/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the ValidateAddress class. /// </summary> /// <param name="shippingAddress">Shipping address of the /// customer.</param> /// <param name="deviceType">Device type to be used for the job. /// Possible values include: 'DataBox', 'DataBoxDisk', /// 'DataBoxHeavy'</param> /// <param name="transportPreferences">Preferences related to the /// shipment logistics of the sku.</param> public ValidateAddress(ShippingAddress shippingAddress, SkuName deviceType, TransportPreferences transportPreferences = default(TransportPreferences)) { ShippingAddress = shippingAddress; DeviceType = deviceType; TransportPreferences = transportPreferences; CustomInit(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the SkuAvailabilityValidationRequest /// class. /// </summary> /// <param name="deviceType">Device type to be used for the job. /// Possible values include: 'DataBox', 'DataBoxDisk', /// 'DataBoxHeavy'</param> /// <param name="country">ISO country code. Country for hardware /// shipment. For codes check: /// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2#Officially_assigned_code_elements</param> /// <param name="location">Location for data transfer. For locations /// check: /// https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/SUBSCRIPTIONID/locations?api-version=2018-01-01</param> public SkuAvailabilityValidationRequest(SkuName deviceType, string country, string location) { DeviceType = deviceType; Country = country; Location = location; CustomInit(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the SBSku class. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Name of this SKU. Possible values include: /// 'Basic', 'Standard', 'Premium'</param> /// <param name="tier">The billing tier of this particular SKU. /// Possible values include: 'Basic', 'Standard', 'Premium'</param> /// <param name="capacity">The specified messaging units for the tier. /// For Premium tier, capacity are 1,2 and 4.</param> public SBSku(SkuName name, SkuTier?tier = default(SkuTier?), int?capacity = default(int?)) { Name = name; Tier = tier; Capacity = capacity; CustomInit(); }
public override void ExecuteCmdlet() { var skuN = new SkuName(Sku); PurchaseRequestPropertiesReservedResourceProperties resourceProperties = new PurchaseRequestPropertiesReservedResourceProperties(InstanceFlexibility); PurchaseRequest PurchaseRequest = new PurchaseRequest(); PurchaseRequest.Location = Location; PurchaseRequest.Quantity = Quantity; PurchaseRequest.Renew = Renew; PurchaseRequest.Term = Term; PurchaseRequest.AppliedScopeType = AppliedScopeType; if (AppliedScope != null) { PurchaseRequest.AppliedScopes = new List <string>() { AppliedScope }; } PurchaseRequest.BillingScopeId = BillingScopeId; PurchaseRequest.BillingPlan = BillingPlan; PurchaseRequest.DisplayName = DisplayName; PurchaseRequest.Sku = skuN; PurchaseRequest.ReservedResourceProperties = resourceProperties; PurchaseRequest.ReservedResourceType = ReservedResourceType; var response = AzureReservationAPIClient.ReservationOrder.Calculate(PurchaseRequest); var prop = new PSCalculatePriceResponseProperties(response.Properties); WriteObject(prop); }
public override void ExecuteCmdlet() { var skuN = new SkuName(Sku); PurchaseRequest PurchaseRequest = new PurchaseRequest(); PurchaseRequestPropertiesReservedResourceProperties resourceProperties = new PurchaseRequestPropertiesReservedResourceProperties(InstanceFlexibility); PurchaseRequest.Location = Location; PurchaseRequest.Quantity = Quantity; PurchaseRequest.Renew = Renew; PurchaseRequest.Term = Term; PurchaseRequest.AppliedScopeType = AppliedScopeType; if (AppliedScope != null) { PurchaseRequest.AppliedScopes = new List <string>() { AppliedScope }; } PurchaseRequest.BillingScopeId = BillingScopeId; PurchaseRequest.BillingPlan = BillingPlan; PurchaseRequest.DisplayName = DisplayName; PurchaseRequest.Sku = skuN; PurchaseRequest.ReservedResourceProperties = resourceProperties; PurchaseRequest.ReservedResourceType = ReservedResourceType; var resourceInfo = $"Reservation order {ReservationOrderId}"; if (ShouldProcess(resourceInfo, "Purchase")) { var response = AzureReservationAPIClient.ReservationOrder.Purchase(ReservationOrderId, PurchaseRequest); WriteObject(response); } }
private void ValidateVault( Vault vault, string expectedVaultName, string expectedResourceGroupName, string expectedSubId, Guid expectedTenantId, string expectedLocation, string expectedSkuFamily, SkuName expectedSku, bool expectedEnabledForDeployment, bool expectedEnabledForTemplateDeployment, bool expectedEnabledForDiskEncryption, bool?expectedEnableSoftDelete, AccessPolicyEntry[] expectedPolicies, Dictionary <string, string> expectedTags) { Assert.NotNull(vault); Assert.NotNull(vault.Properties); string resourceIdFormat = "/subscriptions/{0}/resourceGroups/{1}/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/{2}"; string expectedResourceId = string.Format(resourceIdFormat, expectedSubId, expectedResourceGroupName, expectedVaultName); Assert.Equal(expectedResourceId, vault.Id); Assert.Equal(expectedLocation, vault.Location); Assert.Equal(expectedTenantId, vault.Properties.TenantId); Assert.Equal(expectedSku, vault.Properties.Sku.Name); Assert.Equal(expectedVaultName, vault.Name); Assert.Equal(expectedEnabledForDeployment, vault.Properties.EnabledForDeployment); Assert.Equal(expectedEnabledForTemplateDeployment, vault.Properties.EnabledForTemplateDeployment); Assert.Equal(expectedEnabledForDiskEncryption, vault.Properties.EnabledForDiskEncryption); Assert.Equal(expectedEnableSoftDelete, vault.Properties.EnableSoftDelete); Assert.True(expectedTags.DictionaryEqual(vault.Tags)); Assert.True(expectedPolicies.IsEqual(vault.Properties.AccessPolicies)); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the Sku class. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The sku name. Possible values include: /// 'DataBox', 'DataBoxDisk', 'DataBoxHeavy'</param> /// <param name="displayName">The display name of the sku.</param> /// <param name="family">The sku family.</param> public Sku(SkuName name, string displayName = default(string), string family = default(string)) { Name = name; DisplayName = displayName; Family = family; CustomInit(); }
internal static string ToSerializedValue(this SkuName value) { switch (value) { case SkuName.Free: return("free"); case SkuName.Basic: return("basic"); case SkuName.Standard: return("standard"); case SkuName.Standard2: return("standard2"); case SkuName.Standard3: return("standard3"); case SkuName.StorageOptimizedL1: return("storage_optimized_l1"); case SkuName.StorageOptimizedL2: return("storage_optimized_l2"); } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the /// DataTransferDetailsValidationRequest class. /// </summary> /// <param name="deviceType">Device type. Possible values include: /// 'DataBox', 'DataBoxDisk', 'DataBoxHeavy'</param> /// <param name="transferType">Type of the transfer. Possible values /// include: 'ImportToAzure', 'ExportFromAzure'</param> /// <param name="dataExportDetails">List of DataTransfer details to be /// used to export data from azure.</param> /// <param name="dataImportDetails">List of DataTransfer details to be /// used to import data to azure.</param> public DataTransferDetailsValidationRequest(SkuName deviceType, TransferType transferType, IList <DataExportDetails> dataExportDetails = default(IList <DataExportDetails>), IList <DataImportDetails> dataImportDetails = default(IList <DataImportDetails>)) { DataExportDetails = dataExportDetails; DataImportDetails = dataImportDetails; DeviceType = deviceType; TransferType = transferType; CustomInit(); }
/// <summary> /// Creates event hub namespace sku. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Sku name.</param> /// <param name="tier">Sku tier.</param> ///GENMHASH:CDE5022F600459C09E74303AF1358498:DA9435990EB5B4F9D93F540EB6E44B17 public EventHubNamespaceSkuType(SkuName name, SkuTier tier) : this(new Sku() { Name = name, Tier = tier, Capacity = null }) { }
///GENMHASH:B5E3D903BDA1F2A62441339A3042D8F4:E59E1393C8B2F3C07E87C9F34E983726 public VaultImpl WithSku(SkuName skuName) { if (Inner.Properties == null) { Inner.Properties = new VaultProperties(); } Inner.Properties.Sku = new Sku(skuName); return(this); }
private SearchService CreateServiceForSku(SearchManagementClient searchMgmt, SkuName sku) { string serviceName = SearchTestUtilities.GenerateServiceName(); SearchService service = DefineServiceWithSku(sku); service = searchMgmt.Services.BeginCreateOrUpdate(Data.ResourceGroupName, serviceName, service); Assert.NotNull(service); return(service); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the Sku class. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Gets or sets the sku name. Required for account /// creation; optional for update. Note that in older versions, sku /// name was called accountType. Possible values include: /// 'Standard_LRS', 'Standard_GRS', 'Standard_RAGRS', 'Standard_ZRS', /// 'Premium_LRS'</param> /// <param name="tier">Gets the sku tier. This is based on the SKU /// name. Possible values include: 'Standard', 'Premium'</param> /// <param name="resourceType">The type of the resource, usually it is /// 'storageAccounts'.</param> /// <param name="kind">Indicates the type of storage account. Possible /// values include: 'Storage', 'StorageV2', 'BlobStorage'</param> /// <param name="locations">The set of locations that the SKU is /// available. This will be supported and registered Azure Geo Regions /// (e.g. West US, East US, Southeast Asia, etc.).</param> /// <param name="capabilities">The capability information in the /// specified sku, including file encryption, network acls, change /// notification, etc.</param> /// <param name="restrictions">The restrictions because of which SKU /// cannot be used. This is empty if there are no restrictions.</param> public Sku(SkuName name, SkuTier?tier = default(SkuTier?), string resourceType = default(string), Kind?kind = default(Kind?), IList <string> locations = default(IList <string>), IList <SKUCapability> capabilities = default(IList <SKUCapability>), IList <Restriction> restrictions = default(IList <Restriction>)) { Name = name; Tier = tier; ResourceType = resourceType; Kind = kind; Locations = locations; Capabilities = capabilities; Restrictions = restrictions; CustomInit(); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the storage account /// </summary> /// <param name="rgname">Resource Group Name</param> /// <param name="acctName">Account Name</param> /// <param name="storageMgmtClient"></param> private static void UpdateStorageAccountSku(string rgname, string acctName, SkuName skuName, StorageManagementClient storageMgmtClient) { Console.WriteLine("Updating storage account..."); // Update storage account sku var parameters = new StorageAccountUpdateParameters { Sku = new Sku(skuName) }; var storageAccount = storageMgmtClient.StorageAccounts.Update(rgname, acctName, parameters); Console.WriteLine("Sku on storage account updated to " + storageAccount.Sku.Name); }
internal static string ToSerializedValue(this SkuName value) { switch (value) { case SkuName.Standard: return("standard"); case SkuName.Premium: return("premium"); } return(null); }
private SearchService DefineServiceWithSku(SkuName sku) { return(new SearchService() { Location = Data.Location, Sku = new Sku() { Name = sku }, ReplicaCount = 1, PartitionCount = 1 }); }
private SearchService DefineServiceWithSkuInPrivateMode(SkuName sku) { return(new SearchService() { Location = "EastUS", Sku = new Sku() { Name = sku }, ReplicaCount = 1, PartitionCount = 1, PublicNetworkAccess = PublicNetworkAccess.Disabled }); }
internal static string ToSerializedValue(this SkuName value) { switch (value) { case SkuName.F0: return("F0"); case SkuName.S1: return("S1"); case SkuName.C0: return("C0"); } return(null); }
internal static string ToSerializedValue(this SkuName value) { switch (value) { case SkuName.DataBox: return("DataBox"); case SkuName.DataBoxDisk: return("DataBoxDisk"); case SkuName.DataBoxHeavy: return("DataBoxHeavy"); } return(null); }
///GENMHASH:B5E3D903BDA1F2A62441339A3042D8F4:ACEB925626760D001C056B5F56BA838D public StorageAccountImpl WithSku(SkuName skuName) { if (IsInCreateMode) { createParameters.Sku = new Sku { Name = skuName }; } else { updateParameters.Sku = new Sku { Name = skuName }; } return(this); }
private void ValidateVault( Vault vault, string expectedVaultName, string expectedResourceGroupName, string expectedSubId, Guid expectedTenantId, string expectedLocation, string expectedSkuFamily, SkuName expectedSku, bool expectedEnabledForDeployment, bool expectedEnabledForTemplateDeployment, bool expectedEnabledForDiskEncryption, bool?expectedEnableSoftDelete, AccessPolicyEntry[] expectedPolicies, NetworkRuleSet networkRuleSet, Dictionary <string, string> expectedTags, SystemData expectedSystemData) { ValidateVault( vault, expectedVaultName, expectedResourceGroupName, expectedSubId, expectedTenantId, expectedLocation, expectedSkuFamily, expectedSku, expectedEnabledForDeployment, expectedEnabledForTemplateDeployment, expectedEnabledForDiskEncryption, expectedEnableSoftDelete, expectedPolicies, expectedTags, expectedSystemData); Assert.NotNull(vault.Properties.NetworkAcls); Assert.Equal(networkRuleSet.DefaultAction, vault.Properties.NetworkAcls.DefaultAction); Assert.Equal(networkRuleSet.Bypass, vault.Properties.NetworkAcls.Bypass); Assert.True(vault.Properties.NetworkAcls.IpRules != null && vault.Properties.NetworkAcls.IpRules.Count == 2); Assert.Equal(networkRuleSet.IpRules[0].Value, vault.Properties.NetworkAcls.IpRules[0].Value); Assert.Equal(networkRuleSet.IpRules[1].Value, vault.Properties.NetworkAcls.IpRules[1].Value); }
internal static Sku DeserializeSku(JsonElement element) { string family = default; SkuName name = default; foreach (var property in element.EnumerateObject()) { if (property.NameEquals("family")) { family = property.Value.GetString(); continue; } if (property.NameEquals("name")) { name = property.Value.GetString().ToSkuName(); continue; } } return(new Sku(family, name)); }
internal static string ToSerializedValue(this SkuName value) { switch (value) { case SkuName.StandardLRS: return("Standard_LRS"); case SkuName.StandardGRS: return("Standard_GRS"); case SkuName.StandardRAGRS: return("Standard_RAGRS"); case SkuName.StandardZRS: return("Standard_ZRS"); case SkuName.PremiumLRS: return("Premium_LRS"); } return(null); }
internal static string ToSerializedValue(this SkuName value) { switch (value) { case SkuName.NotSpecified: return("NotSpecified"); case SkuName.Free: return("Free"); case SkuName.Shared: return("Shared"); case SkuName.Basic: return("Basic"); case SkuName.Standard: return("Standard"); case SkuName.Premium: return("Premium"); } return(null); }
internal static ServiceBusSku DeserializeServiceBusSku(JsonElement element) { SkuName name = default; Optional <SkuTier> tier = default; Optional <int> capacity = default; foreach (var property in element.EnumerateObject()) { if (property.NameEquals("name")) { name = property.Value.GetString().ToSkuName(); continue; } if (property.NameEquals("tier")) { if (property.Value.ValueKind == JsonValueKind.Null) { property.ThrowNonNullablePropertyIsNull(); continue; } tier = property.Value.GetString().ToSkuTier(); continue; } if (property.NameEquals("capacity")) { if (property.Value.ValueKind == JsonValueKind.Null) { property.ThrowNonNullablePropertyIsNull(); continue; } capacity = property.Value.GetInt32(); continue; } } return(new ServiceBusSku(name, Optional.ToNullable(tier), Optional.ToNullable(capacity))); }
private void TestCreateServiceForSku(SkuName sku) => TestCreateService(DefineServiceWithSku(sku));
/// <summary> /// Converts the <see cref="sourceValue" /> parameter to the <see cref="destinationType" /> parameter using <see cref="formatProvider" /// /> and <see cref="ignoreCase" /> /// </summary> /// <param name="sourceValue">the <see cref="System.Object"/> to convert from</param> /// <param name="destinationType">the <see cref="System.Type" /> to convert to</param> /// <param name="formatProvider">not used by this TypeConverter.</param> /// <param name="ignoreCase">when set to <c>true</c>, will ignore the case when converting.</param> /// <returns> /// an instance of <see cref="SkuName" />, or <c>null</c> if there is no suitable conversion. /// </returns> public override object ConvertFrom(object sourceValue, global::System.Type destinationType, global::System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, bool ignoreCase) => SkuName.CreateFrom(sourceValue);
internal Sku(SkuName name, SkuTier?tier, int?capacity) { Name = name; Tier = tier; Capacity = capacity; }
public Sku(SkuName name) { Name = name; }
/// <summary> /// Specifies the sku of the key vault. /// </summary> /// <param name="skuName">The sku.</param> /// <return>The next stage of key vault definition.</return> Microsoft.Azure.Management.KeyVault.Fluent.Vault.Definition.IWithCreate Microsoft.Azure.Management.KeyVault.Fluent.Vault.Definition.IWithSku.WithSku(SkuName skuName) { return(this.WithSku(skuName) as Microsoft.Azure.Management.KeyVault.Fluent.Vault.Definition.IWithCreate); }