Exemple #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> Index(int?id)
            // if no pokemon id is passed in then default to first pokemon.
            // Below is shorter syntax logic to using a if / else statement.
            // coelesce expression would be  == id ?? 1 to shorten below statement even more.
            int pokemonId = (id.HasValue) ? id.Value : 1;

            PokemonClient   client = new PokemonClient();
            PokemonResponse data   = await client.GetPokemonAsync(pokemonId);

            var pokemon = new SinglePokedexEntry
                PokedexId       = data.id,
                Weight          = data.weight,
                Height          = data.height,
                ProfileImageUrl = data.sprites.front_default,
                Name            = data.name,
                Abilities       = new List <string>()

            foreach (var currentAbility in data.abilities)

        public async Task <IActionResult> Index(int?id)
            // If no PokemonID is passed in,
            // default to the first pokemon
            int             pokemonId = id ?? 1;
            PokemonClient   client    = new PokemonClient();
            PokemonResponse response  = await client.GetPokemonAsync(pokemonId);

            var pokemon = new SinglePokedexEntry
                PokedexId       = response.id,
                Weight          = response.weight,
                Height          = response.height,
                ProfileImageUrl = response.sprites.front_default,
                Name            = response.name,
                //Abilities = new List<Ability>(response.abilities)
                Abilities = new List <string>()

            foreach (var currAbility in response.abilities)
