public async Task <ActionResult> Application(ParticipantsViewModel pvm)
            // Add the application to the database
            var db  = new EstiemPortalContext();
            var evp = new EVENTS_Participants {
                UserId             = pvm.UserId,
                EventID            = pvm.EventId,
                RegistrationDate   = DateTime.Now,
                RegistrationStatus = 1, // RegistrationStatus 1 means waiting, which is default when applying.
                Comments           = "",
                CmStatus           = 0,
                MotivationText     = pvm.MotivationText,
                Vegetarian         = pvm.Vegetarian,
                NoPork             = pvm.EatPork,
                VisaRequired       = pvm.RequireVisa

            // Post application info to Slack
            string urlWithAccessToken = "";
            Slack  slack   = new Slack(urlWithAccessToken);
            var    evrepo  = new EventRepository();
            Event  ev      = evrepo.GetEventById(pvm.EventId);
            var    usrrepo = new UserRepository();
            User   usr     = usrrepo.GetUserById(pvm.UserId);
            //slack.PostMessage(username: "******",
            //           text: usr.UserName + " applied for " + ev.Name,
            //           channel: "#estiem-mobile");
            // Slack invite to channel
            // Invite applying user to the group of the event
            // Should this be applying or after registration?
            string parameters = "?token=" + System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SlackToken"] + "?name=" + pvm.Event.Name;
            var    resp       = await slack.PostToSlack("groups.invite", parameters);
