public void AgentEvaluationTest() { Console.WriteLine("AgentEvaluationTest"); int dim = 3; string [] names = new string [3] { "x", "y", "z" }; double [] mins = new double [3] { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; double [] maxs = new double [3] { 100.0, 100.0, 100.0 }; IBlauSpace s = BlauSpace.create(dim, names, mins, maxs); string PROPERTY = "NetWorth"; IAgentEvaluation ae = new AgentEvaluation(PROPERTY, null); IBlauPoint mean = new BlauPoint(s); mean.setCoordinate(0, 10.0); mean.setCoordinate(1, 20.0); mean.setCoordinate(2, 30.0); IBlauPoint std = new BlauPoint(s); std.setCoordinate(0, 2.0); std.setCoordinate(1, 4.0); std.setCoordinate(2, 6.0); IDistribution d = new Distribution_Gaussian(s, mean, std); IAgentFactory afact = new AgentDummy_Factory(d); int NUMAGENTS = 100; IAgent[] agents = new IAgent[NUMAGENTS]; for (int i = 0; i < NUMAGENTS; i++) { agents[i] = afact.create(); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(metrics_tests), "agent[" + i + "]: " + agents[i]); } double VAL = 1.0; for (int i = 0; i < NUMAGENTS; i++) { ae.set(agents[i], VAL); } for (int i = 0; i < NUMAGENTS; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(ae.eval(agents[i]), VAL); } SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(metrics_tests), "ae: " + ae.ToStringLong()); }
public ISimEventHandle Register(ISimEntity sender, ISimEntity target, ISimEvent simEvent, double t) { if (t < 0) { Console.WriteLine("Cannot register an event in the past!"); System.Diagnostics.StackTrace st = new StackTrace(true); Console.WriteLine(st.ToString()); Environment.Exit(-1); } SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(Scheduler), "@ " + Scheduler.GetTime() + " Register src:" + sender + " dst:" + target + " ev:" + simEvent + " t:" + t); double deliveryTime = Scheduler.GetTime() + t; ISimEventHandle eventHandle = new SimEventHandle(sender, target, simEvent, new UniqueDouble(deliveryTime)); HashSet <ISimEventHandle> eventsFrom = Instance().GetEventsFrom(eventHandle.Sender); eventsFrom.Add(eventHandle); HashSet <ISimEventHandle> eventsTo = Instance().GetEventsTo(eventHandle.Target); eventsTo.Add(eventHandle); Instance()._ud2ehandle.Add(eventHandle.UDT, eventHandle); return(eventHandle); }
protected override IAgent create(IBlauPoint pt, IAgentFactory creator, int id) { SingletonLogger.Instance().InfoLog(typeof(Agent1x0), "Agent1x0_Factory creating agent " + id); IAgent dupe = new Agent1x0(pt, creator, id, _lambda, _gamma, _burnin); return(dupe); }
public void Run() { SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(Scheduler), "Scheduler: At start of Run() _ud2ehandle.Size(): " + _ud2ehandle.Count); _done = false; do { if (_ud2ehandle.Count == 0) { _done = true; } else { KeyValuePair <IUniqueDouble, ISimEventHandle> kvp = _ud2ehandle.FindMin(); IUniqueDouble udt = kvp.Key; ISimEventHandle eventHandle = kvp.Value; _timeNow = udt.Value; eventHandle.Sim_Event.Entering(eventHandle.Target); eventHandle.Target.Recv(eventHandle.Sender, eventHandle.Sim_Event); eventHandle.Sender.DeliveryAck(eventHandle); Deregister(eventHandle); } }while (!_done); KillAll(); Reset(); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(Scheduler), "Scheduler: At end of Run() _ud2ehandle.Size(): " + _ud2ehandle.Count); }
public void RandomWalkTest() { Console.WriteLine("RandomWalkTest"); LoggerInitialization.SetThreshold(typeof(hurst_tests), LogLevel.Debug); LoggerInitialization.SetThreshold(typeof(TrajectoryTransformer_Hurst), LogLevel.Info); double y = 0.0; ITrajectory traj = new Trajectory("data", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); for (double x = 0.0; x < WINDOW; x += 1.0) { double STEP; if (SingletonRandomGenerator.Instance.NextDouble() <= 0.5) { STEP = 0.1; } else { STEP = -0.1; } y = y + STEP; // traj.add(x,y); traj.add(x, STEP); } ITrajectoryTransformer tx = new TrajectoryTransformer_Hurst(WINDOW, 1.0); ITrajectory trajHurst = tx.eval(traj); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(hurst_tests), "Hurst of RandomWalk\n"); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(hurst_tests), "" + trajHurst.ToStringLong()); }
public void LinearHurstTest() { Console.WriteLine("LinearHurstTest"); LoggerInitialization.SetThreshold(typeof(hurst_tests), LogLevel.Debug); LoggerInitialization.SetThreshold(typeof(TrajectoryTransformer_Hurst), LogLevel.Debug); double m = 0.1; double b = 0.0; ITrajectory traj = new Trajectory("data", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); double INC = 1.0; for (double x = 0.0; x < WINDOW; x += INC) { double NOISE_SCALE = 0.0001; double noise = 2.0 * NOISE_SCALE * SingletonRandomGenerator.Instance.NextDouble() - NOISE_SCALE; double y = m * INC + noise; traj.add(x, y); } ITrajectoryTransformer tx = new TrajectoryTransformer_Hurst(WINDOW, 1.0); ITrajectory trajHurst = tx.eval(traj); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(hurst_tests), "Hurst of y = " + m + " x + " + b + "\n"); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(hurst_tests), "" + trajHurst.ToStringLong()); }
public override void SimulationEndNotification() { // Console.WriteLine("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX "+this+"; time now is: "+TimeNow); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(TrajectoryFactory_Price), "SimulationEndNotification"); MyTrajectory.add(TimeNow, Orderbook.getNumBids()); }
public void TrajectoryTest() { LoggerInitialization.SetThreshold(typeof(signal_tests), LogLevel.Debug); LoggerInitialization.SetThreshold(typeof(Trajectory), LogLevel.Debug); Trajectory t = new Trajectory("test trajectory", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); Assert.AreEqual(t.Name, "test trajectory"); t.add(0.0, 2.0); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(signal_tests), "traj: " + t); Assert.AreEqual(t.Times.Count, 1); Assert.AreEqual(t.eval(-1.0), 2.0); Assert.AreEqual(t.eval(+3.0), 2.0); Assert.AreEqual(t.MaximumTime, 0.0); Assert.AreEqual(t.MinimumTime, 0.0); Assert.AreEqual(t.Times.Count, 1); t.add(2.0, 0.0); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(signal_tests), "traj: " + t); Assert.AreEqual(t.Times.Count, 2); Assert.AreEqual(t.eval(-1.0), 2.0); Assert.AreEqual(t.eval(+3.0), 0.0); Assert.AreEqual(t.eval(+1.0), 1.0); Assert.AreEqual(t.MaximumTime, 2.0); Assert.AreEqual(t.MinimumTime, 0.0); Assert.AreEqual(t.Times.Count, 2); }
// validate blauspace for required axes protected bool ValidateSampleSpace(IBlauSpace space) { bool valid = true; foreach (string s in _requiredAxes) { if (!_dist.SampleSpace.hasAxis(s)) { if (LoggerDiags.Enabled) { SingletonLogger.Instance().ErrorLog(typeof(AbstractAgentFactory), "AbstractAgentFactory requires " + s + " but it is not present in the BlauSpace of distribution " + _dist); } valid = false; } } /* * if (_requiredAxes.Count != _dist.SampleSpace.Dimension) { * if (LoggerDiags.Enabled) SingletonLogger.Instance().WarningLog(typeof(AbstractAgentFactory), "AbstractAgentFactory requires "+_requiredAxes.Count+" but the BlauSpace has dimension: "+_dist.SampleSpace.Dimension); * valid = false; * } */ return(valid); }
// receive a signal from the Matcher (via the Simulation, via the Population) that an order has been filled public void recvOrderNotification(IOrderbook_Agent ob, IOrderbookEvent evt) { // Fill order events if (evt is IOrderbookEvent_FillOrder) { IOrderbookEvent_FillOrder fillEvent = (IOrderbookEvent_FillOrder)evt; IOrder filledOrder = fillEvent.getOrder(); SingletonLogger.Instance().InfoLog(typeof(AbstractAgent), "AbstractAgent " + GetName() + " Fill " + filledOrder + " @ " + Scheduler.GetTime()); if (filledOrder.isBid()) { AccumulateHoldings(+1 * fillEvent.getVolume()); } else { AccumulateHoldings(-1 * fillEvent.getVolume()); } if (fillEvent.orderFilled()) { RemoveFromOpenOrderList(filledOrder); FilledOrderNotification(filledOrder, fillEvent.getExecutionPrice(), fillEvent.getVolume()); } else { PartialFilledOrderNotification(filledOrder, fillEvent.getExecutionPrice(), fillEvent.getVolume()); } } // Add and Cancel events are not forwarded to agents by the Population class }
public void RandomBinaryTest() { Console.WriteLine("RandomBinaryTest"); LoggerInitialization.SetThreshold(typeof(hurst_tests), LogLevel.Debug); LoggerInitialization.SetThreshold(typeof(TrajectoryTransformer_Hurst), LogLevel.Debug); double y = 0.0; ITrajectory traj = new Trajectory("data", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); bool pos = true; for (double x = 0.0; x < WINDOW; x += 1.0) { if (pos) { y = 1.0; traj.add(x, y); pos = false; } else { y = -1.0; traj.add(x, y); pos = true; } } ITrajectoryTransformer tx = new TrajectoryTransformer_Hurst(WINDOW, 1.0); ITrajectory trajHurst = tx.eval(traj); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(hurst_tests), "Hurst of Random Alternating\n"); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(hurst_tests), "" + trajHurst.ToStringLong()); }
public void recvOrderbookNotification(IOrderbook_Matcher ob, IOrderbookEvent evt) { SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(Simulation), "recvOrderbookNotification"); if (ob == _ob) { SimulationEvent se = new SimulationEvent(evt); if (evt is IOrderbookEvent_AddOrder) { notifyAllTrajectoryFactories(se); notifyAllAgentEvaluationFactories(se); } else if (evt is IOrderbookEvent_CancelOrder) { notifyAllTrajectoryFactories(se); notifyAllAgentEvaluationFactories(se); } else if (evt is IOrderbookEvent_FillOrder) { SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(Simulation), "IOrderbookEvent_FillOrder"); notifyPopulation(se); notifyAllTrajectoryFactories(se); notifyAllAgentEvaluationFactories(se); } } }
protected override IAgent create(IBlauPoint pt, IAgentFactory creator, int id) { SingletonLogger.Instance().InfoLog(typeof(Agent0x1), "Agent0x1_Factory creating agent " + id); IAgent dupe = new Agent0x1(pt, creator, id); return(dupe); }
public void AgentOrderbookLoaderTest() { Console.WriteLine("AgentOrderbookLoaderTest"); LoggerInitialization.SetThreshold(typeof(sim_tests), LogLevel.Debug); LoggerInitialization.SetThreshold(typeof(AbstractAgent), LogLevel.Info); LoggerInitialization.SetThreshold(typeof(AgentOrderbookLoader), LogLevel.Info); string PATH = "" + ApplicationConfig.EXECDIR + "orderbooks/orderbook.csv"; AgentOrderbookLoader loader = MakeAgentOrderbookLoader(PATH); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(metrics_tests), "AgentOrderbookLoader: " + loader); IOrderbook_Observable ob = new Orderbook(); IPopulation pop = new Population(); pop.addAgent(loader); ISimulation sim = new Simulation(pop, ob, 0.0, 100.0); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(sim_tests), "Running Simulation"); ISimulationResults res =; SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(sim_tests), "Stopping Simulation"); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(sim_tests), "ob: " + ob.ToStringLong()); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(sim_tests), "res: " + res.ToStringLong()); Assert.AreEqual(res.Valid, true); }
public void validateMetrics(int expected) { if (_metrics.Count != expected) { if (LoggerDiags.Enabled) { SingletonLogger.Instance().InfoLog(typeof(AbstractAgent), "AbstractAgent " + GetName() + " we got a problem with the number of metrics present"); } if (LoggerDiags.Enabled) { SingletonLogger.Instance().InfoLog(typeof(AbstractAgent), "AbstractAgent " + GetName() + ", # of _metrics present: " + _metrics.Count); } foreach (string x in _metrics.Keys) { if (LoggerDiags.Enabled) { SingletonLogger.Instance().InfoLog(typeof(AbstractAgent), "AbstractAgent " + GetName() + " _metric: " + x + " which has value " + _metrics[x]); } } throw new Exception("AbstractAgent " + GetName() + " validateMetrics failed, expected " + expected + " but found " + _metrics.Count); } }
public void recvSimulationNotification(ISimulationParameters sim, ISimulationEvent se) { SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(AbstractPassiveTrajectoryFactory), "AbstractPassiveTrajectoryFactory recvSimulationNotification"); // events received from ISimulation if (se.OrderbookEvent == null) { if (se is ISimulationStart) { SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(AbstractPassiveTrajectoryFactory), "AbstractPassiveTrajectoryFactory SET Sim!"); _sim = sim; reset(); SimulationStartNotification(); } if (se is ISimulationEnd) { SimulationEndNotification(); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(AbstractPassiveTrajectoryFactory), "AbstractPassiveTrajectoryFactory CLEAR Sim!"); _sim = null; } } else { if (_sim == null) { // too late SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(AbstractPassiveTrajectoryFactory), "AbstractPassiveTrajectoryFactory Too Late!"); return; } if (se.OrderbookEvent is IOrderbookEvent_FillOrder) { IOrderbookEvent_FillOrder fillEvent = (IOrderbookEvent_FillOrder)se.OrderbookEvent; IOrder filledOrder = fillEvent.getOrder(); if (fillEvent.orderFilled()) { FilledOrderNotification(filledOrder, fillEvent.getExecutionPrice(), fillEvent.getVolume()); } else { PartialFilledOrderNotification(filledOrder, fillEvent.getExecutionPrice(), fillEvent.getVolume()); } } else if (se.OrderbookEvent is IOrderbookEvent_AddOrder) { IOrderbookEvent_AddOrder addEvent = (IOrderbookEvent_AddOrder)se.OrderbookEvent; IOrder newOrder = addEvent.getOrder(); NewOrderNotification(newOrder); } else if (se.OrderbookEvent is IOrderbookEvent_CancelOrder) { IOrderbookEvent_CancelOrder cancelEvent = (IOrderbookEvent_CancelOrder)se.OrderbookEvent; IOrder cancelledOrder = cancelEvent.getOrder(); CancelOrderNotification(cancelledOrder); } } }
public void DistributionSpaceIterator_GaussianMixtureTest() { Console.WriteLine("DistributionSpaceIterator_GaussianMixtureTest"); double mean = 70.0; double std = 1.0; IDistribution d1 = create1DGaussian(mean, std); double mean2 = 20.0; double std2 = 1.0; IDistribution d2 = create1DGaussian(mean2, std2); int dim = 1; string [] names = new string [1] { "x" }; double [] mins = new double [1] { 0.00 }; double [] maxs = new double [1] { 100.0 }; IBlauSpace s = BlauSpace.create(dim, names, mins, maxs); Mixture d = new Mixture(s); d.Add(d1, 0.75); d.Add(d2, 0.25); d.DistributionComplete(); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(dist_tests), "original distribution: " + d); DistributionSpace ds = new DistributionSpace(d); int [] steps = new int[ds.ParamSpace.Dimension]; for (int N = 3; N <= 5; N++) { for (int i = 0; i < ds.ParamSpace.Dimension; i++) { steps[i] = N; } IDistributionSpaceIterator it = ds.iterator(steps); int count = 0; int validCt = 0; foreach (IDistribution diter in it) { if (diter.IsValid()) { validCt++; SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(dist_tests), "iterator distribution: " + diter); } count++; } Assert.AreEqual((N + 1) * (N + 1) * (N + 1) * (N + 1) * (N + 1) * (N + 1), count); SingletonLogger.Instance().InfoLog(typeof(dist_tests), "N=" + N + " valid distributions: " + validCt + " / total: " + count); } }
private void notifyAllTrajectoryFactories(ISimulationEvent se) { foreach (IPassiveTrajectoryFactory tf in _tflist) { SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(Simulation), "notifyAllTrajectoryFactories"); tf.recvSimulationNotification(this, se); } }
public override void PartialFilledOrderNotification(IOrder partialOrder, double price, int volume) { SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(TrajectoryFactory_Price), "PartialFilledOrderNotification"); if (Orderbook.isNonDegenerate()) { MyTrajectory.add(TimeNow, Orderbook.getNumBids()); } }
protected override int GetAskVolume() { validateMetrics(7); int answer = AskVolume_CONSTANT; SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(Agent0x1), "I am " + this.ID + " GetAskVolume: " + answer); return(answer); }
internal void register(StreamingContext context) { if (LoggerDiags.Enabled) { SingletonLogger.Instance().InfoLog(typeof(BlauSpace), "REGISTERING BLAUSPACE"); } BlauSpaceRegistry.Instance().add(this); }
protected override bool DecideToSubmitBid() { validateMetrics(7); bool answer = (SingletonRandomGenerator.Instance.NextDouble() <= DecideToSubmitBid_PROBABILITY); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(Agent0x1), "I am " + this.ID + " DecideToSubmitBid: " + answer); return(answer); }
public override void CancelOrderNotification(IOrder cancelledOrder) { SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(TrajectoryFactory_Price), "CancelOrderNotification"); if (Orderbook.isNonDegenerate()) { MyTrajectory.add(TimeNow, Orderbook.getNumBids()); } }
internal void register(StreamingContext context) { if (LoggerDiags.Enabled) { SingletonLogger.Instance().InfoLog(typeof(BlauSpaceLattice), "BSL OnDeserialized ..."); } BlauSpaceLatticeRegistry.Instance().add(this); }
public void Agent0x1Simulation_ZeroDimensional() { Console.WriteLine("Agent0x1Simulation_ZeroDimensional"); LoggerInitialization.SetThreshold(typeof(sim_tests), LogLevel.Debug); LoggerInitialization.SetThreshold(typeof(AbstractAgent), LogLevel.Info); LoggerInitialization.SetThreshold(typeof(AgentOrderbookLoader), LogLevel.Info); LoggerInitialization.SetThreshold(typeof(Agent0x0), LogLevel.Info); int dim = 0; string [] names = new string [0]; double [] mins = new double [0]; double [] maxs = new double [0]; IBlauSpace s = BlauSpace.create(dim, names, mins, maxs); IBlauPoint mean = new BlauPoint(s); IBlauPoint std = new BlauPoint(s); IDistribution d = new Distribution_Gaussian(s, mean, std); IAgentFactory afact = new Agent0x0_Factory(d); int NUMAGENTS = 10; IPopulation pop = PopulationFactory.Instance().create(afact, NUMAGENTS); foreach (IAgent ag in pop) { SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(metrics_tests), "agent: " + ag); } string PATH = "" + ApplicationConfig.EXECDIR + "orderbooks/orderbook.csv"; AgentOrderbookLoader loader = MakeAgentOrderbookLoader(PATH); pop.addAgent(loader); IOrderbook_Observable ob = new Orderbook(); string PROPERTY = "NetWorth"; IAgentEvaluationBundle aeb = new AgentEvaluationBundle(PROPERTY); // 1 hours ISimulation sim = new Simulation(pop, ob, 0.0, 3600.0); NamedMetricAgentEvaluationFactory metricEF = new NamedMetricAgentEvaluationFactory(PROPERTY); sim.add(metricEF); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(sim_tests), "Running Simulation"); ISimulationResults res =; SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(sim_tests), "Stopping Simulation"); IAgentEvaluation ae = metricEF.create(); aeb.addAgentEvaluation(ae); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(sim_tests), "ob: " + ob.ToStringLong()); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(sim_tests), "aeb: " + aeb.ToStringLong()); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(sim_tests), "res: " + res.ToStringLong()); Assert.AreEqual(res.Valid, true); }
protected override bool DecideToCancelOpenOrder(IOrder openOrder) { bool cancel = false; if (_haveOrder) { cancel = (SingletonRandomGenerator.Instance.NextDouble() <= _patience); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(Agent1x0), "I am "+this.ID+" CANCEL: "+cancel); if (cancel) _haveOrder = false; } return cancel; }
// constructor public Population() { _agents = new List <IAgent>(); _name2agent = new Dictionary <string, IAgent>(); if (LoggerDiags.Enabled) { SingletonLogger.Instance().InfoLog(typeof(Population), "Population constructed"); } }
public override void PartialFilledOrderNotification(IOrder partialOrder, double price, int volume) { AccumulateNetWorth( ValuateTransaction(partialOrder, price, volume) ); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(Agent1x0), "XXX I am "+this.ID+" PARTLYEXECUTED time is "+Scheduler.GetTime()+ " filledOrder: "+partialOrder+ " Filled "+volume+" AT : "+price+ " OBprice: "+Orderbook.getPrice()+ " OBspread: "+Orderbook.getSpread() + " My net worth is "+GetMetricValue(NetWorth_METRICNAME)); }
// deserializer consults the blauspace registry to avoid duplicate instantiations public Object GetRealObject(StreamingContext context) { IBlauSpace s_validated = BlauSpaceRegistry.Instance().validate(this); if (LoggerDiags.Enabled) { SingletonLogger.Instance().InfoLog(typeof(BlauSpace), "VALIDATING BLAUSPACE"); } return(s_validated); }
// accumulate into the holdings private void AccumulateHoldings(int val) { int h = (int)GetMetricValue(Holdings_METRICNAME); SetMetricValue(Holdings_METRICNAME, h + val); if (LoggerDiags.Enabled) { SingletonLogger.Instance().InfoLog(typeof(AbstractAgent), "AbstractAgent " + GetName() + " AccumulateHoldings " + val + " @ " + Scheduler.GetTime() + " new holdings: " + GetMetricValue(Holdings_METRICNAME)); } }