public override void OnGUI(Rect pos, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { SliderAttribute rAttribute = (SliderAttribute)attribute; if (property.propertyType != SerializedPropertyType.Float) { EditorGUI.HelpBox(pos, "(" + property.type + " " + + ") Has to be of type float!", MessageType.Warning); HeightMultiplier = 2.5f; return; } EditorGUI.BeginProperty(pos, label, property); { // Label pos = EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(pos, label); // Child objects shouldn't be indented int indent = EditorGUI.indentLevel; EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0; //Draw the different sliders if (!rAttribute.Modifiable) { NormalSlider(rAttribute, pos, property, label); } else { ModifiableSlider(rAttribute, pos, property, label); } // Reset indenting EditorGUI.indentLevel = indent; } EditorGUI.EndProperty(); }
void ModifiableSlider(SliderAttribute rAttribute, Rect pos, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { // Create rects Rect minRect = new Rect(pos.x, pos.y, FieldWidth, pos.height); Rect sliderRect = new Rect(minRect.xMax + SliderPadding * 0.5f, pos.y, Mathf.Max(0.0f, pos.width - FieldWidth * 2.0f - SliderPadding), pos.height); Rect maxRect = new Rect(sliderRect.xMax, pos.y, FieldWidth, pos.height); //get the properties SerializedProperty spMin = property.serializedObject.FindProperty(rAttribute.PropertyMin); SerializedProperty spMax = property.serializedObject.FindProperty(rAttribute.PropertyMax); SerializedProperty spValue = property; if (spMin == null || spMin.propertyType != SerializedPropertyType.Float) { if (spMin != null) { EditorGUI.HelpBox(pos, "(" + spMin.type + " " + + ") Is null or not of type float!", MessageType.Error); } else { EditorGUI.HelpBox(pos, "PropertyMin == NULL (not found?)", MessageType.Error); } HeightMultiplier = 2.5f; return; } if (spMax == null || spMax.propertyType != SerializedPropertyType.Float) { if (spMax != null) { EditorGUI.HelpBox(pos, "(" + spMax.type + " " + + ") Is null or not of type float!", MessageType.Error); } else { EditorGUI.HelpBox(pos, "PropertyMax == NULL (not found?)", MessageType.Error); } HeightMultiplier = 2.5f; return; } // Minimum spMin.floatValue = EditorGUI.FloatField(minRect, spMin.floatValue); spMin.floatValue = Mathf.Min(spMin.floatValue, spMax.floatValue); // Maximum spMax.floatValue = EditorGUI.FloatField(maxRect, spMax.floatValue); spMax.floatValue = Mathf.Max(spMax.floatValue, spMin.floatValue); // Value slider spValue.floatValue = EditorGUI.Slider(sliderRect, spValue.floatValue, spMin.floatValue, spMax.floatValue); }
void NormalSlider(SliderAttribute rAttribute, Rect pos, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { // Create rects Rect minRect = new Rect(pos.x, pos.y, FieldWidth, pos.height); Rect sliderRect = new Rect(minRect.xMax + SliderPadding * 0.5f, pos.y, Mathf.Max(0.0f, pos.width - FieldWidth * 2.0f - SliderPadding), pos.height); Rect maxRect = new Rect(sliderRect.xMax, pos.y, FieldWidth, pos.height); // Minimum EditorGUI.LabelField(minRect, rAttribute.Min.ToString("0.0")); // Value slider property.floatValue = EditorGUI.Slider(sliderRect, property.floatValue, rAttribute.Min, rAttribute.Max); // Maximum EditorGUI.LabelField(maxRect, rAttribute.Max.ToString("0.0")); }
private VisualElement CreateMinMaxSlider(MinMaxSliderField slider, SliderAttribute sliderAttribute, SerializedProperty property, float defaultMinimum, float defaultMaximum) { void setMin(float value) => slider.MinimumLimit = value; void setMax(float value) => slider.MaximumLimit = value; if (!ReflectionHelper.SetupValueSourceCallback(sliderAttribute.MinimumSource, fieldInfo.DeclaringType, property, slider, defaultMinimum, sliderAttribute.AutoUpdate, setMin)) { Debug.LogWarningFormat(_invalidMinimumSourceError, property.propertyPath, "float", sliderAttribute.MinimumSource); } if (!ReflectionHelper.SetupValueSourceCallback(sliderAttribute.MaximumSource, fieldInfo.DeclaringType, property, slider, defaultMaximum, sliderAttribute.AutoUpdate, setMax)) { Debug.LogWarningFormat(_invalidMaximumSourceError, property.propertyPath, "float", sliderAttribute.MaximumSource); } return(slider.ConfigureProperty(property)); }
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { SliderAttribute slider = attribute as SliderAttribute; switch (property.propertyType) { case SerializedPropertyType.Integer: EditorGUI.IntSlider(position, property, Convert.ToInt32(slider.min), Convert.ToInt32(slider.max), label); break; case SerializedPropertyType.Float: EditorGUI.Slider(position, property, slider.min, slider.max, label); break; default: EditorGUI.LabelField(position, label.text, "Slider only works with float or int."); break; } }
public override void DrawProperty(SerializedProperty property) { SliderAttribute sliderAttribute = PropertyUtility.GetAttributes <SliderAttribute>(property)[0]; if (property.propertyType == SerializedPropertyType.Integer) { EditorGUILayout.IntSlider(property, (int)sliderAttribute.MinValue, (int)sliderAttribute.MaxValue); } else if (property.propertyType == SerializedPropertyType.Float) { EditorGUILayout.Slider(property, sliderAttribute.MinValue, sliderAttribute.MaxValue); } else { string warning = sliderAttribute.GetType().Name + " can be used only on int or float fields"; EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(warning, MessageType.Warning); Debug.LogWarning(warning, PropertyUtility.GetTargetObject(property)); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(property, true); } }
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { SliderAttribute assert = attribute as SliderAttribute; if (assert != null) { label.tooltip = "Min, Max : " + assert._min.ToString() + ", " + assert._max.ToString(); if (property.propertyType == SerializedPropertyType.Float) { property.floatValue = EditorGUI.Slider(position, label, property.floatValue, assert._min, assert._max); } else if (property.propertyType == SerializedPropertyType.Integer) { property.intValue = (int)EditorGUI.Slider(position, label, property.intValue, assert._min, assert._max); } else { EditorGUI.LabelField(position, label.text, "Use Slider with float or int."); } } }
public override void DrawProperty(SerializedProperty property) { EditorDrawUtility.DrawHeader(property); SliderAttribute sliderAttribute = PropertyUtility.GetAttribute <SliderAttribute>(property); if (property.propertyType == SerializedPropertyType.Integer) { EditorGUILayout.IntSlider(property, (int)sliderAttribute.MinValue, (int)sliderAttribute.MaxValue); } else if (property.propertyType == SerializedPropertyType.Float) { EditorGUILayout.Slider(property, sliderAttribute.MinValue, sliderAttribute.MaxValue); } else { string warning = sliderAttribute.GetType().Name + " can be used only on int or float fields"; EditorDrawUtility.DrawHelpBox(warning, MessageType.Warning, logToConsole: true, context: PropertyUtility.GetTargetObject(property)); EditorDrawUtility.DrawPropertyField(property); } }
public NumberSlider(SliderAttribute attributes, PropertyInfo p, object owner) { InitializeComponent(); this.attributes = attributes; property = p; propertyOwner = owner; initValue = true; SlideInput.Minimum = attributes.Min; initValue = true; SlideInput.Maximum = attributes.Max; initValue = true; if (attributes.Snap && attributes.Ticks != null && attributes.Ticks.Length > 0) { SlideInput.IsSnapToTickEnabled = true; foreach (float t in attributes.Ticks) { SlideInput.Ticks.Add(t); } } isInt = attributes.IsInt; if (isInt) { SlideInput.Value = Convert.ToInt32(p.GetValue(owner)); InputValue.Text = SlideInput.Value > 0 ? String.Format("{0:0}", SlideInput.Value) : "0"; } else { SlideInput.Value = Convert.ToSingle(p.GetValue(owner)); InputValue.Text = SlideInput.Value >= 0.01 ? String.Format("{0:0.000}", SlideInput.Value) : "0"; } }
private static UISlider AddSlider <T>(this UIHelperBase group, string text, string propertyName, SliderAttribute attr) { var property = typeof(T).GetProperty(propertyName); UILabel valueLabel = null; var helper = group as UIHelper; if (helper != null) { var type = typeof(UIHelper).GetField("m_Root", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); if (type != null) { var panel = type.GetValue(helper) as UIComponent; valueLabel = panel?.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); } } var slider = (UISlider)group.AddSlider(text, attr.Min, attr.Max, attr.Step, (float)property.GetValue(OptionsWrapper <T> .Options, null), f => { property.SetValue(OptionsWrapper <T> .Options, f, null); OptionsWrapper <T> .SaveOptions(); attr.Action <float>().Invoke(f); if (valueLabel != null) { valueLabel.text = f.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } }); var nameLabel = slider.parent.Find <UILabel>("Label"); if (nameLabel != null) { nameLabel.width = nameLabel.textScale * nameLabel.font.size * nameLabel.text.Length; } if (valueLabel == null) { return(slider); } valueLabel.AlignTo(slider, UIAlignAnchor.TopLeft); valueLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(240, 0, 0); valueLabel.text = property.GetValue(OptionsWrapper <T> .Options, null).ToString(); return(slider); }
protected void BuildParameter(string parameter, GraphParameterValue v, Node n) { try { PropertyInfo info1 = n.GetType().GetProperty(parameter); PropertyInfo info2 = v.GetType().GetProperty("Value"); if (info1 == null) { if (v.Value is float) { NumberInput np = new NumberInput(NumberInputType.Float, v, info2); Stack.Children.Add(np); } else if (v.Value is int) { NumberInput np = new NumberInput(NumberInputType.Int, v, info2); Stack.Children.Add(np); } else if (v.Value is bool) { ToggleControl tc = new ToggleControl("True", info2, v); Stack.Children.Add(tc); } } else { if (v.Value is float || v.Value is int) { SliderAttribute sl = info1.GetCustomAttribute <SliderAttribute>(); if (sl != null) { NumberSlider inp = new NumberSlider(sl, info2, v); Stack.Children.Add(inp); } else if (v.Value is float) { NumberInput np = new NumberInput(NumberInputType.Float, v, info2); Stack.Children.Add(np); } else if (v.Value is int) { NumberInput np = new NumberInput(NumberInputType.Int, v, info2); Stack.Children.Add(np); } } else if (v.Value is bool) { ToggleControl tc = new ToggleControl(v.Name, info2, v); Stack.Children.Add(tc); } else if (v.Value is Vector4) { ColorSelect cs = new ColorSelect(info2, v); Stack.Children.Add(cs); } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); } }
private void SerializeFields() { FieldInfo[] fields = this.GetType().GetFields(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++) { var field = fields[i]; var value = field.GetValue(this); if (value is MeshRenderer) { return; } var attributes = field.GetCustomAttributes().ToArray(); if (attributes != default && attributes.Length > 0) { if (attributes.Any(x => x is NonSerializedAttribute)) { continue; } DragAttribute dragAttribute = default; SliderAttribute sliderAttribute = default; InputAttribute inputAttribute = default; // drag attribute if (attributes.Any(x => { if (x.GetType() == typeof(DragAttribute)) { dragAttribute = (DragAttribute)x; return(true); } return(false); })) { switch (value) { case float val: ImGui.DragFloat(field.Name, ref val, dragAttribute.speed, dragAttribute.min, dragAttribute.max, dragAttribute.format); field.SetValue(this, val); continue; case int intVal: ImGui.DragInt(field.Name, ref intVal); field.SetValue(this, intVal); continue; case Vector2 vector2: System.Numerics.Vector2 vec2Val = vector2.ToSystemRef(); ImGui.DragFloat2(field.Name, ref vec2Val, dragAttribute.speed, dragAttribute.min, dragAttribute.max, dragAttribute.format); field.SetValue(this, vec2Val.ToOpenTKRef()); continue; case Vector3 vector3: System.Numerics.Vector3 vec3Val = vector3.ToSystemRef(); ImGui.DragFloat3(field.Name, ref vec3Val, dragAttribute.speed, dragAttribute.min, dragAttribute.max, dragAttribute.format); field.SetValue(this, vec3Val.ToOpenTKRef()); continue; } } // slider attribute if (attributes.Any(x => { if (x.GetType() == typeof(SliderAttribute)) { sliderAttribute = (SliderAttribute)x; return(true); } return(false); })) { switch (value) { case float val: ImGui.SliderFloat(field.Name, ref val, sliderAttribute.min, sliderAttribute.max, sliderAttribute.format, sliderAttribute.imGuiSliderFlags); field.SetValue(this, val); continue; case int intVal: ImGui.SliderInt(field.Name, ref intVal, (int)sliderAttribute.min, (int)sliderAttribute.max, intVal.ToString(), sliderAttribute.imGuiSliderFlags); field.SetValue(this, intVal); continue; case Vector2 vector2: System.Numerics.Vector2 vec2Val = vector2.ToSystemRef(); ImGui.SliderFloat2(field.Name, ref vec2Val, sliderAttribute.min, sliderAttribute.max, sliderAttribute.format, sliderAttribute.imGuiSliderFlags); field.SetValue(this, vec2Val.ToOpenTKRef()); continue; case Vector3 vector3: System.Numerics.Vector3 vec3Val = vector3.ToSystemRef(); ImGui.DragFloat3(field.Name, ref vec3Val); field.SetValue(this, vec3Val.ToOpenTKRef()); continue; } } //Input attribute if (attributes.Any(x => { if (x.GetType() == typeof(InputAttribute)) { inputAttribute = (InputAttribute)x; return(true); } return(false); })) { switch (value) { case float val: ImGui.InputFloat(field.Name, ref val, inputAttribute.step, inputAttribute.step_fast, inputAttribute.format, inputAttribute.flags); field.SetValue(this, val); continue; case int intVal: ImGui.InputInt(field.Name, ref intVal, (int)inputAttribute.step, (int)inputAttribute.step_fast, inputAttribute.flags); field.SetValue(this, intVal); continue; case Vector2 vector2: System.Numerics.Vector2 vec2Val = vector2.ToSystemRef(); ImGui.InputFloat2(field.Name, ref vec2Val, inputAttribute.format, inputAttribute.flags); field.SetValue(this, vec2Val.ToOpenTKRef()); continue; case Vector3 vector3: System.Numerics.Vector3 vec3Val = vector3.ToSystemRef(); ImGui.InputFloat3(field.Name, ref vec3Val, inputAttribute.format, inputAttribute.flags); field.SetValue(this, vec3Val.ToOpenTKRef()); continue; } } } // if has no attribute draw drag switch (value) { case float val: ImGui.DragFloat(field.Name, ref val); field.SetValue(this, val); break; case int intVal: ImGui.DragInt(field.Name, ref intVal); field.SetValue(this, intVal); break; case bool boolVal: ImGui.Checkbox(field.Name, ref boolVal); field.SetValue(this, boolVal); break; case string strValue: ImGui.InputText(field.Name, ref strValue, 20); field.SetValue(this, strValue); break; case Vector2 vector2: System.Numerics.Vector2 vec2Val = vector2.ToSystemRef(); ImGui.DragFloat2(field.Name, ref vec2Val); field.SetValue(this, vec2Val.ToOpenTKRef()); break; case Vector3 vector3: System.Numerics.Vector3 vec3Val = vector3.ToSystemRef(); ImGui.DragFloat3(field.Name, ref vec3Val); field.SetValue(this, vec3Val.ToOpenTKRef()); break; case Color4 color4: System.Numerics.Vector4 sysColor = color4.ToSystem(); ImGui.ColorEdit4(field.Name, ref sysColor); field.SetValue(this, sysColor.ToOpenTkColorRef()); break; } } } //SerializeFields end
public SliderDrawerAttribute(SliderAttribute slider) { this.min = slider.Min; this.max = slider.Max; }
private void BakeMenu() { Type caller = this.GetType(); foreach (PropertyInfo info in caller.GetProperties()) { if (info.CanWrite & info.CanWrite) { bool isEditable = true; foreach (Attribute attrib in info.GetCustomAttributes <Attribute>()) { if (attrib.GetType() == typeof(NotEditableAttribute)) { isEditable = false; break; } else { isEditable = true; } } if (isEditable) { bool isWhiteListed = false; foreach (Type test in this.typeWhiteList) { if (test == info.PropertyType) { isWhiteListed = true; break; } } if (!isWhiteListed) { continue; } } else { continue; } // Option Name; // Option Input if (info.PropertyType == typeof(float) | info.PropertyType == typeof(double) | info.PropertyType == typeof(int)) //Numeric Input { if (info.GetCustomAttribute <SliderAttribute>() != null) { SliderAttribute attribute = info.GetCustomAttribute <SliderAttribute>(); Slider slider = new Slider(); slider.Height = OptionHeight; slider.ToolTip = 0; if (info.GetValue(this) != null) { slider.Value = Convert.ToDouble(info.GetValue(this)); // Set current value } slider.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; slider.ValueChanged += delegate(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs <double> e) { slider.ToolTip = slider.Value; if (info.PropertyType == typeof(int)) { info.SetValue(this, Convert.ToInt32(slider.Value)); } else { info.SetValue(this, slider.Value); } }; slider.Minimum = attribute.minValue; slider.Maximum = attribute.maxValue; if (info.PropertyType == typeof(int)) { slider.TickFrequency = 1; slider.IsSnapToTickEnabled = true; }; } else { TextBox textBox = new TextBox(); textBox.Height = OptionHeight; if (info.GetValue(this) != null) { textBox.Text = info.GetValue(this).ToString(); // Set current value } textBox.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; textBox.PreviewTextInput += delegate(object sender, TextCompositionEventArgs e) { Regex _regex = new Regex("[^0-9.,-]+"); e.Handled = _regex.IsMatch(e.Text); }; textBox.TextChanged += delegate(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { if (info.PropertyType == typeof(double)) { info.SetValue(this, Convert.ToDouble(textBox.Text)); } else if (info.PropertyType == typeof(float)) { info.SetValue(this, float.Parse(textBox.Text)); } else if (info.PropertyType == typeof(int)) { info.SetValue(this, Convert.ToInt32(textBox.Text)); } };; } } else if (info.PropertyType == typeof(string) | info.PropertyType == typeof(char)) // Text Input { TextBox textBox = new TextBox(); textBox.Height = OptionHeight; if (info.GetValue(this) != null) { textBox.Text = info.GetValue(this).ToString(); // Set current value } textBox.TextChanged += delegate(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { info.SetValue(this, textBox.Text); }; if (info.GetCustomAttribute <TextboxAttribute>() != null) { TextboxAttribute attribute = info.GetCustomAttribute <TextboxAttribute>(); textBox.MaxLength = attribute.maxChars; if (attribute.multiLine) { textBox.MaxLines = 999; } } else { textBox.MaxLines = 1; }; } else if (info.PropertyType == typeof(bool)) { CheckBox checkBox = new CheckBox(); checkBox.Height = OptionHeight; if (info.GetValue(this) != null) { checkBox.IsChecked = (bool)info.GetValue(this); // Set current value } checkBox.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; checkBox.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; checkBox.Checked += delegate(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { info.SetValue(this, checkBox.IsChecked); };; } else {" ")); // Add dummy } } } }
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { mAttribute = (SliderAttribute)this.attribute; property.floatValue = EditorGUI.Slider(position, label.text, property.floatValue, mAttribute.mStart, mAttribute.mEnd); }
private static UISlider AddSlider <T>(this UIHelperBase group, IOptionsWrapper <T> options, string text, string propertyName, SliderAttribute attr) { var property = typeof(T).GetProperty(propertyName); UILabel valueLabel = null; var helper = group as UIHelper; if (helper != null) { var type = typeof(UIHelper).GetField("m_Root", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); if (type != null) { var panel = type.GetValue(helper) as UIComponent; valueLabel = panel?.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); } } float finalValue; var value = property.GetValue(options.GetOptions(), null); if (value is float) { finalValue = (float)value; } else if (value is byte) { finalValue = (byte)value; } else if (value is int) { finalValue = (int)value; } else { throw new Exception("Unsupported numeric type for slider!"); } var slider = (UISlider)group.AddSlider(text, attr.Min, attr.Max, attr.Step, Mathf.Clamp(finalValue, attr.Min, attr.Max), f => { if (value is float) { property.SetValue(options.GetOptions(), f, null); } else if (value is byte) { property.SetValue(options.GetOptions(), (byte)Math.Round(f, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero), null); } else if (value is int) { property.SetValue(options.GetOptions(), (int)Math.Round(f, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero), null); } options.SaveOptions(); attr.Action <float>().Invoke(f); if (valueLabel != null) { valueLabel.text = f.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } }); var nameLabel = slider.parent.Find <UILabel>("Label"); if (nameLabel != null) { nameLabel.width = nameLabel.textScale * nameLabel.font.size * nameLabel.text.Length; } if (valueLabel == null) { return(slider); } valueLabel.AlignTo(slider, UIAlignAnchor.TopLeft); valueLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(240, 0, 0); valueLabel.text = value.ToString(); return(slider); }
public static Tuple <UIElement, UIElement> WrapIt(UIElement parent, ref int top, PropertyFieldWrapper memberInfo, object item, int order, object list = null, Type arrayType = null, int index = -1) { int elementHeight = 0; Type type = memberInfo.Type; if (arrayType != null) { type = arrayType; } UIElement e; // TODO: Other common structs? -- Rectangle, Point CustomModConfigItemAttribute customUI = ConfigManager.GetCustomAttribute <CustomModConfigItemAttribute>(memberInfo, null, null); if (customUI != null) { Type customUIType = customUI.t; if (typeof(ConfigElement).IsAssignableFrom(customUIType)) { ConstructorInfo ctor = customUIType.GetConstructor(new Type[0]); if (ctor != null) { object instance = ctor.Invoke(new object[0]); e = instance as UIElement; } else { e = new UIText($"{customUIType.Name} specified via CustomModConfigItem for {memberInfo.Name} does not have an empty constructor."); } } else { e = new UIText($"{customUIType.Name} specified via CustomModConfigItem for {memberInfo.Name} does not inherit from ConfigElement."); } } else if (item.GetType() == typeof(HeaderAttribute)) { e = new HeaderElement((string)memberInfo.GetValue(item)); } else if (type == typeof(ItemDefinition)) { e = new ItemDefinitionElement(); } else if (type == typeof(ProjectileDefinition)) { e = new ProjectileDefinitionElement(); } else if (type == typeof(NPCDefinition)) { e = new NPCDefinitionElement(); } else if (type == typeof(PrefixDefinition)) { e = new PrefixDefinitionElement(); } else if (type == typeof(Color)) { e = new ColorElement(); } else if (type == typeof(Vector2)) { e = new Vector2Element(); } else if (type == typeof(bool)) // isassignedfrom? { e = new BooleanElement(); } else if (type == typeof(float)) { e = new FloatElement(); } else if (type == typeof(byte)) { e = new ByteElement(); } else if (type == typeof(uint)) { e = new UIntElement(); } else if (type == typeof(int)) { SliderAttribute sliderAttribute = ConfigManager.GetCustomAttribute <SliderAttribute>(memberInfo, item, list); if (sliderAttribute != null) { e = new IntRangeElement(); } else { e = new IntInputElement(); } } else if (type == typeof(string)) { OptionStringsAttribute ost = ConfigManager.GetCustomAttribute <OptionStringsAttribute>(memberInfo, item, list); if (ost != null) { e = new StringOptionElement(); } else { e = new StringInputElement(); } } else if (type.IsEnum) { if (list != null) { e = new UIText($"{memberInfo.Name} not handled yet ({type.Name})."); } else { e = new EnumElement(); } } else if (type.IsArray) { e = new ArrayElement(); } else if (type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(List <>)) { e = new ListElement(); } else if (type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(HashSet <>)) { e = new SetElement(); } else if (type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Dictionary <,>)) { e = new DictionaryElement(); } else if (type.IsClass) { e = new ObjectElement(/*, ignoreSeparatePage: ignoreSeparatePage*/); } else if (type.IsValueType && !type.IsPrimitive) { e = new UIText($"{memberInfo.Name} not handled yet ({type.Name}) Structs need special UI."); //e.Top.Pixels += 6; e.Height.Pixels += 6; e.Left.Pixels += 4; object subitem = memberInfo.GetValue(item); } else { e = new UIText($"{memberInfo.Name} not handled yet ({type.Name})"); e.Top.Pixels += 6; e.Left.Pixels += 4; } if (e != null) { if (e is ConfigElement configElement) { configElement.Bind(memberInfo, item, (IList)list, index); configElement.OnBind(); } e.Recalculate(); elementHeight = (int)e.GetOuterDimensions().Height; var container = GetContainer(e, index == -1 ? order : index); container.Height.Pixels = elementHeight; UIList uiList = parent as UIList; if (uiList != null) { uiList.Add(container); float p = uiList.GetTotalHeight(); } else { // Only Vector2 and Color use this I think, but modders can use the non-UIList approach for custom UI and layout. container.Top.Pixels = top; container.Width.Pixels = -20; container.Left.Pixels = 20; top += elementHeight + 4; parent.Append(container); parent.Height.Set(top, 0); } var tuple = new Tuple <UIElement, UIElement>(container, e); if (parent == Interface.modConfig.mainConfigList) { Interface.modConfig.mainConfigItems.Add(tuple); } return(tuple); } return(null); }
void CreateUIElement(Type t, PropertyInfo p, string name) { DropdownAttribute dp = p.GetCustomAttribute <DropdownAttribute>(); LevelEditorAttribute le = p.GetCustomAttribute <LevelEditorAttribute>(); CurveEditorAttribute ce = p.GetCustomAttribute <CurveEditorAttribute>(); SliderAttribute sl = p.GetCustomAttribute <SliderAttribute>(); FileSelectorAttribute fsl = p.GetCustomAttribute <FileSelectorAttribute>(); HidePropertyAttribute hp = p.GetCustomAttribute <HidePropertyAttribute>(); ColorPickerAttribute cp = p.GetCustomAttribute <ColorPickerAttribute>(); TitleAttribute ti = p.GetCustomAttribute <TitleAttribute>(); TextInputAttribute tinp = p.GetCustomAttribute <TextInputAttribute>(); GraphParameterEditorAttribute gpe = p.GetCustomAttribute <GraphParameterEditorAttribute>(); ParameterMapEditorAttribute pme = p.GetCustomAttribute <ParameterMapEditorAttribute>(); PromoteAttribute pro = p.GetCustomAttribute <PromoteAttribute>(); //handle very special stuff //exposed constant parameter variable names if (gpe != null) { if (node is Graph) { Graph g = node as Graph; GraphParameterEditor inp = new GraphParameterEditor(g, g.Parameters); Stack.Children.Add(inp); elementLookup[name] = inp; } } //for graph instance exposed parameters from underlying graph else if (pme != null) { if (node is GraphInstanceNode) { GraphInstanceNode gin = node as GraphInstanceNode; ParameterMap pm = new ParameterMap(gin.GraphInst, gin.Parameters); Stack.Children.Add(pm); elementLookup[name] = pm; } } string title = name; if (ti != null) { title = ti.Title; } PropertyInfo op = null; //we don't create an element for this one //as it is hidden if (hp != null) { return; } try { if (ce != null) { op = node.GetType().GetProperty(ce.OutputProperty); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); } if (t.Equals(typeof(Vector4))) { if (cp != null) { PropertyLabel l = null; if (pro != null && node is Node) { l = new PropertyLabel(title, node as Node, name); } else { l = new PropertyLabel(); l.Title = title; } labels.Add(l); Stack.Children.Add(l); ColorSelect cs = new ColorSelect(p, node); Stack.Children.Add(cs); elementLookup[name] = cs; } } else if (t.Equals(typeof(string[]))) { if (dp != null) { PropertyLabel l = new PropertyLabel(); l.Title = title; labels.Add(l); Stack.Children.Add(l); DropDown inp = new DropDown((string[])p.GetValue(node), node, p, dp.OutputProperty); Stack.Children.Add(inp); elementLookup[name] = inp; } } else if (t.Equals(typeof(bool))) { PropertyLabel l = null; if (pro != null && node is Node) { l = new PropertyLabel(title, node as Node, name); } else { l = new PropertyLabel(); l.Title = title; } labels.Add(l); Stack.Children.Add(l); ToggleControl tg = new ToggleControl(name, p, node); Stack.Children.Add(tg); elementLookup[name] = tg; } else if (t.Equals(typeof(string))) { if (tinp != null) { PropertyLabel l = new PropertyLabel(); l.Title = title; labels.Add(l); Stack.Children.Add(l); PropertyInput ip = new PropertyInput(p, node); Stack.Children.Add(ip); elementLookup[name] = ip; } else if (fsl != null) { PropertyLabel l = new PropertyLabel(); l.Title = title; labels.Add(l); Stack.Children.Add(l); FileSelector inp = new FileSelector(p, node, fsl.Filter); Stack.Children.Add(inp); elementLookup[name] = inp; } else if (dp != null) { PropertyLabel l = new PropertyLabel(); l.Title = title; labels.Add(l); Stack.Children.Add(l); object[] names = dp.Values; DropDown inp = new DropDown(names, node, p, dp.OutputProperty); Stack.Children.Add(inp); elementLookup[name] = inp; } } if (t.Equals(typeof(float))) { if (sl != null) { PropertyLabel l = null; if (pro != null && node is Node) { l = new PropertyLabel(title, node as Node, name); } else { l = new PropertyLabel(); l.Title = title; } labels.Add(l); Stack.Children.Add(l); NumberSlider inp = new NumberSlider(sl, p, node); Stack.Children.Add(inp); elementLookup[name] = inp; } else { PropertyLabel l = null; if (pro != null && node is Node) { l = new PropertyLabel(title, node as Node, name); } else { l = new PropertyLabel(); l.Title = title; } labels.Add(l); Stack.Children.Add(l); NumberInput inp = new NumberInput(NumberInputType.Float, node, p); Stack.Children.Add(inp); elementLookup[name] = inp; } } else if (t.Equals(typeof(int))) { if (dp != null) { PropertyLabel l = new PropertyLabel(); l.Title = title; labels.Add(l); Stack.Children.Add(l); //do a dropdown object[] names = dp.Values; DropDown inp = new DropDown(names, node, p, dp.OutputProperty); Stack.Children.Add(inp); elementLookup[name] = inp; } else if (sl != null) { PropertyLabel l = null; if (pro != null && node is Node) { l = new PropertyLabel(title, node as Node, name); } else { l = new PropertyLabel(); l.Title = title; } labels.Add(l); Stack.Children.Add(l); NumberSlider inp = new NumberSlider(sl, p, node); Stack.Children.Add(inp); elementLookup[name] = inp; } else { PropertyLabel l = null; if (pro != null && node is Node) { l = new PropertyLabel(title, node as Node, name); } else { l = new PropertyLabel(); l.Title = title; } labels.Add(l); Stack.Children.Add(l); NumberInput inp = new NumberInput(NumberInputType.Int, node, p); Stack.Children.Add(inp); elementLookup[name] = inp; } } else if (t.Equals(typeof(MultiRange))) { if (le != null) { UILevels lv = null; if (node is Node) { Node nd = (Node)node; if (nd.Inputs.Count > 0 && nd.Inputs[0].Input != null) { var n = nd.Inputs[0].Input.Node; byte[] result = n.GetPreview(n.Width, n.Height); RawBitmap bit = null; if (result != null) { bit = new RawBitmap(n.Width, n.Height, result); } lv = new UILevels(bit, node, p); } else { lv = new UILevels(null, node, p); } Stack.Children.Add(lv); elementLookup[name] = lv; } } } else if (op != null && ce != null) { UICurves cv = new UICurves(p, op, node); Stack.Children.Add(cv); elementLookup[name] = cv; } else if (t.IsEnum) { PropertyLabel l = new PropertyLabel(); l.Title = title; labels.Add(l); Stack.Children.Add(l); string[] names = Enum.GetNames(t); DropDown inp = new DropDown(names, node, p); Stack.Children.Add(inp); elementLookup[name] = inp; } }