public async Task SimpleOverview()
            string projectId      = _fixture.ProjectId;
            string topicId        = _fixture.CreateTopicId();
            string subscriptionId = _fixture.CreateSubscriptionId();

            // Sample: SimpleOverview
            // First create a topic.
            PublisherClient publisher = await PublisherClient.CreateAsync();

            TopicName topicName = new TopicName(projectId, topicId);


            // Subscribe to the topic.
            SubscriberClient subscriber = await SubscriberClient.CreateAsync();

            SubscriptionName subscriptionName = new SubscriptionName(projectId, subscriptionId);

            subscriber.CreateSubscription(subscriptionName, topicName, pushConfig: null, ackDeadlineSeconds: 60);

            // Publish a message to the topic using SimplePublisher.
            SimplePublisher simplePublisher = await SimplePublisher.CreateAsync(topicName);

            // PublishAsync() has various overloads. Here we're using the string overload.
            string messageId = await simplePublisher.PublishAsync("Hello, Pubsub");

            // SimplePublisher should be shutdown after use.
            // The TimeSpan specifies for how long to attempt to publish locally queued messages.
            await simplePublisher.ShutdownAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15));

            // Pull messages from the subscription using SimpleSubscriber.
            SimpleSubscriber simpleSubscriber = await SimpleSubscriber.CreateAsync(subscriptionName);

            List <PubsubMessage> receivedMessages = new List <PubsubMessage>();
            // Start the subscriber listening for messages.
            await simpleSubscriber.StartAsync((msg, cancellationToken) =>
                Console.WriteLine($"Received message {msg.MessageId} published at {msg.PublishTime.ToDateTime()}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Text: '{msg.Data.ToStringUtf8()}'");
                // Stop this subscriber after one message is received.
                // This is non-blocking, and the returned Task may be awaited.
                // Return Reply.Ack to indicate this message has been handled.

            // Tidy up by deleting the subscription and the topic.
            // End sample

            Assert.Equal(1, receivedMessages.Count);
            Assert.Equal("Hello, Pubsub", receivedMessages[0].Data.ToStringUtf8());
Exemple #2
        private static async Task GetAndSendSnapshotsAsync(string namespaceId, List <string> streamIds, QiClientSlim qiClient,
                                                           Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.ExecutionContext context, TraceWriter log = null)
            SimplePublisher busWriter = GetGoogleBusWriter(context);

            List <Task <Task> > snapshotTasks = new List <Task <Task> >(streamIds.Count);

            foreach (string streamId in streamIds)
                string      streamIdCopy = streamId;
                Task <Task> snapshotTask = GetAndSendAsync(qiClient, namespaceId, streamIdCopy, busWriter, log);
            await Task.WhenAll(snapshotTasks);

            //Wait until messages are flushed from the bus
            await busWriter.ShutdownAsync(CancellationToken.None);

            var publishingTasks = snapshotTasks.Select(outerTask => outerTask.Result);
            await Task.WhenAll(publishingTasks);