Exemple #1
        internal SummaryTable(Summary summary, ISummaryStyle style = null)
            Summary = summary;

            if (summary.HasCriticalValidationErrors)
                Columns                 = Array.Empty <SummaryTableColumn>();
                ColumnCount             = 0;
                FullHeader              = Array.Empty <string>();
                FullContent             = Array.Empty <string[]>();
                FullContentStartOfGroup = Array.Empty <bool>();
                FullContentWithHeader   = Array.Empty <string[]>();
                IsDefault               = Array.Empty <bool>();

            // Ensure we have all required data for styling
            style = style ?? SummaryStyle.Default;
            if (style.TimeUnit == null)
                style = style.WithTimeUnit(TimeUnit.GetBestTimeUnit(summary.Reports.Where(r => r.ResultStatistics != null).Select(r => r.ResultStatistics.Mean).ToArray()));
            if (style.SizeUnit == null)
                style = style.WithSizeUnit(SizeUnit.GetBestSizeUnit(summary.Reports.Select(r => r.GcStats.BytesAllocatedPerOperation).ToArray()));

            var columns = summary.GetColumns();

            ColumnCount = columns.Length;
            FullHeader  = columns.Select(c => c.GetColumnTitle(style)).ToArray();

            var orderProvider = summary.Config.GetOrderProvider() ?? DefaultOrderProvider.Instance;

            FullContent = summary.Reports.Select(r => columns.Select(c => c.GetValue(summary, r.Benchmark, style)).ToArray()).ToArray();
            IsDefault   = columns.Select(c => summary.Reports.All(r => c.IsDefault(summary, r.Benchmark))).ToArray();
            var groupKeys = summary.Benchmarks.Select(b => orderProvider.GetGroupKey(b, summary)).ToArray();

            FullContentStartOfGroup = new bool[summary.Reports.Length];

            if (groupKeys.Distinct().Count() > 1 && FullContentStartOfGroup.Length > 0)
                FullContentStartOfGroup[0] = true;
                for (int i = 1; i < summary.Reports.Length; i++)
                    FullContentStartOfGroup[i] = groupKeys[i] != groupKeys[i - 1];

            var full = new List <string[]> {

            FullContentWithHeader = full.ToArray();

            Columns = Enumerable.Range(0, columns.Length).Select(i => new SummaryTableColumn(this, i, columns[i])).ToArray();
            EffectiveSummaryStyle = style;
Exemple #2
        public static string ToSizeStr(this long value, SizeUnit unit = null, int unitNameWidth = 1, bool showUnit = true)
            unit = unit ?? SizeUnit.GetBestSizeUnit(value);
            var unitValue = SizeUnit.Convert(value, SizeUnit.B, unit);

            if (showUnit)
                string unitName = unit.Name.PadLeft(unitNameWidth);
                return(string.Format(HostEnvironmentInfo.MainCultureInfo, "{0:0.##} {1}", unitValue, unitName));

            return(string.Format(HostEnvironmentInfo.MainCultureInfo, "{0:0.##}", unitValue));
Exemple #3
        private static void DisplayDiff(IEnumerable <Benchmark[]> allBenchmarks, IEnumerable <string> allNames)
            // Use the first job's benchmarks as the reference for the rows:
            var firstBenchmarks = allBenchmarks.FirstOrDefault();

            if (firstBenchmarks == null || firstBenchmarks.Length < 1)

            var summaries = new Dictionary <string, List <BenchmarkSummary> >();

            foreach (var benchmark in firstBenchmarks)
                summaries[benchmark.FullName] = new List <BenchmarkSummary>();

            foreach (var benchmarks in allBenchmarks)
                foreach (var benchmark in benchmarks)
                    summaries[benchmark.FullName].Add(new BenchmarkSummary()
                        Name                         = benchmark.FullName,
                        MeanNanoseconds              = benchmark.Statistics.Mean,
                        StandardErrorNanoseconds     = benchmark.Statistics.StandardError,
                        StandardDeviationNanoseconds = benchmark.Statistics.StandardDeviation,
                        MedianNanoseconds            = benchmark.Statistics.Median,
                        Gen0                         = benchmark.Memory?.Gen0Collections ?? 0,
                        Gen1                         = benchmark.Memory?.Gen1Collections ?? 0,
                        Gen2                         = benchmark.Memory?.Gen2Collections ?? 0,
                        AllocatedBytes               = benchmark.Memory?.BytesAllocatedPerOperation ?? 0

            // Simplfy the benchmarks' names where possible to remove prefixes that
            // are all the same to reduce the width of the first column of the table
            // to the shortest unique string required across all benchmarks.
            var nameSegments = summaries.Keys.ToDictionary(key => key, value => value.Split('.'));

            while (true)
                var areAllFirstSegmentsTheSame = nameSegments.Values
                                                 .Select(segments => segments[0])
                                                 .Count() == 1;

                if (!areAllFirstSegmentsTheSame)
                    // The names cannot be simplified further

                foreach (var pair in nameSegments)
                    nameSegments[pair.Key] = pair.Value.Skip(1).ToArray();

            // Map the full names to their simplified name
            var simplifiedNames = nameSegments.ToDictionary(key => key.Key, value => string.Join(".", value.Value));

            var anyAllocations = summaries.Values
                                 .SelectMany(list => list)
                                 .Select(summary => summary.AllocatedBytes)
                                 .Any(allocatedBytes => allocatedBytes > 0);

            // Name + baseline mean (firstBenchmarks) + (other benchmarks' mean * 2 (value + ratio)) +
            // baseline allocations + (other benchmarks' mean * 2 (value + ratio))
            var otherCount = allNames.Count() - 1;
            var table      = new ResultTable(1 + 1 + (anyAllocations ? 1 : 0) + (otherCount * (anyAllocations ? 4 : 2)));

            var firstName = allNames.First();

            table.Headers.Add($"mean ({firstName})");

            foreach (var name in allNames.Skip(1))
                table.Headers.Add($"mean ({name})");

            if (anyAllocations)
                table.Headers.Add($"allocated ({firstName})");

                foreach (var name in allNames.Skip(1))
                    table.Headers.Add($"allocated ({name})");

            foreach (var benchmark in summaries.OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Key).Select(kvp => kvp.Value))
                var firstBenchmark = benchmark.First();
                var simplifiedName = simplifiedNames[firstBenchmark.Name];

                var benchmarks = summaries[firstBenchmark.Name];

                var row  = table.AddRow();
                var cell = new Cell();
                cell.Elements.Add(new CellElement()
                    Text = simplifiedName, Alignment = CellTextAlignment.Left

                AddCells(row, summary => summary.MeanNanoseconds, UnitType.Time, benchmarks);

                if (anyAllocations)
                    AddCells(row, summary => summary.AllocatedBytes, UnitType.Size, benchmarks);

            Console.WriteLine("```md"); // Format as a GitHub-flavored Markdown table



            void AddCells(
                List <Cell> row,
                Func <BenchmarkSummary, object> valueFactory,
                UnitType unitType,
                List <BenchmarkSummary> summaries)
                var rawValues = summaries
                                .Select(summary => valueFactory(summary))
                                .Select(value => Convert.ToDouble(value))

                var precision = PrecisionHelper.GetPrecision(rawValues);
                var sizeUnit  = unitType == UnitType.Size ? SizeUnit.GetBestSizeUnit(rawValues) : null;
                var timeUnit  = unitType == UnitType.Time ? TimeUnit.GetBestTimeUnit(rawValues) : null;

                var units = unitType switch
                    UnitType.Size => sizeUnit.Name,
                    UnitType.Time => timeUnit.Name,
                    _ => string.Empty

                var baseline = summaries[0];

                for (var i = 0; i < summaries.Count; i++)
                    var measure  = rawValues[i];
                    var previous = rawValues[0];

                    var ratio = measure == 0
                    ? 0
                    : measure / previous;

                    var formattedValue = unitType switch
                        UnitType.Size => new SizeValue((long)measure).ToString(sizeUnit),
                        UnitType.Time => new TimeInterval(measure).ToString(timeUnit, precision),
                        _ => measure.ToString("N" + precision, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)

                    var cell = new Cell();
                    cell.Elements.Add(new CellElement
                        Text      = $"{formattedValue} {units}",
                        Alignment = CellTextAlignment.Right

                    // Don't render the ratio on baseline benchmark
                    if (summaries[i] != baseline)
                        row.Add(cell = new Cell());

                        if (measure != 0)
                            cell.Elements.Add(new CellElement
                                Text      = ratio.ToString("N2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                Alignment = CellTextAlignment.Right
        internal SummaryTable(Summary summary, SummaryStyle style = null)
            Summary = summary;

            if (summary.HasCriticalValidationErrors)
                Columns     = Array.Empty <SummaryTableColumn>();
                ColumnCount = 0;
                FullHeader  = Array.Empty <string>();
                FullContent = Array.Empty <string[]>();
                FullContentStartOfHighlightGroup = Array.Empty <bool>();
                FullContentWithHeader            = Array.Empty <string[]>();
                IsDefault = Array.Empty <bool>();

            // Ensure we have all required data for styling
            style = style ?? summary.Style ?? SummaryStyle.Default;
            if (style.TimeUnit == null)
                style = style.WithTimeUnit(TimeUnit.GetBestTimeUnit(summary.Reports.Where(r => r.ResultStatistics != null).Select(r => r.ResultStatistics.Mean)

            if (style.SizeUnit == null)
                style = style.WithSizeUnit(SizeUnit.GetBestSizeUnit(summary.Reports.Select(r => r.GcStats.GetBytesAllocatedPerOperation(r.BenchmarkCase)).ToArray()));

            var columns = summary.GetColumns();

            ColumnCount = columns.Length;
            FullHeader  = columns.Select(c => c.GetColumnTitle(style)).ToArray();

            FullContent = summary.Reports.Select(r => columns.Select(c => c.GetValue(summary, r.BenchmarkCase, style)).ToArray()).ToArray();
            IsDefault   = columns.Select(c => summary.Reports.All(r => c.IsDefault(summary, r.BenchmarkCase))).ToArray();

            var highlightGroupKeys = summary.BenchmarksCases.Select(b => b.Config.Orderer.GetHighlightGroupKey(b)).ToArray();

            FullContentStartOfHighlightGroup = new bool[summary.Reports.Length];
            if (highlightGroupKeys.Distinct().Count() > 1 && FullContentStartOfHighlightGroup.Length > 0)
                FullContentStartOfHighlightGroup[0] = true;
                for (int i = 1; i < summary.Reports.Length; i++)
                    FullContentStartOfHighlightGroup[i] = highlightGroupKeys[i] != highlightGroupKeys[i - 1];

            var logicalGroupKeys = summary.BenchmarksCases
                                   .Select(b => b.Config.Orderer.GetLogicalGroupKey(summary.BenchmarksCases, b))

            FullContentStartOfLogicalGroup = new bool[summary.Reports.Length];
            if (logicalGroupKeys.Distinct().Count() > 1 && FullContentStartOfLogicalGroup.Length > 0)
                FullContentStartOfLogicalGroup[0] = true;
                for (int i = 1; i < summary.Reports.Length; i++)
                    FullContentStartOfLogicalGroup[i] = logicalGroupKeys[i] != logicalGroupKeys[i - 1];

            SeparateLogicalGroups = summary.Orderer.SeparateLogicalGroups;

            var full = new List <string[]> {

            FullContentWithHeader = full.ToArray();

            Columns = new SummaryTableColumn[columns.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < columns.Length; i++)
                var  column = columns[i];
                bool hide   = summary.ColumnHidingRules.Any(rule => rule.NeedToHide(column));
                Columns[i] = new SummaryTableColumn(this, i, column, hide);

            EffectiveSummaryStyle = style;