Exemple #1
        public FileContentResult BuildFamilyReport(int formResultId)   //"formResultId" is synonymous with "sisId"
            SisPdfReportOptions options = new SisPdfReportOptions();

            DateTime          startTime = DateTime.Now;
            FileContentResult r         = BottomBuildReport(formResultId, options);

            Debug.WriteLine("SisPdfRptsController.BuildFamilyReport(): BottomBuildReport duration: "
                            + DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime).TotalSeconds + " seconds");
Exemple #2
        public FileContentResult BuildReport()
            Debug.WriteLine("* * *  SisPdfRptsController:BuildReport method  * * *");
            //fetch options
            //bool b = Request.Form["grayscale"] == "on";
            //string sGrayscale = Request["grayscale"] as string;
            //bool grayscale = sGrayscale != null && sGrayscale.ToLower().Equals("true");

            if (!SessionHelper.IsUserLoggedIn)
                string msg = "User not logged into application.";
                // byte[] emptyFile = new byte[] {0x20, 0x00};
                return(new FileContentResult(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(msg), "text/html"));

            //setup session vars if necessary, add access log record
            if (SessionHelper.SessionForm == null)
                SessionHelper.SessionForm = new SessionForm();
            string routedFormResultId = Request["formResultId"];

            if (routedFormResultId != null)
                SessionHelper.SessionForm.formResultId = Convert.ToInt32(routedFormResultId);
            AccessLogging.InsertAccessLogRecord(formsRepo, SessionHelper.SessionForm.formResultId, (int)AccessLogging.accessLogFunctions.REPORT, "Generated Report");

            SisPdfReportOptions options;

            //if report options are present in the request, use those.
            if (Request["hasOptions"].ToLower().Equals("true"))
                options = new SisPdfReportOptions(Request);

            //...otherwise use default options for this enterpise
                int?entId = formsRepo.GetFormResultById(SessionHelper.SessionForm.formResultId).EnterpriseID;
                options = AJBoggs.Sis.Reports.SisReportOptions.BuildPdfReportOptions(entId);

            DateTime          startTime = DateTime.Now;
            FileContentResult r         = BottomBuildReport(SessionHelper.SessionForm.formResultId, options);

            Debug.WriteLine("SisPdfRptsController.BuildReport(): BottomBuildReport duration: "
                            + DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime).TotalSeconds + " seconds");
Exemple #3
        public SisPdfReport(IFormsRepository formsRepo, int formResultId, SisPdfReportOptions options, string logoPath, string outputPath)
            : base(formsRepo, formResultId, outputPath, options[OptionKey.grayscale])
            Debug.WriteLine("SisReport formResultId: " + formResultId.ToString());
            this.options = options;

            output.pageHeaderXPos = BuildPageHeaderXPos();
            output.pageHeaderText = BuildPageHeaderText();

            //pick a title based on report type, and adjust the pageHeaderText if necessary

            string title = string.Empty;

            if (options[OptionKey.includeHeaderTitle])
                switch (options.type)
                case SisPdfReportOptions.ReportType.Family:
                    title = "Family-Friendly Report" +
                            " (" + form.identifier + ")";

                case SisPdfReportOptions.ReportType.IntDuration:
                    title = "SIS Interviewer Duration Report";
                    output.pageHeaderText = new string[] {
                        "(Note: times are in hours.)",
                        "Date created:",

                    title = "Supports Intensity Scale Report" +
                            " (" + form.identifier + ")";

            //add report header
            output.pageHeaderXPos = BuildPageHeaderXPos();
            output.appendTopHeader(title, logoPath, options.type != SisPdfReportOptions.ReportType.IntDuration, form.identifier);

            //add page number 1 as footer on first page
Exemple #4
 public SisGenericReport(IFormsRepository formsRepo, int formResultId, SisPdfReportOptions options, string logoPath, string outputPath)
     : base(formsRepo, formResultId, options, logoPath, outputPath)
Exemple #5
        public FileContentResult GetBatchPdfReport()
            //Debug.WriteLine( "* * * GetBatchPdfReport start " + DateTime.Now.Ticks );

            foreach (var v in Session.Keys)
                Debug.WriteLine("Search GetBatchPdfReport Session Keys: " + v);

            // Retrieve a list of formresults to export
            ExportModel exportModel = (ExportModel)Session["ExportModel"];
            SearchModel search      = (SearchModel)Session["SearchModel"];

            if (exportModel == null)
                exportModel = new ExportModel();

            if (exportModel.formResultIds == null)
                if (search != null)
                    exportModel.formResultIds = search.vSearchResult.GroupBy(sr => sr.formResultId).Select(grp => (int?)grp.Key).ToList();
                    exportModel.formResultIds = new List <int?>();
            List <int?> formResultIds = exportModel.formResultIds;

            // Build a zip archive containing one PDF per assessment
            MemoryStream zipStream = new MemoryStream();

            using (zipStream)
                using (ZipArchive zip = new ZipArchive(zipStream, ZipArchiveMode.Create, true))
                    foreach (int frId in formResultIds)
                        def_FormResults fr = formsRepo.GetFormResultById(frId);

                        //skip form results that are not complete
                        if (fr.formStatus != (byte)FormResults_formStatus.COMPLETED)

                        //generate PDF report with default options based on the formResult's enterprise
                        SisPdfReportOptions  options = AJBoggs.Sis.Reports.SisReportOptions.BuildPdfReportOptions(fr.EnterpriseID);
                        SisPdfRptsController sprc    = new SisPdfRptsController(formsRepo);
                        FileContentResult    fcr     = sprc.BottomBuildReport(frId, options);

                        //add the new pdf to the result (zip file)
                        var zipEntry = zip.CreateEntry(fcr.FileDownloadName);
                        using (Stream entryStream = zipEntry.Open())
                            entryStream.Write(fcr.FileContents, 0, fcr.FileContents.Length);

                        //Debug.WriteLine("* * * GetBatchPdfReport finished formResult " + frId + " - " + DateTime.Now.Ticks);
            return(File(zipStream.ToArray(), "multipart/x-zip", "reports.zip"));
Exemple #6
        //called by all report-building methods
        public FileContentResult BottomBuildReport(int formResultId, SisPdfReportOptions options)
            //construct a report object, containing instructions for building the pdf

            string       logoPath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath("/Content/images/aaidd_logo_full.jpg");
            string       outpath  = HostingEnvironment.MapPath("/Content/report_" + System.DateTime.Now.Ticks + ".pdf");
            SisPdfReport report;

            def_FormResults fr = formsRepo.GetFormResultById(formResultId);

            string entLogoPath = String.Empty;

                // custom enterprise logo is located at /websiteroot/Enterprise/EnterpriseID/logo-left.png
                entLogoPath = Path.Combine(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EnterpriseDir"], fr.EnterpriseID.ToString()) + "\\logo-left.png";
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.WriteLine("SisPdfRpts: BottomBuildReport: Unable to load custom logo for enterprise. Message: " + ex.Message);
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(entLogoPath))
                logoPath = entLogoPath;
                logoPath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath("/Content/images/aaidd_logo_full.jpg");

                // LK 3/26/2015 #12436 Added check on authorization for group to a central method (hasAccess) and used here

                if (!UAS_Business_Functions.hasAccess(fr))
                    throw new Exception("You do not have access to this assessment record.");

                //build report or reject, based on options and securityset
                if (options.type == SisPdfReportOptions.ReportType.Family)
                    if (!UAS_Business_Functions.hasPermission(PermissionConstants.FAMREP, "reportexp"))//String.IsNullOrEmpty(reportexpSet) || reportexpSet[0] != 'Y')
                        throw new Exception("You do not have permission to build a family-friendly report");
                    report = new SisFamilyReport(formsRepo, formResultId, options, logoPath, outpath);
                else if (options.type == SisPdfReportOptions.ReportType.Generic)
                    if (!UAS_Business_Functions.hasPermission(PermissionConstants.GENREP, "reportexp"))//String.IsNullOrEmpty(reportexpSet) || (reportexpSet[1] != 'Y') )
                        throw new Exception("You do not have permission to build a generic report");
                    report = new SisGenericReport(formsRepo, formResultId, options, logoPath, outpath);
                    if (!UAS_Business_Functions.hasPermission(PermissionConstants.EXPORT, "reportexp"))//String.IsNullOrEmpty(reportexpSet) || reportexpSet[2] != 'Y')
                        throw new Exception("You do not have permission to build a default report");
                    report = new SisShortLongReport(formsRepo, formResultId, options, logoPath, outpath);
            catch (Exception xcptn)
                string msg = "Build Report constructor failed.  Exception: " + xcptn.Message;
                return(new FileContentResult(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(msg), "text/html"));

            //build and save the pdf
            //catch (Exception xcptn)
            //    string msg = "BuildReport process failed.  Exception: " + xcptn.Message;
            //    return new FileContentResult(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(msg), "text/html");

            FileContentResult result;

                Debug.WriteLine("   SisPdfRptsController outpath:" + outpath);

                //build a descriptive filename
                string sDate     = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy");
                string lastName  = getResponseStringOrEmpty(formResultId, "sis_cl_last_nm");
                string firstName = getResponseStringOrEmpty(formResultId, "sis_cl_first_nm");
                string filename  = String.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}.pdf", lastName, firstName, formResultId, sDate);

                //build the result object containing the file contents
                result = File(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(outpath), "application/pdf", filename);

                //delete the original file
            catch (Exception xcptn)
                string msg = "Build Report output failed.  Exception: " + xcptn.Message;
                result = new FileContentResult(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(msg), "text/html");
