indexes of the array. */
     sales[(slip.ProductNumber - 1), (slip.SalesmanNumber - 1)] += slip.DollarValue;
Exemple #13
        // a method to get a list of available slips for a selected docks from the database:
        public static List <Slip> GetSlips(int Id)
            // make an empty list of slip-dock
            List <Slip> SlipsList = new List <Slip>();

            // make an empty slip-dock object
            Slip SL = new Slip();

            // get connected to the database
            SqlConnection con = InlandMarinaScriptDB.GetConnection();

            // creating the proper sql query to extract data from MS SQL server
            string Query = "SELECT ID, Width, Length, DockID FROM Slip WHERE DockID = @DockID";

            // creating the proper command to run the query
            SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand(Query, con);

            comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DockID", Id);

            // try to run the command
                // opening the connection

                // creating a sql data reader and run it to read the data from the database
                SqlDataReader dr = comm.ExecuteReader();

                // read line by line as much as there is something to read
                while (dr.Read())
                    // for each line of the returned rows of data from database,
                    //assign the column values to the properties of a new slip-dock object
                    SL        = new Slip();
                    SL.SlipId = (int)dr["ID"];
                    SL.Width  = (int)dr["Width"];
                    SL.Length = (int)dr["Length"];
                    SL.DockId = (int)dr["DockID"];

                    // adding the new object to the list of objects
                dr.Close(); // closing the data reader
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
        //public IQueryable<Slip> GetSlipsByCompanyIDTradingDateForAdd(global::System.Guid companyID, DateTime tradingDate)
        //    return new EnumerableQuery<Slip>(new List<Slip> { new Slip {
        //        CompanyID = companyID,
        //        SlipID = global::System.Guid.NewGuid(),
        //        TradingDate = tradingDate
        //    } });

        public void InsertSlip(Slip slip)
            if ((slip.EntityState != EntityState.Detached))
                this.ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(slip, EntityState.Added);
        /// <summary>
        /// creates Slip object
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Slip object</returns>
        private Slip buildSelectedSlip()
            Slip selectedSlip = new Slip();

            selectedSlip.ID     = Convert.ToInt32(uxAvailSlipSortedByDock1.SelectedRow.Cells[1].Text);
            selectedSlip.Width  = Convert.ToInt32(uxAvailSlipSortedByDock1.SelectedRow.Cells[2].Text);
            selectedSlip.Length = Convert.ToInt32(uxAvailSlipSortedByDock1.SelectedRow.Cells[3].Text);
            selectedSlip.DockID = Convert.ToInt32(uxAvailSlipSortedByDock1.SelectedRow.Cells[4].Text);

        /// <summary>
        ///  Performs a insert operation to the lease table in the DB with the provided slip
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="slip"></param>
        private void InsertNewLeaseDB(Slip slip)
            //get the customer id for the logged in user from the DB
            Customer customer = CustomerDB.GetCustomer(Session["UserName"].ToString());

            // e.Row.Cells[colIndex].BackColor = Color.FromName("#ffeb9c");
            LeaseDB.InsertLease(slip, customer);

            //refresh gridviews
        /// <summary>
        /// Event handler for when user clicks on "Lease"
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">reference to the control/object that raises the event</param>
        /// <param name="e">event data</param>
        protected void uxAvailSlipSortedByDock1_SelectedIndexChanged1(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //build selected slip by function
            Slip selectedSlip = buildSelectedSlip();

            //add selected slip to database by a function
            //add to new lease to customer by a function
            //refreshs page
        public async Task <SlipModel> CreateSlip(CreateSlipModel model)
            var newSlip = new Slip

            var result = Slips.Add(newSlip);

            await SaveChangesAsync();

            return(new SlipModel(result.Entity));
 public Boolean Add(Slip tSlip)
     if (null == tSlip)
     lock (((ICollection)m_SlipList).SyncRoot)
Exemple #20
            public void ClaimInsuredThreeSlipsRePrintOne_GetListOfSlip_TwoOfPrintedSlips()
                string formName  = " B328/06/2017 10:16(1)| A28/06/2017 10:16(1)| B328/06/2017 10:20(2)|";
                var    slip      = new Slip();
                var    printType = PrintType.ClaimInsured;

                var result = slip.GetPrintedSlip(printType, formName);

                Assert.Equal(new string[] { "A28/06/2017 10:16(1)", "B328/06/2017 10:20(2)" }, result);
Exemple #21
        // GET: Slip/Create
        public IActionResult Create()
            ViewBag.ProviderTradingProfile = new SelectList(_context.TxnView.ToList().Where(x => x.Type != "L" && x.ProviderTradingProfileID != null).GroupBy(x => x.ProviderTradingProfileID).Select(x => x.First()).OrderBy(x => x.ProviderTradingProfileName), "ProviderTradingProfileID", "ProviderTradingProfileName");
            //ViewBag.Txn = new SelectList(_context.Txn.ToList(), "id", "ReferenceNo");
            ViewBag.AccountBankAccount = new SelectList(_context.AccountBankAccount.OrderBy(x => x.AccountName).ToList(), "id", "AccountName");
            //ViewBag.Sender = new SelectList(_context.Sender.ToList(), "id", "SenderName");

            Slip slip = new Slip();

            slip.ReferenceNo = "S" + Utility.GetLocalDateTime().ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
            slip.SlipDate    = Utility.GetLocalDateTime().Date;
Exemple #22
 // when a selected index is changed get the slippy object for the slip id chosen and display
 protected void DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     temp              = DropDownList1.SelectedItem.ToString();
     slippy            = marina.Slips.Find(Convert.ToInt32(temp));
     dock              = marina.Docks.Find(slippy.DockID);
     txtName.Text      = dock.Name.ToString();
     txtDockName2.Text = dock.Name.ToString();
     txtWidth.Text     = slippy.Width.ToString() + " feet";
     txtLength.Text    = slippy.Length.ToString() + " feet";
     water.Checked     = dock.WaterService;
     electric.Checked  = dock.ElectricalService;
     water2.Checked    = dock.WaterService;
     electric2.Checked = dock.ElectricalService;
Exemple #23
        public Slip Build(Order order, SlipType type)
            _slipFabric = GetFabric(order);
            switch (type)
            case SlipType.Standard:

            case SlipType.Crash:

                throw new NotImplementedException();
        private void GetAddSlip(global::System.Guid companyID, DateTime tradingDate)
            //    this.Context.GetSlipsByCompanyIDTradingDateForAddQuery(companyID, tradingDate),
            //    ent =>
            //    {
            //        this.Slip = ent.FirstOrDefault();
            //        this.Context.Slips.Add(this.Slip);
            //    }

            this.Slip = Slip.CreateAddNewSlip(companyID, tradingDate);

            public void Remove(Slip tSlip)
                if (null == tSlip)

                lock (((ICollection)m_SlipList).SyncRoot)
                    Int32 tIndex = m_SlipList.IndexOf(tSlip);
                    if (-1 != tIndex)
        /// <summary>
        /// Event occurs when a slip is leased
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void gvSlips_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            GridView gv = (GridView)sender;

            //get the selected slip data from the gridview
            Slip slip = new Slip()
                ID     = Convert.ToInt32(gv.SelectedRow.Cells[1].Text),
                Width  = Convert.ToInt32(gv.SelectedRow.Cells[2].Text),
                Length = Convert.ToInt32(gv.SelectedRow.Cells[3].Text),
                DockID = Convert.ToInt32(gv.SelectedRow.Cells[4].Text),

            //insert new lease into DB
Exemple #27
        public bool Print(Order order, SlipType type, out string imageFile)
                Slip slip = Build(order, type);

                Image image = HtmlRender.RenderToImage(slip.Data, new Size(250, 800), new Size(270, 800), Color.White);

                string filename = order.Number;
                int    index    = 0;
                string postfix  = string.Empty;
                while (File.Exists(_slipSettings.SlipImageStorage + @$ "\{filename}.html"))
                    filename = $"{order.Number}_{index}";

                string file = _slipSettings.SlipImageStorage + @$ "\{filename}.html";
Exemple #28
        static void checkEquality(Slip aSlip, Slip anotherSlip)
            string temp;
            bool   status = aSlip.Equals(anotherSlip);

            temp = string.Format("Comparing Slips: ");

            if (aSlip.Equals(anotherSlip) && anotherSlip.Equals(aSlip))
                temp += string.Format("Are Slips Equal? : {0} >>", status);
                temp += string.Format(" Hasscode: {0} and {1}\n", aSlip.GetHashCode(), anotherSlip.GetHashCode());
                temp += string.Format("Are Slips Equal? : {0}\n", status);
        public async Task <SlipModel> UpdateSlip(long id, UpdateSlipModel model)
            var slip = await Slips.FindAsync(id);

            if (slip != null)
                var update = new Slip
                    Id = id

                var result = Slips.Update(update);
                await SaveChangesAsync();

                return(new SlipModel(result.Entity));

        protected void uxSlip_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (SlipSelect != null)
                var ID = Convert.ToInt32(uxSlip.SelectedValue);

                Slip sp = MarinaManager.FindSlip(ID);
                Slip = sp;

                var arg = new SlipEventArgs
                    ID     = sp.ID,
                    Width  = sp.Width,
                    Length = sp.Length,
                    DockID = sp.DockID

                SlipSelect.Invoke(this, arg);