public HelpPage(string guideKey = null) : base("Close".Localize()) { WindowSize = new Vector2(940, 700); this.guideKey = guideKey; this.WindowTitle = "MatterControl " + "Help".Localize(); this.HeaderText = "How to succeed with MatterControl".Localize(); this.ChildBorderColor = theme.GetBorderColor(75); var tabControl = new SimpleTabs(theme, new GuiWidget()) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch }; tabControl.TabBar.BackgroundColor = theme.TabBarBackground; contentRow.AddChild(tabControl); contentRow.Padding = 0; // add the mouse commands var mouseControls = new FlowLayoutWidget() { HAnchor = HAnchor.Fit | HAnchor.Center, Padding = theme.DefaultContainerPadding }; var mouseTab = new ToolTab("Mouse".Localize(), tabControl, mouseControls, theme, hasClose: false) { // this can be used to navigate to this tab on construction Name = "Mouse Tab" }; tabControl.AddTab(mouseTab); var mouseKeys = new FlowLayoutWidget(FlowDirection.TopToBottom); mouseControls.AddChild(mouseKeys); var mouseActions = new FlowLayoutWidget(FlowDirection.TopToBottom) { Border = new BorderDouble(1, 0, 0, 0), BorderColor = this.ChildBorderColor }; mouseControls.AddChild(mouseActions); var mouseKeyActions = new List <(string key, string action)>(new(string, string)[]
public SurfacedEditorPage(IObject3D selectedItem) { this.WindowTitle = "MatterControl - " + "Editor Selector".Localize(); this.HeaderText = "Surfaced Editor".Localize(); var tabControl = new SimpleTabs(theme, new GuiWidget()) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch, }; tabControl.TabBar.BackgroundColor = theme.TabBarBackground; tabControl.TabBar.Padding = 0; contentRow.AddChild(tabControl); contentRow.Padding = 0; var editContainer = new FlowLayoutWidget(FlowDirection.TopToBottom) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch, Padding = theme.DefaultContainerPadding, BackgroundColor = theme.ActiveTabColor }; editWidget = new MHTextEditWidget("", multiLine: true) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, Name = this.Name }; editWidget.DrawFromHintedCache(); editContainer.AddChild(editWidget); // add the tree view var treeView = new TreeView(theme) { Margin = new BorderDouble(left: 18), }; treeView.AfterSelect += (s, e) => { if (treeView.SelectedNode.Tag is IObject3D contextNode) { editWidget.Text = "$." + string.Join(".", contextNode.AncestorsAndSelf().TakeWhile(o => !(o is ComponentObject3D)).Select(o => $"Children<{o.GetType().Name.ToString()}>").Reverse().ToArray()); } }; treeView.ScrollArea.ChildAdded += (s, e) => { if (e is GuiWidgetEventArgs childEventArgs && childEventArgs.Child is TreeNode treeNode) { treeNode.AlwaysExpandable = true; } }; treeView.Click += (s, e) => { if (treeView.IsDoubleClick(e)) { Console.WriteLine(); } }; treeView.ScrollArea.CloseAllChildren(); var rootNode = Object3DTreeBuilder.BuildTree(selectedItem, theme); treeView.AddChild(rootNode); rootNode.TreeView = treeView; editContainer.AddChild(treeView); var dummyWidget = new GuiWidget() { BackgroundColor = Color.Red }; var editTab = new ToolTab("Edit".Localize(), tabControl, editContainer, theme, hasClose: false) { Name = "Edit Tab" }; tabControl.AddTab(editTab); var previewTab = new ToolTab("Preview".Localize(), tabControl, dummyWidget, theme, hasClose: false) { Name = "Preview Tab" }; tabControl.AddTab(previewTab); tabControl.ActiveTabChanged += (s, e) => { if (tabControl.SelectedTabIndex == 1) { // dummyWidget.Markdown = editWidget.Text; } }; tabControl.SelectedTabIndex = 0; var saveButton = theme.CreateDialogButton("Save".Localize()); saveButton.Click += (s, e) => { this.ValueChanged?.Invoke(this, null); this.DialogWindow.CloseOnIdle(); }; this.AddPageAction(saveButton); }
public SimpleTab(string tabLabel, SimpleTabs parentTabControl, GuiWidget tabContent, ThemeConfig theme, string tabImageUrl = null, bool hasClose = true, double pointSize = 12, ImageBuffer iconImage = null) { this.HAnchor = HAnchor.Fit; this.VAnchor = VAnchor.Fit | VAnchor.Bottom; this.Padding = 0; this.Margin = 0; this.theme = theme; this.TabContent = tabContent; this.parentTabControl = parentTabControl; if (iconImage != null) { tabPill = new TabPill(tabLabel, ActiveTheme.Instance.PrimaryTextColor, iconImage, pointSize); } else { tabPill = new TabPill(tabLabel, ActiveTheme.Instance.PrimaryTextColor, tabImageUrl, pointSize); } tabPill.Margin = (hasClose) ? new BorderDouble(right: 16) : 0; this.AddChild(tabPill); if (hasClose) { var closeButton = theme.CreateSmallResetButton(); closeButton.HAnchor = HAnchor.Right; closeButton.Margin = new BorderDouble(right: 7, top: 1); closeButton.Name = "Close Tab Button"; closeButton.ToolTipText = "Close".Localize(); closeButton.Click += (sender, e) => { UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => { if (TabContent is PrinterTabPage printerTab && printerTab.printer.Connection.PrinterIsPrinting) { StyledMessageBox.ShowMessageBox( (bool response) => { if (response) { UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => { this.parentTabControl.RemoveTab(this); this.CloseClicked?.Invoke(this, null); }); } }, "Cancel the current print?".Localize(), "Cancel Print?".Localize(), StyledMessageBox.MessageType.YES_NO, "Cancel Print".Localize(), "Continue Printing".Localize()); } else // need to handle asking about saving a { UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => { this.parentTabControl.RemoveTab(this); this.CloseClicked?.Invoke(this, null); }); } });
public MarkdownEditPage(UIField uiField) { this.WindowTitle = "MatterControl - " + "Markdown Edit".Localize(); this.HeaderText = "Edit Page".Localize() + ":"; var tabControl = new SimpleTabs(theme, new GuiWidget()) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch, }; tabControl.TabBar.BackgroundColor = theme.TabBarBackground; tabControl.TabBar.Padding = 0; contentRow.AddChild(tabControl); contentRow.Padding = 0; var editContainer = new GuiWidget() { HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch, Padding = theme.DefaultContainerPadding, BackgroundColor = theme.BackgroundColor }; editWidget = new MHTextEditWidget("", theme, multiLine: true, typeFace: ApplicationController.GetTypeFace(NamedTypeFace.Liberation_Mono)) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch, Name = this.Name }; editWidget.DrawFromHintedCache(); editWidget.ActualTextEditWidget.VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch; editContainer.AddChild(editWidget); markdownWidget = new MarkdownWidget(theme, true) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch, Margin = 0, Padding = 0, }; var previewTab = new ToolTab("Preview", "Preview".Localize(), tabControl, markdownWidget, theme, hasClose: false) { Name = "Preview Tab" }; tabControl.AddTab(previewTab); var editTab = new ToolTab("Edit", "Edit".Localize(), tabControl, editContainer, theme, hasClose: false) { Name = "Edit Tab" }; tabControl.AddTab(editTab); tabControl.ActiveTabChanged += (s, e) => { if (tabControl.SelectedTabIndex == 1) { markdownWidget.Markdown = editWidget.Text; } }; tabControl.SelectedTabIndex = 0; var saveButton = theme.CreateDialogButton("Save".Localize()); saveButton.Click += (s, e) => { uiField.SetValue( editWidget.Text.Replace("\n", "\\n"), userInitiated: true); this.DialogWindow.CloseOnIdle(); }; this.AddPageAction(saveButton); var link = new LinkLabel("Markdown Help", theme) { Margin = new BorderDouble(right: 20), VAnchor = VAnchor.Center }; link.Click += (s, e) => { ApplicationController.Instance.LaunchBrowser(""); }; footerRow.AddChild(link, 0); }