Exemple #1
        private IDList GetChildIDsTemplate(SitecoreClassConfig template, ItemDefinition itemDefinition)
            IDList fields = new IDList();

            List <string> processed = new List <string>();
            var           sections  = template.Properties
                                      .Where(x => x.Property.DeclaringType == template.Type)
                                      .Select(x => x.Attribute).OfType <SitecoreFieldAttribute>()
                                      .Select(x => x.SectionName);

            foreach (var section in sections)
                if (processed.Contains(section) || section.IsNullOrEmpty())

                var record = SectionTable.FirstOrDefault(x => x.TemplateId == itemDefinition.ID && x.Name == section);

                if (record == null)
                    record = new SectionInfo(section, new ID(Guid.NewGuid()), itemDefinition.ID);
 public void ReadFromItem(ISitecoreService service, object target, Item item, SitecoreClassConfig config)
     foreach (var handler in config.DataHandlers)
         handler.SetProperty(target, item, service);
Exemple #3
 private void ReadFromItem(object target, Item item, SitecoreClassConfig config)
     foreach (var handler in config.DataHandlers)
         handler.SetProperty(target, item, this);
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves an item based on the passed in class based on the version and language properties on the class
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Item GetItemFromSitecore <T>(T target)
            Guid guid = InstanceContext.GetClassId(typeof(T), target);

            SitecoreClassConfig config   = InstanceContext.GetSitecoreClass(typeof(T));
            Language            language = null;
            int versionNumber            = -1;

            if (config.LanguageProperty != null)
                language = config.LanguageProperty.Property.GetValue(target, null) as Language;
            if (config.VersionProperty != null)
                versionNumber = (int)config.VersionProperty.Property.GetValue(target, null);
            if (language != null && versionNumber > 0)
                return(_database.GetItem(new ID(guid), language, new global::Sitecore.Data.Version(versionNumber)));
            else if (language != null)
                return(_database.GetItem(new ID(guid), language));
                return(_database.GetItem(new ID(guid)));
Exemple #5
 public InterfaceMethodInterceptor(SitecoreClassConfig config, Item item, ISitecoreService service)
     _config  = config;
     _item    = item;
     _service = service;
     _values  = new Dictionary <string, object>();
 public SitecoreClass()
     _properties            = new List <SitecoreProperty>();
     _config                = new SitecoreClassConfig();
     _config.Type           = typeof(T);
     _config.ClassAttribute = new Configuration.Attributes.SitecoreClassAttribute();
     _config.Properties     = _properties;
Exemple #7
        public object CreateClass(bool isLazy, bool inferType, Type type, Item item)
            if (item == null)

            SitecoreClassConfig config = null;

            if (!inferType)
                //this retrieves the class based on return type
                config = InstanceContext.GetSitecoreClass(type);
                //this retrieves the class by inferring the type from the template ID
                //if ths return type can not be found then the system will try to create a type
                //base on the return type
                config = InstanceContext.GetSitecoreClass(item.TemplateID.Guid, type);
                if (config == null)
                    config = InstanceContext.GetSitecoreClass(type);

            if (isLazy || type.IsInterface)
                return(ProxyGenerator.CreateProxy(config, this, item, inferType));
                if (item == null)

                //get the class information

                if (config.CreateObject == null)
                    Type        objType   = config.Type;
                    var         dynMethod = new DynamicMethod("DM$OBJ_FACTORY_" + objType.Name, objType, null, objType);
                    ILGenerator ilGen     = dynMethod.GetILGenerator();
                    ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, objType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes));
                    config.CreateObject = (SitecoreClassConfig.Instantiator)dynMethod.CreateDelegate(typeof(SitecoreClassConfig.Instantiator));
                object t = config.CreateObject();

                ReadFromItem(t, item, config);

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a delegate method that will load a class based on its constuctor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="classConfig">The SitecoreClassConfig to store the delegate method in</param>
        /// <param name="constructorParameters">The list of contructor parameters</param>
        /// <param name="delegateType">The type of the delegate function to create</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static void CreateConstructorDelegates(SitecoreClassConfig classConfig)
            Type type = classConfig.Type;

            var constructors = type.GetConstructors();

            foreach (var constructor in constructors)
                var parameters = constructor.GetParameters();

                var dynMethod = new DynamicMethod("DM$OBJ_FACTORY_" + type.Name, type, parameters.Select(x => x.ParameterType).ToArray(), type);

                ILGenerator ilGen = dynMethod.GetILGenerator();
                for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count(); i++)
                    ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, i);

                ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, constructor);


                Type genericType = null;
                switch (parameters.Count())
                case 0:
                    genericType = typeof(Func <>);

                case 1:
                    genericType = typeof(Func <,>);

                case 2:
                    genericType = typeof(Func <, ,>);

                case 3:
                    genericType = typeof(Func <, , ,>);

                case 4:
                    genericType = typeof(Func <, , , ,>);

                    throw new MapperException("Only supports constructors with  a maximum of 4 parameters");

                var delegateType = genericType.MakeGenericType(parameters.Select(x => x.ParameterType).Concat(new [] { type }).ToArray());

                classConfig.CreateObjectMethods[constructor] = dynMethod.CreateDelegate(delegateType);
        public void GetSitecoreClass_NotLoadedClass_ThrowsException()
            SitecoreClassConfig config = null;

            config = _service.InstanceContext.GetSitecoreClass(typeof(Domain.NotLoaded));

            //no asserts, exception should be thrown
        public void GetSitecoreClass_LoadedClass_ReturnsClassConfig()
            SitecoreClassConfig config = null;

            config = _service.InstanceContext.GetSitecoreClass(typeof(InstanceContextFixtureNS.TestClass2));

            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(InstanceContextFixtureNS.TestClass2), config.Type);
        private IEnumerable <SitecoreClassConfig> GetClass(string assembly, string namesp)
            Assembly assem = Assembly.Load(assembly);

            if (assem != null)
                    return(assem.GetTypes().Select(x =>
                        if (x != null && x.Namespace != null && (x.Namespace.Equals(namesp) || x.Namespace.StartsWith(namesp + ".")))
                            IEnumerable <object> attrs = x.GetCustomAttributes(true);
                            SitecoreClassAttribute attr = attrs.FirstOrDefault(y => y is SitecoreClassAttribute) as SitecoreClassAttribute;

                            if (attr != null)
                                var config = new SitecoreClassConfig()
                                    Type = x,
                                    ClassAttribute = attr,
                                //TODO need to wrap in exception handler
                                if (!attr.BranchId.IsNullOrEmpty())
                                    config.BranchId = new Guid(attr.BranchId);
                                if (!attr.TemplateId.IsNullOrEmpty())
                                    config.TemplateId = new Guid(attr.TemplateId);

                                return config;
                        return null;
                    }).Where(x => x != null).ToList());
                catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException ex)
                    throw new MapperException("Failed to load types {0}".Formatted(ex.LoaderExceptions.First().Message), ex);
                return(new List <SitecoreClassConfig>());
        private IDList GetChildIDsTemplate(SitecoreClassConfig template, ItemDefinition itemDefinition, CallContext context)
            IDList fields = new IDList();

            List <string> processed = new List <string>();
            var           sections  = template.Properties
                                      .Where(x => x.Property.DeclaringType == template.Type)
                                      .Select(x => x.Attribute).OfType <SitecoreFieldAttribute>()
                                      .Select(x => new { x.SectionName, x.SectionSortOrder });

            var providers     = Database.GetDataProviders();
            var otherProvider = providers.FirstOrDefault(x => !(x is GlassDataProvider));
            //If sitecore contains a section with the same name in the database, use that one instead of creating a new one
            var existing = otherProvider.GetChildIDs(itemDefinition, context).OfType <ID>().Select(id => otherProvider.GetItemDefinition(id, context)).ToList();

            foreach (var section in sections)
                if (processed.Contains(section.SectionName) || section.SectionName.IsNullOrEmpty())

                var record = SectionTable.FirstOrDefault(x => x.TemplateId == itemDefinition.ID && x.Name == section.SectionName);

                if (record == null)
                    var exists = existing.FirstOrDefault(def => def.Name.Equals(section));
                    if (exists != null)
                        record = new SectionInfo(section.SectionName, exists.ID, itemDefinition.ID, section.SectionSortOrder)
                            Existing = true
                        record = new SectionInfo(section.SectionName, new ID(Guid.NewGuid()), itemDefinition.ID, section.SectionSortOrder);
                if (!record.Existing)
Exemple #13
        public void Create_CreatesProxyClassAndCorrectlyReplaces()
            Item item = _db.GetItem(new ID(_itemId));
            SitecoreClassConfig config = _context.GetSitecoreClass(typeof(ProxyClassGeneratorFixtureNS.SubClass));

            var result = ProxyGenerator.CreateProxy(config, _service, item, false) as ProxyClassGeneratorFixtureNS.SubClass;

            result.CallMe = "something";


            Assert.AreEqual("something", result.CallMe);
Exemple #14
        private IEnumerable <SitecoreClassConfig> ProcessAssembly(Assembly assem, Func <Type, bool> predicate)
            if (assem != null)
                    return(assem.GetTypes().Select(x =>
                        if (predicate(x))
                            IEnumerable <object> attrs = x.GetCustomAttributes(true);
                            SitecoreClassAttribute attr = attrs.FirstOrDefault(y => y is SitecoreClassAttribute) as SitecoreClassAttribute;

                            if (attr != null)
                                var config = new SitecoreClassConfig()
                                    Type = x,
                                    ClassAttribute = attr,
                                //TODO need to wrap in exception handler
                                if (!attr.BranchId.IsNullOrEmpty())
                                    config.BranchId = new Guid(attr.BranchId);
                                if (!attr.TemplateId.IsNullOrEmpty())
                                    config.TemplateId = new Guid(attr.TemplateId);

                                return config;
                        return null;
                    }).Where(x => x != null).ToList());
                catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException ex)
                    throw new MapperException("Failed to load types {0}".Formatted(ex.LoaderExceptions.First().Message), ex);
                return(new List <SitecoreClassConfig>());
        public virtual object CreateClass(ISitecoreService service, bool isLazy, bool inferType, Type type, Item item, params object[] constructorParameters)
            //check there is an item to create a class from
            if (item == null)
            //check that there are some constructor arguments

            SitecoreClassConfig config = null;

            if (!inferType)
                //this retrieves the class based on return type
                config = Context.StaticContext.GetSitecoreClass(type);
                //this retrieves the class by inferring the type from the template ID
                //if ths return type can not be found then the system will try to create a type
                //base on the return type
                config = TypeInferrer.InferrerType(item, type);

            //if the class should be lazy loaded or is an interface then load using a proxy
            if (isLazy || type.IsInterface)
                return(ProxyGenerator.CreateProxy(config, service, item, inferType));
                ConstructorInfo constructor = config.Type.GetConstructor(constructorParameters == null || constructorParameters.Count() == 0 ? Type.EmptyTypes : constructorParameters.Select(x => x.GetType()).ToArray());

                if (constructor == null)
                    throw new MapperException("No constructor for class {0} with parameters {1}".Formatted(config.Type.FullName, string.Join(",", constructorParameters.Select(x => x.GetType().FullName).ToArray())));

                Delegate conMethod = config.CreateObjectMethods[constructor];
                object   t         = conMethod.DynamicInvoke(constructorParameters);
                ReadFromItem(service, t, item, config);
Exemple #16
        public static object CreateProxy(SitecoreClassConfig config, ISitecoreService service, Item item, bool inferType)
            object proxy = null;

            Type type = config.Type;

            if (type.IsInterface)
                proxy = _generator.CreateInterfaceProxyWithoutTarget(type, new InterfaceMethodInterceptor(config, item, service));
                proxy = _generator.CreateClassProxy(type, _options, new ProxyClassInterceptor(type,
                                                                                              item, inferType));

Exemple #17
        private IEnumerable <SitecoreClassConfig> GetClass(string assembly, string namesp)
            Assembly assem = Assembly.Load(assembly);

            if (assem != null)
                return(assem.GetTypes().Select(x =>
                    if (x != null && x.Namespace != null && x.Namespace.StartsWith(namesp))
                        IEnumerable <object> attrs = x.GetCustomAttributes(true);
                        SitecoreClassAttribute attr = attrs.FirstOrDefault(y => y is SitecoreClassAttribute) as SitecoreClassAttribute;

                        if (attr != null)
                            var config = new SitecoreClassConfig()
                                Type = x,
                                ClassAttribute = attr,
                            //TODO need to wrap in exception handler
                            if (!attr.BranchId.IsNullOrEmpty())
                                config.BranchId = new Guid(attr.BranchId);
                            if (!attr.TemplateId.IsNullOrEmpty())
                                config.TemplateId = new Guid(attr.TemplateId);

                            return config;
                    return null;
                }).Where(x => x != null).ToList());
                return(new List <SitecoreClassConfig>());
        private IEnumerable<SitecoreClassConfig> GetClass(string assembly, string namesp)
            Assembly assem = Assembly.Load(assembly);

            if (assem != null)

                    return assem.GetTypes().Select(x =>
                        if (x != null && x.Namespace != null && (x.Namespace.Equals(namesp) || x.Namespace.StartsWith(namesp + ".")))
                            IEnumerable<object> attrs = x.GetCustomAttributes(true);
                            SitecoreClassAttribute attr = attrs.FirstOrDefault(y => y is SitecoreClassAttribute) as SitecoreClassAttribute;

                            if (attr != null)
                                var config = new SitecoreClassConfig()
                                    Type = x,
                                    ClassAttribute = attr,

                                //TODO need to wrap in exception handler
                                if (!attr.BranchId.IsNullOrEmpty()) config.BranchId = new Guid(attr.BranchId);
                                if (!attr.TemplateId.IsNullOrEmpty()) config.TemplateId = new Guid(attr.TemplateId);

                                return config;
                        return null;
                    }).Where(x => x != null).ToList();

                catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException ex)

                    throw new MapperException("Failed to load types {0}".Formatted(ex.LoaderExceptions.First().Message), ex);

                return new List<SitecoreClassConfig>();
Exemple #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Sitecore item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The type of the new item to create. This type must have either a TemplateId or BranchId defined on the SitecoreClassAttribute or fluent equivalent</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="K">The type of the parent item</typeparam>
        /// <param name="parent">The parent of the new item to create. Must have the SitecoreIdAttribute or fluent equivalent</param>
        /// <param name="newItem">New item to create, must have the attribute SitecoreInfoAttribute of type SitecoreInfoType.Name or the fluent equivalent</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public T Create <T, K>(K parent, T newItem)
            where T : class
            where K : class
                Guid id = InstanceContext.GetClassId(typeof(T), newItem);
                if (id != Guid.Empty)
                    throw new MapperException("You are trying to create an item on a class that doesn't have an empty ID value");
            catch (SitecoreIdException ex)
                //we can swallow this exception for now
                //should look to do this beeter

            Guid parentId = Guid.Empty;

                parentId = InstanceContext.GetClassId(typeof(K), parent);
            catch (SitecoreIdException ex)
                throw new MapperException("Failed to get parent ID", ex);

            if (parentId == Guid.Empty)
                throw new MapperException("Guid for parent is empty");

            Item pItem = GetItemFromSitecore <K>(parent);

            if (pItem == null)
                throw new MapperException("Could not find parent item with ID {0}".Formatted(parentId));

            SitecoreClassConfig scClass = InstanceContext.GetSitecoreClass(typeof(T));

            var nameProperty = scClass.Properties.Where(x => x.Attribute is SitecoreInfoAttribute)
                               .Cast <SitecoreProperty>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Attribute.CastTo <SitecoreInfoAttribute>().Type == SitecoreInfoType.Name);

            if (nameProperty == null)
                throw new MapperException("Type {0} does not have a property with SitecoreInfoType.Name".Formatted(typeof(T).FullName));

            string name = string.Empty;

                name = nameProperty.Property.GetValue(newItem, null).ToString();
                throw new MapperException("Failed to get item name");

            if (name.IsNullOrEmpty())
                throw new MapperException("New class has no name");

            Guid templateId = scClass.TemplateId;
            Guid branchId   = scClass.BranchId;

            Item item = null;

            if (templateId != Guid.Empty)
                item = pItem.Add(name, new TemplateID(new ID(templateId)));
            else if (branchId != Guid.Empty)
                item = pItem.Add(name, new BranchId(new ID(branchId)));
                throw new MapperException("Type {0} does not have a Template ID or Branch ID".Formatted(typeof(T).FullName));

            if (item == null)
                throw new MapperException("Failed to create item");

            //write new data to the item

            WriteToItem <T>(newItem, item);

            //then read it back
            ReadFromItem(newItem, item, scClass);
            //   return CreateClass<T>(false, false, item);
Exemple #20
        private void BaseTemplateChecks(ItemDefinition template, DataProvider provider, CallContext context, SitecoreClassConfig config)
            //check base templates

            var templateItem = Database.GetItem(template.ID);

            var           baseTemplatesField = templateItem[BaseTemplatesFieldId];
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(baseTemplatesField);

            global::Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Info("Type {0}".Formatted(config.Type.FullName), this);

            Action <Type> idCheck = (type) =>
                global::Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Info("ID Check {0}".Formatted(type.FullName), this);

                if (!Classes.ContainsKey(type))

                var baseConfig = Classes[type];
                if (baseConfig != null && baseConfig.ClassAttribute.CodeFirst)
                    if (!baseTemplatesField.Contains(baseConfig.ClassAttribute.TemplateId))

            Type baseType = config.Type.BaseType;

            while (baseType != null)
                baseType = baseType.BaseType;

            config.Type.GetInterfaces().ForEach(x => idCheck(x));

            if (baseTemplatesField != sb.ToString())
                templateItem[BaseTemplatesFieldId] = sb.ToString();
Exemple #21
        public T Create <T, K>(K parent, string name, T data)  where T : class where K : class
            //check that the data is not null and if it has an ID check that it is empty
            if (data != null)

            Guid guid = Guid.Empty;

                guid = InstanceContext.GetClassId(typeof(K), parent);
            catch (SitecoreIdException ex)
                throw new MapperException("Failed to get parent ID", ex);

            if (guid == Guid.Empty)
                throw new MapperException("Guid for parent is empty");

            Item pItem = _database.GetItem(new ID(guid));

            if (pItem == null)
                throw new MapperException("Could not find parent item");

            SitecoreClassConfig scClass = InstanceContext.GetSitecoreClass(typeof(T));

            Guid templateId = scClass.TemplateId;
            Guid branchId   = scClass.BranchId;

            Item item = null;

            if (templateId != Guid.Empty)
                item = pItem.Add(name, new TemplateID(new ID(templateId)));
            else if (branchId != Guid.Empty)
                item = pItem.Add(name, new BranchId(new ID(branchId)));
                throw new MapperException("Type {0} does not have a Template ID or Branch ID".Formatted(typeof(T).FullName));

            if (item == null)
                throw new MapperException("Failed to create child with name {0} and parent {1}".Formatted(name, item.Paths.FullPath));

            //if we have data save it to the item
            if (data != null)
                WriteToItem <T>(data, item);
            return(CreateClass <T>(false, false, item));
        private IEnumerable<SitecoreClassConfig> ProcessAssembly(Assembly assem, Func<Type, bool> predicate)

            if (assem != null)
                    return assem.GetTypes().Select(x =>
                        if (predicate(x))
                            IEnumerable<object> attrs = x.GetCustomAttributes(true);
                            SitecoreClassAttribute  attr = attrs.FirstOrDefault(y => y is SitecoreClassAttribute) as SitecoreClassAttribute;

                            if (attr != null)
                                var config = new SitecoreClassConfig()
                                    Type = x,
                                    ClassAttribute = attr,

                                //TODO need to wrap in exception handler
                                if (!attr.BranchId.IsNullOrEmpty()) config.BranchId = new Guid(attr.BranchId);
                                if (!attr.TemplateId.IsNullOrEmpty()) config.TemplateId = new Guid(attr.TemplateId);

                                return config;
                        return null;
                    }).Where(x => x != null).ToList();

                catch (Exception ex)
                    //throw new MapperException("Failed to load types {0}".Formatted(ex.LoaderExceptions.First().Message), ex);
                    //don't mind assemblies that contain dynamic types...
            return new List<SitecoreClassConfig>();
        private IEnumerable<SitecoreClassConfig> GetClass(string assembly, string namesp)
            Assembly assem = Assembly.Load(assembly);

            if (assem != null)
                return assem.GetTypes().Select(x =>
                    if (x != null && x.Namespace != null && x.Namespace.StartsWith(namesp))
                        IEnumerable<object> attrs = x.GetCustomAttributes(true);
                        SitecoreClassAttribute attr = attrs.FirstOrDefault(y=>y is SitecoreClassAttribute) as SitecoreClassAttribute;

                        if (attr != null)
                            var config = new SitecoreClassConfig() { 
                                Type = x,
                                ClassAttribute = attr,
                            //TODO need to wrap in exception handler
                            if (!attr.BranchId.IsNullOrEmpty()) config.BranchId = new Guid(attr.BranchId);
                            if (!attr.TemplateId.IsNullOrEmpty()) config.TemplateId = new Guid(attr.TemplateId);

                            return config;
                    return null;
                }).Where(x => x != null).ToList();
                return new List<SitecoreClassConfig>();