public IActionResult Index()
            int[] a = new int[16] {
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
            SimulatedAnealingVM VM = new SimulatedAnealingVM()
                array      = a,
                dimension  = 4,
                heuristic  = 0,
                dimensions = new List <SelectListItem>()
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Text = "4x4", Value = "4"
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Text = "5x5", Value = "5"
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Text = "6x6", Value = "6"
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Text = "7x7", Value = "7"
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Text = "8x8", Value = "8"
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Text = "9x9", Value = "9"
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Text = "10x10", Value = "10"
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Text = "11x11", Value = "11"
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Text = "12x12", Value = "12"

        public IActionResult GenerateRandomState(int dim, int T0, int coolingFactor)
            int[][]             array = _IFunctions.GenerateArray(dim);
            SimulatedAnealingVM VM    = new SimulatedAnealingVM()
                array         = _IFunctions.array2Dto1D(array, dim),
                dimension     = dim,
                heuristic     = _IFunctions.Heuristic(array, dim),
                T0            = T0,
                coolingFactor = coolingFactor,
                dimensions    = new List <SelectListItem>()
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Text = "4x4", Value = "4"
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Text = "5x5", Value = "5"
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Text = "6x6", Value = "6"
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Text = "7x7", Value = "7"
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Text = "8x8", Value = "8"
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Text = "9x9", Value = "9"
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Text = "10x10", Value = "10"
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Text = "11x11", Value = "11"
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Text = "12x12", Value = "12"

            return(View("Index", VM));
        public IActionResult SimulatedAnealingA(string stringArray, int dim, int T0, int coolingFactor)
            int[]   array = _IFunctions.StringToInt(stringArray, dim);
            int[][] Array = _IFunctions.array1Dto2D(array, dim);

            int[][] array2;
            int     deltaH;
            int     Hs      = 1;
            int     counter = 0;

            while (T0 > 0 && Hs != 0)                          //do until the temperature reaches 0, or we found state with h0
                array2 = _IFunctions.rndSuccessor(Array, dim); //make single random move
                Hs     = _IFunctions.Heuristic(array2, dim);
                deltaH = Hs - _IFunctions.Heuristic(Array, dim);

                if (deltaH < 0) //if the random state is better than previous state we use it as current state
                    Array = _IFunctions.CopyRow(array2, dim);
                else if (Math.Pow(2.71828, -(deltaH / T0)) > new Random().NextDouble()) //if the state is worse than previous state, we calculate propability
                {                                                                       //for selecting it anyway
                    Array = _IFunctions.CopyRow(array2, dim);
                T0 -= coolingFactor;    //decreasing temperature
            SimulatedAnealingVM VM = new SimulatedAnealingVM()
                array      = _IFunctions.array2Dto1D(Array, dim),
                dimension  = dim,
                heuristic  = _IFunctions.Heuristic(Array, dim),
                dimensions = new List <SelectListItem>()
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Text = "4x4", Value = "4"
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Text = "5x5", Value = "5"
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Text = "6x6", Value = "6"
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Text = "7x7", Value = "7"
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Text = "8x8", Value = "8"
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Text = "9x9", Value = "9"
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Text = "10x10", Value = "10"
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Text = "11x11", Value = "11"
                    new SelectListItem {
                        Text = "12x12", Value = "12"
                counter       = counter,
                T0            = T0,
                coolingFactor = coolingFactor

            return(PartialView("SimulatedAnealingDone", VM));