internal void SendRequest2() { try { if (AbstractRequest == null) { throw new ApiException("RequestType reference not set to an instance of an object.", new System.ArgumentNullException()); } if (ApiContext == null) { throw new ApiException("ApiContext reference not set to an instance of an object.", new System.ArgumentNullException()); } if (ApiContext.ApiCredential == null) { throw new ApiException("Credentials reference in ApiContext object not set to an instance of an object.", new System.ArgumentNullException()); } string apiName = AbstractRequest.GetType().Name.Replace("RequestType", ""); var requestName = Type.GetType("eBay.Service.Core.Soap." + apiName + "Request"); if (this.ApiContext.EnableMetrics) { mCallMetrics = this.ApiContext.CallMetricsTable.GetNewEntry(apiName); mCallMetrics.ApiCallStarted = System.DateTime.Now; } string url = ""; try { if (ApiContext.SoapApiServerUrl != null && ApiContext.SoapApiServerUrl.Length > 0) { url = String.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}?callname={1}&siteid={2}&client=netsoap", ApiContext.SoapApiServerUrl, apiName, SiteUtility.GetSiteID(Site).ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } else { url = ""; url = String.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}?callname={1}&siteid={2}&client=netsoap", url, apiName, SiteUtility.GetSiteID(Site).ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApiException(ex.Message, ex); } LogMessage(url, MessageType.Information, MessageSeverity.Informational); //mEnableCompression//数据压缩 //moAuthToken//moAuthToken授权// //mWebProxy//代理 //mCallMetrics速度监控 var eBayAPIInterfaceClient = eBayAPIInstance.Instance.GeteBayAPIClient(url, timeout: this.Timeout); //var 报文 = new 报文(); //eBayAPIInterfaceClient.Endpoint.EndpointBehaviors.Add(new ContextPropagationBehavior(报文)); //PropertyInfo pi; //pi = this.mServiceType.GetProperty("ApiLogManager"); //if (pi == null) // throw new SdkException("ApiLogManager was not found in InterfaceServiceType"); //pi.SetValue(svcInst, this.mApiContext.ApiLogManager, null); //pi = this.mServiceType.GetProperty("EnableComression"); //if (pi == null) // throw new SdkException("EnableComression was not found in InterfaceServiceType"); //pi.SetValue(svcInst, this.mEnableCompression, null); //Add oAuth //if (pi == null) // throw new SdkException("RequesterCredentials was not found in InterfaceServiceType"); //pi.SetValue(svcInst, this., null); //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ApiContext.ApiCredential.oAuthToken)) //{ // pi = this.mServiceType.GetProperty("RequesterCredentials"); // if (pi == null) // throw new SdkException("RequesterCredentials was not found in InterfaceServiceType"); // pi.SetValue(svcInst, secHdr, null); //} //pi = this.mServiceType.GetProperty("WebProxy"); //if (pi == null) // throw new SdkException("WebProxy was not found in InterfaceServiceType"); //pi.SetValue(svcInst, this.mApiContext.WebProxy, null); //if (this.mApiContext.WebProxy != null) //{ // LogMessage("Proxy Server is Set", MessageType.Information, MessageSeverity.Informational); //} //pi = this.mServiceType.GetProperty("CallMetricsEntry"); //if (pi == null) // throw new SdkException("CallMetricsEntry was not found in InterfaceServiceType"); //if (this.ApiContext.EnableMetrics) // pi.SetValue(svcInst, this.mCallMetrics, null); //else // pi.SetValue(svcInst, null, null); //pi = this.mServiceType.GetProperty("OAuthToken"); //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ApiContext.ApiCredential.oAuthToken)) //{ // this.mOAuth = this.ApiContext.ApiCredential.oAuthToken; // pi.SetValue(svcInst, this.OAuth, null); //} ////svcCCTor.Timeout = Timeout; //this.mServiceType.GetProperty("Timeout").SetValue(svcInst, Timeout, null); AbstractRequest.Version = Version; if (!mDetailLevelOverride && AbstractRequest.DetailLevel == null) { AbstractRequest.DetailLevel = mDetailLevelList; } //Added OutputSelector to base call JIRA-SDK-561 AbstractRequest.OutputSelector = mOutputSelector; if (ApiContext.ErrorLanguage != ErrorLanguageCodeType.CustomCode) { AbstractRequest.ErrorLanguage = ApiContext.ErrorLanguage.ToString(); } //Populate the message AbstractRequest.MessageID = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); //Type methodtype = svcInst.GetType(); //object[] reqparm = new object[] { AbstractRequest }; CustomSecurityHeaderType secHdr = this.GetSecurityHeader(); var request = System.Activator.CreateInstance(requestName); requestName.GetProperty("RequesterCredentials").SetValue(request, secHdr); requestName.GetProperty(apiName + "RequestType").SetValue(request, AbstractRequest); //, secHdr, this.AbstractRequest int retries = 0; int maxRetries = 0; bool doretry = false; CallRetry retry = null; if (mCallRetry != null) { retry = mCallRetry; maxRetries = retry.MaximumRetries; } else if (ApiContext.CallRetry != null) { retry = ApiContext.CallRetry; maxRetries = retry.MaximumRetries; } do { Exception callException = null; try { // mResponse = null; // mApiException = null; if (retries > 0) { LogMessage("Invoking Call Retry", MessageType.Information, MessageSeverity.Informational); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(retry.DelayTime); } if (BeforeRequest != null) { BeforeRequest(this, new BeforeRequestEventArgs(AbstractRequest)); } //Invoke the Service DateTime start = DateTime.Now; //mResponse = (AbstractResponseType)methodtype.GetMethod(apiName).Invoke(svcInst, reqparm); if (mCallMetrics != null) { mCallMetrics.NetworkSendStarted = DateTime.Now; //request.Headers.Add("X-EBAY-API-METRICS", "true"); } var response = eBayAPIInterfaceClient.GetType().GetMethod(apiName).Invoke(eBayAPIInterfaceClient, new[] { request }); mResponse = (AbstractResponseType)response.GetType().GetProperty(apiName + "ResponseType").GetValue(response); if (mCallMetrics != null) { mCallMetrics.NetworkReceiveEnded = DateTime.Now; //mCallMetrics.ServerProcessingTime = convertProcessingTime(response.Headers.Get("X-EBAY-API-PROCESS-TIME")); } //validate(response.StatusCode); mResponseTime = DateTime.Now - start; if (AfterRequest != null) { AfterRequest(this, new AfterRequestEventArgs(mResponse)); } // Catch Token Expiration warning if (mResponse != null && secHdr.HardExpirationWarning != null) { ApiContext.ApiCredential.TokenHardExpirationWarning( System.Convert.ToDateTime(secHdr.HardExpirationWarning, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture)); } if (mResponse != null && mResponse.Errors != null && mResponse.Errors.Count > 0) { throw new ApiException(new List <ErrorType>(mResponse.Errors)); } } catch (Exception ex) { // this catches soap faults if (ex.GetType() == typeof(TargetInvocationException)) { // we never care about the outer exception Exception iex = ex.InnerException; //// Parse Soap Faults //if (iex.GetType() == typeof(SoapException)) //{ // ex = ApiException.FromSoapException((SoapException)iex); //} //else if (iex.GetType() == typeof(InvalidOperationException)) { // Go to innermost exception while (iex.InnerException != null) { iex = iex.InnerException; } ex = new ApiException(iex.Message, iex); } else if (iex.GetType() == typeof(HttpException)) { HttpException httpEx = (HttpException)iex; String str = "HTTP Error Code: " + httpEx.StatusCode; ex = new ApiException(str, iex); } else { ex = new ApiException(iex.Message, iex); } } callException = ex; // log the message - override current switches - *if* (a) we wouldn't normally log it, and (b) // the exception matches the exception filter. if (retry != null) { doretry = retry.ShouldRetry(ex); } if (!doretry || retries == maxRetries) { throw ex; } else { //string soapReq = 报文.发送.LastOrDefault();// (string)this.mServiceType.GetProperty("SoapRequest").GetValue(svcInst, null); //string soapResp = 报文.接收.LastOrDefault(); // (string)this.mServiceType.GetProperty("SoapResponse").GetValue(svcInst, null); //LogMessagePayload(soapReq + "\r\n\r\n" + soapResp, MessageSeverity.Informational, ex); MessageSeverity svr = ((ApiException)ex).SeverityErrorCount > 0 ? MessageSeverity.Error : MessageSeverity.Warning; LogMessage(ex.Message, MessageType.Exception, svr); } } finally { //string soapReq = 报文.发送.LastOrDefault();// (string)this.mServiceType.GetProperty("SoapRequest").GetValue(svcInst, null); //string soapResp = 报文.接收.LastOrDefault(); //(string)this.mServiceType.GetProperty("SoapResponse").GetValue(svcInst, null); //if (!doretry || retries == maxRetries) // LogMessagePayload(soapReq + "\r\n\r\n" + soapResp, MessageSeverity.Informational, callException); if (mResponse != null && mResponse.Timestamp.HasValue) { ApiContext.CallUpdate(mResponse.Timestamp.Value); } else { ApiContext.CallUpdate(new DateTime(0)); } //mSoapRequest = soapReq; //mSoapResponse = soapResp; retries++; //var ssss = System.Xml.Linq.XElement.Parse(soapResp); //var sdfsdfdsf = ssss.Elements().LastOrDefault().FirstNode.ToString(); //var ser = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(eBay.Service.Core.Soap.GetApiAccessRulesResponseType), "GetApiAccessRulesResponse"); //using (var ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sdfsdfdsf))) //{ // var jsonObject = ser.ReadObject(ms); //} } } while (doretry && retries <= maxRetries); } catch (Exception ex) { ApiException aex = ex as ApiException; if (aex != null) { mApiException = aex; } else { mApiException = new ApiException(ex.Message, ex); } MessageSeverity svr = mApiException.SeverityErrorCount > 0 ? MessageSeverity.Error : MessageSeverity.Warning; LogMessage(mApiException.Message, MessageType.Exception, svr); if (mApiException.SeverityErrorCount > 0) { throw mApiException; } } finally { if (this.ApiContext.EnableMetrics) { mCallMetrics.ApiCallEnded = DateTime.Now; } } }
/// <summary> /// Method to post picture data with HttpWebRequest /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName">the full path of the picture file to be uploaded</param> /// <param name="requestXmlString">request xml string</param> /// <returns>response string</returns> private string sendFile(string fileName, string requestXmlString) { const string BOUNDARY = "MIME_boundary"; const string CRLF = "\r\n"; //get HttpWebRequest object HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(this.ApiContext.EPSServerUrl); req.Method = "POST"; req.ProtocolVersion = HttpVersion.Version11; //set proxy server if necessary if (this.ApiContext.WebProxy != null) { req.Proxy = this.ApiContext.WebProxy; } //set http headers req.Headers.Add("X-EBAY-API-COMPATIBILITY-LEVEL", this.ApiContext.Version); req.Headers.Add("X-EBAY-API-SITEID", SiteUtility.GetSiteID(this.ApiContext.Site).ToString()); req.Headers.Add("X-EBAY-API-DETAIL-LEVEL", X_EBAY_API_DETAIL_LEVEL); req.Headers.Add("X-EBAY-API-CALL-NAME", X_EBAY_API_CALL_NAME); req.ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + BOUNDARY; //Check for oAuth - Sree 11/14/2017. if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ApiContext.ApiCredential.oAuthToken)) { req.Headers.Add("X-EBAY-API-IAF-TOKEN", this.ApiContext.ApiCredential.oAuthToken); } //read in the picture file FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); fs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs); byte[] image = br.ReadBytes((int)fs.Length); br.Close(); fs.Close(); //first part of the post body string strReq1 = "--" + BOUNDARY + CRLF + "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=document" + CRLF + "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=\"UTF-8\"" + CRLF + CRLF + requestXmlString + CRLF + "--" + BOUNDARY + CRLF + "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=image; filename=image" + CRLF + "Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary" + CRLF + "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" + CRLF + CRLF; //last part of the post body string strReq2 = CRLF + "--" + BOUNDARY + "--" + CRLF; //log request message to eps server string reqInfo = "UploadSiteHostedPicturesRequest to " + this.ApiContext.EPSServerUrl; LogMessage(reqInfo, MessageType.Information, MessageSeverity.Informational); string reqMsg = Util.XmlUtility.FormatXml(requestXmlString) + CRLF + CRLF; reqMsg = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(reqMsg, "<eBayAuthToken>.+</eBayAuthToken>", "<eBayAuthToken>******</eBayAuthToken>"); LogMessage(reqMsg, MessageType.ApiMessage, MessageSeverity.Informational); //Convert string to byte array byte[] postDataBytes1 = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(strReq1); byte[] postDataBytes2 = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(strReq2); int len = postDataBytes1.Length + postDataBytes2.Length + image.Length; req.ContentLength = len; //post the payload Stream requestStream = req.GetRequestStream(); requestStream.Write(postDataBytes1, 0, postDataBytes1.Length); requestStream.Write(image, 0, image.Length); requestStream.Write(postDataBytes2, 0, postDataBytes2.Length); requestStream.Close(); //get response and write to console HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse(); StreamReader responseReader = new StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.UTF8); string response = responseReader.ReadToEnd(); //log response message from eps server string respInfo = "UploadSiteHostedPicturesResponse from " + this.ApiContext.EPSServerUrl; LogMessage(respInfo, MessageType.Information, MessageSeverity.Informational); string respMsg = Util.XmlUtility.FormatXml(response) + CRLF + CRLF; LogMessage(respMsg, MessageType.ApiMessage, MessageSeverity.Informational); resp.Close(); return(response); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> internal void SendRequest() { try { if (AbstractRequest == null) { throw new ApiException("RequestType reference not set to an instance of an object.", new System.ArgumentNullException()); } if (ApiContext == null) { throw new ApiException("ApiContext reference not set to an instance of an object.", new System.ArgumentNullException()); } if (ApiContext.ApiCredential == null) { throw new ApiException("Credentials reference in ApiContext object not set to an instance of an object.", new System.ArgumentNullException()); } string apiName = AbstractRequest.GetType().Name.Replace("RequestType", ""); if (this.ApiContext.EnableMetrics) { mCallMetrics = this.ApiContext.CallMetricsTable.GetNewEntry(apiName); mCallMetrics.ApiCallStarted = System.DateTime.Now; } CustomSecurityHeaderType secHdr = this.GetSecurityHeader(); // Get default constructor. /* * ConstructorInfo svcCCTor = this.mServiceType.GetConstructor( * BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public, null, * CallingConventions.HasThis, null, null); */ ConstructorInfo svcCCTor = this.mServiceType.GetConstructor(new Type[] { }); object svcInst = svcCCTor.Invoke(null); PropertyInfo pi; pi = this.mServiceType.GetProperty("ApiLogManager"); if (pi == null) { throw new SdkException("ApiLogManager was not found in InterfaceServiceType"); } pi.SetValue(svcInst, this.mApiContext.ApiLogManager, null); pi = this.mServiceType.GetProperty("EnableComression"); if (pi == null) { throw new SdkException("EnableComression was not found in InterfaceServiceType"); } pi.SetValue(svcInst, this.mEnableCompression, null); //Add oAuth //if (pi == null) // throw new SdkException("RequesterCredentials was not found in InterfaceServiceType"); //pi.SetValue(svcInst, this., null); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ApiContext.ApiCredential.oAuthToken)) { pi = this.mServiceType.GetProperty("RequesterCredentials"); if (pi == null) { throw new SdkException("RequesterCredentials was not found in InterfaceServiceType"); } pi.SetValue(svcInst, secHdr, null); } pi = this.mServiceType.GetProperty("WebProxy"); if (pi == null) { throw new SdkException("WebProxy was not found in InterfaceServiceType"); } pi.SetValue(svcInst, this.mApiContext.WebProxy, null); if (this.mApiContext.WebProxy != null) { LogMessage("Proxy Server is Set", MessageType.Information, MessageSeverity.Informational); } pi = this.mServiceType.GetProperty("CallMetricsEntry"); if (pi == null) { throw new SdkException("CallMetricsEntry was not found in InterfaceServiceType"); } if (this.ApiContext.EnableMetrics) { pi.SetValue(svcInst, this.mCallMetrics, null); } else { pi.SetValue(svcInst, null, null); } pi = this.mServiceType.GetProperty("OAuthToken"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ApiContext.ApiCredential.oAuthToken)) { this.mOAuth = this.ApiContext.ApiCredential.oAuthToken; pi.SetValue(svcInst, this.OAuth, null); } string url = ""; try { if (ApiContext.SoapApiServerUrl != null && ApiContext.SoapApiServerUrl.Length > 0) { url = String.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}?callname={1}&siteid={2}&client=netsoap", ApiContext.SoapApiServerUrl, apiName, SiteUtility.GetSiteID(Site).ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } else { url = (string)this.mServiceType.GetProperty("Url").GetValue(svcInst, null); url = String.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}?callname={1}&siteid={2}&client=netsoap", url, apiName, SiteUtility.GetSiteID(Site).ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } //svcCCTor.Url = url; this.mServiceType.GetProperty("Url").SetValue(svcInst, url, null); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApiException(ex.Message, ex); } LogMessage(url, MessageType.Information, MessageSeverity.Informational); //svcCCTor.Timeout = Timeout; this.mServiceType.GetProperty("Timeout").SetValue(svcInst, Timeout, null); AbstractRequest.Version = Version; if (!mDetailLevelOverride && AbstractRequest.DetailLevel == null) { AbstractRequest.DetailLevel = new DetailLevelCodeTypeCollection(); AbstractRequest.DetailLevel.AddRange(mDetailLevelList); } //Added OutputSelector to base call JIRA-SDK-561 AbstractRequest.OutputSelector = new StringCollection(); AbstractRequest.OutputSelector.AddRange(mOutputSelector); if (ApiContext.ErrorLanguage != ErrorLanguageCodeType.CustomCode) { AbstractRequest.ErrorLanguage = ApiContext.ErrorLanguage.ToString(); } //Populate the message AbstractRequest.MessageID = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); Type methodtype = svcInst.GetType(); object[] reqparm = new object[] { AbstractRequest }; int retries = 0; int maxRetries = 0; bool doretry = false; CallRetry retry = null; if (mCallRetry != null) { retry = mCallRetry; maxRetries = retry.MaximumRetries; } else if (ApiContext.CallRetry != null) { retry = ApiContext.CallRetry; maxRetries = retry.MaximumRetries; } do { Exception callException = null; try { mResponse = null; mApiException = null; if (retries > 0) { LogMessage("Invoking Call Retry", MessageType.Information, MessageSeverity.Informational); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(retry.DelayTime); } if (BeforeRequest != null) { BeforeRequest(this, new BeforeRequestEventArgs(AbstractRequest)); } //Invoke the Service DateTime start = DateTime.Now; mResponse = (AbstractResponseType)methodtype.GetMethod(apiName).Invoke(svcInst, reqparm); mResponseTime = DateTime.Now - start; if (AfterRequest != null) { AfterRequest(this, new AfterRequestEventArgs(mResponse)); } // Catch Token Expiration warning if (mResponse != null && secHdr.HardExpirationWarning != null) { ApiContext.ApiCredential.TokenHardExpirationWarning( System.Convert.ToDateTime(secHdr.HardExpirationWarning, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture)); } if (mResponse != null && mResponse.Errors != null && mResponse.Errors.Count > 0) { throw new ApiException(new ErrorTypeCollection(mResponse.Errors)); } } catch (Exception ex) { // this catches soap faults if (ex.GetType() == typeof(TargetInvocationException)) { // we never care about the outer exception Exception iex = ex.InnerException; // Parse Soap Faults if (iex.GetType() == typeof(SoapException)) { ex = ApiException.FromSoapException((SoapException)iex); } else if (iex.GetType() == typeof(InvalidOperationException)) { // Go to innermost exception while (iex.InnerException != null) { iex = iex.InnerException; } ex = new ApiException(iex.Message, iex); } else if (iex.GetType() == typeof(HttpException)) { HttpException httpEx = (HttpException)iex; String str = "HTTP Error Code: " + httpEx.StatusCode; ex = new ApiException(str, iex); } else { ex = new ApiException(iex.Message, iex); } } callException = ex; // log the message - override current switches - *if* (a) we wouldn't normally log it, and (b) // the exception matches the exception filter. if (retry != null) { doretry = retry.ShouldRetry(ex); } if (!doretry || retries == maxRetries) { throw ex; } else { string soapReq = (string)this.mServiceType.GetProperty("SoapRequest").GetValue(svcInst, null); string soapResp = (string)this.mServiceType.GetProperty("SoapResponse").GetValue(svcInst, null); LogMessagePayload(soapReq + "\r\n\r\n" + soapResp, MessageSeverity.Informational, ex); MessageSeverity svr = ((ApiException)ex).SeverityErrorCount > 0 ? MessageSeverity.Error : MessageSeverity.Warning; LogMessage(ex.Message, MessageType.Exception, svr); } } finally { string soapReq = (string)this.mServiceType.GetProperty("SoapRequest").GetValue(svcInst, null); string soapResp = (string)this.mServiceType.GetProperty("SoapResponse").GetValue(svcInst, null); if (!doretry || retries == maxRetries) { LogMessagePayload(soapReq + "\r\n\r\n" + soapResp, MessageSeverity.Informational, callException); } if (mResponse != null && mResponse.TimestampSpecified) { ApiContext.CallUpdate(mResponse.Timestamp); } else { ApiContext.CallUpdate(new DateTime(0)); } mSoapRequest = soapReq; mSoapResponse = soapResp; retries++; } } while (doretry && retries <= maxRetries); } catch (Exception ex) { ApiException aex = ex as ApiException; if (aex != null) { mApiException = aex; } else { mApiException = new ApiException(ex.Message, ex); } MessageSeverity svr = mApiException.SeverityErrorCount > 0 ? MessageSeverity.Error : MessageSeverity.Warning; LogMessage(mApiException.Message, MessageType.Exception, svr); if (mApiException.SeverityErrorCount > 0) { throw mApiException; } } finally { if (this.ApiContext.EnableMetrics) { mCallMetrics.ApiCallEnded = DateTime.Now; } } }